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Powershell Tech Ed2009
Govindaraj Rangan
Technology Strategist
Microsoft India

 Introduction to Windows Powershell

 Scripting with Windows Powershell

 Working with Objects (WMI, COM, .NET)

 Scripting Best Practices

 Introduction to Windows Powershell

 Scripting with Windows Powershell

 Working with Objects (WMI, COM, .NET)

 Scripting Best Practices

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Impact of the New ORM on Your Modules
Impact of the New ORM on Your ModulesImpact of the New ORM on Your Modules
Impact of the New ORM on Your Modules

Developer and team leader focused on improving performance and usability in Odoo. Key changes included optimizing computed fields, caches, and recomputations to reduce queries and batch operations. Multi-company support was also enhanced through new context and environment attributes to control record visibility and target company.

by Odoo
Php pattern matching
Php pattern matchingPhp pattern matching
Php pattern matching

The document discusses PHP regular expression functions including preg_filter(), preg_grep(), preg_last_error(), preg_match(), preg_match_all(), preg_replace(), preg_replace_callback(), preg_replace_callback_array(), preg_split(), and preg_quote(). It provides examples of how to use each function, describing what each returns or does. It also covers regular expression modifiers, patterns, and metacharacters.

ES6, 잘 쓰고 계시죠?
ES6, 잘 쓰고 계시죠?ES6, 잘 쓰고 계시죠?
ES6, 잘 쓰고 계시죠?

This document contains a summary of JavaScript features introduced in ES6 and later versions by Janghyun Han. It discusses features such as variables, arrow functions, template literals, classes, modules, promises, and generators. For each feature, it provides code examples to demonstrate usage and differences from earlier JavaScript versions. The document aims to help readers learn about modern JavaScript language improvements.

Windows Powershell - Overview

 Interactive Shell
 Rich Scripting Environment
 Object Oriented
 More than everything, EASY! 

     MMC Snap-In       Interactive Shell          Scripts

                 Windows PowerShell Cmdlets

     Platform and Application
                                       Interfaces such as
                                           WMI, ADSI
     as COM and .NET Objects
CmdLet Syntax
                              Name             String
      Verb   Noun

 PS> get-service             –name          “*net*”

        Command                      Parameter

                         Property Names

 Status           Name         DisplayName
 ------           ----         -----------
 Stopped          NetLogon     NetLogon
 Running          Netman       Network Connections

                         Property Values
Powershell Security
 Powershell not associated with .PS1
    Doesn’t run script by Default
 Does not run scripts without a path
 You need to autograph your script
    Execution Policy
      Restricted, Allsigned, Remote-signed, Unrestricted
 Standard parameters like “-whatif”, “-confirm”
 to save you from making accidental changes
 Read-Host -assecurestring

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Php functions
Php functionsPhp functions
Php functions

This document discusses various PHP functions categorized into different groups like: - Date Functions: date, getdate, setdate, Checkdate, time, mktime - String Functions: strtolower, strtoupper, strlen, trim, substr, strcmp etc. - Math Functions: abs, ceil, floor, round, pow, sqrt, rand - User Defined Functions: functions with arguments, default arguments, returning values - File Handling Functions: fopen, fread, fwrite, fclose to handle files - Miscellaneous Functions: define, constant, include, require, header to define constants, include files etc.

My app is secure... I think
My app is secure... I thinkMy app is secure... I think
My app is secure... I think

With more and more sites falling victim to data theft, you've probably read the list of things (not) to do to write secure code. But what else should you do to make sure your code and the rest of your web stack is secure ? In this tutorial we'll go through the basic and more advanced techniques of securing your web and database servers, securing your backend PHP code and your frontend javascript code. We'll also look at how you can build code that detects and blocks intrusion attempts and a bunch of other tips and tricks to make sure your customer data stays secure.

data theftconfoo16confoo
Gearman jobqueue
Gearman jobqueueGearman jobqueue
Gearman jobqueue

The document discusses Gearman, an open source software framework for distributing tasks across multiple machines. It describes how Gearman allows for asynchronous task processing by queuing jobs on a central job server that workers on other machines can pick up. The key advantages of Gearman include high performance, scalability, load balancing, and the ability to perform tasks asynchronously and in parallel. The document also provides code examples of how to use the Gearman PHP client and worker APIs to process jobs. It discusses challenges like handling task failures and explores ways to retry failed tasks, such as by scheduling suspended jobs to be executed again at increasing time intervals.

Common CmdLets
PS C:> Get-Command

CommandType     Name                Definition
-----------     ----                ---------
Function        A:              Set-Location A:
Cmdlet          Add-Computer    Add-Computer [[-ComputerName] <String[]>] [-Do...
Cmdlet          Add-Content     Add-Content [-Path] <String[]> [-Value] <Objec...

PS C:> Get-Help Get-Command

PS C:> Get-Process

PS C:> Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.CPU –gt 100}

PS C:> Get-Service

PS C:> Get-EventLog

PS C:> $var = Read-Host

PS C:> Write-Host $var

PS C:> Restart-Computer –ComputerName “MYBOSSPC”
Introducing Windows Powershell
Few Commonly Used CmdLets

 Introduction to Windows Powershell

 Scripting with Windows Powershell

 Working with Objects (WMI, COM, .NET)

 Scripting Best Practices
 $ represents variable
    $txt = get-content “C:test.txt”
    Type determined based on usage
    Strong typing: [int] $n
    Constants: Set-Variable pi 3.14 –option Constant
    $arr = @(1,2,3). $arr[0] returns 1
 Associative Arrays (Hashtables)
    $marks = @,ram=“100”;ravan=“0”-
    $marks.ram returns “100”
    $marks*“ram”+ returns “100”

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New Framework - ORM
New Framework - ORMNew Framework - ORM
New Framework - ORM

- Odoo 13 includes the biggest ORM refactoring since OpenERP 8, focusing on performance improvements by optimizing the in-memory cache, reducing SQL queries, and delaying computations. - Key changes include a single unified cache, preferring in-memory updates over SQL, optimizing dependency trees, and avoiding unnecessary format conversions to reduce overhead. - Onchange methods are being deprecated in favor of computed fields, which provide a cleaner separation of business logic and interface concerns. Computed fields work both in Python and JavaScript and have well-defined dependencies.

by Odoo
PowerShell Fundamentals
PowerShell FundamentalsPowerShell Fundamentals
PowerShell Fundamentals

This document provides an overview of PowerShell fundamentals that will be covered, including custom objects, advanced function parameters, building proper functions, the help system, pipelines, scope, and more. It does not cover PowerShell syntax or specific SharePoint cmdlets. The help system, pipelines, scope, custom objects, functions, parameter validation, verbose/debug output, and converting scripts to modules are discussed in more detail. Code examples are provided to demonstrate many of these concepts.

powershellsps sacramento
Programming with Python and PostgreSQL
Programming with Python and PostgreSQLProgramming with Python and PostgreSQL
Programming with Python and PostgreSQL

This document discusses using Python to connect to and interact with a PostgreSQL database. It covers: - Popular Python database drivers for PostgreSQL, including Psycopg which is the most full-featured. - The basics of connecting to a database, executing queries, and fetching results using the DB-API standard. This includes passing parameters, handling different data types, and error handling. - Additional Psycopg features like server-side cursors, transaction handling, and custom connection factories to access columns by name rather than number. In summary, it provides an overview of using Python with PostgreSQL for both basic and advanced database operations from the Python side.

    +, -, *, /, %
    =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=
    -gt, -lt, -ge, -le, -ne, -eq, -contains
    Append i or c for case insensitive or sensitive
    +, *, -replace, -match, -like
If (condition) {
    # do something
} ElseIf {
    # do something
} Else {
    # do something
For ($i = 0; $i –lt 10; $i++) {
  # do something
  if ($i –eq 5) {
Foreach ($item in collection) {
  # Do something to the item
  if ($item –eq “a value”) ,

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Practical Celery
Practical CeleryPractical Celery
Practical Celery

Learn the ins and outs of running background tasks with the popular python module Celery. We'll hit the ground running. With everything you need to know to run your first task, to scaling your stack to run millions each day.

Filling the flask
Filling the flaskFilling the flask
Filling the flask

This document provides an overview of setting up a Flask application with common extensions for functionality like user authentication, database management, forms validation, and sending email. It demonstrates initializing extensions like Flask-SQLAlchemy, Flask-Login, Flask-Migrate, Flask-Script, and Flask-Mail. Models and views are defined to handle user registration and login. The Flask application is configured and commands are provided to initialize the database, run migrations, and start a development server.

Graphql, REST and Apollo
Graphql, REST and ApolloGraphql, REST and Apollo
Graphql, REST and Apollo

Understanding GraphQL. This covers what GraphQL is and what it can be used for. Mutators, Schemas, Queries etc are covered

Switch (variable) {
  “value1” , #do something-
  “value2” , #do something-
  “value3” , #do something-

Switch –regex|-wildcard (variable) {
  “.*?” , #do something-
function take_all_args {
  write-host $Args[0]

function take_sp_args (*string+$label = “t”)
  # do something
Build a script to identify IP addresses
that are currently in use in a given
subnet, using a simple ping test

 Introduction to Windows Powershell

 Scripting with Windows Powershell

 Working with Objects (WMI, COM, .NET)

 Scripting Best Practices

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Unit testing JavaScript using Mocha and Node
Unit testing JavaScript using Mocha and NodeUnit testing JavaScript using Mocha and Node
Unit testing JavaScript using Mocha and Node

This document discusses unit testing JavaScript code using Mocha and Node.js. It covers what unit testing is, why it is important, how to install and use Mocha and Node.js, and how to write testable code and tests. Advanced testing techniques like asynchronous tests, spies, stubs, mocks, fake timers, and testing DOM manipulation with jsdom and jQuery are also explained.

mochanodeunit testing
Workshop 10: ECMAScript 6
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Workshop 10: ECMAScript 6

ECMAScript6: Novedades y navegadores que dan soporte a ECMAScript6. Presentado por ings.: Alex Adriá y Mario García

Python postgre sql a wonderful wedding
Python postgre sql   a wonderful weddingPython postgre sql   a wonderful wedding
Python postgre sql a wonderful wedding

Python and PostgreSQL, A wonderful Wedding. But are you sure that you know everything ? Not sure. This presentation is for you.

WMI Objects
   Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI)
    ◦ WMI is a core technology for Windows system administration
    ◦ It exposes a wide range of information in a uniform manner.

   Get-WmiObject cmdlet

   Listing WMI classes
    ◦ Get-WmiObject -List
    ◦ Get-WmiObject -list -ComputerName cflabsql01

   Getting WMI objects
    ◦ Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem
    ◦ Get-WmiObject -class Win32_LogicalDisk
    ◦ Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service | Select-Object -Property
Working with WMI
   Get free hard disk space available
   Get the amount of RAM installed
COM Objects
   Create a COM object using New-Object
    ◦ > $xl= New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
   Reflect against properties/methods
    ◦ > $xl |get-member
   Access properties/methods
    ◦ > $xl.Visible = “True”
   Drill down into Excel object model
    ◦   > $wb = $xl.Workbooks.Add()
    ◦   > $ws = $xl.Worksheets.Item(1)
    ◦   > $ws.Cells.Item(1,1) = quot;TEST“
    ◦   > $ws.Cells.Item(1,1).Font.Bold = quot;True“
    ◦   > $ws.Cells.Item(1,1).Font.Size = 24
    ◦   $xl.Workbooks.Add().Worksheets.Item(1).Cells.Item(1,1) =
Working with Excel – Make an Excel
report of Software Installed on a given

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And now you have two problems. Ruby regular expressions for fun and profit by...
And now you have two problems. Ruby regular expressions for fun and profit by...And now you have two problems. Ruby regular expressions for fun and profit by...
And now you have two problems. Ruby regular expressions for fun and profit by...

A wise hacker said: Some people, when confronted with a problem, think “I know, I’ll use regular expressions.” Now they have two problems. Regular expressions are a powerful tool in our hands and a first class citizen in ruby so it is tempting to overuse them. But knowing them and using them properly is a fundamental asset of every developer. We’ll see hands-on examples of proper Reg Exps usage in ruby code, we’ll also look at bad and ugly cases and learn how to approach writing, testing and debugging regular expressions.

codemotion rome 2013
Web2py Code Lab
Web2py Code LabWeb2py Code Lab
Web2py Code Lab

This document provides an overview of Python fundamentals including installing Python, hidden documentation tools, data types, strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries, control flow statements, functions, classes, the datetime library, importing modules, and web2py fundamentals such as the request and response objects, templates, controllers, models, and more. Key concepts covered include Python types like strings, lists, tuples and dictionaries, control structures like if/else and for loops, functions, classes and objects, and the basics of using the web2py framework to build web applications.

PowerShell Scripting and Modularization (TechMentor Fall 2011)
PowerShell Scripting and Modularization (TechMentor Fall 2011)PowerShell Scripting and Modularization (TechMentor Fall 2011)
PowerShell Scripting and Modularization (TechMentor Fall 2011)

1) The document discusses a PowerShell training session on scripting and modularization. 2) The session will demonstrate how to create a distributable PowerShell module that retrieves inventory information from computers. 3) The presentation covers scripting constructs like If/ElseIf/Else statements and loops, and principles of modularization like having individual functions perform discrete tasks.

.NET Objects
   Creating .Net objects
        $f = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form

   Inspecting properties-methods
        $f|Get-Member

   Accessing properties-methods
        $f.Text = quot;Give me the username and password“

   Adding Controls to the Parent Object (Form)
      Create control object:
           $OKButton = New-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
        Add control to Parent:
             $f.Controls.Add($OKButton)

   Load any assembly and use its objects
    ◦ [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom(“…abc.dll”);
Getting user credentials using a dialog box
.NET Namespace: System.Windows.Forms

 Introduction to Windows Powershell

 Scripting with Windows Powershell

 Working with Objects (WMI, COM, .NET)

 Scripting Best Practices
Scripting Best Practices
  Use sensible variable names
  Indent within constructs
  Use Source Control
  Avoid aliases within Scripts
  Use as descriptive comments as possible
  Use Functions and Script blocks to reduce the
  number of lines of code
  Test thoroughly for boundary conditions before
  running in production
  Capture and report all logical errors

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Advanced Tools & Scripting with PowerShell 3.0 Jump Start - Certificate
Advanced Tools & Scripting with PowerShell 3.0 Jump Start - CertificateAdvanced Tools & Scripting with PowerShell 3.0 Jump Start - Certificate
Advanced Tools & Scripting with PowerShell 3.0 Jump Start - Certificate

Don Reese completed the Advanced Tools & Scripting with PowerShell 3.0 Jump Start course on May 23, 2016. The course focused on advanced tools and scripting using PowerShell version 3.0. Don Reese achieved this certification on the specified date.

No-script PowerShell v2
No-script PowerShell v2No-script PowerShell v2
No-script PowerShell v2

This document provides an overview and agenda for a PowerShell crash course presentation. It introduces PowerShell concepts like cmdlets, aliases, snap-ins, objects, and the pipeline. It also covers PowerShell security features and using alternate credentials. The agenda includes a PowerShell backgrounder, accomplishing admin tasks with PowerShell, and available resources.

Windows PowerShell
Windows PowerShellWindows PowerShell
Windows PowerShell

Resources: An introduction for Windows PowerShell scripting and showcasing its capabilities.

Powershell Resources

Powershell Download link:

Powershell Blog:
Powershell Tech Ed2009
Powershell Tech Ed2009
© 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries.
The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should
 not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS,
                                                                           IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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Mastering IntelliTrace in Development and Production
Mastering IntelliTrace in Development and ProductionMastering IntelliTrace in Development and Production
Mastering IntelliTrace in Development and Production

A session at the Sela Developer Practice covering IntelliTrace, a powerful feature of Visual Studio Ultimate that can provide historical debugging information collected in development or production environments. IntelliTrace is a hybrid logger-profiler-debugger that can uncover super-difficult bugs by tracing through the history of the application's execution.

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Powershell Demo Presentation
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Powershell Demo Presentation

This document provides an overview of a PowerShell Basics training session. It discusses the curriculum, which will cover topics like the basics of PowerShell, cmdlets, piping, and scripting over 4 days. It highlights why PowerShell is useful for system administrators by providing a simplified syntax and being more secure than VBScript. PowerShell allows familiar commands and integrates with Microsoft products like Windows, Exchange, and SQL Server.

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Basic PowerShell Toolmaking - Spiceworld 2016 session
Basic PowerShell Toolmaking - Spiceworld 2016 sessionBasic PowerShell Toolmaking - Spiceworld 2016 session
Basic PowerShell Toolmaking - Spiceworld 2016 session

PowerShell is everywhere. Admit it, even if you don't like change, you've probably needed to run a one-off command or small script in order to accomplish something...whether it was in AD, Exchange, VMWare or something else. Running a single command is one thing, but what about making a reusable piece of code that anyone can run, or even better, schedule it? Get a report every Monday about drive space, remove old log files every month, report on logon failures... We're going to take a command that fulfills a 'single-serving' role and turn it into something more dynamic; something that can be run over and over and be both relevant and timely! Be ready to learn about parameters, basic functions, comment-based help, and other useful techniques - bring your laptop and code along with us! Let's build a PowerShell tool! Watch me present this topic via YouTube: (video 1 of 2)

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Powershell Tech Ed2009

  • 3. Agenda Introduction to Windows Powershell Scripting with Windows Powershell Working with Objects (WMI, COM, .NET) Scripting Best Practices
  • 4. Agenda Introduction to Windows Powershell Scripting with Windows Powershell Working with Objects (WMI, COM, .NET) Scripting Best Practices
  • 5. Windows Powershell - Overview Interactive Shell Rich Scripting Environment Object Oriented Extensible Secure More than everything, EASY! 
  • 6. Architecture MMC Snap-In Interactive Shell Scripts Windows PowerShell Cmdlets Platform and Application Interfaces such as Functionality WMI, ADSI as COM and .NET Objects
  • 7. CmdLet Syntax Argument Name String Verb Noun PS> get-service –name “*net*” Command Parameter Property Names Status Name DisplayName ------ ---- ----------- Stopped NetLogon NetLogon Running Netman Network Connections Property Values
  • 8. Powershell Security Powershell not associated with .PS1 Doesn’t run script by Default Does not run scripts without a path You need to autograph your script Execution Policy Restricted, Allsigned, Remote-signed, Unrestricted Standard parameters like “-whatif”, “-confirm” to save you from making accidental changes Read-Host -assecurestring
  • 9. Common CmdLets PS C:> Get-Command CommandType Name Definition ----------- ---- --------- Function A: Set-Location A: Cmdlet Add-Computer Add-Computer [[-ComputerName] <String[]>] [-Do... Cmdlet Add-Content Add-Content [-Path] <String[]> [-Value] <Objec... PS C:> Get-Help Get-Command PS C:> Get-Process PS C:> Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.CPU –gt 100} PS C:> Get-Service PS C:> Get-EventLog PS C:> $var = Read-Host PS C:> Write-Host $var PS C:> Restart-Computer –ComputerName “MYBOSSPC”
  • 10. Introducing Windows Powershell Few Commonly Used CmdLets
  • 11. Agenda Introduction to Windows Powershell Scripting with Windows Powershell Working with Objects (WMI, COM, .NET) Scripting Best Practices
  • 12. Variables $ represents variable $txt = get-content “C:test.txt” Type determined based on usage Strong typing: [int] $n Constants: Set-Variable pi 3.14 –option Constant Arrays $arr = @(1,2,3). $arr[0] returns 1 Associative Arrays (Hashtables) $marks = @,ram=“100”;ravan=“0”- $marks.ram returns “100” $marks*“ram”+ returns “100”
  • 13. Operators Arithmetic +, -, *, /, % Assignment =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %= Conditional -gt, -lt, -ge, -le, -ne, -eq, -contains Append i or c for case insensitive or sensitive operations String +, *, -replace, -match, -like
  • 14. Constructs If (condition) { # do something } ElseIf { # do something } Else { # do something }
  • 15. Constructs For ($i = 0; $i –lt 10; $i++) { # do something if ($i –eq 5) { break } }
  • 16. Constructs Foreach ($item in collection) { # Do something to the item if ($item –eq “a value”) , break } }
  • 17. Constructs Switch (variable) { “value1” , #do something- “value2” , #do something- “value3” , #do something- } Switch –regex|-wildcard (variable) { “.*?” , #do something- }
  • 18. Functions function take_all_args { write-host $Args[0] } function take_sp_args (*string+$label = “t”) { # do something }
  • 19. Build a script to identify IP addresses that are currently in use in a given subnet, using a simple ping test
  • 20. Agenda Introduction to Windows Powershell Scripting with Windows Powershell Working with Objects (WMI, COM, .NET) Scripting Best Practices
  • 21. WMI Objects  Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) ◦ WMI is a core technology for Windows system administration ◦ It exposes a wide range of information in a uniform manner.  Get-WmiObject cmdlet  Listing WMI classes ◦ Get-WmiObject -List ◦ Get-WmiObject -list -ComputerName cflabsql01  Getting WMI objects ◦ Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_OperatingSystem ◦ Get-WmiObject -class Win32_LogicalDisk ◦ Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service | Select-Object -Property Status,Name,DisplayName
  • 22. Working with WMI Get free hard disk space available Get the amount of RAM installed
  • 23. COM Objects  Create a COM object using New-Object ◦ > $xl= New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application  Reflect against properties/methods ◦ > $xl |get-member  Access properties/methods ◦ > $xl.Visible = “True”  Drill down into Excel object model ◦ > $wb = $xl.Workbooks.Add() ◦ > $ws = $xl.Worksheets.Item(1) ◦ > $ws.Cells.Item(1,1) = quot;TEST“ ◦ > $ws.Cells.Item(1,1).Font.Bold = quot;True“ ◦ > $ws.Cells.Item(1,1).Font.Size = 24 ◦ $xl.Workbooks.Add().Worksheets.Item(1).Cells.Item(1,1) = quot;HELLOquot;
  • 24. Working with Excel – Make an Excel report of Software Installed on a given machine
  • 25. .NET Objects  Creating .Net objects  $f = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form  Inspecting properties-methods  $f|Get-Member  Accessing properties-methods  $f.Text = quot;Give me the username and password“  Adding Controls to the Parent Object (Form)  Create control object:  $OKButton = New-object System.Windows.Forms.Button  Add control to Parent:  $f.Controls.Add($OKButton)  Load any assembly and use its objects ◦ [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom(“…abc.dll”);
  • 26. Getting user credentials using a dialog box .NET Namespace: System.Windows.Forms
  • 27. Agenda Introduction to Windows Powershell Scripting with Windows Powershell Working with Objects (WMI, COM, .NET) Scripting Best Practices
  • 28. Scripting Best Practices Use sensible variable names Indent within constructs Use Source Control Avoid aliases within Scripts Use as descriptive comments as possible Use Functions and Script blocks to reduce the number of lines of code Test thoroughly for boundary conditions before running in production Capture and report all logical errors
  • 29. Powershell Resources Powershell Download link: a958-ee6d7fe307bc&displaylang=en Powershell Blog:
  • 32. © 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

Editor's Notes

  1. Get-HelpGet-CommandGet-ProcessGet-Service
  2. Get-HelpGet-CommandGet-ProcessGet-Service
  3. Get-HelpGet-CommandGet-ProcessGet-Service
  4. Get-HelpGet-CommandGet-ProcessGet-Service