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Taming the
Mobile Beast
Patrick Meenan   Matt Welsh
@patmeenan       @mdwelsh

Google, Inc.     Google, Inc.
Mobile is huge!

2.25B Global Internet Users

    1.1B Mobile Users

                              Source: UN/ITU
For many, a mobile device is the
                                                        only way to access the Internet
                                                             Country       Internet Users
                                                              Egypt             70%

                                                               India            59%

                                                           South Africa         57%

                                                            Indonesia           44%

                                                           United States        25%

                                                                               Source: OnDevice Research
... and growing with respect to desktop

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Jon Arne Sæterås - Give Responsive Design a mobile performance boost
Jon Arne Sæterås - Give Responsive Design a mobile performance boost Jon Arne Sæterås - Give Responsive Design a mobile performance boost
Jon Arne Sæterås - Give Responsive Design a mobile performance boost

Responsive Web Design (RWD) is a giant leap in the right direction for web on mobile devices. However, RWD is just a small, part of the big picture. What we really want is for the whole value chain to be responsive, not only in the browser., There are a vast number of frameworks and tools on the webs for implementing RWD. Most of these provide a great starting point for mobile ventures. However, there are not so many tools out the to help you with the rest of the value chain. Especially tools that are easy to use and provide a relatively small footprint for front end developers., This talk will explore possibilities you get when you combine the best practices from the client side, with best practices from the server side. Sometimes this technique is called RESS, or Adaptive Design. The talk will contain coding, code samples and best practices based on popular frameworks and tools for Adaptive Design that combines client side and server side techniques. Results, effects and gains in terms of performance will also be documented and exemplified., The audience will gain insights into how their next project can perform even better in mobile devices and smart ways to reduce data traffic, increase speed and be more future friendly by utilizing the server for heavy-lifting.

Responsive Images and Performance
Responsive Images and PerformanceResponsive Images and Performance
Responsive Images and Performance

Talk delivered in New York, Sep 19, 2016 during an O'Reilly meetup before Velocity Conference about Web Performance and Images, including HTTP Client Hints and new Image Formats

mobile webweb performanceimages
Performance as UX with Justin Howlett
Performance as UX with Justin HowlettPerformance as UX with Justin Howlett
Performance as UX with Justin Howlett

Performance is important for user experience. While some myths exist around performance, such as XML being much slower than JSON, tests show they are essentially identical. Easy techniques can improve performance, such as using content delivery networks and image compression. Emerging standards like HTTP 2.0, server-side push, and WebSockets allow pushing data to clients. Frameworks like MessagePack provide smaller binary serialization. Proper use of threading, reusing elements, preloading, and prioritizing content can also boost performance. The perception of speed matters - even 100ms delays impact user behavior.

Desktop Web Performance Optimization
Mobile Web Performance Optimization
What we'll cover today:
 Getting a handle on mobile web performance

 How to collect measurements on mobile devices

 Deep dive into mobile web performance issues and common gotchas

 Using Chrome for Android's remote debugger

 Mobile bookmarklets and other tools
Measurement Tools

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Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work
Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't WorkWhy Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work
Why Load Testing from the Cloud Doesn't Work

You might think that with web applications in the cloud, that load testing from the cloud provides all the testing you need. You might think that testing from the cloud can tell you if your website can handle peak traffic loads, driven by marketing campaigns, or seasonal events. Unfortunately you may be wrong. In the Web 2.0 world; applications are combined on the fly inside the browser, from third-party and shared services both in the cloud and from behind the firewall. Imad Mouline, CTO of Gomez will tell you — the cloud is not the answer. Join Imad Mouline, on Wednesday September 8th for this provocative session around today’s highly complex, distributed Web applications and how to test them. Imad is a veteran of software architecture, research & development and an expert in Web application development, testing and performance management. In this session, Mouline will discuss: * The evolution architecture and structure of Web applications * The current state of load testing approaches and how they apply to a variety of architectures * How existing and emerging testing techniques are applied to different types of applications * The future architecture of Web applications and what it means to the future of testing

peak traffic loadsload testingweb testing
Gadgets gizmos and apps
Gadgets gizmos and appsGadgets gizmos and apps
Gadgets gizmos and apps

This document provides information about getting internet access, different internet connection speeds, and factors that affect broadband speed. It includes the following key points: 1. To check available internet providers and speeds, visit Contact your provider or shop around for the best option. 2. Broadband speeds range from less than 1Mbps for slow connections up to over 100Mbps for very fast connections. Faster speeds provide quicker loading, downloading, and streaming capabilities. 3. Actual speeds can be lower than advertised and depend on factors like distance from an exchange, wiring quality, number of devices using the connection, and wireless vs. wired connections.

High Performance Web - Full Stack Toronto
High Performance Web - Full Stack TorontoHigh Performance Web - Full Stack Toronto
High Performance Web - Full Stack Toronto

An introduction to Web Performance Optimization in 2016 - Talk delivered in Toronto, Canada, October 18th, 2016

webweb performancefullstack
Mobitest -
WebPageTest -

 Web Page Test now
supports Android and
Waterfall Basics
Waterfall Components

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The Physical World meets the Web
The Physical World meets the WebThe Physical World meets the Web
The Physical World meets the Web

The document provides an agenda and summary for a talk on how the physical world is meeting the web through various technologies. The topics discussed include mobile and IoT, the Physical Web, Progressive Web Apps, and connecting through web APIs. Specific emerging APIs that allow access to device sensors and hardware are demonstrated, such as ambient light detection, web Bluetooth, and web audio. The talk aims to show how the web is becoming a universal platform to enable new experiences at the intersection of the digital and physical worlds.

html5virtual realityhololens
Qa fest kiev_when its just too slow
Qa fest kiev_when its just too slowQa fest kiev_when its just too slow
Qa fest kiev_when its just too slow

The document provides an overview of optimisations that can be made to apps to improve performance and speed. It discusses how fast is perceived by humans, benchmarking current performance, optimising images through resizing, formatting and lazy loading, reducing payload sizes through caching and content delivery, and replacing animated GIFs with optimized video formats. The document contains tips and examples for profiling apps and making optimizations to deliver content quickly.

Belgrade when its just too slow
Belgrade when its just too slowBelgrade when its just too slow
Belgrade when its just too slow

The document provides tips for optimizing app performance and speed. It discusses how fast is perceived by humans, benchmarking current performance, optimizing images through resizing, format changes, quality adjustments, caching and lazy loading. Other tips include minimizing JSON response sizes through encoding, improving startup speed, and handling animated GIFs and videos efficiently. Testing tools are recommended to continuously monitor performance. The overall message is that applications can provide beautiful user experiences while also being fast.

Waterfalls as seen by HARViewer

              DNS TCP       Waiting       Receiving
              Lookup Connect for response response
Studying Mobile Waterfalls
Visualizing a mobile website load (

                                                75 seconds!'s mobile home page

124 KB, 1800x800
background image
 that is completely

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Its timetostopstalling pentabar
Its timetostopstalling pentabarIts timetostopstalling pentabar
Its timetostopstalling pentabar

This document discusses optimizing content delivery for mobile performance. It begins by introducing common tools for testing mobile performance like Video Optimizer and WebPageTest. It then discusses best practices for optimizing delivery speed such as using content delivery networks (CDNs) and image compression. Other topics covered include optimizing images, responsive delivery, animations, and video streaming. The overall message is that optimizing these areas can significantly improve mobile performance and user experience.

Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices

This document summarizes a presentation about extreme performance for mobile web. It discusses understanding the mobile web ecosystem today, focusing on performance differences for mobile and tools to measure performance. It also covers HTML5 APIs and specifications for performance as well as tips for extreme performance including optimizing the network layer, reducing redirects and stop signs, prioritizing responsive design, minimizing above-the-fold content, loading CSS asynchronously, treating JavaScript as optional, and ensuring fast user interfaces. The overall message is that perception of performance is more important than actual load times and focuses on techniques to optimize for mobile.

wpo performance iphone android
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Device Fluent 2015
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Device Fluent 2015Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Device Fluent 2015
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Device Fluent 2015

This document discusses optimizing web performance for mobile devices. It covers the current mobile web ecosystem, importance of performance, tools for measuring performance, optimizing initial loading and perception, and responsiveness. The key points discussed are understanding the diversity of mobile browsers and platforms, keeping content above the fold loading within 1 second, using tools like navigation timing API to measure performance, avoiding redirects and unnecessary resources, and ensuring smooth scrolling and responsiveness.

web performancemobilehtml5
Velocity 2012 - Taming the Mobile Beast
Velocity 2012 - Taming the Mobile Beast
The web was not designed for mobile
 Huge disparity between modern web design and mobile devices...

  ●   Increasingly rich content
  ●   Highly dynamic pages
  ●   Large amount of JavaScript to manipulate the page, perform asynchronous
      work, fetch new content
  ●   3D acceleration, animations, complex graphics

 ... all sent using a crufty, somewhat broken protocol (HTTP)

 The web is not just
  <b>plain</b> <i>old</i> <blink>HTML</blink>
 anymore - it is a complete application platform.
Here Be Dragons

● Making a mobile connection: Radio Resource Control

● Browser connection limits

● HTTP Pipelining

● Caching: Browsers vs. embedded HTTP libraries

● Carrier network proxying

● JavaScript execution time differences

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Happy Browser, Happy User! NY Web Performance Meetup 9/20/19
Happy Browser, Happy User! NY Web Performance Meetup 9/20/19Happy Browser, Happy User! NY Web Performance Meetup 9/20/19
Happy Browser, Happy User! NY Web Performance Meetup 9/20/19

xPerformance is fundamentally, a UX concern. Sites that are slow to render or janky to interact with are a bad user experience. We strive to write performant code for our users, but users don’t directly interact with our code - it all happens through the medium of the browser. The browser is the middleman between us and our users; therefore to make our users happy, we first have to make the browser happy. But how exactly do we do that? In this talk, we’ll learn how browsers work under the hood: how they request, construct, and render a website. At each step along the way, we’ll cover what we can do as developers to make the browser’s job easier, and why those best practices work. You’ll leave with a solid understanding of how to write code that works *with* the browser, not against it, and ultimately improves your users’ experience.

web performanceperformancefront end
Tech Essentials Best Project Dec 2008
Tech Essentials   Best Project   Dec 2008Tech Essentials   Best Project   Dec 2008
Tech Essentials Best Project Dec 2008

The document provides guidance on technology essentials and estimated costs for non-profits. It recommends budgeting $4,420 which includes $1,000 for a computer, $80 for software, $500 for a printer, $400 for backup drives, $500 for internet access, $130 for a wireless router and firewall, $10 for email and website, $100 for a fax machine, $200 for training, and $1,500 for a smartphone. The document provides purchasing recommendations and cost comparisons for each technology item.

Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014
Extreme Web Performance for Mobile Devices - Velocity Barcelona 2014

This document summarizes key points about optimizing performance for mobile web: 1. Mobile platforms are dominated by iOS and Android, with different browsers on each (Safari, Chrome). Understanding the ecosystem is important for testing and optimization. 2. Perception of speed is critical - aim for responses within 1 second. Mobile hardware is less powerful so optimization is needed. Tools like emulators, remote inspectors, and APIs help measure performance. 3. For initial loading, focus on getting above-the-fold content within 1 second using techniques like avoiding redirects, gzipping files, separating critical CSS, and deferring non-essential assets.

web performance
Making a Mobile Connection
Typical Mobile Network Performance
   Country         Average RTT   Average Downlink   Average Uplink Throughput

   South Korea     278 ms        1.8 Mbps           723 Kbps

   Vietnam         305 ms        1.9 Mbps           543 Kbps

   US              344 ms        1.6 Mbps           658 Kbps

   UK              372 ms        1.4 Mbps           782 Kbps

   Russia          518 ms        1.1 Mbps           439 Kbps

   India           654 ms        1.2 Mbps           633 Kbps

   Nigeria         892 ms        541 Kbps           298 Kbps

      Compare to typical desktop and WiFi performance:
        < 50 ms RTT, 5 Mbps throughput in the US

                                                           Source: Ookla/
Typical Mobile Network Performance
   Country        Average RTT   Average Downlink   Average Uplink Throughput

   South Korea    278 ms        1.8 Mbps           723 Kbps

   Vietnam        305 ms        1.9 Mbps           543 Kbps

   US             344 ms        1.6 Mbps           658 Kbps

   UK             372 ms        1.4 Mbps           782 Kbps

   Russia         518 ms        1.1 Mbps           439 Kbps

   India          654 ms        1.2 Mbps           633 Kbps

   Nigeria        892 ms        541 Kbps           298 Kbps

      Things are changing fast!
           LTE promises < 100 ms RTT, 50+ Mbps downlink

                                                          Source: Ookla/
Bandwidth Impact



                   20 Top sites measured in October, 2011

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Apache httpd 2.4 overview
Apache httpd 2.4 overviewApache httpd 2.4 overview
Apache httpd 2.4 overview

This document contains slides from a presentation given by Jim Jagielski at APACHECON North America on September 9-12, 2019. The presentation provides an overview and review of key features of Apache HTTP Server version 2.4, including improvements to configuration, new modules, enhancements for cloud/proxy usage, and performance increases. It highlights capabilities like mod_macro for virtual hosts, expression-based configuration with <IfDefine>, and health checking of backend servers. The presentation aims to dispel myths about Apache being outdated and argues it remains highly relevant due to its flexibility and performance.

apachehttpdopen source
Android Network Performance
Android Network PerformanceAndroid Network Performance
Android Network Performance

A deck on how to improve performance of mobile apps and websites. Presented at DGD DevFest, Glasgow, March 17, 2018


Методики UX исследований, кейсы Mail.Ru Group

ux research
Latency Impact



                        Dial   20 Top sites measured in October, 2011
Making a Radio Connection

Before a cellular device can transmit or receive data, it has to
establish a radio channel with the network.

                 This can take several seconds!

Also, if no data is transmitted or received after a timeout,
the channel goes idle, requiring a new channel to be established.

This behavior can wreak havoc on web page load times.
Probing the Radio State Machine

Try this sometime:
Build a webpage that loads a small (1KB) image at increasing
intervals. Watch how long it takes to load.
Probing the Radio State Machine

Try this sometime:
Build a webpage that loads a small (1KB) image at increasing
intervals. Watch how long it takes to load.

Here's what it looks like on WiFi:
                                           Every image loads in
                                           ~120 ms

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Huge Inc.
Huge Inc.Huge Inc.
Huge Inc.

The document provides an overview and analysis of the digital marketing company HUGE Inc. It includes an agenda, history of digital marketing, current projections in the industry, an overview of HUGE's strengths and weaknesses, current issues, alternatives for addressing issues, recommendations including strategic expansion into global markets like Denmark and the UK, strategic positioning, and a financial analysis concluding that HUGE has the potential to successfully expand globally while sustaining its values.

HUGE and Digital Strategy
HUGE and Digital StrategyHUGE and Digital Strategy
HUGE and Digital Strategy

This slide deck provides an in-depth look at the digital services company HUGE and a consulting analysis of recommended strategic actions for the company's future.

digital servicesdigitalhuge
Huge Inc Intro to UX/UI lecture at Campus London
Huge Inc Intro to UX/UI lecture at Campus LondonHuge Inc Intro to UX/UI lecture at Campus London
Huge Inc Intro to UX/UI lecture at Campus London

Huge is a full-service digital agency founded in 1999 that employs 550 people across multiple global offices. They help brands transform and grow their businesses through a focus on user experience design. Huge takes a three-step approach to designing user experiences: 1) listening to users through ethnographic research to understand their needs and behaviors, 2) prioritizing features to focus on the most important goals and tasks, and 3) testing designs iteratively with users to identify issues and drive continuous improvement.

The same thing on T-Mobile:

                              1 sec delay

                                  2 sec delay

                                                      3 sec delay

                                                                    4 sec delay

                                                5 sec delay
The same thing on T-Mobile:

                              Between 2 and 3 sec,
                              huge increase in load time
Example 3G Radio Resource Control State Machine
  No radio
  connection                       Idle for 12 sec

                                      Buffer size >
                                      threshold                            Shared
                                                                           radio channel
      Transmit data
      Delay: 1-2 sec
                                                          Idle for 5 sec
                                                      The exact delays and idle timeouts depend on the
                                                      carrier, which equipment they have installed, and
                              Dedicated               how it is configured.
                              radio channel
                                                      This depends on the network, not the device.
Run your own test now!
                                                      Data from:
Browser Connection Limits

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Mobile forms - 10 DOs and DONTs
Mobile forms - 10 DOs and DONTsMobile forms - 10 DOs and DONTs
Mobile forms - 10 DOs and DONTs

This document provides dos and don'ts for designing mobile forms. It recommends labeling fields clearly, dividing long forms into chunks, using the right control types sized appropriately for mobile, connecting errors to the problematic field, accounting for the keyboard, indicating progress in wizards, and avoiding useless popups, duplicate navigation, wrong controls, and designs that don't consider limitations of mobile use. Guidelines include using inline labels, combining related fields, dividing forms into sections, right-sizing buttons and selecting appropriate date pickers, connecting errors to fields, remembering the keyboard, marking wizard progress circles carefully, indicating drag affordance, always showing loading progress, and avoiding popups, duplicates, wrong controls and designs ignoring finger limitations.

user experience designmobileforms
The web you were used to is gone. Architecture and strategy for your content.
The web you were used to is gone. Architecture and strategy for your content.The web you were used to is gone. Architecture and strategy for your content.
The web you were used to is gone. Architecture and strategy for your content.

Information architecture and content strategy are the foundation of any website but, when it comes to mobile, they can literally mean the life or death of a product. The truth is that even the best-designed and well-engineered mobile products can still fail if their IA is not sound, and that’s because mobile information architecture doesn’t only define the structure of content, but also determines how users will interact with it. And speaking of content, do you know what content should go on your mobile sites and apps? Are your users finding what they came for?In this talk we will take a look at the thought process that drives mobile content strategy, the specific challenges and opportunities of the mobile space and how information architecture and content strategy contribute to the creation of outstanding cross-channel experiences. 75 Tutorial presented at UX Scotland 2014

metadataadaptive contentinformation architecture
Spéciale Paiement La French Mobile Juin 2012
Spéciale Paiement La French Mobile Juin 2012Spéciale Paiement La French Mobile Juin 2012
Spéciale Paiement La French Mobile Juin 2012

Présentation de la soirée du 6 juin 2012 de

mobilemobile payment
Browser Connection Limits

The number of parallel connections varies tremendously across
mobile browsers. on Android 2.3.5 Gingerbread:

                                          Total of 4 parallel
Browser Connection Limits

The number of parallel connections varies tremendously across
mobile browsers. on Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich:

                                        Looks like 6
                                        connections per
Browser Connection Limits

The number of parallel connections varies tremendously across
mobile browsers. on iOS 5:

                          Looks like a lot of
Browser Connection Limits

The number of parallel connections varies tremendously across
mobile browsers. on Chrome for Android:

                                         Also 6 connections
                                         per domain

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[refreshaustin] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[refreshaustin] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design[refreshaustin] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design
[refreshaustin] Adaptive Images in Responsive Web Design

This document discusses various techniques for responsive images in web design, including browser sniffing versus feature testing, image sizes for different screen resolutions and bandwidths, and different implementation methods like .htaccess files, the <picture> element, and JavaScript libraries. It covers topics like using the browser width to determine layouts, screen resolution detection, and bandwidth testing. Workarounds discussed include using background images, SVGs, icon fonts, and compressed JPEGs. The document advocates a mobile-first approach and using CSS media queries to adapt designs based on screen size.

Metro + Metro Like
Metro + Metro LikeMetro + Metro Like
Metro + Metro Like

The document discusses the Metro design language created by Microsoft for Windows Phone 7. It focuses on typography over graphics and is inspired by public transport signage. Key principles of Metro include being light, clean, open, and fast while focusing on content. The author gathered visual references of Metro and similar designs from websites, apps, Windows 8, dashboards, mobility uses, and miscellaneous examples to help generate new interface ideas.

microsoftvisual artsmetro
Awesome android apps
Awesome android appsAwesome android apps
Awesome android apps

This document provides summaries of and links to various educational Android apps. It discusses apps for astronomy (Sky Map), nature identification (iNaturalist), maps and GPS (GPS Essentials), augmented reality (QR Droid), video editing (VidTrim, WeVideo for Android), photography (Camera Illusion, PicSay, Skitch for Android), audio recording (Sound Cloud, WAVE Recorder), note taking (Color Note, Evernote, Box for Android), writing (Write for Android), browsing (Dolphin HD, Feedly, Google Currents), ebooks (Google Books Play, Mantano Reader, iStoryBooks), math (Peter Pig’s Money Counter), collaboration (Infinite Kind - Sync

Browser Connection Limits - Summary

         Browser                  Connections Per Domain   Total Connections

         Android pre-Honeycomb    4                        4

         Android post-Honeycomb   6                        256

         iOS 4                    4                        30

         iOS 5                    6                        52

         Chrome for Android       6                        256

Caveats: It takes a lot of experimentation and probing to get some
of these numbers. iOS results, in particular, should be taken with a
grain of salt.
Are more connections always better?

Parallel TCP connections are typically used for two purposes:
  1) Saturate the network
  2) Avoid head-of-line blocking

On 3G, more connections are not always a good idea:
  - Each connection pays the cost of the TCP handshake
     (200+ ms on typical 3G links)
  - Parallel connections can adversely compete for the channel
HTTP Pipelining
HTTP Pipelining
  Been in the spec since HTTP/1.1, but largely ignored by desktop browser vendors

  Originally thought it would break the Internet
Android 2.3.4 (Gingerbread)

Android Browser has been using pipelining for a long time!
                                                             Several requests with
Mobile Safari on iOS 5 is using it now, too.                 identical start times,
                                                             staggered completion times
Android ICS and Chrome do not use pipelining, however.

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Mobile is not mobile - 7 phénomènes disruptifs* à prévoir dans l’entreprise
Mobile is not mobile - 7 phénomènes disruptifs* à prévoir dans l’entrepriseMobile is not mobile - 7 phénomènes disruptifs* à prévoir dans l’entreprise
Mobile is not mobile - 7 phénomènes disruptifs* à prévoir dans l’entreprise

Présentation lors du Web2Connet 17/18/19 Octobre 2014 - Paris

responsivemobilemobile marketing
Baromètre mobile marketing association France mai 2013
Baromètre mobile marketing association France mai 2013Baromètre mobile marketing association France mai 2013
Baromètre mobile marketing association France mai 2013

Retrouvez mon analyse de ce baromètre sur mon blog :

Mobile Marketing Attitude 2013 - SNCD
Mobile Marketing Attitude 2013 - SNCDMobile Marketing Attitude 2013 - SNCD
Mobile Marketing Attitude 2013 - SNCD

Les résultats de la 2ème édition de l’étude MMA - Mobile Marketing Attitude consacrent «le véritable avènement de la tablette». 39% des possesseurs de smartphone et de tablette emportent cette dernière partout, et 42% ont remplacé leur ordinateur par leur tablette. 24% interagissent avec des programmes TV via leur tablette. 46% préfèrent leur tablette à leur smartphone pour consulter des offres et préparer un achat. L’étude montre également un «fort développement des usages du smartphone» : 31% des utilisateurs commandent en ligne via leur mobile et 36% effectuent des virements. 52% acceptent des notifications push, 59% acceptent de recevoir des messages sur leur smartphone selon leur position géographique. 68% veulent bien recevoir des messages commerciaux s’ils sont clients de la marque et 25% en tant que prospect. 40% consultent, comparent des produits ou services, via leur mobile. 31% des smartphoners suivent l’actualité de leurs marques préférées et 11% la partagent. 8% utilisent souvent les QR codes ou tags 2D, 46% le font occasionnellement. Les attentes sont également de plus en plus marquées et une bonne partie des utilisateurs aimeraient remplacer leur portefeuille par leur smartphone. 28% souhaiteraient payer en caisse avec leur smartphone. 24% aimeraient payer directement avec leur mobile sans passer en caisse. 52% aimeraient embarquer des cartes de fidélité sur leur smartphone et 45% des coupons de réduction, 35% leurs billets de transport et 28% leurs billets de spectacle. 38% aimeraient s’identifier à l’entrée d’un magasin pour recevoir des informations personnalisées sur leur smartphone. Selon le SNCD, ces résultats «confirment l’omniprésence du smartphone et la forte montée en maturité de la tablette dans la relation commerciale entre les marques et les consommateurs». L’échantillon interrogé comprend 1 118 répondants âgés de 18 à 65 ans, possesseurs de smartphone ou de tablette, se connectant à Internet via leur appareil. L’enquête a été réalisée en ligne du 18 juillet au 30 août 2013.

Carrier Network Proxies
Carrier network proxies
Most large carriers do transparent web proxying

Simple page with a 1MB JavaScript file, loaded over WiFi:

                                     976KB, as expected
Carrier network proxies
Most large carriers do transparent web proxying

Simple page with a 1MB JavaScript file, loaded over WiFi:

                                     976KB, as expected

The same page, loaded on T-Mobile UMTS:

                              7.6KB !?!?!?!!
                                                       T-Mobile's proxy
                                                       uses gzip!
JavaScript Execution Time

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Content marketing world_mobile and tablet content distribution_8_17_2012
Content marketing world_mobile and tablet content distribution_8_17_2012Content marketing world_mobile and tablet content distribution_8_17_2012
Content marketing world_mobile and tablet content distribution_8_17_2012

Mobile and Tablet Content Distribution September 6th – 10:30am There is no doubt that mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets are changing the way that people consume information. The speed at which people are purchasing those items and making them part of their daily routines is happening faster than most marketers are prepared for! In this presentation, John Foley, CEO of interlinkONE and Grow Socially, will provide an overview of what needs to be done to prepare, deliver, and measure content that is tailored for the mobile audience. John will cover items such as: How to develop a strategy to reach your mobile audience Options for building mobile websites, landing pages, blogs, and more Best practices for integrating mobile with other distribution channels, such as print and email Considerations regarding building a mobile App vs. a mobile website And more! We hope that you will join us as you look for ways to reach the growing mobile audience!

Prototyping for responsive web design
Prototyping for responsive web design Prototyping for responsive web design
Prototyping for responsive web design

A case study showing how we replaced wirefaming with a framework led prototype to better deliver a responsive web design. by Ben Scammels, Designer at

mobile firstframeworksresponsive web design
Mobile Marketing for Nonprofits with Mobile Apps
Mobile Marketing for Nonprofits with Mobile AppsMobile Marketing for Nonprofits with Mobile Apps
Mobile Marketing for Nonprofits with Mobile Apps

Founder and CEO, Magaly Chocano, of Sweb Development creators of SwebApps, shares the importance for nonprofits to have a mobile presence in three key areas, web, mobile, and social. Having a strategy can provide a great platform for nonprofits to extend their reach by finding new ways to engage not only their existing supporters, but also reach new supporters.

build your own appmobile appsonline marketing
JavaScript Execution Time

JavaScript is typically a lot slower on mobile devices.
       SunSpider benchmark results:
Dual Core Mac Pro:                    266.1 ms

Galaxy Nexus (stock browser): 1899 ms
Galaxy Nexus (Chrome):        1574 ms

iPhone 3GS (iOS 5):                 4737 ms
iPhone 4S (iOS 5):                  2200 ms
iPad 2 (iOS 5):                     2097 ms
Browser Caching Behavior
Not all caches are created equal

Mobile browsers have small caches:

Android 2.3:        8 MB
iOS 5:              100 MB, but not persistent!
Android Chrome:     250 MB

Compare to typical size of 512 MB or more for desktop browsers.
Browsers != Embedded HTTP Libraries

Common embedded HTTP libraries often have broken cache
   None of these do any caching at all.

   Does caching, but does not support redirection.

NSURLRequest - iOS5
   Does caching, but total cache size is 1 MB for small objects, 40 MB for large
   objects, no caching for objects > 2MB.
      Web Caching on Smartphones: Ideal vs. Reality by Feng Qian, Kee Shen Quah, Junxian Huang, Jeffrey Erman, Alexandre Gerber, Z. Morley Mao, Subhabrata
      Sen, and Oliver Spatscheck, Proceedings of ACM Mobisys 2012.

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What's So Special About Mobile?
What's So Special About Mobile?What's So Special About Mobile?
What's So Special About Mobile?

Part of the Mobile Communications Resource Center, this is one of several presentations created by Sara Quinn for The Knight Center and shared with Ball State University's College of Communication, Information and Media. All rights are reserved.

Unlock the Magic: How to set up and use your new ipad
Unlock the Magic: How to set up and use your new ipadUnlock the Magic: How to set up and use your new ipad
Unlock the Magic: How to set up and use your new ipad

Like our brains, most of us only use a small percentage of the MAGIC available on the iPads. This session takes you from General Settings to Must Have Apps! Gina Schreck, president of SynapseConnecting, share loads of fun tech tips on their website/ blog at Contact Gina on Twitter @GinaSchreck or old fashioned email Gina(at)

ipadapps for new ipadproductivity
Mobile Marketing Association - Mobile et tablettes 2nd écran de la TV
Mobile Marketing Association - Mobile et tablettes 2nd écran de la TVMobile Marketing Association - Mobile et tablettes 2nd écran de la TV
Mobile Marketing Association - Mobile et tablettes 2nd écran de la TV

cette key note a été faite en introduction de la 1ère journée de la Mobile Marketing Association organisée à Paris sur le thème complémentarité TV et Mobile - Tablettes

tvsocial tvsecond écran

Mobile networks have high round-trip-times: hundreds of ms.

Mobile connections can take several seconds to get established.

HTTP pipelining: Coming to iOS, going away in Android.

Beware carrier network proxies.

JavaScript: Ain't so fast.

Not all mobile caches are created equal.
 Getting a handle on mobile web performance

 How to collect measurements on mobile devices

 Deep dive into mobile web performance issues and common gotchas

 Using Chrome for Android's remote debugger

 Mobile bookmarklets and other tools
Remote Debugging
Chrome on Android
Remote Debugging Chrome on Android

Chrome on Android has full support for Chrome Developer Tools
                                        Desktop Chrome

                    USB tethering

Recommended for you

On your mark, get set, mobile
On your mark, get set, mobileOn your mark, get set, mobile
On your mark, get set, mobile

The document discusses the challenges and opportunities of mobile sites for higher education institutions. It covers the growing mobile opportunity as smartphone usage increases. It addresses the content challenge of optimizing information for smaller screens. It also covers the design opportunity of adapting best practices for mobile. Coding mobile sites well poses a technical challenge but opportunities for optimization. Tracking mobile metrics allows measuring use and adjusting mobile strategies.

higher educationmobile web

This document discusses how high-speed dial-up internet connections work. It explains that high-speed dial-up uses acceleration servers to simplify and speed up the connection process, compressing files during transmission to increase speed, and filtering advertisements and caching web pages to improve browsing performance. In this way, high-speed dial-up aims to improve on traditional slow dial-up and provide a faster connection option without requiring broadband.

Mobile Network Performance Testing
Mobile Network Performance TestingMobile Network Performance Testing
Mobile Network Performance Testing

Mobile Performance Testing consists of three parts: Part 1 - Client Application performance Part 2 - Server performance Part 3 - Network performance The slide deck we cover how to performance test the network as it applies to a mobile device. Learn: ■ Causes of network related problems ■ What tools and services are available ■ CDNs and other strategies to mitigate network cause problems

performance testingmobilemobile performance
Getting Started

1) Fire up Chrome on your device

2) Settings > Developer Tools > Enable USB Web debugging
Getting Started

3) On desktop, run:

   adb forward tcp:9222 localabstract:chrome_devtools_remote

4) On desktop, visit:

Getting Started
5) Pick the tab you want to debug:
Getting Started
6) You'll initially see a blank window:

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Current Trends in Networking (Assignment)
Current Trends in Networking (Assignment)Current Trends in Networking (Assignment)
Current Trends in Networking (Assignment)

This paper is the answer to the assessment questions of the Current Trends In Networking module of BSc. Computing (Information Management) of Anglia Ruskin University

Equinix webinar (cotendo) final dec 8
Equinix webinar (cotendo) final dec 8Equinix webinar (cotendo) final dec 8
Equinix webinar (cotendo) final dec 8

The document summarizes Cotendo's Mobile Acceleration Suite, which is a cloud platform that speeds up mobile content delivery. It has over 450 customers and 100+ employees globally. The suite reduces latency, which is the #1 mobile performance killer. It brings content closer to users through a cloud service with 30 global POPs. This dramatically reduces page load times, as shown through examples of CBS Mobile, IMAX Mobile, and NPR Mobile which all saw load time improvements of 15-50% through the suite. It also offers adaptive image compression that can reduce image sizes by over 75% while maintaining quality.

ssl acceleration
Doug Sillars on App Optimization
Doug Sillars on App OptimizationDoug Sillars on App Optimization
Doug Sillars on App Optimization

Doug Sillars' from AT&T talks about App Optimization and what AT&T is doing with ARO to make apps faster at AnDevCon Boston

app optimizationiosblackberry
Getting Started
7) Hit reload on the phone to get a timeline:
So what can you do with this?
Anything you can do with Chrome Dev Tools on desktop!

 ●   Network events timeline

 ●   Inspect and manipulate the DOM

 ●   Profile CPU and memory usage

 ●   Performance audit
Network events timeline

Each resource is
   one line


                   Size, type, time

                                                   onload event
Exploring a single request / response

                                         Request Headers


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What is 5G Technology.pptx
What is 5G Technology.pptxWhat is 5G Technology.pptx
What is 5G Technology.pptx

5G is the latest mobile network technology that can deliver high data speeds of up to 20Gbps and average rates of 100Mbps. It uses high frequency signals that allow for increased bandwidth but require more cell towers in close proximity. While 5G provides benefits like enabling new industries and faster connectivity, there are also health concerns about the electromagnetic radiation it emits. Some research suggests radiation from 5G cell towers may cause cancer or negatively impact wildlife. Overall, 5G remains a debated technology as countries work to deploy it despite questions around safety, need and efficiency.

3g and 4g
3g and 4g3g and 4g
3g and 4g

3G refers to third generation cellular network technology that enabled high-speed data access on mobile devices, making smartphones feasible. It increased mobile internet speeds and allowed for rich multimedia services. 4G is the fourth generation standard that delivers even faster speeds, allowing mobile internet use as pleasurable as on a home computer. Both 3G and 4G provide advantages like mobility, flexibility and reliability, but also have disadvantages such as high battery drain, invasion of privacy, and expensive infrastructure requirements.


This document discusses how high-speed dial-up internet connections work. It explains that high-speed dial-up providers like NetZero and EarthLink aim to make dial-up connections up to 5 times faster than traditional dial-up. This is achieved through the use of acceleration servers that simplify the connection process, file compression to reduce data sizes during transfer, filtering of unnecessary content like pop-up ads to reduce slowdowns, and caching of frequently accessed content to avoid repeated downloading. These techniques help improve the speed and usability of dial-up connections for users not yet ready to switch to broadband internet.

Exploring the DOM

 Mouse over a
 DOM element

                      Element is
                    highlighted on
CPU and memory profiling
CPU and memory profiling

                           CPU profile of each
                              JS function
CPU and memory profiling

                           Timeline of page
                            memory usage

                           Timeline of page

                            Size of DOM,
                           #event listeners

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5g Cellular Wireless Network.pptx
5g Cellular Wireless Network.pptx5g Cellular Wireless Network.pptx
5g Cellular Wireless Network.pptx

5G cellular technology will provide significantly faster data transfer speeds, lower latency, and an ability to connect many more devices simultaneously compared to previous generations. It works by subdividing cells into micro and pico cells connected to a network backbone to increase efficiency. Potential applications include virtual and augmented reality, autonomous vehicles, remote medical care, and more. Key enabling technologies are device-to-device communication, machine-to-machine communication, and massive MIMO antenna arrays.

5g technologycellular network

This document discusses optimizing mobile networks and applications for speed. It begins with an overview of networking basics and how mobile networks work. It then discusses factors that affect speed like latency, bandwidth, TCP protocols, and cellular network routing. The document provides recommendations for optimizing like leveraging WiFi, anticipating latency, saving bandwidth and battery. It also covers HTTP optimizations, browser APIs and protocols like XHR, SSE and WebSockets. The goal is to understand how networks impact applications and how to design for optimal mobile performance.

How to Lower Android Power Consumption Without Affecting Performance
How to Lower Android Power Consumption Without Affecting PerformanceHow to Lower Android Power Consumption Without Affecting Performance
How to Lower Android Power Consumption Without Affecting Performance

The document discusses various ways mobile app developers can lower the power consumption of their apps without affecting performance. It begins by explaining that most apps do not efficiently use system resources like the processor, cellular radio, and display, wasting power and reducing battery life. It then provides tips for optimizing specific areas of power consumption, such as using the cellular radio efficiently by bundling network traffic, offloading tasks to hardware accelerators like the DSP to reduce CPU usage, and managing the display to minimize brightness. The document stresses that measuring power consumption is key, and provides tools developers can use to profile and optimize the power impact of their apps.

Chrome for Android gives you tremendous visibility and control
through its remote debugging interface.

Inspect and control the DOM, get timeline information, CPU and
memory profiling, and more.

iOS6 is introducing Remote Debugging for Mobile Safari!
  Very similar interface and functionality.
Mobile Bookmarklets
Meta Bookmarklet

Firebug Lite


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network problem.pptx
network problem.pptxnetwork problem.pptx
network problem.pptx

The document discusses common network problems such as high bandwidth usage slowing download speeds, high CPU usage degrading network performance, and physical connectivity issues with defective cables. It provides examples of specific causes for each type of problem like video streaming consuming bandwidth, large applications increasing CPU usage, and damaged fiber optic cables reducing data transfer speeds. The document also covers other frequent network issues involving malfunctioning devices, DNS errors preventing access to websites, and wireless interference weakening WiFi signals.


This report provides an overview of e-commerce and information security. It discusses key elements of a B2C online transaction including payment systems and fulfillment. It also covers issues companies face with international commerce such as intellectual property, tax implications, and complying with local regulations. Finally, it provides steps to build a basic website, including registering a domain name, hosting the site, designing pages, optimizing for search engines, testing before going live, and promoting the site.

5G Technology.pptx
5G Technology.pptx5G Technology.pptx
5G Technology.pptx

5G is the latest mobile network technology that can deliver data speeds up to 20 times faster than 4G. It works using higher radio frequencies called millimeter waves that allow it to carry more information faster. 5G will be used for enhanced mobile broadband, mission critical communications, massive IoT, and services requiring low latency. While 5G provides benefits like faster speeds and rural connectivity, there are also concerns about the health impacts of the electromagnetic frequencies and the costs of deploying 5G infrastructure. South Korea, China and the US have begun rolling out 5G networks, while many other countries are in trial stages. 5G and 4G will coexist with 5G-capable phones using both networks.

YSlow Mobile

Page Resources


Page Resources - Jdrop

Recommended for you

5G wireless technology ppt
5G wireless technology ppt5G wireless technology ppt
5G wireless technology ppt

The document discusses the evolution of wireless technologies from 1G to 5G. It provides an overview of the key concepts and architecture of 5G including its hardware, software, features, advantages, and applications. 5G is expected to offer speeds up to 1 Gbps, be more reliable and available globally at a lower cost than previous generations. It will enable new technologies like wearable devices with artificial intelligence capabilities and provide high quality connectivity for applications like media and telecommunications.

Michael Zirngibl's Presentation at Emerging Communication Conference & Awards...
Michael Zirngibl's Presentation at Emerging Communication Conference & Awards...Michael Zirngibl's Presentation at Emerging Communication Conference & Awards...
Michael Zirngibl's Presentation at Emerging Communication Conference & Awards...

The document discusses using public WiFi networks to offload congested mobile networks through a software-only approach. It proposes building a public WiFi network simply by installing an app on laptops and other devices. This could offload a significant amount of mobile data traffic and save billions by avoiding costly network upgrades. Key questions addressed include user incentives, security, and user experience.

State Of Mobile Web Performance
State Of Mobile Web PerformanceState Of Mobile Web Performance
State Of Mobile Web Performance

Presentation from 17/3/2011 at the NY Web Performance Chapter about the iPhone/Android Comparison Study by (, presented by Guy Podjarny

androidblazemobile browsing




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new emerging technologies - 5g technology
new emerging technologies - 5g technologynew emerging technologies - 5g technology
new emerging technologies - 5g technology

5G technology is the next generation of mobile internet connectivity, providing data rates around 100 times faster than 4G. It has the potential to transform many industries with applications like autonomous vehicles, smart cities, augmented and virtual reality. While 5G promises major advantages with high speeds and capacity, it also faces challenges in fully implementing the new infrastructure and addressing security and privacy concerns.

#5g5g technologytechnology

5G technology is the next generation of mobile internet connectivity, providing data rates around 100 times faster than 4G. It has the potential to transform many industries with applications like autonomous vehicles, smart cities, augmented and virtual reality. While 5G promises major advantages with high speeds and capacity, it also faces challenges in fully implementing the new infrastructure and addressing security and privacy concerns. Overall, 5G is established as the future of wireless communication.

Can a browser become an IoT Gateway?
Can a browser become an IoT Gateway?Can a browser become an IoT Gateway?
Can a browser become an IoT Gateway?

The document discusses how a web browser could potentially serve as an IoT gateway and use Bluetooth for authentication. It describes how the Web Bluetooth API allows browsers to connect to Bluetooth Low Energy peripherals. While mobile apps currently communicate with BLE devices, a progressive web application in a browser could do the same. Browsers support protocols needed to communicate with IoT clouds and edge devices via BLE, and have capabilities for processing, storing, and analyzing sensor data. With features like Web Storage APIs and service workers, browsers could perform many of the functions of traditional IoT gateways. The document also explores how a BLE device could authenticate users to web applications by generating JSON web tokens for authentication via a "Login with Bluetooth" option


Navigation timing bookmarklets

webkit Resource Timing

                    Watch this space:
Other Tools

Recommended for you

Resource Prioritization
Resource PrioritizationResource Prioritization
Resource Prioritization

This document discusses resource prioritization strategies to optimize loading performance. It explains that the browser processes resources sequentially and blocks on certain resource types. It then provides recommendations for developers to inform the browser of dependencies and priorities through techniques like preloading. The document also analyzes HTTP/1.x versus HTTP/2 prioritization and compares performance of loading scripts and fonts with different approaches. It evaluates tools for testing prioritization and discusses why prioritization can fail or appear broken. Finally, it offers suggestions for servers and networks to better support prioritization.

HTTP/2 Prioritization
HTTP/2 PrioritizationHTTP/2 Prioritization
HTTP/2 Prioritization

This document discusses HTTP/2 prioritization and how resources are prioritized during loading. It begins by explaining how browsers prioritize different resource types during parsing and rendering. It then covers how HTTP/2 allows all requests to be sent immediately to the server with priority specifications, as opposed to HTTP/1.x which limits connections. The document concludes by discussing challenges with prioritization across connections and various tools for testing prioritization.

Getting the most out of WebPageTest
Getting the most out of WebPageTestGetting the most out of WebPageTest
Getting the most out of WebPageTest

This document discusses how to get the most out of the tool for testing website performance. It provides an overview of the metrics webpagetest measures like load times, bandwidth usage, and script execution. The document also shares links to examples of using scripting commands to test service workers and customizing domain names. Additionally, it promotes Patrick Meenan's GitHub projects for Cloudflare Workers that can optimize sites and mentions the bulk testing feature on

PageSpeed Insights

PCAP Web Performance Analyzer


            tcpdump/packet capture




Recommended for you

Http2 in practice
Http2 in practiceHttp2 in practice
Http2 in practice

Slides from Velocity 2019 tutorial on HTTP/2. Covers prioritization in the browser, network and server and tuning of HTTP/2.

Resource loading, prioritization, HTTP/2 - oh my!
Resource loading, prioritization, HTTP/2 - oh my!Resource loading, prioritization, HTTP/2 - oh my!
Resource loading, prioritization, HTTP/2 - oh my!

The document discusses key aspects of resource loading and prioritization on the web, including: 1. The HTML parser stops for non-async scripts until previous CSS is downloaded and the script is parsed and executed, but does not pause for CSS or image loading. 2. Resources can only be loaded once discovered by the parser or layout; optimal ordering prioritizes render-blocking and parser-blocking resources first using full bandwidth. 3. HTTP/2 allows for prioritization of resources from a single domain, while priority hints and preloading help prioritize cross-domain assets.

How fast is it?
How fast is it?How fast is it?
How fast is it?

This document discusses various metrics for measuring website speed and performance. It outlines different technical, visual, and interactive metrics and explains considerations for synthetic versus real-user measurement. Key recommendations include using First Contentful Paint, Speed Index from synthetic tests and First Interactive for real-user measurement to track progress towards performance goals. Effective connection type distribution from real-user data should also be considered to ensure optimizations work for all users.

webperfweb developmentperformance

User Agent Switcher Extensions

WebPagetest User-Agent Spoofing
setUserAgent ...
setViewportSize <width> <height>


Recommended for you

Scaling Front-End Performance - Velocity 2016
Scaling Front-End Performance - Velocity 2016Scaling Front-End Performance - Velocity 2016
Scaling Front-End Performance - Velocity 2016

The document discusses strategies for improving front-end performance, especially for users on slow connections or mobile devices. It recommends dynamically adjusting content like images, scripts, and ads based on connection speed. Both client-side techniques using JavaScript and service workers as well as server-side methods like analyzing request headers and response times can help optimize the experience. Browsers are also intervening more aggressively to prioritize resources and content loading. The goal is to make websites faster and more usable for all users regardless of their network conditions.

Machine Learning RUM - Velocity 2016
Machine Learning RUM - Velocity 2016Machine Learning RUM - Velocity 2016
Machine Learning RUM - Velocity 2016

Presentation from Velocity 2016 on using Machine Learning to determine the metrics that drive bounce and conversions

TLS - 2016 Velocity Training
TLS - 2016 Velocity TrainingTLS - 2016 Velocity Training
TLS - 2016 Velocity Training

This document summarizes a presentation on debugging front-end performance related to TLS and HTTPS. It discusses optimizing the TLS handshake to reduce round trips, using session resumption, OCSP stapling, TLS false start, and dynamic record sizing. It also covers TLS debugging tools like and security headers like HSTS, CSP, and HPKP. The presentation aimed to provide practical techniques and checks to improve TLS performance in practice.

Measuring mobile web behavior is hard!
 Most mobile browsers have no instrumentation interface.

 But, things are improving:
    Chrome for Android and Mobile Safari in iOS6 have a rich debug interface
    (more later!)

 Web Page Test and mobile agents use clever tricks:
   - Use embedded WebView components, not real browsers
   - On Android: run tcpdump to capture network packets
   - On iOS: Instrument pages using JavaScript

   - Not all events available on iOS (e.g., no DNS lookup or TCP connect times)
Know WHAT and HOW you are measuring
Know thy Browser
● Real Device
  ○ Native Browser
  ○ App with embedded UIWebView
● Simulator
● Changed User-Agent String in Desktop Browser

Groketh thy Connectivity
● Carrier Network
  ○ Which Carrier
  ○ Carrier Rewriting Proxies
● WiFi
  ○ Connected to....?
Latency Impact
Real-User Measurement


Recommended for you

Service workers - Velocity 2016 Training
Service workers - Velocity 2016 TrainingService workers - Velocity 2016 Training
Service workers - Velocity 2016 Training

This document summarizes a presentation on debugging front-end performance using service workers. Service workers allow intercepting and responding to network requests and caching assets. They also support features like push notifications, offline access, and progressive web apps. The presentation covered how service workers work, common use cases like handling errors, CDN failover and prefetching, as well as future possibilities like drawing images locally and custom compression.

Front-End Single Point of Failure - Velocity 2016 Training
Front-End Single Point of Failure - Velocity 2016 TrainingFront-End Single Point of Failure - Velocity 2016 Training
Front-End Single Point of Failure - Velocity 2016 Training

This document summarizes a presentation on debugging front-end performance issues. It discusses identifying single points of failure from third-party scripts and social widgets that can block loading. It recommends monitoring for failures, loading scripts asynchronously, and using a "black hole" to simulate outages for testing. Detection and mitigation of blocking third-party code is important to ensure fast page loads.

Measuring performance - Velocity 2016 Training
Measuring performance - Velocity 2016 TrainingMeasuring performance - Velocity 2016 Training
Measuring performance - Velocity 2016 Training

This document discusses various methods for measuring front-end performance, including synthetic testing, active testing, real user measurement, and measuring the visual experience. Synthetic testing provides consistent results but may not reflect actual user performance, while real user measurement captures real user experiences but with limited detail. The document also covers specific tools like Navigation Timing, Resource Timing, User Timing, SpeedIndex, and services from companies like Soasta, New Relic, and WebPageTest that can help with performance measurement.

Google Analytics

Decide what and how you want to measure

Mobile performance deeply impacted by network and browser architecture

Mobile measurement tools have their limits, but are maturing rapidly

This stuff is hard, but it's an exciting time to be alive!
Google Booth - Talks

Tuesday, June 26 - Morning Break
       10:15 – 10:30 : Site Speed Reports in Google Analytics: Measuring your website’s performance
    Afternoon Break
         3:10 – 3:25 : Measuring user perceived latency with Google Analytics Site Speed reports:
                         hands-on demo and insights
         3:30 – 3:45 : Async Scripts and why you care, particularly for third-party content

Wednesday, June 27th - Morning Break
        10:00 – 10:15 : PageSpeed Automatic Optimizations
        10:15 – 10:30 : PageSpeed Insights for Chrome with mobile support – Demo
   Afternoon Break
        3:10pm – 3:25pm : Measuring Web Performance
        3:30pm – 3:45pm : HTTP Streaming – discuss the true latency bottleneck with
                             bi-directional HTTP streaming and “full-duplex HTTP”
Google Booth - Office Hours

Tuesday, June 25 - Morning Break
    10:30 - 10:30 : Q&A: Mobile Web Measurement with Matt and Pat

Tuesday, June 26 - Afternoon Break
    3:10 – 3:50 : Q&A: Your Chrome Wishlist, Suggestions and Questions

Wednesday, June 27 - Morning Break
   10:00 – 10:30 : Q&A: Performance monitoring with Google Analytics

Recommended for you

Service Workers for Performance
Service Workers for PerformanceService Workers for Performance
Service Workers for Performance

This document provides an overview of service workers and how they can be used. It begins with registering a service worker script and discussing the install and activate lifecycle events. It then covers using service workers to handle fetch events to provide offline functionality by precaching resources and serving cached responses when offline. Finally, it discusses several other potential uses of service workers like custom error pages, CDN failover, prefetching, and metrics collection.

Velocity 2014 nyc WebPagetest private instances
Velocity 2014 nyc   WebPagetest private instancesVelocity 2014 nyc   WebPagetest private instances
Velocity 2014 nyc WebPagetest private instances

Presentation from Velocity NYC 2014 on setting up private WebPagetest instances Video:

WebPagetest Power Users - Velocity 2014
WebPagetest Power Users - Velocity 2014WebPagetest Power Users - Velocity 2014
WebPagetest Power Users - Velocity 2014

Slides for my tutorial from Velocity 2014 on some of the more advanced features in WebPagetest. Video is available on Youtube: Part 1: Part 2:

Thank You!   @PatMeenan            @mdwelsh

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Velocity 2012 - Taming the Mobile Beast

  • 1. Taming the Mobile Beast Patrick Meenan Matt Welsh @patmeenan @mdwelsh Google, Inc. Google, Inc.
  • 2. Mobile is huge! 2.25B Global Internet Users 1.1B Mobile Users Source: UN/ITU
  • 3. For many, a mobile device is the only way to access the Internet Mobile-Only Country Internet Users Egypt 70% India 59% South Africa 57% Indonesia 44% United States 25% Source: OnDevice Research
  • 4. ... and growing with respect to desktop
  • 5. Desktop Web Performance Optimization
  • 6. Mobile Web Performance Optimization
  • 7. What we'll cover today: Getting a handle on mobile web performance How to collect measurements on mobile devices Deep dive into mobile web performance issues and common gotchas Using Chrome for Android's remote debugger Mobile bookmarklets and other tools
  • 10. WebPageTest - Web Page Test now supports Android and iOS!
  • 13. Waterfalls as seen by HARViewer DNS TCP Waiting Receiving Lookup Connect for response response
  • 15. Visualizing a mobile website load ( 75 seconds!
  • 16.'s mobile home page 124 KB, 1800x800 background image that is completely obscured
  • 19. The web was not designed for mobile Huge disparity between modern web design and mobile devices... ● Increasingly rich content ● Highly dynamic pages ● Large amount of JavaScript to manipulate the page, perform asynchronous work, fetch new content ● 3D acceleration, animations, complex graphics ... all sent using a crufty, somewhat broken protocol (HTTP) The web is not just <b>plain</b> <i>old</i> <blink>HTML</blink> anymore - it is a complete application platform.
  • 20. Here Be Dragons ● Making a mobile connection: Radio Resource Control ● Browser connection limits ● HTTP Pipelining ● Caching: Browsers vs. embedded HTTP libraries ● Carrier network proxying ● JavaScript execution time differences
  • 21. Making a Mobile Connection
  • 22. Typical Mobile Network Performance Country Average RTT Average Downlink Average Uplink Throughput Throughput South Korea 278 ms 1.8 Mbps 723 Kbps Vietnam 305 ms 1.9 Mbps 543 Kbps US 344 ms 1.6 Mbps 658 Kbps UK 372 ms 1.4 Mbps 782 Kbps Russia 518 ms 1.1 Mbps 439 Kbps India 654 ms 1.2 Mbps 633 Kbps Nigeria 892 ms 541 Kbps 298 Kbps Compare to typical desktop and WiFi performance: < 50 ms RTT, 5 Mbps throughput in the US Source: Ookla/
  • 23. Typical Mobile Network Performance Country Average RTT Average Downlink Average Uplink Throughput Throughput South Korea 278 ms 1.8 Mbps 723 Kbps Vietnam 305 ms 1.9 Mbps 543 Kbps US 344 ms 1.6 Mbps 658 Kbps UK 372 ms 1.4 Mbps 782 Kbps Russia 518 ms 1.1 Mbps 439 Kbps India 654 ms 1.2 Mbps 633 Kbps Nigeria 892 ms 541 Kbps 298 Kbps Things are changing fast! LTE promises < 100 ms RTT, 50+ Mbps downlink Source: Ookla/
  • 24. Bandwidth Impact 3G LTE 20 Top sites measured in October, 2011
  • 25. Latency Impact 3G LTE DSL/ Dial 20 Top sites measured in October, 2011 Cable
  • 26. Making a Radio Connection Before a cellular device can transmit or receive data, it has to establish a radio channel with the network. This can take several seconds! Also, if no data is transmitted or received after a timeout, the channel goes idle, requiring a new channel to be established. This behavior can wreak havoc on web page load times.
  • 27. Probing the Radio State Machine Try this sometime: Build a webpage that loads a small (1KB) image at increasing intervals. Watch how long it takes to load.
  • 28. Probing the Radio State Machine Try this sometime: Build a webpage that loads a small (1KB) image at increasing intervals. Watch how long it takes to load. Here's what it looks like on WiFi: Every image loads in ~120 ms
  • 29. The same thing on T-Mobile: 1 sec delay 2 sec delay 3 sec delay 4 sec delay 5 sec delay
  • 30. The same thing on T-Mobile: Between 2 and 3 sec, huge increase in load time
  • 31. Example 3G Radio Resource Control State Machine No radio connection Idle for 12 sec CELL_ IDLE FACH Buffer size > threshold Shared radio channel Transmit data Delay: 1-2 sec Idle for 5 sec CELL_ DCH The exact delays and idle timeouts depend on the carrier, which equipment they have installed, and Dedicated how it is configured. radio channel This depends on the network, not the device. Run your own test now! Data from:
  • 33. Browser Connection Limits The number of parallel connections varies tremendously across mobile browsers. on Android 2.3.5 Gingerbread: Total of 4 parallel connections
  • 34. Browser Connection Limits The number of parallel connections varies tremendously across mobile browsers. on Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich: Looks like 6 connections per domain
  • 35. Browser Connection Limits The number of parallel connections varies tremendously across mobile browsers. on iOS 5: Looks like a lot of parallelism
  • 36. Browser Connection Limits The number of parallel connections varies tremendously across mobile browsers. on Chrome for Android: Also 6 connections per domain
  • 37. Browser Connection Limits - Summary Browser Connections Per Domain Total Connections Android pre-Honeycomb 4 4 Android post-Honeycomb 6 256 iOS 4 4 30 iOS 5 6 52 Chrome for Android 6 256 Caveats: It takes a lot of experimentation and probing to get some of these numbers. iOS results, in particular, should be taken with a grain of salt.
  • 38. Are more connections always better? Parallel TCP connections are typically used for two purposes: 1) Saturate the network 2) Avoid head-of-line blocking On 3G, more connections are not always a good idea: - Each connection pays the cost of the TCP handshake (200+ ms on typical 3G links) - Parallel connections can adversely compete for the channel
  • 40. HTTP Pipelining Been in the spec since HTTP/1.1, but largely ignored by desktop browser vendors Originally thought it would break the Internet Android 2.3.4 (Gingerbread) Android Browser has been using pipelining for a long time! Several requests with Mobile Safari on iOS 5 is using it now, too. identical start times, staggered completion times Android ICS and Chrome do not use pipelining, however.
  • 42. Carrier network proxies Most large carriers do transparent web proxying Simple page with a 1MB JavaScript file, loaded over WiFi: 976KB, as expected
  • 43. Carrier network proxies Most large carriers do transparent web proxying Simple page with a 1MB JavaScript file, loaded over WiFi: 976KB, as expected The same page, loaded on T-Mobile UMTS: 7.6KB !?!?!?!! T-Mobile's proxy uses gzip!
  • 45. JavaScript Execution Time JavaScript is typically a lot slower on mobile devices. SunSpider benchmark results: Dual Core Mac Pro: 266.1 ms Galaxy Nexus (stock browser): 1899 ms Galaxy Nexus (Chrome): 1574 ms iPhone 3GS (iOS 5): 4737 ms iPhone 4S (iOS 5): 2200 ms iPad 2 (iOS 5): 2097 ms
  • 47. Not all caches are created equal Mobile browsers have small caches: Android 2.3: 8 MB iOS 5: 100 MB, but not persistent! Android Chrome: 250 MB Compare to typical size of 512 MB or more for desktop browsers.
  • 48. Browsers != Embedded HTTP Libraries Common embedded HTTP libraries often have broken cache behavior! org.apache.http.client.HttpClient None of these do any caching at all. android.webkit.WebView Does caching, but does not support redirection. NSURLRequest - iOS5 Does caching, but total cache size is 1 MB for small objects, 40 MB for large objects, no caching for objects > 2MB. Web Caching on Smartphones: Ideal vs. Reality by Feng Qian, Kee Shen Quah, Junxian Huang, Jeffrey Erman, Alexandre Gerber, Z. Morley Mao, Subhabrata Sen, and Oliver Spatscheck, Proceedings of ACM Mobisys 2012.
  • 49. Summary Mobile networks have high round-trip-times: hundreds of ms. Mobile connections can take several seconds to get established. HTTP pipelining: Coming to iOS, going away in Android. Beware carrier network proxies. JavaScript: Ain't so fast. Not all mobile caches are created equal.
  • 50. Roadmap Getting a handle on mobile web performance How to collect measurements on mobile devices Deep dive into mobile web performance issues and common gotchas Using Chrome for Android's remote debugger Mobile bookmarklets and other tools
  • 52. Remote Debugging Chrome on Android Chrome on Android has full support for Chrome Developer Tools Desktop Chrome USB tethering
  • 53. Getting Started 1) Fire up Chrome on your device 2) Settings > Developer Tools > Enable USB Web debugging
  • 54. Getting Started 3) On desktop, run: adb forward tcp:9222 localabstract:chrome_devtools_remote 4) On desktop, visit: http://localhost:9222
  • 55. Getting Started 5) Pick the tab you want to debug:
  • 56. Getting Started 6) You'll initially see a blank window:
  • 57. Getting Started 7) Hit reload on the phone to get a timeline:
  • 58. So what can you do with this? Anything you can do with Chrome Dev Tools on desktop! ● Network events timeline ● Inspect and manipulate the DOM ● Profile CPU and memory usage ● Performance audit
  • 59. Network events timeline Each resource is one line Timeline Size, type, time DOMContent onload event event
  • 60. Exploring a single request / response Request Headers Response headers
  • 61. Exploring the DOM Mouse over a DOM element Element is highlighted on device!
  • 62. CPU and memory profiling
  • 63. CPU and memory profiling CPU profile of each JS function
  • 64. CPU and memory profiling Timeline of page memory usage Timeline of page events Size of DOM, #event listeners
  • 65. Summary Chrome for Android gives you tremendous visibility and control through its remote debugging interface. Inspect and control the DOM, get timeline information, CPU and memory profiling, and more. iOS6 is introducing Remote Debugging for Mobile Safari! Very similar interface and functionality.
  • 67. Meta Bookmarklet
  • 68. Firebug Lite
  • 69. YSlow Mobile
  • 70. Page Resources
  • 71. Jdrop
  • 73. DOMMonster
  • 74. Docsource
  • 75. cssess
  • 76. Snoopy
  • 77. SpriteMe
  • 78. Navigation timing bookmarklets
  • 79. webkit Resource Timing Watch this space:
  • 81. PageSpeed Insights
  • 82. PCAP Web Performance Analyzer Web tcpdump/packet capture
  • 83. icy
  • 84. iWebInspector
  • 85. winre
  • 86. User Agent Switcher Extensions
  • 87. WebPagetest User-Agent Spoofing setUserAgent ... setViewportSize <width> <height> navigate
  • 89. Measuring mobile web behavior is hard! Most mobile browsers have no instrumentation interface. But, things are improving: Chrome for Android and Mobile Safari in iOS6 have a rich debug interface (more later!) Web Page Test and mobile agents use clever tricks: - Use embedded WebView components, not real browsers - On Android: run tcpdump to capture network packets - On iOS: Instrument pages using JavaScript Caveat: - Not all events available on iOS (e.g., no DNS lookup or TCP connect times)
  • 90. Know WHAT and HOW you are measuring Know thy Browser ● Real Device ○ Native Browser ○ App with embedded UIWebView ● Simulator ● Changed User-Agent String in Desktop Browser Groketh thy Connectivity ● Carrier Network ○ Which Carrier ○ Carrier Rewriting Proxies ● WiFi ○ Connected to....?
  • 92. Real-User Measurement
  • 94. Takeaways Decide what and how you want to measure Mobile performance deeply impacted by network and browser architecture Mobile measurement tools have their limits, but are maturing rapidly This stuff is hard, but it's an exciting time to be alive!
  • 95. Google Booth - Talks Tuesday, June 26 - Morning Break 10:15 – 10:30 : Site Speed Reports in Google Analytics: Measuring your website’s performance Afternoon Break 3:10 – 3:25 : Measuring user perceived latency with Google Analytics Site Speed reports: hands-on demo and insights 3:30 – 3:45 : Async Scripts and why you care, particularly for third-party content Wednesday, June 27th - Morning Break 10:00 – 10:15 : PageSpeed Automatic Optimizations 10:15 – 10:30 : PageSpeed Insights for Chrome with mobile support – Demo Afternoon Break 3:10pm – 3:25pm : Measuring Web Performance 3:30pm – 3:45pm : HTTP Streaming – discuss the true latency bottleneck with bi-directional HTTP streaming and “full-duplex HTTP”
  • 96. Google Booth - Office Hours Tuesday, June 25 - Morning Break 10:30 - 10:30 : Q&A: Mobile Web Measurement with Matt and Pat Tuesday, June 26 - Afternoon Break 3:10 – 3:50 : Q&A: Your Chrome Wishlist, Suggestions and Questions Wednesday, June 27 - Morning Break 10:00 – 10:30 : Q&A: Performance monitoring with Google Analytics
  • 97. Thank You! @PatMeenan @mdwelsh