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  Belluci Tedeschi
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• Authorization	
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Microservice Architecture	

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Json web token api authorization
Json web token api authorizationJson web token api authorization
Json web token api authorization

JWT (JSON Web Token) is a standard used to securely transmit information between parties as a JSON object. It allows servers to verify transmitted information without storing state on the server, making it more scalable. JWTs provide authentication and authorization by encoding claims about an entity (such as an user) including an ID, expiration time, and other data inside the token itself.

JavaOne 2014 - Securing RESTful Resources with OAuth2
JavaOne 2014 - Securing RESTful Resources with OAuth2JavaOne 2014 - Securing RESTful Resources with OAuth2
JavaOne 2014 - Securing RESTful Resources with OAuth2

OAuth 2.0 is an open authentication and authorization protocol which enables applications to access each others data. This talk will presents how to implement the OAuth2 definitions to secure RESTful resources developed using JAX-RS in the Java EE platform.

java javaone eventos
RoadSec 2017 - Trilha AppSec - APIs Authorization
RoadSec 2017 - Trilha AppSec - APIs AuthorizationRoadSec 2017 - Trilha AppSec - APIs Authorization
RoadSec 2017 - Trilha AppSec - APIs Authorization

Erick Belluci Tedeschi presents on secure API authorization. He discusses basic authentication, then introduces OAuth, OpenID Connect, and JSON Web Tokens as improved standards. Keycloak is presented as an open source identity management system that can implement these standards to centrally authorize APIs. A demonstration of Keycloak's capabilities concludes the presentation.

Microservice Architecture	
• Poor	
• Poor	
  microservices (X-­‐User-­‐Logged	
• Authorization	
• Microservices are	
• Microservices have	
• API	
• A	
  of stamped metal used	
  a substitute for money;	
  a voucher that	
• Token	
• An	
• Ex.:	
• Token	
• A	
• Ex.:	
  – JSON	

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Securing RESTful APIs using OAuth 2 and OpenID Connect
Securing RESTful APIs using OAuth 2 and OpenID ConnectSecuring RESTful APIs using OAuth 2 and OpenID Connect
Securing RESTful APIs using OAuth 2 and OpenID Connect

Constructing a successful and simple API is the lifeblood of your developer community, and REST is a simple standard through which this can be accomplished. As we construct our API and need to secure the system to authenticate and track applications making requests, the open standard of OAuth 2 provides us with a secure and open source method of doing just this. In this talk, we will explore REST and OAuth 2 as standards for building out a secure API infrastructure, exploring many of the architectural decisions that PayPal took in choosing variations in the REST standard and specific implementations of OAuth 2.

oauth 2restoauth
Building Secure User Interfaces With JWTs
Building Secure User Interfaces With JWTsBuilding Secure User Interfaces With JWTs
Building Secure User Interfaces With JWTs

How to securely use Json Web tokens (JWTs) in a browser environment, and how to securely store them in cookies.

Using JSON Web Tokens for REST Authentication
Using JSON Web Tokens for REST Authentication Using JSON Web Tokens for REST Authentication
Using JSON Web Tokens for REST Authentication

This session will provide an introduction to JSON Web Tokens (JWT) (, advantages over other authentication methods, and how to use it to authenticate requests to Drupal REST resources. After this session, attendees will have a better understanding of how JWTs work and will be able to set up and use JWT for authenticating REST requests in Drupal.

drupaldecoupled dev daysusing json web tokens for rest authentication
  – Protocol	
• RFC	
• RFC	
  access_token looks	
  -­‐ JWT)
// JWT Payload
"sub": "alice", // user id
"cid": "000123", // client id
"iss": "", // who issued
"aud": "",
"exp": 1460345736, // expiration date
"scp": ["openid","email","profile"] // scopes

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Summary of OAuth 2.0 draft 8 memo
Summary of OAuth 2.0 draft 8 memoSummary of OAuth 2.0 draft 8 memo
Summary of OAuth 2.0 draft 8 memo

1. OAuth 2.0 provides a framework for authorization that defines four client types (web servers, user-agents, native applications, and autonomous clients) and three authorization flows (authorization code, implicit, and client credentials). 2. The authorization endpoint uses HTTP requests to obtain authorization from the resource owner via user-agent redirection or prompting the client directly. The token endpoint exchanges authorization codes or refresh tokens for access tokens via HTTP POST. 3. Access tokens are used by clients to access protected resources by passing the token in the authorization header, URI query parameter, or form-encoded body parameter of a request.

アプリ開発で知っておきたい認証技術 - OAuth 1.0 + OAuth 2.0 + OpenID Connect -
アプリ開発で知っておきたい認証技術 - OAuth 1.0 + OAuth 2.0 + OpenID Connect -アプリ開発で知っておきたい認証技術 - OAuth 1.0 + OAuth 2.0 + OpenID Connect -
アプリ開発で知っておきたい認証技術 - OAuth 1.0 + OAuth 2.0 + OpenID Connect -

アプリケーション開発エンジニアが、OAuth 1.0 や OAuth 2.0、および OpenID Connect を活用したユーザ認可と認証機能を実装するにあたって、いろいろ調べた情報をベースに作成したものです。 これから認可・認証技術を学びたいという、特にアプリ開発エンジニアの助けになれば幸いです。

oauthopenidoauth 1.0
Introduction to OAuth
Introduction to OAuthIntroduction to OAuth
Introduction to OAuth

OAuth is an open standard for token-based authorization that allows third-party applications to obtain limited access to a user's data without requiring them to share their passwords. It allows sites to exchange user-authorized tokens that can be revoked and have varying scopes and time limits. OAuth has gone through several versions to address vulnerabilities and inconsistencies, with OAuth 2.0 simplifying the protocol through the use of bearer tokens and authorization/resource server separation. While implementations are emerging, OAuth 2.0 continues to be refined as an IETF draft standard.

  id_token looks	
  -­‐ JWT)
"iss": ”InstIdentRicardoGumbletonDaunt", // who issued
"sub": ”4.444.444", // user identification
"aud": ["cops","bank"], // where it’s used
"nonce": "n-0S6_WzA2Mj",
"exp": 1311281970, // 10 years
"iat": 1311280970,
"auth_time": 1311280969,
"amr": "sign+fingerprint” //auth-methods-ref
• /authorize
• /token
• /introspection	
• /token_info (get	
• /revocation

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Introduction to JWT and How to integrate with Spring Security
Introduction to JWT and How to integrate with Spring SecurityIntroduction to JWT and How to integrate with Spring Security
Introduction to JWT and How to integrate with Spring Security

This presentation shows what are JSON Web Tokens, explaining about the structure, signature, encryption and how we can integrate this with Authentication/Authorization together with Spring Security. The link for the project in Github is: The example implements JWT + Spring Security in a Spring-Boot project.


This document contains code and text for a sign in page for a Windows Live/Hotmail account. It includes meta tags and links for the page title, description and favicon. There are also JavaScript variables defined for text, links, and URLs used for different elements and functions on the sign in page such as help links, error messages, and form submission URLs.

Esquema de pasos de ejecución IdM
Esquema de pasos de ejecución IdMEsquema de pasos de ejecución IdM
Esquema de pasos de ejecución IdM

This document outlines two scenarios for authenticating a web portal using an identity management system (IdM). Scenario 1 describes authenticating when the portal knows the user's credentials, directly sending them to the IdM. Scenario 2 describes authenticating when the portal does not know the credentials, requiring the user to log in via the IdM portal. Both scenarios involve redirecting to the IdM, receiving an access code, using it to request an access token from the IdM, and validating the token to get user information. Reference information is provided at the end.

  access_token and	
id_token using	
&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fclient%2Eexample%2Ecom%2Fcb HTTP/1.1

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Adding Identity Management and Access Control to your Application, Authorization
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Adding Identity Management and Access Control to your Application, Authorization using the FIWARE components: Identity Management, PEP Proxy, Access Control (PDP/PAP).

fiware pppfi-labfi-ware
Securing Single Page Applications with Token Based Authentication
Securing Single Page Applications with Token Based AuthenticationSecuring Single Page Applications with Token Based Authentication
Securing Single Page Applications with Token Based Authentication

This document discusses securing single page applications with token based authentication. It describes using JSON web tokens as client tokens to authenticate users, and protecting against cross-site scripting and cross-site request forgery attacks. It also addresses challenges of token revocation and whether the JavaScript client or browser should control the authentication token.


The document discusses the OAuth 1.0 authentication protocol. It defines key terms like token, callback URI, OAuth signatures, and describes the OAuth authentication process. Client requests include parameters like OAuth_token and OAuth_signature, calculated using the signature base string. The server validates the signature to verify the client's identity before granting access to protected resources. Signatures can be generated via HMAC-SHA1, RSA-SHA1, or plaintext depending on the method used.

oauthweb developmentphp

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Building an API Security Ecosystem
Building an API Security EcosystemBuilding an API Security Ecosystem
Building an API Security Ecosystem

This document discusses best practices for building an API security ecosystem, including using a gateway pattern to decouple clients from APIs, various methods for direct authentication of internal users like HTTP basic authentication and OAuth, auditing and monitoring APIs, and externalizing authorization using standards like XACML. It also covers cross-domain access, distributed authorization with resource servers, and user-managed access models.

oauth 2.0oauthapi security
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InterCon 2016 - Performance, anti-patterns e stacks para desenvolvimento ágil
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Fabio Akita, Co-Founder daCodeminer 42 fala sobre Performance, anti-patterns e stacks para desenvolvimento ágil no InterCon 2016. Saiba mais

token=2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA OAuth	
  ”openid profile	
} OAuth	
Client OAuth	

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Tomás Trojan, Diretor de Planejamento da Cadastra, mostra 15 práticas em Links Patrocinados e SEO para melhorar os seus resultados. Essa palestra foi dada na sala da ESPM no ProXXIma 2014.

Android DevConference - Firebase para desenvolvedores
Android DevConference - Firebase para desenvolvedoresAndroid DevConference - Firebase para desenvolvedores
Android DevConference - Firebase para desenvolvedores

Rodrigo Sicarelli e Isabela Terribili, Elo7, falam sobre Firebase para desenvolvedores no Android DevConference 2016. Saiba mais em:

Client OAuth	
Microservice Architecture	
Microservice Architecture	
• Audit	
• Microservices can	
• Fine	
• The	
  (OAuth+OpenID Connect	
• API	
• OpenSource
• Connect2ID
• Keycloak
• MitreID Connect­‐connect/OpenID-­‐Connect-­‐Java-­‐
• WSO2	

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O documento discute estratégias de marketing de busca no Google AdWords, incluindo anúncios de produtos (PLA), remarketing dinâmico (DRA) e anúncios de pesquisa dinâmica (DSA). Ele fornece métricas e dicas para segmentar campanhas geograficamente e por horário para melhorar os resultados.

Android DevConference - Indo além com automação de testes de apps Android
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Eduardo Carrara, fala sobre Indo além com automação de testes de apps Android no Android DevConference 2016. Saiba mais em:

InterCon 2016 - Internet of “Thinking” – IoT sem BS com ESP8266
InterCon 2016 - Internet of “Thinking” – IoT sem BS com ESP8266InterCon 2016 - Internet of “Thinking” – IoT sem BS com ESP8266
InterCon 2016 - Internet of “Thinking” – IoT sem BS com ESP8266

The document discusses the Internet of Things (IoT) and technologies related to IoT devices. It compares the specifications of the ESP8266 and Arduino Uno microcontrollers. It also mentions several common IoT protocols and tools for connecting devices, developing applications, and monitoring/controlling sensors remotely, such as Blynk, MQTT, and HTTP. The document emphasizes that IoT is becoming more realistic and affordable to implement using low-cost hardware and open-source software.

• OAuth	
• OAuth	
• OpenID	
• OpenID	

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  • 1. Identity  within  Microservices Erick  Belluci Tedeschi @ericktedeschi São  Paulo,  Oct  22  2016
  • 2. Who? • PHP  Developer  since  2003 • Application  Security  since  2007 • Biker • Maker • Help  devs delivery  Secure  Applications • Help  business  to  keep  clients  data  secure
  • 3. Agenda • Microservice architecture  Version  1 • About  Tokens • OAuth  2.0 • OpenID  Connect • Authorization  Code  Flow  Example • Microservice architecture  NG!!!
  • 4. Microservice Architecture  V1 API  GatewayOAuth  Server* Account GET  /my/{user_id} Transfer POST  /transferto/{src_account}/{dst_account} Receipt GET  /receipts/{user_id} End-­‐User Bank  API  (Public) GET      /my POST  /transferto/{dst_account} GET      /receipts /token /authorize Basic  auth Basic  auth No  auth
  • 5. Microservice Architecture  V1 API  GatewayOAuth  Server* Account GET  /my/{user_id} Transfer POST  /transferto/{src_account}/{dst_account} Receipt GET  /receipts/{user_id} End-­‐User Bank  API  (Public) GET      /my POST  /transferto/{dst_account} GET      /receipts /token /authorize Basic  auth Basic  auth No  auth • Poor  logging  (audit  trail) • Poor  identification  on  microservices (X-­‐User-­‐Logged  L) • Authorization  centralized  on  API  Gateway • Microservices are  more  like  CRUDs  APIs • Microservices have  ”micro  user  repositories”  or  don’t   have  authentication/authorization • API  Gateway  have  more  responsibility  than  necessary
  • 6. Now,  let’s  take  a  look  at  the:  Token • A  piece  of stamped metal used  as  a substitute for money;  a voucher that  can  be  exchanged  for  goods  or   services  ( • Token  By  Reference • An  opaque  string  generated  randomly • Ex.:  2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA • Token  By  Value • A  JWT  that  contains  claims  about  the  context  of  the  token • Ex.:   eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL215LnNlcnZpY2UuY29tIiwiaWF0IjoxNDM1MTc5NjAzLCJleHA iOjE0MzUxODE0MjEsImF1ZCI6Ind3dy5zZXJ2aWNlLmNvbSIsInN1YiI6ImpvaG5kb2VAZ21haWwuY29tIiwiUm9sZSI6WyJhcHByb 3ZlciIsInZpZXdlciJdfQ.91GLvtMhhnICmqlf_RVONGw5IM9i8eeAPx2s_WpMObU
  • 7. JWT  – JSON  Web  Token eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiL CJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ 9.eyJpc3MiOiJodH RwczovL215LnNlcn ZpY2UuY29tIiwiaW F0IjoxNDM1MTc5N jAzLCJleHAiOjE0Mz UxODE0MjEsImF1Z CI6Ind3dy5zZXJ2a WNlLmNvbSIsInN1 YiI6ImpvaG5kb2VA Z21haWwuY29tIiwi Um9sZSI6WyJhcHB yb3ZlciIsInZpZXdlci JdfQ.91GLvtMhhnI Cmqlf_RVONGw5I M9i8eeAPx2s_Wp MObU { "typ":  "JWT", "alg":  "HS256" } { "iss":  "", "iat":  1435179603, "exp":  1435181421, "aud":  "", "sub":  "", "Role":  [ "approver", "viewer" ] } HMACSHA256( base64UrlEncode(header)  +  "."  + base64UrlEncode(payload),sharedsecret) JWT  Header JWT  Payload JWT  Signature
  • 8. The  OAuth  2.0  Authorization  Framework The  OAuth  2.0  enables  a  third-­‐party  application  to  obtain   limited  access  to  an  HTTP  service  on  behalf  of  a  resource   owner...
  • 9. OAuth  2.0  – Protocol  or  Framework? • RFC  5849:  The  OAuth  1.0  Protocol • RFC  6749:  The  OAuth  2.0  Authorization  Framework …  contract,  pact,  deal …  structure,  skeleton,  chassis
  • 10. Warning:  OAuth  is  not  about  authentication
  • 11. Warning:  OAuth  is  not  about  authentication
  • 12. How  an  access_token looks  like?  (by  value  -­‐ JWT) // JWT Payload { "sub": "alice", // user id "cid": "000123", // client id "iss": "", // who issued "aud": "", "exp": 1460345736, // expiration date "scp": ["openid","email","profile"] // scopes }
  • 13. OpenID  Connect OpenID  Connect  1.0  is  a  simple  identity  layer  on  top  of  the  OAuth  2.
  • 14. How  an  id_token looks  like?  (by  value  -­‐ JWT) { "iss": ”InstIdentRicardoGumbletonDaunt", // who issued "sub": ”4.444.444", // user identification "aud": ["cops","bank"], // where it’s used "nonce": "n-0S6_WzA2Mj", "exp": 1311281970, // 10 years "iat": 1311280970, "auth_time": 1311280969, "amr": "sign+fingerprint” //auth-methods-ref }
  • 16. A  complete  Authorization  Server • /authorize • /token • /introspection  (check  access_token) • /token_info (get  more  information  about  identity) • /revocation
  • 17. Let’s  see  how  to  get  both  access_token and   id_token using  Authorization  Code  Flow
  • 23. Resource Owner Authorization Server Resource Server Client POST  /token  HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization:  Basic  czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW Content-­‐Type:  application/x-­‐www-­‐form-­‐urlencoded grant_type=authorization_code&code=SplxlOBeZQQYbYS6WxSbIA &redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fclient%2Eexample%2Ecom%2Fcb
  • 24. Resource Owner Authorization Server Resource Server Client HTTP/1.1  200  OK Content-­‐Type:  application/json;charset=UTF-­‐8 Cache-­‐Control:  no-­‐store Pragma:  no-­‐cache { "access_token":"2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA", "token_type":"Bearer", "expires_in":3600, "refresh_token":"tGzv3JOkF0XG5Qx2TlKWIA", "id_token":   "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjFlOWdkazcifQ.ewogImlzcyI6ICJodHRwOi 8vc2VydmVyLmV4YW1wbGUuY29tIiwKICJzdWIiOiAiMjQ4Mjg5NzYxMDAx IiwKICJhdWQiOiAiczZCaGRSa3F0MyIsCiAibm9uY2UiOiAibi0wUzZfV3pBM k1qIiwKICJleHAiOiAxMzE.xptoxptoxpto" }
  • 26. Resource Owner Authorization Server Resource Server Client POST  /introspect  HTTP/1.1 Host: Authorization:  Basic  czZCaGRSa3F0MzpnWDFmQmF0M2JW Content-­‐Type:  application/x-­‐www-­‐form-­‐urlencoded token=2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA OAuth  2.0  Token  Introspection Introspection  Request
  • 27. Resource Owner Authorization Server Resource Server Client HTTP/1.1  200  OK Content-­‐Type:  application/json { "active":  true, "client_id":  "l238j323ds-­‐23ij4", "username":  "jdoe", "scope":  ”openid profile  email", "sub":  "Z5O3upPC88QrAjx00dis", "aud":  "", "iss":  "", "exp":  1419356238, "iat":  1419350238, "extension_field":  "twenty-­‐seven” } OAuth  2.0  Token  Introspection Introspection  Request
  • 30. Microservice Architecture  NG!!! API  Gateway Authorization Server Account GET  /my GET  /pvt/{account} Transfer POST  /transferto/{dst_account} Receipt GET  /receipts OAuth Filter OAuth Filter OAuth Filter OAuth  Filter Resource Owner Introspection/validation Bank  API  (Public) GET      /my POST  /transferto/{dst_account} GET      /receipts /token /authorize /introspect /revoke /token_info ”offline  introspection/validation” ”offline  introspection/validation”
  • 31. Microservice Architecture  NG!!! API  Gateway Authorization Server Account GET  /my GET  /pvt/{account} Transfer POST  /transferto/{dst_account} Receipt GET  /receipts OAuth Filter OAuth Filter OAuth Filter OAuth  Filter Resource Owner Introspection/validation Bank  API  (Public) GET      /my POST  /transferto/{dst_account} GET      /receipts /token /authorize /introspect /revoke /token_info ”offline  introspection/validation” ”offline  introspection/validation” • Audit  Trail  Improved • Microservices can  make  decision  based  on  the  end-­‐user   identity • Fine  grained  authorization  across  the  services • The  whole  environment  have  a  central  user  identity   repository  (OAuth+OpenID Connect  Server) • API  Gateway  is  clean/slim
  • 32. Don’t  start  from  scratch • OpenSource • Connect2ID • Keycloak • MitreID Connect­‐connect/OpenID-­‐Connect-­‐Java-­‐ Spring-­‐Server • WSO2  Identity  Server­‐server/
  • 33. References  and  Links • OAuth  2.0: • OAuth  2.0  Bearer  Token  Usage: • OpenID  Connect  Core:­‐connect-­‐core-­‐1_0.html • OpenID  Connect  Discovery:­‐connect-­‐discovery-­‐1_0.html • JOSÉ  (JSON  Object  Signing  and  Encryption) • JSON  Web  Signature  (JWS) • JSON  Web  Encryption  (JWE) • JSON  Web  Key  (JWK) • JSON  Web  Algorithms  (JWA) • JSON  Web  Token  (JWT) •­‐jose-­‐jwt/examples/validating-­‐jwt-­‐access-­‐tokens