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As 1400 people visited the STKI SUMMIT 2008 yearly event … few avatars also wanted to listen…
So in the STKI virtual conference center…
The avatars could see a self-paced presentation…

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The document provides an overview of reforms and cultural aspects of ancient Greek society. It discusses the definitions of reform and reformation, and asks questions to understand a reform like what, when, where, how, and why. It then gives examples of political structures in ancient Greece like monarchies and democracies. The social structures were based on wealth but allowed social mobility. Citizens lived in cities or farms, and engaged in the agora. Literature was an important part of culture, exemplified by Homer's epics The Iliad and The Odyssey.

Hoteleria Hospitalaria
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El documento describe cómo los principios de la hotelería pueden aplicarse a la atención de pacientes hospitalizados para mejorar su experiencia. Propone que los hospitales brinden alojamiento cómodo y servicios de alta calidad como la alimentación, ropa limpia y personal amable para satisfacer las necesidades físicas, psicológicas y sociales de los pacientes.

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Presentacion Blog

El documento presenta un proyecto final para una clase de Cultura de la Información. El proyecto consiste en crear un blog para mejorar la comunicación entre los integrantes de una organización mediante el cuidado de las relaciones interpersonales y una buena comunicación dentro de la empresa. Las palabras clave del proyecto son organización, empresa, integrantes y medios de comunicación.

That inccluded the top 10 trends for IT for 2008…
Cheap to Cheaper – means costs are down… (see the STKI team on the right)
(a zoom in to the side demonstrated Intel low cost computer)
2. The rise of people

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Collaborative Bookmarking Basics1

Collaborative bookmarking allows users to save, organize, and share web bookmarks. It provides benefits like allowing collaboration, knowledge sharing, and discovery of resources across an organization. Common tools include Delicious, IBM Connections, and open source options. The presenter provides examples of how companies like MITRE, Honeywell, and BUPA have implemented collaborative bookmarking to improve information sharing and discovery among employees.

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Es una presentacion para reir un rato

And here is the “more info” about that trend…
3. My Portal    follow me Portal
And here is the “more info” about that trend…
4. Need for ERP for IT…

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Solomon chose wisdom as his superpower from God. The document discusses what wisdom is, its importance as mentioned over 200 times in the Bible, and how it can bring benefits like distinguishing right from wrong, wealth, and long life. Wisdom is described as the ability to distinguish right from wrong and is something God encourages people to pursue through Solomon's example.

McVay New Media - Social Networking
McVay New Media - Social NetworkingMcVay New Media - Social Networking
McVay New Media - Social Networking

Social networking has grown exponentially since 1995 and now has over 40 million active users. Daniel Anstandig and Rockie Thomas from McVay New Media gave a presentation to Albright & O'Malley clients on how social networking has become the new radio, providing a brief history of its rise and best practices for using social networking platforms effectively. While early social networking site missed opportunities for growth, modern platforms embrace open sharing and offer value to both paying and non-paying users.


El documento habla sobre el control de gestión en la atención médica. Se define como un sistema de información que permite dar seguimiento a la productividad y rendimiento de los servicios médicos. Tiene como objetivo organizar los servicios de manera eficiente y eficaz en relación a los objetivos y costos, y proveer información confiable para la toma de decisiones. El control de gestión analiza factores como la oferta, demanda, recursos y resultados para mejorar continuamente la calidad de la atención.

More info here is a reference for a cool book
5. Embrace the Web Evolution
More info about web 2.0
6. BI is the Cake…  (and of course it is time for a 3D model)

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El campo argentino quiere hacer oír su voz...seremos capaces de escucharlo?(Autor: Enrique Ruiz Guiñazú)

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La lactante de 6 meses Camila ingresó al servicio de cirugía infantil con quemaduras en el tórax y abdomen. Presenta fiebre, no quiere alimentarse y adopta posición antiálgica. El médico indica realizar aseo quirúrgico y analgésicos habituales. Se describe el proceso de enfermería en las etapas preoperatoria, del aseo quirúrgico y del postoperatorio inmediato y mediato, incluyendo valoración, diagnóstico, intervenciones y seguimiento de la paciente.

Leson 4
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Leson 4

- Judaism was founded by Abraham around 2000 BC and believes in one God who created the universe and has a personal relationship with each individual. The most holy Jewish text is the Torah, which contains laws from God. The symbol of Judaism is the Star of David.

6. More info…
7. 2 nd  wave of ERP… (with 3D model)
7. And more info… (projected budgets for ERP)
8. Infrastructure Services Trends…

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Este documento habla sobre la "Universidad del Desierto", una metáfora para describir cómo Dios enseña y forma el carácter de sus hijos a través de experiencias desafiantes. Explica que en el desierto, Dios enseña, moldea la personalidad y cuida de sus hijos como la niña de su ojo. También menciona una historia sobre huellas en la playa que muestran que Dios siempre está con nosotros, incluso en nuestros momentos más difíciles.


The document outlines the classroom expectations and policies for an Introduction to Algebra class taught by Mr. Jones. It details behaviors expected of students such as being prompt, prepared, polite, and productive. It also covers responsibilities like bringing required materials to class, submitting assignments on time, and asking classmates about missed work. Grading policies are explained, with grades based on class participation, assignments, projects, and a posted scale from A to F.

More info – news clip from Cisco
9. Infrastructure Hardware trends..
More info about vendors
The need for win-win vendor-user…  (and a cool animated 3D image).

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Technology can be integrated into classroom lessons and activities in many ways to support student learning. Teachers can use technology for information, images, interactions, and inquiry. Examples include word processors, calculators, websites, digital cameras, and more. By properly integrating technology, teachers can meet instructional standards and use technology as a learning tool. The effectiveness depends on proper planning, technical support, and trial periods to see how well technology engages students.

No Digital - Ron Tolido
No Digital - Ron TolidoNo Digital - Ron Tolido
No Digital - Ron Tolido

Ron Tolido (Capgemini Insights & Data) presented this at "The Future of IT" on the 20th of September 2017 in Brussels. You can contact Ron via @rtolido on twitter and on LinkedIn

More info  (and a cool animated 3D image).
Thank You… In the Virtual World

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Christmas Decorations_ A Guide to Small Christmas Trees, Candle Centerpieces,...
Christmas Decorations_ A Guide to Small Christmas Trees, Candle Centerpieces,...Christmas Decorations_ A Guide to Small Christmas Trees, Candle Centerpieces,...
Christmas Decorations_ A Guide to Small Christmas Trees, Candle Centerpieces,...
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