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Joanna Cheng
Becoming an Ops Manager Backup Superhero!
MongoDB joannac-
Joanna Cheng
Team Lead, Technical Services, MongoDB
About Me
Who has used Ops Manager before?
• On-prem software – comes with Enterprise Advanced
• Monitoring MongoDB deployments
• Backup
• Management of MongoDB
• Upgrades
• Index builds
• Cluster administration

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Running MariaDB in multiple data centers
Running MariaDB in multiple data centersRunning MariaDB in multiple data centers
Running MariaDB in multiple data centers

The document discusses running MariaDB across multiple data centers. It begins by outlining the need for multi-datacenter database architectures to provide high availability, disaster recovery, and continuous operation. It then describes topology choices for different use cases, including traditional disaster recovery, geo-synchronous distributed architectures, and how technologies like MariaDB Master/Slave and Galera Cluster work. The rest of the document discusses answering key questions when designing a multi-datacenter topology, trade-offs to consider, architecture technologies, and pros and cons of different approaches.

Ceph issue 해결 사례
Ceph issue 해결 사례Ceph issue 해결 사례
Ceph issue 해결 사례

[Open Infrastructure & Cloud Native Days Korea 2019] 커뮤니티 버전의 OpenStack 과 Ceph를 활용하여 대고객서비스를 구축한 사례를 공유합니다. 유연성을 확보한 기업용 클라우드 서비스 구축 사례와 높은 수준의 보안을 요구하는 거래소 서비스를 구축, 운영한 사례를 소개합니다. 또한 이 프로젝트에 사용된 기술 스택 및 장애 해결사례와 최적화 방안을 소개합니다. 오픈스택은 역시 오픈소스컨설팅입니다. #openstack #ceph #openinfraday #cloudnative #opensourceconsulting

MongoDB World 2019: How Braze uses the MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline for Lean,...
MongoDB World 2019: How Braze uses the MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline for Lean,...MongoDB World 2019: How Braze uses the MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline for Lean,...
MongoDB World 2019: How Braze uses the MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline for Lean,...

How do you determine whether your MongoDB Atlas cluster is over provisioned, whether the new feature in your next application release will crush your cluster, or when to increase cluster size based upon planned usage growth?  MongoDB Atlas provides over a hundred metrics enabling visibility into the inner workings of MongoDB performance, but how do apply all this information to make capacity planning decisions? This presentation will enable you to effectively analyze your MongoDB performance to optimize your MongoDB Atlas spend and ensure smooth application operation into the future.

mongodbmongodb world
Who has used Ops Manager backup before?
Who has used Ops Manager backup before?
Uh oh!
Uh oh!

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Galera cluster for high availability
Galera cluster for high availability Galera cluster for high availability
Galera cluster for high availability

Galera Cluster is high availabiity solution in MySQL. It benefits organizations that need synchronous and high availability solution.

Almost Perfect Service Discovery and Failover with ProxySQL and Orchestrator
Almost Perfect Service Discovery and Failover with ProxySQL and OrchestratorAlmost Perfect Service Discovery and Failover with ProxySQL and Orchestrator
Almost Perfect Service Discovery and Failover with ProxySQL and Orchestrator

Of course there is no such thing as perfect service discovery, and we will see why in the talk. However, the way ProxySQL is deployed in this case minimizes the risk for split-brains, and this is why I qualify it as almost perfect. But let’s step back a little... MySQL alone is not a high availability solution. To provide resilience to primary failure, other components need to be integrated with MySQL. At MessageBird, these additional components are ProxySQL and Orchestrator. In this talk, we describe how ProxySQL is architectured to provide close to perfect Service Discovery and how this, combined with Orchestrator, allows for automatic failover. The talk presents the details of the integration of MySQL, ProxySQL and Orchestrator in Google Cloud (and it would be easy to re-implement a similar architecture at other cloud vendors or on-premises). We will also cover lessons learned for the 2 years this architecture has been in production. Come to this talk to learn more about MySQL high availability, ProxySQL and Orchestrator.

failoverhigh availabilitymaintenance
MariaDB MaxScale monitor 매뉴얼
MariaDB MaxScale monitor 매뉴얼MariaDB MaxScale monitor 매뉴얼
MariaDB MaxScale monitor 매뉴얼

1. About MariaDB MaxScale 2. Common Monitor Parameters 1) Parameters 2) Script events 3) Monitor Crash Safety 4) Script example 3. MariaDB Monitor 1) Master selection 2) Configuration 3) MariaDB Monitor optional parameters 4) Cluster manipulation operations - Operation details - Manual activation - Automatic activation - Limitations and requirements - External master support - Configuration parameters 5) Cooperative monitoring - Releasing locks 6) Troubleshooting - Failover / switchover fails - Slave detection shows external masters 7) Using the MariaDB Monitor With Binlogrouter 4. Galera Monitor 1) Configuration 2) Galera Monitor optional parameters 3) Interation with Server Priorities 5. ColumnStore Monitor 1) Required Grants 2) Master Selection 3) Configuration 4) Commands 4) Example - Adding a Node - Removing a Node 6. Automatic Failover With MariaDB Monitor 1) Manual Failover 2) Automatic Failover 3) Rejoin 4) Switchover

Uh oh!
Uh oh!
My backups are stuck
My backups are too slow
I don’t know what’s happening
What’s wrong?
MongoDB World 2019: Becoming an Ops Manager Backup Superhero!

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MySQL / MariaDB Performance Improvement Case

MongoDB Administration 101
MongoDB Administration 101MongoDB Administration 101
MongoDB Administration 101

The document provides an overview of MongoDB administration including its data model, replication for high availability, sharding for scalability, deployment architectures, operations, security features, and resources for operations teams. The key topics covered are the flexible document data model, replication using replica sets for high availability, scaling out through sharding of data across multiple servers, and different deployment architectures including single/multi data center configurations.

[2018] MySQL 이중화 진화기
[2018] MySQL 이중화 진화기[2018] MySQL 이중화 진화기
[2018] MySQL 이중화 진화기

24시간 365일 서비스를 위한 MySQL DB 이중화. MySQL 이중화 방안들에 대해 알아보고 운영하면서 겪은 고민들을 이야기해 봅니다. 목차 1. DB 이중화 필요성 2. 이중화 방안 - HW 이중화 - MySQL Replication 이중화 3. 이중화 운영 장애 4. DNS와 VIP 5. MySQL 이중화 솔루션 비교 대상 - MySQL을 서비스하고 있는 인프라 담당자 - MySQL 이중화에 관심 있는 개발자

Technical Services can save
the day!
• How Ops Manager Backup works
• How to diagnose some common errors
• What’s changed for backup in Ops Manager 4.2
How OM Backup
How OM Backup works
1. Initial sync 2. Oplog apply 3. Snapshot

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MongoDB Performance Tuning
MongoDB Performance TuningMongoDB Performance Tuning
MongoDB Performance Tuning

This document discusses tuning MongoDB performance. It covers tuning queries using the database profiler and explain commands to analyze slow queries. It also covers tuning system configurations like Linux settings, disk I/O, and memory to optimize MongoDB performance. Topics include setting ulimits, IO scheduler, filesystem options, and more. References to MongoDB and Linux tuning documentation are also provided.


The document discusses the Performance Schema in MySQL. It provides an overview of what the Performance Schema is and how it can be used to monitor events within a MySQL server. It also describes how to configure the Performance Schema by setting up actors, objects, instruments, consumers and threads to control what is monitored. Finally, it explains how to initialize the Performance Schema by truncating existing summary tables before collecting new performance data.

MariaDB 10.11 key features overview for DBAs
MariaDB 10.11 key features overview for DBAsMariaDB 10.11 key features overview for DBAs
MariaDB 10.11 key features overview for DBAs

Webinar: MariaDB 10.11 key features overview for DBAs Orgnised by Vettabase 27 April 2023 Amongst other topics: - Long ALTER TABLES now don’t cause replicas to lag - InnoDB configuration is now more dynamic, and certain important variables can be modified without a restart - Populating an empty table is now much faster - New data types: UUID, INET4, INET6 - SFORMAT() function, NATURAL_KEY_SORT() function

mariadbmariadb administrationmariadb features
How OM Backup works – initial sync
Backup agent HTTP service
Backup daemon
Sync slices
Oplog slices
Ops Manager
How OM Backup works – oplog apply
Backup agent
Backup daemon
Oplog slices
HTTP service
How OM Backup works – snapshot
Backup daemon
Oplog slices
HEAD DB files
Break up
files into
Insufficient oplog size

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Introduction to Redis
Introduction to RedisIntroduction to Redis
Introduction to Redis

Redis is an open source in memory database which is easy to use. In this introductory presentation, several features will be discussed including use cases. The datatypes will be elaborated, publish subscribe features, persistence will be discussed including client implementations in Node and Spring Boot. After this presentation, you will have a basic understanding of what Redis is and you will have enough knowledge to get started with your first implementation!

MySQL Parallel Replication: All the 5.7 and 8.0 Details (LOGICAL_CLOCK)
MySQL Parallel Replication: All the 5.7 and 8.0 Details (LOGICAL_CLOCK)MySQL Parallel Replication: All the 5.7 and 8.0 Details (LOGICAL_CLOCK)
MySQL Parallel Replication: All the 5.7 and 8.0 Details (LOGICAL_CLOCK)

To get better replication speed and less lag, MySQL implements parallel replication in the same schema, also known as LOGICAL_CLOCK. But fully benefiting from this feature is not as simple as just enabling it. In this talk, I explain in detail how this feature works. I also cover how to optimize parallel replication and the improvements made in MySQL 8.0 and back-ported in 5.7 (Write Sets), greatly improving the potential for parallel execution on replicas (but needing RBR). Come to this talk to get all the details about MySQL 5.7 and 8.0 Parallel Replication.

mysqlmysql 5.7mysql 8.0
Mongo DB 성능최적화 전략
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Mongo DB 성능최적화 전략

Mongo DB 성능 최적화와 관련된 Index와 관련한 내용을 공유 드립니다.

몽고디비mongo db
Insufficient oplog size
How OM Backup works – initial sync
Backup agent HTTP service Backup daemon
Sync slices
Oplog slices
Ops Manager
Insufficient oplog size
Insufficient oplog size
- how to diagnose
q Look at metrics for Oplog Window
q Wait for the oplog window to increase naturally
q Increase size of oplog

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MySQL PowerGroup Tech Seminar (2017.1) - 8.MySQL GTID 시작하기 (by 전세웅) - URL :

How Safe is Asynchronous Master-Master Setup?
 How Safe is Asynchronous Master-Master Setup? How Safe is Asynchronous Master-Master Setup?
How Safe is Asynchronous Master-Master Setup?

This document discusses the risks of using asynchronous master-master replication for MySQL databases and provides strategies for setting it up safely. It explains that having two nodes actively accepting writes can lead to conflicts like duplicate key errors. It recommends dividing writes across nodes by database, table, or row to avoid conflicts. The document also discusses using synchronous replication tools like Galera to ensure consistency across nodes at the cost of reduced performance.

mysqlreplicationhigh availability
MongoDB .local Bengaluru 2019: Becoming an Ops Manager Backup Superhero!
MongoDB .local Bengaluru 2019: Becoming an Ops Manager Backup Superhero!MongoDB .local Bengaluru 2019: Becoming an Ops Manager Backup Superhero!
MongoDB .local Bengaluru 2019: Becoming an Ops Manager Backup Superhero!

Oh no! My backups aren't progressing! If something happens in production now, and I don't have current backups, I'll be out of a job for sure! If these words resonate with you, don’t worry; you’re not the only one! Backup issues are one of the most common topics we deal with in Technical Services. In this talk, we will go through the backup flow, talk about where things might go wrong, and the symptoms you will see in the logs and the UI. We will also talk about other commands you can run to confirm the diagnosis, and how support can assist if you’re still stuck. Finally, we will talk about the new backup architecture in 4.2 and how it simplifies some of these concerns. This session is suitable for those with all levels of Ops Manager experience, but attendees should have a basic understanding of MongoDB’s replication process before attending this session. After this talk, you will have leveled up your backup superpowers, and can swoop in to save your job (and the day)!

mongodb .local bengaluru 2019
Starting… (forever)
Starting… (forever)
Initial sync process
Backup agent HTTP service Backup daemon
Sync slices
Oplog slices
Starting… (forever)
– backup agent down

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Lonestar php scalingmagento
Lonestar php scalingmagentoLonestar php scalingmagento
Lonestar php scalingmagento

Scaling Magento - Reaching Peak Performance Building a cluster to support Magento is easy and makes a good example for scalable web application platforms. I will walk through a typical Magento Cluster setup and provide Vagrant/Puppet configurations for the basic setup. Then I will cover some of the hardware and cloud resources that are required as the platform grows. We will move onto application choices, and some of the development, testing and deployment strategies that are required to have a successful clustered platform. * Hardware vs Cloud: Exploring hardware and software options available for scaling * Cluster Architecture * Web server: How to cluster your application * Varnish: How to speed up response time using reverse proxy caching * Database: How to cluster Magento Database using Percona * Redis: How to set up a Redis Cluster using Sentinel and Keepalived * Filesystem: NFS, NAS or other clustered file systems * Application Architecture: How to avoid angering your systems administrators * Testing: Exploring load testing with tools like Gatling and BlazeMeter * Development and Deployment Process

MongoDB Management Service: Getting Started with MMS
MongoDB Management Service: Getting Started with MMSMongoDB Management Service: Getting Started with MMS
MongoDB Management Service: Getting Started with MMS

- The document introduces MongoDB Management Service (MMS), a software built by MongoDB to make operations easier through monitoring and backup capabilities. - It provides a tour of MMS' interface and outlines the steps to get started, including signing up, adding hosts, and configuring monitoring and alerts. - Key features covered include monitoring metrics and health, setting different user roles, and taking automated, consistent backups of replica sets and sharded clusters with minimal overhead.

Celery: The Distributed Task Queue
Celery: The Distributed Task QueueCelery: The Distributed Task Queue
Celery: The Distributed Task Queue

Celery is an asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing. It allows tasks to be executed concurrently on one or more worker servers to minimize request times and offload intensive processes. Some key benefits are improved user experience through faster responses, scalability by adding more workers as needed, and flexibility through many customization points. Celery uses message brokers like RabbitMQ to handle task routing and can integrate with databases, caching, and other services.

celery python django rabbitmq queue distributed zp
Starting… (forever)
– alerts
Starting… (forever)
– backup agent logs
Starting… (forever)
– backup agent logs
[2019/05/05 21:23:35.245] [agent.error]
[components/agent.go:manageReplicaSets:202] Error starting syncs.
RsId: myReplicaSetError getting a valid session. Err: ip-172-31-9-
252.ap-southeast-2.compute.internal:27020 error dialing: Failed to
make a direct connection. Address: ip-172-31-9-252.ap-southeast-
2.compute.internal:27020 Err: no reachable servers
error dialing primary: Error dialing to replica set. RsId:
myReplicaSet Hosts: [ip-172-31-9-252.ap-southeast-
2.compute.internal:27020] Err: no reachable servers
Starting… (forever)
– connectivity issue to source

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Profiling PHP with Xdebug / Webgrind
Profiling PHP with Xdebug / WebgrindProfiling PHP with Xdebug / Webgrind
Profiling PHP with Xdebug / Webgrind

This document discusses profiling PHP applications to improve performance. It recommends profiling during development to identify inefficiencies. The document introduces Xdebug for profiling PHP code and Webgrind, a PHP frontend for visualizing Xdebug profiles. It provides an example of profiling a sample PHP application, identifying issues, making code changes, and verifying performance improvements through re-profiling.

Porting Rails Apps to High Availability Systems
Porting Rails Apps to High Availability SystemsPorting Rails Apps to High Availability Systems
Porting Rails Apps to High Availability Systems

This document discusses strategies for making Ruby on Rails applications highly available. It covers common architectures using a single server, and moving to distributed systems. Key topics include application modularity, useful gems for asynchronous processing, database replication, session management, application deployment, configuration management, and load balancing. The conclusion emphasizes that porting Rails apps to a highly available environment requires thinking about architecture and distribution early, but is not prohibitively difficult if approached methodically.

ruby rails high availability lvs mongodb
MongoDB Server Provisioning - From 2 Months to 2 Minutes
MongoDB Server Provisioning - From 2 Months to 2 MinutesMongoDB Server Provisioning - From 2 Months to 2 Minutes
MongoDB Server Provisioning - From 2 Months to 2 Minutes

Anthem is one of the largest healthcare companies in the USA. Transforming such a large enterprise and enabling true agile development depends on being able to get resources fast when you need them. How hard can it be to get a single server set up? The answer is - it can take weeks or even months! In this presentation, we will talk about how we shortened the delivery of MongoDB deployments to our developers to minutes using MongoDB OpsManager and, of course, some magic. We will cover the details of the approach and the challenges we had to face so that you can do it too.

Sending collection information. Sync ID:
ObjectIdHex("5cd4d1bb0bb1317ecc9d0a17") Namespace:
Sending collection information. Sync ID:
ObjectIdHex("5cd4d1bb0bb1317ecc9d0a17") Namespace:
Sending numStreamingNamespaces information. Sync ID:
ObjectIdHex("5cd4d1bb0bb1317ecc9d0a17") number: 2
Finished namespace collectionInfo.
Starting… (forever)
– large number of collections
Starting… (forever)
– how to diagnose
q Check backup agent is functional
q Connectivity issues to source – check backup agent logs
q Still gathering collection info – do you have a lot of collections?
Transferring… (forever)
Transferring… (forever)

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Benchmarking at Parse
Benchmarking at ParseBenchmarking at Parse
Benchmarking at Parse

The document discusses Parse's process for benchmarking MongoDB upgrades by replaying recorded production workloads on test servers. They found a 33-75% drop in throughput when upgrading from 2.4.10 to 2.6.3 due to query planner bugs. Working with MongoDB, they identified and helped fix several bugs, improving performance in 2.6.5 but still below 2.4.10 levels initially. Further optimization work increased throughput above 2.4.10 levels when testing with more workers and operations.

Advanced Benchmarking at Parse
Advanced Benchmarking at ParseAdvanced Benchmarking at Parse
Advanced Benchmarking at Parse

Upgrading an application’s database can be daunting.Doing this for tens ofthousands of apps at atime is downright scary.New bugs combined with unique edge cases can result in reduced performance,downtime, and plenty of frustration. Learn how Parse is working to avoid these issues as we upgrade to 2.6 with advanced benchmarking tools and aggressive troubleshooting

The Secrets of The FullStack Ninja - Part A - Session I
The Secrets of The FullStack Ninja - Part A - Session IThe Secrets of The FullStack Ninja - Part A - Session I
The Secrets of The FullStack Ninja - Part A - Session I

The document discusses setting up a web development environment. It will cover tools like Git, Node, NPM, Grunt, Bower and how to use them to setup a fullstack development environment for building single page applications. An agenda is provided that will go over these tools in detail over the course of a workshop, providing exercises to help attendees work with each tool hands-on.

Initial sync process
Backup agent HTTP service Backup daemon
Sync slices
Oplog slices
[2019/05/19 04:13:15.191]
[components/sync.go:Run:246] Error sending sync slices.
Error syncing a collection. Namespace: `database.collection`
Err: operation was interrupted
Transferring … (forever)
– connectivity issue to source
Initial sync process
Backup agent HTTP service
Backup daemon
Sync slices
Oplog slices
[2019/05/13 12:18:08.993]
Pushing sync slice. Sync ID:
ObjectIdHex("5cd958960bb131032172269e") Namespace: Slice
[2019/05/13 12:18:27.993]
Finished pushing sync slice. Sync ID:
ObjectIdHex("5cd958960bb131032172269e") Namespace: Slice
#356 Request Time 18589ms
Transferring … (forever)
- slow transfer to Sync Store

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Pipe your script to slack
Pipe your script to slackPipe your script to slack
Pipe your script to slack

Presented at SF SlackDevs Meetup on April 11, 2016 [Record of presentation] (0:26:00~) [GitHub page of slacktee]

shellslackopen source
2019 StartIT - Boosting your performance with Blackfire
2019 StartIT - Boosting your performance with Blackfire2019 StartIT - Boosting your performance with Blackfire
2019 StartIT - Boosting your performance with Blackfire

A workshop held in StartIT as part of Catena Media learning sessions. We aim to dispel the notion that large PHP applications tend to be sluggish, resource-intensive and slow compared to what the likes of Python, Erlang or even Node can do. The issue is not with optimising PHP internals - it's the lack of proper introspection tools and getting them into our every day workflow that counts! In this workshop we will talk about our struggles with whipping PHP Applications into shape, as well as work together on some of the more interesting examples of CPU or IO drain.

Production MongoDB in the Cloud
Production MongoDB in the CloudProduction MongoDB in the Cloud
Production MongoDB in the Cloud

This document discusses MongoDB configuration and operations in the cloud. It describes: 1) The authors' 12-node MongoDB cluster configuration running on AWS EC2 with several replica sets and a total data size of 110GB. 2) Key considerations for MongoDB in the cloud including memory usage, fragmentation, elections, and manual primary changes. 3) Additional topics like sharding, rebalancing data, mongos behavior during elections, failure handling, and monitoring with MMS and Nagios.

[2019/05/02 12:37:21.357]
[components/mothership.go:PushSyncSlice:320] Total Slice #1003 -
server syncStore is full. 11th attempt. Will resend this slice
again soon.
Transferring … (forever)
– issues writing to Sync Store
Sync Store
Backup agent Backup daemon
Initial sync process
Backup agent HTTP service Backup daemon
Sync slices
Oplog slices
On Linux
On Windows
Starting… (forever)
– backup daemon logs

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Static Code Analysis PHP[tek] 2023
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In this talk I discussed how to start using static code analysis, how to integrate it into your workflow, and some PHP specific tools

static code analysisphpphptek2023
How to upgrade to MongoDB 4.0 - Percona Europe 2018
How to upgrade to MongoDB 4.0 - Percona Europe 2018How to upgrade to MongoDB 4.0 - Percona Europe 2018
How to upgrade to MongoDB 4.0 - Percona Europe 2018

Every new version of MongoDB comes with exciting new features and a lot of improvements and version 4.0 couldn't be an exception to this rule. An upgrade from previous versions will unlock long waiting features like transactions but at the same time without proper planning could be catastrophic for your organization. This presentation will guide you through the stapes for planning and implementing an upgrade to MongoDB 4.0. We will examine how MongoDB 4.0 affects your organization ecosystem and what changes might be necessary prior to the upgrade. We will demonstrate the upgrade steps with a detailed rollback plan. Finally, we will cover some post-upgrade considerations that will allow you to release the power of MongoDB 4.0.

2018-02-10T20:22:06.780-0600 [class
com.xgen.svc.brs.svc.AssignmentThread =>
Space used: 2,252,138,352,640 bytes,
Space free: 324,684,738,560 bytes
2018-02-10T20:22:06.782-0600 [class
com.xgen.svc.brs.svc.AssignmentThread =>] ERROR
Assignment failed: No Daemon found with suitable conditions.
Filesize: 402.7 GB Oplog Churn: 0.0 GB/hr RequireSSD: false,
rsId=production, groupId=5ccbd7d20bb1317ecc8256ee
Transferring … (forever)
– no suitable daemon
Failed to decompress mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel70-4.0.9.tgz to
/opt/mongodb/mms/mongodb-releases No
space left on device
Could not find appropriate mongod in /opt/mongodb/mongodb-
releases/, versions available to MMS: 3.4.3, 3.4.4, 3.4.2,
3.4.9. Expecting version 3.6.12 or greater, module preference:
Transferring … (forever)
– missing binaries
Transferring … (forever)
– other issues on the daemon
• Missing prerequisites for MongoDB Enterprise
• Problems with the HEAD database
• Corruption
• Many collections (which slows mongod startup)
• Resource contention
Transferring … (forever)
– how to diagnose
q Check backup agent logs
q Problems connecting to source?
q Problems sending to sync store?
q Is the job assigned to a daemon?
q Check backup daemon logs
q Is the daemon working on the job?

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20141210 rakuten techtalk
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20141210 rakuten techtalk

This document discusses how to change an organization and provides examples of how the author's company changed their technical organization and processes. Some of the key points discussed include adopting agile methodologies like Scrum, emphasizing testing and use of open source tools, upgrading technologies and adopting newer versions of Ruby and Rails, and optimizing teams and processes to better support the business.

Caching and tuning fun for high scalability
Caching and tuning fun for high scalabilityCaching and tuning fun for high scalability
Caching and tuning fun for high scalability

Caching has been a 'hot' topic for a few years. But caching takes more than merely taking data and putting it in a cache : the right caching techniques can improve performance and reduce load significantly. But we'll also look at some major pitfalls, showing that caching the wrong way can bring down your site. If you're looking for a clear explanation about various caching techniques and tools like Memcached, Nginx and Varnish, as well as ways to deploy them in an efficient way, this talk is for you.

Silicon Valley Code Camp 2015 - Advanced MongoDB - The Sequel
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Silicon Valley Code Camp 2015 - Advanced MongoDB - The Sequel

MongoDB presentation from Silicon Valley Code Camp 2015. Walkthrough developing, deploying and operating a MongoDB application, avoiding the most common pitfalls.

Oplog behind
Oplog behind
Oplog behind
How OM Backup works – oplog apply
Backup agent
Backup daemon
Oplog slices
HTTP service

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Online WDDay 2022 js АНДРІЙ ШУМАДА «To Cover Uncoverable» Сайт: Facebook: Linkedin:

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MongoDB SoCal 2020: Migrate Anything* to MongoDB Atlas
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MongoDB SoCal 2020: Migrate Anything* to MongoDB Atlas

This presentation discusses migrating data from other data stores to MongoDB Atlas. It begins by explaining why MongoDB and Atlas are good choices for data management. Several preparation steps are covered, including sizing the target Atlas cluster, increasing the source oplog, and testing connectivity. Live migration, mongomirror, and dump/restore options are presented for migrating between replicasets or sharded clusters. Post-migration steps like monitoring and backups are also discussed. Finally, migrating from other data stores like AWS DocumentDB, Azure CosmosDB, DynamoDB, and relational databases are briefly covered.

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MongoDB SoCal 2020: Go on a Data Safari with MongoDB Charts!MongoDB SoCal 2020: Go on a Data Safari with MongoDB Charts!
MongoDB SoCal 2020: Go on a Data Safari with MongoDB Charts!

These days, everyone is expected to be a data analyst. But with so much data available, how can you make sense of it and be sure you're making the best decisions? One great approach is to use data visualizations. In this session, we take a complex dataset and show how the breadth of capabilities in MongoDB Charts can help you turn bits and bytes into insights.

mongodb socal 2020
Oplog behind
– agent down
Oplog behind
- alerts
[2019/05/13 12:20:12.513] [agent.oplog.myReplicaSet.debug]
[components/agent.go:func1:359] Successfully finished pushing oplog
slice. {ts: 1557740046:1} -> {ts: 1557740106:1} Num slices: 1 Num
docs: 5. Request Time 11ms
[2019/05/13 13:12:39.277] [agent.oplog.myReplicaSet.debug]
[components/agent.go:func1:359] Successfully finished pushing oplog
slice. {ts: 1557752912:192} -> {ts: 1557752912:3292} Num slices: 1
Num docs: 3100. Request Time 1004ms
Oplog behind
- Backup agent too slow
[2019/05/02 12:37:21.208] [agent.oplog.production.error]
[components/mothership.go:doChunkedPushRequest:1070] Failed doing a
chunked request.
Oplog behind
- Failing to push slice

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Are you new to schema design for MongoDB, or are you looking for a more complete or agile process than what you are following currently? In this talk, we will guide you through the phases of a flexible methodology that you can apply to projects ranging from small to large with very demanding requirements.

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Humana, like many companies, is tackling the challenge of creating real-time insights from data that is diverse and rapidly changing. This is our journey of how we used MongoDB to combined traditional batch approaches with streaming technologies to provide continues alerting capabilities from real-time data streams.

mongodb socal 2020
Oplog behind
- Failing to push slice
Backup agent HTTP service
Backup daemon
Oplog slices
Oplog behind
– how to diagnose
q Check agents page
q Check backup agent logs
q Check network to oplog store
q Check health of oplog store
Snapshot behind
Snapshot behind

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MongoDB SoCal 2020: Best Practices for Working with IoT and Time-series Data
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MongoDB SoCal 2020: Best Practices for Working with IoT and Time-series Data

Time series data is increasingly at the heart of modern applications - think IoT, stock trading, clickstreams, social media, and more. With the move from batch to real time systems, the efficient capture and analysis of time series data can enable organizations to better detect and respond to events ahead of their competitors or to improve operational efficiency to reduce cost and risk. Working with time series data is often different from regular application data, and there are best practices you should observe. This talk covers: Common components of an IoT solution The challenges involved with managing time-series data in IoT applications Different schema designs, and how these affect memory and disk utilization – two critical factors in application performance. How to query, analyze and present IoT time-series data using MongoDB Compass and MongoDB Charts At the end of the session, you will have a better understanding of key best practices in managing IoT time-series data with MongoDB.

mongodb socal 2020
MongoDB SoCal 2020: MongoDB Atlas Jump Start
 MongoDB SoCal 2020: MongoDB Atlas Jump Start MongoDB SoCal 2020: MongoDB Atlas Jump Start
MongoDB SoCal 2020: MongoDB Atlas Jump Start

Join this talk and test session with a MongoDB Developer Advocate where you'll go over the setup, configuration, and deployment of an Atlas environment. Create a service that you can take back in a production-ready state and prepare to unleash your inner genius.

mongodb socal 2020mongodb atlas
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Powering the new age data demands [Infosys]
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MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Powering the new age data demands [Infosys]

Our clients have unique use cases and data patterns that mandate the choice of a particular strategy. To implement these strategies, it is mandatory that we unlearn a lot of relational concepts while designing and rapidly developing efficient applications on NoSQL. In this session, we will talk about some of our client use cases, the strategies we have adopted, and the features of MongoDB that assisted in implementing these strategies.

mongodb .local san francisco 2020
Snapshot behind
How OM Backup works – snapshot
Backup daemon
Oplog slices
HEAD DB files
Break up
files into
2019-05-18T11:38:29.170-0500 [Daemon #1: class
com.xgen.svc.brs.job.ApplyOpsJob] DEBUG
[] - OplogSlice: Range:
1557217382:2778 -> 1557217385:6790; NumDocs: 22930
2019-05-18T11:38:38.817-0500 [Daemon #1: class
com.xgen.svc.brs.job.ApplyOpsJob] DEBUG
[] - Oplogs to apply: 22930;
Skipped before: 0; Skipped from overlap: 0, Skipped after: 0
Snapshot behind
– daemon can’t keep up
2019-05-18T13:00:54.809-0500 [Daemon #1: class
com.xgen.svc.brs.job.SnapshotJob] INFO
[] - Starting a snapshot job.
2019-05-18T15:01:07.072-0500 [Daemon #1: class
com.xgen.svc.brs.job.SnapshotJob =>
5cd958960bb131032172269e/production ] DEBUG
com.xgen.svc.brs.grid.Daemon [] - Job: class
com.xgen.svc.brs.job.SnapshotJob finished. JobResult: OK.
Snapshot behind
– snapshot is taking too long to complete

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Encryption is not a new concept to MongoDB. Encryption may occur in-transit (with TLS) and at-rest (with the encrypted storage engine). But MongoDB 4.2 introduces support for Client Side Encryption, ensuring the most sensitive data is encrypted before ever leaving the client application. Even full access to your MongoDB servers is not enough to decrypt this data. And better yet, Client Side Encryption can be enabled at the "flick of a switch". This session covers using Client Side Encryption in your applications. This includes the necessary setup, how to encrypt data without sacrificing queryability, and what trade-offs to expect.

mongodb .local san francisco 2020
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These days, everyone is expected to be a data analyst. But with so much data available, how can you make sense of it and be sure you're making the best decisions? One great approach is to use data visualizations. In this session, we take a complex dataset and show how the breadth of capabilities in MongoDB Charts can help you turn bits and bytes into insights.

mongodb .local san francisco 2020
Snapshot behind
– snapshot is taking too long to complete
• Change in data
• Many updates - less deduplication (if applicable)
• Many inserts - more data to save
• Network issue
• Storage speed issue
Snapshot behind
– how to diagnose
q Did the daemon start the snapshot?
q Check the logs to see why it’s falling behind
q Is the snapshot taking a long time?
q Storage slowness
q Network slowness
Needs resync
Needs resync

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MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: From SQL to NoSQL -- Changing Your Mindset
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When you need to model data, is your first instinct to start breaking it down into rows and columns? Mine used to be too. When you want to develop apps in a modern, agile way, NoSQL databases can be the best option. Come to this talk to learn how to take advantage of all that NoSQL databases have to offer and discover the benefits of changing your mindset from the legacy, tabular way of modeling data. We’ll compare and contrast the terms and concepts in SQL databases and MongoDB, explain the benefits of using MongoDB compared to SQL databases, and walk through data modeling basics so you feel confident as you begin using MongoDB.

mongodb .local san francisco 2020
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: MongoDB Atlas Jumpstart
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Join this talk and test session with a MongoDB Developer Advocate where you'll go over the setup, configuration, and deployment of an Atlas environment. Create a service that you can take back in a production-ready state and prepare to unleash your inner genius.

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The document discusses guidelines for ordering fields in compound indexes to optimize query performance. It recommends the E-S-R approach: placing equality fields first, followed by sort fields, and range fields last. This allows indexes to leverage equality matches, provide non-blocking sorts, and minimize scanning. Examples show how indexes ordered by these guidelines can support queries more efficiently by narrowing the search bounds.

mongodb .local san francisco 2020
Needs resync
Oplog apply process
Backup agent HTTP service
Backup daemon
Oplog slices
[2019/05/10 06:39:51.135] [agent.oplog.myReplicaSet.warn]
[components/oplog.go:TailOplog:253] Bad match. Expected: {ts:
1557469781:1 h: -786638763670375692, t: 1} Received: {ts:
1557470350:1 h: -8704482524044120259, t: -1}
[2019/05/10 06:40:51.152] [agent.commonPoints.myReplicaSet.warn]
[components/rollback.go:Run:127] Failed to find a common point.
Needs resync
– lost oplog tail
In the daemon logs:
Error applying ops. Requesting resync.
In the HEAD DB logs:
2019-05-21T03:13:53.140+0000 [conn3] replication update of non-mod
failed: { ts: Timestamp 1558162386103|12, h: 361936184013300100, v:
2, op: "u", ns: ”database.collection", o2: {actual update here}
Needs resync
– error in applyOps

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MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Aggregation Pipeline Power++MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: Aggregation Pipeline Power++
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Aggregation pipeline has been able to power your analysis of data since version 2.2. In 4.2 we added more power and now you can use it for more powerful queries, updates, and outputting your data to existing collections. Come hear how you can do everything with the pipeline, including single-view, ETL, data roll-ups and materialized views.

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The document describes a methodology for data modeling with MongoDB. It begins by recognizing the differences between document and tabular databases, then outlines a three step methodology: 1) describe the workload by listing queries, 2) identify and model relationships between entities, and 3) apply relevant patterns when modeling for MongoDB. The document uses examples around modeling a coffee shop franchise to illustrate modeling approaches and techniques.

mongodb .local san francisco 2020
MongoDB .local San Francisco 2020: MongoDB Atlas Data Lake Technical Deep Dive
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MongoDB Atlas Data Lake is a new service offered by MongoDB Atlas. Many organizations store long term, archival data in cost-effective storage like S3, GCP, and Azure Blobs. However, many of them do not have robust systems or tools to effectively utilize large amounts of data to inform decision making. MongoDB Atlas Data Lake is a service allowing organizations to analyze their long-term data to discover a wealth of information about their business. This session will take a deep dive into the features that are currently available in MongoDB Atlas Data Lake and how they are implemented. In addition, we'll discuss future plans and opportunities and offer ample Q&A time with the engineers on the project.

mongodb atlasmongodb .local san francisco 2020
In the daemon logs:
2019-05-24T00:01:17.522+0000 [Daemon #3: class
com.xgen.svc.brs.job.ApplyOpsJob =>
5ccbd7d20bb1317ecc8256ee/myReplicaSet] DEBUG
[] - MongodManager - Requested
Version: 4.0.9, Matching Version: 4.0.9, Matching Path:
4.0.9/bin/mongod, HEAD Path:
Needs resync
– HEAD db logs
Needs resync
– how to diagnose
q Resync the backup to get it running again
q Backup agent initiated
q Why did it fail? Slowness? Rollback?
q Backup daemon initiated
q What operation did it fail on?
Investigation – where in the process?
q Where in the process am I stuck?
q Initial sync
q Oplog apply
q Snapshot

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Virtual assistants are becoming the new norm when it comes to daily life, with Amazon’s Alexa being the leader in the space. As a developer, not only do you need to make web and mobile compliant applications, but you need to be able to support virtual assistants like Alexa. However, the process isn’t quite the same between the platforms. How do you handle requests? Where do you store your data and work with it to create meaningful responses with little delay? How much of your code needs to change between platforms? In this session we’ll see how to design and develop applications known as Skills for Amazon Alexa powered devices using the Go programming language and MongoDB.

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aux Core Data, appréciée par des centaines de milliers de développeurs. Apprenez ce qui rend Realm spécial et comment il peut être utilisé pour créer de meilleures applications plus rapidement.

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Il n’a jamais été aussi facile de commander en ligne et de se faire livrer en moins de 48h très souvent gratuitement. Cette simplicité d’usage cache un marché complexe de plus de 8000 milliards de $. La data est bien connu du monde de la Supply Chain (itinéraires, informations sur les marchandises, douanes,…), mais la valeur de ces données opérationnelles reste peu exploitée. En alliant expertise métier et Data Science, Upply redéfinit les fondamentaux de la Supply Chain en proposant à chacun des acteurs de surmonter la volatilité et l’inefficacité du marché.

mongodb .local paris 2020
Investigation – which component?
q Which components are involved?
q Source replica set
q Backup agent
q Sync store / oplog store
q Backup daemon
q Snapshot storage
Investigation – what to look at?
q Backup agent logs
q Backup daemon logs
q HEAD DB logs
q Monitoring metrics
q Storage
q Network
q General utilisation
Investigation – I’m still stuck!
• Open a support ticket and
we’ll help you out!
• Make sure you include the
relevant data
§ Logs
§ Backup daemon
§ Backup agent
§ Screenshots
§ The diagnostic archive
Investigation – the diagnostic archive

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What’s new in Ops
Manager 4.2
How OM Backup works – currently
Backup agent HTTP service Backup daemon
Ops Manager
How OM Backup works – 4.2 and above
Backup agent HTTP service Snapshot
New backup process in OM 4.2
• No more HEAD DBs
• Backup directly from source (via WiredTiger snapshots) to
snapshot storage
• For more information, attend Ben Cefalo’s talk at 1:45pm today

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a11yaccessibilityalt text
Next Steps
• Put this into practice!
• (don’t break your backups)
• Other talks
• Today, 1:45pm - Modern Data Backup and Recovery from On-
Premises to the Public Cloud, Ben Cefalo, MongoDB
• Tomorrow – attend Builder’s Fest (Atlas, Charts, Stitch,
Games, and more!)
• Come chat to me in the Leaf Lounge
• Reach out to me on LinkedIn: joannac-
MongoDB World 2019: Becoming an Ops Manager Backup Superhero!
MongoDB World 2019: Becoming an Ops Manager Backup Superhero!
Joanna Cheng - Team Lead, Technical Services
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Thank You!

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The presentation showcases the diverse real-world applications of Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) across multiple industries: 1. **Manufacturing**: FDM is utilized in manufacturing for rapid prototyping, creating custom tools and fixtures, and producing functional end-use parts. Companies leverage its cost-effectiveness and flexibility to streamline production processes. 2. **Medical**: In the medical field, FDM is used to create patient-specific anatomical models, surgical guides, and prosthetics. Its ability to produce precise and biocompatible parts supports advancements in personalized healthcare solutions. 3. **Education**: FDM plays a crucial role in education by enabling students to learn about design and engineering through hands-on 3D printing projects. It promotes innovation and practical skill development in STEM disciplines. 4. **Science**: Researchers use FDM to prototype equipment for scientific experiments, build custom laboratory tools, and create models for visualization and testing purposes. It facilitates rapid iteration and customization in scientific endeavors. 5. **Automotive**: Automotive manufacturers employ FDM for prototyping vehicle components, tooling for assembly lines, and customized parts. It speeds up the design validation process and enhances efficiency in automotive engineering. 6. **Consumer Electronics**: FDM is utilized in consumer electronics for designing and prototyping product enclosures, casings, and internal components. It enables rapid iteration and customization to meet evolving consumer demands. 7. **Robotics**: Robotics engineers leverage FDM to prototype robot parts, create lightweight and durable components, and customize robot designs for specific applications. It supports innovation and optimization in robotic systems. 8. **Aerospace**: In aerospace, FDM is used to manufacture lightweight parts, complex geometries, and prototypes of aircraft components. It contributes to cost reduction, faster production cycles, and weight savings in aerospace engineering. 9. **Architecture**: Architects utilize FDM for creating detailed architectural models, prototypes of building components, and intricate designs. It aids in visualizing concepts, testing structural integrity, and communicating design ideas effectively. Each industry example demonstrates how FDM enhances innovation, accelerates product development, and addresses specific challenges through advanced manufacturing capabilities.

fdmffffused deposition modeling
MongoDB World 2019: Becoming an Ops Manager Backup Superhero!

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MongoDB World 2019: Becoming an Ops Manager Backup Superhero!

  • 1. Joanna Cheng Becoming an Ops Manager Backup Superhero! MongoDB joannac-
  • 2. Joanna Cheng Team Lead, Technical Services, MongoDB
  • 4. Who has used Ops Manager before? • On-prem software – comes with Enterprise Advanced • Monitoring MongoDB deployments • Backup • Management of MongoDB • Upgrades • Index builds • Cluster administration
  • 5. Who has used Ops Manager backup before?
  • 6. Who has used Ops Manager backup before?
  • 11. My backups are stuck My backups are too slow I don’t know what’s happening What’s wrong?
  • 13. Technical Services can save the day!
  • 14. Agenda • How Ops Manager Backup works • How to diagnose some common errors • What’s changed for backup in Ops Manager 4.2
  • 16. How OM Backup works 1. Initial sync 2. Oplog apply 3. Snapshot
  • 17. How OM Backup works – initial sync Source Backup agent HTTP service Sync store Oplog store Backup daemon HEAD DB Sync slices Oplog slices Ops Manager Source HEAD DB
  • 18. How OM Backup works – oplog apply Source Backup agent Oplog store Backup daemon Oplog slices HTTP service HEAD DB
  • 19. How OM Backup works – snapshot Oplog store Backup daemon Oplog slices HEAD DB files Break up files into blocks MongoDB Blockstore Filesystem store S3HEAD DB
  • 22. How OM Backup works – initial sync Source Backup agent HTTP service Backup daemon HEAD DB Sync slices Oplog slices Ops Manager Sync store Oplog store
  • 24. Insufficient oplog size - how to diagnose q Look at metrics for Oplog Window q Wait for the oplog window to increase naturally q Increase size of oplog
  • 27. Initial sync process Source Backup agent HTTP service Backup daemon Sync slices Oplog slices HEAD DBSync store Oplog store
  • 32. [2019/05/05 21:23:35.245] [agent.error] [components/agent.go:manageReplicaSets:202] Error starting syncs. RsId: myReplicaSetError getting a valid session. Err: ip-172-31-9- 252.ap-southeast-2.compute.internal:27020 error dialing: Failed to make a direct connection. Address: ip-172-31-9-252.ap-southeast- 2.compute.internal:27020 Err: no reachable servers … error dialing primary: Error dialing to replica set. RsId: myReplicaSet Hosts: [ip-172-31-9-252.ap-southeast- 2.compute.internal:27020] Err: no reachable servers Starting… (forever) – connectivity issue to source
  • 33. Sending collection information. Sync ID: ObjectIdHex("5cd4d1bb0bb1317ecc9d0a17") Namespace: admin.system.version Sending collection information. Sync ID: ObjectIdHex("5cd4d1bb0bb1317ecc9d0a17") Namespace: Sending numStreamingNamespaces information. Sync ID: ObjectIdHex("5cd4d1bb0bb1317ecc9d0a17") number: 2 Finished namespace collectionInfo. Starting… (forever) – large number of collections
  • 34. Starting… (forever) – how to diagnose q Check backup agent is functional q Connectivity issues to source – check backup agent logs q Still gathering collection info – do you have a lot of collections?
  • 37. Initial sync process Source Backup agent HTTP service Backup daemon Sync slices Oplog slices HEAD DBSync store Oplog store
  • 38. [2019/05/19 04:13:15.191] [agent.sync.myReplicaSet.5ce0d7a80bb131032173e503.error] [components/sync.go:Run:246] Error sending sync slices. Error syncing a collection. Namespace: `database.collection` Err: operation was interrupted Transferring … (forever) – connectivity issue to source
  • 39. Initial sync process Source Backup agent HTTP service Sync store Oplog store Backup daemon Sync slices Oplog slices HEAD DB
  • 40. [2019/05/13 12:18:08.993] Pushing sync slice. Sync ID: ObjectIdHex("5cd958960bb131032172269e") Namespace: Slice #356 [2019/05/13 12:18:27.993] Finished pushing sync slice. Sync ID: ObjectIdHex("5cd958960bb131032172269e") Namespace: Slice #356 Request Time 18589ms Transferring … (forever) - slow transfer to Sync Store
  • 41. [2019/05/02 12:37:21.357] [] [components/mothership.go:PushSyncSlice:320] Total Slice #1003 - server syncStore is full. 11th attempt. Will resend this slice again soon. Transferring … (forever) – issues writing to Sync Store
  • 42. Sync Store Backup agent Backup daemon
  • 43. Initial sync process Source Backup agent HTTP service Backup daemon Sync slices Oplog slices HEAD DBSync store Oplog store
  • 45. 2018-02-10T20:22:06.780-0600 [class com.xgen.svc.brs.svc.AssignmentThread => Space used: 2,252,138,352,640 bytes, Space free: 324,684,738,560 bytes 2018-02-10T20:22:06.782-0600 [class com.xgen.svc.brs.svc.AssignmentThread =>] ERROR [assignmentFailed:527] Assignment failed: No Daemon found with suitable conditions. Filesize: 402.7 GB Oplog Churn: 0.0 GB/hr RequireSSD: false, rsId=production, groupId=5ccbd7d20bb1317ecc8256ee Transferring … (forever) – no suitable daemon
  • 46. Failed to decompress mongodb-linux-x86_64-rhel70-4.0.9.tgz to /opt/mongodb/mms/mongodb-releases No space left on device Could not find appropriate mongod in /opt/mongodb/mongodb- releases/, versions available to MMS: 3.4.3, 3.4.4, 3.4.2, 3.4.9. Expecting version 3.6.12 or greater, module preference: enterprisePreferred Transferring … (forever) – missing binaries
  • 47. Transferring … (forever) – other issues on the daemon • Missing prerequisites for MongoDB Enterprise • Problems with the HEAD database • Corruption • Many collections (which slows mongod startup) • Resource contention
  • 48. Transferring … (forever) – how to diagnose q Check backup agent logs q Problems connecting to source? q Problems sending to sync store? q Is the job assigned to a daemon? q Check backup daemon logs q Is the daemon working on the job?
  • 52. How OM Backup works – oplog apply Source Backup agent Oplog store Backup daemon Oplog slices HTTP service HEAD DB
  • 55. [2019/05/13 12:20:12.513] [agent.oplog.myReplicaSet.debug] [components/agent.go:func1:359] Successfully finished pushing oplog slice. {ts: 1557740046:1} -> {ts: 1557740106:1} Num slices: 1 Num docs: 5. Request Time 11ms [2019/05/13 13:12:39.277] [agent.oplog.myReplicaSet.debug] [components/agent.go:func1:359] Successfully finished pushing oplog slice. {ts: 1557752912:192} -> {ts: 1557752912:3292} Num slices: 1 Num docs: 3100. Request Time 1004ms Oplog behind - Backup agent too slow
  • 57. Oplog behind - Failing to push slice Source Backup agent HTTP service Oplog store Backup daemon Oplog slices HEAD DB
  • 58. Oplog behind – how to diagnose q Check agents page q Check backup agent logs q Check network to oplog store q Check health of oplog store
  • 62. How OM Backup works – snapshot Oplog store Backup daemon Oplog slices HEAD DB files Break up files into blocks MongoDB Blockstore Filesystem store S3HEAD DB
  • 63. 2019-05-18T11:38:29.170-0500 [Daemon #1: class com.xgen.svc.brs.job.ApplyOpsJob] DEBUG 5cd958960bb131032172269e.production [] - OplogSlice: Range: 1557217382:2778 -> 1557217385:6790; NumDocs: 22930 2019-05-18T11:38:38.817-0500 [Daemon #1: class com.xgen.svc.brs.job.ApplyOpsJob] DEBUG 5cd958960bb131032172269e.production [] - Oplogs to apply: 22930; Skipped before: 0; Skipped from overlap: 0, Skipped after: 0 Snapshot behind – daemon can’t keep up
  • 64. 2019-05-18T13:00:54.809-0500 [Daemon #1: class com.xgen.svc.brs.job.SnapshotJob] INFO 5cd958960bb131032172269e.production [] - Starting a snapshot job. 2019-05-18T15:01:07.072-0500 [Daemon #1: class com.xgen.svc.brs.job.SnapshotJob => 5cd958960bb131032172269e/production ] DEBUG com.xgen.svc.brs.grid.Daemon [] - Job: class com.xgen.svc.brs.job.SnapshotJob finished. JobResult: OK. Snapshot behind – snapshot is taking too long to complete
  • 65. Snapshot behind – snapshot is taking too long to complete • Change in data • Many updates - less deduplication (if applicable) • Many inserts - more data to save • Network issue • Storage speed issue
  • 66. Snapshot behind – how to diagnose q Did the daemon start the snapshot? q Check the logs to see why it’s falling behind q Is the snapshot taking a long time? q Storage slowness q Network slowness
  • 70. Oplog apply process Source Backup agent HTTP service Oplog store Backup daemon Oplog slices HEAD DB
  • 71. [2019/05/10 06:39:51.135] [agent.oplog.myReplicaSet.warn] [components/oplog.go:TailOplog:253] Bad match. Expected: {ts: 1557469781:1 h: -786638763670375692, t: 1} Received: {ts: 1557470350:1 h: -8704482524044120259, t: -1} … [2019/05/10 06:40:51.152] [agent.commonPoints.myReplicaSet.warn] [components/rollback.go:Run:127] Failed to find a common point. Needs resync – lost oplog tail
  • 72. In the daemon logs: Error applying ops. Requesting resync. In the HEAD DB logs: 2019-05-21T03:13:53.140+0000 [conn3] replication update of non-mod failed: { ts: Timestamp 1558162386103|12, h: 361936184013300100, v: 2, op: "u", ns: ”database.collection", o2: {actual update here} Needs resync – error in applyOps
  • 73. In the daemon logs: 2019-05-24T00:01:17.522+0000 [Daemon #3: class com.xgen.svc.brs.job.ApplyOpsJob => 5ccbd7d20bb1317ecc8256ee/myReplicaSet] DEBUG [] - MongodManager - Requested Version: 4.0.9, Matching Version: 4.0.9, Matching Path: /opt/mongodb/mms/mongodb-releases/mongodb-linux-x86_64-amazon- 4.0.9/bin/mongod, HEAD Path: /backup/5ccbd7d20bb1317ecc8256ee/myReplicaSet/head/ Needs resync – HEAD db logs
  • 74. Needs resync – how to diagnose q Resync the backup to get it running again q Backup agent initiated q Why did it fail? Slowness? Rollback? q Backup daemon initiated q What operation did it fail on?
  • 76. Investigation – where in the process? q Where in the process am I stuck? q Initial sync q Oplog apply q Snapshot
  • 77. Investigation – which component? q Which components are involved? q Source replica set q Backup agent q Sync store / oplog store q Backup daemon q HEAD DB q Snapshot storage
  • 78. Investigation – what to look at? q Backup agent logs q Backup daemon logs q HEAD DB logs q Monitoring metrics q Storage q Network q General utilisation
  • 79. Investigation – I’m still stuck! • Open a support ticket and we’ll help you out! • Make sure you include the relevant data § Logs § Backup daemon § Backup agent § Screenshots § The diagnostic archive
  • 80. Investigation – the diagnostic archive
  • 81. What’s new in Ops Manager 4.2
  • 82. How OM Backup works – currently Source Backup agent HTTP service Backup daemon HEAD DB Ops Manager Snapshot storageSync store Oplog store
  • 83. How OM Backup works – 4.2 and above Backup agent HTTP service Snapshot storage Source (v4.2+)
  • 84. New backup process in OM 4.2 • No more HEAD DBs • Backup directly from source (via WiredTiger snapshots) to snapshot storage • For more information, attend Ben Cefalo’s talk at 1:45pm today
  • 85. Next Steps • Put this into practice! • (don’t break your backups) • Other talks • Today, 1:45pm - Modern Data Backup and Recovery from On- Premises to the Public Cloud, Ben Cefalo, MongoDB • Tomorrow – attend Builder’s Fest (Atlas, Charts, Stitch, Games, and more!) • Come chat to me in the Leaf Lounge • Reach out to me on LinkedIn: joannac-
  • 88. Joanna Cheng - Team Lead, Technical Services Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thank You!