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Types of Testing V Model Testing Phases Static Testing Reviews Inspection Walkthrough Metrics Dynamic Testing Unit Integration System Regression UAT Exploratory
SDLC and V Model There are some distinct test phases that take  place in each of the software life cycle activity It is easier to visualize through the famous  Waterfall  model of development and  V- model   of testing.  The V proceeds from left to right, depicting the basic sequence of development and testing activities.
SDLC and V Model System Test Plan Program  Specifications Unit Test cases Integration Test cases Detailed Design System  Test cases Functional Design Acceptance Test cases Requirements  Specification Acceptance Test Plan Integration Test Plan Unit Test Plan Wishes, Ideas, Concepts Verification Regression Developed System
V Model The model is valuable because it highlights the existence of several  levels or phases of testing  and depicts the way each relates to a different development phase .

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Types of software testing
Types of software testingTypes of software testing
Types of software testing

The document describes different types of software testing, including usability testing, functional testing, and non-functional testing. Usability testing includes user interface and manual support testing. Functional testing involves functionality, sanity, and smoke testing. Non-functional testing covers areas such as internationalization, recovery, compatibility, configuration, intersystem, installation, localization, performance, load, stress, data volume, parallel, and security testing. The document provides brief definitions and explanations of each type of testing.

types of software testingsoftware testing
Software Testing Life Cycle
Software Testing Life CycleSoftware Testing Life Cycle
Software Testing Life Cycle

This document provides an overview of software testing fundamentals and the software development lifecycle. It discusses different types of testing including static testing, dynamic testing, component testing, integration testing, and system testing. It also addresses test planning, management, and tools. The document emphasizes that early test design helps build quality and prevents faults by finding issues early when they are cheaper to fix. An experience report shows how early testing led to fewer faults and happier users compared to a previous phase without early testing.

Software testing.ppt
Software testing.pptSoftware testing.ppt
Software testing.ppt

Software testing is the process of evaluation a software item to detect differences between given input and expected output. Also to assess the feature of A software item. Testing assesses the quality of the product. Software testing is a process that should be done during the development process. In other words software testing is a verification and validation process. Software testing can also provide an objective, independent view of the software to allow the business to appreciate and understand the risks of software implementation. Test techniques include, but are not limited to the process of executing a program or application with the intent of finding software bugs (errors or other defects). Software testing can be stated as the process of validating and verifying that a computer program/application/product: • meets the requirements that guided its design and development, • works as expected, • can be implemented with the same characteristics, • and satisfies the needs of stakeholders. Software Development Process Cycle:-  PLAN (P): Device a plan. Define your objective and determine the strategy and supporting methods required to achieve that objective.  DO (D): Execute the plan. Create the conditions and perform the necessary training to execute the plan.  CHECK (C): Check the results. Check to determine whether work is progressing according to the plan and whether the results are obtained.  ACTION (A): Take the necessary and appropriate action if checkup reveals that the work is not being performed according to plan or not as anticipated.

Static and Dynamic Testing Static Dynamic Reviews Walkthrough Desk Check Inspection Exploratory Integration Usability Unit Volume Performance Reliability Security Stress Configuration Recovery Documentation Localization UAT Installability WHITEBOX BLACKBOX System
Static Testing Walkthrough  helps in Approach to Solution Find omission of requirements Style / Concepts Issues Detect Defects Educate Team Members
Testing Phases Unit testing  is code-based and performed primarily by developers to demonstrate that their smallest pieces of executable code function suitably. Integration testing  demonstrates that two or more units or other integrations work together properly, and tends to focus on the interfaces specified in low-level design.  System testing  demonstrates that the system works end-to-end in a production-like environment to provide the business functions specified in the high-level design.  Acceptance testing  is conducted by business owners and users to confirm that the system does, in fact, meet their business requirements.
Integration Testing Testing of combined parts of an application to determine if they function together correctly.  The main three elements are interfaces, module combinations and global data structures. Attempts to find discrepancies between program & its external specification (program’s description from the point of view of the outside world).

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Manual testing-training-institute-in-marathahalliManual testing-training-institute-in-marathahalli
Manual testing-training-institute-in-marathahalli

Gyanguide is a software testing institute in marathahalli that provides thae manual testing course in Bangalore. Contact us at: 080-60505064 or visit at http://

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Types of Software testing
Types of  Software testingTypes of  Software testing
Types of Software testing

Different types of software testing include installation testing, usability testing, regression testing, performance testing, and security testing. Installation testing checks that a system is correctly installed and functions properly on a variety of hardware configurations. Usability testing observes users interacting with a product to evaluate ease of use. Regression testing re-executes tests on software that has undergone changes to ensure no new bugs were introduced. Performance testing evaluates how fast a system performs under varying workloads through load and stress testing. Security testing verifies that a system protects against unauthorized access and vulnerabilities.

different types of testingwhat is software testingperformance testing
Software testing strategies
Software testing strategiesSoftware testing strategies
Software testing strategies

The document discusses strategies for software testing. It defines different levels of testing including unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and validation testing. It also discusses different testing approaches such as test-driven development, behavior-driven development, and agile testing. The document provides details on unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and validation testing. It discusses testing strategies, testing methods including black box testing and white box testing, and the differences between black box and white box testing.

testingsoftware testingwhitebox testing
Why Integration Testing is Required?
System Testing Test the software in the real environment in which it is to operate. (hardware,people,information,etc.) Observe how the system performs in its target environment, for example in terms of speed, with volumes of data, many users, all making multiple requests.
System Testing Test how secure the system is and how can the system recover if some fault is encountered in the middle of procession System Testing, by definition, is impossible if the project has not produced a written set of measurable objectives for its product.
System Testing Types of System Testing Performance  Volume  Stress Security Localization Usability Recovery Documentation Configuration Compatibility Reliability Installation

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The document discusses various techniques for software testing including whitebox testing, blackbox testing, unit testing, integration testing, validation testing, and system testing. It provides details on techniques like equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, orthogonal array testing, and graph matrices. The objective of testing is to systematically uncover errors in a minimum amount of time and effort. Testing should begin with unit testing and progress towards integration and system-level testing.

Introduction & Manual Testing
Introduction & Manual TestingIntroduction & Manual Testing
Introduction & Manual Testing

The document discusses various software development life cycle models and testing methodologies. It introduces the waterfall model, prototyping model, rapid application development model, spiral model, and component assembly model. It then covers testing fundamentals, test case design, white box and black box testing techniques, and the relationships between quality assurance, quality control, verification and validation.

Types of testing
Types of testingTypes of testing
Types of testing

This PPT deals with: What is Software Testing? Why testing is necessary? Who does the testing? What do we test?

Performance Testing Many Programs have specific performance or efficiency objectives like response time & throughput rates under certain workload & configurable conditions.   Necessary to measure the resource utilization (e.g processor cycles). Tested under a variety of operating conditions, configurations and loading.
Performance Testing To ensure that the system  is responsive to user interaction and handles extreme loading without unacceptable operational degradation. To test response time and reliability  by increased user traffic. To identify which components are responsible for  performance degradation and what usage characteristics cause degradation to  occur.
Volume Testing Tests  the performance & behavior of  software under large volume of data in the database.  In Volume Testing -  Application response time, & general performance parameters can be checked.
Load Testing Following variables define a set of test conditions N, the number of concurrent users T, the number of on-line transactions per user per unit time D, the data load processed by the server per transaction

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Manual testing
Manual testingManual testing
Manual testing

Manual testing is the process of manually testing software for defects by playing the role of an end user and using all features of the application to ensure correct behavior, following a written test plan. The document discusses various concepts related to manual testing including software quality assurance, verification, validation, software life cycles, testing techniques like black box testing and white box testing, unit testing, alpha testing, beta testing, system testing, volume testing, stress testing, and security testing. It provides brief definitions and purposes of these concepts.

Manual testing interview questions and answers
Manual testing interview questions and answersManual testing interview questions and answers
Manual testing interview questions and answers

This document contains answers to 10 common manual testing interview questions. It defines key terms like software testing, quality assurance, quality control, and the software development life cycle. It also describes different types of testing such as functional vs non-functional, black box vs white box vs gray box testing. Finally, it explains what a test bed is in the context of software testing.

manual testing interview questions and answers
Software testing career
Software testing careerSoftware testing career
Software testing career

This presentation will help you to start your career in software testing field First Public present was @RTC-MNF - Friday 11-3-2016

testingsoftware testing
Stress Testing In Stress testing a considerable load is generated as quickly as possible in order to stress the application and analyze the maximum limit of concurrent users the application can support. Stress tests executes a system in a manner that demands resources in abnormal quantity,frequency, or volume.
Stress Testing Tests should answer the following questions Does the system degrade gently or does the server shut down? Are appropriate messages displayed ? – Server not available. Are transactions lost as capacity is exceeded? Are certain functions discontinued as capacity reaches the 80 or 90 percent level?
Security Testing Security Testing verifies that protection mechanisms built into the system will protect it from  improper penetration. Security testing is the process of executing test cases that subvert the program’s security checks. Test cases should be designed to exercise firewalls, authentication, encryption and authorization
Localization Testing Localization translates the product UI and occasionally changes some settings to make it suitable for another region The test effort during localization testing focuses on Areas affected during localization, UI and content Culture/locale-specific, language specific and region specific areas

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Software Testing workshop presentation for beginners in this field specially manual testers Updated 29 Sep 2018

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The document discusses various aspects of software testing such as the definitions of testing, different testing methodologies like black box and white box testing, testing levels from unit to acceptance testing, and performance testing types including stress, recovery, and compatibility testing. It also covers testing tools, test plans, test cases, and the software development life cycle.

Software Testing
Software TestingSoftware Testing
Software Testing

The document discusses software testing, outlining key achievements in the field, dreams for the future of testing, and ongoing challenges. Some of the achievements mentioned include establishing testing as an essential software engineering activity, developing test process models, and advancing testing techniques for object-oriented and component-based systems. The dreams include developing a universal test theory, enabling fully automated testing, and maximizing the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of testing. Current challenges pertain to testing modern complex systems and evolving software.

Usability Testing- Human Computer Interactions Usability is  The  effectiveness ,  efficiency  and  satisfaction  with which  specified  users can achieve  specified  goals in a  particular  environment   ISO 9241-11 Effective–- Accomplishes user’s goal Efficient-- Accomplishes the goal quickly Satisfaction–- User enjoys the experience
Usability Testing- Human Computer Interactions Test Categories and objectives  - Interactivity ( Pull down menus, buttons) - Layout  - Readability - Aesthetics - Display characteristics -  Time sensitivity  - Personalization
Usability Testing- Human Computer Interactions Using specialized Test Labs a  rigorous testing process is conducted to get quantitative and qualitative data on the effectiveness of user interfaces Representative or actual users are asked to perform several key tasks under close observation, both by live observers and through video recording.  During and at the end of the session, users evaluate the product based on their experiences
Recovery Testing A system test that forces the software to fail in variety of ways , checks performed recovery is automatic ( performed by the system itself) reinitialization check pointing mechanisms data recovery restarts are evaluated for correctness

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Chapter 16
Chapter 16Chapter 16
Chapter 16

The document discusses various aspects of software quality assurance (SQA) such as the role of the SQA group in preparing an SQA plan and reviewing software engineering activities to ensure compliance. It also covers SQA goals like requirements, design, and code quality. Statistical SQA involves collecting defect information to identify causes and fixes. Six Sigma methodology aims for high quality through defining, measuring, analyzing, and improving processes. Software reliability, availability, and safety are also addressed.

Test Automation - Keytorc Approach
Test Automation - Keytorc Approach Test Automation - Keytorc Approach
Test Automation - Keytorc Approach

This document discusses test automation approaches and best practices. It defines test automation as using software to perform test activities like execution and checking results. The document outlines how test automation fits into the software development lifecycle and notes that reducing manual testing and redundant tasks is key to success. It also discusses factors to consider for test automation, types of tests that can be automated, and technologies used for test automation like object-based and image-based recognition.

test otomasyontest automationselenium
Kinds of testing (2nd)
Kinds of testing (2nd)Kinds of testing (2nd)
Kinds of testing (2nd)

The document discusses the definition and purposes of language testing. It defines a test as an activity meant to convey how well a test-taker knows or can perform something. Tests serve several functions, including reinforcing learning, assessing student performance, and providing diagnostic information. There are two main types of assessment: formative, to check student progress, and summative, used at the end to measure achievement. The document also outlines five common types of language tests: proficiency, achievement, diagnostic, placement, and direct/indirect. It discusses the advantages and disadvantages of different testing methods.

Documentation Testing This testing is done to ensure the validity and usability  of the documentation This includes user Manuals, Help Screens, Installation and Release Notes Purpose is to find out whether documentation matches the product and vice versa Well-tested manual helps to train users and support staff faster
Configuration test Attempts to uncover errors that are specific to a particular client or server environment. Create a cross reference matrix defining all probable operating systems, browsers, hardware platforms and communication protocols. Test to uncover errors associated with each possible configuration
Regression Testing Regression Testing is the testing of software after a modification has been made to ensure the reliability of each software release.  Testing after changes have been made to ensure that changes did not introduce any new errors into  the system.
Regression Testing It applies to systems in production undergoing change as well as to systems under development. Re-execution of some subset of test that have already been conducted. Test suite contains  -  Sample of tests that will exercise all software functions - Tests that focus on software functions that are likely to be  affected by the change - Tests for software components that have been changed

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Types of tests and types of testing
Types of tests and types of testingTypes of tests and types of testing
Types of tests and types of testing

This document summarizes four types of language tests: proficiency tests, achievement tests, diagnostic tests, and placement tests. It provides details about each type of test, including their purposes, content, advantages, and disadvantages. Proficiency tests measure overall language ability regardless of training, while achievement tests measure success in achieving course objectives. Diagnostic tests identify strengths and weaknesses, and placement tests are used to assign students to appropriate class levels. The document also discusses additional topics in language testing such as direct vs indirect testing, and objective vs subjective scoring.

educationlanguage testingtefl
Test and some test types (ev elt)
Test and some test types (ev elt)Test and some test types (ev elt)
Test and some test types (ev elt)

The document discusses different types of assessment including formal, informal, and self-assessment. It then describes various types of tests such as diagnostic tools, formal tests, informal tests, summative tests, formative tests, norm-referenced tests, and criterion-referenced tests. The final section outlines principles of test construction including validity, reliability, objectivity, discrimination, comprehensiveness, ease of administration, practicality and scoring, and usability.

Types of Test
Types of Test Types of Test
Types of Test

This document discusses different ways to categorize tests, including by mode of response (oral, written, performance), ease of quantification of responses (objective vs. subjective), mode of administration (individual vs. group), test constructor (standardized vs. unstandardized), and mode of interpreting results (norm-referenced vs. criterion-referenced). Tests can be categorized based on whether responses are oral, written, or performance-based. Objective tests with quantifiable responses can be compared to yield scores, while subjective tests allow divergent answers like essays. Tests are also categorized by whether they are administered to individuals or groups, and whether they are standardized with established procedures or unstandardized for classroom use.

User Acceptance Testing A test executed by the end user(s) in an environment simulating the operational environment to the greatest possible extent, that should demonstrate that the developed system meets the functional and quality requirements Not a responsibility of the Developing Organization.
Exploratory Testing  Also known as “Random” testing or “Ad-hoc” testing Exploratory testing is  simultaneous learning, test design,  and  test execution.  (…James Bach) A methodical approach-style is desirable
Exploratory Testing - Tips Test design Crafting Careful Observation Critical thinking Diverse Ideas Pooling resources (knowledge, learnings)
What Is a Test Strategy? It provides a road map that describes the steps to be conducted as part of testing, when these steps are planned and then undertaken, and how much effort, time and resources will be required. It must incorporate test planning, test case design, test execution and resultant data collection and evaluation.

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Types of test
Types of testTypes of test
Types of test

This document discusses different types of tests including true/false, short answer, essay, and matching tests. It provides details on each type, including guidelines for constructing them and advantages/disadvantages. True/false tests can assess basic knowledge but have high guessing rates. Short answer tests reduce guessing and assess lower-level thinking but are time-consuming to score. Essay tests measure higher-order skills but are difficult to score reliably. Matching tests are easy to construct and score but often assess trivial information. Proper construction and clear guidelines are important for all test types.

Language Testing: Approaches and Techniques
Language Testing: Approaches and TechniquesLanguage Testing: Approaches and Techniques
Language Testing: Approaches and Techniques

The document discusses different approaches to language testing including essay-translation, structuralist, integrative, and communicative approaches. It describes the characteristics and types of tests used in each approach, and highlights their strengths and weaknesses. Various language test techniques are also examined such as direct vs indirect testing, discrete point vs integrative testing, and objective vs subjective testing.

Kinds of tests and testing
Kinds of tests and testingKinds of tests and testing
Kinds of tests and testing

The document outlines different types of language tests: proficiency tests measure general language ability regardless of training; achievement tests relate to language courses and assess whether objectives were achieved; diagnostic tests identify strengths and weaknesses; placement tests determine what language level is appropriate. It also distinguishes between direct and indirect testing, discrete point and integrative testing, norm-referenced and criterion-referenced testing, and objective and subjective scoring. The document concludes by mentioning computer adaptive testing and communicative language testing.


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Testing Types And Models

  • 1. Types of Testing V Model Testing Phases Static Testing Reviews Inspection Walkthrough Metrics Dynamic Testing Unit Integration System Regression UAT Exploratory
  • 2. SDLC and V Model There are some distinct test phases that take place in each of the software life cycle activity It is easier to visualize through the famous Waterfall model of development and V- model of testing. The V proceeds from left to right, depicting the basic sequence of development and testing activities.
  • 3. SDLC and V Model System Test Plan Program Specifications Unit Test cases Integration Test cases Detailed Design System Test cases Functional Design Acceptance Test cases Requirements Specification Acceptance Test Plan Integration Test Plan Unit Test Plan Wishes, Ideas, Concepts Verification Regression Developed System
  • 4. V Model The model is valuable because it highlights the existence of several levels or phases of testing and depicts the way each relates to a different development phase .
  • 5. Static and Dynamic Testing Static Dynamic Reviews Walkthrough Desk Check Inspection Exploratory Integration Usability Unit Volume Performance Reliability Security Stress Configuration Recovery Documentation Localization UAT Installability WHITEBOX BLACKBOX System
  • 6. Static Testing Walkthrough helps in Approach to Solution Find omission of requirements Style / Concepts Issues Detect Defects Educate Team Members
  • 7. Testing Phases Unit testing is code-based and performed primarily by developers to demonstrate that their smallest pieces of executable code function suitably. Integration testing demonstrates that two or more units or other integrations work together properly, and tends to focus on the interfaces specified in low-level design. System testing demonstrates that the system works end-to-end in a production-like environment to provide the business functions specified in the high-level design. Acceptance testing is conducted by business owners and users to confirm that the system does, in fact, meet their business requirements.
  • 8. Integration Testing Testing of combined parts of an application to determine if they function together correctly. The main three elements are interfaces, module combinations and global data structures. Attempts to find discrepancies between program & its external specification (program’s description from the point of view of the outside world).
  • 9. Why Integration Testing is Required?
  • 10. System Testing Test the software in the real environment in which it is to operate. (hardware,people,information,etc.) Observe how the system performs in its target environment, for example in terms of speed, with volumes of data, many users, all making multiple requests.
  • 11. System Testing Test how secure the system is and how can the system recover if some fault is encountered in the middle of procession System Testing, by definition, is impossible if the project has not produced a written set of measurable objectives for its product.
  • 12. System Testing Types of System Testing Performance Volume Stress Security Localization Usability Recovery Documentation Configuration Compatibility Reliability Installation
  • 13. Performance Testing Many Programs have specific performance or efficiency objectives like response time & throughput rates under certain workload & configurable conditions. Necessary to measure the resource utilization (e.g processor cycles). Tested under a variety of operating conditions, configurations and loading.
  • 14. Performance Testing To ensure that the system is responsive to user interaction and handles extreme loading without unacceptable operational degradation. To test response time and reliability by increased user traffic. To identify which components are responsible for performance degradation and what usage characteristics cause degradation to occur.
  • 15. Volume Testing Tests the performance & behavior of software under large volume of data in the database. In Volume Testing - Application response time, & general performance parameters can be checked.
  • 16. Load Testing Following variables define a set of test conditions N, the number of concurrent users T, the number of on-line transactions per user per unit time D, the data load processed by the server per transaction
  • 17. Stress Testing In Stress testing a considerable load is generated as quickly as possible in order to stress the application and analyze the maximum limit of concurrent users the application can support. Stress tests executes a system in a manner that demands resources in abnormal quantity,frequency, or volume.
  • 18. Stress Testing Tests should answer the following questions Does the system degrade gently or does the server shut down? Are appropriate messages displayed ? – Server not available. Are transactions lost as capacity is exceeded? Are certain functions discontinued as capacity reaches the 80 or 90 percent level?
  • 19. Security Testing Security Testing verifies that protection mechanisms built into the system will protect it from improper penetration. Security testing is the process of executing test cases that subvert the program’s security checks. Test cases should be designed to exercise firewalls, authentication, encryption and authorization
  • 20. Localization Testing Localization translates the product UI and occasionally changes some settings to make it suitable for another region The test effort during localization testing focuses on Areas affected during localization, UI and content Culture/locale-specific, language specific and region specific areas
  • 21. Usability Testing- Human Computer Interactions Usability is The effectiveness , efficiency and satisfaction with which specified users can achieve specified goals in a particular environment ISO 9241-11 Effective–- Accomplishes user’s goal Efficient-- Accomplishes the goal quickly Satisfaction–- User enjoys the experience
  • 22. Usability Testing- Human Computer Interactions Test Categories and objectives - Interactivity ( Pull down menus, buttons) - Layout - Readability - Aesthetics - Display characteristics - Time sensitivity - Personalization
  • 23. Usability Testing- Human Computer Interactions Using specialized Test Labs a rigorous testing process is conducted to get quantitative and qualitative data on the effectiveness of user interfaces Representative or actual users are asked to perform several key tasks under close observation, both by live observers and through video recording. During and at the end of the session, users evaluate the product based on their experiences
  • 24. Recovery Testing A system test that forces the software to fail in variety of ways , checks performed recovery is automatic ( performed by the system itself) reinitialization check pointing mechanisms data recovery restarts are evaluated for correctness
  • 25. Documentation Testing This testing is done to ensure the validity and usability of the documentation This includes user Manuals, Help Screens, Installation and Release Notes Purpose is to find out whether documentation matches the product and vice versa Well-tested manual helps to train users and support staff faster
  • 26. Configuration test Attempts to uncover errors that are specific to a particular client or server environment. Create a cross reference matrix defining all probable operating systems, browsers, hardware platforms and communication protocols. Test to uncover errors associated with each possible configuration
  • 27. Regression Testing Regression Testing is the testing of software after a modification has been made to ensure the reliability of each software release. Testing after changes have been made to ensure that changes did not introduce any new errors into the system.
  • 28. Regression Testing It applies to systems in production undergoing change as well as to systems under development. Re-execution of some subset of test that have already been conducted. Test suite contains - Sample of tests that will exercise all software functions - Tests that focus on software functions that are likely to be affected by the change - Tests for software components that have been changed
  • 29. User Acceptance Testing A test executed by the end user(s) in an environment simulating the operational environment to the greatest possible extent, that should demonstrate that the developed system meets the functional and quality requirements Not a responsibility of the Developing Organization.
  • 30. Exploratory Testing Also known as “Random” testing or “Ad-hoc” testing Exploratory testing is simultaneous learning, test design, and test execution. (…James Bach) A methodical approach-style is desirable
  • 31. Exploratory Testing - Tips Test design Crafting Careful Observation Critical thinking Diverse Ideas Pooling resources (knowledge, learnings)
  • 32. What Is a Test Strategy? It provides a road map that describes the steps to be conducted as part of testing, when these steps are planned and then undertaken, and how much effort, time and resources will be required. It must incorporate test planning, test case design, test execution and resultant data collection and evaluation.