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Cassie Lancellotti-Young
VP Analytics and Optimization, Sailthru
@dukecass @sailthru
Playing the Marketing Long Game:
Near-Term Wins vs. Long-Term Value
• Framing the Metrics that Matter: Retention’s Revenge
• Understanding the Quality/Quantity Conundrum
• Discerning Campaign Testing vs. Cohort Testing
• Case Study: Marketing at Sailthru
• Q&A
Today’s Agenda
It is 5x more cost-effective to
retain an existing customer than to
acquire a new one
…yet only 16% of companies
put primary focus on retention
S o u r c e : E c o n s u l t a n c y 2 0 1 3 C r o s s - C h a n n e l M a r k e t i n g R e p o r t

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Enabling Digital Conversions at Scale: 5 Keys to Driving Growth & Engagement ...
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Scott Heimes - CMO / SendGrid at SaaStr Annual 2018 5 Keys for Driving Growth & Engagement via Email

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Brian Kroll - The Strategic Omni-Channel Digital Marketing Playbook
Brian Kroll - The Strategic Omni-Channel Digital Marketing PlaybookBrian Kroll - The Strategic Omni-Channel Digital Marketing Playbook
Brian Kroll - The Strategic Omni-Channel Digital Marketing Playbook

The document outlines strategies for designing and optimizing omni-channel digital marketing campaigns. It discusses setting up campaigns by determining geo-targets and structuring data to meet business objectives. It also covers optimization strategies like aligning platforms and channels to different stages of the customer journey or having all channels compete on the same metric. The goal is to improve conversion rates, revenue and ROI by taking a strategic, omni-channel approach that accounts for how today's consumers cross-shop, research on multiple devices and are influenced by video.
Why is this dangerous? Today is different from tomorrow…
Signup Capture
$10,000 ad spend!
100 leads
$100 CPA
Customer Acquisition
$10,000 ad spend!
100 leads
10 buyers!
$1,000 CPA(C)
Marketing 101 – customer unit economics
Lifetime Value - Acquisition Cost >> 0
Signup Capture
$10,000 ad spend!
100 leads!
$100 CPA!
$750 CLV!
Customer Acquisition
$10,000 ad spend!
100 leads!
10 buyers!
$1,000 CPA(C)!
$750 CLV!
To put it another way…
2.4% lift in two-year lifetime value!
ENGAGEMENT matters most
• Many ways to qualify “engagement,” but it’s
about quality (vs. quantity) and building
sustainable customer relationships
• Conversions (e.g. demo requests) today do
not necessarily breed engagement
tomorrow, but engagement (e.g. newsletter
subscription) might breed conversions –
always measure the downstream impact

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Big Content Inspiration For Your Small Business
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Here's what you can leverage today's content trends to improve the customer experience for your small business — just like the big brands do!

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This document is from the website and discusses their course offerings. Productschool offers part-time courses in Product Management, Coding for Managers, Data Analytics for Managers, Digital Marketing for Managers, UX Design for Managers, Product Leadership, and Corporate Training. The courses aim to teach practical skills for product roles.

product managementpmproduct
Startups Serving The Enterprise: A map for navigating one another in the ques...
Startups Serving The Enterprise: A map for navigating one another in the ques...Startups Serving The Enterprise: A map for navigating one another in the ques...
Startups Serving The Enterprise: A map for navigating one another in the ques...

The rise of new technologies has created an opportunity for enterprises to innovate, improve efficiency and provide differentiated customer experiences. For faster technology adoption and better service and support, enterprises often partner with startup companies to maintain competitive advantage. However, the path to a successful partnership involves several learning lessons.    At Greyscale, our annual conference that connects CXO leaders with enterprise founders, Greylock's Sarah Guo discusses how enterprise and startup leaders can effectively work together.

Find the metrics that matter.
Understand trade-offs between top-of-funnel
and further down, quality vs. quantity
Source: Forrester 2012
66% of marketers use open 

rates as the primary metric for
email performance analysis
• Twitter – 30 follows as quickly as possible
• Facebook – 7 friends in 10 days
• Zynga – “D1” metrics; what happens post day0?
• Sailthru – what pages on our website are they visiting?
“Magic numbers” – the tipping point for customer engagement
Measurement must be apples-to-apples: no cohort left behind!

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This document discusses how to develop products with a growth approach rather than being feature-driven. It recommends focusing on goals and key results rather than features by using an OKR framework. Ideas should be prioritized and tested using a score based on metrics like impact, ease of implementation, and ability to reach users. Regular testing and analysis of results should inform reprioritization of the backlog to focus on improving key metrics like activation, retention and revenue. The process emphasizes continuous learning and improving based on feedback from users.

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In the accounting profession, the post-COVID business model is surely on everyone's minds. Unmistakably, the way to forge ahead will look different than in years past. The biggest mistake that a majority of companies are making in regard to growth is holding onto old conventions, paradigms, and practices. Whether re-integrating back to in-office life or staying digitally connected through remote work, the first step in determining how to spur growth comes with reevaluating your company's willingness to change mindset. Join David Bergstein, Chief Innovation Officer at Bergstein CPA, as he shares insight on the accounting landscape, new trends, and practical tips for reevaluating your company's positionality. This session will cover: • What it means to challenge tradition and change your company mindset • How to make sure you are set up to be as productive and efficient as possible • Best practices for choosing the tools you will utilize • Methods to measure and track your success so you can watch yourself improve! ...and more! Everyone who attends will walk away with the knowledge of what to do to be successful in the "New Normal."

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How To Dramatically Increase Client Retention
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Getting people to your site is easy but keeping them coming back is the challenge. Join Clayton Wood as he talks about how to increase client retention.

marketingseoclient retention
(even if you do choose to look at a metric like open rate!)
Engagement is about
quality, but we must be
cognizant of trade-offs…
• 70 million emails sent, compared Gmail rates vs. weighted average of
• Open rates down (magnitude as much as 94%)
• Value per open up (degree as much as 705%)
• Optimization metric = total value per email sent; is improved quality
enough to offset dip in quantity?
Example: Gmail promotional tabs
• Business Insider – varied CTR impact, 51% lift in
PVs per open
• Cult Cosmetics – varied CTR effect, 11.2% lift in
cart conversion
Example: responsive design in email

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Digital marketing today looks very different from last year, and changes will only continue. As marketers are consistently pressured to face more unknowns and do more with less, many marketing leaders are sharpening their focus on agility and asking some tough but critical questions: Are we as agile as we should be? Can we easily manage campaigns and collaborate from kickoff to launch? Can we quickly access the data we need to inform our decisions? Do we have the right tools to be agile, pivot as needed, and maximize success?

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Unlocking the formula for a high performance digital product team, London Jul...
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In July 2015, we hosted a lively evening event to tackle an increasingly pressing issue: how should businesses be building and maintaining successful digital product capability? The evening brought together digital leaders from across various sectors who discussed some of the key issues. Here's Founder Mark Wilson and Lead Service Designer Katie Buchanan's presentation where they shared their experiences of making digital teams better. Thank you to everyone who joined us for a thought-provoking and enjoyable evening. For details of our upcoming events, visit our blog

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This document discusses how digital brand templates can help creative teams by speeding up the content creation process and ensuring brand consistency. It summarizes: 1) Creative teams are overwhelmed with requests and spend too much time on routine tasks, while the content lifecycle moves too slowly. 2) Brand templates allow for reusable content without additional costs, make content editable while maintaining brand guidelines, and help localize and distribute content faster and more efficiently. 3) Bynder customers see a 42% increase in asset reuse and 94% can create assets faster using digital brand templates.

• Discounts and trials are not free
candy – often result in lower
renewal rates as well as reduced
willingness to pay
Example: free trials!
Play the long game.
Think beyond optimizing for the
here and now; it’s about
cultivating long-term value.
A/B tests will drive incremental returns, but
most material lift comes from cohort tests
Pop Quiz/Case Study: Country Outfitter
• Cell A wins for gross
conversions today
• Cell B wins for average
order value (AOV) and
lifetime revenue per user!
• Same frameworks apply
for B2B

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Growth and software luminaries have preached for decades that "your competition doesn't matter...focus on your customers." While true in theory, Hiten Shah in his presentation at Price Intelligently's SaaSFest 2016, shows us that in the second wave of SaaS, your competition now matters. The shift took place because software is relatively easy to build now with infrastructure and marketing advances. You need to think about your customer first, but if you're not aware of your competition or doing things to circumvent them, you'll get left behind.

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Roll Your Own Customer Experience Platform By Cleve Gibbon
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From the MarTech Conference in London, UK, October 20-21, 2015. SESSION: Rolling Your Own Customer Experience Platform. PRESENTATION: Rolling Your Own Customer Experience Platform - Given by Cleve Gibbon - @cognifide - Chief Marketing Technology Officer - Cognifide. #MarTech DAY1

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…but challenges come with balancing
lightweight testing with longitudinal
studies, so test often and revisit regularly
Marketing @ Sailthru
Sneak Peek: Sailthru Marketing Stack
…but arguably our most powerful marketing tool?

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Printshop pitchdeck
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Printshop pitchdeck is an online print shop in Nigeria that offers design templates, print services, and delivery. It aims to make printing more accessible and affordable for businesses and individuals. The founders saw a need due to the high costs and difficulties of accessing printing services in Nigeria currently. offers over 100 free templates, customization tools, online ordering and proofing, affordable prices, and delivery across Nigeria. It generates revenue through print product and service sales as well as premium template sales. After launching its website and growing its team and marketing, the founders aim to reach 150 customers per month and $150,000 in revenue within a year to achieve profitability and further growth.

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Saul Lopes of Virgin Holidays delivered this session at the MarTech Festival, 16th November 2017, London. #MarTechFest

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Startup Recruiting Workbook: Sourcing and Interview Process
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This document provides templates and best practices for sourcing and interviewing candidates at startups. It includes templates for job descriptions, outreach emails, and interview communications. The document aims to help startup founders and recruiters build effective recruiting processes as their companies scale from 5 to 50 to 500 employees. Templates are provided for job descriptions, posting jobs, sourcing on LinkedIn, outreach emails, recruiter phone screens, phone interviews, on-site interviews, and rejection emails. Tactics focus on effective communication, setting expectations, and providing resources to help candidates prepare.

Sailthru’s marketing funnel
suspects /
qualified leads
sales qualified
leads (SQLs)
annual contract
• How do we attract leads?
• How do we score those leads?
• Think about both VELOCITY and QUALITY,
especially for Lead > MQL conversion
• Measure across channels (inbound, outbound, events, referrals) – e.g.
Sailthru aims for 3x ROI for each event investment
The quality/quantity trade-off remains critical…
Forrester white paper download
Q&A !!

160 Varick St., 12th Floor!
New York, NY 10013
San Francisco

25 Taylor St., Room 724!
San Francisco, CA 94102
18 Soho Square!
London, UK, W1D 3QL
Los Angeles!
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Los Angeles, CA 90028

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Playing the Marketing Long Game

  • 1. Cassie Lancellotti-Young VP Analytics and Optimization, Sailthru @dukecass @sailthru Playing the Marketing Long Game: Near-Term Wins vs. Long-Term Value
  • 2. • Framing the Metrics that Matter: Retention’s Revenge ! • Understanding the Quality/Quantity Conundrum ! • Discerning Campaign Testing vs. Cohort Testing ! • Case Study: Marketing at Sailthru ! • Q&A Today’s Agenda
  • 3. Retention. It is 5x more cost-effective to retain an existing customer than to acquire a new one
  • 4. …yet only 16% of companies put primary focus on retention S o u r c e : E c o n s u l t a n c y 2 0 1 3 C r o s s - C h a n n e l M a r k e t i n g R e p o r t
  • 5. Why is this dangerous? Today is different from tomorrow… TODAY:! Signup Capture $10,000 ad spend! 100 leads $100 CPA TOMORROW:! Customer Acquisition $10,000 ad spend! 100 leads 10 buyers! $1,000 CPA(C)
  • 6. Marketing 101 – customer unit economics Lifetime Value - Acquisition Cost >> 0 CLV or LTV CAC TODAY:! Signup Capture $10,000 ad spend! 100 leads! $100 CPA! $750 CLV! PROFITABLE?!?! TOMORROW:! Customer Acquisition $10,000 ad spend! 100 leads! 10 buyers! $1,000 CPA(C)! $750 CLV! NOT SUSTAINABLE!
  • 7. To put it another way… 2.4% lift in two-year lifetime value!
  • 8. ENGAGEMENT matters most • Many ways to qualify “engagement,” but it’s about quality (vs. quantity) and building sustainable customer relationships ! • Conversions (e.g. demo requests) today do not necessarily breed engagement tomorrow, but engagement (e.g. newsletter subscription) might breed conversions – always measure the downstream impact
  • 9. Find the metrics that matter. Understand trade-offs between top-of-funnel and further down, quality vs. quantity
  • 10. Source: Forrester 2012 66% of marketers use open 
 rates as the primary metric for email performance analysis
  • 11. • Twitter – 30 follows as quickly as possible ! • Facebook – 7 friends in 10 days ! • Zynga – “D1” metrics; what happens post day0? ! • Sailthru – what pages on our website are they visiting? “Magic numbers” – the tipping point for customer engagement
  • 12. Measurement must be apples-to-apples: no cohort left behind!
  • 13. (even if you do choose to look at a metric like open rate!)
  • 14. Engagement is about quality, but we must be cognizant of trade-offs…
  • 15. • 70 million emails sent, compared Gmail rates vs. weighted average of Yahoo-Hotmail-AOL ! • Open rates down (magnitude as much as 94%) ! • Value per open up (degree as much as 705%) ! • Optimization metric = total value per email sent; is improved quality enough to offset dip in quantity? Example: Gmail promotional tabs
  • 16. • Business Insider – varied CTR impact, 51% lift in PVs per open ! ! ! • Cult Cosmetics – varied CTR effect, 11.2% lift in cart conversion Example: responsive design in email
  • 17. • Discounts and trials are not free candy – often result in lower renewal rates as well as reduced willingness to pay Example: free trials!
  • 18. Play the long game. Think beyond optimizing for the here and now; it’s about cultivating long-term value.
  • 19. A/B tests will drive incremental returns, but most material lift comes from cohort tests
  • 20. CELL A: PRODUCTS Pop Quiz/Case Study: Country Outfitter CELL B: CONTENT • Cell A wins for gross conversions today ! • Cell B wins for average order value (AOV) and lifetime revenue per user! ! • Same frameworks apply for B2B
  • 21. …but challenges come with balancing lightweight testing with longitudinal studies, so test often and revisit regularly
  • 23. Sneak Peek: Sailthru Marketing Stack
  • 24. …but arguably our most powerful marketing tool?
  • 25. Sailthru’s marketing funnel suspects / leads marketing qualified leads (MQLs) sales qualified leads (SQLs) wins annual contract value • How do we attract leads? ! • How do we score those leads? ! • Think about both VELOCITY and QUALITY, especially for Lead > MQL conversion ! • Measure across channels (inbound, outbound, events, referrals) – e.g. Sailthru aims for 3x ROI for each event investment
  • 26. The quality/quantity trade-off remains critical… Forrester white paper download
  • 27. Q&A !! 817.812.8689! @sailthru! NYC HQ
 160 Varick St., 12th Floor! New York, NY 10013 San Francisco
 25 Taylor St., Room 724! San Francisco, CA 94102 London! 18 Soho Square! London, UK, W1D 3QL Los Angeles! 7083 Hollywood Blvd! Los Angeles, CA 90028