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The Quest for
Awesome Mobile
Landing Pages
by Scott Brinker
Responsive design is wonderful.
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013

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Responsive web design bringing your site to the masses
Responsive web design  bringing your site to the massesResponsive web design  bringing your site to the masses
Responsive web design bringing your site to the masses

This is from my breakout sessions at MivaCon 2015 named "Responsive Web Design: Bringing Your Site to the Masses"

rwdresponsive web designmivacon15
40 Tools in 20 Minutes: Hacking your Marketing Career
40 Tools in 20 Minutes: Hacking your Marketing Career40 Tools in 20 Minutes: Hacking your Marketing Career
40 Tools in 20 Minutes: Hacking your Marketing Career

Marketing today requires doing a little bit of everything from creative writing to HTML to light Photoshopping. There are a ton of free tools to make those tasks easier and scalable. Originally presented at Suffolk University's Bridging the Gap Conference--April 18th, 2014. WEB APPS DESKTOP APPS EMAIL TOOLS MOBILE APPS BROWSER PLUGINS LEARNING PLATFORMS

mobile appsappstools
Broker apps july 2013 webinar
Broker apps july 2013 webinarBroker apps july 2013 webinar
Broker apps july 2013 webinar

This document provides information on mobile tools and apps for real estate brokers and agents. It lists personal hotspots, tablets, cloud email, websites and agent apps like Dropbox, Evernote, and that can help agents work remotely. Time management apps like EasilyDo and Hootsuite are also mentioned. The document promotes an upcoming webinar on using Evernote and provides the presenter's contact information for questions.

amyoutloudbroker appsamy smythe harris
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
Responsive design is wonderful.

But are mobile native landing pages
better in some cases?
Responsive web design is great when we
don’t know if the respondent is mobile.

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Mobile websites are more important than you think
Mobile websites are more important than you thinkMobile websites are more important than you think
Mobile websites are more important than you think

Mobile websites are increasingly important as more searches occur on mobile devices. Users expect mobile websites to load quickly, be easy to use, and allow them to continue tasks seamlessly across devices. Google has emphasized the importance of mobile-friendly and fast websites, and will rank these sites higher in mobile search results. New technologies like Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and Progressive Web Apps (PWA) allow sites to load nearly instantly and have app-like capabilities while still being based on web technologies.

php mobile
Mobile Apps for REALTORS® - Maura Neill
Mobile Apps for REALTORS® - Maura NeillMobile Apps for REALTORS® - Maura Neill
Mobile Apps for REALTORS® - Maura Neill

You CAN conduct business with the same degree of efficiency and productivity while you are out on the road – you just need the right tools in your toolshed! This class explores 60+ mobile apps for your Smartphone and Tablet that can help you rethink the concept of your office and get you out from behind your desk, closing more deals and being more effective for your clients! From social media to productivity, finance to travel – when they say “there’s an app for that”, it’s really true. There’s an app for every aspect of your business! Learn apps that will help you and your business with the following goals in mind: - Identify 60+ apps that will improve your day-to-day business in the following categories: Financial/Mortgage, Locational, Photo and Video, Organization, Productivity, Real Estate, Content, Social Media, and Travel/Dining. - Distinguish between the apps are right for you and your business and the ones are not a good fit for you. - Put a plan in place to incorporate your mobile plan into your business. - Make your (auto)mobile mobile-friendly with simple tips to make your clients comfortable in your new roaming office.

real estate tipsrealtor tipsmobile apps
Mobile UX
Mobile UXMobile UX
Mobile UX

This is a presentation I did for Refresh Portland. It is a very high level look at the User Experience Design in the Mobile Web. This will be a crash course in mobile user experience design, are you ready? We will look at how the mobile context has evolved over the years and where it is headed. We’ll explore the differences between the web and the mobile web, why these differences are important, what the key user experience principals are for the mobile web ...oh yeah, and there will be plenty of examples for you to sink your teeth into. I will give you the information you need to design an optimal user experience for the mobile web as well as what decisions you will need to make along the way.

user experience designuxduser experience
But what about scenarios where we
do know the user is mobile?
For instance,
 when they
  click on a
 mobile ad
So we know that the user is on a mobile

But why should we craft
mobile-specific pages for them?

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Responsive Design Methodology

Responsive design is becoming increasingly important in modern (web)design. What's the best workflow to create a succesful online platform? We're not sure! But this is the one we use :)

by Wijs
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Dreamforce - mobility in the enterprise
Dreamforce  - mobility in the enterpriseDreamforce  - mobility in the enterprise
Dreamforce - mobility in the enterprise

Presented to a crowd of IT and Marketing folks at's annual get together - Dreamforce 2012

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Xamarin enables developers to create native iOS, Android, and Mac apps in C# and share code across all platforms while providing 100% API coverage on each platform. In this session we will go over all of the products on the Xamarin platform including the development tools and how they work under the hood to leverage the .NET framework in iOS, Android, and Mac apps. We will dive into creating Android apps in C# inside of Xamarin Studio & Visual Studio comparing how it would be done in Java and build our first Android app in C#. We will cover how to design user interfaces with Xamarin and how to add rich functionality with pre-built components

Why do we do
landing pages?
Why do we do
 landing pages?

 To give visitors
exactly what they
 want in context.
Why responsive design landing pages aren’t
necessarily best in a mobile context:

• Large assets loaded behind the scenes
• (In)visible content hard to conceptualize
• Different copy may be preferred
• Different CTAs may be preferred
• Conditional code complicated to manage
Mobile users are a different segment
than desktop users.

If you’re not optimizing
mobile and desktop/tablet
users independently, you’re
almost certainly confounding
your test results.

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Couchbase Workshop - Introduction to Xamarin
Couchbase Workshop - Introduction to XamarinCouchbase Workshop - Introduction to Xamarin
Couchbase Workshop - Introduction to Xamarin

This document outlines the agenda for an event introducing Xamarin and Couchbase. It will begin with social time, pizza, and introductions. James Montemagno will then give two presentations from 6:30-8:00pm introducing Xamarin, a tool for building native iOS, Android, Mac and Windows apps using C#, and Couchbase, a database. There will be a break from 8:00-8:15pm before a workshop from 8:15-9:30pm. The next mobile developers meetup will be on Android Wear in February.

Ultimate mobile agent Harlingen Association 2011
Ultimate mobile agent Harlingen Association 2011Ultimate mobile agent Harlingen Association 2011
Ultimate mobile agent Harlingen Association 2011

This document provides an overview of mobile technology tools and apps that can be used in a real estate business. It discusses apps for writing and sending contracts digitally, accessing files remotely, handling internet leads, creating listing presentations, providing information to buyers, marketing properties, and prospecting. Specific apps mentioned include Docusign, Carbonite, Sugarsync, M.zipformonline, Jot Not Pro, Issuu, Keynote, Facebook, Twitter, Trulia, Zillow, and many others. The document aims to help real estate professionals compare, evaluate, and implement mobile tools in their business practices.

amyoutloudtechnologyreal estate
Exploring Mobile Marketing Today - Litchfield MN Chamber
Exploring Mobile Marketing Today - Litchfield MN ChamberExploring Mobile Marketing Today - Litchfield MN Chamber
Exploring Mobile Marketing Today - Litchfield MN Chamber

This document discusses various mobile marketing strategies including mobile sites, apps, text messaging, location-based marketing, QR codes, and email marketing. It provides details on each strategy and recommends the following approaches: 1. Create a mobile-friendly website as a first step in mobile marketing. 2. Consider building a mobile app if more interactivity is needed, though start with a mobile site. 3. Use QR codes to drive customers to web content, videos, contact info or apps from print advertising. QR codes provide a quick way to start a mobile presence.

Advantages of native mobile landing pages:

• Super lightweight pages for speed
• Targeted copy and CTAs
• Thumb-friendly interface
• Mobile-specific features (geolocation)
• WYSIWYG design of user experience
• Independent testing of mobile segment
Taps, vertical scrolling, click-to-call,
swipes, and app installs are easy.

Pinch/zoom, horizontal scrolling, and
forms aren’t.
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013

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Need for Speed #Mobile: Importance of Speed and Responsive Mobile pages

A talk about how the speed of your website is important to your business, the problems with a slow loading site, some of the tools you can use to check your own site and tips on how to improve your sites speed.

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Responsive web design is the future
Responsive web design is the futureResponsive web design is the future
Responsive web design is the future

Today there are more ways than ever to access the internet. Anywhere from smartphones to tablets to even gaming consoles, the devices that can access the web has exploded and continues to explode every day. While this additional variety of devices drastically enhances our accessibility, it poses an enormous headache for website designers and programmers.

responsive web design is the future
#ProdTank - Mobile Conversion, June 2013
#ProdTank - Mobile Conversion, June 2013#ProdTank - Mobile Conversion, June 2013
#ProdTank - Mobile Conversion, June 2013

This document discusses the importance of mobile-optimized websites and applications. It notes that mobile internet access is on track to become primary and that at least 60% of upstream traffic like social media, search, and email happens on mobile. The document provides tips for optimizing the mobile user experience, such as sizing input boxes appropriately, simplifying forms, and using responsive design to automatically adapt the layout to different screen sizes. It emphasizes testing design changes using field-level data and A/B testing to improve conversions and learn what works best for users.

adaptive designonline conversionresponsive web design
Marketing > Content
Marketing > Content
Good content is important — but there is
 more to marketing than good content.

   Marketing is not (just) publishing.
Put another way: don’t forget the
marketing in content marketing.

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Get Ahead of SEO by Improving User Experience (UX)
Get Ahead of SEO by Improving User Experience (UX)Get Ahead of SEO by Improving User Experience (UX)
Get Ahead of SEO by Improving User Experience (UX)

Do Google’s algorithm updates catch you by surprise? Are you still scrambling to go mobile after “Mobilegeddon?" In this session, Andy Swindler discusses how Google’s ultimate goal is to provide the best user experience. Websites that pay attention to UX are consistently rewarded with higher SEO rankings and spend less time reacting to search engine updates, giving them a competitive advantage that leads to more relevancy, efficiency, revenue and purpose. Andy Swindler presented this for the Specialized Information Publishers Association (SIPA) annual niche publishing conference in Washington, D.C., on June 5, 2015.

uxdigital marketingseo
Are apps really necessary if you have a mobile optimised website? - P&ME, Feb...
Are apps really necessary if you have a mobile optimised website? - P&ME, Feb...Are apps really necessary if you have a mobile optimised website? - P&ME, Feb...
Are apps really necessary if you have a mobile optimised website? - P&ME, Feb...

The document discusses the pros and cons of mobile apps versus mobile web for content publishers. It notes that it depends on factors like the type of audience, how content will be accessed and consumed, what device features are needed, and the skills and resources of the publisher. The key takeaways are that a mobile-optimized website is essential, apps do not always need to be expensive, and both apps and mobile web can be used together effectively if each product's purpose is clear to consumers and advertisers.

The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing PagesThe Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages

The document discusses the potential benefits of creating native mobile landing pages instead of using responsive web design for landing pages targeted towards mobile users. Some key points made include that mobile users are a different segment than desktop users and optimizing independently for each could improve results, and that native mobile pages allow for lightweight pages optimized for the mobile experience with features like geolocation. The document argues that for some marketing scenarios like mobile ads or QR codes where the user is known to be on a mobile device, a native mobile landing page may perform better than a responsive page.

mobilelanding page best practiceslanding page design
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
Good: mobile website.
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013

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Ready to go Mobile? Today's Mobile Landscape: Responsive, Adaptive, Hybrid, a...
Ready to go Mobile? Today's Mobile Landscape: Responsive, Adaptive, Hybrid, a...Ready to go Mobile? Today's Mobile Landscape: Responsive, Adaptive, Hybrid, a...
Ready to go Mobile? Today's Mobile Landscape: Responsive, Adaptive, Hybrid, a...

There are a number of options when going mobile, and it's not slowing down. Why choose one over the other? What are the strengths and pitfalls? What's right for your customers and users? We'll go over each option, with examples of how you can come to the right strategy around your mobile offerings.

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Mobile seminar-worksheet
Mobile seminar-worksheetMobile seminar-worksheet
Mobile seminar-worksheet

This document provides information from a seminar on mobile marketing. It discusses: - Why mobile marketing is important as mobile device usage increases and more searches are done on mobile. Consumers are more likely to take immediate action on mobile-friendly sites. - The differences between mobile apps and mobile websites. Apps provide additional features but both an app and mobile-optimized website are generally needed. - Types of mobile websites, including responsive designs that adapt content for all devices and standalone mobile sites optimized specifically for mobile. - Best practices for mobile sites like keeping content quick to load, simplifying navigation, and designing for usability on mobile devices. - The seminar concluded with a demonstration

Hoke cheri project4
Hoke cheri project4Hoke cheri project4
Hoke cheri project4

The document discusses how websites need to be optimized for mobile viewing given the explosive growth in mobile usage, as mobile forces websites to focus on key content due to smaller screen sizes and extends capabilities through features like GPS; it provides tips for making websites more accessible on mobile like adding alt text to images and avoiding Flash, and examples of both mobile-friendly and unfriendly websites.

accessibilityweb design and development
Better: targeted mobile landing pages
for specific high-value searches.
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013

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Responsive Web Design (Microsoft Web & Phone UX Tour 2011)
Responsive Web Design (Microsoft Web & Phone UX Tour 2011)Responsive Web Design (Microsoft Web & Phone UX Tour 2011)
Responsive Web Design (Microsoft Web & Phone UX Tour 2011)

Presentation about why responsive web design is the future. Presented at Microsoft Web & Phone UX Tour Belgium (2011)

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Target Marketing Magazine Webinar - Keys To Success On The Mobile Web and How...
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Target Marketing Magazine Webinar - Keys To Success On The Mobile Web and How...

This is a webinar I did for Target Marketing Magazine about having a successful mobile website and how to build one.

mobile designmobilemobile web
Mobile ux sot a and challenges
Mobile ux sot a and challengesMobile ux sot a and challenges
Mobile ux sot a and challenges

This document discusses the state of mobile UX and challenges in choosing a development approach. It outlines the options of native, web, and responsive design. Native apps offer rich features but require high costs and platform fragmentation. Web apps have broad reach but limited functionality. Responsive design provides continuity across devices but not all content is equally suited. The key is understanding user needs and balancing capabilities with costs for the optimal strategy.

Serves: e-commerce optimization,
store location, and brand building.
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
“Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm?”
“Judge me by my size, do you? Hmm?”

                        Um, yes.

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Mobile UX Challenges
Mobile UX ChallengesMobile UX Challenges
Mobile UX Challenges

This document discusses the state of mobile UX and challenges in choosing a development approach. It outlines the options of native apps, mobile web, and responsive design. Native apps provide the best experience but are more expensive, while mobile web has broader reach but limited features. Responsive design aims for continuity across devices but may not be optimal for all situations. The document emphasizes understanding user needs and having a clear strategy to determine the best approach for each use case and business goals.

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Responsive Email Design
Responsive Email DesignResponsive Email Design
Responsive Email Design

This document discusses responsive email design (RED) for various screen sizes. It notes that 41% of emails were opened on mobile in the second half of 2012 and that number will exceed 50% by the end of 2013. It addresses designing for the "bijillion" screens including smartphones, tablets and desktops. The key aspects of responsive design discussed are fluid grids, fluid media, and media queries. Breakpoints and techniques like stacking and shifting navigation are presented. Considerations for touch, images, and performance on mobile and tablets are also covered. Testing on real devices is recommended for evaluating touch ergonomics, debugging, and performance.

responsive designmobile emailmobile design
Responsive email design guide
Responsive email design guideResponsive email design guide
Responsive email design guide

This document discusses responsive email design and strategies for optimizing emails for multiple screen sizes. It addresses issues like fluid grids, breakpoints, media queries, and progressive enhancement. It provides tips for retrofitting existing desktop-oriented emails to be responsive, including prioritizing mobile, increasing font size and spacing, and simplifying navigation and images. The document also notes usage trends like the rise in mobile email opens and short attention spans, to emphasize the importance of responsive design.

email marketing
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013

What’s weighing your
pages down?             ?
Yoda was wicked fast.

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10 Tips To Drive More Traffic To Your Mobile Site
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A short guide get more visitors to your mobile site, generate more leads and to be successful in 2014 with your local business!

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This presentation outlines what you need to know to achieve mobile SEO success - Ranking well and Driving successful Google mobile traffic for phones and tablets. Cindy Krum, CEO of MobileMoxie originally presented this at #MozCon 2014 in front of an audience of 1,300 peers.

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Mobile SEO Geekout: Learn what to do and how to plan for mobile search
Mobile SEO Geekout: Learn what to do and how to plan for mobile searchMobile SEO Geekout: Learn what to do and how to plan for mobile search
Mobile SEO Geekout: Learn what to do and how to plan for mobile search

The document discusses various topics related to mobile SEO. It explains how mobile search rankings can differ from desktop rankings, with factors like less content above the fold, expandable sub-links, and local influence playing a bigger role. It also discusses different approaches to mobile site architecture like responsive design versus separate mobile sites. Optimizing for page speed is important, and techniques like designing mobile-first, removing unnecessary code, minimizing file sizes and requests are recommended. The role of HTTP headers, caching strategies, and optimizing the mobile user experience are also covered.

rankingsseocindy krum
But won’t 4G make all these speed
concerns irrelevant?
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013

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The document discusses how some mobile marketing pioneers are successfully utilizing mobile marketing by following three key principles: performance, interaction, and enhancement. It provides examples of companies that have optimized for mobile performance, resulting in significant load time reductions and revenue increases. Interaction challenges on mobile like form design and long lists are also covered. The importance of progressive enhancement to ensure content works across devices is emphasized. Real-world examples like Orbitz redesign and the BBC Olympics coverage illustrate how following these principles can lead to major benefits like conversion rate doubles and record online usage.

Striking Gold! How Mobile Marketing Pioneers are Winning the Hearts & Minds o...
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This session ran on the first day of the a4u Expo 2012. The 1 hour slot focused on 3 mobile marketing perspectives for Advertisers, Agencies & Publishers to consider as they work there way towards joining the 10% of top 1 million domains that are mobile optimised. 3 core principles of mobile optimised web design are considered, as are methods of monetising that property, and how you might drive more traffic to it... Along the way Mobile Marketing Pioneers are flagged as examples. If you are interested in mobile of performance marketing, keep an eye on for future events.

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This document discusses the state of mobile UX and challenges in choosing a mobile development strategy. There are three main options: native apps, mobile web, and responsive web. Native provides the best experience but is more expensive, while mobile web has broader reach but less features. Responsive web balances continuity across devices with optimized experiences. The key is understanding users, tasks, business needs, and choosing a strategy that aligns while continuing to learn from the real world outside of the building.

Mobile landing pages can be small and
fast… but still make a visceral impact.
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013

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This document discusses the state of in-browser application development and where it may be headed. It examines the current capabilities and limitations of building applications within a browser. While some types of static content and document workflows are well-supported, other application types face challenges. The talk aims to help understand the current situation and how the technology may evolve over the next 1-2 years as browsers continue advancing. Key considerations include ubiquity, capabilities, costs, and externalities of different technical approaches.

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This document provides an overview and analysis of the state of in-browser application development. It begins with goals for web applications and an assessment of where browsers currently stand. It then examines the tradeoffs of different technologies for building applications, including HTML, JavaScript, Silverlight and Flash. A key theme is the tension between ubiquity and capabilities. The document also discusses challenges around browser monocultures and the slow pace of upgrading dominant browsers. It argues that competition is needed to drive faster innovation and ensure browsers do not become prone to natural monopolies.

Mobile Marketing
Mobile MarketingMobile Marketing
Mobile Marketing

The document discusses the importance of mobile optimization for websites. It notes that the mobile web is becoming the primary means of global communication and that mobile-optimized sites are specially designed for mobile browsing. Poor mobile performance can deter business, while optimizing for mobile increases business. It emphasizes that mobile traffic is growing exponentially and will soon surpass desktop. The document advocates for complete customization, flawless functionality, and flexibility in mobile site design to provide the best customer experience and keep up with changing markets.

mobilemobile phonemobile marketing
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
Even interactive content such as a —
gasp! — rotator can be mobilized. *

* (Super lightweight and without Flash, of course.)
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013

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Mobile Web vs. Native apps

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The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013

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For the second in our three-part webinar series spotlighting specific interactive content types, we’ll turn our focus to interactive eBooks, a great tool for educating your users and allowing them to self-discover your product and services, while driving demand and helping them through your funnel. View the slides to learn best practices, how to use eBooks effectively, tips for making content feel customized to your user, as well as customer examples of success.

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The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013

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Interactive infographics are the most popular type of interactive content, so let us teach you everything you need to know! Watch and learn: How to identify good starter static content perfect for an interactive infographic; Industry best practices for structuring and organizing content for interactivity; Steps to get started and selecting one of our Quick Start templates; Snapshot of success stories and customer results; And more!

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Top 2018 Trends and Predictions
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Here at ion, we believe the future is ours and in keeping with our values, we invite you to watch our 2018 trends webinar - “Top 2018 Trends and Predictions” recorded on January 24. This hour-long session highlighted three critical trends in content marketing that you need to act on PLUS perspectives from our experts in customer engagement, product marketing, sales, and content strategy. Are you ready for 2018?

interactive contentinteractive marketingcontent marketing
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
What’s the best way to determine location?
HTML5 Geolocation           IP Geolocation

+ Highly accurate           + No prompting
+ Privacy polite            – Not very accurate
– Prompt required           – Can be spooky

Mitigate downside by        Mitigate downsides by
using cookies, delayed      using as “default” in
interaction, and explicit   location form fields in
geo-feature actions.        less accurate settings.
IP geolocation accurate to within 25
miles but only 81% of the time in the

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LEARN ABOUT THE ION + SCRIBBLELIVE OPPORTUNITY. ion and ScribbleLive coming together opens up new, exciting content opportunities for you and your organization. ion will remain focused on helping you deliver amazing interactive content experiences, but together we’re going to be able to do a lot more. In this presentation, we introduce you to ScribbleLive’s content experience platform, which helps you manage the full lifecycle of your content — from ideation to planning, creation, distribution and measurement. And, we show you what the combination of ion + ScribbleLive means to the future of your content experiences.

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How to Launch a Successful Interactive Content Program Now

One of the common goals we overheard at Content Marketing World was increased engagement. With more content being created than ever before, it's becoming harder than ever to stand out amongst all the news. Interactive content increases engagement by placing customers in the driver's seat of the way they view your content. During this webinar ion interactive Director of Customer Engagement Audrey Ross and Content Strategist Stephanie Mansueto will share practical tips on how you can implement an interactive content marketing program that increases engagement. Here are some other topics that will be covered during the webinar: - What marketers are learning about their prospects and customers with interactive content. - How interactive content changes the way you engage with your audience. - Why interactive content is a necessary part of your content strategy. - Examples of successful interactive content marketing strategies and how they could fit into yours.

ion interactiveinteractiveinteractive content
How to Use Interactive Content to Tell Your Story & Accelerate the Buyer's Jo...
How to Use Interactive Content to Tell Your Story & Accelerate the Buyer's Jo...How to Use Interactive Content to Tell Your Story & Accelerate the Buyer's Jo...
How to Use Interactive Content to Tell Your Story & Accelerate the Buyer's Jo...

The document discusses how interactive content can be used at different stages of the buyer's journey to engage prospects and accelerate sales. It describes common types of interactive content that are effective for each stage, including infographics and quizzes for early awareness, assessments and configurators in the middle stage of consideration, and calculators and solution finders late in the process when buyers are ready to purchase. The document advises marketers to start by focusing on one part of the buyer journey and experimenting with different interactive content options while maintaining a consistent brand story.

buyers journeycontent strategydigital experiences
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013

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Interactive Content for Demand Generation

Motivate and Accelerate Lead-to-Revenue Velocity Interactive content identifies and capitalizes on buyers' points of interest to accelerate demand. ion interactive co-founder Anna Talerico takes you through ion’s real-world demand generation program that uses interactive content to motivate buyers and shorten their journey from prospect to customer. - Learn how to use interactive content to align with the buyer's journey. - Go beyond theory with a peek into our nurture program's real-world examples. - Today’s buyers are doing their research and evaluating before engaging with sales. We show you how to meet these self-guided buyers at their point of interest with your content. Learn how to mix interactive and static content into a cohesive program. According to Content Marketing Institute, 87% of marketers agree that interactive content is more effective than static content at grabbing attention. Learn how to use that in your demand-gen programs.

interactive content marketingcontent marketingcontent strategy
Interactive Content For Demand Generation
Interactive Content For Demand GenerationInteractive Content For Demand Generation
Interactive Content For Demand Generation

Interactive content for demand generation Interactive content identifies and capitalizes on buyers’ points of interest to accelerate demand. In this session we'll share an example of a real-world demand generation program that uses interactive content to motivate buyers to accelerate their journey from prospect to customer.

lead generationcontent marketinginteractive content marketing
2017 Interactive Content Marketing Trends
2017 Interactive Content Marketing Trends2017 Interactive Content Marketing Trends
2017 Interactive Content Marketing Trends

This document discusses 12 interactive content marketing trends for 2017. It notes that interactive content, video, personalization, account-based marketing, content that creates content, tool tips, fun, social media emphasis, data visualization, and ungated content will be important trends. It provides examples and statistics about how each trend can help engage audiences, generate leads, increase sales and conversions. Marketers are advised to use these trends to make their content stand out, differentiate themselves, engage audiences and demonstrate results.

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The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013

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How to Make Your Content Interactive

This document discusses how to make content interactive and the benefits of interactive content. It provides types of interactive content and considerations for what to build, resources needed, and how much time to invest. It also covers measuring interactive content and determining if content should be interactive. Interactive content is shown to be more effective than passive content at generating conversions, educating buyers, and differentiating from competitors.

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Deliver Engaging Content to Your Buyers: A Tale of Two Journeys
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Deliver Engaging Content to Your Buyers: A Tale of Two Journeys

Buyers want more. More access to more information before they talk to sales. More useful content that they can trust. More self discovery. More control. BUT NOT MORE CONTENT. Successful marketers are evolving to give buyers what they want across their journey. More static content is not the answer. Usefulness and utility separate an engaging interactive dialogue from a passive one. This presentation will guide you through: - Contrasting static and interactive buyer journeys - How interactive content can support every stage of the journey with social sharing, lead generation, demand generation, sales enablement and inbound generation - Using an interactive dialogue to provide rich, explicit insights for lead scoring, sales outreach and marketing segmentation

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Boost Your Results with Innovative Landing Pages
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Boost Your Results with Innovative Landing Pages

The document discusses ways to innovate landing pages through more interactive content experiences. It provides examples of interactive content like quizzes, calculators, assessments and interactive eBooks that can be used for lead generation. Marketers are already using interactive content on landing pages and seeing success, with some experiences generating up to 4x more conversions. The document advocates testing more immersive and interactive content on landing pages to better engage and convert visitors.

interactive content marketinginteractivecontent marketers
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
You should test more than
mobile vs. non-mobile segments.

A/B test mobile-specific ideas.
Source: Marketing Leadership Council of Corporate Executive Board 2012

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How a Content Marketing Company Does Content Marketing

Uberflip’s VP of Marketing, Hana Abaza and ion co-founder Anna Talerico come together for a content packed, content marketing presentation. Get the inside scoop from a company that produces hundreds of webinars, thousands of blog posts and many more leads. Hana and Anna take you through: - Goals and Strategy - Content Marketing Cycle - Planning and Process - Execution and Evaluation Learn how to use content to raise awareness, boost engagement and fuel lead and demand generation by focusing on more than just great content. We show you what a quality content experience looks like and how that experience differentiates your content from the rest. Get the roadmap you need to put your content marketing program on the fast track to success.

static contentengaging contentinteractive content
Get to Know ion interactive
Get to Know ion interactiveGet to Know ion interactive
Get to Know ion interactive

Interactivate Your Content Marketing ion can help you generate real business value — more leads, higher lead quality, and deeper buyer profiles — using interactive content marketing.

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Hacking Marketing
Hacking MarketingHacking Marketing
Hacking Marketing

Marketers can learn from software developers to harness—rather than struggle against—the dynamics of a digital world. Scott Brinker says of Hacking Marketing, “My goal was to help marketers at all levels—even those with no technical background or inclination—adapt marketing management to the wild and wonderful whirlwind of a world now dominated by software.” “When you realize that marketers are now paddling water up to their chins in websites (software), analytics (software), social media (software), marketing automation (software), interactive content (software), mobile apps (software), and so on, it starts to seem obvious. Software has eaten the world—and marketing too.” “To effectively harness the digital forces of software, we must not only innovate what we produce in marketing, but innovate how we produce it too.” “It’s time to rethink marketing management for a software-powered world.” Learn how in this presentation by Scott Brinker @chiefmartec

The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
The Quest for Awesome Mobile Landing Pages - SMX West 2013
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