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Messaging for IoT
October 2015
•  Senior	
•  Apache	
•  Mainly	
•  Keen	
•  Senior	
•  Apache	
•  Co-­‐author	
•  IoT	
•  Tasks	
•  PaCerns	
•  IoT	
•  Apache	
•  Ac>veMQ	
•  IoT	
•  Ver>cal	
•  Qpid	
•  Scalable	
IoT Messaging Basics
•  IoT	
•  Messaging	
•  Messaging	

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The document introduces RabbitMQ, an open source message broker that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). It discusses why AMQP is an open industry standard that is not language dependent and supported by many major companies. It then provides an overview of messaging concepts like queues, exchanges, routing and pub/sub using RabbitMQ examples. It also mentions some advanced features of AMQP like authentication, load balancing and persistent/non-persistent messages. Finally, it provides information on how to get started with RabbitMQ.

LoRaWAN in Depth
LoRaWAN in DepthLoRaWAN in Depth
LoRaWAN in Depth

LoRaWAN is an open standard for wireless communication targeted at low-power wide-area networks. It uses a proprietary radio protocol called LoRa to allow long-range communication at low bit rates. LoRaWAN defines the communication protocols and system architecture for end devices, gateways, and network servers. Key entities include end devices that communicate with gateways, network servers that coordinate communication, and application servers that interface with end user applications. [END SUMMARY]

apnic47apricot2019internet of things
Service discovery with Eureka and Spring Cloud
Service discovery with Eureka and Spring CloudService discovery with Eureka and Spring Cloud
Service discovery with Eureka and Spring Cloud

The document discusses service discovery with Eureka and Spring Cloud. It introduces traditional applications where services have fixed locations versus modern applications where services are dynamic. It explains that service discovery with a service registry like Eureka allows services to find each other and load balance requests. The rest of the document demonstrates configuring Eureka as a service registry and client applications that can discover and consume services registered with Eureka.

spring bootmicroserviceseureka
IoT Topology
IoT Messaging Infrastructure
•  Provides	
•  Interoperability
•  Deployment	
•  High	
•  Scalability
IoT connectivity patterns
•  IoT	
•  Telemetry,	
•  Protocols	
•  JMS
•  Device	
•  One	
•  Failures	
•  Lots	

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IoT Platforms and Architecture
IoT Platforms and ArchitectureIoT Platforms and Architecture
IoT Platforms and Architecture

A look at the end-to-end stack for Industrial IoT platforms, including some of the key issues and opportunities to manage at each layer of the solution. See for more.

Testing Kafka components with Kafka for JUnit
Testing Kafka components with Kafka for JUnitTesting Kafka components with Kafka for JUnit
Testing Kafka components with Kafka for JUnit

Kafka for JUnit enables developers to start and stop a complete Kafka cluster comprised of Kafka brokers and distributed Kafka Connect workers from within a JUnit test. It also provides a rich set of convenient accessors to interact with such an embedded or external Kafka cluster in a lean and non-obtrusive way. Kafka for JUnit can be used to both whitebox-test individual Kafka-based components of your application or to blackbox-test applications that offer an incoming and/or outgoing Kafka-based interface. This presentation gives a brief introduction into Kafka for JUnit, discussing its design principles and code examples to get developers quickly up to speed using the library.

kafkajunitkafka connect

RabbitMQ is an open-source message broker software written in Erlang that implements the AMQP protocol. It supports multiple messaging protocols and follows FIFO methods. RabbitMQ is commonly used to build distributed systems that communicate via asynchronous messaging. It provides high availability, scalability, reliability, and security for enterprise systems and has good performance. RabbitMQ acts as a message broker that accepts messages from producers and forwards them to queues. It gives applications a common platform to send and receive messages.

•  Service	
•  Two	
•  Less,	
•  1	
•  grouping	
•  Device	
•  1	
•  Two	
•  Service	
•  One	
•  1	
•  Grouping
•  Communica>on	
•  1	
•  Device	
•  1	
•  Group	
•  Push
•  Request	

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Building your First gRPC Service
Building your First gRPC ServiceBuilding your First gRPC Service
Building your First gRPC Service

gRPC can help minimize the barrier of cross-system communication by providing language-agnostic API definitions, backward and forward compatible versioning with protocol buffers, and pluggable load balancing and tracing. You will see how to quickly get up and running with the gRPC framework using Node.js from creating a protocol definition, creating meaningful health checks, and securing the endpoint. Additionally, this session will go over best practices and how to take full advantage of what gRPC has to offer.

Application development for the internet of things
Application development for the internet of thingsApplication development for the internet of things
Application development for the internet of things

1. The document discusses application development challenges for the Internet of Things (IoT), including heterogeneity of devices, large scale, lack of separation of concerns, and life-cycle issues. 2. It proposes a conceptual model that classifies IoT concepts and relates development concerns to promote reusability. 3. A multi-stage model-driven approach is presented using a set of modeling languages to abstract heterogeneity, scale, and support automation across development stages.

Event-driven microservices
Event-driven microservicesEvent-driven microservices
Event-driven microservices

1) Event-driven microservices involve microservices communicating primarily through events published to an event backbone. This loosely couples microservices and allows for eventual data consistency. 2) Apache Kafka is an open-source streaming platform that can be used to build an event backbone, allowing microservices to reliably publish and subscribe to events. It supports streaming, storage, and processing of event data. 3) Common patterns for event-driven microservices include database per service for independent data ownership, sagas for coordinated multi-step processes, event sourcing to capture all state changes, and CQRS to separate reads from writes.

apache kafkamicroservicesevent-driven
•  Unreliable
•  Handle	
•  Expensive	
•  Low	
•  Limited	
•  Low	
•  Large	
•  Inter-­‐operable
•  BaCery	
•  Work	
•  Interoperable
•  Connec>on	
•  Offline
•  Low	
•  Low	
•  Addresses	
•  1-­‐1,	
•  Queues,	
•  Push
•  Req/Resp
•  Reply	
•  Inter-­‐operable
•  JVM
•  Connec>on	
•  Durable	

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HTML5 WebSocket Introduction
HTML5 WebSocket IntroductionHTML5 WebSocket Introduction
HTML5 WebSocket Introduction

This document provides an overview of HTML5 WebSocket technology. It discusses limitations of traditional HTTP and how WebSocket enables full-duplex communication by reducing overhead and latency compared to alternative techniques like polling. The WebSocket API and protocol are introduced, along with browser support and server library options. Key benefits of WebSocket include unlimited connections per server, very small overhead, and true real-time bidirectional communication across the web.

CoAP - Web Protocol for IoT
CoAP - Web Protocol for IoTCoAP - Web Protocol for IoT
CoAP - Web Protocol for IoT

High level overview of CoAP or Constrained Application Protocol. CoAP is a HTTP like protocol suitable for constrained environment like IoT. CoAP uses HTTP like request response model, status code etc.

protocolsweb protocolsiot
Implementing Domain Events with Kafka
Implementing Domain Events with KafkaImplementing Domain Events with Kafka
Implementing Domain Events with Kafka

Domain Driven Design provides not only the strategic guidelines for decomposing a large system into microservices, but also offers the main tactical pattern that helps in decoupling microservices. The presentation will focus on the way domain events could be implemented using Kafka and the trade-offs between consistency and availability that are supported by Kafka.

•  Inter-­‐operability
•  Java	
•  Protocol	
•  Vendor	
•  Rich	
•  Complexity	
•  Large	
•  Vendor	
•  High	
•  Created	
•  Light	
•  Low	
•  Simple	
•  Pub	
•  Quality	
•  Connec>on	
•  Very	
•  Sending	
•  QoS	
•  QoS	
•  QoS	
•  Clients	
•  Simple	
•  Burden	

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SOA vs Microservices vs SBA
SOA vs Microservices vs SBASOA vs Microservices vs SBA
SOA vs Microservices vs SBA

Comparing Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Microservices and Service-Based Architecture (SBA - SOA and Microservices Hybrid) patterns. Also discussing coupling and cohesion concepts in relation to the systems design.

enterprise architecture patternssbaservice-oriented architecture
Rabbit MQ introduction
Rabbit MQ introductionRabbit MQ introduction
Rabbit MQ introduction

This document provides an introduction to RabbitMQ, an open source message broker. It discusses RabbitMQ's history and components. The core concepts of messaging flow, exchanges, bindings, routing keys and queues are explained. Different exchange types (direct, fanout, topic) and their routing strategies are described. Code examples of sending and receiving messages from RabbitMQ using its Java client API are also included.

rabbitmqmessage oriented middleware
Integration Patterns for Microservices Architectures
Integration Patterns for Microservices ArchitecturesIntegration Patterns for Microservices Architectures
Integration Patterns for Microservices Architectures

NATS was created by Derek Collison, founder and CEO of Apcera, who has spent 20+ years designing, building, and using publish-subscribe messaging systems. Unlike traditional enterprise messaging systems, NATS has an always-on dial tone that does whatever it takes to remain available. Learn how end users are building modern, reliable and scalable cloud and distributed systems with NATS. Talk given by David Williams, Principal, Williams & Garcia You can learn more about NATS at

open sourcesoftware developmentdevelopment
•  Topics
•  Hierarchical	
•  e.g.	
•  Supports	
•  building/core/floor/#
•  building/core/floor/+/toilet/+
•  QoS	
•  Outlives	
•  Interna>onal	
•  Binary	
•  Rich	
•  conversa>on	
•  advanced	
•  Type	
•  QoS	
•  Symmetrical	
•  No	

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Developing Microservices with Apache Camel
Developing Microservices with Apache CamelDeveloping Microservices with Apache Camel
Developing Microservices with Apache Camel

Red Hat Microservices Architecture Day - New York, November 2015. Presented by Claus Ibsen. Apache Camel is a very popular integration library that works very well with microservice architecture. This talk introduces you to Apache Camel and how you can easily get started with Camel on your computer. Then we cover how to create new Camel projects from scratch as microservices, which you can boot using Camel or Spring Boot, or other micro containers such as Jetty or fat JARs. We then take a look at what options you have for monitoring and managing your Camel microservices using tooling such as Jolokia, and hawtio web console.

apache camelfabric8kubernetes
Jakarta EE: Today and Tomorrow
Jakarta EE: Today and TomorrowJakarta EE: Today and Tomorrow
Jakarta EE: Today and Tomorrow

Jakarta EE has transitioned from Java EE to an open governance structure at the Eclipse Foundation. Key points: - Java EE specifications and reference implementations were contributed to Eclipse Foundation projects in 2018. - Jakarta EE 8 was released in September 2019, compatible with Java EE 8. - Governance includes the Jakarta EE Steering Committee and Specification Committee. - Future directions include embracing modules, preferring soft dependencies, and focusing on testing. - The community is invited to get involved to help define the future of Jakarta EE 9.

Creating the Internet of Your Things
Creating the Internet of Your ThingsCreating the Internet of Your Things
Creating the Internet of Your Things

The document discusses Microsoft's Azure IoT platform for connecting, managing, and analyzing Internet of Things devices and data. It provides an overview of the key components of Azure IoT including Azure IoT Hub for device connectivity and management, analytics services like Azure Machine Learning and Stream Analytics, and connectivity to other Azure services. It also highlights aspects of Azure IoT like its open ecosystem, support for open standards, and global infrastructure running on Microsoft's Azure cloud.

hs16melbhadoop summit
•  At	
•  Fire	
•  At	
•  Retry
•  Exactly	
•  3	
•  Highly	
•  Rich	
•  Primi>ves
•  integer,	
•  lists,	
•  Descrip>ve	
•  Allow	
•  Mappings	
•  Client	
•  Broker	
•  Client	
•  Client	
•  Interes>ng	
•  Smart	
•  Limit	
•  Each	
•  Limit	

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Better Living Through Messaging - Leveraging the HornetQ Message Broker at Sh...
Better Living Through Messaging - Leveraging the HornetQ Message Broker at Sh...Better Living Through Messaging - Leveraging the HornetQ Message Broker at Sh...
Better Living Through Messaging - Leveraging the HornetQ Message Broker at Sh...

Internally, some projects at Shopzilla have recently started to leverage the HornetQ messaging system to meet performance and scalability requirements. In this talk, Mark Lui and Josh Long review the basic principles of messaging and distributed communication. They demonstrate how loosely coupled, asynchronous communication can improve performance, scalability and reliability and finally touch on Shopzilla-specific use cases for messaging.

hornetq shopzilla jms messaging spring eai eda
Messaging for IoT
Messaging for IoTMessaging for IoT
Messaging for IoT

Scale changes everything. What once was quite adequate for enterprise messaging can't scale to support "Internet of Things". We need new protocols, patterns and architectures to support this new world. This session will start with basic introduction to the concept of Internet of Things. Next it will discuss general technical challenges involved with the concept and explain why it is becoming mainstream now. Now we’re ready to start talking about solutions. We will introduce some messaging patterns (like telemetry and command/control) and protocols (such as MQTT and AMQP) used in these scenarios. Finally we will see how Apache ActiveMQ is gearing up for this race. We will show tips for horizontal and vertical scaling of the broker, related projects that can help with deployments and what the future development road map looks like. Martyn Taylor is a senior software engineer at Red Hat, with over 7 years’ experience working on cloud, middleware and messaging software. Martyn currently works on the Apache ActiveMQ suite of projects.

jboss amqiotred hat
MongoDB IoT City Tour EINDHOVEN: Sharding in MongoDB
MongoDB IoT City Tour EINDHOVEN: Sharding in MongoDBMongoDB IoT City Tour EINDHOVEN: Sharding in MongoDB
MongoDB IoT City Tour EINDHOVEN: Sharding in MongoDB

MongoDB scales data horizontally using a technique called sharding where the data is partitioned across independent database nodes called shards in a way that distributes the data and load. The document discusses how MongoDB automatically partitions and distributes data and queries across shards as the data size and throughput increase, and how it considers factors like cardinality, write distribution and reliability when selecting a shard key to optimize this distribution. It provides an example of how assetId could be used as a shard key for IoT sensor data to partition the data by asset across shards.

•  Lots	
•  The	
•  Scenarios	
  usecase Long-­‐haul	
Long-­‐haul Local	
Compactness High Medium Highest Verbose
  control No Yes No No
No Yes No Yes
Complexity Medium High Low Lowest
IoT Messaging Brokers
•  Apache	
•  Ac>veMQ	
Apache ActiveMQ
•  Apache	
•  Started	
•  Moved	
•  Now	
Apache ActiveMQ
•  Mul>-­‐Protocol/Mul>-­‐Language	
•  Invented	
•  Now	
•  Broad	

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World of IoT by Microsoft Co #iotconfua
World of IoT by Microsoft Co #iotconfuaWorld of IoT by Microsoft Co #iotconfua
World of IoT by Microsoft Co #iotconfua

Connected world solutions combine sensors and technologies to enable objects and infrastructure to interact over networks through monitoring, analytics and control. This allows for remote management and optimization of systems and processes. The Internet of Things market is projected to grow significantly with transportation, utilities and manufacturing seeing the largest increases in spending and connections. Consumer IoT applications are also growing for smart home control and monitoring through devices like the Amazon Dash button and Philips Hue lighting.

iotconfuaiotinternet of things
Internet of Things: Get the whole picture
Internet of Things: Get the whole pictureInternet of Things: Get the whole picture
Internet of Things: Get the whole picture

Presented at the Latin American Telecom Congress – Cancún, Mexico July 15-16, 2015 Ericsson provided a Networked Society Seminar during this Congress, included presentations from Jose Luis Serrato, Adrian Gioia, Jo Lindstad, and Jose Ayala.

ericssontelecommunicationsinternet of things
Hacking Web 2.0 - Defending Ajax and Web Services [HITB 2007 Dubai]
Hacking Web 2.0 - Defending Ajax and Web Services [HITB 2007 Dubai]Hacking Web 2.0 - Defending Ajax and Web Services [HITB 2007 Dubai]
Hacking Web 2.0 - Defending Ajax and Web Services [HITB 2007 Dubai]

This document summarizes a presentation about assessing the security of Web 2.0 technologies like Ajax and web services. It discusses the Web 2.0 industry trends, technologies like Ajax, potential security impacts, and methodologies for fingerprinting, enumerating, crawling, and scanning Ajax applications and web services to identify vulnerabilities. It also provides an overview of attacking Ajax and defending applications.

Apache ActiveMQ
•  Benefits
•  Feature	
•  BaCle-­‐tested	
•  Good	
•  Flexible
•  Configurable
•  Embeddable
Apache ActiveMQ
•  Limita>ons
•  Broker	
•  WriCen	
•  It	
•  Number	
•  Mul>	
•  AMQP,	
•  JMS	
•  Started	
•  Embedded	
•  In	
•  Sub	
•  Latest	
•  Contains	
•  Core	
•  Message	
•  Persistence
•  Protocol	
•  HA	
•  Highly	
•  Protocols	

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RESTful services and OAUTH protocol in IoT
RESTful services and OAUTH protocol in IoTRESTful services and OAUTH protocol in IoT
RESTful services and OAUTH protocol in IoT

This presentation was about using standard Web protocols and techniques for communicating with commercial IoT-enabled devices.

iot oauth restful
Protocols for IoT
Protocols for IoTProtocols for IoT
Protocols for IoT

This is a technical presentation describing two protocols namely MQTT and CoAP for IoT communications. This explains the protocols in conjunction with OSI layers.

communicationinternet of thingscoap
Responsive Web Design - Introduction & Workflow Overview
Responsive Web Design - Introduction & Workflow OverviewResponsive Web Design - Introduction & Workflow Overview
Responsive Web Design - Introduction & Workflow Overview

Responsive Design's is a way of making a single website that works well on mobile, tablet, and desktop browsers. Back in 2010 Ethan Marcotte, first coined the term "responsive design" and described it as having 3 components: Flexible Images Fluid Grids CSS Media Queries Well it seems Ethan let quite a few cats of out bag with this one, and we've been trying to herd those cats ever since. What started as exclusively a front-end web design technique has expanded to include a whole new range of both front-end and server-side programming techniques. The real challenge came when we also suddenly discovered that tried and true practices for project management, and creative concept development all started to fall apart. It’s not practical to create photoshop mockups of ever page in a site at every device size - There’s simply too many variables to account for in graphic design software. Responsive Design requires a new process for creating websites, and new ways of interacting with teams and clients. This presentation will outline a birds-eye-view of Responsive Techniques, Strategies, Tools, and Gotchas of RWD. It will focus on some of the new workflow techniques needed and cover some suggestions for where to go to learn more. Slide Summary 1-25: History of Responsive Design 26-50: Coding Basics (Developer Focused) 51-57: Progressive Enhancement 58-70: Mobile First 71-93: Responsive Workflows 96-99: Selling Responsive Design

mobile firstworkflowresponsive design
•  Great	
•  Reac>ve	
•  Efficient	
•  Mul>	
•  AMQP,	
•  JMS
•  HA	
•  Take	
•  Enhance	
•  JDBC	
•  More	
•  CoAP
•  Your	
IoT Messaging Scaling
•  Ver>cal	
•  Qpid	
•  Scalable	

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M2M Protocol Interoperability using IoT Toolkit
M2M Protocol Interoperability using IoT ToolkitM2M Protocol Interoperability using IoT Toolkit
M2M Protocol Interoperability using IoT Toolkit

The document discusses M2M protocol interoperability using an IoT Toolkit and Smart Object API. The IoT Toolkit aims to provide interoperability across any application, connected object, and M2M protocol through a simple API and data/information models. The Smart Object API defines a virtual representation of a physical smart object using an object model, REST API, data models, and event model to link data with actions and enable pub-sub event handling.

Iot Toolkit and the Smart Object API - Architecture for Interoperability
Iot Toolkit and the Smart Object API - Architecture for InteroperabilityIot Toolkit and the Smart Object API - Architecture for Interoperability
Iot Toolkit and the Smart Object API - Architecture for Interoperability

The document describes an IoT Toolkit and Smart Object API that aims to enable interoperability between IoT applications, connected objects, and machine-to-machine protocols. The API defines a virtual representation of physical smart objects using an object model, REST API, data models, and event model. It allows applications to connect to any thing via any M2M protocol by abstracting the underlying protocols and providing a common interface through the Smart Object API.

Scaling Internet of Things
Scaling Internet of ThingsScaling Internet of Things
Scaling Internet of Things

How to implement Internet of Things successfully creating the best experience and insuring successful distribution. (Ericsson IoT Conference December 2014)

Broker – Vertical Scaling
•  Give	
•  Reduce	
•  NIO	
•  Reac>ve	
•  Improve	
•  Advisory	
•  Selec>ve	
Broker – Horizontal Scaling
•  One	
•  Horizontal	
•  Load	
•  Limita>ons
•  All	
•  Broker	
Qpid Dispatch Router
•  Lightweight	
•  hCp://­‐router/	
•  Provides	
Qpid Dispatch Router
•  It	
•  It	
•  It	
•  Message	

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Responsive webdesign
Responsive webdesignResponsive webdesign
Responsive webdesign

This document discusses responsive web design. It begins by outlining the failures of separate mobile websites and native apps. Responsive design is identified as the key approach because it allows for one website with a layout that adapts to any screen size. The document then covers various aspects of responsive design such as thinking mobile first, information architecture considerations, designing in the browser versus Photoshop, using a fluid or fixed grid, and making design decisions beyond just visual design.

Ajax ppt - 32 slides
Ajax ppt - 32 slidesAjax ppt - 32 slides
Ajax ppt - 32 slides

A presentation on Ajax suitable for college level presentations and seminars.Contains 32 slides - ideal for a 20 - 30 minutes seminar.

Introduction to Responsive Web Design
Introduction to Responsive Web DesignIntroduction to Responsive Web Design
Introduction to Responsive Web Design

A hands-on workshop for DC Web Women on August 14, 2012. Read more about the workshop and a summary of what we talked about on my blog:

web designresponsive web designrwd
Qpid Dispatch Router
•  It	
•  Redundant	
Qpid Dispatch Router
•  Cost-­‐based	
Qpid Dispatch Router
•  Automa>c	
Qpid dispatch router
•  Benefits
•  BeCer	
•  Smart	
•  Ideal	

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Internet of Things (IoT) protocols COAP MQTT OSCON2014
Internet of Things (IoT) protocols  COAP MQTT OSCON2014Internet of Things (IoT) protocols  COAP MQTT OSCON2014
Internet of Things (IoT) protocols COAP MQTT OSCON2014

Introduction to protocols for the Internet of Things. Constrained Environment. Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) and MQTT Protocol.

coap mqtt constrained internet iot oma lwdm
How to make Ajax work for you
How to make Ajax work for youHow to make Ajax work for you
How to make Ajax work for you

The document discusses Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax) and how it can be used to retrieve data from a server without reloading the entire web page. It provides an overview of Ajax fundamentals including the XMLHttpRequest object, DOM manipulation, and different data transport options. It also recommends using a JavaScript library to simplify making Ajax requests instead of writing raw XMLHttpRequest code.

What's the Right Messaging Standard for the IoT?
What's the Right Messaging  Standard for the IoT?What's the Right Messaging  Standard for the IoT?
What's the Right Messaging Standard for the IoT?

Different messaging and data sharing standards, such as AMQP, CoAP, DDS, MQTT, and REST have been proposed as candidate for addressing the data sharing challenges of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Industrial Internet (I2). In technical forums and social media there is no lack of passionate discussions that praise the merits of one standard over the other. Yet, to date, there are little or perhaps no analysis that look at the details of the different standards and perform an in depth, qualitative, analytic and empirical evaluation. This presentation, will (1) introduce the key standards that are being proposed for the Internet of Things and the Industrial Internet, such as AMQP, CoAP, DDS, MQTT and REST, (2) present a qualitative comparison that highlights the different features provided by the various standards, (3) present an analytic comparison looking at the efficiency and scalability of the various protocols and (3) report the results of an empirical evaluation comparing the actual performances of the various standards.

iotindustrial internetiiot
Scalable deployments
•  Combina>on	
•  Brokers	
•  Routers	
•  Allows	
Scalable deployments
•  Smarter	
•  Connec>ons	
•  Des>na>ons	
•  Des>na>on	
•  Smart	
Connection Concentration
•  Challenge:	
Destination Concentration
•  Challenge:	

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IOT is connecting every physical object in the world using wireless technologies to track and control them from every where in the world...Every object is uniquely identified using ip addresses(IPv6)

future technologiesseminars
Rami Sayar - Node microservices with Docker
Rami Sayar - Node microservices with DockerRami Sayar - Node microservices with Docker
Rami Sayar - Node microservices with Docker

The document discusses converting a monolithic Node.js application into microservices and deploying them using Docker. It begins by defining microservices and their benefits. It then describes converting a sample pizza ordering application into independent microservices for handling messages, serving the frontend, and providing an API. Next, it covers patterns for networking microservices, including using an API gateway. It concludes by demonstrating how to deploy the microservices to Docker containers and use an orchestration tool like Kubernetes to manage them.

Hacking apache cloud stack
Hacking apache cloud stackHacking apache cloud stack
Hacking apache cloud stack

The document provides an agenda and overview of a session on hacking Apache CloudStack. The agenda includes introductions, a session on introducing CloudStack, and a hands-on session with DevCloud. The overview discusses what CloudStack is, how it works as an orchestration platform for IAAS clouds, its architecture and core components, and how users can consume and manage resources through it.

apache cloudstack
Destination Sharding
•  Challenge:	
Deployments – Smart Routing
•  Challenge:	
Deployments – Smart Routing
•  IoT	
•  Messaging	
•  We	
•  Protocols	
•  Ac>veMQ	
•  New	

Recommended for you

CloudStack Overview
CloudStack OverviewCloudStack Overview
CloudStack Overview

Session on CloudStack, intended for new users to CloudStack, provides an overview to varied audience levels information on usages, use cases, deployment and its architecture.

Messaging For the Cloud and Microservices
Messaging For the Cloud and MicroservicesMessaging For the Cloud and Microservices
Messaging For the Cloud and Microservices

Utilising messaging in cloud deployments isn't straightforward, particularly if you want to take advantage of auto scaling. This talk covers the general problems of scaling for cloud deployments, and messaging for faster inter-service communication for Microservices

messagingcloud computing
Microservices deck
Microservices deckMicroservices deck
Microservices deck

This document discusses building event-driven, fault-tolerant microservices. It begins by discussing lessons learned from SOA architecture and defining microservices. It emphasizes that microservices need to be reactive and message-driven to achieve loose coupling and fault tolerance. The document then outlines challenges in implementing microservices at scale before proposing a design using Spring Boot, Kafka, Docker, and Elastic Stack. It provides an in-depth look at these components and how they address scalability, isolation, fault tolerance and monitoring of microservices.

•  Slides
•  hCp://hCp://­‐for-­‐iot	
•  Spec:	
•  Libraries	
•  Spec:	
•  Libraries	
•  Ac>veMQ	
•  hCp://ac>	
•  Dispatch	
•  hCp://­‐router/	

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Messaging for IoT

  • 1. Messaging for IoT October 2015 Martyn  Taylor,  Dejan  Bosanac
  • 2. Presenters Martyn  Taylor •  Senior  So4ware  Engineer  at  Red  Hat •  Apache  Ac>veMQ  CommiCer •  Mainly  working  on  Apache  Artemis •  Keen  interest  in  IoT Bosanac  Dejan •  Senior  So4ware  Engineer  at  Red  Hat •  Apache  Ac>veMQ  commiCer  and  PMC  member •  Co-­‐author  of  Ac>veMQ  in  Ac>on
  • 3. Agenda •  IoT  messaging  basics •  Tasks  and  challenges •  PaCerns  and  protocols •  IoT  messaging  brokers •  Apache  Ac>veMQ •  Ac>veMQ  Artemis •  IoT  messaging  scaling •  Ver>cal  and  horizontal •  Qpid  Dispatch  Router •  Scalable  deployments
  • 4. IoT Messaging Basics •  IoT  Topology •  Messaging  tasks •  Messaging  challenges
  • 5. IoT Topology  Big  Data Messaging   Infrastructure Analy>cs Enterprise   Middleware Devices
  • 6. IoT Messaging Infrastructure Task •  Provides  connec>vity  between  devices  and  backend  systems Challenges •  Interoperability •  Deployment  environment •  High  Availability •  Scalability
  • 7. IoT connectivity patterns •  IoT  Communica>on  PaCerns •  Telemetry,  Command  &  Control,  Enquiry,  No>fica>ons •  Protocols  and  Technologies •  JMS •  MQTT •  AMQP
  • 8. Telemetry •  Device  →  Service •  One  way  (push) •  Failures  tolerable •  Lots  of  small  data
  • 9. Command  and  Control •  Service  →  Device •  Two  way  (Req/Resp) •  Less,  more  important  data •  1  →  1  and  1  →  many   •  grouping  
  • 10. Enquiry •  Device  →  Service •  1  →  1 •  Two  way  (Req/Resp)
  • 11. No>fica>on •  Service  →  Device •  One  Way  (push) •  1  →  Many •  Grouping
  • 12. Requirements  on  the  transport •  Communica>on  from/to  devices •  1  →  1 •  Device  Addressing •  1  →  Many •  Group  Addressing •  Push •  Request  →  Response
  • 13. IoT  Networks •  Unreliable •  Handle  network  failures •  Expensive  and  Constrained •  Low  network  overhead
  • 14. IoT  Devices •  Limited  Resources •  Low  processing  overhead •  Large  scale  and  varied •  Inter-­‐operable •  BaCery  powered •  Work  offline
  • 15. IoT  Environment  Challenges •  Interoperable •  Connec>on  Failure  Handling •  Offline •  Low  network  overhead •  Low  Processing  overhead
  • 16. JMS •  Addresses  majority  of  requirements •  1-­‐1,  1-­‐Many,Grouping,Device  address •  Queues,  Topics,  Message  Selectors •  Push •  Req/Resp •  Reply  to  queues •  Inter-­‐operable •  JVM •  Connec>on  failures •  Durable  Messages  and  Various  ACK  Modes
  • 17. JMS •  Inter-­‐operability •  Java  Run>me  only •  Protocol  vs  API •  Vendor  specific •  Rich  feature  set •  Complexity  on  the  client •  Large  footprint •  Vendor  protocols •  High  network  overhead
  • 18. MQTT •  OASIS  standard  (v3.1.1) •  Created  by  IBM •  Light  weight •  Low  network  message •  Simple  protocol •  Pub  /  Sub •  Quality  of  Service •  Connec>on  failures •  Very  popular  in  IoT  scenarios
  • 20. Overheads •  Sending  /  Receiving  messages •  QoS  0  =  8  bytes •  QoS  1  =  min  12  bytes •  QoS  2  =  min  20  bytes •  Clients  have  small  code  foot  print •  Simple  protocol •  Burden  on  the  broker
  • 23. Subscrip>ons •  Topics •  Hierarchical  addresses •  e.g.  building/core/floor/2/office/1 •  Supports  wild  cards •  building/core/floor/# •  building/core/floor/+/toilet/+ •  QoS  per  topic •  Outlives  a  connec>on
  • 24. AMQP  1.0 •  Interna>onal  Standard  (ISO/IEC  ISO  19464) •  Binary  Protocol •  Rich  feature  set: •  conversa>on  mul>plexing •  advanced  flow  control •  Type  system •  QoS  Guarantees •  Symmetrical  message  exchange •  No  Broker  required
  • 25. QoS  Guarantees     Quality  of  Service  guarantees •  At  most  once •  Fire  and  Forget •  At  least  once •  Retry •  Exactly  once •  3  Way  Ack
  • 26. Type  System •  Highly  Interoperable •  Rich  Type  Set •  Primi>ves •  integer,  long •  lists,  maps •  Descrip>ve  types •  Allow  applica>on  defined  types •  Mappings  in  most  languages
  • 27. Symmetrical  Protocol •  Client  -­‐>  Broker •  Broker  less  message •  Client  -­‐>  Client •  Client  -­‐>  Router •  Interes>ng  features •  Smart  rou>ng
  • 28. Flow  control  and  Mul>  Channels •  Limit  producer  and  consumer  flow •  Each  channel  (link)  can  be  controlled  individually •  Limit  telemetry  flow  for  command  messages
  • 29. Protocols  Overview •  Lots  of  IoT  protocol  choices  including  several  not  discussed  here •  The  right  choice  depends  of  the  scenario •  Scenarios  may  combine  protocols CoAP Target  usecase Long-­‐haul  (&   local) Long-­‐haul Local  (&  long-­‐ haul) Long-­‐haul Compactness High Medium Highest Verbose Security SSL SSL DTLS SSL Flow  control No Yes No No Structured   message No Yes No Yes Complexity Medium High Low Lowest
  • 30. IoT Messaging Brokers •  Apache  Ac>veMQ •  Ac>veMQ  Artemis
  • 31. Apache ActiveMQ •  Apache  Ac>veMQ  is  a  high-­‐performance,  scalable  messaging  broker •  Started  as  an  open  source  JMS  broker •  Moved  to  Apache  So4ware  Founda>on  in  2006 •  Now  widely  used  open  source  messaging  system
  • 32. Apache ActiveMQ •  Mul>-­‐Protocol/Mul>-­‐Language  Support •  Invented  Stomp  protocol  in  2006 •  Now  supports  AMQP  1.0,  MQTT  3.1.1,  HTTP,  STOMP  protocols •  Broad  range  of  supported  client  libraries  for  all  kinds  of  device   hardware
  • 33. Apache ActiveMQ •  Benefits •  Feature  rich •  BaCle-­‐tested  in  many  produc>on  environments •  Good  security  support •  Flexible •  Configurable •  Embeddable
  • 34. Apache ActiveMQ •  Limita>ons •  Broker  core  gepng  old •  WriCen  using  synchronous  thread-­‐locking  model •  It  limits  ver>cal  scalability  of  the  broker •  Number  of  threads  raise  with  number  of  connec>ons  and  des>na>ons
  • 35. Ac>veMQ  Artemis •  Mul>  Protocol  Broker •  AMQP,  MQTT,  STOMP,  OpenWire,  Artemis  Core •  JMS  (API) •  Started  as  HornetQ  JBoss  project  in  2009 •  Embedded  WildFly  (JBoss  AS)  JMS  messaging  service •  In  2014  donated  to  Apache  Ac>veMQ •  Sub  project  Ac>veMQ  Artemis. •  Latest  Release  1.1.0
  • 36. Ac>veMQ  Artemis:  Core •  Contains  Broker  Business  logic •  Core  maintains  a  >ght  scope •  Message  Rou>ng •  Persistence •  Protocol  u>lity  API •  HA  and  Scaling •  Highly  Performance •  Protocols  are  plugged  in
  • 38. Apache  Artemis  Summary •  Great  performance  due  to •  Reac>ve  Architecture •  Efficient  Append  only  Journal •  Mul>  -­‐  Protocol  Broker •  AMQP,  MQTT,  STOMP,  CORE,  OpenWire •  JMS •  HA  and  Scalability  built  in
  • 39. Apache  Artemis  Next  Steps •  Take  features  from  Ac>veMQ •  Enhance  OpenWire  support  for  Ac>veMQ  compa>bility •  JDBC  Journal  implementa>on •  More  protocols •  CoAP •  Your  protocol  here….
  • 40. IoT Messaging Scaling •  Ver>cal  and  Horizontal  scaling  of  Brokers •  Qpid  Dispatch  Router •  Scalable  Deployment
  • 41. Broker – Vertical Scaling •  Give  broker  enough  resources •  Reduce  thread  usage •  NIO  transport •  Reac>ve  architecture •  Improve  monitoring  under  stress •  Advisory  messages •  Selec>ve  Mbean  registra>on
  • 42. Broker – Horizontal Scaling •  One  broker  can  only  do  so  much •  Horizontal  scaling  by  using  networks  of  brokers •  Load  balance  connec>ons •  Limita>ons •  All  des>na>ons  on  all  brokers •  Broker  network  is  the  boCleneck
  • 43. Qpid Dispatch Router •  Lightweight  AMQP  1.0  message  router  wriCen  in  C •  hCp://­‐router/   •  Provides  flexible  and  scalable  interconnect  between  AMQP   endpoints
  • 44. Qpid Dispatch Router •  It  is  not  a  broker •  It  never  owns  a  message   •  It  propagates  AMQP  transfer,  seClement  and  disposi>on  frames   between  endpoints •  Message  based  or  link  based  rou>ng Router/device1 /device2
  • 45. Qpid Dispatch Router •  It  can  be  deployed  in  mul>ple  router-­‐broker-­‐endpoint  topology •  Redundant  paths Router Broker Router
  • 46. Qpid Dispatch Router •  Cost-­‐based  route  computa>on Router Broker Router
  • 47. Qpid Dispatch Router •  Automa>c  re-­‐rou>ng  on  failure Router Broker Router
  • 48. Qpid dispatch router •  Benefits •  BeCer  scaling  due  to  more  focused  tasks •  Smart  rou>ng  can  be  used  to  par>>on  the  traffic •  Ideal  candidate  for  gateway  into  the  system
  • 49. Scalable deployments •  Combina>on  of  brokers  and  routers  provides  powerful  tool  box •  Brokers  should  focus  on  storing  messages •  Routers  should  do  the  rest •  Allows  for  horizontal  scaling  topologies  that  can  solve  IoT   challenges
  • 50. Scalable deployments •  Smarter  scaling  techniques  using  routers •  Connec>ons  concentra>on •  Des>na>ons  concentra>on •  Des>na>on  sharding •  Smart  rou>ng
  • 51. Connection Concentration Router Broker •  Challenge:    Reduce  the  number  of  connec>ons  on  the  broker
  • 53. Destination Sharding Router Broker Queue.A Broker Queue.B •  Challenge:    Distribute  des>na>ons  across  brokers
  • 54. Deployments – Smart Routing Router Broker QoS  0 •  Challenge:    Decrease  the  load  of  messages  on  the  broker
  • 55. Deployments – Smart Routing Router Broker QoS  1
  • 56. Summary •  IoT  offers  a  new  set  of  problems  for  communica>on •  Messaging  is  a  good  fit •  We  need  new  tools  and  technologies  to  help •  Protocols  such  as  AMQP  and  MQTT  help  address  some  of  these   problems •  Ac>veMQ  and  Artemis  are  evolving  to  meet  IoT  demands •  New  tools  such  as  Apache  Dispatch  Router  allow  us  to  do  some   novel  things  to  help  scale  to  really  high  numbers
  • 57. Resources •  Slides •  hCp://hCp://­‐for-­‐iot     •  MQTT •  Spec:  hCp://   •  Libraries  and  tutorials:  hCp://   •  AMQP •  Spec:  hCp://   •  Libraries  and  tutorials:  hCp://   •  Ac>veMQ  and  Artemis •  hCp://ac>   •  Dispatch  Router •  hCp://­‐router/