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Building API
With Node JS and Express
Cakra Danu Sedayu / Full Stack Developer
@dilo_medan groups/DevCMedan
Fullstack Developer
Rahasia Disesuaikan untuk nama perusahaan Versi 1.0
Core Engine
Theory Non-Blocking IO
How To Use?
Traditional Website
Modern Website
HTTP Verbs
Design Endpoints
Express JS
Daftar Isi
Node JS API Show Time
download and install
download and install
npm -i express
npm -i mongoose
npm install -g nodemon
npm install body-parser
download and install

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Node.js Express Framework
Node.js Express FrameworkNode.js Express Framework
Node.js Express Framework

Learn Node.js framework in simple and easy steps starting from basic to advanced concepts with examples including Introduction

Express JS
Express JSExpress JS
Express JS

Websites: Visit our blog Like Facebook page Youtube:

express jsweb design and developmentsoftware development
Introduction to Node js
Introduction to Node jsIntroduction to Node js
Introduction to Node js

The document provides an introduction to building a simple web server in Node.js. It discusses organizing the code into modules, including a server module to start the web server, a routes module to route requests, and a request handlers module. It also covers basic concepts like using the http module to create a server, handling requests, and returning responses. The server currently returns the same "Hello World" response for all requests, and next steps involve routing requests to proper handlers to return the appropriate content based on the URL.

Basic Node JS
Simple Word :
Server-side Javascript
!(Simple World):
Network Applications Framework
● JS V8 Engine by Google
● Non-Blocking I/O
● Event Loop
Theory Non-
Blocking IO
Traditional I/O
- Synchronous
- Wait for each operation to complete, after that executes next
- Step by Step executions

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Service workers
Service workersService workers
Service workers

Service Workers is coming. Bring your own magic with the first programmable cache in your script, and more! Presented at the GDG Korea DevFest 2014 on the 31st of May 2014:

gdg devfestservice worker
Spring Boot and REST API
Spring Boot and REST APISpring Boot and REST API
Spring Boot and REST API

Spring Boot is a framework for creating stand-alone, production-grade Spring-based applications that can be started using java -jar without requiring any traditional application servers. It is designed to get developers up and running as quickly as possible with minimal configuration. Some key features of Spring Boot include automatic configuration, starter dependencies to simplify dependency management, embedded HTTP servers, security, metrics, health checks and externalized configuration. The document then provides examples of building a basic RESTful web service with Spring Boot using common HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and handling requests and responses.

springspring bootmicroservices
Spring Framework - AOP
Spring Framework - AOPSpring Framework - AOP
Spring Framework - AOP

This document discusses Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) using the Spring Framework. It defines AOP as a programming paradigm that extends OOP by enabling modularization of crosscutting concerns. It then discusses how AOP addresses common crosscutting concerns like logging, validation, caching, and transactions through aspects, pointcuts, and advice. It also compares Spring AOP and AspectJ, and shows how to implement AOP in Spring using annotations or XML.

aopspring frameworkaspect
- Asynchronous
- Never waits each operation to complete, executes all at one
- Callbacks used to handle result
Non-blocking I/O
What can we do with
● HTTP Server
● TCP Server
● DNS Server
● Static File Server
● Web Chat Application (GTalk)
● Desktop GUI Application
Who uses Node.JS (in production)
source :,-Applications,-and-Companies-Using-Node
Rahasia Disesuaikan untuk nama perusahaan Versi 1.0
Core Engine
Teory Non-Blocking IO
How To Use?
Node JS

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Intro to React
Intro to ReactIntro to React
Intro to React

React is a library for building user interfaces using components. It uses a virtual DOM for rendering components, which are pieces of UI defined as classes or functions. Components receive data via props and local state, and can be nested to build complex UIs. The component lifecycle includes mounting, updating, and unmounting phases. Data flows unidirectionally down the component tree. React has a vibrant ecosystem and community for continued learning.

Introduction Node.js
Introduction Node.jsIntroduction Node.js
Introduction Node.js

This document provides an introduction to Node.js. It discusses why JavaScript can be strange, but explains that JavaScript is relevant as the language of the web. It then discusses what Node.js is and its event-driven, non-blocking architecture. Popular Node.js applications like HTTP servers, REST APIs, and web sockets are mentioned. Examples are provided of building a simple web app with Express and Jade, a REST API with Restify, and using web sockets with The document also discusses using Mongoose with MongoDB for data modeling.

Complete MVC on NodeJS
Complete MVC on NodeJSComplete MVC on NodeJS
Complete MVC on NodeJS

This document discusses building scalable network applications using Node.js. It begins with an introduction to Node.js, describing it as a software platform built on the Chrome V8 engine for building scalable applications using JavaScript on the server side. It then discusses why to use Node.js, noting that its single-threaded and event-driven model avoids issues with memory usage that can occur in multi-threaded models. The document proceeds to explain event loops and non-blocking I/O in Node.js. It then provides an example of building a simple web server with Node.js. Finally, it introduces Express.js and provides an overview of how to structure an Express application using MVC patterns with models, views,

to USE ?
● Use Modules
● One or more modules libraries are
called PACKAES
● To Install PACKAGES, we use NPM
(Node Package Manager)
- Install Node JS (engine and NPM)
- chec installation in terminal or command promt
- $ node -v
- $nom -v

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NodeJS for Beginner
NodeJS for BeginnerNodeJS for Beginner
NodeJS for Beginner

This document provides an introduction to NodeJS for beginners. It discusses what NodeJS is, how it uses non-blocking I/O and event-driven architecture, and how to set up NodeJS. It also covers global objects, modules, asynchronous vs synchronous code, core NodeJS modules like filesystem and events, and how to create a basic "Hello World" NodeJS application.

non blocking i/ojavascriptv8 engine
Node js introduction
Node js introductionNode js introduction
Node js introduction

Node.js is a server-side JavaScript platform built on Google's V8 engine. It is non-blocking and asynchronous, making it suitable for data-intensive real-time applications. The document discusses how to install Node.js and its dependencies on Ubuntu, introduces key Node.js concepts like events and the event loop, and provides examples of popular Node.js packages and use cases.

setting up node with virtual appliancescaling the webnode
Lessons Learned from Using Next.js in Production
Lessons Learned from Using Next.js in ProductionLessons Learned from Using Next.js in Production
Lessons Learned from Using Next.js in Production

หลายคนที่เขียน SPA คงจะเจอกับปัญหาขนาดไฟล์ใหญ่เกินไปจนเว็บเริ่มโหลดช้า เราจะมาดูกันว่า Next.js จะมาช่วยเราได้แค่ไหน พร้อมกับโชว์ทุกเทคนิคที่งัดออกมาเพื่อจะทำให้เว็บเร็วขึ้น

Try install Moment
$ npm i node-modules
$ node server.js
Make HTTP Server
Traditional Website
image source and modified :

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Introduction to spring boot
Introduction to spring bootIntroduction to spring boot
Introduction to spring boot

This document provides an overview of developing a web application using Spring Boot that connects to a MySQL database. It discusses setting up the development environment, the benefits of Spring Boot, basic project structure, integrating Spring MVC and JPA/Hibernate for database access. Code examples and links are provided to help get started with a Spring Boot application that reads from a MySQL database and displays the employee data on a web page.

spring boot

Express.js is a web application framework for Node.js that provides a flexible set of features for building web and mobile apps. Express apps use middleware functions that have access to the request and response objects and allow for intermediate processing in the request-response cycle. Middleware functions can execute code, modify requests/responses, and call the next middleware function. Express supports application-level middleware, router-level middleware, error handling middleware, built-in middleware like static file serving, and third-party middleware.

Node js overview
Node js overviewNode js overview
Node js overview

The document discusses JavaScript and Node.js. It includes quotes about JavaScript's growing use and influence. It also discusses Node.js features like non-blocking I/O and core modules. Key aspects of the Node.js module system and asynchronous code are explained through examples. Common Node.js APIs, utilities, and the ecosystem are briefly outlined.

Modern Website
image source and modified :
image source and modified :
Modern Architecture Use API
● API - Application Programming Interface
● REST API - REpresentational State Transfer
● RESTful sudah Pasti REST
● RESTful use HTTP verbs
HTTP Verbs

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Spring Boot
Spring BootSpring Boot
Spring Boot

Overview of Spring Boot for the rapid development of Java Applications and Microservices. More information can be found at :

spring frameworkspring bootdependency injection
Lets make a better react form
Lets make a better react formLets make a better react form
Lets make a better react form

Use Higher oder components to separate complicated validation logics from the UI components and make them to be more pure, simpler and easier to test.

Building Applications With the MEAN Stack
Building Applications With the MEAN StackBuilding Applications With the MEAN Stack
Building Applications With the MEAN Stack

This document provides an overview of the MEAN stack and its components. It discusses Node.js and its asynchronous and non-blocking architecture. It introduces MongoDB for data storage. It also covers Express, a web application framework for Node.js, and Angular 2, a front-end framework. Code examples and demos are provided for Node.js, Express, MongoDB integration, and building an Angular 2 application. The document is intended to educate developers on the MEAN stack technologies.

table : users
Create users/create users
Read users/read/id users/id
Update users/update/id users/id
Delete users/delete/id users/id
Rahasia Disesuaikan untuk nama perusahaan Versi 1.0
Traditional Website
Modern Website
HTTP Verbs
Design Endpoints
Method Endpoint Description Data
GET api/users List of users [{}, {}, {}]
GET api/users/:id View a users {}
POST api/users Create a new users {“msg”: “”}
PUT api/users/:id Update a user {“msg”: “”}
DELETE api/users/:id Delete a user {“msg”: “”}

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JSFest 2019: Technology agnostic microservices at SPA frontend
JSFest 2019: Technology agnostic microservices at SPA frontendJSFest 2019: Technology agnostic microservices at SPA frontend
JSFest 2019: Technology agnostic microservices at SPA frontend

We'll go through the possible ways to bring technology agnostic microservice architecture to the frontend, review pros/cons of each of them. We also will check the "ultimate solution" that handles microservices with SSR in SPA manner. This talk will be interesting for ones who have multiple teams working on the same frontend application.

Introduction to Node.JS
Introduction to Node.JSIntroduction to Node.JS
Introduction to Node.JS

Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices. Node.js is an open source command line tool built for the server side JavaScript code.

introduction to node.js
How NOT to get lost in the current JavaScript landscape
How NOT to get lost in the current JavaScript landscapeHow NOT to get lost in the current JavaScript landscape
How NOT to get lost in the current JavaScript landscape

This document discusses how to avoid getting lost in the current JavaScript landscape. It begins by looking at modern web development trends like HTML5, CSS3, ES6, and expectations of fast page loads. It then examines traditional page lifecycles versus single page applications and various JavaScript frameworks. The document advocates for progressive enhancement and outlines strategies like "Hijax" and using the HTML5 History API to improve traditional approaches. It also discusses issues like code duplication, the benefits of isomorphic JavaScript, and tools for frontend development including Grunt, Gulp, asset bundlers, and test runners. It concludes by providing recommendations on technologies to adopt, consider, or stop using to develop with a progressive enhancement approach.

Express JS
Type 1 : Type 2 :
Default : Use body-parser :
read more about body-parser in :

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An Overview of Node.js
An Overview of Node.jsAn Overview of Node.js
An Overview of Node.js

This document provides an overview of Node.js, including what it is, its key features, and how to test a Node.js installation. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment that allows building scalable network applications in a single programming language. It uses non-blocking I/O and event-driven architecture, making it suitable for data-intensive real-time applications. The document demonstrates creating an HTTP server in Node.js, using the built-in URL module, and shows how Node.js uses an asynchronous and event-driven platform. It concludes by providing a link to a demo login application built with Node.js on GitHub.

ASP .Net Core SPA Templates
ASP .Net Core SPA TemplatesASP .Net Core SPA Templates
ASP .Net Core SPA Templates

The document provides release notes for ASP.NET Core 2.0 and discusses features for building single page applications (SPAs) with .NET Core. Key points include: - New SPA templates for React, Angular, and other frameworks that set up projects with bundling and other build tools. - JavaScriptServices allow running Node.js code from .NET and facilitate building SPAs with .NET backends. - SpaServices provide features like server-side prerendering, routing helpers, and Webpack middleware to improve the SPA development experience. - While SPA templates provide a starting point, separate client and server projects with specialized tooling may provide a better development workflow coreasp .net core
How to convert your Full Trust Solutions to the SharePoint Framework (SPFx)
How to convert your Full Trust Solutions to the SharePoint Framework (SPFx)How to convert your Full Trust Solutions to the SharePoint Framework (SPFx)
How to convert your Full Trust Solutions to the SharePoint Framework (SPFx)

This is a walkthrough on the tools, steps and process for converting common full trust solution to SharePoint Framework solutions. We will cover several scenariosn and discuss how to handle each appropriately. We have established a general workflow for converting your full trust solutions to SPFx solutions that I will share. We also will cover the proper configuration for your development environment. Lastly I will quickly highlight and show the process for building an SPFx solution and deploying it to Office 365. Lots of DO’s and DON’Ts will be shared. I’ll show you some of my scars too. From this session forward, you will want to hone your skills in modern SharePoint and convert everything to SPFx solutions. Attendee Takeaways: 1. Understand the why, the how, and what make up the SharePoint Framework (SPFx). 2. A demonstration where we take a common Full Trust Solutions and covert it to the SharePoint Framework (SPFx). 3. I share lots of tips, DO’s and DON’Ts to save you hours and days of your life

● No SQL Database
● Mongoose (Library)
- Create Schema in Model
All data will select by email
email = id

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Top Reasons to Use Node.JS Development for Your Next Project
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Top Reasons to Use Node.JS Development for Your Next Project

Are you wondering to use Node.js for development? Read this post to see the top reasons to use Node.JS for your next project development. Read more

node.jsnode.js developmentbusiness
StrongLoop Overview
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StrongLoop Overview

OpenSource API Server based on Node.js API framework built on supported Node.js platform with Tooling and DevOps. Use cases are Omni-channel API Server, Mobile Backend as a Service (mBaaS) or Next Generation Enterprise Service Bus. Key functionality include built in enterprise connectors, ORM, Offline Sync, Mobile and JS SDKs, Isomorphic JavaScript and Graphical API creation tool.

node.jsmobile apidevops
JS Fest 2019/Autumn. Влад Федосов. Technology agnostic microservices at SPA f...
JS Fest 2019/Autumn. Влад Федосов. Technology agnostic microservices at SPA f...JS Fest 2019/Autumn. Влад Федосов. Technology agnostic microservices at SPA f...
JS Fest 2019/Autumn. Влад Федосов. Technology agnostic microservices at SPA f...

We'll go through the possible ways to bring technology agnostic microservice architecture to the frontend, review pros/cons of each of them. We also will check the "ultimate solution" that handles microservices with SSR in SPA manner. This talk will be interesting for ones who have multiple teams working on the same frontend application.

- Create in Controller
- Read in Controller
All data will select by email
email = id
- Update in Controller
All data will select by email
email = id
- Delete in Controller
All data will select by email
email = id

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How to convert your Full Trust Solutions to the SharePoint Framework (SPFx)
How to convert your Full Trust Solutions to the SharePoint Framework (SPFx)How to convert your Full Trust Solutions to the SharePoint Framework (SPFx)
How to convert your Full Trust Solutions to the SharePoint Framework (SPFx)

This is a walkthrough on the tools, steps and process for converting common full trust solution to SharePoint Framework solutions. We will cover several scenariosn and discuss how to handle each appropriately. We have established a general workflow for converting your full trust solutions to SPFx solutions that I will share. We also will cover the proper configuration for your development environment. Lastly I will quickly highlight and show the process for building an SPFx solution and deploying it to Office 365. Lots of DO’s and DON’Ts will be shared. I’ll show you some of my scars too. From this session forward, you will want to hone your skills in modern SharePoint and convert everything to SPFx solutions. Attendee Takeaways: 1. Understand the why, the how, and what make up the SharePoint Framework (SPFx). 2. A demonstration where we take a common Full Trust Solutions and covert it to the SharePoint Framework (SPFx). 3. I share lots of tips, DO’s and DON’Ts to save you hours and days of your life. You’re welcome :)

office365sharecloud summitdallas
Seattle StrongLoop Node.js Workshop
Seattle StrongLoop Node.js WorkshopSeattle StrongLoop Node.js Workshop
Seattle StrongLoop Node.js Workshop

Slides from the May 20th workshop at the Seattle Node.js Meetup presented by Shubhra Kar titled: "Develop, Deploy, Monitor and Hyper-scale REST APIs Built in Node.js"

Nodejs Intro - Part2 Introduction to Web Applications
Nodejs Intro - Part2 Introduction to Web ApplicationsNodejs Intro - Part2 Introduction to Web Applications
Nodejs Intro - Part2 Introduction to Web Applications

This document provides an introduction to web applications using Node.js and Express. It discusses Node.js and its uses for building network applications. It then covers using Express, a web framework for Node.js, including defining RESTful routes and middleware. Examples are given for creating a simple Express app with routes and template rendering. Popular companies using Node.js in production are also listed.

Terima kasih.

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Build RESTful API Using Express JS

Editor's Notes

  1. REST ( Representational State Transfer) itu arsitektur sebuah software, sedangkan RESTful API itu merupakan salah satu model implementasi dari web service. RESTful API merupakan implementasi dari API. RESTful itu protokol/aturan untuk melakukan REST. Jadi RESTful itu udah pasti REST, namun REST belum tentu bisa disebut RESTful.
  2. REST ( Representational State Transfer) itu arsitektur sebuah software, sedangkan RESTful API itu merupakan salah satu model implementasi dari web service. RESTful API merupakan implementasi dari API. RESTful itu protokol/aturan untuk melakukan REST. Jadi RESTful itu udah pasti REST, namun REST belum tentu bisa disebut RESTful.
  3. Create Folder api-node-express npm install express --save check in package.json Try make Server: console.log(`Server running at http://${hostname}:${port}/`); Ada Pertanyaan??
  4. Express memberikan kita flexiblelitas untuk membuat API/routing kita bisa bentuk MVC bisa 1 folder aja atau 1 file di server.js tetepi kita anggap proyek kita ini adalah proyek besar, jadi kita membutuhkan structure yang baik