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Mobile Websites are More
Important than You Think
Presented By
Robert McFrazier
Robert McFrazier
● How important is a mobile website?
● What are user expectations for mobile
● Commerce and the mobile web
● How important is speed for a mobile
● AMP highlights
● PWA highlights
Mobile Website Audits

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Compuware ASEAN APM User Conference 2013 - University of Customer Experience

Rafi Katanasho discusses effectively monitoring the customer experience across diverse platforms. He outlines 5 tips: 1) Analyze performance data in relation to user behavior to see where customers are dropping off and optimize key pages. 2) Speed up resolution of user complaints to improve their experience. 3) Report on key business metrics like conversions and revenue to understand the impact of performance issues. 4) Manage third-party services that can impact response times. 5) Unify oversight of different customer channels like web, mobile web, and native apps for a holistic view of the experience.

customer experiencecustomer satisfaction

This document discusses the importance of businesses going mobile. It notes that over 80% of customers will abandon a mobile site that is not optimized for mobile use. Google also now factors mobile user experience into its search rankings. The document provides statistics on mobile user behavior, such as 95% searching locally and 90% acting within 24 hours. It recommends best practices for mobile sites like making navigation thumb-friendly, loading quickly, and including click-to-call functionality. Developing a mobile site can drive more sales and customers through features that make it easy for people to connect with a business from their phone.

Mobile Marketing
Mobile MarketingMobile Marketing
Mobile Marketing

The document discusses the importance of mobile optimization for websites. It notes that the mobile web is becoming the primary means of global communication and that mobile-optimized sites are specially designed for mobile browsing. Poor mobile performance can deter business, while optimizing for mobile increases business. It emphasizes that mobile traffic is growing exponentially and will soon surpass desktop. The document advocates for complete customization, flawless functionality, and flexibility in mobile site design to provide the best customer experience and keep up with changing markets.

mobilemobile phonemobile marketing
How important is a mobile website?
...more Google searches take
place on mobile devices than on
computers in 10 countries
including the US and Japan.
Jerry Dischler, Vice President, Product Management, AdWords
Mobile websites are more important than you think
I’ll just use my desktop site as my mobile site,
because they are the same.
How important is a mobile website?
When was your website mobile moment?

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Hard-Won Lessons in Responsive Email Design - ConvergeSE 2014Hard-Won Lessons in Responsive Email Design - ConvergeSE 2014
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Email is a big deal, and one of the most important ways to connect with your audience. With the majority of people now reading email on mobile devices, creating robust responsive templates is no longer an option. Unfortunately email design is still considered a dark art, and its steep learning curve can be daunting. In this talk, I present email design techniques that make the task of developing for email more simple, along with strategies for optimizing user experience in email clients that will get those emails read.

responsive email designemail designhtml email
Mobile Web Design - Five Technology
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Mobile Web Design - Five Technology

Aaron Weiche's presentation on Mobile Web Design from April 15th, 2010 Twin Cities Happy Hour Event. Basics to mobile web design.

website iphonebusinessmobile
2012 Digital Opportunities
2012 Digital Opportunities2012 Digital Opportunities
2012 Digital Opportunities

2012 Digital Opportunities for Web and Mobile Marketing, to Increase website visitors and search engines visibility!

qr codesmobile optimizationwebsite visitors
Most of the growth in digital from
here on out will be from mobile
TV Radio Print Digital Other
per day
150 177
amount of time we check our mobile phones a day minutes spent a day on our mobile phones
Web Videos Images Shopping News More Search tools
/ˈmīkrō/ /ˈmōmənt/
noun; plural noun: micro-moments
1. A moment when we act on a need – a need to learn something,
do something, discover something or buy something.
2. An intent-rich moment when decisions are being made
or preferences being shaped.
About 44,800,000 results (0.37 seconds)
define: micro-moment
thin slices of a day
We are all trying to get more done, get things off of
our plate, and take advantage of thin slices of time
throughout the day. This is a fundamental shift in
consumer mentality behavior.

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PPT for webinar- AppCompany
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PPT for webinar- AppCompany

This document provides an overview of mobile app development including the benefits of apps, the app development process, and strategies for monetizing apps. Some key points covered include: - Mobile apps offer businesses opportunities for customer engagement, brand visibility, and revenue generation. - The cost of app development depends on factors like the type of app, features, and whether an outside developer is hired. - Getting an app listed on the Apple App Store requires following guidelines and ensuring the app is simple, original, and inoffensive. - Both Android and iOS are important platforms, but developers should start with one platform based on budget and use testing to guide expanding to another platform.

Event App 101
Event App 101Event App 101
Event App 101

This document provides an overview of event apps, including key statistics about smartphone usage, different types of apps, important features for event apps, monetization strategies, and typical pricing. It notes that over 100 million apps are downloaded daily, and that native apps are preferred over web apps due to advantages like push notifications, offline access, and the ability to make money. The document recommends including features like calendars, maps, photo sharing, alerts, and surveys in event apps to inform and engage users. It also provides tips for monetizing through sponsorships, exhibitor services, and user data collection. Pricing for turnkey event app solutions ranges from $3,000-$8,500 depending on features and services included.

mobileevent appmo
Why You Should Adopt A Mobile-First Mindset in 2016
Why You Should Adopt A Mobile-First Mindset in 2016Why You Should Adopt A Mobile-First Mindset in 2016
Why You Should Adopt A Mobile-First Mindset in 2016

Being "Mobile-First" is one of the most popular buzzwords in the Digital Marketing circles at the moment, but do you really understand what it could mean to you and your business? Through this SlideShare, understand what it means to be truly "Mobile-First" and why it is important that you should adopt this mind-set immediately!

mobilemobile marketingengagement
“Getting mobile right” means giving
your consumers what they expect…
Consumers want to get started
researching, comparing and
selecting products with ease
When possible they want to
get things done on phones
with frictionless experiences
No matter the device, they
want to pick up where they left
off without missing a beat
The experience should
come to consumers,
wherever they are
Mobile has changed how we act and react in life
of action
Acting on any stimulus,
whenever we’re
motivated to
for relevance and for
People are more loyal to
the need in the moment
vs. a brand
How does context change intent in the moment?
Location Content
How important is a mobile website?
Where to begin – app, site or both simultaneously
E.g. Uber, Hotel Tonight
Delivers app-only
capabilities (e.g. offline)
Entertainment, media,
or gaming uses
Fully optimized for
Fully functional core
capability like commerce
Built with your future
customer base in mind
...and want to expand
on site capabilities...
...with app-only
capabilities (e.g. offline)
Focused on most loyal,
engaged customers
Intended for high
frequency use (e.g. daily)

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The future of mobile marketing and the benefits of web apps @ Riga Comm 2013

Presentation @ Riga Comm 2013 about the future of mobile marketing and the benefits of using web apps for companies. Webapptool is an online HTML5 toolkit to create web apps.

web appsmobile marketingsoftware toolkit
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Thriving in the Mobile Ecosystem - Mobile Web Design

My mobile presentation from LocalUp, a joint conference from MOZ and Local University on local search and internet marketing. This presentation looks into the opportunity of creating and growing the mobile experience between your customers and your brand: one strong enough to delight fingers, change minds, and win hearts. Understand how to best design a mobile website, responsive web design, how Google serves up mobile search results and more.

mobilegoogleweb design
Responsive Web Design
Responsive Web DesignResponsive Web Design
Responsive Web Design

A study by Sterling Research and SmithGeiger for Google found that a whopping 96% of users have encountered a website that is obviously not designed for mobile. This would not have mattered to you if not for the following findings also uncovered by the same study:

web developmentwebsite development
The initial experience with your brand will likely
be from your mobile website.
Consumers engage with mobile at the...
...of their shopping process
Use mobile to start
Sources: NinthDecimal,
SessionM, Internet Retailer/Forrester
Use mobile in-store Use mobile to buy
(% of ecommerce on mobile)
FCST 2020
The mobile shopper
Without utility in the moment, not only will consumers
move on, they actually might not ever come back
of consumers say that regularly
getting useful information from an
advertiser is the most important
attribute when selecting a brand
of smartphone users have
bought from a brand other than
their intended one because the
information provided was useful
of smartphone users say they're
more likely to buy from companies
who customize mobile information
to their location

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Mobile Apps Made Easy Special Report
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This step-by-step "Mobile Apps" Training System will take you by the hand and show you how to quickly skyrocket your business success in the shortest time ever by creating mobile apps

google playmobileapp store
Mobile App Optimization for User Acquisition, Activation, and Retention
Mobile App Optimization for User Acquisition, Activation, and RetentionMobile App Optimization for User Acquisition, Activation, and Retention
Mobile App Optimization for User Acquisition, Activation, and Retention

Sean Oliver leads Mobile Product Marketing at Optimizely. Prior to Optimizely, Sean worked on Consumer Product Marketing at LinkedIn and Microso . When he’s not optimizing all things mobile, he can be found hiking and traveling the world. Dave McClure’s Pirate Metrics (AARRR) Startup Metrics for Pirates Push Notifications Remarketing App Store Listing In-App Advertising Social Advertising ASO New User Onboarding Waitlist In-App Purchases Ads Desktop Purchases My App Why Optimize? To successfully start a process of optimization, you’ll need: Customer Acquisition Costs Quantifying LTV:CAC Monetization Retention Virality Acquisition Costs Lifetime Value : 2 Acquisition Activation Retention Defining Acquisition: How Users Discover Apps First Impressions App Store Optimization: Opportunities to influence a download decision App Store Optimization: Test your value prop with assets you have App Store Optimization: Use a landing page to test elements of ASO. Low-cost traffic 3 Acquisition Activation Retention Defining Activation: Converting someone who has downloaded an app into an active user. This metric also indicates the quality of your First Time User Experience (FTUE). Activation Hurdles 81% of users say an app needs to make a good first impression for them to continue using it Keys to a Great User Onboarding Experience Optimizing Increased activation from 25% to 66.5% Activation—Retention “For us, activation is directly correlated to retention. Without activation, retention is poor.” 
 When optimizing for activation, consider: • Does your app require registration? • What is the order of operations for first time users? • Does your app help users complete actions on first-time use? • Does your app live up to its value prop during onboarding? Optimizing for Activation 4 Acquisition Activation Retention Defining Retention: A measure of how many of your customers/users come back over time. Mobile app retention varies widely by app category Optimizing User Retention Source Retention Hurdles iOS notifications are opt-in. Optimizing for Retention Optimize when and how you ask for push notification permissions: Ideas for Tests: 5 Acquisition Activation Retention BONUS: Reviews! Reviews are important because they affect ASO The Result: Optimize for App Store Reviews More, High-Quality Reviews = Higher App Store Ranking = More Efficient Acquisition Learn More in their Blog Post 2015 KISSmetrics Guide KISSmetrics Demo h p:// h p:// Optimizely Mobile Guide Optimizely for Mobile

marketingapp marketingconversion optimization
Mobile-First Strategy
Mobile-First StrategyMobile-First Strategy
Mobile-First Strategy

These are my slides for an April 13 presentation for the American Society of News Editors. Related blog posts: and

asnemobile news
Your mobile website is a digital influencer.
Google Poll:
“what do you dislike the most when browsing the web on your mobile device?”
Encountering unplayable videos
Getting redirected to the homepage
Waiting for slow pages to load
Being shown interstitials
Source: "Google Webmaster Central Blog: “#MobileMadness: a campaign to help you go mobile-friendly” (posted: Monday, April 27, 2015)"
Will abandon a site
that takes >3 seconds
to load
Expect a page to
load in <2 seconds
Say fast load time
speed is important
to site loyalty
Slow and steady doesn’t win the race
What are user expectations for mobile sites?
How fast is fast enough.

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How to Optimize Your Entire Mobile ExperienceHow to Optimize Your Entire Mobile Experience
How to Optimize Your Entire Mobile Experience

1. The document summarizes an event about optimizing the mobile experience. It provides an agenda that includes talks on creating a responsive web design and building the mobile experience. 2. It discusses challenges of mobile including pages loading slowly and users having a poor experience. If businesses do not optimize for mobile, users will go to competitors. 3. The document recommends implementing responsive web design to provide a consistent experience across devices, but also notes responsive design requires additional work and may not be suitable in all cases. Care needs to be taken to optimize content for different screens.

mobile webmobile performanceweb performance optimization
What is Responsive Design and how does it help your business ?
What is Responsive Design and how does it help your business ?What is Responsive Design and how does it help your business ?
What is Responsive Design and how does it help your business ?

In our discussions with our clients we often hear - What is Responsive Design? This is why we made a presentation showing the business value of responsive design. We combined our experience and know-how with external sources of information to create an easy to understand presentation for people in the marketing and management area. We hope you enjoy it!

web designmobile sitesresponsive
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Mobile pages should render in < 1s
600ms to 1s
is consumed by mandatory 3G network
overhead which can’t be avoided
(average 750 Kbps to 1 Mbps)
Source: "The Search Agency, Optimization Strategies for the Mobile Web"
While 4G adoption continues
to increase, 2G and 3G
networks are here to stay for
a while.
How important is speed for a mobile site?
Throttle Bandwidth
Chrome Dev Tools Create a throttled network
Mobile pages that load 1s faster see up to +27% CvR
1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.6 4.2 4.5 4.8 5.1 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.3 6.6 6.9 7.2 7.5 7.8 8.1 8.4 8.7 9.0 9.3 9.6 9.9
Load time (seconds)
Sessions Conversion rate (%) Bounce rate (%)
1.9% conversion rate
1.5% conversion rate
Note: Some of pages with
load times faster than 2.4
seconds experienced lower
conversion rates.
Those numbers may be
influenced by faster
response/page load times for
404s and other errors.
Source: "Mobile performance conversion rate"
12.8% bounce rate
20% bounce rate

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Publican “Somos tierra, semilla, rebeldía”, libro que analiza la perspectiva histórica del problema de la tierra: la herencia colonial, capitalismo y reformas agrarias. El acceso a la tierra es uno de los problemas más graves que enfrentan las mujeres rurales en América Latina y en el mundo. Servindi, 23 de febrero, 2017.- Bajo el título de Somos tierra, semilla, rebeldía: mujeres, tierra y territorio en América Latina se publicó un libro que analiza la perspectiva histórica del problema de la tierra en América Latina: la herencia colonial patriarcal, capitalista y también aborda el tema de las reformas agrarias. El libro es de autoría de Claudia Korol, militante feminista e integrante del Colectivo de Educación Popular Pañuelos en Rebeldía y del Centro de Investigación y Formación de Movimientos Sociales Latinoamericanos.

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Public Service Announcement
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
… we’re announcing that beginning in May, we’ll start
rolling out an update to mobile search results that
increases the effect of the ranking signal
to help our users find even more pages that are relevant
and mobile-friendly.
Continuing to make the web more friendly
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
To improve the mobile search
experience, after January 10, 2017,
pages where content is not easily
accessible to a user on the
transition from the mobile search
results may not rank as highly.
Continuing to make the web more friendly
Examples of interstitials that make
content less accessible
HTTPS is a ranking
signal for Google’s SERP
Protect users with HTTPS

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Mobile friendliness is not JUST a
responsive/adaptive design.
The Future of the Mobile Web
Source: a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language
what if speed was the #1 feature?
AMP is pretty fast
Load Time
for AMP
Load Time
for Non-AMP

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AMP’s Speed sources
AMP-HTML Format & Runtime
Progressive Web Apps
Provides an app-like user experience
that is low friction and is built using
modern web capabilities
& enabled through Service Worker
Push notifications on the web?
System level notifications, like apps
Ask to notify users with specific information
Can send notifications even page closed
Speedy Content Delivery
Load your site quickly and experience offline mode
Send push notifications to mobile web users
Frictionless Installability
Engage with users without having them go through
an installation process
Trusted Access
Protect consumers and provide safety
Offline Access
Add to
Provide an app-like user experience that is low friction and is built using
modern web capabilities.
Future: Native App-like Web Apps

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Laravel is a great framework to use for web applications but what if you need to do more? Come learn how to harness the power of the console in your Laravel applications to do various tasks such as caching data from 3rd party APIs, Expire old content from S3 or other data store, and batch process huge data sets without users having to wait for results. You can even automate tasks such as backing up your remote databases before you run migrations with artisan commands.

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Robert McFrazier
Twitter: @rmcfrazier
Thank You
Mobile websites are more important than you think

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Mobile websites are more important than you think

  • 1. Mobile Websites are More Important than You Think Presented By Robert McFrazier
  • 3. ● How important is a mobile website? ● What are user expectations for mobile websites? ● Commerce and the mobile web ● How important is speed for a mobile website? ● AMP highlights ● PWA highlights
  • 5. How important is a mobile website? ...more Google searches take place on mobile devices than on computers in 10 countries including the US and Japan. Jerry Dischler, Vice President, Product Management, AdWords “ ”
  • 7. I’ll just use my desktop site as my mobile site, because they are the same. How important is a mobile website?
  • 8. When was your website mobile moment?
  • 9. Most of the growth in digital from here on out will be from mobile TV Radio Print Digital Other 2011 2015 D+L M 0:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 150x per day D+L M 3:00
  • 10. 150 177 amount of time we check our mobile phones a day minutes spent a day on our mobile phones
  • 11. Web Videos Images Shopping News More Search tools mi·cro-mo·ment /ˈmīkrō/ /ˈmōmənt/ noun; plural noun: micro-moments 1. A moment when we act on a need – a need to learn something, do something, discover something or buy something. 2. An intent-rich moment when decisions are being made or preferences being shaped. About 44,800,000 results (0.37 seconds) define: micro-moment
  • 12. thin slices of a day We are all trying to get more done, get things off of our plate, and take advantage of thin slices of time throughout the day. This is a fundamental shift in consumer mentality behavior.
  • 13. “Getting mobile right” means giving your consumers what they expect… Effortless Consumers want to get started researching, comparing and selecting products with ease Effective When possible they want to get things done on phones with frictionless experiences Seamless No matter the device, they want to pick up where they left off without missing a beat Ubiquitous The experience should come to consumers, wherever they are
  • 14. Mobile has changed how we act and react in life Immediacy of action Acting on any stimulus, whenever we’re motivated to High expectations for relevance and for frictionless experiences Unscripted decisions People are more loyal to the need in the moment vs. a brand
  • 15. How does context change intent in the moment? Location Content
  • 16. How important is a mobile website? Where to begin – app, site or both simultaneously APPS FIRST E.g. Uber, Hotel Tonight WHO: APP-CENTRIC MODELS SITES FIRST WHO: MOST COMPANIES SITES + APPS WHO: COMPANIES WHO HAVE NAILED THEIR SITE... Delivers app-only capabilities (e.g. offline) Entertainment, media, or gaming uses Fully optimized for mobile Fully functional core capability like commerce Built with your future customer base in mind ...and want to expand on site capabilities... ...with app-only capabilities (e.g. offline) Focused on most loyal, engaged customers Intended for high frequency use (e.g. daily)
  • 17. The initial experience with your brand will likely be from your mobile website.
  • 18. Beginning Middle End Consumers engage with mobile at the... 41% 19% 61% ...of their shopping process
  • 19. Use mobile to start 75% 90% Sources: NinthDecimal, SessionM, Internet Retailer/Forrester Use mobile in-store Use mobile to buy (% of ecommerce on mobile) FCST 2020 50% 30% The mobile shopper
  • 20. Without utility in the moment, not only will consumers move on, they actually might not ever come back of consumers say that regularly getting useful information from an advertiser is the most important attribute when selecting a brand 73% of smartphone users have bought from a brand other than their intended one because the information provided was useful 51% of smartphone users say they're more likely to buy from companies who customize mobile information to their location 61%
  • 21. Your mobile website is a digital influencer.
  • 22. Google Poll: “what do you dislike the most when browsing the web on your mobile device?” Encountering unplayable videos Getting redirected to the homepage Waiting for slow pages to load Being shown interstitials Other 14% 13% 46% 16% 11% Source: "Google Webmaster Central Blog: “#MobileMadness: a campaign to help you go mobile-friendly” (posted: Monday, April 27, 2015)"
  • 23. Will abandon a site that takes >3 seconds to load 40% Expect a page to load in <2 seconds 47% Say fast load time speed is important to site loyalty 52% Slow and steady doesn’t win the race What are user expectations for mobile sites?
  • 24. How fast is fast enough.
  • 25. Mobile pages should render in < 1s 3Gnetwork connection 600ms to 1s is consumed by mandatory 3G network overhead which can’t be avoided (average 750 Kbps to 1 Mbps) Source: "The Search Agency, Optimization Strategies for the Mobile Web"
  • 26. While 4G adoption continues to increase, 2G and 3G networks are here to stay for a while.
  • 27. How important is speed for a mobile site? Throttle Bandwidth Chrome Dev Tools Create a throttled network
  • 28. Mobile pages that load 1s faster see up to +27% CvR 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 1.7 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.6 4.2 4.5 4.8 5.1 5.4 5.7 6.0 6.3 6.6 6.9 7.2 7.5 7.8 8.1 8.4 8.7 9.0 9.3 9.6 9.9 Load time (seconds) Conversionrate(%) Sessions Conversion rate (%) Bounce rate (%) 1.9% conversion rate 1.5% conversion rate Note: Some of pages with load times faster than 2.4 seconds experienced lower conversion rates. Those numbers may be influenced by faster response/page load times for 404s and other errors. Source: "Mobile performance conversion rate" 12.8% bounce rate 20% bounce rate 58 51 45 39 32 26 19 13 6 0 Bouncerate(%)
  • 30. Wednesday, March 16, 2016 … we’re announcing that beginning in May, we’ll start rolling out an update to mobile search results that increases the effect of the ranking signal to help our users find even more pages that are relevant and mobile-friendly. “ Continuing to make the web more friendly
  • 31. Tuesday, August 23, 2016 To improve the mobile search experience, after January 10, 2017, pages where content is not easily accessible to a user on the transition from the mobile search results may not rank as highly. “ Continuing to make the web more friendly Examples of interstitials that make content less accessible
  • 32. https:// HTTPS is a ranking signal for Google’s SERP Protect users with HTTPS
  • 33. Mobile friendliness is not JUST a responsive/adaptive design.
  • 34. The Future of the Mobile Web Source: a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language
  • 35. what if speed was the #1 feature?
  • 36. AMP is pretty fast 0.7sec Load Time for AMP 22.0sec Load Time for Non-AMP
  • 37. AMP’s Speed sources AMP-HTML Format & Runtime Pre-rendering Caching
  • 38. Progressive Web Apps PWAs Provides an app-like user experience that is low friction and is built using modern web capabilities & enabled through Service Worker
  • 39. Push notifications on the web? System level notifications, like apps Ask to notify users with specific information Can send notifications even page closed
  • 40. Speedy Content Delivery Load your site quickly and experience offline mode Re-Engagement Send push notifications to mobile web users Frictionless Installability Engage with users without having them go through an installation process Trusted Access Protect consumers and provide safety Offline Access Secured Connection Add to Homescreen Provide an app-like user experience that is low friction and is built using modern web capabilities. Future: Native App-like Web Apps
  • 42. Robert McFrazier Email: Blog: Twitter: @rmcfrazier Thank You