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Big Content
Inspiration For Your Small Business
@GerryMoran |
February 24, 2014
86% of customers will pay more for a better
experience – up to 25% more!
“It’s still like the wild, wild west when it comes to
connecting content to the customer experience.
86% of customers will pay more for a better
experience – up to 25% more!
The typical buying process is filled with
opportunities to leverage content.

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The State of Sales & Marketing at the 50 Fastest-Growing B2B Companies
The State of Sales & Marketing at the 50 Fastest-Growing B2B CompaniesThe State of Sales & Marketing at the 50 Fastest-Growing B2B Companies
The State of Sales & Marketing at the 50 Fastest-Growing B2B Companies

There’s a lot of information out there for sales and marketing professionals. In fact, as our friend Erik Devaney at points out, a quick search of the term “sales and marketing advice” yields more than 90 million results on Google. What’s more, there are tons of industry influencers who, on a regular basis, share their views on everything from content marketing and sales, to pricing and customer success. It’s a noisy conversation, and for many, a confusing one. So, how do you make sense of it all? By focusing on the sales and marketing efforts that actually produce results, not flash-in-the-pan engagement. But finding those results is a little challenging. That’s why we decided to put together our latest report with, The State of Sales and Marketing at the 50 Fastest-Growing B2B Companies. Using Mattermark data, we were able to identify the fifty high-growth companies in the U.S. and evaluate their marketing activities to understand which practices really moved the needle. In order to make the qualitative portion of our research more tangible, we evaluated each company on the list in light of how they approached content, customer communication, path to purchase, and pricing. What we and the team at discovered was surprising, to say the least.

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Many people get frustrated by advertising, but it's often the same few things that frustrate people over and over again. This report shares the findings of some research that We Are Social conducted on behalf of the WFA to identify the things that irritate people most about advertising, and offers a wealth of tips to help marketers avoid those marketing 'sins', and find the path back to redemption. For more information and richer insights into the findings, read our accompanying blog post at

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Growth hacking secrets Growth hacking secrets
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Growth hacking is a set of tactics and best practices used to optimize user growth and movement through the user lifecycle stages of acquisition, activation, retention, referral, and revenue. The document outlines Hotmail's viral growth strategy of adding "PS: I love you" messages to emails, discusses mapping the user journey and measuring conversions at each stage, and provides examples of growth hacking tactics like incentivizing referrals and optimizing landing pages through A/B testing.

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86% of customers will pay more for a better
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86% of customers will pay more for a better
experience – up to 25% more!
Store Experience	
Source: Microsoft
5 Things I Learned From Big Brands To Help You
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5 Big Content Things
You Can Do For Your Small Business Today!
More people are consuming video content
— whether or not you create it.
(74% of all internet traffic will be video-driven, by 2017)	
Make it easier for customers walk
into your digital world — so they
walk into your ‘store.’
•  Focus on 3 channels
— Choice of YouTube, Instagram, Facebook,
Twitter, LinkedIn, blog
— Post until your per-messages begin to
•  Don’t over-think: instructions, stories
•  Focus on the details — so you get found
Customers Purchase After Viewing A Content.

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The Internet is full of articles on „How to succeed“ and „How to build a great company“ But while following those guidelines we often forget that there's a lot you just can't do. Learning from your own mistakes is good, but it's even better when you can learn from the mistakes of others. Everyone's favorite billionaire and Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump has said “Watch, listen, and learn. You can’t know it all yourself. Anyone who thinks they do is destined for mediocrity.” Enjoy the slides and a sense of humor is advised.

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Tell your story so customers want to
finish it by visiting your store:
•  Content series — how-to, customer service,
seasonal advice, questions to ask
•  Drive to your web site
•  Make it easy to take the next step – in video
CTA, near-video CTA
The Best Small Businesses Differentiate
Themselves With Content.
Differentiate and establish your
small business with content:
•  Personlize your content
— be the brand
•  Train one content evangelist
— establish your voice
•  Educate. Explain why. Don’t Sell.
Content Makes Your Brand Sticky
— in a good way!

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This document provides 20 quotes from historical figures to inspire creative genius. The quotes encourage thinking outside the box, taking risks, being curious, breaking rules, and gaining an unfair advantage through creativity. They emphasize trusting instincts, changing the world through committed groups, and navigating without a map in creative pursuits. The document aims to banish creative roadblocks by sharing inspirational thoughts on creativity.

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This document discusses how leaders can use stories to inspire and influence others. It provides 5 types of stories that leaders can tell: 1) Challenge stories to overcome obstacles, 2) Connecting stories to relate experiences, 3) Metaphoric stories to articulate concepts visually, 4) Visionary stories to sell grand dreams and influence change, and 5) Cautionary stories to avoid past mistakes. Each story type is explained and an example leader is given to illustrate how that type of story can be used and its impact. The document encourages leaders to incorporate purposeful storytelling in their communication.

presentationeugene chengstorytelling
Own the visual storytelling
opportunity to get your customers
coming back for more.
•  Put yourself in the customer’s shoes and
understand their questions & issues
— write it down
•  Create a content for each question or issue
•  Wrap this in a story — so it all makes sense
Video and images drive company engagement
— when customers are not in your store.
Find a way to let your customers
experience your small business —
when you are closed.
•  Create the buzz so your customers are talking
about you with other customers — about that
clever video.
•  Tie into the news — snowstorm, etc.
•  Embed on your web site, blog, social media,
Thanks In/GerryMoran@GerryMoran | Twitter & Instagram

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This document provides a guide to growing your first 10,000 customers through content marketing. It begins with explaining why content marketing is important for startups and e-commerce sites. It then defines content marketing as non-interruptive communication that makes buyers more intelligent without directly selling. Various content types are discussed. Steps are given to create awesome content, including developing a statement of value and ideal customer outcome. Measurement tools are recommended to test strategies and case studies provided. The presentation concludes with a Q&A and additional resources.

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Big Content Inspiration For Your Small Business

  • 1. Big Content Inspiration For Your Small Business @GerryMoran | February 24, 2014
  • 2. 86% of customers will pay more for a better experience – up to 25% more! Source:CEI
  • 3. “It’s still like the wild, wild west when it comes to connecting content to the customer experience. Source:
  • 4. 86% of customers will pay more for a better experience – up to 25% more! Source:CEI The typical buying process is filled with opportunities to leverage content.
  • 5. 86% of customers will pay more for a better experience – up to 25% more! Source:CEI Video Infographics Store SocialWebsites Email Events
  • 6. 86% of customers will pay more for a better experience – up to 25% more! Source:CEI Content   Consideration   Store Experience  
  • 7. Humans  have  an  8-­‐second  a0en1on  span     —  a  goldfish  has  a  9-­‐second  hold.     Source: Microsoft
  • 8. 5 Things I Learned From Big Brands To Help You Differentiate Your Small Business Storytelling   Educate   Simplicity  Nimble   Document  
  • 9. 5 Big Content Things You Can Do For Your Small Business Today!
  • 10. More people are consuming video content — whether or not you create it. (74% of all internet traffic will be video-driven, by 2017)  
  • 11. Make it easier for customers walk into your digital world — so they walk into your ‘store.’ •  Focus on 3 channels — Choice of YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blog — Post until your per-messages begin to decrease •  Don’t over-think: instructions, stories •  Focus on the details — so you get found
  • 12. Customers Purchase After Viewing A Content. (64%  of  consumers  are  more  likely  to  buy  a  product     aCer  watching  a  video  about  it  —  Adelie  Studios,  2015  )  
  • 13. Tell your story so customers want to finish it by visiting your store: •  Content series — how-to, customer service, seasonal advice, questions to ask •  Drive to your web site •  Make it easy to take the next step – in video CTA, near-video CTA
  • 14. The Best Small Businesses Differentiate Themselves With Content. (Only  24  percent  of  brands  are  using  online  video  to  market   to  consumers  –  Adelie  Studios,  2015  )  
  • 15. Differentiate and establish your small business with content: •  Personlize your content — be the brand •  Train one content evangelist — establish your voice •  Educate. Explain why. Don’t Sell.
  • 16. Content Makes Your Brand Sticky — in a good way! (The  average  internet  user  spends  88%  more  1me  on  a   website  with  video  than  without  –  Adelie  Studios,  2015  )  
  • 17. Own the visual storytelling opportunity to get your customers coming back for more. •  Put yourself in the customer’s shoes and understand their questions & issues — write it down •  Create a content for each question or issue •  Wrap this in a story — so it all makes sense
  • 18. Video and images drive company engagement — when customers are not in your store. (Content  with  images  drive  94%  more  engagement  than   content  without  –  Jeff  Bullas,  2015  )  
  • 19. Find a way to let your customers experience your small business — when you are closed. •  Create the buzz so your customers are talking about you with other customers — about that clever video. •  Tie into the news — snowstorm, etc. •  Embed on your web site, blog, social media, etc.
  • 20. Thanks In/GerryMoran@GerryMoran | Twitter & Instagram