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Lee Zen, AWS Edge Services
October 2015
Consolidating DNS Data in the Cloud
with Amazon Route 53
• Why should I do this? Why is now the right time?
• Cost
• Simplicity
• Single view
• API management
• Basic DNS use cases
• Advanced private DNS
Third-party monitoring
System monitoring
Internal DNS
Public DNS
Route 53 public zones
Route 53 private zones
Route 53 health checks
Basic DNS use cases

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(NET301) New Capabilities for Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
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(NET301) New Capabilities for Amazon Virtual Private Cloud

Amazon's Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) continues to evolve with new capabilities and enhancements. These features give you increasingly greater isolation, control, and visibility at the all-important networking layer. In this session, we review some of the latest changes, discuss their value, and describe their use cases.

Speeding up delivery of web content using Amazon Route 53, Elastic Load Balan...
Speeding up delivery of web content using Amazon Route 53, Elastic Load Balan...Speeding up delivery of web content using Amazon Route 53, Elastic Load Balan...
Speeding up delivery of web content using Amazon Route 53, Elastic Load Balan...

Amazon Route 53, AWS Elastic Load Balancer, and Amazon CloudFront can be used together to increase website performance. In this intermediate-level webinar, we will show you how these services can also be used to provide health checks and load balancing. This session will detail design patterns for using these three services together and in different combinations to achieve better website performance and security. A couple other design patterns discussed are the use of S3 for static web site hosting and two tiered applications that avoid use of web or application servers.


The document discusses using NGINX Plus on AWS. It provides an overview of AWS services, describes how companies use NGINX on AWS, and offers best practices for installing, configuring, load balancing, monitoring and backing up NGINX on AWS. Specific recommendations covered include launching NGINX from the AWS Marketplace, using security groups, auto scaling for load balancing, testing performance on different instance types, implementing high availability across availability zones or regions, monitoring with CloudWatch, and backing up configurations in S3.

scott wardawsamazon web services
Bulk transfer domains
1. Export DNS to Route 53
2. Delegate to Route 53
3. Transfer domains to Route 53
Order matters for availability!
Export DNS
Highly dependent on your existing DNS provider.
Two examples:
• GoDaddy
• ���DNS Zone File” tab with an “Export (UNIX)” format
• Typically in /var/named/chroot/var/named
• Use cli53 to import
Export DNS
# assuming we have files in the format
[domain].zone, we can do this:
for zonefile in *.zone; do
domain=$(basename "$zonefile" .zone)
cli53 create ${domain} --comment 'bulk'
cli53 import ${domain} --file ${zonefile}
Delegate to Route 53
• This step is registrar dependent.
• Namecheap example:

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AWS re:Invent 2016: Another Day, Another Billion Packets (NET401)
AWS re:Invent 2016: Another Day, Another Billion Packets (NET401)AWS re:Invent 2016: Another Day, Another Billion Packets (NET401)
AWS re:Invent 2016: Another Day, Another Billion Packets (NET401)

In this session, we walk through the Amazon VPC network presentation and describe the problems we were trying to solve when we created it. Next, we walk through how these problems are traditionally solved, and why those solutions are not scalable, inexpensive, or secure enough for AWS. Finally, we provide an overview of the solution that we've implemented and discuss some of the unique mechanisms that we use to ensure customer isolation, get packets into and out of the network, and support new features like VPC endpoints.

aws reinventreinvent2016amazon web services
Caching the Uncacheable [Long Version]
Caching the Uncacheable [Long Version]Caching the Uncacheable [Long Version]
Caching the Uncacheable [Long Version]

(Surge 2014) This is a longer version of our Velocity 2014 slides around caching dynamic content. Topic: In the past, CDNs have been used to cache and distribute static objects. But issues around invalidation, staleness, and lack of visibility have prevented us from using CDNs to fully leverage the benefits of caching when it comes to dynamic content. Today, using a real-time, modern CDN that provides instant cache invalidation and real-time analytics allows for instantaneous control over dynamic content caching.

cdncaching contentcontent delivery network
Apache Knox setup and hive and hdfs Access using KNOX
Apache Knox setup and hive and hdfs Access using KNOXApache Knox setup and hive and hdfs Access using KNOX
Apache Knox setup and hive and hdfs Access using KNOX

There are two ways to set up Apache Knox on a server: using Ambari or manually. The document then provides steps for configuring Knox using Ambari, including entering a master secret password and restarting services. It also provides commands for testing HDFS and Hive access through Knox by curling endpoints or using Beeline.

linuxapache knoxknox
Delegate to Route 53
• Check that you’re actually delegated (dig +trace)
$ dig +trace
. 505108 IN NS
com. 172800 IN NS
… 172800 IN NS IN NS 172800 IN NS 172800 IN NS
• Wait for TTLs to expire
Transfer domains
• Also registrar dependent, but you will want to unlock your domains and
obtain authorization codes.
• Namecheap example:
• Unlock:
• Obtain authorization codes (depends on the registrar; GoDaddy has a
bulk download option)
Transfer domains
require 'csv'
require 'aws-sdk-core'
route53domains = 'us-east-1')
CSV.foreach("authcodes.csv") do |row|
Third-party monitoring
System monitoring
Internal DNS
Route 53 public zones

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AWS re:Invent 2016: ↑↑↓↓←→←→ BA Lambda Start (SVR305)
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AWS re:Invent 2016: ↑↑↓↓←→←→ BA Lambda Start (SVR305)

Ever wished you had a list of cheat codes to unleash the full power of AWS Lambda for your production workload? Come learn how to build a robust, scalable, and highly available serverless application using AWS Lambda. In this session, we discuss hacks and tricks for maximizing your AWS Lambda performance, such as leveraging customer reuse, using the 500 MB scratch space and local cache, creating custom metrics for managing operations, aligning upstream and downstream services to scale along with Lambda, and many other workarounds and optimizations across your entire function lifecycle. You also learn how Hearst converted its real-time clickstream analytics data pipeline from a server-based model to a serverless one. The infrastructure of the data pipeline relied on Amazon EC2 instances and cron jobs to shepherd data through the process. In 2016, Hearst converted its data pipeline architecture to a serverless process that relies on event triggers and the power of AWS Lambda. By moving from a time-based process to a trigger-based process, Hearst improved its pipeline latency times by 50%.

aws cloudreinvent2016aws
Advanced Task Scheduling with Amazon ECS
Advanced Task Scheduling with Amazon ECSAdvanced Task Scheduling with Amazon ECS
Advanced Task Scheduling with Amazon ECS

- Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) is a container management service that supports Docker containers and allows scheduling of application containers across compute resources. - ECS provides two options for task scheduling - using services which let ECS handle scheduling, and implementing a custom scheduler using the ECS API. - The ECS placement engine allows developers more control over task placement using placement constraints and strategies to target attributes like instance types, availability zones, or custom attributes.

amazon web servicescontainersaws
Deep Dive on Amazon EC2 Instances (March 2017)
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Deep Dive on Amazon EC2 Instances (March 2017)

This document provides an overview of Amazon EC2 instance types and performance optimization best practices. It discusses the factors that go into choosing an EC2 instance, how instance performance is characterized, and how to optimize workloads through choices like instance type, operating system, and configuration settings. Specific tips are provided around topics like timekeeping, CPU credit monitoring, NUMA, and kernel optimizations. The goal is to help users make the most of their EC2 experience through understanding instance internals and performance tradeoffs.

amazon web servicesawscloud computing
Take advantage of AWS integration
• Health checks and DNS failover
• Calculated health checks
• Latency measurements
Internal DNS
Route 53 public zones
Route 53 health checks
Set up private DNS
$ cli53 import
example.integ --file
Route 53 public zones
Route 53 private zones
Route 53 health checks

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NET201_Creating Your Virtual Data Center
NET201_Creating Your Virtual Data CenterNET201_Creating Your Virtual Data Center
NET201_Creating Your Virtual Data Center

In this session, we walk through the fundamentals of Amazon VPC. First, we cover build-out and design fundamentals for VPCs, including picking your IP space, subnetting, routing, security, NAT, and much more. We then transition into different approaches and use cases for optionally connecting your VPC to your physical data center with VPN or AWS Direct Connect. This mid-level architecture discussion is aimed at architects, network administrators, and technology decision-makers interested in understanding the building blocks that AWS makes available with Amazon VPC. Learn how you can connect VPCs with your offices and current data center footprint.

aws re:invent 2017amazonnetworking
HTTP cache @ PUG Rome 03-29-2011
HTTP cache @ PUG Rome 03-29-2011HTTP cache @ PUG Rome 03-29-2011
HTTP cache @ PUG Rome 03-29-2011

HTTP caching involves storing copies of resources near clients to serve future requests faster. Caching can happen locally on a client or through shared proxies. Effective caching requires expiration dates, validation of cached responses, and invalidation of cached responses when content changes. Caching allows servers to scale to many users by offloading work to clients and proxies. The HTTP protocol and technologies like ESI were designed to support caching while handling dynamic content.

DAT302_Deep Dive on Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)
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DAT302_Deep Dive on Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)

Amazon RDS enables customers to launch an optimally configured, secure and highly available database with just a few clicks. It provides cost-efficient and resizable capacity while managing time-consuming database administration tasks, freeing you up to focus on your applications and business. Amazon RDS provides you six database engines to choose from, including Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL and MariaDB. In this session, we take a closer look at the capabilities of the RDS service and review the latest features available. We do a deep dive into how RDS works and the best practices to achieve the optimal performance, flexibility, and cost saving for your databases.

aws re:invent 2017amazondatabases
Advanced private DNS
Using in-VPC resolver
• What we can’t do with the gateway+2 (e.g.
• Private DNS combines the resolver and authority – this
means you can’t treat it as an authoritative server
• Delegation back via NS records doesn’t work
On-premises to cloud
Route 53
+2 Resolver
On-premises to cloud
Route 53
+2 Resolver

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NET302_Global Traffic Management with Amazon Route 53
NET302_Global Traffic Management with Amazon Route 53NET302_Global Traffic Management with Amazon Route 53
NET302_Global Traffic Management with Amazon Route 53

In this mid-level architecture session, we cover everything you need to get started with Amazon Route 53, AWS's highly available DNS service. Learn how to use public DNS, including routing techniques such as weighted round-robin, latency-based routing, and geo DNS. Learn also how to configure DNS failover using health checks, how and when to use private DNS within your VPC, and how Amazon Route 53 interacts with Amazon EC2's DNS for instance naming and DNS resolution across your network. We also walk through how to use Traffic Flow to manager traffic to your applications' globally distributed endpoints to optimize for constraints such as endpoint load, the health of your resources, geographic restrictions, and internet latency.

aws re:invent 2017amazonnetworking
Deep Dive into AWS Fargate - CON333 - re:Invent 2017
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AWS Fargate makes running containerized workloads on AWS easier than ever before. This session will provide a technical background for using Fargate with your existing containerized services, including best practices for building images, configuring task definitions, task networking, secrets management, and monitoring.

Integrating multiple CDN providers at Etsy - Velocity Europe (London) 2013
Integrating multiple CDN providers at Etsy - Velocity Europe (London) 2013Integrating multiple CDN providers at Etsy - Velocity Europe (London) 2013
Integrating multiple CDN providers at Etsy - Velocity Europe (London) 2013

The document discusses Etsy's experience integrating multiple content delivery network (CDN) providers. Etsy began using a single CDN in 2008 but then investigated using multiple CDNs in 2012 to improve resilience, flexibility, and costs. They developed an evaluation criteria and testing process to initially configure and test the CDNs with non-critical traffic before routing production traffic. Etsy then implemented methods for balancing traffic across CDNs using DNS and monitoring the performance of the CDNs and origin infrastructure.

cdn etsy
Setup unbound as the forwarder
$ sudo apt-get install unbound
interface: ::0
access-control: allow
$ sudo unbound-control reload
Setup unbound as the forwarder
name: "."
AWS Directory Service as the forwarder
• Fully managed on your behalf
• If you want to utilize Active Directory in your VPC, you
also get to take advantage of that as well
Set up Active Directory

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Build your own CDN with Varnish - Confoo 2022Build your own CDN with Varnish - Confoo 2022
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Slides for my Confoo 2022 presentation on how to create your own Content Delivery Network using Varnish. See for more information

Comenzando com la nube hibrida
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Comenzando com la nube hibrida

This document discusses hybrid IT and how organizations can integrate their on-premises infrastructure with Amazon Web Services (AWS). It defines hybrid IT as combining internal and external cloud services to support business outcomes. It provides examples of common hybrid workloads like backup/archive to AWS Storage using AWS Storage Gateway, and storage expansion using AWS Storage Gateway to store data in Amazon S3. It also discusses how organizations can integrate their network on AWS using AWS Direct Connect, integrate identity and access management using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) and AWS Directory Services, and integrate development and operations using services like AWS CodeDeploy. The document encourages readers to try hybrid IT through proofs of concept to help answer questions and consider cloud-first approaches for

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(SDD408) Amazon Route 53 Deep Dive: Delivering Resiliency, Minimizing Latency...
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(SDD408) Amazon Route 53 Deep Dive: Delivering Resiliency, Minimizing Latency...

Learn how to utilize Amazon Route 53 latency-based routing, weighted round-robin, and other features in conjunction with DNS failover to direct traffic to the least latent, most available endpoints across a global infrastructure. We explore topics such as balancing traffic between endpoints in terms of load and latency, and discuss how to provide multi-record answers to improve client-side resiliency. As part of this session, Loggly will present how they utilize Route 53 for their traffic management needs.

amazon web servicesbackup & disaster recoverydeveloper
Set up Active Directory
$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
; generated by /sbin/dhclient-script
$ dig TXT
;; ANSWER SECTION: 60 IN TXT "hello world"
;; Query time: 4 msec

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This session provides attendees with approaches to their VPC, including creating and protecting subnets, routing, performing VPC peering, and leveraging the latest features in Amazon VPC. Additionally, we'll discuss Amazon Route 53 for delivering traffic.

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Amazon Route 53 - Webinar Presentation 9.16.2015
Amazon Route 53 - Webinar Presentation 9.16.2015Amazon Route 53 - Webinar Presentation 9.16.2015
Amazon Route 53 - Webinar Presentation 9.16.2015

Amazon Route 53 is a highly available, scalable, and easy to use cloud Domain Name System (DNS) web service. With an SLA of 100% availability, Route 53 is designed to give developers and businesses an extremely reliable and cost effective way to route end users to Internet applications. By using Route 53 as your DNS provider, you can ensure your application’s up-time, run architecture that delivers better performance, and provide your end users with a better experience through lower latency and faster load times, all at the fraction of the cost of other DNS providers. Learning Objective: In this webinar, you will learn the following: - General overview of DNS, and how Route 53 is built to provide reliable and secure DNS - Using the Route 53 console to manage your DNS, easily and seamlessly - Utilizing health checks and failover to ensure high availability - Configuring advanced routing policies, including running your application in multiple regions with LBR and Geo for better performance for your end users. - Saving costs by using Route 53 - Registering or transferring your domains into Route 53 to manage all of your domain resources from one place - How to start using Route 53, including migrating your DNS without experiencing any downtime.

dnsamazon route 53cloud architecture
(NET403) Another Day, Another Billion Packets
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(NET403) Another Day, Another Billion Packets

In this session, we walk through the Amazon VPC network presentation and describe the problems we were trying to solve when we created it. Next, we walk through how these problems are traditionally solved, and why those solutions are not scalable, inexpensive, or secure enough for AWS. Finally, we provide an overview of the solution that we've implemented and discuss some of the unique mechanisms that we use to ensure customer isolation, get packets into and out of the network, and support new features like VPC endpoints.

aws cloudaws-reinventnetworking
Active Directory and Route 53 Private DNS
• Manage all non-AD names in Private DNS (because it
will fall through)
• API endpoint in Route 53
• Zones can cross regions with private DNS
Route 53
+2 Resolver
BIND configuration
options {
forwarders {;; };
forward only; # depending on your configuration
zone ”cloud.zen" {
type forward;
forwarders {;; };
Unbound configuration
name: "."
name: ”cloud.zen"

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(NET404) Making Every Packet Count
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(NET404) Making Every Packet Count

Many applications are network I/O bound, including common database-based applications and service-based architectures. But operating systems and applications are often untuned to deliver high performance. This session uncovers hidden issues that lead to low network performance, and shows you how to overcome them to obtain the best network performance possible.

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AWS April Webianr Series - How Willbros Builds Securely in AWS with Trend Micro
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1) Willbros Group is a global contractor that provides engineering, construction, and other services to the oil, gas, and power industries. 2) Willbros uses AWS to build secure and flexible solutions like pipeline routing and collaboration tools to improve productivity in the field. 3) Trend Micro's security solutions help Willbros defend workloads running on AWS against network attacks and malware while simplifying security management across accounts and environments.

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Route 53 Latency Based Routing
Route 53 Latency Based RoutingRoute 53 Latency Based Routing
Route 53 Latency Based Routing

In this presentation, created for a webinar recorded on 4/26/2012, we demo'd Amazon Route 53's new Latency Based Routing (LBR) feature. LBR is one of Amazon Route 53’s most requested features and helps improve your application’s performance for a global audience. LBR works by routing your customers to the AWS endpoint (e.g. EC2 instances, Elastic IPs or ELBs) that provides the fastest experience based on actual performance measurements of the different AWS regions where your application is running.

latency based routingroute 53resource record sets
Flatten your zones instead of subdelegating
+2 Resolver
Flatten your zones instead of subdelegating
+2 Resolver
On-premises contains data not in private DNS
• Loop the query through on-premises
• Copy the data into private DNS
• Setup conditional forwarding in Active Directory
Queries from on-premises will see the data
Route 53
+2 Resolver

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Container Patterns
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Container Patterns

The document discusses container patterns for designing cloud applications. It describes a "module container" building block that is a Linux process, has an API, is descriptive, disposable, immutable, self-contained, and small. It then presents several container patterns including sidecar, adapter, ambassador, and chains that describe how to assemble module containers together in composite applications. The goal is to define reusable patterns for container-based applications.

From One to Many: Evolving VPC Design (ARC401) | AWS re:Invent 2013
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As more customers adopt Amazon Virtual Private Cloud architectures, the features and flexibility of the service are squaring off against increasingly complex design requirements. This session follows the evolution of a single regional VPC into a multi-VPC, multi-region design with diverse connectivity into on-premises systems and infrastructure. Along the way, we investigate creative customer solutions for scaling and securing outbound VPC traffic, managing multi-tenant VPCs, conducting VPC-to-VPC traffic, extending corporate federation and name services into VPC, running multiple hybrid environments over AWS Direct Connect, and integrating corporate multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) clouds into multi-region VPCs.

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A Day in the Life of a Billion Packets (CPN401) | AWS re:Invent 2013
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A Day in the Life of a Billion Packets (CPN401) | AWS re:Invent 2013

In this talk, we walk through the VPC network presentation, and describe the problems we were trying to solve. Next, we walk through how these problems are traditionally solved, and why those solutions are not scalable, cheap, or secure enough for AWS. Finally, we provide an overview of the solution that we've implemented and discuss some of the unique mechanisms that we use to ensure customer isolation.

Loop the query through on-premises for VPC
Route 53
+2 Resolver
Copy the data into private DNS
• or cli53 or
# Enumerate the zone IDs for each hosted zone, e.g.:
# [hostedzone]
# = Z123
# = Z456
Copy the data into private DNS
Route 53
+2 Resolver
• Consolidating your DNS infrastructure in the cloud is
easy and simplifies management
• There are a number of ways to combine private DNS
with an on-premises or existing DNS solution
• We’re aware of the limitations of the gateway+2 and are
working toward resolving those limitations

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(ARC307) Infrastructure as Code | AWS re:Invent 2014
(ARC307) Infrastructure as Code | AWS re:Invent 2014(ARC307) Infrastructure as Code | AWS re:Invent 2014
(ARC307) Infrastructure as Code | AWS re:Invent 2014

While many organizations have started to automate their software develop processes, many still engineer their infrastructure largely by hand. Treating your infrastructure just like any other piece of code creates a ''programmable infrastructure'' that allows you to take full advantage of the scalability and reliability of the AWS cloud. This session will walk through practical examples of how AWS customers have merged infrastructure configuration with application code to create application-specific infrastructure and a truly unified development lifecycle. You will learn how AWS customers have leveraged tools like CloudFormation, orchestration engines, and source control systems to enable their applications to take full advantage of the scalability and reliability of the AWS cloud, create self-reliant applications, and easily recover when things go seriously wrong with their infrastructure.

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An introduction to AWS Direct Connect
An introduction to AWS Direct ConnectAn introduction to AWS Direct Connect
An introduction to AWS Direct Connect

AWS Direct Connect provides a dedicated private connection between a customer's network and AWS infrastructure. It allows for higher bandwidth, lower latency connectivity compared to internet-based connections. Customers can establish connections at one of AWS's Direct Connect locations, with connections available in 1Gbps or 10Gbps speeds. Connections can provide access to a single AWS region's public services or private connectivity to resources in a VPC. Customers are charged hourly rates for port speeds and data transfer costs for outgoing traffic.

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Information is the lifeblood of the modern enterprise! Yet there are escalating challenges around information explosion, fragmentation and availability. Moving data and workloads to the cloud undoubtedly brings efficiencies, cost savings and new capabilities – however there are a raft of critical issues to consider before, during and after this significant transition. Addressing such concerns requires a renewed focus on the information. Recognition that more data does not equal more value - and that adding yet more infrastructure isn't going to solve anything. Veritas address these new information challenges head-on! With Information Insight, Business Continuity, High Availability and Backup and Disaster Recovery solutions that operate seamlessly across on-premise, private cloud and the AWS public cloud. Technology experts from Veritas resolve these questions while profiling exciting new developments around Data Insight, Veritas Risk Advisor, Veritas Resiliency Platform and NetBackup that significantly enhance the AWS environment Speakers: Dave Hamilton, Distinguished Engineer, Storage and Availability, Veritas & Ian Fehring, Senior Technical Engineer, Veritas

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your evaluations!
Thank you!

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(NET308) Consolidating DNS Data in the Cloud with Amazon Route 53

  • 1. © 2015, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its Affiliates. All rights reserved. Lee Zen, AWS Edge Services October 2015 NET308 Consolidating DNS Data in the Cloud with Amazon Route 53
  • 2. Agenda • Why should I do this? Why is now the right time? • Cost • Simplicity • Single view • API management • Basic DNS use cases • Advanced private DNS
  • 3. Third-party monitoring System monitoring Internal DNS Public DNS Route 53 public zones Route 53 private zones Route 53 health checks
  • 5. Bulk transfer domains 1. Export DNS to Route 53 2. Delegate to Route 53 3. Transfer domains to Route 53 Order matters for availability!
  • 6. Export DNS Highly dependent on your existing DNS provider. Two examples: • GoDaddy • “DNS Zone File” tab with an “Export (UNIX)” format • BIND • Typically in /var/named/chroot/var/named • Use cli53 to import •
  • 7. Export DNS # assuming we have files in the format [domain].zone, we can do this: #!/bin/sh for zonefile in *.zone; do domain=$(basename "$zonefile" .zone) cli53 create ${domain} --comment 'bulk' cli53 import ${domain} --file ${zonefile} done
  • 8. Delegate to Route 53 • This step is registrar dependent. • Namecheap example: • ApiUser=<example>& ApiKey=<key>& UserName=<user>& ClientIp= SLD=domain& TLD=com& NameServers=,ns-793.awsdns-,,
  • 9. Delegate to Route 53 • Check that you’re actually delegated (dig +trace) $ dig +trace … . 505108 IN NS … com. 172800 IN NS … 172800 IN NS IN NS 172800 IN NS 172800 IN NS • Wait for TTLs to expire
  • 10. Transfer domains • Also registrar dependent, but you will want to unlock your domains and obtain authorization codes. • Namecheap example: • Unlock: ApiUser=<example>& ApiKey=<key>& UserName=<user>& ClientIp= LockAction=unlock • Obtain authorization codes (depends on the registrar; GoDaddy has a bulk download option)
  • 11. Transfer domains #/usr/bin/ruby require 'csv' require 'aws-sdk-core' route53domains = 'us-east-1') CSV.foreach("authcodes.csv") do |row| route53domains.transfer_domain(... end
  • 12. Third-party monitoring System monitoring Internal DNS Route 53 public zones
  • 13. Take advantage of AWS integration • ALIAS • Health checks and DNS failover • Calculated health checks • Latency measurements
  • 14. Internal DNS Route 53 public zones Route 53 health checks
  • 15. Set up private DNS $ cli53 import example.integ --file
  • 16. Route 53 public zones Route 53 private zones Route 53 health checks
  • 18. Using in-VPC resolver • What we can’t do with the gateway+2 (e.g. • Private DNS combines the resolver and authority – this means you can’t treat it as an authoritative server • Delegation back via NS records doesn’t work
  • 19. On-premises to cloud Resolver Route 53 Authority +2 Resolver Q 1 2 34 5 6
  • 20. On-premises to cloud Resolver Route 53 Authority +2 Resolver Q 1 2 45 7 8 Forwarder 3 6
  • 21. Setup unbound as the forwarder $ sudo apt-get install unbound /etc/unbound/unbound.conf: server: ... interface: interface: ::0 access-control: allow ... $ sudo unbound-control reload
  • 22. Setup unbound as the forwarder forward-zone: name: "." forward-addr:
  • 23. AWS Directory Service as the forwarder • Fully managed on your behalf • If you want to utilize Active Directory in your VPC, you also get to take advantage of that as well
  • 24. Set up Active Directory
  • 25. Set up Active Directory
  • 26. Example $ cat /etc/resolv.conf ; generated by /sbin/dhclient-script search nameserver nameserver
  • 28. Example $ dig TXT ;; QUESTION SECTION: ; IN TXT ;; ANSWER SECTION: 60 IN TXT "hello world" ;; Query time: 4 msec ;; SERVER:
  • 29. Active Directory and Route 53 Private DNS • Manage all non-AD names in Private DNS (because it will fall through) • API endpoint in Route 53 • Zones can cross regions with private DNS
  • 31. BIND configuration options { ... forwarders {;; }; forward only; # depending on your configuration }; zone ”cloud.zen" { type forward; forwarders {;; }; };
  • 32. Unbound configuration forward-zone: name: "." forward-addr: forward-addr: forward-zone: name: ”cloud.zen" forward-addr: forward-addr:
  • 33. Flatten your zones instead of subdelegating Resolver cloud.zen +2 Resolver Q Forwarder
  • 34. Flatten your zones instead of subdelegating Resolver cloud.zen +2 Resolver Q Forwarder
  • 35. On-premises contains data not in private DNS • Loop the query through on-premises • Copy the data into private DNS • Setup conditional forwarding in Active Directory
  • 36. Queries from on-premises will see the data Resolver Route 53 Authority +2 Resolver Q 1 2 45 7 8 Forwarder 3 6
  • 37. Loop the query through on-premises for VPC Resolver Route 53 Authority +2 Resolver Q 1 2 45 7 8 Forwarder 3 6
  • 38. Copy the data into private DNS • or cli53 or [hostedzone] # # Enumerate the zone IDs for each hosted zone, e.g.: # [hostedzone] # = Z123 # = Z456
  • 39. Copy the data into private DNS Resolver Route 53 Authority +2 Resolver Q 1 23 Forwarder 4
  • 40. Summary • Consolidating your DNS infrastructure in the cloud is easy and simplifies management • There are a number of ways to combine private DNS with an on-premises or existing DNS solution • We’re aware of the limitations of the gateway+2 and are working toward resolving those limitations