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Node JS Express - Steps to create Restful Web App
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At the end of the session you will be able to learn:
Node.js Express
Templates in Express
Creating Restful Web App
Slide 4 4
What is Node.js ?
Node.js is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment for server-side and networking applications
Node.js applications are written in JavaScript, and can be run within the Node.js runtime on OS X, Microsoft
Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, NonStop and IBM. -- Wikipedia
This is based on Google’s V8 JavaScript Engine

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Node.js is an asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime that uses non-blocking I/O to build scalable network applications. It allows for the creation of web servers and networking tools using a event-driven, non-blocking I/O model rather than the traditional threaded model. Node.js is popular because it uses JavaScript and allows code reuse on both the server-side and client-side, offers high performance and scalability for real-time applications, and has a large passionate community supporting its use.

EWD 3 Training Course Part 15: Using a Framework other than jQuery with QEWD
EWD 3 Training Course Part 15: Using a Framework other than jQuery with QEWDEWD 3 Training Course Part 15: Using a Framework other than jQuery with QEWD
EWD 3 Training Course Part 15: Using a Framework other than jQuery with QEWD

This document discusses using QEWD, a framework for building real-time web applications, with frameworks other than jQuery. It states that QEWD is framework agnostic and can be used with any framework like Angular, React, Ember, and ExtJS. It provides an example of integrating QEWD with ExtJS by starting EWD after the DOM loads and handling the ewd-registered event to send messages to the backend. It also notes there are separate slide decks on using QEWD specifically with React.

High Performance JavaScript - jQuery Conference SF Bay Area 2010
High Performance JavaScript - jQuery Conference SF Bay Area 2010High Performance JavaScript - jQuery Conference SF Bay Area 2010
High Performance JavaScript - jQuery Conference SF Bay Area 2010

Learn the inner workings of JavaScript to learn what makes things slow and how to speed them up. Heavily focused on DOM manipulation and UI updates.

Slide 5 5
What is Node.js ? (Contd.)
Guess What ?
» No worries about : race conditions, deadlocks and other problems that go with multi-threading.
» “Almost no function in Node directly performs I/O, so the process never blocks. Because nothing blocks,
less-than-expert programmers are able to develop scalable systems.” - (courtesy :
Thread Pool
file system
Slide 6 6
Basics of Node.js : npm
npm used to stand for Node Package Manager. However it is not an acronym anymore. npm is not a Node.js
specific tool
npm is a registry of reusable modules and packages written by various developers
» Yes, you can publish your own npm packages
There are two ways to install npm packages :
» Locally : To use and depend on the package from your own module or project
» Globally: To use across the system, like a command line tool
Slide 7 7
Use-Cases of Node.js
1. Walmart executives believe that the benefit of using Node.js was
far greater than any risk in adopting a new technology
2. They re-engineered their mobile app to run on Node.js where all
the front end code gets executed on back-end
3. “We rely on services all over the world,” says Almaer (V.P Mobile
Architecture) “We do not control all of those services. Node
allows us to front all these services… and scale up very nicely.
It’s perfect for what we’re doing in mobile.”
Server Side Web Applications
1. Server Side Web Applications
Slide 8 8
Use-Cases of Node.js (Contd.)
1. Linkedin is also leaning heavily on Node.js (Linkedin mobile and
tablet app is 95% html/web based)
2. “We’re still full-on Node. We are excited that it can scale,” says
Kiran Prasad (Head of Linkedin’s Mobile Development Team).
“Over the past few months, we’ve made performance tweaks so
we can scale even more. On four boxes, we can now handle 20
times the load we were handling before.”
Highly Scalable
1. Server Side Web Applications
2. Highly Scalable

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Node.js is a compelling platform that is quickly spreading from startups to the enterprise. Node.js strategically unites developers of all backgrounds through the common language of JavaScript. Why should you learn Node.js and where do you start? You will come away from this talk with the evidence to support Node.js, and tools you need to be productive. We will walk through a typical workflow of creating and debugging a web application. You will learn how easy it is to deploy, including Microsoft Azure. We'll also look at popular frameworks and modules, and other learning resources to give you the best start.
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Node.js & Twitter Bootstrap Crash Course

Slides from Node.js and Twitter Bootstrap crash course given to Penn Graduate Computing Club. Covers creating basic node app, using the bootstrap grid, and deploying to an EC2 machine.

Slide 9 9
Use-Cases of Node.js (Contd.)
1. When he first built Voxer, Matt Ranney (Voxer’s CTO) ran a test
to see how many connections he could open on a single server.
"I just decided to open as many connections as I could, just to
see where things would fall down," Ranney says
2. "With Node, I could open, well, all of them. I couldn't open any
more connections without getting more IP addresses on my test
machine. Node uses such small amounts of memory, it's
astounding. I ran out of port numbers."
Low Memory Consumption
1. Server Side Web Applications
2. Highly Scalable
3. Low Memory Consumption
Slide 10 10
Express JS
Express JS : Web Framework for Node.js. It is an npm package
To install : npm install -g express //in the main project folder
Express JS also provides a tool to create a simple folder structure for your app :
» Now, saying express newapp will create a project called newapp in the current working directory along
with a simple folder structure.
» The dependencies will then be installed by doing a cd newapp and then npm install
» To run the app
» node app // This is where the server is run and listening on a port
Slide 11 11
Express JS : Templates
By default Express supports the Jade Template Engine for the HTML Views.
What is an Javascript Template Engine : it is a framework to help bind data to your HTML views
Why do you need one ?
» Helps you easily bind data from the back end with the HTML view
» Helps in bundling HTML code into reusable modules/layouts
» Adds basic conditionals & iterations / loops to your HTML. HTML does not support “If -Else” or “for”
Many Javascript Template Engines are available : Jade, Handlebars, Hogan, EJS, etc.
Slide 12 12
Express JS : Jade
Jade is a simple Javascript Template engine for writing HTML. No config has to be set up for ExpressJS
since it is the default view engine
 It supports dynamic code, template inheritance and allows you to compile templates into reusable
functions that can run on server
Example of Jade syntax :
title My App Title
h1= pageHeaderVar
<title> My App Title
<h1>Page Header</h1>
<div class=”className”>

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[1D1]신개념 N스크린 웹 앱 프레임워크 PARS

This document discusses the PARS framework for building distributed web applications across multiple screens. It presents three approaches to multiscreen applications - fixed services, cooperating apps, and distributed apps. The PARS framework allows parts of an app to migrate or replicate across devices dynamically. It describes the PARS architecture using components, state synchronization, and messaging. Issues around component migration, replication, and network adaptation are discussed. The document concludes by mentioning standards like the Presentation API and asking for questions.

EWD 3 Training Course Part 27: The QEWD Session
EWD 3 Training Course Part 27: The QEWD SessionEWD 3 Training Course Part 27: The QEWD Session
EWD 3 Training Course Part 27: The QEWD Session

This presentation is Part 27 of the EWD 3 Training Course. It explains how to access and manipulate a user's Session data using the DocumentNode APIs that have been described in previous Parts of this course

Composable and streamable Play apps
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Composable and streamable Play apps

Web pages can get very complex and slow. In this talk, I share how we solve some of these problems at LinkedIn by leveraging composition and streaming in the Play Framework. This was my keynote for Ping Conference 2014 ( ): the video is on ustream ( ) and the sample code is on github ( ).

play frameworkcompositionstreaming
Slide 13 13
Express JS : A Simple Express Application
var express = require(‘express’);
var app = express();
res.send(‘Hello World !!”);
console.log(‘Express Server listening on port 3000);
Slide 14 14
Job Trends
Salaries for Node.js Developers are already in the $60,000 range and much more.
From the graph below : The number of jobs are skyrocketing.
Slide 15
Slide 16
Course Topics
→ Module 7
» Forks, Spawns and the Process Module
→ Module 8
» Testing in Node.js
→ Module 9
» Node.js in the Tech World
→ Module 1
» Introduction to Objects in Javascript & Node.js
→ Module 2
» Modules / Packages
→ Module 3
» Events & Streams
→ Module 4
» Network Communication & Web Technology in
→ Module 5
» Building a Web Application
→ Module 6
» Real-time Communication

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Enough with the JavaScript already!
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Slide 17
Slide 18

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Node JS Express: Steps to Create Restful Web App

  • 1. View Mastering Node.js course details at Node JS Express - Steps to create Restful Web App
  • 2. Slide 2 LIVE Online Class Class Recording in LMS 24/7 Post Class Support Module Wise Quiz Project Work Verifiable Certificate Course Features
  • 3. Slide 3 Objectives At the end of the session you will be able to learn: NPM Node.js Express Templates in Express Creating Restful Web App
  • 4. Slide 4 4 What is Node.js ? Node.js is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment for server-side and networking applications Node.js applications are written in JavaScript, and can be run within the Node.js runtime on OS X, Microsoft Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, NonStop and IBM. -- Wikipedia This is based on Google’s V8 JavaScript Engine
  • 5. Slide 5 5 What is Node.js ? (Contd.) Guess What ? » IT’s SINGLE THREADED !! » No worries about : race conditions, deadlocks and other problems that go with multi-threading. » “Almost no function in Node directly performs I/O, so the process never blocks. Because nothing blocks, less-than-expert programmers are able to develop scalable systems.” - (courtesy : Event Loop Event Queue Thread Pool file system network process other
  • 6. Slide 6 6 Basics of Node.js : npm npm used to stand for Node Package Manager. However it is not an acronym anymore. npm is not a Node.js specific tool npm is a registry of reusable modules and packages written by various developers » Yes, you can publish your own npm packages There are two ways to install npm packages : » Locally : To use and depend on the package from your own module or project » Globally: To use across the system, like a command line tool
  • 7. Slide 7 7 Use-Cases of Node.js 1. Walmart executives believe that the benefit of using Node.js was far greater than any risk in adopting a new technology 2. They re-engineered their mobile app to run on Node.js where all the front end code gets executed on back-end 3. “We rely on services all over the world,” says Almaer (V.P Mobile Architecture) “We do not control all of those services. Node allows us to front all these services… and scale up very nicely. It’s perfect for what we’re doing in mobile.” Server Side Web Applications 1. Server Side Web Applications Advantages
  • 8. Slide 8 8 Use-Cases of Node.js (Contd.) 1. Linkedin is also leaning heavily on Node.js (Linkedin mobile and tablet app is 95% html/web based) 2. “We’re still full-on Node. We are excited that it can scale,” says Kiran Prasad (Head of Linkedin’s Mobile Development Team). “Over the past few months, we’ve made performance tweaks so we can scale even more. On four boxes, we can now handle 20 times the load we were handling before.” Highly Scalable 1. Server Side Web Applications 2. Highly Scalable Advantages
  • 9. Slide 9 9 Use-Cases of Node.js (Contd.) 1. When he first built Voxer, Matt Ranney (Voxer’s CTO) ran a test to see how many connections he could open on a single server. "I just decided to open as many connections as I could, just to see where things would fall down," Ranney says 2. "With Node, I could open, well, all of them. I couldn't open any more connections without getting more IP addresses on my test machine. Node uses such small amounts of memory, it's astounding. I ran out of port numbers." Low Memory Consumption 1. Server Side Web Applications 2. Highly Scalable 3. Low Memory Consumption Advantages
  • 10. Slide 10 10 Express JS Express JS : Web Framework for Node.js. It is an npm package To install : npm install -g express //in the main project folder Express JS also provides a tool to create a simple folder structure for your app : » Now, saying express newapp will create a project called newapp in the current working directory along with a simple folder structure. » The dependencies will then be installed by doing a cd newapp and then npm install » To run the app » node app // This is where the server is run and listening on a port
  • 11. Slide 11 11 Express JS : Templates By default Express supports the Jade Template Engine for the HTML Views. What is an Javascript Template Engine : it is a framework to help bind data to your HTML views Why do you need one ? » Helps you easily bind data from the back end with the HTML view » Helps in bundling HTML code into reusable modules/layouts » Adds basic conditionals & iterations / loops to your HTML. HTML does not support “If -Else” or “for” loops. Many Javascript Template Engines are available : Jade, Handlebars, Hogan, EJS, etc.
  • 12. Slide 12 12 Express JS : Jade Jade is a simple Javascript Template engine for writing HTML. No config has to be set up for ExpressJS since it is the default view engine  It supports dynamic code, template inheritance and allows you to compile templates into reusable functions that can run on server Example of Jade syntax : JADE html head title My App Title body h1= pageHeaderVar div.className p. some content HTML <html> <head> <title> My App Title </title> </head> <body> <h1>Page Header</h1> <div class=”className”> <p> some content </p> </div> </body> </html>
  • 13. Slide 13 13 Express JS : A Simple Express Application var express = require(‘express’); var app = express(); app.get(‘/’,function(req,res){ res.send(‘Hello World !!”); }) app.listen(3000,function(){ console.log(‘Express Server listening on port 3000); })
  • 14. Slide 14 14 Job Trends Salaries for Node.js Developers are already in the $60,000 range and much more. From the graph below : The number of jobs are skyrocketing.
  • 16. Slide 16 Course Topics → Module 7 » Forks, Spawns and the Process Module → Module 8 » Testing in Node.js → Module 9 » Node.js in the Tech World → Module 1 » Introduction to Objects in Javascript & Node.js → Module 2 » Modules / Packages → Module 3 » Events & Streams → Module 4 » Network Communication & Web Technology in Node.js → Module 5 » Building a Web Application → Module 6 » Real-time Communication