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MVC 6 - the new unified Web programming model
Alex Thissen
Lead Consultant Xpirit
A new unified programming model for the web
• Short overview ASP.NET 5
• A unified programming model
• Controllers
• Dependency Injection
• Routing
• Summary
• Questions and Answers
An overview
Viewing from 10.000 feet
ASP.NET components
Unified Web Stack
Characteristics of MVC 6
•One set of concepts – remove duplication
•Web UI and APIs combined
•Smooth transition from Web Pages to MVC
•Run on IIS or self-host or cross-platform
•Based on new request pipeline in ASP.NET 5
•Runs in cloud-optimized Core CLR
Built on top
of ASP.NET 5
•Pay as you use
•Built with Dependency Injection first
Getting familiar
.NET Framework vNext
• Entire API set in machine
wide install at 200 MB
• Updated with OS
• Ecosystem of existing
• Backward compatibility
• Default for
Visual Studio 2015 projects
Cloud Optimized CLR
• Lean and modular runtime
• Optimized for server
• Small memory footprint
• Libraries in NuGet packages
• Framework deployed with
• Different versions can run
• 11 MB
• Cross-Platform runtime for
Linux and Mac OS X
• Together with Mono
Standing on the shoulders of a new giant
Getting started
• Middleware model introduced by OWIN
Ready, set, start – a lap around MVC 6
Middleware conceptually
• Middleware stack
• Static files
• Security, authentication,
• Diagnostics, logging
• Other cross-cutting concerns
Host process and server
Application and framework
delegate Task
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
builder =>
{ builder.UseRuntimeInfo();
Use, Map and Run
Application FX
• Single base class for
MVC and Web API
• Not required
• POCO Controllers
• No base class
• Combine Web API and
MVC in 1 class
• UI and REST endpoints
at one base URI
Not your typical gaming gear
Dependency Injection
It all depends
Dependency Injection
• DI is core part of runtime
• Built-in DI for configuration and services
– Default lightweight version available
• Wire up your own favorite IoC container ...
– Autofac, Ninject, StructureMap, Unity, Castle Windsor
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Add EF services to the services container.
Built-in DI Container
• Register mappings in ConfigureServices of Startup
• Default registrations
• Lifetimes
– Transient
– Scoped
– Singleton
– Instance
• Rules for registering mapping
– First one wins
– Allows you to get ahead off default mappings
Sometimes better is worse than good enough
Activation method Example
Constructor on classes MyController(ILog logger)
Attribute on field or
ILog Logger { get;set; }
Attribute in action [FromServices] ILog logger
Directive in Razor page ILog logger
Inject those objects
Tag Helpers
• Allow server-side code to participate in rendering of
HTML elements in Razor files
• Target HTML elements based on element and attribute
• Reduce explicit transitions between HTML and C#
• Take advantage of composition and tooling benefits in
Visual Studio Code and 2015
Getting some help in Razor
Custom Tag Helpers
namespace TechDays.TagHelpers
public class DateTimeTagHelper : TagHelper
public override void Process(TagHelperContext context,
TagHelperOutput output) {
// Inside Razor .cshtml file
@addTagHelper "*, TechDays.TagHelpers"
• Familiar MVC 5 attribute based routing
• Enabled by default
• Special tokens: [controller] and [action]
Show me the way
public class HelloController : Controller
public string Get()
return "hello";
public class HelloController : Controller
public string Get()
return "hello";
View components
• Comparable to Web Forms’ UserControls
• Different from Partial Views
• Combines code and view as logical unit
User controls in MVC style
• Pluggable logging infrastructure provided
• ILoggerFactory
• Logging levels
– from Debug up to Criticial
• Unified programming model
• Built on ASP.NET 5
• Learn Dependency Injection
• Command-line vs. Visual Studio
Key takeaways from ASP.NET MVC 6
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MVC 6 - the new unified Web programming model

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MVC 6 - the new unified Web programming model

  • 2. Alex Thissen Lead Consultant Xpirit ASP.NET MVC 6 A new unified programming model for the web
  • 3. Agenda • Short overview ASP.NET 5 • A unified programming model • Controllers • Dependency Injection • Routing • Summary • Questions and Answers
  • 6. Characteristics of MVC 6 •One set of concepts – remove duplication •Web UI and APIs combined •Smooth transition from Web Pages to MVC Unified •Run on IIS or self-host or cross-platform •Based on new request pipeline in ASP.NET 5 •Runs in cloud-optimized Core CLR Built on top of ASP.NET 5 •Pay as you use •Middleware •Built with Dependency Injection first Modular Getting familiar
  • 7. .NET Framework vNext Full .NET CLR • Entire API set in machine wide install at 200 MB • Updated with OS • Ecosystem of existing packages • Backward compatibility • Default for Visual Studio 2015 projects Cloud Optimized CLR • Lean and modular runtime • Optimized for server • Small memory footprint • Libraries in NuGet packages • Framework deployed with app • Different versions can run side-by-side • 11 MB Mono • Cross-Platform runtime for Linux and Mac OS X • Together with Mono community Standing on the shoulders of a new giant ASP.NET 5.0 ASP.NET 5.0 ASP.NET 5.0
  • 8. Getting started • Middleware model introduced by OWIN Ready, set, start – a lap around MVC 6
  • 9. Middleware conceptually • Middleware stack • Static files • Security, authentication, CORS • Diagnostics, logging • Other cross-cutting concerns Host process and server Application and framework RequestDelegate delegate Task RequestDelegate(HttpContext context);
  • 10. public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app) { app.Map("/Nancy", builder => { builder.UseRuntimeInfo(); builder.RunNancyFx(); }); app.UseCors(); app.UseMvc(cfg); Use, Map and Run app.UseErrorPage(); Application FX Middleware
  • 11. Controllers • Single base class for MVC and Web API • Not required • POCO Controllers • No base class • Combine Web API and MVC in 1 class • UI and REST endpoints at one base URI Not your typical gaming gear
  • 13. Dependency Injection • DI is core part of runtime • Built-in DI for configuration and services – Default lightweight version available • Wire up your own favorite IoC container ... – Autofac, Ninject, StructureMap, Unity, Castle Windsor public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { // Add EF services to the services container. services.AddEntityFramework(Configuration) .AddSqlServer() .AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>();
  • 14. Built-in DI Container • Register mappings in ConfigureServices of Startup • Default registrations • Lifetimes – Transient – Scoped – Singleton – Instance • Rules for registering mapping – First one wins – Allows you to get ahead off default mappings Sometimes better is worse than good enough
  • 15. Activation Activation method Example Constructor on classes MyController(ILog logger) Attribute on field or property [Activate] ILog Logger { get;set; } Attribute in action [FromServices] ILog logger Directive in Razor page ILog logger Inject those objects @inject
  • 16. Tag Helpers • Allow server-side code to participate in rendering of HTML elements in Razor files • Target HTML elements based on element and attribute names • Reduce explicit transitions between HTML and C# • Take advantage of composition and tooling benefits in Visual Studio Code and 2015 Getting some help in Razor
  • 17. Custom Tag Helpers namespace TechDays.TagHelpers { [TargetElement("datumtijd")] public class DateTimeTagHelper : TagHelper { public override void Process(TagHelperContext context, TagHelperOutput output) { output.Content.SetContent(DateTime.Now.ToString()); } } } // Inside Razor .cshtml file @addTagHelper "*, TechDays.TagHelpers"
  • 18. Routing • Familiar MVC 5 attribute based routing • Enabled by default • Special tokens: [controller] and [action] Show me the way [Route("api/Hello")] public class HelloController : Controller { [Route] public string Get() { return "hello"; } } [Route("api/[controller]")] public class HelloController : Controller { [Route] public string Get() { return "hello"; } }
  • 19. View components • Comparable to Web Forms’ UserControls • Different from Partial Views • Combines code and view as logical unit User controls in MVC style
  • 20. Logging • Pluggable logging infrastructure provided • ILoggerFactory • Logging levels – from Debug up to Criticial
  • 21. Summary • Unified programming model • Built on ASP.NET 5 • Learn Dependency Injection • Command-line vs. Visual Studio Key takeaways from ASP.NET MVC 6
  • 22. Your feedback is important! Scan the QR Code and let us know via the TechDays App. Laat ons weten wat u van de sessie vindt! Scan the QR Code via de TechDays App. Bent u al lid van de Microsot Virtual Academy?! Op MVA kunt u altijd iets nieuws leren over de laatste technologie van Microsoft. Meld u vandaag aan op de MVA Stand. MVA biedt 7/24 gratis online training on-demand voor IT- Professionals en Ontwikkelaars.

Editor's Notes

  1. diego_cervo/