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NGINX Plus on AWS 
Scott Ward— Solutions Architect
Who is AWS? 
NGINX – Usage on AWS and best practices 
© 2014, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved. May not be copied, modified or distributed in whole or in part without the express consent of, Inc.
A broad and deep platform that helps customers 
build sophisticated, scalable applications 
© 2014, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved. May not be copied, modified or distributed in whole or in part without the express consent of, Inc.
A Culture of Innovation: Experiment Often & Fail Without 

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NGINX, Istio, and the Move to Microservices and Service Mesh
NGINX, Istio, and the Move to Microservices and Service MeshNGINX, Istio, and the Move to Microservices and Service Mesh
NGINX, Istio, and the Move to Microservices and Service Mesh

On-demand recording: About the webinar NGINX is widely known, used, and trusted for a variety of purposes. NGINX works as a reliable, high-performance web server, reverse proxy server, and load balancer. NGINX is also a widely used microservices hub, an Ingress controller for Kubernetes, and a sidecar proxy in the Istio service mesh. In this webinar, we’ll describe the move to microservices, the crucial role that NGINX has already played, and a range of architectural options that organizations have for their microservices apps, including three progressively complex models in the NGINX Microservices Reference Architecture. We’ll then introduce the emergence of Kubernetes as a container orchestration framework, the use of service mesh architectures, and the design of Istio. We’ll finish by showing how NGINX Open Source and NGINX Plus can be used as the sidecar proxy in an Istio service mesh, bringing greater reliability and capability to your service mesh application.

nginxnginx plusistio
Kubernetes - A Comprehensive Overview
Kubernetes - A Comprehensive OverviewKubernetes - A Comprehensive Overview
Kubernetes - A Comprehensive Overview

An in depth overview of Kubernetes and it's various components. NOTE: This is a fixed version of a previous presentation (a draft was uploaded with some errors)

VPC Implementation In OpenStack Heat
VPC Implementation In OpenStack HeatVPC Implementation In OpenStack Heat
VPC Implementation In OpenStack Heat

VPC Implementation In OpenStack Heat a) CreateVPC == Create Virtual Network b) CreateSubnet == Create Subnet in Virtual Network(VPC) c) CreateInternetGateway == Get external network defined in the Project d) AttachInternetGateway == Connect external network to routers in the Virtual Network(VPC) e) CreateRouteTable == Create a router and attach to Virtual Network(VPC) f) AssociateRouteTable == Attach subnet to router g) CreateEIP == Attach floating ip to instance

heataws ec2 vpcvpc
Who is using AWS and what are 
they using it for?
Startups on AWS
Enterprises on AWS
(Object, Block and Archive) 
Regions Availability Zones 
Collaboration and Sharing 
Security & 
Access Control 
App Services 
App streaming 
Deployment & Management 
Dev/ops Tools 
Mobile Services 
Virtual Desktops 
and Logs 
(VMs, Auto-scaling and Load Balancing) 
CDN and Points of Presence

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Kubernetes Networking
Kubernetes NetworkingKubernetes Networking
Kubernetes Networking

The document discusses Kubernetes networking. It describes how Kubernetes networking allows pods to have routable IPs and communicate without NAT, unlike Docker networking which uses NAT. It covers how services provide stable virtual IPs to access pods, and how kube-proxy implements services by configuring iptables on nodes. It also discusses the DNS integration using SkyDNS and Ingress for layer 7 routing of HTTP traffic. Finally, it briefly mentions network plugins and how Kubernetes is designed to be open and customizable.

[오픈소스컨설팅] Ansible을 활용한 운영 자동화 교육
[오픈소스컨설팅] Ansible을 활용한 운영 자동화 교육[오픈소스컨설팅] Ansible을 활용한 운영 자동화 교육
[오픈소스컨설팅] Ansible을 활용한 운영 자동화 교육

Ansible 소개, 구성요소, 설치, 환경 설정과 패키지/패스워드 관리에 대한 실습을 진행하는 교육 자료 공유합니다. 오픈스택 기반 환경하에 운영하는 고객사에 Cloud Team이 제공하는 교육서비스입니다.

CKA Certified Kubernetes Administrator Notes
CKA Certified Kubernetes Administrator Notes CKA Certified Kubernetes Administrator Notes
CKA Certified Kubernetes Administrator Notes

Unique course notes for the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) for each section of the exam. Designed to be engaging and used as a reference in the future for kubernetes concepts.

10 regions 
26 availability 
52 edge locations 
AWS Services Overview 
Amazon EC2 – Virtual Servers & resizable compute capacity 
Auto Scaling – Scale compute resources up and down 
Elastic Load Balancing – Load balancer for compute instances 
Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS) – Block storage for EC2
AWS Service Overview 
AWS Identity and Access Management – AWS Account Access Controls 
Amazon Route 53 – Scalable Domain Name System 
Amazon CloudWatch – Resource and Application Monitoring

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Room 1 - 7 - Lê Quốc Đạt - Upgrading network of Openstack to SDN with Tungste...
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This document discusses upgrading an Openstack network to SDN with Tungsten Fabric. It evaluates three solutions: 1) using the same database across regions, 2) hot-swapping Open vSwitch and virtual routers, and 3) using an ML2 plugin. The recommended solution is #3 as it provides minimum downtime. Key steps include installing the OpenContrail driver, synchronizing network resources between Openstack and Tungsten, and live migrating VMs. Topology 2 is also recommended as it requires minimum changes. The upgrade migrated 80 VMs and 16 compute nodes to the SDN network without downtime. Issues discussed include synchronizing resources and migrating VMs between Open vSwitch and virtual routers.

[오픈소스컨설팅] Open Stack Ceph, Neutron, HA, Multi-Region
[오픈소스컨설팅] Open Stack Ceph, Neutron, HA, Multi-Region[오픈소스컨설팅] Open Stack Ceph, Neutron, HA, Multi-Region
[오픈소스컨설팅] Open Stack Ceph, Neutron, HA, Multi-Region

OpenStack Ceph & Neutron에 대한 설명을 담고 있습니다. 1. OpenStack 2. How to create instance 3. Ceph - Ceph - OpenStack with Ceph 4. Neutron - Neutron - How neutron works 5. OpenStack HA - controller - l3 agent 6. OpenStack multi-region

cephopen source consultingopenstack
Delivering High-Availability Web Services with NGINX Plus on AWS
Delivering High-Availability Web Services with NGINX Plus on AWSDelivering High-Availability Web Services with NGINX Plus on AWS
Delivering High-Availability Web Services with NGINX Plus on AWS

Over 1/3 of websites running on Amazon Web Services (AWS) are delivered and accelerated using NGINX. In this webinar Nginx and Amazon explain how to get started with NGINX Plus on AWS and how to further increase performance and availability of large, dynamic, cloud-based applications integrating with critical AWS services.

nginxnginx plusamazon
Who is using NGINX on AWS 
• Startups, Enterprises, Government Agencies 
• Example: NASA/JPL Mars Curiosity Mission
Where NGINX fits
Installing NGINX Plus on AWS 
• Launch from AWS Marketplace 
• Search on “NGINX Plus” 
– Amazon Linux 
– Ubuntu 
• 30 Day Free Trial !! 
• Launch and Verify 
– $ /etc/init.d/nginx status

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NGINX Installation and Tuning
NGINX Installation and TuningNGINX Installation and Tuning
NGINX Installation and Tuning

You’re ready to make your applications more responsive, scalable, fast and secure. Then it’s time to get started with NGINX. In this webinar, you will learn how to install NGINX from a package or from source onto a Linux host. We’ll then look at some common operating system tunings you could make to ensure your NGINX install is ready for prime time. View full webinar on demand at

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Kubernetes on AWS with Amazon EKS
Kubernetes on AWS with Amazon EKSKubernetes on AWS with Amazon EKS
Kubernetes on AWS with Amazon EKS

This document summarizes Paul Maddox's presentation on Amazon EKS (Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes). It includes an agenda for the presentation, introduces Maddox and his background, and addresses some frequently asked questions about EKS. The presentation then provides an introduction to Kubernetes and EKS, describing how EKS manages the Kubernetes control plane and allows customers to run Kubernetes clusters on AWS, while also integrating AWS services. It highlights new features of EKS like Kubernetes certification and cross-account networking capabilities.

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[오픈소스컨설팅] 프로메테우스 모니터링 살펴보고 구성하기
[오픈소스컨설팅] 프로메테우스 모니터링 살펴보고 구성하기[오픈소스컨설팅] 프로메테우스 모니터링 살펴보고 구성하기
[오픈소스컨설팅] 프로메테우스 모니터링 살펴보고 구성하기

기존에 저희 회사에서 사용하던 모니터링은 Zabbix 였습니다. 컨테이너 모니터링 부분으로 옮겨가면서 변화가 필요하였고, 이에 대해서 프로메테우스를 활용한 모니터링 방법을 자연스럽게 고민하게 되었습니다. 이에 이영주님께서 테크세션을 진행하였고, 이에 발표자료를 올립니다. 5개의 부분으로 구성되어 있으며, 세팅 방법에 대한 내용까지 포함합니다. 01. Prometheus? 02. Usage 03. Alertmanager 04. Cluster 05. Performance

container monitoringprometheusopensourceconsulting
NGINX - Security Recommendations 
Use SSH for accessing your hosts 
Security Groups to control inbound/outbound traffic 
Control access here 
Protocol Port Range Source IP or Group Comments 
HTTP tcp 80-80 CIDR IP Range non-encrypted web traffic 
HTTPS tcp 443-443 CIDR IP Range encrypted web traffic 
SSH tcp 22-22 CIDR IP Range ssh access 
SSH tcp 873-873 CIDR IP Range rsync access 
SSH udp 5405-5405 CIDR IP Range corosync traffic
Load Balancing 
Behind ELB 
Route53 hosted zone 
Elastic Load Balancer 
Web App 1 
Web App 2 Web App 3
Load Balancing 
Web App 1 
Web App 2 Web App 3 
Elastic IP
Load Balancing 
DIY Considerations – Being Auto Scaling Aware 
Command Line Option 
Update NGINX configuration

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[오픈소스컨설팅] 서비스 메쉬(Service mesh)
[오픈소스컨설팅] 서비스 메쉬(Service mesh)[오픈소스컨설팅] 서비스 메쉬(Service mesh)
[오픈소스컨설팅] 서비스 메쉬(Service mesh)

클라우드 네이티브로의 전환이 확산되면서 애플리케이션을 상호 독립적인 최소 구성 요소로 쪼개는 마이크로서비스(microservices) 아키텍쳐가 각광받고 있는데요. MSA는 애플리케이션의 확장이 쉽고 새로운 기능의 출시 기간을 단축시킬 수 있다는 장점이 있지만, 반면에 애플리케이션이 커지고 동일한 서비스의 여러 인스턴스가 동시에 실행되면 MSA간 통신이 복잡해 진다는 단점이 있습니다. 서비스 메쉬(Service Mesh)는 이러한 MSA의 트래픽 문제를 보완하기 위해 탄생한 기술로, 서비스 간의 네트워크 트래픽 관리에 초점을 맞춘 네트워킹 모델입니다. 서로 다른 애플리케이션이 얼마나 원활하게 상호작용하는지를 기록함으로써 커뮤니케이션을 최적화하고 애플리케이션 확장에 따른 다운 타임을 방지할 수 있습니다. 서비스 메쉬의 탄생 배경과 기능, 그리고 현재 오픈소스로 배포되어 있는 서비스 메쉬 솔루션에 대해 소개합니다. Step1. Cloud Native Trail Map Step2. Service Proxy, Discover, & Mesh Step3. Service Mesh 솔루션 Step4. Service Mesh 구현화면 - Istio / linkerd Step5. Multi-cluster (linkerd)

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aws summit seoul 2018

Ansible is an automation tool that can provision, configure, and deploy applications. It uses human-readable YAML files called playbooks to define automation tasks. Playbooks contain modules that specify steps like installing packages, copying files, and starting services. Ansible Tower provides a GUI and API for securely managing Ansible automation at scale. Ansible supports both Linux and Windows environments through its agentless design and built-in modules.

Load Balancing 
DIY Considerations – Being Auto Scaling Aware 
SQS and SNS for notifications 
Current State 
Auto Scaling group 
Scale up 
Auto Scaling group 
Scale down 
Amazon SNS 
Auto Scaling group
EC2 instance Sizing 
• Workloads vary 
– Start small and move up 
Testing Initial Launch Steady State 
T2 class M3 General 
Auto Scaling group 
Purpose Bigger or More 
Broad Set of Compute Instance Types… 
M2 CR1 
Storage and IO 
C1 CC2 
M1 CG1 
© 2014, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved. May not be copied, modified or distributed in whole or in part without the express consent of, Inc.
Traffic profiles 
• SSL termination = CPU resources 
• Lots of small requests = CPU resources 
• Web Socket = CPU resources 
• Content Caching = Memory & Instance Storage 
• Bandwidth Heavy = Horizontal scaling

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NGINX ADC: Basics and Best Practices – EMEA
NGINX ADC: Basics and Best Practices – EMEANGINX ADC: Basics and Best Practices – EMEA
NGINX ADC: Basics and Best Practices – EMEA

In this webinar we help you get started with NGINX, industry’s most ubiquitous web server and API gateway. We cover best practices for installing, configuring, and troubleshooting both NGINX Open Source and the enterprise-grade NGINX Plus. We provide insights about using NGINX Controller to manage your NGINX Plus instances. Watch this webinar to learn: - How to create NGINX configurations for web server, load balancer, etc. - About improving performance using keepalives and other NGINX directives - How the NGINX Controller Load Balancing Module can manage NGINX Plus instances at scale - About augmenting your existing ADC with NGINX

nginxnginx plusadc
Network Security and Access Control within AWS
Network Security and Access Control within AWS Network Security and Access Control within AWS
Network Security and Access Control within AWS

AWS provides several security capabilities and services to increase privacy and control infrastructure access. Built-in firewalls allow you to create private networks within AWS, and also control network access to your instances and subnets. Identity and access management capabilities enable you to define individual user accounts with permissions across AWS resources. AWS also provides tools and features that enable you to see exactly what’s happening in your AWS environment. In this session, you will gain an understanding of preventive and detective controls at the infrastructure level on AWS. We will cover Identity and Access Management as well as the security aspects of Amazon EC2, Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), and CloudTrail.

cloud computingawsnetwork security
Rest api. barcamp 2013.
Rest api. barcamp 2013.Rest api. barcamp 2013.
Rest api. barcamp 2013.

Краткий обзор инструментов разработки сервисов и мобильных клиентов к ним

Performance Planning 
• Determine the right instance profile 
• Test, Test, Test, Test & Test 
• Run expected and un-expected traffic patterns 
against your environment 
• Analyze results and tweak where needed 
– Throw away what does not work 
• Monitor
Performance Baselines 
Performance testing tools 
– ab 
– jmeter 
– http_load 
– siege 
– curl-loader 
– weighttp 
– httperf 
– wrk 
– sslswamp 
– your favorite tool
Performance Baseline Approaches 
Different Instanc 
Different Availability Zon 
Different Region 
High Availability – General Recommendations 
Use multiple AZs in a region Auto Scaling to help with load change 
EC2 EC2 
Availability Zone 
Availability Zone 
EC2 EC2 
Auto Scaling group 
Availability Zone 1 
EC2 EC2 
Auto Scaling group 
Availability Zone 2 

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Journey Through the Cloud - Digital Media
Journey Through the Cloud - Digital MediaJourney Through the Cloud - Digital Media
Journey Through the Cloud - Digital Media

With the advent of high definition, on-demand digital media, media and entertainment companies are challenged to evolve their IT infrastructure fast enough to keep up with the demands of their customers. Producing, editing and distributing media assets cost-effectively requires an automated supply chain workflow supported by significant IT infrastructure. In this Amazon Web Services (AWS) webinar you can learn how you can make use of the economical, elastic, and on-demand compute and storage capacity that AWS offers to address the challenges faced by media & entertainment companies. You can view a recording of this webinar on YouTube here:

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AWS Webcast - Emergency Preparedness and Interagency Collaboration Webinar
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Learn how the AWS cloud can cost effectively provide the scalable computing resources, storage services, and analytic tools that enable running different kinds of Emergency Preparedness and Collaborative workloads.

(BDT202) HPC Now Means 'High Personal Computing' | AWS re:Invent 2014
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(BDT202) HPC Now Means 'High Personal Computing' | AWS re:Invent 2014

Since 2011, (responsible for planning and operating the Brazilian Electric Sector) has been using AWS to run daily simulations using complex mathematical models. The use of the MIT StarCluster toolkit makes running HPC on AWS much less complex and lets ONS provision a high performance cluster in less than 5 minutes. Since the elapsed time of a big cluster depends of the user, ONS decide to develop a HPC portal where its engineers can interface with AWS and MIT StarCluster without knowing a line of code or having to use the command terminal. It is just a simple turn-on/turn-off portal. The cluster now gets personal, and every engineer runs the models using HPC on AWS as if they are using a PC.

introductorystorageresource management
NGINX High Availability Configuration 
• Highly available pair of NGINX instances on EC2 
with a public IP Address 
• Active/Passive Configuration 
• Corosync and Pacemaker for clustering
NGINX High Availability Configuration 
Elastic IP 
NGINX High Availability Configuration 
Install and config steps 
• Allocate an Elastic IP address 
• Create IAM Instance Profile 
– Assign Elastic IP 
– Disassociate Elastic IP 
– EC2 Describe 
• Launch instances with IAM Instance Profile 
• Install NGINX HA 
– $sudo yum install nginx-ha 
– $sudo apt-get install nginx-ha 
• Start NGINX HA config on both instances 
– $ sudo nginx-ha-setup 
• Answer questions on both instances 
• Pick a primary 
• Done!!! 
Configuration Verification 
Last updated: Wed Mar 19 02:46:49 2014 
Last change: Wed Mar 19 02:46:42 2014 via 
cibadmin on nginxha101 
Stack: openais 
Current DC: nginxha101 – partition with 
Version: 1.1.6- 
2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes 
2 Resources configured. 
Node nginxha100: online 
ha-ip (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2) Started 
ha-nginx (ocf::nginx-ha:nginx-ha) Started 
Node nginxha101: online
NGINX High Availability Architecture Options 
Same Region 
Elastic IP 
Web App 1 Web App 2 Web App 3 
Availability Zone 1 
Web App 1 Web App 2 Web App 3 
Availability Zone 2

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The document discusses the growing amount of data being generated from various sources such as genomics research, consumer devices, retail analytics, and industrial and sports applications. It describes how data is increasingly being collected, stored, organized, analyzed and shared in new ways using cloud-based services that can scale elastically to handle vast amounts of connected data with terabytes to petabytes in size. This allows for real-time analysis and insights that were previously not possible.

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Learn how to increase the effectiveness of your security operations as you move to the Cloud. We will discuss how your current incident response, monitoring, and audit response tactics have to change in the Cloud. Drawing from experiences helping clients move to the Cloud, industry research, and the 'school of hard knocks', this talk will help provide practical advice you can apply today. This session is recommended for technical users who want to know how the day-to-day work of securing their on-premises workloads should change when moving to the Cloud.

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(SPOT207) State of the Union: AWS Database Services | AWS re:Invent 2014
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Raju Gulabani, Vice President of AWS Database Services, will share the thinking behind the evolution of database services at AWS and the drivers of the innovations we've delivered. You'll learn how customers are using Amazon RDS, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon ElastiCache and Amazon Redshift, and how to choose the right service for your workload.

databaseawstechnical decision maker
NGINX High Availability Architecture Options 
Different Regions 
Region 1 
Elastic IP 
Failover NGINX 
HA Instance 
Web App 1 Web App 2 Web App 3 
Availability Zone 2 
Primary NGINX 
HA Instance 
Web App 1 Web App 2 Web App 3 
Availability Zone 1 
Elastic IP 
Failover NGINX 
HA Instance 
Web App 1 Web App 2 Web App 3 
Availability Zone 2 
Primary NGINX 
HA Instance 
Web App 1 Web App 2 Web App 3 
Availability Zone 1 
Region 2 
Amazon Route53 hosted zone
NGINX High Availability Configuration 
Additional Considerations 
• Make sure that both NGINX instances are configured the 
same for their jobs 
• You get Active/Passive with two instances in cluster 
– Active/Active or more than two instances?  Corosync and 
Pacemaker documentation
Know what is going on with your 
environment at all times
Amazon CloudWatch 
Default Amazon EC2 metrics 
CPU Utilization (Percent) 
Disk Reads (Bytes) 
Disk Read Operations (Operations) 
Disk Writes (Bytes) 
Disk Write Operations (Operations) 
Network In (Bytes) 
Network Out (Bytes) 
Status Check Failed (Count) 
1 or 5 minute intervals

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The cloud is a highly dynamic environment that changes the way organizations need to think about security, underpinned by the shared security model. Learn how to increase the effectiveness of your security response as you move to the cloud. We'll discuss how to leverage features in AWS and our security tools to reduce downtime with minimal impact to your security and business operations. Pulling from experiences helping clients move to the cloud, this talk will help provide practical advice you can apply today.

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This document appears to be a presentation about the Zooniverse, which is a platform that coordinates citizen science projects involving volunteers analyzing and classifying large amounts of scientific data. Some key details provided include that Galaxy Zoo has had over 400,000 volunteers make over 200 million classifications. The Zooniverse has involved over 1 million volunteers who have contributed over 50 years of work per year and resulted in over 80 scientific papers. It also discusses some specific projects built on the Zooniverse platform, such as Galaxy Zoo, Moon Zoo, and Snapshot Serengeti.

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AWS Service Drill Downs
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AWS Service Drill Downs

This session will highlight the breadth and depth of services that make up the AWS platform. Participants will learn about the AWS Global Infrastructure, Networking, Compute, Storage, Database, Application Services, and Deployment & Administration. This session is designed for technical decision-makers to come away with a top-level understanding of AWS building block cloud services.

cloudawsamazon web services
NGINX Metrics into Amazon CloudWatch 
status.html  CloudWatch 
Install Agent 
$ sudo yum install nginx-cw-agent 
$ sudo apt-get install nginx-cw-agent
NGINX Metrics into Amazon CloudWatch 
status.html  CloudWatch 
Update Configuration 
$ /etc/nginx-cw-agent/nginx-cw-agent.ini 
NGINX Metrics into Amazon CloudWatch 
status.html  CloudWatch 
Start Background Agent 
Test - $ /usr/bin/ –f start 
All in - $ sudo service nginx-cw-agent start 
View Metrics
NGINX with Amazon CloudWatch Logs 
• Consolidate metrics and alarming for log files from 1 or 
many instances 
• Define filters to parse content from your log files 
• Measure and alarm on specific attributes 
• Define retention period for your log files 

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AWS Webcast - Webinar Series for State and Local Government #2: Discover the ...

The document provides an overview and agenda for a training on Amazon Web Services (AWS). It discusses setting up an AWS account, an overview of key AWS services like Amazon EC2, S3, and others. It also includes demos of setting up an AWS account, using EC2 to launch virtual servers, and uploading and downloading objects from S3 storage. The training aims to help participants get started with AWS and understand its global infrastructure and capabilities.

amazon ec2amazon web servicessimple storage service
Workshop part2 – Big Data
Workshop part2 – Big DataWorkshop part2 – Big Data
Workshop part2 – Big Data

The document discusses how collecting more data allows companies to derive more value from it, as the cost of data generation falls. It promotes AWS services for generating, storing, analyzing and sharing data in a scalable, flexible way. These services include Amazon S3, DynamoDB, RDS, Redshift, EC2 and Kinesis to handle everything from batch to real-time stream processing and analytics. Case studies demonstrate how companies have leveraged AWS to gain insights from massive amounts of data.

Fostering a Culture of Innovation with Cloud
Fostering a Culture of Innovation with CloudFostering a Culture of Innovation with Cloud
Fostering a Culture of Innovation with Cloud

This presentation provides a look at how CIOs should be thinking about tackling the culture change that goes hand-in-hand with cloud adoption.

aws cloudcloudaws
NGINX with Amazon CloudWatch Logs 
NGINX with Amazon CloudWatch Logs 
EC2 EC2 
Capture logs from multiple instances in one place
Backup Strategy - Options 
Protect your configuration 
• Create an AMI with each new verified config 
• Snapshot the root volume 
• Store config files in Amazon S3 or source repository 
– Deploy via user-data when new Amazon EC2 instance 
• Continuous integration software to build new AMIs 
with your NGINX configuration
Scott Ward— Solutions Architect 
AWS Pop-Up Loft 
925 Market Street 
© 2014, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved. May not be copied, modified or distributed in whole or in part without the express consent of, Inc.

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(BIZ306) Migrating Trimble Sketchup 3D Warehouse to AWS | AWS re:Invent 2014
(BIZ306) Migrating Trimble Sketchup 3D Warehouse to AWS | AWS re:Invent 2014(BIZ306) Migrating Trimble Sketchup 3D Warehouse to AWS | AWS re:Invent 2014
(BIZ306) Migrating Trimble Sketchup 3D Warehouse to AWS | AWS re:Invent 2014

Trimble was tasked with moving a newly acquired application, Sketchup 3D Warehouse, to AWS. This session will discuss how, using spot instances, Trimble rendered over 2.5 million images to AWS in large amounts, at a fraction of the cost of physical or virtual options. Trimble will discuss the AWS services used (Amazon EC2, Amazon CloudFront, and others) and the flexibility Trimble achieved by using these services-such as how CloudFront allowed Trimble to operate out of a single region, greatly reducing the complexity of deployment across the world. Finally, Trimble will discuss why AWS was the right choice for running Sketchup 3D Warehouse.

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T2 – Continuous integration on aws
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T2 – Continuous integration on aws

With AWS, companies now have the ability to develop and run their applications with speed and flexibility like never before. Working with an infrastructure that can be 100% API driven enables businesses to use lean methodologies and realize these benefits. This in turn leads to greater success for those who make use of these practices. In this session we'll talk about some of the key concepts and design patterns for Continuous Deployment and Continuous Integration - two elements of lean development of applications and infrastructures.

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Not sure when (or if) to run a sale? Not sure what IAP items to offer? In this session, Playtika EVP Salim Mitha and Amazon show you what works. We share best practices and analytics data that we've aggregated from the top 50 in-app purchase (IAP) grossing games in the Amazon Appstore. We cover user retention and engagement data comparisons and examine several purchasing UI layouts to learn how to manage and present IAP item selection. We also cover how to manage IAP price points and how and when to tailor price variety, sales, and offers for customers. You get actionable data and suggestions that you can use on your current as well as future projects to help maximize IAP revenue.

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  • 1. NGINX Plus on AWS Scott Ward— Solutions Architect
  • 2. NGINX on AWS Who is AWS? NGINX – Usage on AWS and best practices © 2014, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved. May not be copied, modified or distributed in whole or in part without the express consent of, Inc.
  • 3. A broad and deep platform that helps customers build sophisticated, scalable applications © 2014, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved. May not be copied, modified or distributed in whole or in part without the express consent of, Inc.
  • 4. A Culture of Innovation: Experiment Often & Fail Without Risk
  • 5. Who is using AWS and what are they using it for?
  • 6. Startups on AWS
  • 7. Enterprises on AWS
  • 8. Foundation Services Infrastructure Storage (Object, Block and Archive) Regions Availability Zones Networking Collaboration and Sharing Security & Access Control Platform Services Databases Relational NoSQL Caching Analytics Hadoop Real-time Data warehouse App Services Queuing Orchestration App streaming Transcoding Email Search Deployment & Management Containers Dev/ops Tools Resource Templates Mobile Services Identity Sync Mobile Analytics Notifications Enterprise Applications Virtual Desktops Data Workflows Usage Tracking Monitoring and Logs Compute (VMs, Auto-scaling and Load Balancing) CDN and Points of Presence
  • 9. 10 regions 26 availability zones 52 edge locations Infrastructure
  • 10. AWS Services Overview Amazon EC2 – Virtual Servers & resizable compute capacity Auto Scaling – Scale compute resources up and down Elastic Load Balancing – Load balancer for compute instances Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS) – Block storage for EC2
  • 11. AWS Service Overview AWS Identity and Access Management – AWS Account Access Controls Amazon Route 53 – Scalable Domain Name System Amazon CloudWatch – Resource and Application Monitoring
  • 13. NGINX Who is using NGINX on AWS • Startups, Enterprises, Government Agencies • Example: NASA/JPL Mars Curiosity Mission
  • 16. Installing NGINX Plus on AWS • Launch from AWS Marketplace • Search on “NGINX Plus” – Amazon Linux – Ubuntu • 30 Day Free Trial !! • Launch and Verify – $ /etc/init.d/nginx status
  • 17. NGINX - Security Recommendations Use SSH for accessing your hosts Security Groups to control inbound/outbound traffic Connection Method Control access here Protocol Port Range Source IP or Group Comments HTTP tcp 80-80 CIDR IP Range non-encrypted web traffic HTTPS tcp 443-443 CIDR IP Range encrypted web traffic SSH tcp 22-22 CIDR IP Range ssh access SSH tcp 873-873 CIDR IP Range rsync access SSH udp 5405-5405 CIDR IP Range corosync traffic
  • 18. Load Balancing Behind ELB Route53 hosted zone Elastic Load Balancer region Web App 1 NGINX Plus EC2 instances Web App 2 Web App 3
  • 19. Load Balancing DIY region Web App 1 NGINX Plus AMI Web App 2 Web App 3 Elastic IP
  • 20. Load Balancing DIY Considerations – Being Auto Scaling Aware Command Line Option describe-auto-scaling-instances describe-instances Update NGINX configuration
  • 21. Load Balancing DIY Considerations – Being Auto Scaling Aware SQS and SNS for notifications Current State NGINX Auto Scaling group Amazon SQS Scale up NGINX Auto Scaling group Scale down Amazon SQS Amazon SNS NGINX Auto Scaling group
  • 22. Performance EC2 instance Sizing • Workloads vary – Start small and move up Testing Initial Launch Steady State T2 class M3 General Auto Scaling group Purpose Bigger or More EC2 EC2 EC2 EC2 EC2 EC2 EC2
  • 23. Broad Set of Compute Instance Types… GPU enabled G2 General purpose M3 Memory optimized R3 M2 CR1 Storage and IO optimized Compute optimized C3 C1 CC2 I2 HI1 HS1 M1 CG1 © 2014, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved. May not be copied, modified or distributed in whole or in part without the express consent of, Inc.
  • 24. Performance Traffic profiles • SSL termination = CPU resources • Lots of small requests = CPU resources • Web Socket = CPU resources • Content Caching = Memory & Instance Storage • Bandwidth Heavy = Horizontal scaling
  • 25. Performance Planning • Determine the right instance profile • Test, Test, Test, Test & Test • Run expected and un-expected traffic patterns against your environment • Analyze results and tweak where needed – Throw away what does not work • Monitor
  • 26. Performance Baselines Performance testing tools – ab – jmeter – http_load – siege – curl-loader – weighttp – httperf – wrk – sslswamp – your favorite tool
  • 27. Performance Baseline Approaches Different Instanc e Different Availability Zon e Different Region NGINX Test Instance region Availability Zone Availability Zone NGINX Test Instance NGINX Test Availability Zone region Instance Availability Zone region
  • 28. High Availability – General Recommendations Use multiple AZs in a region Auto Scaling to help with load change EC2 EC2 region Availability Zone 2 Availability Zone 1 region EC2 EC2 Auto Scaling group Availability Zone 1 EC2 EC2 Auto Scaling group Availability Zone 2 s
  • 29. NGINX High Availability Configuration • Highly available pair of NGINX instances on EC2 with a public IP Address • Active/Passive Configuration • Corosync and Pacemaker for clustering
  • 30. NGINX High Availability Configuration Elastic IP Address Corosync/Pacema ker NGINX EC2 Primary NGINX EC2 Standby
  • 31. NGINX High Availability Configuration Install and config steps • Allocate an Elastic IP address • Create IAM Instance Profile – Assign Elastic IP – Disassociate Elastic IP – EC2 Describe • Launch instances with IAM Instance Profile • Install NGINX HA – $sudo yum install nginx-ha – $sudo apt-get install nginx-ha • Start NGINX HA config on both instances – $ sudo nginx-ha-setup • Answer questions on both instances • Pick a primary • Done!!! Configuration Verification =========== Last updated: Wed Mar 19 02:46:49 2014 Last change: Wed Mar 19 02:46:42 2014 via cibadmin on nginxha101 Stack: openais Current DC: nginxha101 – partition with quorum Version: 1.1.6- 9971ebba4494012a93c03b40a2c58ec0eb60f50c 2 Nodes configured, 2 expected votes 2 Resources configured. ============ Node nginxha100: online ha-ip (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2) Started ha-nginx (ocf::nginx-ha:nginx-ha) Started Node nginxha101: online
  • 32. NGINX High Availability Architecture Options Same Region Elastic IP Primary NGINX HA Instance Web App 1 Web App 2 Web App 3 region Availability Zone 1 Failover NGINX HA Instance Web App 1 Web App 2 Web App 3 Availability Zone 2
  • 33. NGINX High Availability Architecture Options Different Regions Region 1 Elastic IP Failover NGINX HA Instance Web App 1 Web App 2 Web App 3 Availability Zone 2 Primary NGINX HA Instance Web App 1 Web App 2 Web App 3 Availability Zone 1 Elastic IP Failover NGINX HA Instance Web App 1 Web App 2 Web App 3 Availability Zone 2 Primary NGINX HA Instance Web App 1 Web App 2 Web App 3 Availability Zone 1 Region 2 Amazon Route53 hosted zone
  • 34. NGINX High Availability Configuration Additional Considerations • Make sure that both NGINX instances are configured the same for their jobs • You get Active/Passive with two instances in cluster – Active/Active or more than two instances?  Corosync and Pacemaker documentation
  • 35. Monitoring Know what is going on with your environment at all times
  • 36. Amazon CloudWatch Default Amazon EC2 metrics CPU Utilization (Percent) Disk Reads (Bytes) Disk Read Operations (Operations) Disk Writes (Bytes) Disk Write Operations (Operations) Network In (Bytes) Network Out (Bytes) Status Check Failed (Count) 1 or 5 minute intervals
  • 37. NGINX Metrics into Amazon CloudWatch status.html  CloudWatch Install Agent $ sudo yum install nginx-cw-agent $ sudo apt-get install nginx-cw-agent
  • 38. NGINX Metrics into Amazon CloudWatch status.html  CloudWatch Update Configuration $ /etc/nginx-cw-agent/nginx-cw-agent.ini [source1] name=exampleorg url= [source2] name=examplecom url= http_user=testuser http_pass=testpass
  • 39. NGINX Metrics into Amazon CloudWatch status.html  CloudWatch Start Background Agent Test - $ /usr/bin/ –f start All in - $ sudo service nginx-cw-agent start View Metrics
  • 40. NGINX with Amazon CloudWatch Logs • Consolidate metrics and alarming for log files from 1 or many instances • Define filters to parse content from your log files • Measure and alarm on specific attributes • Define retention period for your log files EC2 CloudWatch
  • 41. NGINX with Amazon CloudWatch Logs Filter Alarm
  • 42. NGINX with Amazon CloudWatch Logs EC2 EC2 EC2 CloudWatch EC2 EC2 EC2 Capture logs from multiple instances in one place
  • 43. Backup Strategy - Options Protect your configuration • Create an AMI with each new verified config • Snapshot the root volume • Store config files in Amazon S3 or source repository – Deploy via user-data when new Amazon EC2 instance launches • Continuous integration software to build new AMIs with your NGINX configuration
  • 44. Scott Ward— Solutions Architect AWS Pop-Up Loft 925 Market Street © 2014, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved. May not be copied, modified or distributed in whole or in part without the express consent of, Inc.

Editor's Notes

  1. What I am talking about here is partly from an upcoming whitepaper around NGINX and its usage on AWS. Going to start with an overview of AWS and who we are. Then jump into NGINX and go into some best practices around architecting on AWS with NGINX, security recommendations, specific NGINX configurations you can use with AWS and AWS product integrations you can achieve with NGINX. I will not be going into any design of our individual services and if they are using NGINX or not.
  2. The broad and deep platform that is AWS. If want to build new businesses from scratch or move some/all workloads to cloud, need a broad array of services and features to make this happen and not have to piecemeal it AWS Platform started in 2006 and it has grown rapidly since that time. Today it is the underlying infrastructure for companies around the world including startups, enterprises, and government agencies. AWS has hundreds of thousands of customers in 190 countries around the world. A little background… After over a decade of building and running the highly scalable web application,, the company realized that it had developed a core competency in operating massive scale technology infrastructure and datacenters, and embarked on a much broader mission of serving a new customer segment—developers and businesses—with a platform of web services they can use to build sophisticated, scalable applications.  AWS is a comprehensive cloud services platform, offering compute power, storage, content delivery, and other functionality that enables businesses to cost-effectively deploy applications and services with greater flexibility, scalability, and reliability. The power of self-service through AWS means you can proactively address your internal plans and react to external demands when you choose and not have to wait for a salesperson to return your call. In response to customer needs and internal innovation on the customer’s behalf, In 2011, we released over 80 significant services and features; in 2012, nearly 160; and in 2013, 280. This trend does not show any sign of slowing.
  3. Experiment Often and fail without risk No time spent on ordering and waiting for infrastructure. Have an idea and try it out. Keep what you need return what you do not IT personnel can focus on more important pieces above the infrastructure or on more important infrastructure needing their attention.
  4. DropBox Pinterest AirBnB Flipboard
  5. Shell Netflix Samsung GE Philips Pfizer Bristol-Myers Squibb Intuit CBA Suncorp
  6. Quick focus on infrastructure because it is a key component that we will be discussing and utilizing throughout this presentation
  7. As you saw from the overall AWS platform and service overview slide there are a lot of services that AWS offers. What I am going to touch base on here are services that are going to be relevant to the rest of the discussion that I will be presenting on. ELB Health Checks AutoScaling Health Checks
  8. Route53- Route to infrastructure inside or outside of AWS * Routing – Latency, Geo, weighted round robin * health checks – DNS Failover. Route 53 monitors endpoint and if there is a failure traffic will be routed to an alternate endpoint
  9. When it comes to NGINX on AWS we see lots of use cases where it is part of the architecture. In the short time that I have been with AWS I hear it referred to regularly as being parts of architectures that people have implemented on AWS. Amazon Linux AMI now has it.
  10. Here is the architecture implemented by NASA/JPL for the Mars Curiosity mission. This comes from the AWS Case Study on the implementation. This architecture represents what was used to support the live video streaming of the rover landing. You will see that they are implementing 100s of EC2 instances running NGINX. In this case they are using it as cache servers for content that they needed to serve up during the live event.
  11. NGINX Plus is available in the AWS Marketplace. AWS Marketplace is an online store that allows you to find software and services that run on the EC2 cloud. Search on NGINX Plus to find the listing of marketplace offerings Go through the launch instance process to get the instances launched with your desired configuration Connect to and verify your instance. This will give you your basic NGINX instance ready to serve up web traffic and give you your baseline for going deeper
  12. Security is a top priority at AWS. We look to keep AWS secure as well as advise our customers on how they can keep themselves secure. Keep SSH restricted even if you open up HTTP and HTTPS. If you are really good at how you deploy you can even get away without using SSH.
  13. ELB Error checking and taking instances out of service. Multiple layers to do health checks on your stack. Route53, ELB, AutoScaling
  14. If you are using your NGINX installation as your primary load balancer and you are serving up traffic to servers that are an in an Auto Scaling group you need to make sure that your NGINX configuration is aware of instances coming and going from your Auto Scaling group.
  15. If you are using your NGINX installation as your primary load balancer and you are serving up traffic to servers that are an in an Auto Scaling group you need to make sure that your NGINX configuration is aware of instances coming and going from your Auto Scaling group.
  16. The T2 instance class is well served for initial testing of configuration and functionality for your deployments. First production deployment can be served by general purpose instances such as m3.medium or m3.large As traffic levels grow you can look to scale up or scale out depending on your needs
  17. SSL termination, lots of small requests or WebSocket are more CPU intensive so you want to be looking at instances that will allow you access to that resource. Content caching is going to be looking to retain as much in memory as well as be able to access disk storage quickly. You will be looking for appropriately sized instance storage as well as memory to hold as much of your content as possible so that you are minimizing disk hits. Bandwidth heavy such as serving files or large downloads – you may find that you are challenged by network bandwidth as a limiting factor and horizontal scaling may be the best option
  18. One of the great benefits of the AWS platform it that is facilitates the ability to experiment various scenarios and then return the infrastructure when you are done. You only pay for what you used during the time that you used the infrastructure. Test out some configurations you think will work for your expected and un-expected traffic patterns and if you are not getting performance that you want try different instance sizes or add more instances. When you are done testing turn off and return what you do not need. Monitoring once you have your desired configuration is critical as it allows you to verify that things are performing optimally as well as allow you to get in front of potential problems. Taking up front time to make sure that you are set up properly will pay benefits in the long run. Unexpected means things like AutoScaling and how you can launch enough instances to cover what you need. It is configurable based on the patterns that you are seeing. Test large traffic rates quickly. Do you need to change your monitoring.
  19. I did some research on web server load testing tools as well as asked around. I got a lot of different answers. End of the day you need to use what you are comfortable with and what allows you to execute the tests that you feel will help you get what you need out of your test.
  20. For your testing it is key that your tests reflect your actual traffic patterns. It is key that your test is executed on a different host so that the testing tool does not conflict with your instance performance or skew metrics. It is next key to test from a different availability zone to help simulate traffic coming from a different location It is next key to test traffic from a different region to help simulate traffic coming from other locations over the public internet
  21. As we dive into some NGINX use cases you will see examples of these recommendations.
  22. In addition to High Availability configuration that you may implement on AWS where you might have NGINX in multiple Azs and using AutoScaling, NGINX also has its own high availability configuration available to handle situations that require it.
  23. Different routing options from Route53. Outline from whitepaper Route 53 latency and round robin options.
  24. Lots of different options that you can employ for your monitoring needs and in the end you are going to choose the one that best suits your needs. There is an opportunity here to utilize CloudWatch as your centralized monitoring for not only what is going on with your EC2 instances that are running NGINX but also your overall NGINX and application environment.
  25. This requires a small agent to be running on your EC2 instance. Either need to use an instance role or provide access keys
  26. CloudWatch logs allows you the ability to capture log files from your instances for further analysis. You could be capturing one log file from one instance or you could be capturing the same log file from many instances in a fleet. Cloudtrail logs gives you the ability to interpret the data in these log files and turn them into CloudWatch metrics. You can view the metrics graphically or create alarms based on the metrics that came from your log files