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CYBER SECURITY OF  SMART GRID JAZEEL K T 7821 E 7 Free Powerpoint Templates
CONTENTS Introduction What is a smart grid? Power grid automation Classification of cyber attacks Consequences of cyber attacks Security requirements of a Smart Grid Integrated Security Framework Conclusion
Introduction Nations across the world face the challenge of increasing power production while reducing the carbon footprint.They need to minimize power loss and downtime, harness alternative power sources, and so on. The numerous challenges facing them have one solution – smart grids. While smart grids bring improvements in cost and performance, the security of the power grids becomes more complex and risky, calling for a comprehensive and integrated solution
Current electric grid Transmission Generation Customers Distribution

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Smart Grid Technology
Smart Grid TechnologySmart Grid Technology
Smart Grid Technology

The document discusses smart grid technology, including its key features and components. A smart grid uses two-way digital communication to deliver power more efficiently by integrating renewable energy, automated demand response, and distributed generation. It allows for better management of supply and demand through technologies like smart meters, power line communication, and advanced distribution automation. The smart grid aims to address issues with existing power grids like high outage costs and inefficient peak load management through real-time monitoring and control enabled by communication networks and technologies. Future work is still needed in areas like security, standardization, and reducing upfront consumer expenses.

Smart distribution system the need of automation & it application in powe...
Smart distribution system the need of automation & it application in powe...Smart distribution system the need of automation & it application in powe...
Smart distribution system the need of automation & it application in powe...

This document discusses automation technologies in power distribution systems. It describes several key automation systems including SCADA for monitoring equipment, substation automation, distribution management systems, outage management systems, advanced metering infrastructure, and geographical information systems. It also discusses smart meters and remote control switches as devices used in automation. The document provides details on the features and functions of these various automation components for improving reliability, efficiency, and safety in power distribution networks.

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Iot based energy management systemIot based energy management system
Iot based energy management system

These slides related to Iot based energy management system. You will get an idea if you want this type of project.

electricityengineeringenergy management
What is a smart grid? A digital upgrade to the existing electric grid technology that has been quite the same for over 100 years. Integration of electrical infrastructure with information infrastructure. Identified as a bigger opportunity than the internet itself. Various points of power generation communicate with each other and use the shared information to make intelligent decisions.
Smart Grid: An overview Enterprise Systems Web Applications Control Systems Protection Systems Information Infrastructure Electrical Infrastructure AMI DSM OMS GIS Smart Grid Technology Cyber Secure
Smart Grid: An overview
Communication Switch / Communication Processor Transmission/Distribution Applications Operator training simulator Information Model Manager Communication front end ICCP Server User interface Historical HMI Dashboard Meters Wired I/Os Protective Relays Wired I/Os IEDs RTU/PLC/Protocol Gateway HMI Log Server I/Os SCADA/EMS CONTROL CENTRE Field Devices Other control centers Other control centers Other substations Planning Accounting Asset management Engineering CORPORATE SUBSTATION Power Grid Automation POWER GRID AUTOMATION SYSTEM

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Protection and control of Microgrid
Protection and control of MicrogridProtection and control of Microgrid
Protection and control of Microgrid

In microgrid, if fault occurs or any other contingency happens, then the problems would be created which are related to power flow, also there are various protection schemes are used for minimize or eliminate these problems. Voltage control is used for reactive power balance and P-f control is used for active power control. Various protection schemes such as, over current protection, differential protection scheme, zoning of network in adaptive protection scheme are used in microgrid system .

Cyber Security of Power grids
Cyber Security of Power grids Cyber Security of Power grids
Cyber Security of Power grids

The document discusses cyber security threats to the US power grid. It notes that the power grid consists of over 300,000 km of transmission lines operated by 500 companies. Cyber attacks on critical infrastructure like the power grid are increasing in frequency and sophistication, which could have severe consequences. For example, a DDoS attack costing just $40 could overwhelm network links and cause a blackout. The document also provides examples of past cyber attacks on energy systems like Stuxnet and the 2015 attack on Ukraine's power grid that left 700,000 residents without electricity for 7 hours.

securityinformation securitypowergrid

A power point presentation on smart grid : transforming the traditional grid including difference with traditonal grid ,components , advantage , disadvantages.

Cyber Security of Smart Grid Traditionally, power grid automation systems have been physically isolated from the corporate network. This has been changing, perhaps due to the cost effectiveness of utilizing public networks.  Using public networks considerably increases the vulnerability of power grids to cyber attacks by increasing the exposure surface of these networks.
Classification of cyber attacks
Component-wise attack Internet Hacker sends an e-mail with malware E-mail recipient opens the e-mail and the malware gets installed quietly Using the information that malware gets, hacker is able to take control of the e-mail recipient’s PC! Hacker performs an ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) Scan Once the Slave Database is found, hacker sends an SQL EXEC command Performs another ARP Scan Takes control of RTU Perform ARP Scan SQL EXEC Perform ARP Scan Takes Control of RTU Send e-mail with malware Admin Acct Slave Database Operator Operator Master DB RTU Opens Email with Malware Admin
Consequences of cyber attacks

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Automated Meter Reading System
Automated Meter Reading SystemAutomated Meter Reading System
Automated Meter Reading System

Automatic meter reading (AMR) technology automatically collects utility meter data and transfers it to utility providers. AMR was first developed in the 1970s and allows near real-time meter readings to replace estimated billing. It provides benefits like more accurate billing and easier detection of tampering or leaks but also risks increased monitoring and reduced privacy. Common AMR methods include touch pads, radio frequency networks, mobile drives, and satellite transmitters.

Smart grid communications
Smart grid communicationsSmart grid communications
Smart grid communications

Advanced communications and metering plays a crucial role in Smart Grid. This presentation outlines the various technologies available for the same.

wide area monitoringsmart appliancesadvanced metering.
Smart grid technology
Smart grid technologySmart grid technology
Smart grid technology

this slide shows what is smart grid ,its comparison between the electromechanical grids . smart meters and devises for the smart grid . benefit of smart grid . and a conclution

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Consequences of cyber attacks
Consequences of cyber attacks
Security Requirements Many cyber security solutions exist to protect IT networks and to reduce their vulnerability to attacks. These IT-based cyber security solutions come short of providing the same level of security at the control and automation levels. Power automation systems and applications were not originally designed for the general IT environment.
IT Networks and Smart Grid A comparison of security requirements

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Smart Grid Introduction
Smart Grid Introduction Smart Grid Introduction
Smart Grid Introduction

The document discusses smart grids as a modernization of existing power systems. It describes smart grids as using information technology and communication networks to create a more decentralized, efficient and renewable-based electric grid. Some key benefits of smart grids include improved energy efficiency, higher power reliability, lower costs for consumers, and better integration of renewable energy sources. However, smart grids also face challenges such as high installation costs and potential cybersecurity and privacy issues. The document provides an overview of smart grid components and technologies as well as examples of smart grid pilot projects being implemented in India.

Smart grid challenge
Smart grid challengeSmart grid challenge
Smart grid challenge

The document discusses smart grids and their challenges. It defines a smart grid as a modernized electrical grid that uses communications technology to improve efficiency. Key aspects of smart grids include reliability, efficiency, load balancing, sustainability, and two-way power and data flows. However, challenges include inadequate existing infrastructure, intermittent renewable resources, and regulatory policies around pricing. Overall, smart grids aim to enable active consumer participation, accommodate diverse energy sources, and operate resiliently.

tags smartgridfuture gridsmartgrid
Smart metering-system
Smart metering-systemSmart metering-system
Smart metering-system

The topic gives a brief insight into the working and infrastructure of the Smart Meters and the networking protocols.

smart meters
Security Objective IT Networks Main security objective is data, in terms of; Data integrity Data confidentiality Data availability Smart Grid First priority is always human safety Second priority is to ensure that the system runs under normal operating conditions. Third priority is the protection of equipment and power lines.
Security Architecture IT Networks Data server resides at the centre and access points, used by the end users, at the edge. Data server requires more protection than the edge nodes Smart Grid EMS/SCADA at the centre, RTU/PLCs at the edge. Usually only devices controlled by RTU/PLCs can do direct damage to humans, equipments and power lines. Edge nodes need the same level of protection as the central devices.
Technology Base IT Networks Use common OS (Windows, Linux, Unix) and common networks (Ethernet). Communication protocols common, IP-based. Common security solutions can be designed based on these common architectures. Smart Grid Different system vendors use proprietary OS and network protocols. Communication protocols different. Difficult to develop common host-based or network-based security solutions.
Quality of Service Requirements IT Networks Tolerances for delay of data exchange, and occasional failures are not as strict as power grid automation network. Simply rebooting a computer or application is a common solution in the case of failures. Smart Grid Rebooting is not acceptable in many control applications in power grid systems.

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Smart grid the future grid
Smart grid the future gridSmart grid the future grid
Smart grid the future grid

Smart grid is a future grid that should be implemented for smooth operation of the grid as well as environment friendly.

s'o'a university
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)
Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)

This document discusses advanced metering infrastructure (AMI). It defines AMI as a system that allows for two-way communication between utilities and smart meters, enabling near real-time collection and transfer of energy usage data. The key components of an AMI system include smart meters, communications infrastructure, home area networks, a meter data management system, and operational gateways. While costly to implement, AMI provides benefits like improved reliability, lower energy costs, and reduced electricity theft. The document also examines AMI in the context of India's power grid and estimates costs associated with deployment.

Integrated Security Framework A novel framework of security solution for smart grid
Design Principles Three layers: Power  Automation & Control Security Provides clear demarcation of control and security functionalities. Scalability: security performance remain unabated with increase in load and system volume. Extendibility: able to handle any future state of power grid. Can be integrated into the existing, legacy systems in a non-intrusive fashion.
Components SECURITY AGENTS Bring security to the edges of the system. Firmware or software Less intelligent at lower levels, more at higher levels Functions: To translate between different protocols. To acquire and run the latest vulnerability patches from its security manager. To collect data traffic pattern, system log data and report to the security manager. To analyze traffic and access patterns with varying complexity depending on the hierarchical layer.
Components To run host-based intrusion detection. To detect and send alarm messages to the security manager and designated devices, such as HMI. To acquire access control policies from the security manager and enforce them. To encrypt and decrypt exchanged data MANAGED SECURITY SWITCH To protect bandwidth and prioritize data. Work as network devices and connect controllers, RTUs, HMIs, and servers in the substation and control center.

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Presentation on Smart Grid
Presentation on Smart GridPresentation on Smart Grid
Presentation on Smart Grid

The presentation discusses smart grid technology, including its attributes, reasons for use, components, users, and how it works. A smart grid uses information technologies to improve how electricity is delivered from power plants to consumers. It allows for two-way interaction between consumers and the grid and integrates new technologies. Key benefits include reduced costs, improved reliability, efficiency and capacity, enabling predictive maintenance and automated operations. Security and privacy are main concerns due to two-way communication and potential for hacking of automated meters. The future of smart grid is uncertain but may become widely used over the long run.

Web based power quality monitoring system
Web based power quality monitoring systemWeb based power quality monitoring system
Web based power quality monitoring system

with the help of web based power quality monitoring system we can control and manage the data flow of electrical quantity and control the improve the quality of the power system in grid

02 ibm security for smart grids
02 ibm security for smart grids02 ibm security for smart grids
02 ibm security for smart grids

The document discusses security concerns for smart grids and outlines IBM's approach to addressing these concerns. It notes that smart grids require security at multiple points due to their use of IP protocols and open standards. It then lists IBM's portfolio of cybersecurity solutions for smart grids, which take a full lifecycle approach from defining security strategies to conducting security testing. The solutions are designed to help utilities meet NERC-CIP and other grid security standards.

Components Functions of Managed Security Switch To separate external and internal networks, hide the internal networks. To run as a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server. To acquire bandwidth allocation pattern and data prioritization pattern from the security manager. To separate data according to prioritization pattern, such as operation data, log data, trace data and engineering data. To provide QoS for important data flow, such as operation data, guaranteeing its bandwidth, delay. To manage multiple VLANs (Virtual Local Area Network). To run simple network-based intrusion detection
Components  SECURITY MANAGER Connect directly or indirectly to managed security switches. Functions: To collect security agent information. To acquire vulnerability patches from a vendor’s server and download them to the corresponding agents. To manage keys for VPN. To work as an AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Accounting) server, validating user identifications and passwords, authorizing user access right (monitor, modify data), and recoding what a user has done to controllers.
Components  To collect data traffic pattern and performance matrix from agents and switches. To collect and manage alarms/events from agents, switches. To generate access control policies based on collected data and download to agents. To run complex intrusion detection algorithms at automation network levels. To generate bandwidth allocation pattern and data prioritization pattern and download them to managed switches. Security manager sits in the center of the power grid automation network, managing what and how security functions are performed by security agents and QoS functions performed by the managed security switch.
Intrusion Detection System Anomaly based Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is used. Sound alarms when observed behavior is outside baseline parameters. Performed at three levels: Security agent  performs intrusion detection based on the CPU and memory utilization of the protected device (such as RTU/PLC), scan time, protocol pattern, communication partners, etc. Managed security switch  performs intrusion detection function based on the delay of data packet, the allocated bandwidth profile, protocol pattern, etc. Security manager  performs intrusion detection at the highest level, by monitoring power grid system and its automation system state.

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1678 1683
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1678 1683

This document summarizes a research paper that proposes a design for a secure and sophisticated electricity meter called an Impregnable Device for Secured Metering (IDSM). The IDSM uses a microcontroller integrated with a smart meter to securely transmit power consumption data via a legacy Wi-Fi system. Random number addressing cryptography (RAC) is used for encryption due to its high speed, low power usage, and security. The IDSM system connects individual household meters to a centralized server that calculates billing amounts and sends updates back to the meters for display. The goal is to provide secure metering and billing that reduces human error and electricity theft while lowering costs.

1678 1683
1678 16831678 1683
1678 1683

This document summarizes a research paper that proposes a design for a secure, Wi-Fi integrated electricity meter called an Impregnable Device for Secured Metering (IDSM). The IDSM consists of a sophisticated meter with additional security features compared to traditional meters. It uses Wi-Fi communication, a microcontroller, and a centralized monitoring and control unit. Random number addressing cryptography (RAC) is chosen as the most secure encryption technique. The meter in each home connects via a wireless network to a server that calculates billing amounts and sends updates to be displayed on the home meter, reducing labor while increasing transparency. The design aims to provide secure communication at high speeds with an advanced metering system and unique database backend.

Internet of things security "Hardware Security"
Internet of things security "Hardware Security"Internet of things security "Hardware Security"
Internet of things security "Hardware Security"

The Internet of Things (IoT) offers many industries significant new opportunities, but it also exposes them and their customers to a host of security issues. Securing the IoT requires new ways of thinking that can defend the enterprise and its customers against attackers and privacy abuses.

Conclusion It is misleading to suggest that IT people take the full responsibility for power grid network security including automation and control networks.  Compared with regular IT systems, power automation systems have definite different goals, objectives and assumptions concerning what needs to be protected.  It is necessary to embrace and use existing IT security solutions where they fit, such as communication within a control center, and develop unique solutions to fill the gaps where IT solutions do not work or apply.
References Dong Wei; Yan Lu; Jafari, M.; Skare, P.; Rohde, K.; , "An integrated security system of protecting Smart Grid against cyber attacks,"  Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), 2010  , vol., no., pp.1-7, 19-21 Jan. 2010. Ericsson, G.N., "On requirements specifications for a power system communications system," Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on,vol.20, no.2, pp. 1357-1362, April 2005. Anthony R. Metke and Randy L. Ekl, “Security Technology for Smart Grid Networks”, Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 1, no. 1, June 2010 Amin, M., "Energy Infrastructure Defense Systems," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol.93, no.5, pp.861-875, May 2005.
THANK YOU Free Powerpoint Templates

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Smart Grid Cyber Security

  • 1. CYBER SECURITY OF SMART GRID JAZEEL K T 7821 E 7 Free Powerpoint Templates
  • 2. CONTENTS Introduction What is a smart grid? Power grid automation Classification of cyber attacks Consequences of cyber attacks Security requirements of a Smart Grid Integrated Security Framework Conclusion
  • 3. Introduction Nations across the world face the challenge of increasing power production while reducing the carbon footprint.They need to minimize power loss and downtime, harness alternative power sources, and so on. The numerous challenges facing them have one solution – smart grids. While smart grids bring improvements in cost and performance, the security of the power grids becomes more complex and risky, calling for a comprehensive and integrated solution
  • 4. Current electric grid Transmission Generation Customers Distribution
  • 5. What is a smart grid? A digital upgrade to the existing electric grid technology that has been quite the same for over 100 years. Integration of electrical infrastructure with information infrastructure. Identified as a bigger opportunity than the internet itself. Various points of power generation communicate with each other and use the shared information to make intelligent decisions.
  • 6. Smart Grid: An overview Enterprise Systems Web Applications Control Systems Protection Systems Information Infrastructure Electrical Infrastructure AMI DSM OMS GIS Smart Grid Technology Cyber Secure
  • 7. Smart Grid: An overview
  • 8. Communication Switch / Communication Processor Transmission/Distribution Applications Operator training simulator Information Model Manager Communication front end ICCP Server User interface Historical HMI Dashboard Meters Wired I/Os Protective Relays Wired I/Os IEDs RTU/PLC/Protocol Gateway HMI Log Server I/Os SCADA/EMS CONTROL CENTRE Field Devices Other control centers Other control centers Other substations Planning Accounting Asset management Engineering CORPORATE SUBSTATION Power Grid Automation POWER GRID AUTOMATION SYSTEM
  • 9. Cyber Security of Smart Grid Traditionally, power grid automation systems have been physically isolated from the corporate network. This has been changing, perhaps due to the cost effectiveness of utilizing public networks. Using public networks considerably increases the vulnerability of power grids to cyber attacks by increasing the exposure surface of these networks.
  • 11. Component-wise attack Internet Hacker sends an e-mail with malware E-mail recipient opens the e-mail and the malware gets installed quietly Using the information that malware gets, hacker is able to take control of the e-mail recipient’s PC! Hacker performs an ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) Scan Once the Slave Database is found, hacker sends an SQL EXEC command Performs another ARP Scan Takes control of RTU Perform ARP Scan SQL EXEC Perform ARP Scan Takes Control of RTU Send e-mail with malware Admin Acct Slave Database Operator Operator Master DB RTU Opens Email with Malware Admin
  • 15. Security Requirements Many cyber security solutions exist to protect IT networks and to reduce their vulnerability to attacks. These IT-based cyber security solutions come short of providing the same level of security at the control and automation levels. Power automation systems and applications were not originally designed for the general IT environment.
  • 16. IT Networks and Smart Grid A comparison of security requirements
  • 17. Security Objective IT Networks Main security objective is data, in terms of; Data integrity Data confidentiality Data availability Smart Grid First priority is always human safety Second priority is to ensure that the system runs under normal operating conditions. Third priority is the protection of equipment and power lines.
  • 18. Security Architecture IT Networks Data server resides at the centre and access points, used by the end users, at the edge. Data server requires more protection than the edge nodes Smart Grid EMS/SCADA at the centre, RTU/PLCs at the edge. Usually only devices controlled by RTU/PLCs can do direct damage to humans, equipments and power lines. Edge nodes need the same level of protection as the central devices.
  • 19. Technology Base IT Networks Use common OS (Windows, Linux, Unix) and common networks (Ethernet). Communication protocols common, IP-based. Common security solutions can be designed based on these common architectures. Smart Grid Different system vendors use proprietary OS and network protocols. Communication protocols different. Difficult to develop common host-based or network-based security solutions.
  • 20. Quality of Service Requirements IT Networks Tolerances for delay of data exchange, and occasional failures are not as strict as power grid automation network. Simply rebooting a computer or application is a common solution in the case of failures. Smart Grid Rebooting is not acceptable in many control applications in power grid systems.
  • 21. Integrated Security Framework A novel framework of security solution for smart grid
  • 22. Design Principles Three layers: Power Automation & Control Security Provides clear demarcation of control and security functionalities. Scalability: security performance remain unabated with increase in load and system volume. Extendibility: able to handle any future state of power grid. Can be integrated into the existing, legacy systems in a non-intrusive fashion.
  • 23. Components SECURITY AGENTS Bring security to the edges of the system. Firmware or software Less intelligent at lower levels, more at higher levels Functions: To translate between different protocols. To acquire and run the latest vulnerability patches from its security manager. To collect data traffic pattern, system log data and report to the security manager. To analyze traffic and access patterns with varying complexity depending on the hierarchical layer.
  • 24. Components To run host-based intrusion detection. To detect and send alarm messages to the security manager and designated devices, such as HMI. To acquire access control policies from the security manager and enforce them. To encrypt and decrypt exchanged data MANAGED SECURITY SWITCH To protect bandwidth and prioritize data. Work as network devices and connect controllers, RTUs, HMIs, and servers in the substation and control center.
  • 25. Components Functions of Managed Security Switch To separate external and internal networks, hide the internal networks. To run as a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server. To acquire bandwidth allocation pattern and data prioritization pattern from the security manager. To separate data according to prioritization pattern, such as operation data, log data, trace data and engineering data. To provide QoS for important data flow, such as operation data, guaranteeing its bandwidth, delay. To manage multiple VLANs (Virtual Local Area Network). To run simple network-based intrusion detection
  • 26. Components SECURITY MANAGER Connect directly or indirectly to managed security switches. Functions: To collect security agent information. To acquire vulnerability patches from a vendor’s server and download them to the corresponding agents. To manage keys for VPN. To work as an AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Accounting) server, validating user identifications and passwords, authorizing user access right (monitor, modify data), and recoding what a user has done to controllers.
  • 27. Components To collect data traffic pattern and performance matrix from agents and switches. To collect and manage alarms/events from agents, switches. To generate access control policies based on collected data and download to agents. To run complex intrusion detection algorithms at automation network levels. To generate bandwidth allocation pattern and data prioritization pattern and download them to managed switches. Security manager sits in the center of the power grid automation network, managing what and how security functions are performed by security agents and QoS functions performed by the managed security switch.
  • 28. Intrusion Detection System Anomaly based Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is used. Sound alarms when observed behavior is outside baseline parameters. Performed at three levels: Security agent performs intrusion detection based on the CPU and memory utilization of the protected device (such as RTU/PLC), scan time, protocol pattern, communication partners, etc. Managed security switch performs intrusion detection function based on the delay of data packet, the allocated bandwidth profile, protocol pattern, etc. Security manager performs intrusion detection at the highest level, by monitoring power grid system and its automation system state.
  • 29. Conclusion It is misleading to suggest that IT people take the full responsibility for power grid network security including automation and control networks. Compared with regular IT systems, power automation systems have definite different goals, objectives and assumptions concerning what needs to be protected. It is necessary to embrace and use existing IT security solutions where they fit, such as communication within a control center, and develop unique solutions to fill the gaps where IT solutions do not work or apply.
  • 30. References Dong Wei; Yan Lu; Jafari, M.; Skare, P.; Rohde, K.; , "An integrated security system of protecting Smart Grid against cyber attacks," Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), 2010 , vol., no., pp.1-7, 19-21 Jan. 2010. Ericsson, G.N., "On requirements specifications for a power system communications system," Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on,vol.20, no.2, pp. 1357-1362, April 2005. Anthony R. Metke and Randy L. Ekl, “Security Technology for Smart Grid Networks”, Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 1, no. 1, June 2010 Amin, M., "Energy Infrastructure Defense Systems," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol.93, no.5, pp.861-875, May 2005.
  • 31. THANK YOU Free Powerpoint Templates