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Smart Grid Introduction
N. Jeyaram
Nehanjali Mishra
Nilesh Dhage
•   Understand the need for overhaul and modernization
    of the existing power system
•   Appreciate the necessity of Smart grid
•   Understand the key components of the Smart grid and
    its implementation
•   Know the benefits and the challenges involved in the
    Smart grid
Global Warming - The Threat !!
•   Improving Energy efficiency
•   Renewable Energy sources
•   Carbon capture and sequestration
•   Reducing Peak demand

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Smart grid technology
Smart grid technologySmart grid technology
Smart grid technology

The document discusses the evolution of electric grids from small localized systems in the late 1800s to today's large interconnected networks. It describes the development of alternating current which enabled long distance transmission. The document then defines electric grids, smart grids, and their key components and functions. Smart grids aim to modernize aging infrastructure, integrate renewable energy, improve reliability and efficiency, and give customers more control over energy usage and costs. The opportunities and challenges of implementing smart grid technologies are also examined.

smart grid technology
Smart grid technology
Smart grid technologySmart grid technology
Smart grid technology

The document provides an introduction to smart grid technologies. It defines a smart grid as an electricity network that uses digital computing and communication technologies to intelligently integrate generators, consumers, and prosumers. The key components of a smart grid include smart meters, home energy management systems, renewable generation integration, and technologies like sensing and advanced control methods. While smart grids provide benefits like improved reliability and sustainability, challenges remain around costs, policy and regulation, and ensuring interoperability between new and old equipment. Overall, smart grids are seen as revolutionizing the electrical network for more efficient, reliable and green energy in the future.


A power point presentation on smart grid : transforming the traditional grid including difference with traditonal grid ,components , advantage , disadvantages.

Smart Grid - What is it??
•   Network    created   through    the   combination     of
    Information Technology, Communication Technology
    and Electrical Power System.
•   A grid remarkable in its intelligence and impressive in
    its scope which offers valuable technologies that can be
    deployed within the very near future or are already
    deployed today
•   It simply means, a “smarter “ power grid
The Traditional Power Grid
If Alexander Graham Bell were somehow transported
to the 21st century, he would not begin to recognize
the components of modern telephony – smart
phones, texting, cell towers etc. – while Thomas
Edison, one of the grid’s key early architects, would be
totally familiar with the grid.!!
The Traditional Power System
•   The present infrastructure is overstrained and inter
    region bulk transfer is limited
•   Cannot fully support the integration of renewable energy
•   Low reliability of Power - Outage
•   Fluctuating quality of Power
•   Major source is fossil fuel
•   Efficiency of Power transmission
•   Almost zero customer participation
•   Low Billing and collecting efficiency
What Smart Grid does??
•   Decentralization of Generating resources
•   Integration of all sources of energy, mainly renewable
•   Continuous monitoring and feedback from the network
•   Anticipation of faults and helps in fault prevention
•   Establishes a two-way communication between the
    utilities and the consumers
•   Reduces the stress on the power system infrastructure
•   Reduces and shifts the peak demand
•   Continuous self-learning

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Smart grid

Smart Grid: Definition • Need of smart grid • Smart grid functions • How Smart Grid Works • Smart Grid: Benefits • Smart grid components and its Benefits • Issues and Challenges • Opportunities in future • Smart Grid Projects in India and Gujarat • Question-Answer • References

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The Smart Grid
The Smart GridThe Smart Grid
The Smart Grid

This presentation is about Smart Grid, its benefits over traditional grid system, technologies and components used in smart grid, characteristics of smart grid, and smart grid system in India.

smart grid technologysmart grid challengessmart grid projects in india

This document discusses smart grid technology in India. It begins with an introduction to smart grids and the current one-way electricity transmission system. It then discusses India's increasing electricity needs and deficits. The main points are: - A smart grid uses communication technology to collect data from suppliers and consumers to automate distribution management. - Smart grids have two-way interaction and include components like smart meters, distributed generation, and information transfer. - Smart grids can help reduce carbon footprints, improve efficiency, enable self-healing of outages, and increase use of renewable energy through technologies like smart meters and distributed generation.

Enabling Smart Grid
•   Local Energy Networks
•   Energy Storage
•   Electric Transportation
•   Robust and cheap network devices
•   Large Data storage
Energy Storage
•   Ultra-capacitors, Li-ion, Vanadium redox batteries and
    Fuel cells
•   Used in PHEVs and storage of intermittent renewable
•   Flywheels and Pump storage - Mechanical
Electric Transportation
         Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles(PHEVs)
•   Efficient means of transportation
•   Can be recharged at night during low cost periods
•   Can provide grid support during peak periods
•   Reduces oil imports and pollution drastically
Local Energy Networks
•   Micro grids covering small geographic area
•   Can generate power even when power from a utility is
    absent in case of emergency or disaster - Islanding
•   Combining distributed resources the community can
    generate sufficient electricity to keep the grocery
    store, the police department, traffic lights, the phone
    system and the community health center up and

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This document provides an overview of smart grids, including their components, advantages, and limitations. A smart grid uses two-way digital communication technology to detect and automatically respond to local changes in usage. It aims to reduce costs and carbon emissions by integrating renewable energy sources. Key components include smart meters for sensing usage, core networks for connectivity between substations, and distribution networks for transmitting data to databases. Advantages are reduced carbon, automated control, and increased efficiency. Limitations include inadequate existing infrastructure and intermittent renewable sources.

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Smart grid ppt seminar topic

The document discusses smart grids and their advantages. It begins with an introduction to smart grids, noting they allow energy suppliers and consumers to interconnect through a network using smart meters and two-way communication. This allows energy providers to track usage and automatically adjust supply levels. It then discusses key components of smart grids like decentralized control and advanced sensing. It also outlines benefits like reduced costs from fewer outages, opportunities for consumer savings and demand response. However, security and privacy are major concerns since smart grids rely on automated and connected devices vulnerable to hacking. Overall, smart grids are presented as an efficient way to distribute electricity but come with high costs and regulatory challenges.

Smart grid
Smart gridSmart grid
Smart grid

This document provides an introduction to smart grids. It defines a smart grid as an electricity network that intelligently integrates generators and consumers to efficiently deliver sustainable, economic and secure power. The document outlines the historical development of grids, the functions and features of smart grids, and opportunities they provide like integrating electric vehicles and renewable energy. It also discusses barriers to smart grids like cost and technology integration challenges. Benefits over conventional grids include active consumer participation and optimization of resources. The document concludes by discussing India's smart city projects and how smart grids can help reduce carbon emissions.

Overview of Smart Grid
Pillars of Smart Grid

• Transmission Optimization

• Demand Side Management

• Distribution Optimization

• Asset Optimization
Key Characteristics of Smart Grid

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Smart grid ppt

This document discusses smart grid technology. It defines smart grid as an electric grid that uses information and communication technology to gather data and act on information about supplier and consumer behavior. The key components of a smart grid are smart meters, phasor measurement, information transfer, and distributed generation. A smart grid offers benefits like reduced carbon footprint, improved distribution management, self-healing capabilities, and increased efficiency. Specific ideas presented for a smart grid include a power management app that provides household electricity usage insights and allows selling regenerative power back to the grid.


The document discusses smart grid technology. It begins with an introduction and then covers related work, components of a smart grid like connectivity networks and access networks, how smart grids work using two-way communication, features, comparisons to traditional grids, advantages like reduced losses and carbon footprint, and disadvantages like intermittent renewable sources. It concludes that smart grids will modernize energy supply and create smart homes and cities. The future scope is improved infrastructure and widespread adoption like the Internet. References are provided.

ravi eswar
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Presentation on Smart Grid

A presentation project on Smart Grid -an intelligent electricity delivery system for Information System course

Stages in evolution of Smart Grid
Smart Grid Technology
implementation curve
Smart Grid Introduction
Advanced Transmission


PMU            FACTS

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Smart grid

The document provides an introduction to smart grids. It discusses how smart grids enable two-way communication between utilities and customers as well as integration of renewable energy sources. Key components of smart grids include smart meters, phasor measurement units, distributed generation, and information transfers. Smart grids provide benefits like improved efficiency, reliability, and support for renewable energy while also posing challenges around security and complex rate systems. India has several smart grid pilot projects underway to modernize its electrical infrastructure.

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MicroGrid and Energy Storage System COMPLETE DETAILS NEW PPT

A microgrid is a localized grouping of electricity generation, energy storage, and loads that normally operates connected to a traditional centralized grid (macrogrid). This single point of common coupling with the macrogrid can be disconnected. The microgrid can then function autonomously. Generation and loads in a microgrid are usually interconnected at low voltage. From the point of view of the grid operator, a connected microgrid can be controlled as if it were one entity. Microgrid generation resources can include fuel cells, wind, solar, or other energy sources. The multiple dispersed generation sources and ability to isolate the microgrid from a larger network would provide highly reliable electric power. Produced heat from generation sources such as micro turbines could be used for local process heating or space heating, allowing flexible trade off between the needs for heat and electric power.

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Smart grid and hydo electric power power plant

introduction to smart grid, components, types, etc & hydo electric power power plant viz. upper sindh power plant kangan ganderbal kmr.

junaid bashir
Advanced Distribution


SCADA                      Islanding

        FLISR       Power


Consumption and Load Control


Demand                    Vehicle
         Home     Appliances
       Automation & Storage

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This document provides an overview of smart grids. It discusses how smart grids use digital technology to save energy, reduce costs, and increase reliability by allowing for two-way communication between utilities and customers. Key benefits of smart grids include more choices for consumers and utilities, better integration of renewable energy, improved power quality and customer service, increased grid efficiency and resilience, and greater utilization of system assets. The document also outlines some of the core components and technologies that make up a smart grid system.

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this gives u information of smart grid infrastructure and smart metering and self healing and cyber security.

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How to Capture the Energy Efficient Market

CEMS Block Seminar with ABB. Using Strategic Marketing Frameworks and tools we explain how ABB can better capture the energy efficient market.

Policy and Regulations


Tariffs            Finance
Architecture and Design


Standards                      Security

      Interoperability   CIM
Smart Grid Cyber Security
      Secure Telecommunications

      Endpoint Protection

      Identity Management

      Security Event Management
Smart Grid Introduction

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For distribution utilities, smarter integration of distributed generation is non-negotiable. The question is not if, but when. The time for action is now.

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The document discusses Grid Computing, which uses distributed computing resources like computer clusters connected via high-speed networks to provide high computational power. It describes the Globus Toolkit, an open-source software toolkit that provides basic services for building Grids. Key components of the Globus Toolkit allow for resource management, security, data management, and communication. The document also discusses parallel programming using MPI (Message Passing Interface) and potential applications of Grid Computing such as distributed supercomputing, real-time systems, and data-intensive processing.

Advantages of Smart Grid
•   Economic Development
    o   New Jobs: The manufacture, installation, operation
        and maintenance of the smart grid and its
        components will create new jobs within the state.
    o   Innovation: Smart grid innovation will enable the
        growth of business while rewarding customers with
        valuable new products.
Advantages of Smart Grid (Cntd.)
 • Lower Costs: Costs rise over time and energy is no
  exception, but the smart grid should provide less
  costly energy than otherwise would be possible. As
  such, it will save customers money which can be
  invested or consumed as they choose.
 • Higher   Customer Satisfaction: The combination
  of lower costs, improved reliability and better
  customer control will raise satisfaction among all types
  of customers
Advantages of Smart Grid (Cntd.)
•   Improved Reliability: Smart grid will reduce and
    shorten outages and improve the quality of power.
•   Customer      Energy/Cost     Savings:   As     pricing
    becomes more transparent and is aligned with the
    underlying      economics    of    generation       and
    distribution, customers’ decisions to save money will
    benefit society as well
Disadvantages of Smart Grid
•   Biggest concern: Privacy and Security
•   Some types of meters can be hacked
•   Hacker:
       gain control of thousands, even millions, of
       increase or decrease the demand for power

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Energy integration is a key solution in chemical process and crude refining industries to minimize external fuel consumption and to face the impact of growing energy crises. Typical energy integration projects can reach a reduction of heating fuels and cold utilities by 10%-30% compared with original designs or existing installations. Pinch Analysis is a leading tool and regarded as an efficient method to increase energy efficiency and minimize fuel flow consumption. It can practically be applied to synthesize a HEN (heat exchange network) or modify an existing preheat train for minimum energy consumption.

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این ارائه مقایسه محاسبات ابری و محاسبات گرید می باشد که هم به صورت کلی و هم به صورت دقیق تر این مقایسه انجام شده است

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This document discusses using grid technology for distributed media processing tasks like video transcoding. It presents the MediaGrid concept of sharing heterogeneous storage and computational resources across organizations. Test results show distributing video transcoding across multiple servers can significantly reduce processing time. Simulation results indicate total job time is highly dependent on available WAN bandwidth when outsourcing to remote resource providers. The conclusions are that grid technology is viable for media production tasks by enabling parallelism, but technical limitations exist when using remote resources over insufficient network connections.

Disadvantages (contd.)

•   Not simply a single component
•   Various technology components:
       software, the power generators, system
        integrators, etc.
•   Expensive in terms of installation
Smart Grid’s Future
•   In the near future, there will not be any vast
•   Initially there is requirement of huge financial
    demands and regulations.
•   In the long-run, attitudes will change, wide spread
    usage of the smart grid from every business to
    every home just like the Internet
Money Matters
•   India Smart Grid Task Force (ISGTF) initiates pilot
    projects in eight different locations over the next 18
    months, with a total cost of $132 million (Rs. 600
•   Asian Development Bank to lend India $759 million
•   NDPL receives $686,447 grant for
    Smart Grid project.
Projects in India
•   Bangalore Electricity Supply Company (BESCOM) has
    been chosen as the distribution utility that will
    implement the first pilot project of smart grid in India
•   A smart mini-grid (SMG) or micro-grid using only
    renewable energy sources has been commissioned at
    The Energy Research Institute’s (TERI), Gurgaon

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The document discusses the grid, which allows for integrated and collaborative use of geographically separated computing resources. Grid computing enables sharing and aggregation of distributed autonomous resources dynamically based on availability, capability, performance, cost and user requirements. Key characteristics of grid systems include coordinating resources not controlled by a central authority, using open standards, and providing quality of service.

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this presentation is about wireless network and some info about topology and work methods .

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Grid Computing
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Grid Computing

Grid computing involves linking together distributed computer resources from multiple administrative domains to achieve a common goal. Resources in a grid are heterogeneous and geographically dispersed. A grid differs from a cluster in that it provides a consistent, dependable, and transparent collection of computing resources across wide distances. Grid infrastructure must respect local autonomy, handle heterogeneous hardware, and be resilient and dynamic.

my first ppt
Smart Grid is an emerging technology to provide next
generation power grid and is promoted by many
governments     as     a      way   of   addressing   energy
independence,        global    warming     and   emergency
resilience issues.
•   USA Department of Energy - Smart Grid
•   India’s smart grids forum
Smart Grid Introduction
Thank you

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The document discusses grid computing and provides examples. It begins with an introduction to supercomputers and provides Param Padma as an example. It then defines grid computing, discussing its evolution and advantages over supercomputers. Design considerations for grid computing include assigning work randomly to nodes to check for accurate results due to lack of central control. Implementation involves using middleware like BOINC and Alchemi, which are described. The document outlines service-oriented grid architecture and challenges. It provides examples of grid initiatives worldwide like TeraGrid in the US and Garuda in India.

Grid Computing
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Grid Computing

The document provides an overview of grid computing, including: 1) Grid computing involves sharing distributed computational resources over a network and providing single login access for users. Resources may be owned by different organizations. 2) Examples of current grids discussed include the NSF PACI/NCSA Alliance Grid, the NSF PACI/SDSC NPACI Grid, and the NASA Information Power Grid. 3) The document also discusses various grid middleware tools and projects for using grid resources, such as Globus, Condor, Legion, Harness, and the Internet Backplane Protocol.

Grid computing
Grid computingGrid computing
Grid computing

This document provides an overview and introduction to grid computing concepts. It discusses the benefits of grid computing such as exploiting underutilized resources and enabling collaboration. It also describes some key computational grid projects including a national fusion grid pilot project. The document outlines the layered architecture of grid systems and references some foundational projects and standards like Globus Toolkit and Global Grid Forum. Finally, it introduces the concepts of OGSA and OGSI which provide standard interfaces and behaviors for distributed system management in grid environments.

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Smart Grid Introduction

  • 2. PRESENTED BY :- Naman N. Jeyaram Nehanjali Mishra Nilesh Dhage
  • 3. Objectives • Understand the need for overhaul and modernization of the existing power system • Appreciate the necessity of Smart grid • Understand the key components of the Smart grid and its implementation • Know the benefits and the challenges involved in the Smart grid
  • 4. Global Warming - The Threat !! • Improving Energy efficiency • Renewable Energy sources • Carbon capture and sequestration • Reducing Peak demand
  • 5. Smart Grid - What is it?? • Network created through the combination of Information Technology, Communication Technology and Electrical Power System. • A grid remarkable in its intelligence and impressive in its scope which offers valuable technologies that can be deployed within the very near future or are already deployed today • It simply means, a “smarter “ power grid
  • 6. The Traditional Power Grid If Alexander Graham Bell were somehow transported to the 21st century, he would not begin to recognize the components of modern telephony – smart phones, texting, cell towers etc. – while Thomas Edison, one of the grid’s key early architects, would be totally familiar with the grid.!!
  • 7. The Traditional Power System • The present infrastructure is overstrained and inter region bulk transfer is limited • Cannot fully support the integration of renewable energy • Low reliability of Power - Outage • Fluctuating quality of Power • Major source is fossil fuel • Efficiency of Power transmission • Almost zero customer participation • Low Billing and collecting efficiency
  • 8. What Smart Grid does?? • Decentralization of Generating resources • Integration of all sources of energy, mainly renewable • Continuous monitoring and feedback from the network • Anticipation of faults and helps in fault prevention • Establishes a two-way communication between the utilities and the consumers • Reduces the stress on the power system infrastructure • Reduces and shifts the peak demand • Continuous self-learning
  • 9. Enabling Smart Grid • Local Energy Networks • Energy Storage • Electric Transportation • Robust and cheap network devices • Large Data storage
  • 10. Energy Storage • Ultra-capacitors, Li-ion, Vanadium redox batteries and Fuel cells • Used in PHEVs and storage of intermittent renewable energy • Flywheels and Pump storage - Mechanical
  • 11. Electric Transportation Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles(PHEVs) • Efficient means of transportation • Can be recharged at night during low cost periods • Can provide grid support during peak periods • Reduces oil imports and pollution drastically
  • 12. Local Energy Networks • Micro grids covering small geographic area • Can generate power even when power from a utility is absent in case of emergency or disaster - Islanding concept • Combining distributed resources the community can generate sufficient electricity to keep the grocery store, the police department, traffic lights, the phone system and the community health center up and running
  • 15. Pillars of Smart Grid • Transmission Optimization • Demand Side Management • Distribution Optimization • Asset Optimization
  • 17. Stages in evolution of Smart Grid
  • 20. Advanced Transmission WG1 PMU FACTS WAMS
  • 21. Advanced Distribution WG2 SCADA Islanding FLISR Power Electronics
  • 24. Consumption and Load Control WG5 Demand Vehicle Response Home Appliances Automation & Storage
  • 25. Policy and Regulations WG6 Tariffs Finance
  • 26. Architecture and Design WG7 Standards Security Interoperability CIM
  • 27. Smart Grid Cyber Security Secure Telecommunications Endpoint Protection Identity Management Security Event Management
  • 29. Advantages of Smart Grid • Economic Development o New Jobs: The manufacture, installation, operation and maintenance of the smart grid and its components will create new jobs within the state. o Innovation: Smart grid innovation will enable the growth of business while rewarding customers with valuable new products.
  • 30. Advantages of Smart Grid (Cntd.) • Lower Costs: Costs rise over time and energy is no exception, but the smart grid should provide less costly energy than otherwise would be possible. As such, it will save customers money which can be invested or consumed as they choose. • Higher Customer Satisfaction: The combination of lower costs, improved reliability and better customer control will raise satisfaction among all types of customers
  • 31. Advantages of Smart Grid (Cntd.) • Improved Reliability: Smart grid will reduce and shorten outages and improve the quality of power. • Customer Energy/Cost Savings: As pricing becomes more transparent and is aligned with the underlying economics of generation and distribution, customers’ decisions to save money will benefit society as well
  • 32. Disadvantages of Smart Grid • Biggest concern: Privacy and Security • Some types of meters can be hacked • Hacker:  gain control of thousands, even millions, of meters  increase or decrease the demand for power
  • 33. Disadvantages (contd.) • Not simply a single component • Various technology components:  software, the power generators, system integrators, etc. • Expensive in terms of installation
  • 34. Smart Grid’s Future • In the near future, there will not be any vast development • Initially there is requirement of huge financial demands and regulations. • In the long-run, attitudes will change, wide spread usage of the smart grid from every business to every home just like the Internet
  • 35. Money Matters • India Smart Grid Task Force (ISGTF) initiates pilot projects in eight different locations over the next 18 months, with a total cost of $132 million (Rs. 600 crore). • Asian Development Bank to lend India $759 million • NDPL receives $686,447 grant for Smart Grid project.
  • 36. Projects in India • Bangalore Electricity Supply Company (BESCOM) has been chosen as the distribution utility that will implement the first pilot project of smart grid in India • A smart mini-grid (SMG) or micro-grid using only renewable energy sources has been commissioned at The Energy Research Institute’s (TERI), Gurgaon campus.
  • 37. Summary Smart Grid is an emerging technology to provide next generation power grid and is promoted by many governments as a way of addressing energy independence, global warming and emergency resilience issues.
  • 38. References • USA Department of Energy - Smart Grid • India’s smart grids forum • • • •

Editor's Notes

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