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Software Testing
What is Testing?
Testing is the process of evaluating a system or its component(s) with the
intent to find that whether it satisfies the specified requirements or not. This
activity results in the actual, expected and difference between their results. In
simple words testing is executing a system in order to identify any gaps,
errors or missing requirements in contrary to the actual desire or
Testing can be defined as “A process of analyzing a software item to detect
the differences between existing and required conditions (that is
defects/errors/bugs) and to evaluate the features of the software item”.
Who does Testing?
It depends on the process and the associated stakeholders of the project(s).
In the IT industry, large companies have a team with responsibilities to
evaluate the developed software in the context of the given requirements.
Moreover, developers also conduct testing which is called Unit Testing. In
most cases, following professionals are involved in testing of a system within
their respective capacities:
 Software Tester
 Software Developer
 Project Lead/Manager
 End User
Diff between V&V
Verification Validation
Are you building it right? Are you building the right thing?
Ensure that the software system meets all
the functionality.
Ensure that functionalities meet the
intended behavior.
Verification takes place first and includes
the checking for documentation, code etc.
Validation occurs after verification and
mainly involves the checking of the overall
Done by developers. Done by Testers.
Have static activities as it includes the
reviews, walkthroughs, and inspections to
verify that software is correct or not.
Have dynamic activities as it includes
executing the software against the
It is an objective process and no subjective
decision should be needed to verify the
It is a subjective process and involves
subjective decisions on how well the
Software works.

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Software testing strategiesSoftware testing strategies
Software testing strategies

The document discusses strategies for software testing. It defines different levels of testing including unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and validation testing. It also discusses different testing approaches such as test-driven development, behavior-driven development, and agile testing. The document provides details on unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and validation testing. It discusses testing strategies, testing methods including black box testing and white box testing, and the differences between black box and white box testing.

testingsoftware testingwhitebox testing
Testing Types And Models
Testing Types And ModelsTesting Types And Models
Testing Types And Models

The document discusses different types of testing in the V-model, including static testing, dynamic testing, unit testing, integration testing, system testing, acceptance testing, and more. It provides details on each type of testing including what is tested, when it is performed, and the objectives.

Testing strategies in Software Engineering
Testing strategies in Software EngineeringTesting strategies in Software Engineering
Testing strategies in Software Engineering

The document discusses different strategies for software testing. It describes unit testing starting at the component level and progressing outward to integration, validation, and system testing. Validation testing ensures requirements are met through criteria like functional testing and alpha/beta testing with end users. Verification tests that the product is built correctly while validation ensures the correct product is built.

testing technicssoftware engineeringtesting strategies
Activities which ensure the
implementation of
processes, procedures and
standards in context to
verification of developed
software and intended
Activities which ensure the
verification of developed
software with respect to
documented (or not in some
cases) requirements.
Activities which ensure the
identification of
bugs/error/defects in the
Focuses on processes and
procedures rather then
conducting actual testing on
the system.
Focuses on actual testing by
executing Software with
intend to identify
bug/defect through
implementation of
procedures and process.
Focuses on actual testing.
Process oriented activities. Product oriented activities. Product oriented activities.
Preventive activities It is a corrective process. It is a preventive process
It is a subset of Software
Test Life Cycle (STLC)
QC can be considered as the
subset of Quality Assurance.
Testing is the subset of
Quality Control.
Diff between QA,QC & TESTING
Diff between Testing & Debugging
Testing: It involves the identification of bug/error/defect in the
software without correcting it. Normally professionals with a
Quality Assurance background are involved in the identification
of bugs. Testing is performed in the testing phase.
Debugging: It involves identifying, isolating and fixing the
problems/bug. Developers who code the software conduct
debugging upon encountering an error in the code. Debugging is
the part of White box or Unit Testing. Debugging can be
performed in the development phase while conducting Unit
Testing or in phases while fixing the reported bugs.
Testing Types
Manual Testing
This type includes the testing of the Software manually i.e. without using any
automated tool or any script. In this type the tester takes over the role of an
end user and test the Software to identify any un-expected behavior or bug.
There are different stages for manual testing like unit testing, Integration
testing, System testing and User Acceptance testing.
Testers use test plan, test cases or test scenarios to test the Software to
ensure the completeness of testing. Manual testing also includes exploratory
testing as testers explore the software to identify errors in it.
Testing Types
Automation Testing
Automation testing which is also known as “Test Automation”, is when the
tester writes scripts and uses another software to test the software. This
process involves automation of a manual process. Automation Testing is
used to re-run the test scenarios that were performed manually, quickly and
Tools are,
Selenium (Functional, Database, Security, Performance & Web service Testing)
QTP (Functional, Database, Security, Performance & Web service Testing)
Load Runner (Stress & Load Testing)
SoapUI (JSON & XML Web Service Testing)

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Testing is the process of executing a program with the intention of finding errors. Software testing is an analysis that gives data to estimate quality and includes executing programs to find bugs. Testing is done by software testers, developers, project leads, and end users and includes both manual and automated methods. Functional testing examines a system's functionality against requirements while non-functional testing examines reliability, efficiency and other non-functional aspects.

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Software Testing workshop presentation for beginners in this field specially manual testers Updated 29 Sep 2018

software testingtestingquality
Software testing methods, levels and types
Software testing methods, levels and typesSoftware testing methods, levels and types
Software testing methods, levels and types

This document provides an overview of software testing concepts and definitions. It discusses key topics such as software quality, testing methods like static and dynamic testing, testing levels from unit to acceptance testing, and testing types including functional, non-functional, regression and security testing. The document is intended as an introduction to software testing principles and terminology.

Testing Methods Black Box Testing Gray Box Testing White Box Testing
1 The Internal Workings of an
application are not required
to be known
Somewhat knowledge of
the internal workings are
Tester has full
knowledge of the
Internal workings of
the application
2 Also known as closed box
testing, data driven testing
and functional testing
Another term for grey box
testing is translucent
testing as the tester has
limited knowledge of the
insides of the application
Also known as clear
box testing, structural
testing or code based
3 Performed by end users and
also by testers and
Performed by end users
and also by testers and
Normally done by
testers and
4 Testing is based on external
expectations -Internal
behavior of the application is
Testing is done on the
basis of high level
database diagrams and
Internal workings are
fully known and the
tester can design test
Introduction to SDLC
What is SDLC?
The software development life cycle (SDLC) is the entire
process of formal, logical steps taken to develop a
software product.
Levels of SDLC
Requirements Gathering
Systems Design
Code Generation
Software testing
Waterfall Model
Waterfall Model
The waterfall model derives its name due to the cascading effect from
one phase to the other as is illustrated in Figure. In this model each
phase well defined starting and ending point, with identifiable
deliveries to the next phase.

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This document provides an overview of a software engineering course. It introduces the instructor, Dr. Ben Choi, and covers various topics that will be addressed in the class, including what software engineering entails, the software development process, quality considerations, and fundamental concepts like abstraction. It notes that software engineering uses computer science knowledge to solve problems for customers.


The document discusses various aspects of software testing such as the definitions of testing, different testing methodologies like black box and white box testing, testing levels from unit to acceptance testing, and performance testing types including stress, recovery, and compatibility testing. It also covers testing tools, test plans, test cases, and the software development life cycle.

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Manual testing interview questions and answersManual testing interview questions and answers
Manual testing interview questions and answers

This document contains answers to 10 common manual testing interview questions. It defines key terms like software testing, quality assurance, quality control, and the software development life cycle. It also describes different types of testing such as functional vs non-functional, black box vs white box vs gray box testing. Finally, it explains what a test bed is in the context of software testing.

manual testing interview questions and answers
Prototyping Model
Prototyping Model
The Prototyping Model is a systems development method (SDM) in
which a prototype (an early approximation of a final system or
product) is built, tested, and then reworked as necessary until an
acceptable prototype is finally achieved from which the complete
system or product can now be developed.
Incremental Model
This model combines the elements of the waterfall model with the
iterative philosophy of prototyping. However, unlike prototyping the
IM focuses on the delivery of an operational product at the end of
each increment.
Spiral Model
The spiral model is a software development model combining
elements of both design and prototyping-in-stages, in an effort to
combine advantages of top-down and bottom-up concepts.
Agile Model
Agile software development is a group of software development
methods based on iterative and incremental development, where
requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-
organizing, cross-functional teams.

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The document discusses software testing and provides details on various aspects of software testing such as: 1) The objectives of software testing including uncovering errors, demonstrating software matches requirements, and validating quality with minimum cost. 2) Different levels of software testing from unit to integration to system testing. 3) Key aspects of software testing like test plans, test cases, test types (black box vs white box), and testing methodologies.

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A presentation on software testing importance , types, and levels,... This presentation contains videos, it may be unplayable on slideshare and need to download

software testing
Functional Testing Tutorial | Edureka
Functional Testing Tutorial | EdurekaFunctional Testing Tutorial | Edureka
Functional Testing Tutorial | Edureka

This document provides an overview of functional testing. It defines functional testing as verifying that each function of a software application operates as specified. It discusses the differences between functional and non-functional testing, the objective and focus of each. Steps in functional testing are identified as determining functionality, creating test data, determining expected outputs, executing test cases, and comparing actual and expected outputs. Types of functional testing and techniques are described along with advantages of the Selenium tool for automation.

functional testing tutorialfunctional testingfunctional testing tutorial for beginners
Levels of Testing
Functional Testing.
Non- functional Testing.
Functional Testing
This is a type of black box testing that is based on the specifications of the
software that is to be tested. The application is tested by providing input and
then the results are examined that need to conform to the functionality it was
intended for. Functional Testing of the software is conducted on a complete,
integrated system to evaluate the system's compliance with its specified
requirements. There are five steps that are involved when testing an application
for functionality.
Step I - The determination of the functionality that the intended application is
meant to perform.
Step II - The creation of test data based on the specifications of the application.
Step III - The output based on the test data and the specifications of the
Step IV - The writing of Test Scenarios and the execution of test cases.
Steps V - The comparison of actual and expected results based on the executed
test cases.
Functional Testing Types
Unit Testing
In Unit testing user is supposed to check each and every micro function.
All field level validations are expected to test at the stage of testing.
In most of the cases Developer will do this.
Integration Testing
The primary objective of integration testing is to discover errors in the interfaces
between Modules/Sub-Systems (Host & Client Interfaces).
Minimizing the errors which include internal and external Interface errors
Types of Integration Testing
Top-Down Approach
Bottom-Up Approach
Functional Testing Types
System Testing
The primary objective of system testing is to discover errors when the system is
tested as a hole.
System testing is also called as End-End Testing.
User is expected to test from Login-To-Logout by covering various business
Acceptance Testing
The primary objective of acceptance testing is to get the acceptance from
the client.
Testing the system behavior against customer’s requirements
Customers undertake typical tasks to check their requirements
Done at the customer’s premises on the user environment
Types of Acceptance Testing:
Alpha Testing
Beta Testing

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Software Testing
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Software Testing

Software testing involves several key activities: (1) defining test plans and cases to evaluate software attributes and capabilities, (2) executing tests to uncover errors manually or automatically, and (3) analyzing and reporting test results. The objectives of testing include finding errors, validating requirements are met, and ensuring quality. Testers, engineers, and quality assurance groups all perform various testing roles and activities throughout the software development lifecycle. Effective testing requires independence, planning, and understanding that complete testing is impossible due to risks and limitations of time and resources.

software testing
STLC– software testing life cycle
STLC– software testing life cycleSTLC– software testing life cycle
STLC– software testing life cycle

Testing Phases Development Integration Testing System Integration Testing User Acceptance Testing Performance Testing Post Launch Validation

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Software testing pptSoftware testing ppt
Software testing ppt

Software testing involves testing a program to identify any bugs or inconsistencies with requirements. It is important for ensuring quality and catching errors, thereby protecting customers and building company reputation. A career in software testing is available to those with a technical degree and requires strong technical skills as well as good communication skills. Certification and experience with testing artifacts and strategies can help one qualify for software testing jobs.

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Non-Functional Testing Types
Performance Testing
Primary objective of the performance testing is “to demonstrate the system works
functionally as per specifications with in given response time on a production sized
Types of Performance Testing:
Load Testing
Stress Testing
Load Testing
Estimating the design capacity of the system within the resources limit
Approach is Load Profile
Stress Testing
Estimating the breakdown point of the system beyond the resources limit.
Repeatedly working on the same functionality
Non-Functional Testing Types
Usability Testing
To test the Easiness and User-friendliness of the system.
Reliability Testing
Reliability is considered as the probability of failure-free operation for a specified
time in a specified environment for a given purpose
To find Mean Time between failure/time available under specific load pattern.
Mean time for recovery.
Regression Testing
• Objective is to check the new functionalities has incorporated correctly with out
failing the existing functionalities.
• RAD – In case of Rapid Application development Regression Test plays a vital role
as the total development happens in bits and pieces.
• Testing the code problems have been fixed correctly or not.
Non-Functional Testing Types
Security Testing
Testing how well the system protects against unauthorized internal or external
Verify how easily a system is subject to security violations under different
conditions and environments
During Security testing, password cracking, unauthorized entry into the
software, network security are all taken into consideration.
STLC- Software Testing Life Cycle

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Software testingSoftware testing
Software testing

This document provides an overview of software testing, including definitions, purposes, strategies, methods, levels, types, and tools. It defines software testing as evaluating a system to determine if it meets requirements and works as expected. Testing is necessary to find errors, improve reliability and quality, and satisfy users. Strategies include unit, integration, and validation testing. Methods are divided into black-box and white-box testing. Levels include unit, integration, system, and acceptance testing. Types incorporate installation, compatibility, smoke, regression, alpha, and beta testing. Tools aid in test management, functional testing, load testing, and debugging.

Types of Software Testing | Edureka
Types of Software Testing | EdurekaTypes of Software Testing | Edureka
Types of Software Testing | Edureka

** Software Testing Certification Courses: ** This Edureka PPT on Types of Software Testing covers the various types of functional and non-functional testing. Below topics are covered in this PPT: What is Software Testing Why need Testing? Software Testing Life Cycle Types of Software Testing Unit Testing Integration Testing System Testing Interface Testing Regression Testing Acceptance Testing Documentation Testing Installation Testing Performance Testing Reliability Testing Security Testing Selenium playlist: Selenium Blog playlist: Software Testing Blog playlist:

types of software testingsoftware testing typeswhat is software testing
Software Testing
Software TestingSoftware Testing
Software Testing

The document provides an overview of software testing basics, including definitions of key terms like testing, debugging, errors, bugs, and failures. It describes different types of testing like manual testing, automation testing, unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and more. It also covers test planning, test cases, test levels, who should test, and the importance of testing in the software development life cycle.

Web Application
Mobile Application
Ex Web Application: Facebook (login, Dashboard,
Messages, Profile, Settings functionalities)
Sample Websites
Software testing

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Software testing

  • 2. What is Testing? Testing is the process of evaluating a system or its component(s) with the intent to find that whether it satisfies the specified requirements or not. This activity results in the actual, expected and difference between their results. In simple words testing is executing a system in order to identify any gaps, errors or missing requirements in contrary to the actual desire or requirements. Testing can be defined as “A process of analyzing a software item to detect the differences between existing and required conditions (that is defects/errors/bugs) and to evaluate the features of the software item”.
  • 3. Who does Testing? It depends on the process and the associated stakeholders of the project(s). In the IT industry, large companies have a team with responsibilities to evaluate the developed software in the context of the given requirements. Moreover, developers also conduct testing which is called Unit Testing. In most cases, following professionals are involved in testing of a system within their respective capacities:  Software Tester  Software Developer  Project Lead/Manager  End User
  • 4. Diff between V&V Verification Validation Are you building it right? Are you building the right thing? Ensure that the software system meets all the functionality. Ensure that functionalities meet the intended behavior. Verification takes place first and includes the checking for documentation, code etc. Validation occurs after verification and mainly involves the checking of the overall product. Done by developers. Done by Testers. Have static activities as it includes the reviews, walkthroughs, and inspections to verify that software is correct or not. Have dynamic activities as it includes executing the software against the requirements. It is an objective process and no subjective decision should be needed to verify the Software. It is a subjective process and involves subjective decisions on how well the Software works.
  • 5. QA QC TESTING Activities which ensure the implementation of processes, procedures and standards in context to verification of developed software and intended requirements. Activities which ensure the verification of developed software with respect to documented (or not in some cases) requirements. Activities which ensure the identification of bugs/error/defects in the Software. Focuses on processes and procedures rather then conducting actual testing on the system. Focuses on actual testing by executing Software with intend to identify bug/defect through implementation of procedures and process. Focuses on actual testing. Process oriented activities. Product oriented activities. Product oriented activities. Preventive activities It is a corrective process. It is a preventive process It is a subset of Software Test Life Cycle (STLC) QC can be considered as the subset of Quality Assurance. Testing is the subset of Quality Control. Diff between QA,QC & TESTING
  • 6. Diff between Testing & Debugging Testing: It involves the identification of bug/error/defect in the software without correcting it. Normally professionals with a Quality Assurance background are involved in the identification of bugs. Testing is performed in the testing phase. Debugging: It involves identifying, isolating and fixing the problems/bug. Developers who code the software conduct debugging upon encountering an error in the code. Debugging is the part of White box or Unit Testing. Debugging can be performed in the development phase while conducting Unit Testing or in phases while fixing the reported bugs.
  • 7. Testing Types Manual Testing This type includes the testing of the Software manually i.e. without using any automated tool or any script. In this type the tester takes over the role of an end user and test the Software to identify any un-expected behavior or bug. There are different stages for manual testing like unit testing, Integration testing, System testing and User Acceptance testing. Testers use test plan, test cases or test scenarios to test the Software to ensure the completeness of testing. Manual testing also includes exploratory testing as testers explore the software to identify errors in it.
  • 8. Testing Types Automation Testing Automation testing which is also known as “Test Automation”, is when the tester writes scripts and uses another software to test the software. This process involves automation of a manual process. Automation Testing is used to re-run the test scenarios that were performed manually, quickly and repeatedly. Tools are, Selenium (Functional, Database, Security, Performance & Web service Testing) QTP (Functional, Database, Security, Performance & Web service Testing) Load Runner (Stress & Load Testing) SoapUI (JSON & XML Web Service Testing)
  • 9. Testing Methods Black Box Testing Gray Box Testing White Box Testing 1 The Internal Workings of an application are not required to be known Somewhat knowledge of the internal workings are known Tester has full knowledge of the Internal workings of the application 2 Also known as closed box testing, data driven testing and functional testing Another term for grey box testing is translucent testing as the tester has limited knowledge of the insides of the application Also known as clear box testing, structural testing or code based testing 3 Performed by end users and also by testers and developers Performed by end users and also by testers and developers Normally done by testers and developers 4 Testing is based on external expectations -Internal behavior of the application is Testing is done on the basis of high level database diagrams and Internal workings are fully known and the tester can design test
  • 10. Introduction to SDLC What is SDLC? The software development life cycle (SDLC) is the entire process of formal, logical steps taken to develop a software product. Levels of SDLC Requirements Gathering Systems Design Code Generation Testing Maintenance/Evolution
  • 12. Waterfall Model Waterfall Model The waterfall model derives its name due to the cascading effect from one phase to the other as is illustrated in Figure. In this model each phase well defined starting and ending point, with identifiable deliveries to the next phase.
  • 13. Prototyping Model Prototyping Model The Prototyping Model is a systems development method (SDM) in which a prototype (an early approximation of a final system or product) is built, tested, and then reworked as necessary until an acceptable prototype is finally achieved from which the complete system or product can now be developed.
  • 14. Incremental Model This model combines the elements of the waterfall model with the iterative philosophy of prototyping. However, unlike prototyping the IM focuses on the delivery of an operational product at the end of each increment.
  • 15. Spiral Model The spiral model is a software development model combining elements of both design and prototyping-in-stages, in an effort to combine advantages of top-down and bottom-up concepts.
  • 16. Agile Model Agile software development is a group of software development methods based on iterative and incremental development, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self- organizing, cross-functional teams.
  • 17. Levels of Testing Functional Testing. Non- functional Testing.
  • 18. Functional Testing This is a type of black box testing that is based on the specifications of the software that is to be tested. The application is tested by providing input and then the results are examined that need to conform to the functionality it was intended for. Functional Testing of the software is conducted on a complete, integrated system to evaluate the system's compliance with its specified requirements. There are five steps that are involved when testing an application for functionality. Step I - The determination of the functionality that the intended application is meant to perform. Step II - The creation of test data based on the specifications of the application. Step III - The output based on the test data and the specifications of the application. Step IV - The writing of Test Scenarios and the execution of test cases. Steps V - The comparison of actual and expected results based on the executed test cases.
  • 19. Functional Testing Types Unit Testing In Unit testing user is supposed to check each and every micro function. All field level validations are expected to test at the stage of testing. In most of the cases Developer will do this. Integration Testing The primary objective of integration testing is to discover errors in the interfaces between Modules/Sub-Systems (Host & Client Interfaces). Minimizing the errors which include internal and external Interface errors Types of Integration Testing Top-Down Approach Bottom-Up Approach
  • 20. Functional Testing Types System Testing The primary objective of system testing is to discover errors when the system is tested as a hole. System testing is also called as End-End Testing. User is expected to test from Login-To-Logout by covering various business functionalities. Acceptance Testing The primary objective of acceptance testing is to get the acceptance from the client. Testing the system behavior against customer’s requirements Customers undertake typical tasks to check their requirements Done at the customer’s premises on the user environment Types of Acceptance Testing: Alpha Testing Beta Testing
  • 21. Non-Functional Testing Types Performance Testing Primary objective of the performance testing is “to demonstrate the system works functionally as per specifications with in given response time on a production sized database. Types of Performance Testing: Load Testing Stress Testing Load Testing Estimating the design capacity of the system within the resources limit Approach is Load Profile Stress Testing Estimating the breakdown point of the system beyond the resources limit. Repeatedly working on the same functionality
  • 22. Non-Functional Testing Types Usability Testing To test the Easiness and User-friendliness of the system. Reliability Testing Reliability is considered as the probability of failure-free operation for a specified time in a specified environment for a given purpose To find Mean Time between failure/time available under specific load pattern. Mean time for recovery. Regression Testing • Objective is to check the new functionalities has incorporated correctly with out failing the existing functionalities. • RAD – In case of Rapid Application development Regression Test plays a vital role as the total development happens in bits and pieces. • Testing the code problems have been fixed correctly or not.
  • 23. Non-Functional Testing Types Security Testing Testing how well the system protects against unauthorized internal or external access. Verify how easily a system is subject to security violations under different conditions and environments During Security testing, password cracking, unauthorized entry into the software, network security are all taken into consideration.
  • 25. Practical: Website Web Application Mobile Application Ex Web Application: Facebook (login, Dashboard, Messages, Profile, Settings functionalities) Sample Websites