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Games and
application              Websites

                               (c) Jarosław Gomułka 2012
API types:

● JS

Created for mobile application and website solutions.
Authentication is based on OAuth standard. There are many libraries supporting this
standard. Have a look here::

First you need to get nk_token via /token/get request.


POST data:

[no cookies]

Request Headers:
<next slide>

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Cookies store small pieces of data in the user's browser and are used to implement sessions. Sessions associate user data stored on the server with a unique ID (stored in a cookie). Users are authenticated by verifying their username and password which starts a session if valid. Authentication verifies a user's identity, while authorization determines what resources they are allowed to access based on permissions.

by soon
Ajax chap 4
Ajax chap 4Ajax chap 4
Ajax chap 4

1. The document discusses using Ajax to return JavaScript code and objects from a server. Code examples are provided to return a JavaScript function from a PHP file using XMLHttpRequest, and to convert text into a JavaScript object. 2. Methods for using the XMLHttpRequest HEAD method are demonstrated to retrieve header information from the server, such as the server name, date/time, and file modification date. 3. The code is modified to extract only the last modified date from the header, and then further modified to display individual parts of the date like date, month, year, hours, minutes, and seconds. 4. An example is given to check if a URL exists using HEAD requests and XMLHttpRequest.


This document contains the code for a Blockly program that draws a circle on a canvas. It includes the JavaScript code to initialize various Blockly blocks like html, body, title, and circle. It also includes the SVG code for the Blockly representation of the program and the final HTML, JavaScript, and SVG output generated by the Blockly program.

REST API - /token/get - headers
Request Headers:
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 28
Authorization: OAuth oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_consumer_key="customerKeyZPanelu",
oauth_timestamp="1352376881", oauth_nonce="272317321310634", oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature="

oauth_nonce="272317321310634" - must be unique, at least 15 characters
oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1" - you must enter this value
oauth_signature="jVaVvVZcLZ1mMHzU3dzAmw3vxPE%3D" - it needs to be calculated:)

oauth_signature obliczamy poprzez base64_encode(HMAC-SHA1(oauth_base_string, <secret from developer panel>&));

If everything goes correctly, we will get the answer:

REST API - base string
Example of value POST&

First part POST - as we were sending POST request
Second part is URL without query parameters, encoded via urldecode function
Third part are all sorted and concatenated parameters .

Remember to sign the request content (when it makes sens - check: question reported to NKsupport).

All requests need to be signed with this mechanism.
REST API - @me, @self, @all
Many endpoint specifications show strange elements like: @me, @self, @all.

@me - user currently logged in
@self, @friends, @all - indicates who can check the object on which the action is done
Download user data

[no cookies]

Request Headers:
Authorization: OAuth oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_consumer_key="psiloctest1", oauth_timestamp="
1352379660", oauth_nonce="275096425520387", oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature="GeGBNljcPKIQPeLXgCtYX8zgVCY%3D"
Connection: keep-alive


pl/img/avatar/avatar_default_female","name":{"formatted":"du1 mnk (u003cscriptu003ealert(1);u003c/scriptu003e)","
additionalName":"mnk (u003cscriptu003ealert(1);u003c/scriptu003e)","familyName":"mnk","givenName":"du1"},"photos":
[{"value":"","type":"thumbnail"}],"displayName":"du1 mnk

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Ajax chap 5
Ajax chap 5Ajax chap 5
Ajax chap 5

1. The document explains Ajax frameworks and functions from the Ajax Gold library. Ajax frameworks contain JavaScript functions that simplify making Ajax requests, reducing code. The getDataReturnText function uses GET to fetch text from a URL, calling a callback function on completion. getDataReturnXml similarly fetches XML. postDataReturnText uses POST to send data to a URL and receive a text response.

CIS 2015b FIDO U2F in 10 minutes - Dirk Balfanz
CIS 2015b FIDO U2F in 10 minutes - Dirk BalfanzCIS 2015b FIDO U2F in 10 minutes - Dirk Balfanz
CIS 2015b FIDO U2F in 10 minutes - Dirk Balfanz

In just under two-years the FIDO Alliance has produced a pair of specifications for strong authentication that have already been deployed at scale by some of the biggest brands in the world; Universal Authentication Framework (UAF) and Universal 2nd Factor (U2F). Now the Alliance is working on adding additional methods for standards-based strong authentication. Come learn about these protocols and walk away with knowledge on what is available now, what is coming (hint: BLE, NFC, platform optimization), and what it takes to roll out strong authentication across your enterprise and to your customer base.

20111204 web security_livshits_lecture01
20111204 web security_livshits_lecture0120111204 web security_livshits_lecture01
20111204 web security_livshits_lecture01

This document discusses web and browser security. It summarizes vulnerabilities like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS), and defenses against them. SQL injection allows attackers to manipulate dynamically-generated SQL queries to obtain unauthorized data or issue unauthorized commands. XSS allows attackers to inject and execute malicious scripts in web pages by exploiting insufficient input validation. Defenses include input validation, prepared statements, and output encoding. These vulnerabilities remain prevalent issues for web applications.

Adding shout

POST data:
{"title":"Some short text 123"}

[no cookies]

Request Headers:
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 31
Authorization: OAuth oauth_body_hash="%2FIyGusEZ4w8%2BuI9gOr5emjQha9E%3D", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",
oauth_consumer_key="psiloctest1", oauth_timestamp="1352379705", oauth_nonce="275140932345687", oauth_version="1.0",
Connection: close

Response 200:
When something is not working...
We suggest the following steps:
●   Check the error code. You can find many useful information there.
●   Check logs -
●   Catch the request with tcpdump or extract it with netcat. Then check if data is
    sent according to the specification
●   Describe the problem in details in NK support
In this part we will show you how to create Opensocial applications.
Shindig is used as application container which implements OpenSocial standard
Shindig is responsible for:
 ●    application rendering
 ●    proxy request creation
 ●    data cache
 ●    RPC/REST requests

We are supporting OpenSociala ver 0.9.

List of all functionalities we are supporting
is accessible in our documentation.
Aplikacje definiujemy przez pojedynczy plik gadget.xml
Adres do tego pliku podajemy w panelu zarządzania aplikacjami i stronami.

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This document contains code for an ASP.NET web form that allows users to select a programming language from a radio button list. When submitted, the selected language and its corresponding ISBN number are stored in the HTTP session. On postback, labels are populated to display the selected language and session details like the ID and timeout. The code defines event handlers for loading and submitting the form to handle setting up and storing the session data.

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NoSQL oder: Freiheit ist nicht schmerzfrei - IT Tage
NoSQL oder: Freiheit ist nicht schmerzfrei - IT TageNoSQL oder: Freiheit ist nicht schmerzfrei - IT Tage
NoSQL oder: Freiheit ist nicht schmerzfrei - IT Tage

Der Vortrag zeigt, dass bei NoSQL auch nicht alles ganz einfach ist und genauso harte Entscheidungen getroffen werden müssen wie bei RDBMS. Anhand eines echten Use Cases werden wir die Unterschiede, Vor- und Nachteile von NoSQL am Beispiel von MongoDB beleuchten.

sqlbig datanosql
Web client security
Web client securityWeb client security
Web client security

The document discusses cache JSON hijacking and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). It provides examples of how an attacker could steal JSON data from a cache by overriding native JavaScript methods and injecting scripts to access APIs without authorization.

Preparation of development environment
1.   You create application in
2.   Set debug mode (data cache is disabled)
3.   You add tester ID on application tester list
4.   Enter your application: (the exact link is in
     application settings)

For the beginning we can put the following, classic example code as gadget.xml:
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  <Content type="html" view="canvas">
     Hello World
Following examples are available under this URL:

1.   ROT13
2.   Information about the user
3.   Informacje about friends
4.   Embedding flash
5.   Swfobject
6.   Hamster fall
7.   Adding shout on NK

We suggest to test other JS API functionalities in this application: nkda.
Payments- JS code
function handlePaymentResponse(dataItem) {
if (dataItem.hadError()) {
    alert('got an error');
} else {
    var orderId = dataItem.getData().getField(opensocial.Payment.Field.ORDER_ID);
    alert('payment request accepted, orderId: ' + orderId);

function makePayment() {
var params = {};

params[opensocial.Payment.Field.AMOUNT] = 5;
params[opensocial.Payment.Field.MESSAGE] = "large sword";
params[opensocial.Payment.Field.PARAMETERS] = "some_app_specific_params";

var payment = opensocial.newPayment(params);
opensocial.requestPayment(payment, handlePaymentResponse);
Enter the right value in "Payment Callback URL" field (Administration panel):

When transaction is completed, nk is sending under this URL the following request:

POST /some/url HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


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Drupal 8 Authentication
Drupal 8 AuthenticationDrupal 8 Authentication
Drupal 8 Authentication

Drupal 8 incorporates a modular authentication system where different authentication providers can authenticate a user from a given request. The core built-in authentication providers are the cookie provider, which returns an authenticated or anonymous user depending on the presence of a cookie, and the basic authentication provider, which checks if the user name and password are in the request headers and finds a user. Authentication providers have a priority and are called in order by the authentication manager to authenticate the user for a request. Modules can also define custom authentication providers for routes, REST resources, and views.

JSON Web Tokens Will Improve Your Life
JSON Web Tokens Will Improve Your LifeJSON Web Tokens Will Improve Your Life
JSON Web Tokens Will Improve Your Life

JSON Web Tokens, or JWTs, are a standardized way of representing a JSON-based data structure and transmitting it between two parties. JWTs rely on cryptographic signatures which ensure that the data transmitted in the JWT isn’t modified during transit. JWTs are designed to be extremely compact—small enough to be transmitted in an HTTP header, for example—and can be used in a variety of ways: as authorization tokens, client-side data storage, or even for the implementation of single sign on (SSO) solutions. They’re based on a very simple and elegant algorithm that’s easy to understand and quickly put to use. JWT implementations are available in virtually every programming language in common use for Web and mobile development. Unfortunately, learning how to use JWTs can be complicated by the terminology that’s commonly used. “Claims,” “signatures,” “body,” “payload”—a large part of learning how JWTs work is deciphering these buzzwords and understanding how they map onto more familiar programming terms. This talk will focus on reducing this barrier to entry and making JWTs understandable to any programmer. This talk will cover: the structure of a JSON Web Token the algorithm for generating one available libraries and tooling some common scenarios where JWTs can be used. Particular emphasis will be given as to when and why JWTs provide for better solutions than other methods. Attendees should come away from this talk with a full understanding of how to use JWTs for a variety of purposes, and be ready and eager to put JWTs into use in both personal and professional contexts.

jwtjson web tokensauthorization
InheritedWidget is your friend - GDG London (2018-08-08)
InheritedWidget is your friend - GDG London (2018-08-08)InheritedWidget is your friend - GDG London (2018-08-08)
InheritedWidget is your friend - GDG London (2018-08-08)

On this talk we explore three different ways of getting access to dependencies in Flutter, and their tradeoffs. First, we’ll take a look at global state as an easy way of getting the things we need. Then, we’ll talk about constructor dependency injection, what problems it solves, but also which new ones it introduces. Finally, we will learn how to make use of InheritedWidget and how it can help as you scale up your apps. I’ll show a simple app as a example of how these techniques work in practice.

Application must confirm the payment has been received by generating the following

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


If the confirmation (response) is not ok, NK server will send request every minute for next 24hours or till we get
the correct response.

If you want to test payments, send e-mail to with request for specified amount of NK
currency (EGB) , you NK profile ID and name of the application you are testing.
Inviting friends to the application:
function handleInviteFriendResponse(responseItem) {
    if (responseItem.hadError()) {
        // handle error
    } else {
        alert(responseItem.getData() + ' invited friend(s)');
function invite() {

    var msg = 'Join me !';

    var paramsObject = new Object();
    nk.requestInviteFriends(msg, paramsObject, handleInviteFriendResponse);

Check if user is already member of the
application group.
function response(data) {
if (data.hadError()) {
 // handle error
} else {
 var result = data.get("isInGroup").getData();
 if (result) {
     output("User is in application's group");
 } else {
     output("User is NOT in application's group");
function request() {
var req = opensocial.newDataRequest();
req.add(nk.groups.newIsUserInAppGroupRequest(), "isInGroup");

Adding user to application group:
function callback(responseItem) {
if (responseItem.hadError()) {
    // handle error
} else {

function invite() {


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The document discusses configuring Tomcat connection pools. It describes preparing Tomcat by adding jar files, configuring the server.xml file and context.xml files, and testing connection pools using JSP. It also covers how Tomcat 6 supports connection pools using dbcp and how JdbcRowSet can use connection pools.

Android query
Android queryAndroid query
Android query

Slides from Android dev meeting in Zilina, Slovakia about AndroidQuery. follow me on:

HtmlElements – естественное расширение PageObject
HtmlElements – естественное расширение PageObjectHtmlElements – естественное расширение PageObject
HtmlElements – естественное расширение PageObject

The document discusses page object modeling for web testing. It includes examples of page object classes with WebElement fields located using annotations. It also discusses some limitations of duplicating code and proposes using element blocks, type definitions, and a matcher library to address these limitations. Standard and extended element types are defined to help structure page objects and represent page elements in a more object-oriented way.

sqa days 13
Adding picture:
function uploadPhotoHandler(resp) {
    if (resp.hadError()) {
    // handle error

function uploadPhoto() {"Photo added from Dev App", null, uploadPhotoHandler);

How many user have installed the
function response(data) {
if (data.get("amount").hadError()) {
     // handle error
} else {

function request() {
var req = opensocial.newDataRequest();
req.add(nk.newGetAmountOfUsersRequest(), "amount");

Adding shout:
function onActivityPosted(data) {
 if (data.hadError()) {
     alert("There was a problem: " + data.getErrorMessage());
 } else {
     output("The activity was posted successfully.");

function postActivity(title) {
 var data = {};
 data[opensocial.Activity.Field.TITLE] = title;
 var activity = opensocial.newActivity(data);
postActivity("This is a sample activity");
Communication between users - message
function response(data) {
 if (data.hadError()) {
     alert("There was a problem: " + data.getErrorMessage());
 } else {
     output("The message was sent.");

function request() {
 var iconUrl = new opensocial.Url({"type" : "icon", "address" : ""});
 var msgParams = {
     "title" : "Title of notification",
     "urls" : new Array(iconUrl), // image used in notification
     "type" : "notification",       // only notification is currently supported
 var msg = opensocial.newMessage("Body of notification", msgParams); opensocial.requestSendMessage(["person.XXX"], msg,


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Building Your First Data Science Applicatino in MongoDB
Building Your First Data Science Applicatino in MongoDBBuilding Your First Data Science Applicatino in MongoDB
Building Your First Data Science Applicatino in MongoDB

Speaker: Robyn Allen, Software Engineer, Central Inventions Level: 100 (Beginner) Track: Tutorials To provide a hands-on opportunity to work with real data, this session will center around a web-hosted quiz application which helps students practice math and memorize vocabulary. After experimenting with a small demonstration dataset (generated by each individual during the workshop), attendees will be guided through working with an anonymized dataset in MongoDB. No prior MongoDB experience is required but attendees are expected to download and install MongoDB Community Edition (available for free from and have a working Python 3 environment of their choice (e.g., IDLE, free from installed on a laptop they bring to the workshop. Prerequisites: Attendees are expected to bring a laptop with the following software installed: MongoDB 3.4.x Community Edition The text editor or IDE of their choice A working Python 3 environment of their choice No prior MongoDB experience is required. What You Will Learn: - How to load a CSV file into MongoDB using mongoimport and then write queries (using the Mongo shell) to ensure the data appears as expected. Attendees will use a demo version of an online quiz app to generate a small data file of raw session data (which can be accessed via after logging in to the demo app and answering one or more quiz questions about MongoDB). After studying how the demo app stores session data, attendees will practice using mongoimport to import anonymized session data (provided during the workshop) into MongoDB. - How to use the aggregation pipeline (in PyMongo) to implement more complicated queries and gain insights from data. Because the sample dataset contains data from a variety of users of different skill levels, queries can be designed which reveal summary statistics for the anonymous user cohort or specific performance of individual users. Participants will receive instruction in using MongoDB aggregation pipelines in order to write powerful, efficient queries with very few lines of code. - How to write queries to analyze sample data from an online quiz app. Once the sample data has been loaded into MongoDB, participants will be guided in writing basic queries to examine the sample data. Participants will have an opportunity to write queries in the Mongo shell and in Python in order to familiarize themselves with syntax variations and key ideas. Participants will learn how to implement CRUD operations in PyMongo.

1 24 - user data management
1 24 - user data management1 24 - user data management
1 24 - user data management

The document discusses modeling and querying user data in MongoDB. It provides examples of storing user account information, activity streams like check-ins, and extending the data model to track additional information like social connections and user clicks. The key points are that user data maps well to MongoDB's flexible document model, the data design should optimize for common queries, and the schema can easily be extended over time to support new use cases.

InterCon 2016 - Segurança de identidade digital levando em consideração uma a...
InterCon 2016 - Segurança de identidade digital levando em consideração uma a...InterCon 2016 - Segurança de identidade digital levando em consideração uma a...
InterCon 2016 - Segurança de identidade digital levando em consideração uma a...

Erick Tedeschi fala sobre Segurança de identidade digital levando em consideração uma arquitetura de microserviço no InterCon 2016. Saiba mais em


You can find many other examples in our dokumentation
together with detailed features specification.
Some interesting features:
Please note, that even if we support some features, they may not be operated in the same way as in original
OpenSocial specification, for example: Activity.

List of supported paramenters is here:

Interesting features:

gadgets.log / gadgets.warn / gadgets.error

gadgets.json.parse / gadgets.json.stringify

gadgets.window.adjustHeight / osapi.http.get

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Nk API - examples

  • 1. NK API Examples Games and application Websites s (c) Jarosław Gomułka 2012
  • 3. REST API Documentation Created for mobile application and website solutions.
  • 4. REST API Authentication is based on OAuth standard. There are many libraries supporting this standard. Have a look here:: First you need to get nk_token via /token/get request. POST POST data: login=loginUseraNaNk&password=hasłoUseraNaNk [no cookies] Request Headers: <next slide>
  • 5. REST API - /token/get - headers Request Headers: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 28 Authorization: OAuth oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_consumer_key="customerKeyZPanelu", oauth_timestamp="1352376881", oauth_nonce="272317321310634", oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature=" jVaVvVZcLZ1mMHzU3dzAmw3vxPE%3D" oauth_version="1.0", oauth_timestamp="1352376881" oauth_nonce="272317321310634" - must be unique, at least 15 characters oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1" - you must enter this value oauth_signature="jVaVvVZcLZ1mMHzU3dzAmw3vxPE%3D" - it needs to be calculated:) oauth_signature obliczamy poprzez base64_encode(HMAC-SHA1(oauth_base_string, <secret from developer panel>&)); If everything goes correctly, we will get the answer: nk_token=jakiśDziwnyNapisWBase64
  • 6. REST API - base string Example of value POST& 3Dabcef%26oauth_consumer_key%3DjakisCustomerKey%26oauth_nonce%3D273217097465315% 26oauth_signature_method%3DHMAC-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D1352377781%26oauth_version%3D1. 0%26password%3DjakiśPassword First part POST - as we were sending POST request Second part is URL without query parameters, encoded via urldecode function Third part are all sorted and concatenated parameters . Remember to sign the request content (when it makes sens - check: question reported to NKsupport). All requests need to be signed with this mechanism.
  • 7. REST API - @me, @self, @all Many endpoint specifications show strange elements like: @me, @self, @all. @me - user currently logged in @self, @friends, @all - indicates who can check the object on which the action is done
  • 8. Download user data GET nk_token=pynHhd5gLOetEOL3HtkFLwAUZ-4jHwMb6yda8Dkk-ratXkexcYcJhjWliEusR_QGTpBLvl1Rto51k8- s24l9O9wFKaqQ9mvNDMKSU90Gp2f [no cookies] Request Headers: Authorization: OAuth oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_consumer_key="psiloctest1", oauth_timestamp=" 1352379660", oauth_nonce="275096425520387", oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature="GeGBNljcPKIQPeLXgCtYX8zgVCY%3D" Connection: keep-alive Response: {"entry":{"isOwner":true,"isViewer":true,"id":"person.602916f34c2ee73d","thumbnailUrl":"http://s.m.nk. pl/img/avatar/avatar_default_female","name":{"formatted":"du1 mnk (u003cscriptu003ealert(1);u003c/scriptu003e)"," additionalName":"mnk (u003cscriptu003ealert(1);u003c/scriptu003e)","familyName":"mnk","givenName":"du1"},"photos": [{"value":"","type":"thumbnail"}],"displayName":"du1 mnk (u003cscriptu003ealert(1);u003c/scriptu003e)"}}
  • 9. Adding shout POST 4jHwMb6yda8Dkk-ratXkexcYcJhjWliEusR_QGTpBLvl1Rto51k8-s24l9O9wFKaqQ9mvNDMKSU90Gp2f POST data: {"title":"Some short text 123"} [no cookies] Request Headers: Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 31 Authorization: OAuth oauth_body_hash="%2FIyGusEZ4w8%2BuI9gOr5emjQha9E%3D", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1", oauth_consumer_key="psiloctest1", oauth_timestamp="1352379705", oauth_nonce="275140932345687", oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature="Rhv3r9eVAx66MDlcTepvQ7bPkuw%3D" Connection: close Response 200: {"entry":{}}
  • 10. When something is not working... We suggest the following steps: ● Check the error code. You can find many useful information there. ● Check logs - ● Catch the request with tcpdump or extract it with netcat. Then check if data is sent according to the specification ● Describe the problem in details in NK support
  • 11. API JS In this part we will show you how to create Opensocial applications. Shindig is used as application container which implements OpenSocial standard Shindig is responsible for: ● application rendering ● proxy request creation ● data cache ● RPC/REST requests We are supporting OpenSociala ver 0.9. List of all functionalities we are supporting is accessible in our documentation.
  • 12. API JS Aplikacje definiujemy przez pojedynczy plik gadget.xml Adres do tego pliku podajemy w panelu zarządzania aplikacjami i stronami.
  • 13. Preparation of development environment 1. You create application in 2. Set debug mode (data cache is disabled) 3. You add tester ID on application tester list 4. Enter your application: (the exact link is in application settings) For the beginning we can put the following, classic example code as gadget.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <Module> <ModulePrefs/> <Content type="html" view="canvas"> <![CDATA[ Hello World ]]> </Content> </Module>
  • 14. Examples: Following examples are available under this URL: 1. ROT13 2. Information about the user 3. Informacje about friends 4. Embedding flash 5. Swfobject 6. Hamster fall 7. Adding shout on NK We suggest to test other JS API functionalities in this application: nkda.
  • 15. Payments- JS code function handlePaymentResponse(dataItem) { if (dataItem.hadError()) { alert('got an error'); } else { var orderId = dataItem.getData().getField(opensocial.Payment.Field.ORDER_ID); alert('payment request accepted, orderId: ' + orderId); } } function makePayment() { var params = {}; params[opensocial.Payment.Field.AMOUNT] = 5; params[opensocial.Payment.Field.MESSAGE] = "large sword"; params[opensocial.Payment.Field.PARAMETERS] = "some_app_specific_params"; var payment = opensocial.newPayment(params); opensocial.requestPayment(payment, handlePaymentResponse); }
  • 16. Payments Enter the right value in "Payment Callback URL" field (Administration panel): When transaction is completed, nk is sending under this URL the following request: POST /some/url HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded amount=5&appId=app.1& oauth_nonce=252b9d59381dd803dcf156663d1375d9&oauth_signature=%2F7%2BGAbB0DDYNZwC%2BsSACe1O5Kpw%3D& oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_timestamp=1273755263&oauth_version=1.0& orderId=32787067d4de27d7fb97d816723d5c75bb9fd337&parameters=some_app_specific_params& paymentType=payment&
  • 17. Payments Application must confirm the payment has been received by generating the following response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/json {"orderId":"32787067d4de27d7fb97d816723d5c75bb9fd337","responseCode":"ok","responseMessage":"all ok","signature":"7e7455aac4a1be3186185e5bd056791adf01818c"} If the confirmation (response) is not ok, NK server will send request every minute for next 24hours or till we get the correct response. If you want to test payments, send e-mail to with request for specified amount of NK currency (EGB) , you NK profile ID and name of the application you are testing.
  • 18. Inviting friends to the application: function handleInviteFriendResponse(responseItem) { if (responseItem.hadError()) { // handle error } else { alert(responseItem.getData() + ' invited friend(s)'); } } function invite() { var msg = 'Join me !'; var paramsObject = new Object(); nk.requestInviteFriends(msg, paramsObject, handleInviteFriendResponse); } invite();
  • 19. Check if user is already member of the application group. function response(data) { if (data.hadError()) { // handle error } else { var result = data.get("isInGroup").getData(); if (result) { output("User is in application's group"); } else { output("User is NOT in application's group"); } } }; function request() { var req = opensocial.newDataRequest(); req.add(nk.groups.newIsUserInAppGroupRequest(), "isInGroup"); req.send(response); }; request();
  • 20. Adding user to application group: function callback(responseItem) { if (responseItem.hadError()) { // handle error } else { console.log(responseItem); } } function invite() { nk.groups.requestAddUserToAppGroup(callback); } invite();
  • 21. Adding picture: function uploadPhotoHandler(resp) { if (resp.hadError()) { // handle error } } function uploadPhoto() {"Photo added from Dev App", null, uploadPhotoHandler); } uploadPhoto();
  • 22. How many user have installed the application? function response(data) { if (data.get("amount").hadError()) { // handle error } else { alert(data.get("amount").getData()); } }; function request() { var req = opensocial.newDataRequest(); req.add(nk.newGetAmountOfUsersRequest(), "amount"); req.send(response); }; request();
  • 23. Adding shout: function onActivityPosted(data) { if (data.hadError()) { alert("There was a problem: " + data.getErrorMessage()); } else { output("The activity was posted successfully."); } }; function postActivity(title) { var data = {}; data[opensocial.Activity.Field.TITLE] = title; var activity = opensocial.newActivity(data); opensocial.requestCreateActivity( activity, opensocial.CreateActivityPriority.HIGH, onActivityPosted ); }; postActivity("This is a sample activity");
  • 24. Communication between users - message function response(data) { if (data.hadError()) { alert("There was a problem: " + data.getErrorMessage()); } else { output("The message was sent."); } }; function request() { var iconUrl = new opensocial.Url({"type" : "icon", "address" : ""}); var msgParams = { "title" : "Title of notification", "urls" : new Array(iconUrl), // image used in notification "type" : "notification", // only notification is currently supported }; var msg = opensocial.newMessage("Body of notification", msgParams); opensocial.requestSendMessage(["person.XXX"], msg, response); }; request();
  • 25. JS API You can find many other examples in our dokumentation together with detailed features specification.
  • 26. Some interesting features: Please note, that even if we support some features, they may not be operated in the same way as in original OpenSocial specification, for example: Activity. List of supported paramenters is here: Interesting features: gadgets.log / gadgets.warn / gadgets.error gadgets.json.parse / gadgets.json.stringify gadgets.window.adjustHeight / osapi.http.get