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Boulos Dib
September 21, 2011
   Independent Consultant – Napeague Inc.
   Software Development since 1983
   Few Facts (@boulosdib)
     First Personal Computer 1980 – TRS-80 III
     First Z80 based product (EPROM based Protocol Adpator – 1984)
     First Commercial PC-DOS product (Telex on PCs – 1985)
     Started 16-bit Windows Development using Win 3.1
     Developed on: 8080/Z80, 68xxx, PDP/RSX,VAX-VMS and x86/x64
     Worked with PowerShell since Monad (2006)
     Worked with SharePoint since STS (2003)
     More facts
      ▪ Favorite sport – Windsurfing 
      ▪ Favorite hobby – Playing my sunburst Fender Stratocaster+ guitar.
      ▪ Favorite guitar players
         ▪ Wes Montgomery, Larry Carlton and Ritchie Blackmore (Deep Purple, Rainbow)
   Overview of PowerShell
   Introduction to PowerShell Scripting
   Tools
   Script Authoring
   SharePoint Management Console
   SharePoint CmdLets
   NYC Code Camp
     I will be presenting on LightSwitch and Silverlight
        at the NYC Code Camp 6 (Autumn 2011)
       Saturday October 1st
       Pace University
       Registration Still Open

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Power shell training
Power shell trainingPower shell training
Power shell training

This document provides information about PowerShell training offered by David Brabant in August 2014. It discusses PowerShell versions and features, common PowerShell hosts like the console and PowerShell ISE, PowerShell security including signing scripts and execution policies, and anatomy of PowerShell scripts including variables, functions, and modules. PowerShell allows administrators to script and automate tasks across Windows platforms and other systems like AWS. It is an essential tool for system administrators and DevOps.

Course 102: Lecture 20: Networking In Linux (Basic Concepts)
Course 102: Lecture 20: Networking In Linux (Basic Concepts) Course 102: Lecture 20: Networking In Linux (Basic Concepts)
Course 102: Lecture 20: Networking In Linux (Basic Concepts)

Linux networking concepts allow machines to connect and communicate over a network. This includes identifying interfaces, IP addresses, subnet masks, default gateways, DNS servers, and network protocols like ARP and NAT. Networking is essential for tasks like accessing the internet, copying files remotely, and debugging embedded systems that typically lack local interfaces. Core networking commands like ifconfig, route, arp, and resolv.conf are used to configure and view network settings and operations.

linuxembedded systemsahmed elarabawy
Linux fundamentals
Linux fundamentalsLinux fundamentals
Linux fundamentals

This document provides an overview of Linux fundamentals, including: - The kernel acts as an interface between hardware and software, handling processes and resource allocation. - The userland includes standard libraries that allow programs to communicate with the kernel. - Files are organized in a hierarchy with directories like /home for user files, /etc for configurations, and /var for variable files. - Commands like ls, grep, and find allow viewing and searching files, while pipes, redirection, and compression utilities manage file input/output.

   Interactive Command Shell
   Programmatic (Script) Execution
   Dynamic Scripting Language
   Extensible (CmdLets, .Net etc…)
   Hosted (i.e. NuGet)
   Management tool for Servers
“A shell is the piece of software that lets you access the
functionality provided by the operating system. “
Bruce Payette - Co-Designer and Implementer of the
PowerShell language.
   Example
       Windows Explorer
       Cmd.exe
       Bash (Unix)
       PowerShell
   Interactive Environment with .Net
   Automation Tool
   Easy to use
   Available on all Windows SKUs starting with
    XP SP2 and Windows 2003
   Management tool for Servers

   Productivity Gains – One Liner

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This document discusses setting up a CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions. It begins with an introduction to CI/CD pipelines and their importance. It then provides an overview of GitHub Actions and how they can be used to automate builds, tests, releases and deployments. The document demonstrates a sample GitHub Actions workflow file and explains its key components like jobs, steps and actions. It also covers topics like workflow events, jobs and steps/actions that can be used in GitHub Actions.

User management
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User management

This document provides information on managing users and groups in Linux. It lists commands for adding, modifying, and deleting users and groups such as useradd, usermod, userdel, and groupadd. It describes how user information is stored in files like /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, and /etc/group. It also covers setting passwords, restricting login access, giving users root privileges, and managing secondary groups. Potential error scenarios involving permissions and viewing passwords are also addressed.

[NDC16] Effective Git
[NDC16] Effective Git[NDC16] Effective Git
[NDC16] Effective Git

NDC 2016 Effective Git 발표 자료 입니다.

   Common Parameters
       -Verbose
       -Debug
       -WarningAction
       -WarningVariable
       -ErrorAction
       -ErrorVariable
       -OutVariable
       -OutBuffer

   Risk Mitigation Parameters (certainly critical in a production environment)
       What-If
       -Confirm

   Wildcard support.
       All names and parameter value can support wildcard.
   Pipeline
       Much more about this later.
   Command vs. Expression mode parsing
     Echo 1+1
     1+1
   Everything returns a value
     “String”
   Variable
     $ Prefix
     i.e. $var = “Hello Sharepoint”
   Type System
     All .Net types as well as Custom Types
   Help
   Get-Help (or -? Following any command)
   Get-Help about_<<anyname>>
   Get-Help –Examples
   Get-Help –Full
   High level task oriented abstraction
   Verb-XXNoun
     Verbs: Get, Set, New, Write, Read
     Nouns: Drive, Variable, Provider, Site, Collection
   Get-Verb
   Predefined Commands
   When Starting Remember these:
     Get-Help
     Get-Member
     Get-Command

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The document provides an overview of Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS). It discusses the key components and concepts of ADDS including physical/logical blocks, folders created during installation, protocols used, partitions, forest/tree/domain structure, objects, replication, roles, trusts, and the process for installing and configuring ADDS. The installation process involves adding the AD DS role, selecting features, promoting the server, and configuring options including DNS, database paths, and sysvol folder.

Course 102: Lecture 9: Input Output Internals
Course 102: Lecture 9: Input Output Internals Course 102: Lecture 9: Input Output Internals
Course 102: Lecture 9: Input Output Internals

This lecture Introduces how Linux Handles Input and Output of its processes. It discusses the TTY/PTY devices and different types of terminals (Physical Terminal, Virtual Terminals, and Emulated Terminals) Check the other Lectures and courses in or Follow our Facebook Group at - Facebook: @LinuxforEmbeddedSystems Lecturer Profile: -

embedded systemsahmed elarabawylinux
Git 101: Git and GitHub for Beginners
Git 101: Git and GitHub for Beginners Git 101: Git and GitHub for Beginners
Git 101: Git and GitHub for Beginners

HubSpot Software Engineer Meghan Nelson created this intro to git and GitHub for a Women Who Code meetup.

software developmentgithubgit
   Get-Help
     As it says, it helps!!!
   Get-Command
     Get information about what can be invoked
   Get-Member
     Show what can be done with an object
   Get-Module
     Show packages of commands
   GetType
     Discover details about an object’s type information.
   Compare
   Foreach
   Group
   Measure
   Select
   Sort
   Tee
   Where
   PowerShell ISE
     Simple Editor and Debugger
   PowerGUI
     Administrative Console
     PowerGUI Editor
     Powerpacks – a number to choose from.
   Visual Studio
   Notepad
   Out-Host
   Out-Null
   Out-Printer
   Out-String
   Out-GridView

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Ansible for beginners
Ansible for beginnersAnsible for beginners
Ansible for beginners

This document provides an overview of Ansible including why it is useful, how it compares to other configuration management tools, basic knowledge required, and steps for getting started with Ansible such as setting up the control node, configuring Ansible, using ad-hoc commands, and creating a playbook. Ansible is an agentless automation tool that uses YAML files and modules to configure systems. It has a simple syntax and supports both Linux and Windows systems.

Powershell Training
Powershell TrainingPowershell Training
Powershell Training

This document provides an agenda for a 10 hour PowerShell training course. The agenda covers PowerShell fundamentals like variables, data types, conditions, loops, cmdlets, functions, modules, and execution policy. It also covers more advanced topics like PowerShell remoting, working with Active Directory using PowerShell, and building PowerShell scripts. The document includes examples to illustrate various PowerShell concepts. The training will be delivered by Pardha Sai who works as an Automation Engineer.

git flow
git flowgit flow
git flow

Git-flow is a Git extension that provides commands to support a branching model for version control proposed by Vincent Driessen. It adds commands for managing features, releases, and hotfixes directly in Git. The key commands create and manage branches for new features, releases, and hotfixes, as well as publishing/finishing the branches. It helps structure the repository by keeping the main branches clean and separate from ongoing development.

   The best part about PowerShell
     Output of one CmdLet is Input into next CmdLet
      in pipeline.
     Uses the Pipe operator |
     Output and Input are objects, not text like
      traditional shells.
     Example
      ▪ Get-Command | Get-Member
      ▪ Get-Process | Out-GridView
   Case-Insensitive
   Variables: begin with $ (i.e. $a = “test”)
   Script Blocks using {}
   Array $a = 1,2,3
     $a[1]
   Hashtable
     $h = @{a=1; b=2}
   Scope – Functions and Script Blocks
   Security Context aware
   Remoting - WSMan
   If then else
     If ($a –eq “test”) { “It’s a test”} else {“Not”}
   While loop and Do While loop
     $i = 1; While ($i –lt 10) {$i++}
     $i =5; do {$i} while (--$i)
   For loop
     for ($i=0; $i –lt 10; $i++) { “5 * $i is $(5 * $i)” }
   Foreach loop
     Foreach ($i in 1..10) {“`$i is $i”}
   Foreach CmdLet
     1..10 | ForEach-Object {“begin”} {$_ * 2} {“end”}
   Where Cmdlet
     1..10 | Where-Object {$_ -gt 4 -and $_ -lt 10}

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Linux Basic Commands
Linux Basic CommandsLinux Basic Commands
Linux Basic Commands

This document provides an overview of basic Linux commands and concepts for beginners. It covers topics such as opening the terminal, changing directories, listing and manipulating files and folders, searching for files, managing processes, installing packages, setting environment variables, and compressing files. The document is intended to help new Linux users learn the basics of how Linux is organized and how to navigate and perform tasks on the command line interface.

Sa1 chapter-5-managing-local-linux-users-and-groups-v2 (4)
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Sa1 chapter-5-managing-local-linux-users-and-groups-v2 (4)

This presentation has been created for Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) training course conducted at Cybergate. This will help every one who wish to update their knowledge on Linux user management.

cybergate red hat training
Unix/Linux Basic Commands and Shell Script
Unix/Linux Basic Commands and Shell ScriptUnix/Linux Basic Commands and Shell Script
Unix/Linux Basic Commands and Shell Script

- Linux originated as a clone of the UNIX operating system. Key developers included Linus Torvalds and developers from the GNU project. - Linux is open source, multi-user, and can run on a variety of hardware. It includes components like the Linux kernel, shell, terminal emulator, and desktop environments. - The document provides information on common Linux commands, files, users/groups, permissions, and startup scripts. It describes the Linux file system and compression/archiving utilities.

   Arithmetic Operators
     +*-/%
   Assignment Operators
     =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=
   Get-Location and SetLocation
   Copy-Item
   Remove-Item
   Move-Item
   Rename-Item
   Set-Item
   New-Item
   Get-Content
   Pretty much the same as CMD
     > replace file
     >> Append to file
     2> File is replaced with error messages
     2>> Error text is appended to file
     2>&1 Error messages are written to output pipe
   A module is a package that contains Windows
    PowerShell commands, such as cmdlets,
    providers, functions, variables, and aliases
   Need to create module folder
     new-item -type directory -path
   Copy the module to the Modules folder.
   Start using a module (import-module etc…)

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Bash shell scripting
Bash shell scriptingBash shell scripting
Bash shell scripting

This document discusses shell scripting and provides information on various shells, commands, and scripting basics. It covers: - Common shells like Bourne, C, and Korn shells. The Bourne shell is typically the default and fastest, while the C shell adds features like alias and history. - Basic bash commands like cd, ls, pwd, cp, mv, less, cat, grep, echo, touch, mkdir, chmod, and rm. - The superuser/root user with full privileges and password security best practices. - How login works and the difference between .login and .cshrc initialization files. - Exiting or logging out of shells.

bash shell scripting
Network Automation with Ansible
Network Automation with AnsibleNetwork Automation with Ansible
Network Automation with Ansible

Anas Tarsha presented on using Ansible for network automation. Ansible is an open source automation tool that is agentless and uses simple YAML files called playbooks to execute tasks sequentially. It can be used to generate device configurations, push configurations, collect running configs, upgrade devices, and more. Ansible modules run Python code directly on network devices to perform tasks. The demo showed using Ansible modules like ping, ios_command, and junos_command to execute show commands and change the hostname on both IOS and Junos devices. Additional resources were provided to learn more about using Ansible for network automation.

ansiblenetwork automation
PowerShell for SharePoint Developers
PowerShell for SharePoint DevelopersPowerShell for SharePoint Developers
PowerShell for SharePoint Developers

The document provides details about Boulos Dib, an independent consultant with over 30 years of experience in software development. It lists his early experiences with computers and operating systems. It then outlines his agenda for a presentation on PowerShell and SharePoint, including a review of PowerShell concepts, the SharePoint Management Shell, common cmdlets, best practices, sample scripts and tools.

microsoft sharepointpowershell
   Standard Providers
     Windows PowerShell providers are Microsoft .NET Framework-based
        programs that make the data in a specialized data store available in
        Windows PowerShell so that you can view and manage it

   Get-PSProvider | Select -Property Name
       WSMan -
       Alias
       Environment
       FileSystem
       Function
       Registry
       Variable
       Certificate
   Get-PSDrive
   New-PSDrive
     New-PSDrive -Name Y -PSProvider
      FileSystem -Root c:temp
   Remove-PSDrive
     Remove-PSDrive
   Try a non-disk PSDrive like cert: Dir Cert:
 A Script file is a text file with .ps1 extension
  containing one or more PowerShell command
 A Script is a simple mechanism to re-use
 To run a script on a remote computer, use the
  Invoke-Command and provide remote computer
  name as a parameter.
 Scripts can accept parameters.
 To run a script in the current session, we Dot-
  Source the . .Script1.ps1
 We can Scope Local or Global.
   Single Line: #
   Multi Line:
     <#
     #>

   Comments can be used to automatically
    generate help

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Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet
Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and PuppetHarmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet
Harmonious Development: Via Vagrant and Puppet

Through the magic of virtualization technology (Vagrant) and Puppet, a companion Enterprise grade provisioning technology, we explore how to make the complex configuration game a walk in the park. Bring new team members up to speed in minutes, eliminate variances in configurations, and make integration issues a thing of the past. Welcome to the new age of team development!

Get-Help: An intro to PowerShell and how to Use it for Evil
Get-Help: An intro to PowerShell and how to Use it for EvilGet-Help: An intro to PowerShell and how to Use it for Evil
Get-Help: An intro to PowerShell and how to Use it for Evil

This talk covers the basics of how PowerShell works and how to use it. It then goes over a lot of the interesting offensive PowerShell tools that are available and gives a demo of using PowerShell to escalate to Domain Admin privileges on a network. A video of the talk is available here:

information securitypowershellpentest
Powershell Seminar @ ITWorx CuttingEdge Club
Powershell Seminar @ ITWorx CuttingEdge ClubPowershell Seminar @ ITWorx CuttingEdge Club
Powershell Seminar @ ITWorx CuttingEdge Club

Windows PowerShell is a new interactive shell and scripting language based on .NET. It allows access to system resources like file systems and data stores in an easy way. PowerShell aims to make administrators more productive and secure by default. It is supported on Windows XP and above and many Microsoft products. PowerShell provides a command line experience and can also be used for GUI scripting and custom applications.

   A function is a script block containing list of
   function small_files ($size = 1kB) {
       Get-ChildItem c:Temp | where { $_.length -lt $size -and
   }
   small_files
   To control how a function uses the pipeline, you
    use Begin, Process and End.
   function pipelineFunc {
       process {"The value is: $_"}
    1,2,3 | pipelineFunc
   Advanced functions allow you to write CmdLets
    using scripts instead of compiled code.
   try
   {
         $wc = new-object System.Net.WebClient
         $wc.DownloadFile("","c:MyDoc.doc")
   }
   catch [System.Net.WebException],[System.IO.IOException]
   {
       "unable to download MyDoc.doc from"
   }
   catch
   {
       "An error occurred that could not be resolved."
   }
      Sharepoint Management Shell
      Need to execute Add-SPShellAdmin in order
       to acquire permissions to run PowerShell on

                                                             Member of Farm
                               Member of Administrators
Farm component                                               Administrators SharePoint   Full Control on backup folder
                               group on the local computer
Farm                           Yes                           No                          Yes
Service application            Yes                           No                          Yes
Content database               Yes                           No                          Yes
Site collection                No                            Yes                         Yes
Site, list, document library   Yes                           No                          Yes

Source: MSDN
   Get-Command -Noun SP*
   (Get-Command –Name *-SP* -
    CommandType cmdLet).Count

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Developing IT infrastructures with Puppet
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Developing IT infrastructures with Puppet

This document discusses using Puppet to program IT infrastructures. It introduces Puppet as a tool for automating infrastructure management and provisioning. Puppet uses a declarative language and allows infrastructure to be coded and version controlled. The document provides an overview of Puppet architecture with Master and Agent nodes and explains how nodes are defined and organized using classes and modules. It also shows examples of Puppet code for configuring common services and managing files and templates.

NIIT ISAS Q5 Report - Windows PowerShell
NIIT ISAS Q5 Report - Windows PowerShellNIIT ISAS Q5 Report - Windows PowerShell
NIIT ISAS Q5 Report - Windows PowerShell

Windows PowerShell is a new interactive shell and scripting language based on .NET. It introduces over 120 new built-in commands and allows easy access to data stores like file systems and the registry. PowerShell aims to make administrators more productive through a consistent and secure command line experience. It is supported on Windows XP and above and many Microsoft products. PowerShell scripts leverage .NET features and provide benefits to .NET developers.

Brian Jackett: Managing SharePoint 2010 Farms with Powershell
Brian Jackett: Managing SharePoint 2010 Farms with PowershellBrian Jackett: Managing SharePoint 2010 Farms with Powershell
Brian Jackett: Managing SharePoint 2010 Farms with Powershell

This document provides an overview of a presentation about managing SharePoint 2010 farms using PowerShell. The presentation introduces PowerShell and demonstrates how to access and interact with SharePoint objects using PowerShell cmdlets. It discusses when PowerShell should be used over traditional tools like STSADM, and provides examples of automating common administration tasks like backups, site management, and traversing the site hierarchy. The goal is to help administrators learn PowerShell and understand how it can simplify and streamline SharePoint administration.

    $Host.Runspace.ThreadOptions =

   Get-SPAssignment –Global
     $spWeb = Get-SPWeb -Identity $url
     $spWeb.TreeViewEnabled = $True
     $spWeb.Update()
   Stop-SPAssignment –Global
   Windows Powershell Blog
   Doug Finke – MVP (Also ShowUI)
   PowerShell Magazine
   Jim Christopher MVP (Check out StudioShell)
   Tome Tanasovski MVP/Author – NYC PowerShell
    User Group
   Productivity
     PowerGUI
     PowerTab
     Community Extensions
     Quest ActiveRoles Management Shell

   UI
     ShowUI (WPF) –
Tool                             Url
Community Extensions   
Quest ActiveRoles      
Windows Automation Snaping for

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Brian Jackett: Managing SharePoint 2010 Farms with Powershell
Brian Jackett: Managing SharePoint 2010 Farms with PowershellBrian Jackett: Managing SharePoint 2010 Farms with Powershell
Brian Jackett: Managing SharePoint 2010 Farms with Powershell

This document provides an overview of a presentation about managing SharePoint 2010 farms using PowerShell. The presentation introduces PowerShell and demonstrates how to access and interact with SharePoint objects using PowerShell cmdlets. It discusses when PowerShell should be used over traditional tools like STSADM, and provides examples of automating common administration tasks like backups and site management. The goal is to help administrators learn PowerShell basics and how to integrate it with and automate tasks in SharePoint 2010 farms.

RichFaces - Testing on Mobile Devices
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RichFaces - Testing on Mobile Devices

This document summarizes how to test Java web applications on mobile devices using Arquillian and Selenium. It describes setting up Android emulators, configuring the Arquillian extension for AndroidDriver, and writing sample unit and functional tests for a mobile web application using Page Object Model patterns and the WebDriver API. Tips are provided for debugging tests, capturing screenshots on failure, and integrating tests with Jenkins.

Introduction to windows power shell in sharepoint 2010
Introduction to windows power shell in sharepoint 2010Introduction to windows power shell in sharepoint 2010
Introduction to windows power shell in sharepoint 2010

This document provides an introduction to using PowerShell in SharePoint 2010. It discusses why PowerShell is useful for SharePoint administration and automation. The key points covered include: an overview of PowerShell and how it works with objects and the .NET Framework; when and why to use PowerShell over STSADM; basics of PowerShell like variables, loops, logic, and functions; how to create your own PowerShell scripts; and how to schedule scripts to run automatically. The presentation includes a demo of sample PowerShell scripts for common SharePoint tasks.

   NuGet

   StudioShell
   PowerShell in Action                 Windows PowerShell 2.0 Bible
   Bruce Payette                        By Thomas Lee, Karl Mitschke, Mark
   “The book from the authority on       E. Schill, and Tome Tanasovski
    PowerShell”                       
   Automating Microsoft SharePoint          PowerShell for Microsoft Sharepoint
    2010 Administration with Windows          2010 Administrators.
    PowerShell 2.0
   Gary Lapointe & Shannon Bray           Niklas Goude & Mattias Karlsson
   
   Next session will be about PowerShell Scripts
    in the SharePoint Management Shell

   Contact:
     @boulosdib

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Release with confidence
Release with confidenceRelease with confidence
Release with confidence

This document discusses integrating test automation and code coverage for web service applications. It introduces Postman for calling web services and testing responses, and Jenkins for build automation and tracking test results over time. It then demonstrates setting up a test automation workflow using these tools on a sample Laravel application, including starting and stopping coverage collection, running tests from Postman and PHPUnit, and merging the results. Some best practices and philosophies around test automation and code coverage are also discussed.

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Ansible new paradigms for orchestration
Ansible new paradigms for orchestrationAnsible new paradigms for orchestration
Ansible new paradigms for orchestration

- Ansible provides a simple way to automate application deployment, server configuration management, and provisioning using SSH. It uses YAML files called playbooks to define tasks that are executed across multiple servers. - Playbooks allow users to define infrastructure as code and configure servers in an idempotent way. They contain ordered lists of tasks that can install packages, copy files, start services, and more using simple YAML syntax. - Ansible is agentless and communicates to servers over SSH, requiring only Python to be installed on managed nodes. It has a wide range of core modules and supports provisioning on cloud platforms like AWS.

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PuppetDB: Sneaking Clojure into Operations
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PuppetDB: Sneaking Clojure into Operations

The document provides an overview of PuppetDB, which is a system for storing and querying data about infrastructure as code and system configurations. Some key points: - PuppetDB stores immutable data about systems and allows querying of this data to enable higher-level infrastructure operations. - It uses techniques like command query responsibility separation (CQRS) to separate write and read pipelines for better performance and reliability. - The data is stored in a relational database for efficient querying, and queries are expressed in an abstract syntax tree (AST)-based language. - The system is designed for speed, reliability, and ease of deployment in operations. It leverages techniques from Clojure and the JVM.


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Introduction to PowerShell

  • 2. Independent Consultant – Napeague Inc.  Software Development since 1983  Few Facts (@boulosdib)  First Personal Computer 1980 – TRS-80 III  First Z80 based product (EPROM based Protocol Adpator – 1984)  First Commercial PC-DOS product (Telex on PCs – 1985)  Started 16-bit Windows Development using Win 3.1  Developed on: 8080/Z80, 68xxx, PDP/RSX,VAX-VMS and x86/x64 (C/C++/C#)  Worked with PowerShell since Monad (2006)  Worked with SharePoint since STS (2003)  More facts ▪ Favorite sport – Windsurfing  ▪ Favorite hobby – Playing my sunburst Fender Stratocaster+ guitar. ▪ Favorite guitar players ▪ Wes Montgomery, Larry Carlton and Ritchie Blackmore (Deep Purple, Rainbow)
  • 3. Overview of PowerShell  Introduction to PowerShell Scripting Language  Tools  Script Authoring  SharePoint Management Console  SharePoint CmdLets
  • 4. NYC Code Camp  I will be presenting on LightSwitch and Silverlight at the NYC Code Camp 6 (Autumn 2011)  Saturday October 1st  Pace University  Registration Still Open 
  • 5. Interactive Command Shell  Programmatic (Script) Execution Environment  Dynamic Scripting Language  Extensible (CmdLets, .Net etc…)  Hosted (i.e. NuGet)  Management tool for Servers
  • 6. “A shell is the piece of software that lets you access the functionality provided by the operating system. “ Bruce Payette - Co-Designer and Implementer of the PowerShell language.  Example  Windows Explorer   Cmd.exe  Bash (Unix)  PowerShell
  • 7. Interactive Environment with .Net  Automation Tool  Easy to use  Available on all Windows SKUs starting with XP SP2 and Windows 2003  Management tool for Servers  Productivity Gains – One Liner
  • 9. Common Parameters  -Verbose  -Debug  -WarningAction  -WarningVariable  -ErrorAction  -ErrorVariable  -OutVariable  -OutBuffer  Risk Mitigation Parameters (certainly critical in a production environment)  What-If  -Confirm  Wildcard support.  All names and parameter value can support wildcard.  Pipeline  Much more about this later.
  • 10. Command vs. Expression mode parsing  Echo 1+1  1+1  Everything returns a value  “String”  Variable  $ Prefix  i.e. $var = “Hello Sharepoint”  Type System  All .Net types as well as Custom Types
  • 11. Help  Get-Help (or -? Following any command)  Get-Help about_<<anyname>>  Get-Help –Examples  Get-Help –Full
  • 12. High level task oriented abstraction  Verb-XXNoun  Verbs: Get, Set, New, Write, Read  Nouns: Drive, Variable, Provider, Site, Collection  Get-Verb  Predefined Commands  When Starting Remember these:  Get-Help  Get-Member  Get-Command
  • 13. Get-Help  As it says, it helps!!!  Get-Command  Get information about what can be invoked  Get-Member  Show what can be done with an object  Get-Module  Show packages of commands  GetType  Discover details about an object’s type information.
  • 14. Compare  Foreach  Group  Measure  Select  Sort  Tee  Where
  • 15. PowerShell ISE  Simple Editor and Debugger  PowerGUI  Administrative Console  PowerGUI Editor  Powerpacks – a number to choose from.  Visual Studio  Notepad
  • 16. Out-Host  Out-Null  Out-Printer  Out-String  Out-GridView
  • 17. The best part about PowerShell  Output of one CmdLet is Input into next CmdLet in pipeline.  Uses the Pipe operator |  Output and Input are objects, not text like traditional shells.  Example ▪ Get-Command | Get-Member ▪ Get-Process | Out-GridView
  • 18. Case-Insensitive  Variables: begin with $ (i.e. $a = “test”)  Script Blocks using {}  Array $a = 1,2,3  $a[1]  Hashtable  $h = @{a=1; b=2}  Scope – Functions and Script Blocks  Security Context aware  Remoting - WSMan
  • 19. If then else  If ($a –eq “test”) { “It’s a test”} else {“Not”}  While loop and Do While loop  $i = 1; While ($i –lt 10) {$i++}  $i =5; do {$i} while (--$i)  For loop  for ($i=0; $i –lt 10; $i++) { “5 * $i is $(5 * $i)” }  Foreach loop  Foreach ($i in 1..10) {“`$i is $i”}
  • 20. Foreach CmdLet  1..10 | ForEach-Object {“begin”} {$_ * 2} {“end”}  Where Cmdlet  1..10 | Where-Object {$_ -gt 4 -and $_ -lt 10}
  • 21. Arithmetic Operators  +*-/%  Assignment Operators  =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=
  • 22. Get-Location and SetLocation  Copy-Item  Remove-Item  Move-Item  Rename-Item  Set-Item  New-Item  Get-Content
  • 23. Pretty much the same as CMD  > replace file  >> Append to file  2> File is replaced with error messages  2>> Error text is appended to file  2>&1 Error messages are written to output pipe
  • 24. A module is a package that contains Windows PowerShell commands, such as cmdlets, providers, functions, variables, and aliases  Need to create module folder  new-item -type directory -path $homeDocumentsWindowsPowerShell Modules  Copy the module to the Modules folder.  Start using a module (import-module etc…)
  • 25. Standard Providers  Windows PowerShell providers are Microsoft .NET Framework-based programs that make the data in a specialized data store available in Windows PowerShell so that you can view and manage it  Get-PSProvider | Select -Property Name  WSMan -  Alias  Environment  FileSystem  Function  Registry  Variable  Certificate
  • 26. Get-PSDrive  New-PSDrive  New-PSDrive -Name Y -PSProvider FileSystem -Root c:temp  Remove-PSDrive  Remove-PSDrive  Try a non-disk PSDrive like cert: Dir Cert:
  • 27.  A Script file is a text file with .ps1 extension containing one or more PowerShell command  A Script is a simple mechanism to re-use functionality.  To run a script on a remote computer, use the Invoke-Command and provide remote computer name as a parameter.  Scripts can accept parameters.  To run a script in the current session, we Dot- Source the . .Script1.ps1  We can Scope Local or Global.
  • 28. Single Line: #  Multi Line:  <#  #>  Comments can be used to automatically generate help
  • 29. A function is a script block containing list of statements  function small_files ($size = 1kB) {  Get-ChildItem c:Temp | where { $_.length -lt $size -and !$_.PSIsContainer}  }  small_files  To control how a function uses the pipeline, you use Begin, Process and End.  function pipelineFunc {  process {"The value is: $_"} } 1,2,3 | pipelineFunc  Advanced functions allow you to write CmdLets using scripts instead of compiled code.
  • 30. try  {  $wc = new-object System.Net.WebClient  $wc.DownloadFile("","c:MyDoc.doc")  }  catch [System.Net.WebException],[System.IO.IOException]  {  "unable to download MyDoc.doc from"  }  catch  {  "An error occurred that could not be resolved."  }
  • 31. Sharepoint Management Shell  Need to execute Add-SPShellAdmin in order to acquire permissions to run PowerShell on Sharepoint Member of Farm Member of Administrators Farm component Administrators SharePoint Full Control on backup folder group on the local computer group Farm Yes No Yes Service application Yes No Yes Content database Yes No Yes Site collection No Yes Yes Site, list, document library Yes No Yes Source: MSDN
  • 32. Get-Command -Noun SP*  (Get-Command –Name *-SP* - CommandType cmdLet).Count
  • 33. $Host.Runspace.ThreadOptions = "ReuseThread"  Get-SPAssignment –Global  $spWeb = Get-SPWeb -Identity $url  $spWeb.TreeViewEnabled = $True  $spWeb.Update()  Stop-SPAssignment –Global
  • 34. Windows Powershell Blog   Doug Finke – MVP (Also ShowUI)   PowerShell Magazine   Jim Christopher MVP (Check out StudioShell)   Tome Tanasovski MVP/Author – NYC PowerShell User Group 
  • 35. Productivity  PowerGUI  PowerTab  Community Extensions  Quest ActiveRoles Management Shell  UI  ShowUI (WPF) –
  • 36. Tool Url PowerGUI PowerTab Community Extensions Quest ActiveRoles server.aspx/ ShowUI Windows Automation Snaping for Powershell
  • 37. NuGet    StudioShell 
  • 38. PowerShell in Action  Windows PowerShell 2.0 Bible  Bruce Payette  By Thomas Lee, Karl Mitschke, Mark  “The book from the authority on E. Schill, and Tome Tanasovski PowerShell” 
  • 39. Automating Microsoft SharePoint  PowerShell for Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 Administration with Windows 2010 Administrators. PowerShell 2.0  Gary Lapointe & Shannon Bray  Niklas Goude & Mattias Karlsson  
  • 40. Next session will be about PowerShell Scripts in the SharePoint Management Shell  Contact:   @boulosdib