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Real World
Rails Deployment

    Alan Hecht
Deployment Options

• Heroku - PaaS

• Shared Web Hosting

• Virtual Private Server

• Amazon Web Services - IaaS
Heroku - PaaS

• No setup & no system administration
  -   Easy to deploy

• Free when using one web process
  -   Pay as you scale

• App will idle after inactivity if only using one
  process (“dyno”)

• Additional “dyno” + database > 5MB is
Shared Web Hosting

• Cheap - $5 to $10 per month

• Web hosting control panel (i.e. cPanel) to
  configure web server & web application

• Limited to what is on the server

• Not recommended
  -   Constrained by CPU usage

Recommended for you

DevOpsCon Cloud Workshop
DevOpsCon Cloud Workshop DevOpsCon Cloud Workshop
DevOpsCon Cloud Workshop

Sascha Möllering gave a presentation on deploying applications to the AWS cloud. He began with an overview of AWS services like EC2, S3, RDS and explained how to initially create a simple cloud service with one instance each for a web application and database. He then described how to improve the architecture by separating components, adding redundancy and elasticity using services like ELB, autoscaling and read replicas. Sascha demonstrated deploying a sample application built with JHipster and Docker to AWS Elastic Beanstalk, which handles running the containers and mapping environment variables for the database connection.


This document provides an overview of using Fluxible to create isomorphic JavaScript applications. It defines what an isomorphic app is, discusses React and Flux, and then introduces Fluxible. Key points about Fluxible include that it is an implementation of Flux, has a vibrant community, and includes tools like provideContext and connectToStores to help build React components. The document demonstrates building a simple Fluxible app with files for the server, client, app, components, actions and stores. It also discusses routing and exporting/importing state between server and client.

Microservices: Yes or not?
Microservices: Yes or not?Microservices: Yes or not?
Microservices: Yes or not?

Whar are microservices and microservices architecture (MSA) How we reach them? Are they the same or SoA or not? When to use them? What are the key characteristics? Slides of my talk given in #Gapand2017 in Andorra

Virtual Private Server
• Starts at around $25 per month

• Extremely flexible, can load anything you want

• System administration knowledge required
  -   Must maintain server

• Good for one or two standalone servers
Amazon Web Services - IaaS
• Building a virtual data center
  • Netflix runs on AWS

• Can load instances with a pre-built O/S

• Pay as you scale

• Most expensive option
Running Rails

• WEBrick should only be used in a
  development environment

• Need a web server to handle static
  - Images, HTML, JavaScript, CSS

• Need a Ruby web application server to
  handle Rails requests (i.e. Unicorn,
  Thin, or Passenger)
Web Server

• Apache & Nginx the two most popular

• Rack is used as an interface between
  the web server and Rails

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Adobe AEM for Business Heads

Adobe AEM overview for Business Heads. How to build a team, What are the phases of development, Tools and technologies, Team composition, Estimations, Deployment and Migration, Sizing - Presented at Adobe Bangalore

adobe aem6aem estimation and sizing
Velocity - NxtGen Oxford
Velocity - NxtGen OxfordVelocity - NxtGen Oxford
Velocity - NxtGen Oxford

Velocity is a distributed cache that allows sharing of cached data across multiple servers. In version 1, it is best suited for session state caching due to limitations in handling dependencies between cached objects. Future versions will expand its capabilities to support full output caching and read-write operations. Currently, Velocity provides a basic set of cache operations and management functionality through its client and server configuration.

10 tips to make your ASP.NET Apps Faster
10 tips to make your ASP.NET Apps Faster10 tips to make your ASP.NET Apps Faster
10 tips to make your ASP.NET Apps Faster

10 tips to make ASP.NET apps faster including: 1. Enabling kernel caching in IIS for static and dynamic content to reduce context switches. 2. Using asynchronous code, handlers, and modules to prevent thread blocking on I/O-bound operations. 3. Configuring the CLR thread pool to optimize thread usage. 4. Switching to integrated pipeline mode for a unified request processing pipeline. 5. Optimizing static file handling by selectively running managed modules. 6. Understanding the ASP.NET pipeline and placing modules strategically. 7. Avoiding direct SQL connections by using a data source. 8. Removing unused view engines to reduce overhead. 9. Avoiding


• Most popular web server and has the
  many options & features

• Process-based web server

• Good for handling dynamic content via

• Light weight web server that only
  handles static content

• Event-based web server

• Low memory usage
Apache or Nginx

• Pick one - either works

• Nginx better on a VPS because of low
  memory usage

• Apache is full-featured

• Nginx does a few things well
Rails Web App Servers

• Phusion Passenger, Thin, and Unicorn
  currently the most widely used Rails app

• Can be installed as a web server plugin
  or as a separate Ruby Gem

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Building rest services using aspnetwebapi
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Building rest services using aspnetwebapi

The document discusses building REST services using ASP.NET Web API. It defines REST and its constraints, and explains what ASP.NET Web API is and how it enables writing REST based services. It covers HTTP verbs, defining resources, content negotiation, and provides an example of building a simple ASP.NET Web API application. web api
Building solutions with the SharePoint Framework - deep-dive
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Building solutions with the SharePoint Framework - deep-dive

Get the most out of the SharePoint Framework and learn how to use it effectively in your SharePoint customizations.

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Owin & katana
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Owin & katana

As Web application development takes its next evolutionary step into the world of cloud computing, project Katana provides the underlying set of components to ASP.NET applications, enabling them to be flexible, portable, lightweight, and provide better performance – put another way, project Katana cloud optimizes your ASP.NET applications.

owin katana microsoft mic demo
Phusion Passenger

• Acts as an Apache or Nginx module

• Philosophy – same as Rails (DRY,
  convention over configuration)

• Easy to deploy & maintain
  - No separate configuration file

• Event based Rails server

• Philosophy – tiny, fast, and secure

• Used by Heroku

• Process-based Rails server

• Philosophy – Unicorn is Unix

• Used by Twitter & GitHub
Nginx + Unicorn Architecture

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Velocity - Edge UG
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Velocity - Edge UG

This document discusses Microsoft's AppFabric distributed caching technology. It provides an overview of AppFabric, why distributed caching is useful, how to configure AppFabric clients and servers, and how to manage data in an AppFabric cache, including concurrency and high availability. While version 1 has some limitations, it is suitable as a session state provider, and the author expects version 2 to improve the product.

Getting Started with ASP.NET 5
Getting Started with ASP.NET 5Getting Started with ASP.NET 5
Getting Started with ASP.NET 5

This document provides an overview of getting started with ASP.NET 5. It discusses some of the key problems with previous versions of ASP.NET like long loading times and lack of cross-platform support. ASP.NET 5 addresses these issues by using a smaller core CLR, running on .NET Core which allows cross-platform deployment. It features side-by-side versioning of .NET, simplifies dependencies with NuGet, and improved request pipelines. The document demonstrates setting up a basic ASP.NET MVC 6 project and highlights how Visual Studio compiles and runs code much faster with ASP.NET 5. While Web Forms is still supported, ASP.NET 5 unites MVC and Web API into a single framework

Building real time app by using asp.Net Core
Building real time app by using asp.Net CoreBuilding real time app by using asp.Net Core
Building real time app by using asp.Net Core

Asp.NET Core is a cross-platform, high-performance, open-source framework for building modern, cloud-based, Internet-connected applications. With asp.NET Core, you can: Build web apps and services, IoT apps, and mobile backends; Use your favorite development tools on Windows, macOS, and Linux; Deploy to the cloud or on-premises; Run on .NET Core or .NET Framework. Millions of developers have used (and continue to use) asp.NET 4.x to create web apps. In this presentation we are going to talk about real time apps using these technology. Asp.NET Core corecommitsoftwareteachtofrowfaster
Sample Nginx Configuration
Which One?

• People have built scalable sites with all

• Thin & Unicorn need configuration,
  Passenger does not

• Performance depends on the
  - “Hello World” apps not useful for profiling

•Tool for deploying Rails (or Rack)

•Similar in structure to Rakefile
Sample Capistrano Script

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This document discusses using Vagrant and Ansible for infrastructure automation. It introduces Vagrant as a tool for managing development environments by creating and destroying virtual machines. A simple LAMP stack provisioning example is demonstrated using Ansible on a Debian virtual machine hosted with Vagrant. The document then shows how to switch the Vagrant provider from VirtualBox to OpenStack.

vagrant ansible
Host, deploy & scale Blazor Server Apps
Host, deploy & scale Blazor Server AppsHost, deploy & scale Blazor Server Apps
Host, deploy & scale Blazor Server Apps

The document discusses hosting and scaling ASP.NET Core Blazor Server applications using SignalR and the Azure SignalR Service. It covers how SignalR enables real-time functionality using techniques like WebSockets, Server-Sent Events and long polling. It also discusses scaling options for SignalR like using sticky sessions, TCP connections and a Redis backplane. The Azure SignalR Service is presented as a scalable option with pricing information. A demo and bonus content on CircuitHandler are also mentioned.

Developing Cross-Platform Web Apps with ASP.NET Core1.0
Developing Cross-Platform Web Apps with ASP.NET Core1.0Developing Cross-Platform Web Apps with ASP.NET Core1.0
Developing Cross-Platform Web Apps with ASP.NET Core1.0

Author: Dmitry Podrezov, This deck showcases what's new and what's been trimmed in the upcoming version of ASP.NET framework scheduled for release this summer. The framework was built from ground-up for multiple platforms and those trying to migrate existing solutions into it will need to be ready for a few breaking changes. This is not a 101 description the framework fundamentals, rather it is a demo of new features and changes. The talk is packed with demonstrations and live code experience. frameworkcross-platform web apps
What Does a Scalable Site
 Architecture Look Like?
          Content Delivery Network

                Nginx SSL

                HA Proxy

Nginx        Nginx              Nginx
  +            +                  +
Unicorn      Unicorn            Unicorn

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Recent Advancements in the NIST-JARVIS Infrastructure
Recent Advancements in the NIST-JARVIS InfrastructureRecent Advancements in the NIST-JARVIS Infrastructure
Recent Advancements in the NIST-JARVIS Infrastructure

Real World Rails Deployment

  • 2. Deployment Options • Heroku - PaaS • Shared Web Hosting • Virtual Private Server • Amazon Web Services - IaaS
  • 3. Heroku - PaaS • No setup & no system administration - Easy to deploy • Free when using one web process - Pay as you scale • App will idle after inactivity if only using one process (“dyno”) • Additional “dyno” + database > 5MB is $50/month
  • 4. Shared Web Hosting • Cheap - $5 to $10 per month • Web hosting control panel (i.e. cPanel) to configure web server & web application • Limited to what is on the server • Not recommended - Constrained by CPU usage
  • 5. Virtual Private Server • Starts at around $25 per month • Extremely flexible, can load anything you want • System administration knowledge required - Must maintain server • Good for one or two standalone servers
  • 6. Amazon Web Services - IaaS • Building a virtual data center • Netflix runs on AWS • Can load instances with a pre-built O/S • Pay as you scale • Most expensive option
  • 7. Running Rails • WEBrick should only be used in a development environment • Need a web server to handle static requests - Images, HTML, JavaScript, CSS • Need a Ruby web application server to handle Rails requests (i.e. Unicorn, Thin, or Passenger)
  • 8. Web Server • Apache & Nginx the two most popular choices • Rack is used as an interface between the web server and Rails
  • 9. Apache • Most popular web server and has the many options & features • Process-based web server • Good for handling dynamic content via modules
  • 10. Nginx • Light weight web server that only handles static content • Event-based web server • Low memory usage
  • 11. Apache or Nginx • Pick one - either works • Nginx better on a VPS because of low memory usage • Apache is full-featured • Nginx does a few things well
  • 12. Rails Web App Servers • Phusion Passenger, Thin, and Unicorn currently the most widely used Rails app servers • Can be installed as a web server plugin or as a separate Ruby Gem
  • 13. Phusion Passenger • Acts as an Apache or Nginx module • Philosophy – same as Rails (DRY, convention over configuration) • Easy to deploy & maintain - No separate configuration file
  • 14. Thin • Event based Rails server • Philosophy – tiny, fast, and secure • Used by Heroku
  • 15. Unicorn • Process-based Rails server • Philosophy – Unicorn is Unix • Used by Twitter & GitHub
  • 16. Nginx + Unicorn Architecture
  • 18. Which One? • People have built scalable sites with all three • Thin & Unicorn need configuration, Passenger does not • Performance depends on the application - “Hello World” apps not useful for profiling
  • 19. Capistrano •Tool for deploying Rails (or Rack) applications •Similar in structure to Rakefile
  • 21. What Does a Scalable Site Architecture Look Like? Content Delivery Network Nginx SSL HA Proxy Nginx Nginx Nginx + + + Unicorn Unicorn Unicorn