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Social Media And Search Engine
Marketing For Business
58th Annual Convention & Exhibitors' Showcase
Social Media and Search Engine Marketing For Business
About Today…
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•  Consultations at your convenience
What We Will Cover
•  How has the Internet changed the way we do business?
•  Your Website as a funnel
•  The Internet Marketing Landscape
•  Determining online potential
•  The convergence of Search and Social
•  Internet marketing in more detail
o  Search Engine Optimization
o  Blogging
•  Social Media as a force multiplier

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Improving seo through social tfma
Improving seo through social   tfmaImproving seo through social   tfma
Improving seo through social tfma

This document discusses how to improve SEO through social media. It notes that social signals are becoming a ranking factor but have low impact compared to links. The document outlines challenges combining social and SEO, like targeting commercial pages and lack of certainty in links. It recommends maximizing impact by having social/content ideas vetted before publishing unique content with links on sourced blogs. Key points include seeking feedback, using commercial keywords, and priming bloggers before launching. Examples that worked include giveaways, infographics, and sharing being important for long-term visibility and organic traffic. The document promotes using social to increase organic traffic, rankings through social signals, and followers through effective campaigns.

search marketingseoviral content
Content Curation: The Missing Link of B2B Content Marketing - Pawan Deschpande
Content Curation: The Missing Link of B2B Content Marketing - Pawan DeschpandeContent Curation: The Missing Link of B2B Content Marketing - Pawan Deschpande
Content Curation: The Missing Link of B2B Content Marketing - Pawan Deschpande

Content Curation: The Missing Link of B2B Content Marketing B2B companies are increasingly investing in content marketing strategies by creating original content which is both time consuming and costly. Learn how to curate content and enables your brand to become industry thought leaders, nurture leads and boost lead generation efforts. * Pawan Deshpande, CEO, HiveFire

oms boston
Building Intelligent Websites with Drupal
Building Intelligent Websites with DrupalBuilding Intelligent Websites with Drupal
Building Intelligent Websites with Drupal

The next generation of websites will do much more than manage content, they will integrate intelligence that will help you work smarter. Ever wonder what content resonates best with your visitors, if social media or search engine marketing is the most effective, if your new site design is really making an impact? Maybe you are trying to find the answer to the ultimate web question, what is my ROI? Website intelligence is the key to getting the answers you seek. Next generation websites will integrate data from across the web including analytics, social media and insightful cloud services. They will enable a whole new level of understanding of who is on your website and what they are doing – right down to the individual. More importantly they will help you understand what of your efforts are producing results and which are not. When will this website of the future be here? Then answer is now.

web analyticsdrupaldrupal seo
How Products Used To Be Purchased
I need a …
Where do I get it?
… Today (In The Internet Era)
I need a …
Where do I get it?
Prospect contact
More Money
Your Website As A Sales Funnel
The Internet Marketing Landscape

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Social Media Theatre: Social CRM: what it is and how can I implement it with ...
Social Media Theatre: Social CRM: what it is and how can I implement it with ...Social Media Theatre: Social CRM: what it is and how can I implement it with ...
Social Media Theatre: Social CRM: what it is and how can I implement it with ...

Social CRM is a business strategy supported by technology that is designed to engage customers in collaborative conversations to provide mutually beneficial value. It involves shaping conversations on social media and other channels to drive website visits and encourage discussions on company-hosted forums. Implementing a social CRM strategy requires setting goals around customer support, ideas, market research, and reputation management. Social media helps cement relationships with partners, customers, and staff by bringing together a company's website, community, cloud, support, and social channels into an integrated ecosystem.

social media
Cny shrm 05022012 b-wosn
Cny shrm 05022012 b-wosnCny shrm 05022012 b-wosn
Cny shrm 05022012 b-wosn

The document provides tips for effectively using social media for businesses. It discusses an overview of social platforms, how search engine marketing and social media are converging, using social media for recruiting, and developing an online strategy within a 40 hour work week. Key platforms like Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and blogging are explained in terms of their uses and features.

facebook for recruitinglinkedin for recruitingrecruiting
Business blogging tips top 10
Business blogging tips   top 10Business blogging tips   top 10
Business blogging tips top 10

Business Blogging tips - all time top ten. This presentation can be seen in bog post form on

corporateblogging tipsbliogging for business tipsb2b blogging
Search Engine Results Page (SERP)
Search Engine Market Share
Determining Online Potential
•  Don’t let website designers pick keywords
•  Align Content with words customers use
•  Examine competitor’s keywords
•  Position content in the path of prospects
•  Provide clues about prospects’ concerns/questions
•  Facilitates development of content important to
potential customers
Keywords – What Your Site Is About

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Transform your Drupal site into an inbound marketing machine
Transform your Drupal site into an inbound marketing machineTransform your Drupal site into an inbound marketing machine
Transform your Drupal site into an inbound marketing machine

Are traffic, engagement, and conversion vital to your website's success? Then this is the meetup you don't want to miss! Websites aren't a Field of Dreams. Visitors won't just come if you build it. Once your site has launched, a whole new journey begins – building, engaging, and delighting your audience. There are as many ways to market a website as there are Drupal modules; search engine optimization (SEO), social media, paid search (PPC), email marketing, content marketing, and much more. But fear not! Just as there is a standard set of modules you should use on every Drupal site, there is a standard mix of marketing techniques you should use as well. In this presentation we will walk through the tools and tactics essential for making your website an inbound marketing machine. We will cover how to: • build content that attracts visitors • optimize your content for search engines (SEO) • leverage social media to keep your audience engaged • convert visitors into leads (or registrations and purchases) • nurture leads into sales (marketing automation) • keep your audience engaged and coming back for more • use analytics to properly measure ROI and improve results

inbound marketingdrupalconversion
March 2012 Webinar - The Ins and Outs of Local SEO
March 2012 Webinar - The Ins and Outs of Local SEOMarch 2012 Webinar - The Ins and Outs of Local SEO
March 2012 Webinar - The Ins and Outs of Local SEO

Major search engines are placing more and more of an emphasis on localized search results, and often local listings will show over the main company website listing. Recent statistics show that 20% of searches are done with local intent, and on mobile that number jumps to 53%. This webinar will go over local SEO best practices on and off your website.

brooke snowseo servicesseo
DIY Blogger Networks
DIY Blogger NetworksDIY Blogger Networks
DIY Blogger Networks

The power of bloggers as the new media is undeniable. This presentation will teach you how to build a blogger community around your brand and leverage the power and influence of this new media to increase traffic to your site, draw in your ideal customer and make more money.

social mediabloggersblogger networks
Social Media and Search Engine Marketing For Business
Twitter Search
Google Alerts
The Ride Thus Far

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Anvil Webinar April 2012 - Advanced Social Media: How to Utilize Top Platforms
Anvil Webinar April 2012 - Advanced Social Media: How to Utilize Top PlatformsAnvil Webinar April 2012 - Advanced Social Media: How to Utilize Top Platforms
Anvil Webinar April 2012 - Advanced Social Media: How to Utilize Top Platforms

Anvil Media is a digital marketing agency that specializes in search engine marketing services such as SEO, analytics, PPC management, and social media marketing. The presentation discussed how to optimize profiles and pages on key social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. It provided tips for using features like timelines, cover photos, profile optimization, hashtags, @mentions, promoted products, and video advertising. The presentation concluded with a Q&A and information on Anvil's upcoming webinars.

anvil mediasocial media
PRSA- search and social media collide
PRSA- search and social media collidePRSA- search and social media collide
PRSA- search and social media collide

The document discusses Facebook pages and how brands can utilize the new timeline feature. It provides tips on optimizing the cover, about section, pinned posts, and other components. Additional topics covered include best practices for direct messages, hashtags, consistency in posts, blogging, and YouTube analytics. The presentation provides actionable advice on using social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube to engage customers and promote brands.

HSMAI2011 west web-strategiesthatwork
HSMAI2011 west web-strategiesthatworkHSMAI2011 west web-strategiesthatwork
HSMAI2011 west web-strategiesthatwork

Kelly Cutler, CEO of Marcel Media, presented strategies for effective web marketing. She discussed search engine optimization tips like optimizing URL structures and title tags. She also covered link building, content writing best practices, and press release optimization. Cutler reviewed key analytics metrics and tools like Google Analytics. Finally, she provided best practices for social media strategies and utilizing online video, discussing how to create viral videos. The presentation provided actionable tips across various digital marketing channels.

social media roisocial media strategyseo best practices
Buyer Persona – What Users Expect
GOAL: Keep visitors on your site, reading content and viewing pages
Sales Personas
1)  Engineer
2)  R&D
3)  Buyer
4)  Sales & Affiliates
5)  Manager
6)  Co-Supplier
HR Personas
7) Employee
8) Applicant
9) Partner
Corporate Personas
10) Community
11) Media
Site Elements Must Satisfy Persona Needs
Social Media and Search Engine Marketing For Business

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How to Create High Quality Content
How to Create High Quality ContentHow to Create High Quality Content
How to Create High Quality Content

Regularly publishing quality content is the most effective SEO strategy a small business can follow. This presentation explains how to start thinking like a publisher, and begin to promote your business through blogging, infographics, and other popular media.

content marketingbloggingsmall business marketing
The New Age of Brand Building: Creative Link Building
The New Age of Brand Building: Creative Link Building The New Age of Brand Building: Creative Link Building
The New Age of Brand Building: Creative Link Building

The document discusses how strong brands attract links which increases domain authority, leading to better search visibility and more organic traffic. It also provides tips for businesses, including creating attention-grabbing content, engaging with influencers to familiarize them with your work, providing value to influencer audiences to build relationships, and getting high-quality links through contributor blogging and collaboration.

link buildingseoinbound marketing
Effective ecommerce strategies
Effective ecommerce strategiesEffective ecommerce strategies
Effective ecommerce strategies

This document provides strategies and best practices for effective e-commerce, as presented by Mike Duncan of Sage Island. It discusses Amazon's formula for success, finding customers and driving traffic to stores through search engine optimization, paid search, and shopping networks. The document also covers e-commerce design trends like building loyalty, reviews, navigation, personalization, mobile, and tracking performance.

Influenced by:
• Quality of content
• Number of followers
• Tweet volume
Influenced by:
•  Number of connections
•  Profile updates
•  Discussions created
•  Popularity of discussions
Search Engine Optimization
•  Title tag
•  Keywords and
•  H tags
•  Content
•  Alt tags
•  Authority
•  Incoming links are
votes of confidence
•  Links from related
pages or sites
•  Related anchor text
Why Links Are Important?

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How to Increase Web Site Conversions with Persuasive DesignHow to Increase Web Site Conversions with Persuasive Design
How to Increase Web Site Conversions with Persuasive Design

The document discusses how to improve website conversions through persuasive design that focuses on the user experience and meets visitors' needs and expectations. It emphasizes starting with a plan that understands the target audience and their goals, providing value and answers to questions, and making key elements like calls to action easy to find through usability testing and tracking. Tools and best practices for information architecture, accessibility, mobile design, and social media integration are also covered.

kim krause bergpubconnew orleans
SEO Menginar 2012 MoreVisibility
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SEO Menginar 2012 MoreVisibility

Danielle Leitch from MoreVisibility presented a live SEO-focused webinar on September 27, 2012 for MENG members.

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Online marketing workshop april13
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Online marketing workshop april13

This document provides an agenda and overview for an online marketing workshop presented by Sam Shetty in April 2013. The workshop covers various topics related to online marketing including search engine optimization (SEO), Google Analytics, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, mobile websites, and conversion rate optimization. It also discusses trends in online spending in Australia, the changing consumer purchase journey, and how to focus online marketing efforts on consumer needs and goals rather than just promoting the business.

•  Social Signals (Author /
Human/Social Authority)
•  Twitter – authoritative people
lend their authority to pages
they tweet
•  Retweets are the new links
General Rule of Thumb
If a company can only survive (or thrive) locally…
…then a portion of the people searching for the company’s
products or services will refine their search using
geographic modifiers
Country, State/Province, City/Town/Village, Zip/Postal Code
Local Search

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What is digital media an intro for BSSIA
What is digital media   an intro for BSSIAWhat is digital media   an intro for BSSIA
What is digital media an intro for BSSIA

Presentation on why social media, SEO and PPC essential for SME sector? How SME sector can benefit from digital media marketing? With so many questions on marketing front, SME sector is really facing with big fraudsters who con them on digital marketing. This presentation focuses on basic aspects of website, SEO and Social Media, a DIY guide for the industry which can act as ready reckon-er to take those decisions on INTERNET MARKETING. Further topics include: - Importance of social media - Pitfalls of social media - Web 2.0 - Website meta tags - Google analytics - facebook page - Google+ - Slideshare - Twitter - Online listings and many more, read to know more.

b2bsocial media marketingintro to digital marketing
Introduction to Search Marketing - Search Engine Optimisation
Introduction to Search Marketing - Search Engine OptimisationIntroduction to Search Marketing - Search Engine Optimisation
Introduction to Search Marketing - Search Engine Optimisation

In this SlideShare we look at Search Engine Optimisation as part of Search Marketing. We consider the elements that can affect SEO as well as looking at some basic tools and strategies

digital marketingonline marketingseo
Internet Marketing for Start-Ups
Internet Marketing for Start-UpsInternet Marketing for Start-Ups
Internet Marketing for Start-Ups

Strategic Internet Marketing Teams for Start-Ups Search engine optimization (SEO) Social Media Marketing Website design/re-design

incubatorsventure capitalstart-ups
Yesterday Today Tomorrow
Establish Credibility With Social Media
Create Accounts
(Name Claim)
Participate In
Establish Credibility With Social Media
Create Accounts
(Name Claim)
Participate In



























•  Fans
•  Markets
•  Customers






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Beyond digital to grow your building products brand
Beyond digital to grow your building products brandBeyond digital to grow your building products brand
Beyond digital to grow your building products brand

Covering why technology and the internet have changed buyer behaviour, what the strategic risks and opportunities and what you need to do as a business to thrive during this period of digital shift

marketing strategyconstruction marketingbuilding materials

iContent, is an online-medium where we build, create and nurture your idea in a genre of preffered brands! We are a team of passionate and experienced content writers, search marketers, graphic designers, web developers, and advertising experts who have had their expertise in the field of Digital Marketing for quite some time.

content writing serviceswebsite content writerwebsite content writing
Best Content Writing and digital marketing Services-iContent
Best Content Writing and digital marketing Services-iContent Best Content Writing and digital marketing Services-iContent
Best Content Writing and digital marketing Services-iContent

iContent is one of the top 10 content writing service provider in India. It is an award winning company. It provides content writing, blogs, articles, PR articles and digital content.

content writing serviceswebsite content writercontent marketing
Blogs = expert & support SEO
Google Analytics
•  What is it?
o  Website Traffic Measurement & Analysis Tool
•  Where Do you get it?
o  Free
o  Webmaster to install
inbound Marketing
inbound Marketing

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Online marketing workshop melbourne nov 13

Netregistry is Australia's largest domain name and web hosting provider. They offer a range of online solutions to help businesses get and grow online, including domain names, web hosting, email, web design, website security, and online marketing. Sam Shetty has worked with Netregistry for 8 years advising and helping clients with their online strategies. The presentation discusses search engine optimization, search engine advertising, social media marketing, and conversion rate optimization as strategies to help businesses succeed online.

semseoonline marketing
Integrating SEO & Social Media
Integrating SEO & Social MediaIntegrating SEO & Social Media
Integrating SEO & Social Media

This document discusses using social media and SEO strategies to justify investments in content marketing. It argues that social media can help drive SEO by promoting new content and building links. The document provides tips for content strategies, including identifying influencers, analyzing competitors' content, creating shareable content, and using a content roadmap. It emphasizes that content should be integrated with other marketing activities and fulfill real information needs rather than just pursuing metrics like followers.

Content writing and digital marketing services
Content writing and digital marketing servicesContent writing and digital marketing services
Content writing and digital marketing services

Our document is presented in a reader-friendly format, blending to enhance understanding and retention. Embark on a journey of digital marketing with our comprehensive document. This is meticulously crafted to inform readers on content writing and digital marketing services.

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