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WSO2 – Soluciones de Código Abierto
Perspectivas, Resultados y Soluciones de Valor
Jesús Almanza –
Roberto Monteiro –
Sergio Contreras –
Abril, 2019
● La evolución y el fortalecimiento de soluciones ‘Open Source’
como herramienta para fortalecer la estrategia de compañías y
● Desafíos y retos. Open Source como parte de la Solución -
Perspectiva en América Latina
● Estrategia de una Compañía 100% Open Source - WSO2.
Perspectiva latinoamericana.
● Una demostración de la plataforma Open Source de WSO2 como
instrumento para desarrollar soluciones innovadoras.
Parte I – Open Source Model

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Using the TOGAF® 9.1 Framework with the ArchiMate® 2.1 Modeling Language
Using the TOGAF® 9.1 Framework with the ArchiMate® 2.1 Modeling LanguageUsing the TOGAF® 9.1 Framework with the ArchiMate® 2.1 Modeling Language
Using the TOGAF® 9.1 Framework with the ArchiMate® 2.1 Modeling Language

This White Paper describes the TOGAF® 9.1 framework and the ArchiMate® 2.1 modeling language, showing at a high level how these two open standards from The Open Group can be used together. The main observations are:  The TOGAF framework and the ArchiMate language overlap in their use of viewpoints, and the concept of an underlying common repository of architectural artifacts and models; i.e., they have a firm common foundation.  The two standards complement each other with respect to the definition of an architecture development process and the definition of an Enterprise Architecture modeling language.  The ArchiMate 2.1 standard supports modeling of the architectures throughout the phases of the TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM). The combined use of the TOGAF framework with the ArchiMate modeling language can support better communication with stakeholders inside and outside organizations supporting The Open Group vision of Boundaryless Information Flow™.

data architectureinformation architecturebusiness architecture
Fueling the Digital Experience Economy with Connected Products
Fueling the Digital Experience Economy with Connected ProductsFueling the Digital Experience Economy with Connected Products
Fueling the Digital Experience Economy with Connected Products

This document discusses fueling the digital experience economy with connected products from the perspective of a digital craftsman. It touches on several topics including a day in the connected world using personal data from sleeping habits to screen time to digital twins versus digital doubles. It also discusses digital business models, digital enterprises, connected information architecture, endpoint security, and open standards. The document emphasizes that while the metaverse is emerging, physical products will still be needed and companies need to produce connected products, services, and experiences to fuel the digital economy.

by WSO2
About Byteridge
About ByteridgeAbout Byteridge
About Byteridge

Byteridge ( builds web, mobile and desktop applications for businesses. Our expertise spans a variety of technologies including Microsoft (.Net, Sharepoint), Java (J2EE, J2ME), Open Source (PHP), Content Management Systems (Joomla, Drupal) and Databases (Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL). Interaction Design, Product Development, Test Automation, Website Development are the services we offer.

Soluciones de Código Abierto - Perspectivas, Resultados y Soluciones de Valor
Cost Savings
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Luxoft is a global IT service provider with over 11,000 employees worldwide serving over 150 clients. It has delivery centers in North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and South Africa. Luxoft focuses on developing business solutions for clients in industries like financial services, automotive, telecom, and energy. It utilizes agile development methods and proprietary software platforms to deliver projects efficiently.


An IT provider of a large bank has centrally distributed Hadoop solutions as a self-service for all the group subsidiaries. It did not have in-house expertise on complex Hadoop solutions. Alien4cloud accelerated the availability of Hadoop cluster provisioning from days to minutes and easily adapted the standard Hadoop topology to business departments by modifying components, versions, etc. One of the largest professional services firms in the world implemented an enterprise application marketplace powered by alien4cloud. It will provide applications and data sets through a self-service interface with configurable business rules.

Buddy One Pager
Buddy One PagerBuddy One Pager
Buddy One Pager

Buddy is a development automation platform that serves a rapidly growing market valued at $345 billion by 2022. It is partnered with industry leaders like Docker, GitHub, Microsoft Azure and Google. Buddy's vision is to become the backbone that allows talented people to build world-altering apps and services by taking the load off millions of developers and giving them time to be creative. It streamlines the entire application development and deployment process, freeing up developers' time for creativity and innovation while drastically improving their workload. Buddy automates application development and deployment with over 70 ready-to-use steps.

buddybudone pager
Paradigmas (Nuevos)
Estratégia e Innovación
(Empresarial-Open) Desarrollo (y Coop-Sociedad)
Tomada de:
Tomada de: Tomada de:
2018 is THE year
for enterprise
Open Source
And another $500M invested by VCs into
open source businesses.
Desafíos y retos. Open Source como parte de la Solución
Perspectiva en América Latina
CIO & Directores de Tecnología de 250 empresas con más de 500 empleados en seis países de
América Latina:
Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, México y Perú́ .
Estudio realizado durante los meses de Febrero y
Marzo de 2017 del IDC
Estudio Identificó
Patrones de inversión en TI están cambiando –
transición de consumo bajo un esquema de
OPEX (gasto operativo).
La adopción y uso del código abierto (Open
Source) va en franco ascenso en la región.
El Open Source es considerado el puente entre
la eficiencia y la innovación necesarias para
competir en un entorno de negocios cada vez
más incierto.
Parte II – Estrategia de WSO2, una
Compañía 100% Open Source

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Geoxis iHub Pvt Ltd Profile
Geoxis iHub Pvt Ltd ProfileGeoxis iHub Pvt Ltd Profile
Geoxis iHub Pvt Ltd Profile

Geoxis iHub Pvt Ltd is a software development and digital marketing company based in India that provides website design, development, graphics design, software development, and digital marketing services. The company was founded in 2019 and offers services including custom website design, WordPress and other CMS website development, mobile app development for Android and iOS, and web-based app development. Geoxis aims to help clients leverage technology for business growth through affordable and high-quality digital solutions.

geoxisgeoxis.cogeoxis ihub
Redington Value Journal - November 2016
Redington Value Journal - November 2016Redington Value Journal - November 2016
Redington Value Journal - November 2016

Redington Value Distribution's ‘Value Journal’, a monthly news journal whose purpose is to update the channel on the latest vendor news and Redington Value’s Channel Initiatives. Key stories from the November Edition: • Redington Value Drives Transformation • DellEMC launches new partner program • Red Hat's mobile vision to support containerized mobile app development • Fortiner delivers on open security fabric • FGB expands analytics capabilities in partnership with Oracle • CloudHost unveils UAE's first user-based cloud solution • Cisco Announces new education platform

MWD OTR q9elements_0616
MWD OTR q9elements_0616MWD OTR q9elements_0616
MWD OTR q9elements_0616

MWD Advisors is a specialist advisory firm that provides independent industry insights and mentoring services to business leaders on digital technology issues. It researches industry best practices and technologies. Q9 Elements offers SaaS-based collaborative process mapping and knowledge management tools. Its core product, Process Knowledge, allows users to create process maps and share related documentation. It also has a Salesforce integration tool. Q9 Elements aims to help enterprises, consultants, and software vendors drive business transformations.

To make integration a competitive advantage so that software becomes the core competency of every organization
Openness and Community A Journey Together
Disrupts Power
Journey of
Everyone is
One Team
Employees Customers Shareholders
Create an environment where everyone can
have their best journey
Build trust so customers believe we are an
extension of their community
Inspire confidence in our long term growth,
leading to a higher stock price
Be the Integration Agile Platform For Digitally-Driven Orgs
Integrated Portfolio to Enable
the Composable Enterprise
Open Business to Enable the Contributions of
Others - “Network Effect Communities”
Scale Expertise to Provide
Agility Transformation for Everyone
Empower Developers as
Agents of Architecture
Unapologetically Open Business and Operations
Win In Every
Culture of
Agility Thought
Open Source Integration Vendor
Largest Apache Committer
Largest Open Source Vendor
WSO2: Helping Digitally Driven Organizations
Become Integration Agile
WSO2 At-A-Glance
$37M in 2018
51% YoY
Founded 2005,
Backed by
Cisco and Toba
Mountain View,
London, Berlin
New York, São
Paulo, Sydney
(300 Engineers)
“ Application infrastructure and
middleware projects are becoming the
cornerstone of the digital business.”
#1 Open Source /
Open Core Application
Integration Suite Vendor

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About Us
About UsAbout Us
About Us

Byteridge is a Software and Information Technology Solutions company expert in Mobile Application Development, Cloud (AWS, Azure), Open Source, Microsoft Technologies and Outsourcing. Team at Byteridge is proficient in building solutions for small, medium and big businesses. We follow strong design and implementation processes to deliver robust, scalable and reliable systems with high quality.

html5 and application developmentandroidios
Product development
Product developmentProduct development
Product development

Worldwide businesses today are embracing “The Cloud” but only selected companies actually know how to achieve that.

EAPJ Volume II April 2014
EAPJ Volume II April 2014EAPJ Volume II April 2014
EAPJ Volume II April 2014

This issue focuses on how EA can empower organizations to achieve their goals. EA and quality expert Mike Novak compares the TOGAF®1 framework for enterprise architecture with the Baldrige approach to organizational performance assessment and improvement, and shows how organizations could benefit from integrating the two paradigms. This is a great article for all those who have wondered about the relationship between EA and quality practices, or would like to learn more about either paradigm. The article assumes a bit of familiarity with the TOGAF standard, so novices should consult one of the references at the bottom of this page. This issue also features an interview with Mike Callahan, a senior partner in AgileLayer, a business architecture methodology, software and consulting provider. Mike Callahan introduces us to his area of expertise, and explains how business architects practice many of the methods Mike Novak describes in his TOGAF/Baldrige article.

solution architecturetogafbaldrige
“...the only fully open source solution in
our Wave analysis, WSO2 provides good
breadth across all evaluation criteria.”
Leader in the Forrester
Wave: API Management
Solutions, Q4 2018
“...WS02 continues to make
improvements in a positive direction
moving them from product challenger in
2016 to the product leader category of
this current version of the report. ”
Leader in KuppingerCole
Leadership Compass,
2019 Access Management
And Federation
WSO2: Integration Agile Platform
Start with API
Secure and federated identity
for integration
● Identity management
● Identity federation
● Authentication
● Authorization
60M identities managed
Streaming data for
real-time analysis
100K+ TPS
● Streaming engine (Siddhi)
● Dashboards
● Business rules
Quick, iterative integration of
any app, data, or system
6 trillion transactions / yr
● Message broker
● Data integration
● Integration designer
Further develop APIs with integration that connects
apps and data.
API design, creation, reuse,
governance, and analytics
20K APIs for 200K orgs
● API analytics
● API designer
● API gateway
● API publisher
● API storefront/marketplace
● API repository/registry
API-Driven Initiatives Drive Integration

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The Industrial Marketing Revolution
The Industrial Marketing RevolutionThe Industrial Marketing Revolution
The Industrial Marketing Revolution

The document discusses how older marketing methods are becoming less effective and companies need to adopt new digital marketing strategies like blogging, search engine optimization, social media, and content marketing. It provides examples of how two companies saw increases in website traffic, social media referrals, and new leads after implementing digital marketing programs. The document advocates developing an integrated marketing strategy that combines various digital tactics for maximum results.

industrial semindustrial marketingindustrial seo
Experience Digital Freedom with Acquia
Experience Digital Freedom with AcquiaExperience Digital Freedom with Acquia
Experience Digital Freedom with Acquia

Presented at Acquia Engage APAC by Mike Sullivan, Chief Executive Officer, Acquia. Acquia’s CEO Mike Sullivan takes the stage to share an update on the company’s momentum and why it’s important to partner with a digital winner that gives you the freedom to build tomorrow on your terms.

acquiadigital marketingdigital experience platform
Net Solutions Android app dev brochure
Net Solutions Android app dev brochureNet Solutions Android app dev brochure
Net Solutions Android app dev brochure

This document summarizes an Android app development company's services. It discusses how Android has become the most widely used mobile platform, surpassing iOS, with over 80% of the global smartphone market. The company offers Android app design, development, testing and deployment for both business and consumer apps. It highlights its expertise, engagement models, and provides examples of successful projects.

andorid app development
WSO2 Cloud
Deployment Options - 3 Options
On Premises
Managed Cloud
A cloud-native programming language for microservices and integration
●A compiled, transactional, statically and strongly typed
programming language with textual and graphical
●Incorporates fundamental concepts of distributed
system integration
●Offers a type safe, concurrent environment to
implement microservices with distributed transactions,
reliable messaging, stream processing, and workflows.
WSO2 Industry Solutions
Service provider and digital supply
chain API management and
Patient-centric workflow
development, API-based EMR
Solutions based on Identity and
Access Management plus
API-based system integration
Financial Services
Including PSD2 compliance, core
banking integration, digital
transformation in regulated
Open Banking
Services and technology to help
quickly satisfy open banking
requirements for financial institutions.
The WSO2 Subscription & Support
Get the most from your WSO2 product with enterprise-grade services:
- WSO2 managed cloud
- Consulting services
- Managed services
WSO2 Subscription Highlights
WSO2 Update: Continuous access to product update binaries, bug fixes, security
updates, and performance enhancements, for up to 10 years post version release
Private security bulletins and early access to security updates
(Aggressively uncovered by constant monitoring of hundreds of projects,
collecting third-party security reports, and automated code-scanning tools)
WSO2 Support offers 24x7 expert support with aggressive response and
resolution times, with option for a dedicated WSO2 Technical Account Manager
Query support to keep development moving forward
Outsource operations to WSO2 with public or private WSO2 Managed Cloud
Skills WSO2 Consulting services to nurture skills or fill skills gaps

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Maria Argyti is a sales and business development expert with 14 years of experience partnering with software vendors. She has helped modernize outdated solutions and introduce cloud, mobile, and collaboration strategies. She has a track record of building strategic partnerships and achieving remarkable results positioning modern technologies. Currently she is an international business development manager helping companies scale globally and gain a competitive edge through her sales, technical, and partner enablement skills.

Modernizing the Student Journey with Ethos Identity
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Modernizing the Student Journey with Ethos Identity

As the world is recovering from the pandemic, the education industry is among the top industries undergoing large-scale digital transformation. Providing enhanced online learning options, ensuring seamless digital experiences, and adhering to security and privacy regulations are some key challenges facing education institutions. Ellucian Ethos Identity, powered by WSO2, is a customer identity and access management (CIAM) platform that enables educational institutions to achieve their digital goals. Asgardeo is a CIAM-as-a-service offering that is an alternative for organizations who are looking to offload hosting and maintenance to another provider while also being able to bridge identities with Ellucian Ethos Identity.

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wso2wso2 identity serveriam
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apidays LIVE Australia 2021 - Accelerating Digital September 15 & 16, 2021 Overcoming the 3 Largest Obstacles to Digital Transformation Alan Glickenhouse, Digital Transformation Business Strategist at IBM

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WSO2 Training and Certification
Training material free online; learn at your own pace
WSO2 Provides
Certification a verifiable way to present skills to team, employers, customers, partners.
Standard training (onsite and online)
Customized training (on-site) in-depth, personalized training for your specific need
WSO2 customer engagement model
Quick Start
Design, Build,
Deploy, Test, Run
Go Live
Parte III – Metodologías Agiles
El problema de la integración
● Durante años la integración ha sido vista
como algo adicional – no importante – en
el desarrollo de aplicaciones.
● Hoy en día, las aplicaciones modernas
son distribuidas y por lo tanto la
integración es una parte fundamental en
su implementación
La plataforma de WSO2 como instrumento para desarrollar
soluciones innovadoras
Un objetivo central en la integración de software
es procurar que los procesos de integración
sean tan agiles como el desarrollo de
Sin embargo esto es un aspecto que aun
sigue dejándose de lado en muchos proyectos
¿Cómo cerrar la brecha entre la integración y las metodologías
agiles de desarrollo?

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[WSO2 Open Banking & Security Forum Mexico 2019] API-Driven World
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[WSO2 Open Banking & Security Forum Mexico 2019] API-Driven World

This deck discusses how APIs are touching every facet of our society and the underlying trends that are going to generate nearly 1 billion APIs in the coming years. Open Banking is now an API-led technology trend.

by WSO2
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2019-03 - An introduction to FINOS
2019-03 - An introduction to FINOS2019-03 - An introduction to FINOS
2019-03 - An introduction to FINOS

Curious about FINOS programs and membership benefits? Want to learn more on how you can contribute to the organization that is bringing open source to financial services and fintech? And most importantly, want to know what's in it for you, whether you are large financial institution, a large or small fintech tech or data vendor or an individual? Check out this deck and start contributing today!

open sourcefinosfintech open source foundation
Greetings david cutler inform and connect
Greetings   david cutler inform and connectGreetings   david cutler inform and connect
Greetings david cutler inform and connect

This document provides an overview of, which offers marketing, business development, technology consulting and software development outsourcing services. It highlights the company's areas of expertise including systems thinking, design thinking, code thinking, and digital and technology transformation engagements. The document also lists partnerships, clients, technology capabilities, and case studies. It promotes the company's ability to help clients with innovation delivery, ideation, prototyping, development, and scaling of technology solutions.

Reference Architecture Patterns
SD Methodologies
Soluciones de Código Abierto - Perspectivas, Resultados y Soluciones de Valor
Modelo de Madurez

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Agile India 2018 Conference Summary
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Here is a quick summary of Agile India 2018 Conference, Asia's Largest and Premier Conference on Business Agility, Design Innovation, Digital Transformation, Continuous Delivery, DevOps, Agile, Scrum, eXtreme Programming, Lean, Kanban, Enterprise Agile, Lean Startup, Research, and Patterns. Get to meet pioneers and expert practitioners from around the world on Agile Mindset, Scaling Agility, Lean Product Discovery, Continuous Delivery and DevOps. 4 - 11 March 2018 at Taj West End, Bangalore. More details:

agileindia2018agile india 2018agileindia
Greetings david cutler inform and connect
Greetings   david cutler inform and connectGreetings   david cutler inform and connect
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This document provides information about David Cutler and the services he offers related to marketing, technology consulting, and software development outsourcing. It highlights his experience speaking at conferences, developing digital products and platforms, and advising startups. The document consists of images, text, and links organized across multiple pages covering topics such as ideation, prototyping, development, and scaling of digital solutions.

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Sponsor presentation about the 2010 Gartner Application Architecture, Development & Integration Summit (Nov 15-17 in Los Angeles)

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Integración ágil
Modelo de Madurez
Evolución en arquitectura
Nivel inicial Evolución
Modelo de Madurez – Entidad Pública Colombia

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Microservices Architecture for e-Commerce
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Microservices Architecture for e-Commerce

This modern engineering technique has grown from good old SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) with features like REST (vs. old SOAP) support, NoSQL databases and the Event driven/reactive approach sprinkled in. Microservices The criticism Evolutionary approach Best practices Create a Separate Database for Each Service Rely on contracts between services Deploy in Containers Treat Servers as Volatile Related techniques and patterns Design patterns Integration techniques Deployment of microservices Serverless - Function as a Service Continuous Deployment Related technologies Microservices based e-commerce platforms Technologies that empower microservices achitecture Distributed logging and monitoring Case Studies: Re-architecting the monolith

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Embedded Analytics in CRM and Marketing
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This presentation deck focuses on how CRM, marketing, and social media application providers can improve user experience with embedded analytics.

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API Marketplaces: Centers of Innovation for your Digital Enterprise
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API Marketplaces: Centers of Innovation for your Digital Enterprise

Enterprises are increasingly looking at how they can extend their business through external APIs in their journey towards digital transformation. However, to truly reap the benefits of an API program, organizations need to move beyond basic API management to creating API marketplaces that promote the consumption and use of APIs to deliver new apps and services. This webinar will discuss the complete architecture, benefits and the aspects you need to consider when creating an API marketplace including What is an API Marketplace Benefits of an API Marketplace Components of building an API Marketplace Use cases of implementing an API Marketplace What’s next after an API Marketplace

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Agile Architecture
Each team owns their
composable architectural
building blocks.
Dev teams need limited organizational and
system dependencies.
Boundaries and interfaces must be well-defined
and contained.
Architecture and middleware must iterate with the
dev team.
Distributed Systems
App (n)
Deployable as a unit
Independently elastic
Data plane and control plane
Cells Are Building Blocks For The Composable Enterprise
Soluciones de Código Abierto - Perspectivas, Resultados y Soluciones de Valor
Developer first integration
And Test
IDE integration:
Eclipse, IntelliJ,
Jenkins, Travis,
Test Frameworks:
Code repos:
Github, Gitlab
Binary repos:
Maven, Ballerina
Central, JFrog
PCF, AWS CF, etc
Jaeger, ELK
Blue/Green Deploy
Continuous Deploy

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Greetings david cutler inform and connect

This document provides information about David Cutler and his business consulting services. It summarizes his expertise in areas like marketing, technology, innovation delivery, and digital transformation. It also lists clients he has worked with, partnerships, and details of the services offered, such as ideation, prototyping, development, and scaling of digital products and solutions.

[WSO2 Summit Brazil 2018] The API-driven World
[WSO2 Summit Brazil 2018] The API-driven World[WSO2 Summit Brazil 2018] The API-driven World
[WSO2 Summit Brazil 2018] The API-driven World

Paul discusses how APIs are touching every facet of our society and the underlying trends that are going to generate nearly 1 billion APIs in the coming years.

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Cloud webinar final
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Cloud webinar final

This document summarizes a webinar on cloud computing hosted by Sand Hill Group on September 16, 2010. It features presentations from cloud computing leaders M.R. Rangaswami and Kamesh Pemmaraju of Sand Hill Group, Otavio Freire of openQ, and Neil Fox of Ness Technologies. The webinar discusses identifying the business value of cloud computing for customers and vendors based on research including a survey of 511 IT executives and 40 confidential interviews. It also summarizes Ness Technologies' cloud assessment process to help companies determine their cloud readiness and considerations for moving applications and workloads to the cloud.

WSO2: Integration Agile Platform
Soluciones de Código Abierto - Perspectivas, Resultados y Soluciones de Valor

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Winnovation Network Introduction (3)
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Winnovation Network helps organizations use social media and mobile technologies to improve business performance and customer engagement. It provides consulting services for effectively integrating these technologies into business workflows and transforming companies into social businesses. It offers a turnkey solution including technology platforms, change management programs, and expertise in social media and enterprise collaboration.

Low code - empower the capability to accelerate | Swatantra Kumar
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Low code - empower the capability to accelerate | Swatantra Kumar

In today’s fast-changing environment customers are better informed, better connected and more demanding than ever before. Digitization is no longer a choice, it is indispensable. Irrespective of the size and industry you are in, your organization needs to continuously transform to survive in the evolving and demanding business environments. Traditional application development falls short and cannot keep up with the demands from the business. Low-code platforms proved over the last years to provide a solution to deal with both business and IT challenges. Low-code software development can therefore be a serious accelerator, driving the digital transformation of your organization! This article looks at the potential and the reality of low-code development platforms and how low-code can drive digital transformation within organizations. It illustrates how to start your low-code journey, what it entails and how to make low-code software development a success for your organization.

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Qlerify Ditribution Pitch Deck Aug 2023.pptx
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Qlerify Ditribution Pitch Deck Aug 2023.pptx

Pitch deck for Qlerify ( presenting the Qlerify platform. Qlerify is an AI powered process and data modeling tool purpose-built to enhance the collaboration between business domain experts and developers. Qlerify has reimagined process and data modeling and made it up to 100X more efficient. It blows competitive solutions out of the water with its unprecedented speed, ease of use, structure and flexibility. With Qlerify, business users can quickly create a software application blueprint in a format that developers love to make digitilization projects easier and faster than ever before. In the near future the Qlerify app will be able to generate executable applications. This will enable an unprecedented iteration speed - executable applications can be placed in the hands of end users in minutes. Collecting feedback and delivering new iterations will be possible several times per day instead of a few times per month.

qlerifyprocess modelingdata modeling

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Soluciones de Código Abierto - Perspectivas, Resultados y Soluciones de Valor

  • 1. WSO2 – Soluciones de Código Abierto Perspectivas, Resultados y Soluciones de Valor Speakers Jesús Almanza – Roberto Monteiro – Sergio Contreras – Abril, 2019
  • 2. 2
  • 3. Agenda ● La evolución y el fortalecimiento de soluciones ‘Open Source’ como herramienta para fortalecer la estrategia de compañías y gobiernos. ● Desafíos y retos. Open Source como parte de la Solución - Perspectiva en América Latina ● Estrategia de una Compañía 100% Open Source - WSO2. Perspectiva latinoamericana. ● Una demostración de la plataforma Open Source de WSO2 como instrumento para desarrollar soluciones innovadoras.
  • 4. Parte I – Open Source Model
  • 6. Cost Savings Tomada de:
  • 8. Desarrollado por Pero! hay más... Tomada de:
  • 9. Paradigmas (Nuevos) Open Source Herramientas (Tech-TeamWork) Estratégia e Innovación (Empresarial-Open) Desarrollo (y Coop-Sociedad) Tomada de: Tomada de: Tomada de:
  • 10. 2018 is THE year for enterprise Open Source $7B $5B $5B $34B $2B Developers Integration Infrastructure Data OS And another $500M invested by VCs into open source businesses.
  • 11. Desafíos y retos. Open Source como parte de la Solución Perspectiva en América Latina CIO & Directores de Tecnología de 250 empresas con más de 500 empleados en seis países de América Latina: Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, México y Perú́ . Estudio realizado durante los meses de Febrero y Marzo de 2017 del IDC Estudio Identificó Patrones de inversión en TI están cambiando – transición de consumo bajo un esquema de OPEX (gasto operativo). La adopción y uso del código abierto (Open Source) va en franco ascenso en la región. El Open Source es considerado el puente entre la eficiencia y la innovación necesarias para competir en un entorno de negocios cada vez más incierto.
  • 12. Parte II – Estrategia de WSO2, una Compañía 100% Open Source
  • 13. To make integration a competitive advantage so that software becomes the core competency of every organization Openness and Community A Journey Together 2019 Community Contribution Openness Disrupts Power Courageous Honesty Journey of Experiences Everyone is Responsible One Team Employees Customers Shareholders Create an environment where everyone can have their best journey Build trust so customers believe we are an extension of their community Inspire confidence in our long term growth, leading to a higher stock price Be the Integration Agile Platform For Digitally-Driven Orgs Integrated Portfolio to Enable the Composable Enterprise Open Business to Enable the Contributions of Others - “Network Effect Communities” Scale Expertise to Provide Agility Transformation for Everyone Empower Developers as Agents of Architecture Unapologetically Open Business and Operations Micro-fying Integration Win In Every Country Prove Ballerina Culture of Transparency Agility Thought Leadership Open Everything
  • 14. 14 #1 6th Open Source Integration Vendor Largest Apache Committer Largest Open Source Vendor 6th WSO2: Helping Digitally Driven Organizations Become Integration Agile
  • 15. WSO2 At-A-Glance 15 $37M in 2018 Subscriptions, 51% YoY growth 500+ Customers, Open Source Founded 2005, Backed by Cisco and Toba Capital Mountain View, Colombo, London, Berlin New York, São Paulo, Sydney 500+ Employees (300 Engineers)
  • 16. 16 “ Application infrastructure and middleware projects are becoming the cornerstone of the digital business.” #1 Open Source / Open Core Application Integration Suite Vendor
  • 17. 17 “...the only fully open source solution in our Wave analysis, WSO2 provides good breadth across all evaluation criteria.” Leader in the Forrester Wave: API Management Solutions, Q4 2018
  • 18. 18 “...WS02 continues to make improvements in a positive direction moving them from product challenger in 2016 to the product leader category of this current version of the report. ” Leader in KuppingerCole Leadership Compass, 2019 Access Management And Federation
  • 20. Start with API management IDENTITY & ACCESS MANAGEMENT Secure and federated identity for integration ● Identity management ● Identity federation ● Authentication ● Authorization 60M identities managed ANALYTICS & STREAM PROCESSING Streaming data for real-time analysis 100K+ TPS ● Streaming engine (Siddhi) ● Dashboards ● Business rules ENTERPRISE INTEGRATION Quick, iterative integration of any app, data, or system 6 trillion transactions / yr ● ESB ● BPM ● Message broker ● Data integration ● Integration designer Further develop APIs with integration that connects apps and data. API MANAGEMENT API design, creation, reuse, governance, and analytics 20K APIs for 200K orgs ● API analytics ● API designer ● API gateway ● API publisher ● API storefront/marketplace ● API repository/registry API-Driven Initiatives Drive Integration
  • 21. WSO2 Cloud Deployment Options - 3 Options On Premises Managed Cloud
  • 22. A cloud-native programming language for microservices and integration ●A compiled, transactional, statically and strongly typed programming language with textual and graphical syntaxes. ●Incorporates fundamental concepts of distributed system integration ●Offers a type safe, concurrent environment to implement microservices with distributed transactions, reliable messaging, stream processing, and workflows. 22
  • 23. WSO2 Industry Solutions Telco Service provider and digital supply chain API management and integration Healthcare Patient-centric workflow development, API-based EMR interoperability 23 GDPR Solutions based on Identity and Access Management plus API-based system integration Financial Services Including PSD2 compliance, core banking integration, digital transformation in regulated environments Open Banking Services and technology to help quickly satisfy open banking requirements for financial institutions.
  • 24. The WSO2 Subscription & Support Get the most from your WSO2 product with enterprise-grade services: Open source technology WSO2 Subscription Options: - WSO2 managed cloud - Consulting services - Managed services 24 WSO2 Subscription Highlights Product maintenance WSO2 Update: Continuous access to product update binaries, bug fixes, security updates, and performance enhancements, for up to 10 years post version release Enhanced security Private security bulletins and early access to security updates (Aggressively uncovered by constant monitoring of hundreds of projects, collecting third-party security reports, and automated code-scanning tools) Incident response WSO2 Support offers 24x7 expert support with aggressive response and resolution times, with option for a dedicated WSO2 Technical Account Manager Developer productivity Query support to keep development moving forward Operational simplicity Outsource operations to WSO2 with public or private WSO2 Managed Cloud hosting Skills WSO2 Consulting services to nurture skills or fill skills gaps
  • 25. WSO2 Training and Certification Training material free online; learn at your own pace 25 WSO2 Provides Certification a verifiable way to present skills to team, employers, customers, partners. Standard training (onsite and online) Customized training (on-site) in-depth, personalized training for your specific need
  • 26. Trial Subscription WSO2 customer engagement model PoC Support Quick Start Program Design, Build, Deploy, Test, Run Go Live Engagement Consultancy Architecture Review Joint Architecture Discussion Workshops Training EVALUATION PROJECT KICKOFF AND DESIGN ITERATIVE ARCHITECTURE SPRINTS GO LIVE AND ON-BOARDING Subscription Architecture Iterations Product Increment 26
  • 27. Parte III – Metodologías Agiles
  • 28. El problema de la integración ● Durante años la integración ha sido vista como algo adicional – no importante – en el desarrollo de aplicaciones. ● Hoy en día, las aplicaciones modernas son distribuidas y por lo tanto la integración es una parte fundamental en su implementación La plataforma de WSO2 como instrumento para desarrollar soluciones innovadoras Un objetivo central en la integración de software es procurar que los procesos de integración sean tan agiles como el desarrollo de aplicaciones Sin embargo esto es un aspecto que aun sigue dejándose de lado en muchos proyectos ¿Cómo cerrar la brecha entre la integración y las metodologías agiles de desarrollo?
  • 36. Nivel inicial Evolución Modelo de Madurez – Entidad Pública Colombia
  • 37. Agile Architecture Each team owns their composable architectural building blocks. Dev teams need limited organizational and system dependencies. Boundaries and interfaces must be well-defined and contained. Architecture and middleware must iterate with the dev team. Distributed Systems App (n) App Microservice INTEGRATION MESSAGING DATA SECURITY
  • 38. Self-contained Deployable as a unit Independently elastic Data plane and control plane Cells Are Building Blocks For The Composable Enterprise
  • 40. Developer first integration Edit, Share Observe BuildDeploy Debug And Test Developer Flow IDE integration: Eclipse, IntelliJ, VSCode CI/CD: Jenkins, Travis, Codefresh Test Frameworks: SOAPUI, TestNG Code repos: Github, Gitlab Binary repos: Maven, Ballerina Central, JFrog Cloud Orchestration: Docker, Kubernetes, PCF, AWS CF, etc Observability: Splunk, Prometheus, Jaeger, ELK Staging: Blue/Green Deploy Canary Continuous Deploy
  • 43. Q&A