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Next.js in production
Next.js in production by Jasdeep Lalli
Jaz Lalli
Web UI Engineer

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MEAN Stack
MEAN StackMEAN Stack
MEAN Stack

The document discusses the MEAN stack, which is a full-stack JavaScript platform for building modern web applications. It is composed of MongoDB (M) as the database, Express.js (E) as the backend framework, AngularJS (A) as the frontend framework, and Node.js (N) as the runtime environment. The document provides descriptions of each component, why the MEAN stack is useful, how to deploy a MEAN application to Heroku cloud, and some tips on getting started and potential limitations.

Next.js (almost) in production
Next.js (almost) in productionNext.js (almost) in production
Next.js (almost) in production

Next.js is a framework for building server-rendered React apps that provides features like page bundles, prefetching, and data loading out of the box. It uses the same technologies as other React apps like React, Redux, webpack and Babel, but offers simple optimizations around code-splitting, prefetching, and server-side rendering. The presenter used Next.js at their company after experiencing significant growth with their previous Rails monolith because Next.js' values around performance and user experience aligned well with their needs.

Mean Stack - An Overview
Mean Stack - An OverviewMean Stack - An Overview
Mean Stack - An Overview

The document provides an overview of the MEAN stack, which uses JavaScript for full-stack development. It discusses the evolution of web development from separate front-end and back-end work to full-stack JavaScript with Node.js. The MEAN stack combines MongoDB for the database, Express for the web framework, Angular for the front-end, and Node.js as the runtime environment. Each component is introduced, with Node.js using a single-threaded and asynchronous model, Express providing features like routing and middleware, Angular using templates and two-way data binding, and MongoDB as a flexible document database.

html5javascriptweb development
Ruby on Rails monolith
Angular ➡ React
+650% orders in 2016
+300 devs in 2017
“Minimalist framework for
server-rendered React apps”

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Two of the most common issues that Microsoft Support is contacted related to Always On Availability Groups are associated with Latency and Failovers. During this session, we will demonstrate walkthroughs for latency analysis and failover root cause using enhancements in SQL Server and Management Studio. After this session, you will be able to troubleshoot such issues easily, quickly and efficiently.

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Introduction to mean stack
Introduction to mean stackIntroduction to mean stack
Introduction to mean stack

The document provides an overview of the MEAN stack, which is a collection of JavaScript technologies used to develop web applications. It consists of MongoDB (a no-SQL database), ExpressJS (a web application framework), AngularJS (a front-end JavaScript framework), and NodeJS (a runtime environment for JavaScript). Each technology is described briefly, outlining its purpose and benefits like performance, scalability, and the use of a single programming language throughout the application stack.

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Single Page Application

This presentation contains details about single page application and why they important than traditional systems.

Next.js in production by Jasdeep Lalli
Next.js @
page bundles

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The MEAN Stack
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The MEAN Stack

The document discusses the MEAN stack, which is a full-stack JavaScript framework that uses MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and Node.js. It provides an overview of each component, explaining that MongoDB is the database, ExpressJS is the web application framework, AngularJS is the front-end framework, and Node.js is the web server. The MEAN stack allows for full-stack development with JavaScript and provides benefits like asynchronous communication and being easy to start developing with.

Mean stack
Mean stackMean stack
Mean stack

MEAN STACK : Create scalable applications that are optimized for cloud deployment. Streamline development by using a single language across the entire application Simplify deployment with a built-in web server Manage large amounts of data with the flexibility of MongoDB When building an application from scratch, employing a consistent, standardized software stack is vital. Duration:60 days

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NodeSummit - MEAN Stack
NodeSummit - MEAN StackNodeSummit - MEAN Stack
NodeSummit - MEAN Stack

This document provides an overview of the MEAN stack and how it can be used to quickly prototype and build web applications. It discusses how MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and NodeJS work together to allow real-time data binding from the database to the client. The document also covers best practices for adapting applications based on feedback, automating testing, and scaling applications efficiently as they grow in usage.

data loading
Same tech we know & 😍

Simple, % enhancements

(code-splitting,prefetch,server-side rendering)
Values aligned

Next.js in production by Jasdeep Lalli

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This document discusses the build tool Gradle. It notes that while Ant and Maven provide build functionality, they have limitations. Gradle addresses these by providing faster, more concise builds with a Groovy DSL. It is flexible, integrates with Ant, supports dependencies, and is programmable. The document provides examples of basic Gradle usage and recommends resources for learning more.

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MongoDB Days Silicon Valley: Building Applications with the MEAN Stack
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Presented by Jason Zucchetto, Curriculum Engineer, MongoDB Experience level: Introductory Walk through building a sample application with the MEAN stack (MongoDB-Express-Angular-Node.js). We'll start from the beginning, walking through every component of the MEAN stack, in building a modern web application. The presentation focuses on building MongoMart, a simple application for searching and viewing MongoDB merchandise. You'll walk away with a basic knowledge of MEAN stack components and how to leverage them in building applications.

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AlwaysOn Troubleshooting Improvements

Amit Banerjee has worked as a Senior Program Manager for SQL Server for nearly a decade, focusing on high availability and replication. He was previously part of the SQL Escalation Services and Premier Field Engineering teams at Microsoft and speaks regularly at SQL conferences. In addition to his work on supportability tools for SQL Server, he co-authored the book "Professional SQL Server 2012: Internals and Troubleshooting" and runs the blog

alwaysontroubleshootingavailability group
Next.js in production by Jasdeep Lalli
Next.js in production by Jasdeep Lalli

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