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MySQL Consulting
Galera Cluster for High Availability
• 		MySQL	Consulting	
• 			MySQL	Support	
• 			Remote	DBA	support.	
• 			Expert	MySQL	solutions.	
• 			24/7	MySQL	Monitoring	and	Support	
• 			MariaDB,	Percona,	Galera,	TokuDB	were	supported	too.
•  Need for HA
•  Principle of Distributed computing.
•  MySQL HA Solutions Available.
•  Introduction to Galera.
•  Percona Cluster.
•  Node Recovery.
•  Backup and Recovery.
•  Load Balancers.
•  Things to be considered.
Need For HA
•  Site Reliability.
•  Ensure Uptime
•  Failover.
•  Disaster Recovery.
•  Scheduled / Unscheduled downtime.
•  Avoid Single Point Failure

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MySQL GTID Concepts, Implementation and troubleshooting
MySQL GTID Concepts, Implementation and troubleshooting MySQL GTID Concepts, Implementation and troubleshooting
MySQL GTID Concepts, Implementation and troubleshooting

This presentation was made by Mr. Santhinesh Kumar Nagendran at Mydbops Database Meetup -2 held at Bangalore on 26-01-2019.

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Maxscale 이해와 활용. 202311

#maxscale#mariadb #dbproxy#opensource
Percona XtraDB Cluster vs Galera Cluster vs MySQL Group Replication
Percona XtraDB Cluster vs Galera Cluster vs MySQL Group ReplicationPercona XtraDB Cluster vs Galera Cluster vs MySQL Group Replication
Percona XtraDB Cluster vs Galera Cluster vs MySQL Group Replication

This document provides an overview of different database replication technologies including Galera Cluster, Percona XtraDB Cluster, and MySQL Group Replication. It discusses similarities between the technologies such as multi-master replication topologies and consistency models. Key differences are also outlined relating to node provisioning, failure handling, and operational limitations of each solution. Known issues uncovered through quality assurance testing are also briefly mentioned.

mysql group replication galera pxc mariadb percona
Principle of Distributed Computing
CAP Theorem
Consistency , Availability and Partitioning
Only Two out of three is possible in any distributed computing
AP – MySQL Replication
CA – Galera Cluster
Principle of Distributed Computing
CAP Theorem
MySQL HA Solutions Available
•  Master – Slave
•  Master – Master
•  Single Writer
•  NDB Cluster ( Oracle MySQL )
•  Galera Cluster
•  Tungsten Replicator
•  Storage Level Replication ( DRDB)
Introduction to Galera
•  Founded By Codership
•  Synchronous Replication
•  Parallel Replication
•  Multi-Threaded
•  Automated node recovery
•  Zero slave lag
•  Read/ Write Scalable
•  WAN Based Optimization ( Galera 3.0)
•  A True Open Source.
•  Support InnoDB and TokuDB ( MyISAM Experimental )

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Percona XtraDB Cluster
Percona XtraDB ClusterPercona XtraDB Cluster
Percona XtraDB Cluster

Built-in MySQL Replication is known for its capability to enable to scale reads easily. However, there are some limitations and known issues with this solution because of the asynchronous nature of this replication. This talk will describe another way of doing MySQL replication, by using synchronous replication, available in Percona XtraDB Cluster. The open source solution will be explained and compared to traditional asynchronous MySQL replication, as well as some known use cases will be described. Percona XtraDB Cluster is an, open source, high availability and high scalability solution for MySQL clustering. Features include: Synchronous replication, Multi-master replication support, Parallel replication, Automatic node provisioning.

MySQL Performance Schema in Action
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MySQL Performance Schema in Action

Performance Schema is a powerful diagnostic instrument for: - Query performance - Complicated locking issues - Memory leaks - Resource usage - Problematic behavior, caused by inappropriate settings - More It comes with hundreds of options which allow precisely tuning what to instrument. More than 100 consumers store collected data. In this tutorial, we will try all the important instruments out. We will provide a test environment and a few typical problems which could be hardly solved without Performance Schema. You will not only learn how to collect and use this information but have experience with it. Tutorial at Percona Live Austin 2019

MariaDB Galera Cluster presentation
MariaDB Galera Cluster presentationMariaDB Galera Cluster presentation
MariaDB Galera Cluster presentation

This document provides an overview and summary of various high availability (HA) solutions for MySQL databases. It begins with an introduction to HA and definitions of key terms. It then discusses MySQL replication, including asynchronous, semi-synchronous, and features in MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 10.0. Other HA solutions covered include MHA for automated failover, Galera/MariaDB Galera Cluster for synchronous replication, shared disk solutions like DRBD, and MySQL Cluster for in-memory synchronous replication across nodes. The document provides brief descriptions of how each solution works and when it may be applicable.

sync replicationdatabases
Introduction to Galera
What is Galera ?
Galera is a replication plugin for the synchronous and multi-
master replication to achieve HA.
“Wsrep_provider_options” controls library.
Available Distributions
•  Percona XtraDB Cluster
•  MariaDB Cluster
•  As a plugin over MySQL
Introduction to Galera
•  Shared nothing Architecture.
•  Network is the heart.
What is wsrep ? (Write Set REPlication )
It is an API to connect the Galera library and control
characteristics. It helps to implement synchronous replication
and certification based multi-master-replication.
Introduction to Galera
Simple Architecture
•  Use Galera Library
•  XtraDB
•  Xtrabackup
+ +
Percona Cluster

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MaxScale is a database proxy that provides load balancing, connection pooling, and replication capabilities for MariaDB and MySQL databases. It can be used to scale databases horizontally across multiple servers for increased performance and availability. The document provides an overview of MaxScale concepts and capabilities such as routing, filtering, security features, and how it can be used for operational tasks like query caching, logging, and data streaming. It also includes instructions on setting up MaxScale with a basic example of configuring read/write splitting between a master and slave database servers.

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Plny12 galera-cluster-best-practices
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Plny12 galera-cluster-best-practices

The document discusses best practices for Galera Cluster, a synchronous multi-master replication solution for MySQL/InnoDB. It covers topics like dealing with conflicts in a multi-master setup, performing state transfers when adding new nodes, different backup methods that assign a global transaction ID, and techniques for upgrading schemas in a clustered environment.

The Full MySQL and MariaDB Parallel Replication Tutorial
The Full MySQL and MariaDB Parallel Replication TutorialThe Full MySQL and MariaDB Parallel Replication Tutorial
The Full MySQL and MariaDB Parallel Replication Tutorial

MariaDB 10.0 introduces domain-based parallel replication which allows transactions in different domains to execute concurrently on replicas. This can result in out-of-order transaction commit. MariaDB 10.1 adds optimistic parallel replication which maintains commit order. The document discusses various parallel replication techniques in MySQL and MariaDB including schema-based replication in MySQL 5.6 and logical clock replication in MySQL 5.7. It provides performance benchmarks of these techniques from's database environments.

binlog serversbooking.commysql
Percona Cluster
Why Percona Server ?
•  Enhanced InnoDB (XtraDB )
•  Performance Improvement
•  Xtrabackup-v2 ( Makes SST better )
•  Better Bug fixes.
•  A better MySQL for scalability.
•  Aligned with Oracle MySQL with better instrumentation and
performance patches.
Transaction in Galera
•  Transaction is handled by Galera Plugin.
•  Uses traditional dual phase commit.
•  It also handles locking.
•  Uses the optimistic locking method.
•  The commits are based on certifications (keys).
•  Smaller transaction are always better.
•  Increase in network latency increases query time.
•  Support InnoDB and TokuDB. MyISAM is still experimental.
Transaction in Galera
Transaction in Galera
•  Synchronous ( Virtual ) Replication.
•  Wsrep_causal_reads=ON ( true synchronous).
•  Auto_increment_* is handled by cluster.
•  Uses GTID for Transaction. ( Not the GTID in MySQL 5.6 )
•  Transaction latency increases with increase in nodes.

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Planning for Disaster Recovery (DR) with Galera Cluster
Planning for Disaster Recovery (DR) with Galera ClusterPlanning for Disaster Recovery (DR) with Galera Cluster
Planning for Disaster Recovery (DR) with Galera Cluster

We talk a lot about Galera Cluster being great for High Availability, but what about Disaster Recovery (DR)? Database outages can occur when you lose a data centre due to data center power outages or natural disaster, so why not plan appropriately in advance? In this webinar, we will discuss the business considerations including achieving the highest possible uptime, analysis business impact as well as risk, focus on disaster recovery itself, as well as discussing various scenarios, from having no offsite data to having synchronous replication to another data centre. This webinar will cover MySQL with Galera Cluster, as well as branches MariaDB Galera Cluster as well as Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC). We will focus on architecture solutions, DR scenarios and have you on your way to success at the end of it.

galera clustergaleradisaster recovery
ProxySQL High Avalability and Configuration Management Overview
ProxySQL High Avalability and Configuration Management OverviewProxySQL High Avalability and Configuration Management Overview
ProxySQL High Avalability and Configuration Management Overview

The document provides an overview of high availability and configuration management options for ProxySQL. It discusses deploying ProxySQL locally on application servers, in a dedicated layer, or using both approaches. When deploying in a dedicated layer, options for high availability include keepalived, load balancers, Consul, and Kubernetes. Configuration can be managed through tools like Ansible, Puppet, or by loading SQL files. ProxySQL Cluster enables syncing configuration across nodes.

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Maria DB Galera Cluster for High Availability
Maria DB Galera Cluster for High AvailabilityMaria DB Galera Cluster for High Availability
Maria DB Galera Cluster for High Availability

Want to understand how to set high availability solutions for MySQL using MariaDB Galera Cluster? Join this webinar, and learn from experts. During this webinar, you will also get guidance on how to implement MariaDB Galera Cluster.

Galera Ports
As Galera is complex beyond standard MySQL .It needs multiple
ports too for its successful operation
•  3306: Standard MySQL port
•  4567: Group Communication
•  4568: IST
•  4444: SST
The firewall rule can be designed based these ports.
Node Recovery
•  Node recovery is automated.
•  Validates the gcache for state files.
•  Chooses the State Transfer method
1) IST (Incremental State Transfer)
2) SST (State Snapshot Transfer )
Node Recovery
• Recover from write sets in gcache ( memory ).
• Faster recovery method.
• Have good gcache size.
• Does affect the node state.
Node Recovery
State Snapshot Transfer the complete transfer ( Cloning ) of
data to recreate a node.
u  When not in Gcache ( wsrep_local_cached_downto)
u  Adding a new node
Different Methods of SST
Xtrabackup-v2 (best ) , rsync , mysqldump .

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Almost Perfect Service Discovery and Failover with ProxySQL and Orchestrator
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Almost Perfect Service Discovery and Failover with ProxySQL and Orchestrator

Of course there is no such thing as perfect service discovery, and we will see why in the talk. However, the way ProxySQL is deployed in this case minimizes the risk for split-brains, and this is why I qualify it as almost perfect. But let’s step back a little... MySQL alone is not a high availability solution. To provide resilience to primary failure, other components need to be integrated with MySQL. At MessageBird, these additional components are ProxySQL and Orchestrator. In this talk, we describe how ProxySQL is architectured to provide close to perfect Service Discovery and how this, combined with Orchestrator, allows for automatic failover. The talk presents the details of the integration of MySQL, ProxySQL and Orchestrator in Google Cloud (and it would be easy to re-implement a similar architecture at other cloud vendors or on-premises). We will also cover lessons learned for the 2 years this architecture has been in production. Come to this talk to learn more about MySQL high availability, ProxySQL and Orchestrator.

failoverhigh availabilitymaintenance
Replication Troubleshooting in Classic VS GTID
Replication Troubleshooting in Classic VS GTIDReplication Troubleshooting in Classic VS GTID
Replication Troubleshooting in Classic VS GTID

This presentation talk will assist you in troubleshooting MySQL replication for the most common issues we might face with a simple comparison of how can we get them solved in the different replication methods (Classic VS GTID).

mysqlreplicationopen source
MySQL Parallel Replication: All the 5.7 and 8.0 Details (LOGICAL_CLOCK)
MySQL Parallel Replication: All the 5.7 and 8.0 Details (LOGICAL_CLOCK)MySQL Parallel Replication: All the 5.7 and 8.0 Details (LOGICAL_CLOCK)
MySQL Parallel Replication: All the 5.7 and 8.0 Details (LOGICAL_CLOCK)

To get better replication speed and less lag, MySQL implements parallel replication in the same schema, also known as LOGICAL_CLOCK. But fully benefiting from this feature is not as simple as just enabling it. In this talk, I explain in detail how this feature works. I also cover how to optimize parallel replication and the improvements made in MySQL 8.0 and back-ported in 5.7 (Write Sets), greatly improving the potential for parallel execution on replicas (but needing RBR). Come to this talk to get all the details about MySQL 5.7 and 8.0 Parallel Replication.

mysqlmysql 5.7mysql 8.0
Node Recovery
u  SST will cause a node in cluster to Donor state.
u  Donor selection is automatic.
u  Donor selection can be forced by wsrep_sst_donor
SST can be avoided by Full and Incremental hot backups in
node recovery. ( It forces the IST ).
Blog by Jay Janssen on bypassing SST.
Node Recovery
Validate Node after recovery
1) Joining
2) Donor/desynced
3) Joined
4) Synced
1) Joining : Initial state of node
2) Donor/desynced : Huge delay in replication write set
3) Joined : Delay less than 1000 write sets
4) Synced : Sync with all nodes
Node Recovery
Load Balancers
•  HAProxy
•  Pen Proxy
•  Galera Load Balancer ( based on Pen )
•  Max Scale
•  ProxySQL
Note :
Make sure Load Balancer aware of the Galera State.
Use the appropriate Load balancer Algorithm.

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24시간 365일 서비스를 위한 MySQL DB 이중화. MySQL 이중화 방안들에 대해 알아보고 운영하면서 겪은 고민들을 이야기해 봅니다. 목차 1. DB 이중화 필요성 2. 이중화 방안 - HW 이중화 - MySQL Replication 이중화 3. 이중화 운영 장애 4. DNS와 VIP 5. MySQL 이중화 솔루션 비교 대상 - MySQL을 서비스하고 있는 인프라 담당자 - MySQL 이중화에 관심 있는 개발자

How Safe is Asynchronous Master-Master Setup?
 How Safe is Asynchronous Master-Master Setup? How Safe is Asynchronous Master-Master Setup?
How Safe is Asynchronous Master-Master Setup?

This document discusses the risks of using asynchronous master-master replication for MySQL databases and provides strategies for setting it up safely. It explains that having two nodes actively accepting writes can lead to conflicts like duplicate key errors. It recommends dividing writes across nodes by database, table, or row to avoid conflicts. The document also discusses using synchronous replication tools like Galera to ensure consistency across nodes at the cost of reduced performance.

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Why MySQL Replication Fails, and How to Get it Back
Why MySQL Replication Fails, and How to Get it BackWhy MySQL Replication Fails, and How to Get it Back
Why MySQL Replication Fails, and How to Get it Back

Talk at PerconaLive Dublin 2017,

Things should be considered
•  Support only Transactional engines.
•  Row Based replication.
•  Read committed Isolation.
•  Innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=2.
•  Avoid huge transactions.
•  Wsrep_max_ws_rows (128K)
•  Wsrep_max_ws_size. (1G)
•  Network is the heart.
•  Keep the DB design simple
Things should be considered
•  Foreign Keys can cause error ( Bug )
•  Maintain Quorum
•  Check for application error after commit
•  Keep odd number of nodes
IMAGE Courtesy
• Galera and Percona cluster documentation
Email :

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Extensible Data Modeling
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Extensible Data Modeling

Designing an extensible, flexible schema that supports user customization is a common requirement, but it's easy to paint yourself into a corner. Examples of extensible database requirements: - A database that allows users to declare new fields on demand. - Or an e-commerce catalog with many products, each with distinct attributes. - Or a content management platform that supports extensions for custom data. The solutions we use to meet these requirements is overly complex and the performance is terrible. How should we find the right balance between schema and schemaless database design? I'll briefly cover the disadvantages of Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV), a problematic design that's an example of the antipattern called the Inner-Platform Effect, That is, modeling an attribute-management system on top of the RDBMS architecture, which already provides attributes through columns, data types, and constraints. Then we'll discuss the pros and cons of alternative data modeling patterns, with respect to developer productivity, data integrity, storage efficiency and query performance, and ease of extensibility. - Class Table Inheritance - Serialized BLOB - Inverted Indexing Finally we'll show tools like pt-online-schema-change and new features of MySQL 5.6 that take the pain out of schema modifications.

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The nightmare of locking, blocking and isolation levels!

am sure you all know that troubleshooting problems related to locking and blocking (hey, sometimes there are deadlocks too) can be a real nightmare! In this session, you will be able to see and understand why and how locking actually works, what problems it causes and how can we use isolation levels and various other techniques to resolve them!

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MySQL Replication Performance Tuning for Fun and Profit!
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MySQL Replication, in addition to bringing high-availability, is the foundation to build high-performance MySQL database systems. Using read scale-out and sharding one can design systems that go from the capacity of a single server to supporting the largest internet sites. But to design and operate high-performance, efficient, manageable and reliable deployments requires knowing the intricacies of the underlying technologies. This session will provide insights on the main factors that affect the performance of Asynchronous Replication and Group Replication, and how to configure them to make the most out of the underlying computing system. It will also show the latest developments in MySQL 5.7 and 8.0, in areas spanning from group communication to the multi-threaded slave applier, and how effective they are in helping meet the performance requirements in terms of throughput, latency and durability to support the most demanding workload types.

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Galera cluster for high availability

  • 1. MySQL Consulting Team Galera Cluster for High Availability
  • 3. Agenda •  Need for HA •  Principle of Distributed computing. •  MySQL HA Solutions Available. •  Introduction to Galera. •  Percona Cluster. •  Node Recovery. •  Backup and Recovery. •  Load Balancers. •  Things to be considered.
  • 4. Need For HA •  Site Reliability. •  Ensure Uptime •  Failover. •  Disaster Recovery. •  Scheduled / Unscheduled downtime. •  Avoid Single Point Failure
  • 5. Principle of Distributed Computing CAP Theorem Consistency , Availability and Partitioning Only Two out of three is possible in any distributed computing system. AP – MySQL Replication CA – Galera Cluster
  • 6. Principle of Distributed Computing CAP Theorem
  • 7. MySQL HA Solutions Available •  Master – Slave •  Master – Master •  Single Writer •  NDB Cluster ( Oracle MySQL ) •  Galera Cluster •  Tungsten Replicator •  Storage Level Replication ( DRDB)
  • 8. Introduction to Galera •  Founded By Codership •  Synchronous Replication •  Parallel Replication •  Multi-Threaded •  Automated node recovery •  Zero slave lag •  Read/ Write Scalable •  WAN Based Optimization ( Galera 3.0) •  A True Open Source. •  Support InnoDB and TokuDB ( MyISAM Experimental )
  • 9. Introduction to Galera What is Galera ? Galera is a replication plugin for the synchronous and multi- master replication to achieve HA. “Wsrep_provider_options” controls library. Available Distributions •  Percona XtraDB Cluster •  MariaDB Cluster •  As a plugin over MySQL • 
  • 10. Introduction to Galera •  Shared nothing Architecture. •  Network is the heart. What is wsrep ? (Write Set REPlication ) It is an API to connect the Galera library and control characteristics. It helps to implement synchronous replication and certification based multi-master-replication.
  • 12. •  Use Galera Library •  XtraDB •  Xtrabackup = + + Percona Cluster
  • 13. Percona Cluster Why Percona Server ? •  Enhanced InnoDB (XtraDB ) •  Performance Improvement •  Xtrabackup-v2 ( Makes SST better ) •  Better Bug fixes. •  A better MySQL for scalability. •  Aligned with Oracle MySQL with better instrumentation and performance patches.
  • 14. Transaction in Galera •  Transaction is handled by Galera Plugin. •  Uses traditional dual phase commit. •  It also handles locking. •  Uses the optimistic locking method. •  The commits are based on certifications (keys). •  Smaller transaction are always better. •  Increase in network latency increases query time. •  Support InnoDB and TokuDB. MyISAM is still experimental.
  • 16. Transaction in Galera •  Synchronous ( Virtual ) Replication. •  Wsrep_causal_reads=ON ( true synchronous). •  Auto_increment_* is handled by cluster. •  Uses GTID for Transaction. ( Not the GTID in MySQL 5.6 ) •  Transaction latency increases with increase in nodes.
  • 17. Galera Ports As Galera is complex beyond standard MySQL .It needs multiple ports too for its successful operation •  3306: Standard MySQL port •  4567: Group Communication •  4568: IST •  4444: SST The firewall rule can be designed based these ports.
  • 18. Node Recovery •  Node recovery is automated. •  Validates the gcache for state files. •  Chooses the State Transfer method 1) IST (Incremental State Transfer) 2) SST (State Snapshot Transfer )
  • 19. Node Recovery IST : • Recover from write sets in gcache ( memory ). • Faster recovery method. • Have good gcache size. • Does affect the node state.
  • 20. Node Recovery SST : State Snapshot Transfer the complete transfer ( Cloning ) of data to recreate a node. u  When not in Gcache ( wsrep_local_cached_downto) u  Adding a new node Different Methods of SST Xtrabackup-v2 (best ) , rsync , mysqldump .
  • 21. Node Recovery SST : u  SST will cause a node in cluster to Donor state. u  Donor selection is automatic. u  Donor selection can be forced by wsrep_sst_donor Hack: SST can be avoided by Full and Incremental hot backups in node recovery. ( It forces the IST ). Blog by Jay Janssen on bypassing SST.
  • 22. Node Recovery Validate Node after recovery Wsrep_local_state=4 Wsrep_local_state_Comment 1) Joining 2) Donor/desynced 3) Joined 4) Synced
  • 23. Wsrep_local_state_Comment 1) Joining : Initial state of node 2) Donor/desynced : Huge delay in replication write set 3) Joined : Delay less than 1000 write sets 4) Synced : Sync with all nodes Node Recovery
  • 24. Load Balancers •  HAProxy •  Pen Proxy •  Galera Load Balancer ( based on Pen ) •  Max Scale •  ProxySQL Note : Make sure Load Balancer aware of the Galera State. Use the appropriate Load balancer Algorithm.
  • 25. Things should be considered •  Support only Transactional engines. •  Row Based replication. •  Read committed Isolation. •  Innodb_autoinc_lock_mode=2. •  Avoid huge transactions. •  Wsrep_max_ws_rows (128K) •  Wsrep_max_ws_size. (1G) •  Network is the heart. •  Keep the DB design simple
  • 26. Things should be considered •  Foreign Keys can cause error ( Bug ) •  Maintain Quorum •  Check for application error after commit •  Keep odd number of nodes
  • 27. IMAGE Courtesy • Galera and Percona cluster documentation • galera/