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CamelOne 2013
June 10-11 2013
Boston, MA
Messaging for web and
mobile with Apache
By Bosanac Dejan
CamelOne 2013
Bosanac Dejan?
• Senior Sofware Engineer at RedHat
• Apache ActiveMQ committer and PMC member
• Co-author of ActiveMQ in Action
• Blog –
• Twitter –
CamelOne 2013
• Challenges of web messaging
• REST vs Stomp
• In-browser messaging (Ajax vs Web Sockets)
• Mobile messaging using MQTT
• Striking the balance
CamelOne 2013
Messaging for Web
• Connect from any web application backend
(Ruby, PHP, Python, …)
• Connect directly from the browser (AJAX, Web
• The main requirement is simplicity
CamelOne 2013
What’s wrong with Http?
• Nothing at all!
• Ideal for simple request-reply communication
• Lacks semantics for publish-subscribe and
point-to-point communication
CamelOne 2013
• Pull based protocol
• Easy simple producing
• There’s no concept of consumer or subscription
• There’s no concept of transactions
CamelOne 2013
Pull Consuming
• HTTP techniques
• Long polling
• Comet
• Maintain a state
• Session
• ClientID
CamelOne 2013
Push Consuming
• Web Hooks –
• Provide a callback (HTTP URL) to be called on
• Trigger callback on every message
CamelOne 2013
CamelOne Camel HTTP
<camelContext id="camel" xmlns="”>
<from uri="activemq:topic:events"/>
<to uri=""/>
• HawtIO –
• Missing API for dynamically managing
CamelOne 2013
Stomp – what it is?
• Simple Text Orientated Messaging Protocol
• HTTP for the messaging realm
CamelOne 2013
Stomp – basics
• Very simple, so it’s easy to write clients and
servers in practically any language
• A lot of client APIs in C, Java, Ruby, Pyhton, JS,
• Implemented by ActiveMQ, Apollo, HornetQ,
CamelOne 2013
Stomp - Protocol
• Text based headers,
similar to HTTP
• Can transport binary
• Frame command for
every messaging
concept, like
hello queue a^@
CamelOne 2013
Stomp + ActiveMQ
• Available transports
• NIO implementation for better scalability
• SSL for secure communication
<transportConnector name=”stomp" uri=”stomp://"/>
<transportConnector name=”stomp+nio" uri=”stomp+nio://"/>
<transportConnector name=”stomp+ssl" uri=”stomp+ssl://"/>
<transportConnector name=”stomp+nio+ssl"
CamelOne 2013
Stomp Java Client
• StompJMS -
• APIs:
• Blocking
• Future
• Callback
CamelOne 2013
Stomp stomp = new Stomp("localhost", 61613);
Future<FutureConnection> future = stomp.connectFuture();
FutureConnection connection = future.await();
CamelOne 2013
StompFrame frame = new StompFrame(SEND);
frame.addHeader(DESTINATION, StompFrame.encodeHeader("/queue/test"));
frame.addHeader(MESSAGE_ID, StompFrame.encodeHeader("test"));
frame.content(new Buffer("Important Message".getBytes("UTF-8")));
Future<Void> sendFuture = connection.send(frame);
Important Message
CamelOne 2013
StompFrame disconnect = new StompFrame(DISCONNECT);
Future<Void> disconnectFuture = connection.send(disconnect);
CamelOne 2013
Stomp stomp = new Stomp("localhost", 61613);
Future<FutureConnection> future = stomp.connectFuture();
FutureConnection connection = future.await();
CamelOne 2013
Future<StompFrame> receiveFuture = connection.receive();
StompFrame frame = new StompFrame(SUBSCRIBE);
frame.addHeader(DESTINATION, StompFrame.encodeHeader("/queue/test"));
AsciiBuffer id = connection.nextId();
frame.addHeader(ID, id);
Future<StompFrame> response = connection.request(frame);
CamelOne 2013
StompFrame received = receiveFuture.await();
Important Message
CamelOne 2013
StompFrame unsubscribe = new StompFrame(UNSUBSCRIBE);
unsubscribe.addHeader(ID, id);
Future<Void> unsubscribeFuture = connection.send(unsubscribe);
CamelOne 2013
StompFrame disconnect = new StompFrame(DISCONNECT);
Future<Void> disconnectFuture = connection.send(disconnect);
CamelOne 2013
Advanced Stomp
• Ack modes
• Transactions
• Reliable messaging
• Protocol Negotiations
• Heart-beating
CamelOne 2013
Stomp and ActiveMQ
• Queues and Topics
• Reliable Messaging
• Temporary destinations
• Durable topic subscribers
• Destination wildcards
• Message selectors
CamelOne 2013
Stomp and ActiveMQ
• Message expiration
• Composite destinations
• Priority consumers
• Exclusive consumers
CamelOne 2013
In-browser Messaging
• Use JavaScript to produce and consume
messages directly from the browser
• We need to leverage existing web technologies
like Ajax and Web Sockets
• We need a web server that’s able to
communicate with the broker
CamelOne 2013
• Old-school way
• Comes bundled with ActiveMQ distribution
CamelOne 2013
Ajax – explained
• Requires additional servlet as an intermediary
between broker and clients
• POST to send messages
• Jetty continuations to receive messages
CamelOne 2013
Ajax – Example
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/amq_jquery_adapter.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/amq.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var amq = org.activemq.Amq;
uri: 'amq',
logging: true,
timeout: 20
CamelOne 2013
Ajax – Example
amq.sendMessage(”queue://TEST”, “Important Message!”);
var myHandler =
rcvMessage: function(message)
console.log(“Received message: ” + message);
amq.addListener(“myListener”, “queue://TEST”, myHandler.rcvMessage);
CamelOne 2013
• Evolution over Ajax and Comet
• Defines a “socket” – permanent duplex
connection – between browser and server
• Server and browser can exchange messages
CamelOne 2013
• Fully standardized and part of HTML5 spec
• Protocol – standardized by IETF
• API – standardized by W3C
• Supported by most modern web servers and
CamelOne 2013
WebSocket Example
var connection = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8161");
connection.onopen = function() {
console.log("Connection opened!");
connection.onmessage = function(msg) {
console.log("Received Message: " +;
connection.onerror = function(error) {
console.log("Error occured: " + error);
connection.onclose = function(evt) {
console.log("Connection closed!");
connection.send("Important Message!");
CamelOne 2013
WebSocket + ActiveMQ
• WebSocket is a plain socket – like a raw TCP
• We need a protocol on top of it to use all
concepts of messaging and connect to broker
• WebSocket+Stomp ideal combination!
CamelOne 2013
WebSocket + ActiveMQ
• New ws and wss transports
• wss transport needs SSL context configuration
<transportConnector name="websocket" uri="ws://"/>
<transportConnector name="secure_websocket" uri="wss://"/>
CamelOne 2013
• Client side library stomp-websocket
• Supports Stomp 1.1
• Not a “pure” Stomp as it requires WebSocket
CamelOne 2013
CamelOne stomp-websocket
var client = Stomp.client("ws://localhost:61614");
var connected = false;
client.connect("admin", "admin", function() {
connected = true;
client.subscribe("/queue/test", function(message) {
console.log("Received message " + message);
if (connected) {
client.send("/queue/test", {priority: 9}, "Important Message!");
if (connected) {
CamelOne 2013
Messaging for Mobile
• Different set of requirements
• Low bandwidth network
• Small footprint
• Low power usage
CamelOne 2013
• - MQ Telemetry Transport
• IoT (Internet of Things) protocol
• Efficient binary protocol
• Developed by IBM for embedded devices
CamelOne 2013
MQTT Features
• Low bandwidth
• Smallest frame 2 bytes
• Unreliable networks
• Small footprint
CamelOne 2013
MQTT for mobile
• Efficient battery usage - Power Profiliing: MQTT
on Android -
• Ideal for native mobile applications
• Usecase: Facebook messanger
• Phone-to-phone delivery in milliseconds, rather than
• Without killing battery life
CamelOne 2013
• Publish/subscribe protocol – topics only
• 3 QoS Options:
• At Most Once – message loss might occur
• At Least Once – duplicates might occur
• Exactly Once – guaranteed delivery
CamelOne 2013
MQTT + ActiveMQ
• Available transports
• NIO implementation for better scalability
• SSL for secure communication
<transportConnector name=”mqtt" uri=”mqtt://"/>
<transportConnector name=”mqtt+nio" uri=”mqtt+nio://"/>
<transportConnector name=”mqtt+ssl" uri=”mqtt+ssl://"/>
<transportConnector name=”mqtt+nio+ssl"
CamelOne 2013
MQTT client
• mqtt-client
• APIs:
• Blocking
• Callback
• Future
CamelOne 2013
MQTT Example
MQTT mqtt = new MQTT();
mqtt.setHost("localhost", 1883);
final CallbackConnection connection = mqtt.callbackConnection();
CamelOne 2013
MQTT Example
connection.connect(new Callback<Void>() {
public void onSuccess(Void value) {
"Important Message!".getBytes(),
public void onFailure(Throwable value) {
CamelOne 2013
MQTT Example
final Promise<Buffer> result = new Promise<Buffer>();
connection.listener(new Listener() {
public void onConnected() {}
public void onDisconnected() {}
public void onPublish(UTF8Buffer topic, Buffer body,
Runnable ack) {
public void onFailure(Throwable value) {
});"Received: " + result.await(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES));
CamelOne 2013
MQTT Example
connection.connect(new Callback<Void>() {
public void onSuccess(Void aVoid) {
Topic[] topics = {
new Topic(utf8("test"), QoS.AT_LEAST_ONCE)
connection.subscribe(topics, null);
public void onFailure(Throwable value) {
CamelOne 2013
MQTT Android Example
CamelOne 2013
Striking the Balance
• Lots of possibilities, how to choose right?
• Native mobile apps should consider MQTT
• Do you need live updates in your browser?
• WebSockets ideal for HTML5 apps with limited
number of users that needs instant update
• For everyone else, there's backend messaging
CamelOne 2013
Stomp pitfall
• Short-lived connections
• Every page view, open a new connection to the
• Puts heavy load on the broker
• Eliminates all advance messaging mechanisms
– message prefetches, producer flow control,
CamelOne 2013
Stomp configuration
<policyEntry queue=">" producerFlowControl="false">
<transportConnector name="stomp+nio"
CamelOne 2013
• Messaging is not the thing of the enterprise
• Things want to get integrated
• We have technology to do that TODAY!
CamelOne 2013
• Links
• Stomp -
• MQTT –
• Blog:
• Twitter:

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Messaging for Web and Mobile with Apache ActiveMQ

  • 1. CamelOne 2013 June 10-11 2013 Boston, MA Messaging for web and mobile with Apache ActiveMQ By Bosanac Dejan 1
  • 2. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne 2 Bosanac Dejan? • Senior Sofware Engineer at RedHat • Apache ActiveMQ committer and PMC member • Co-author of ActiveMQ in Action • Blog – • Twitter –
  • 3. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne Agenda • Challenges of web messaging • REST vs Stomp • In-browser messaging (Ajax vs Web Sockets) • Mobile messaging using MQTT • Striking the balance 3
  • 4. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne Messaging for Web • Connect from any web application backend (Ruby, PHP, Python, …) • Connect directly from the browser (AJAX, Web Sockets) • The main requirement is simplicity 4
  • 5. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne What’s wrong with Http? • Nothing at all! • Ideal for simple request-reply communication • Lacks semantics for publish-subscribe and point-to-point communication 5
  • 6. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne Limitations • Pull based protocol • Easy simple producing • There’s no concept of consumer or subscription • There’s no concept of transactions 6
  • 7. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne Pull Consuming • HTTP techniques • Long polling • Comet • Maintain a state • Session • ClientID 7
  • 8. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne Push Consuming • Web Hooks – • Provide a callback (HTTP URL) to be called on event • Trigger callback on every message 8
  • 9. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne Camel HTTP component 9 <camelContext id="camel" xmlns="”> <route> <from uri="activemq:topic:events"/> <to uri=""/> </route> </camelContext> • HawtIO – • Missing API for dynamically managing subscribers
  • 10. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne Stomp – what it is? • • Simple Text Orientated Messaging Protocol • HTTP for the messaging realm 10
  • 11. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne Stomp – basics • Very simple, so it’s easy to write clients and servers in practically any language • A lot of client APIs in C, Java, Ruby, Pyhton, JS, PHP • Implemented by ActiveMQ, Apollo, HornetQ, RabbitMQ 11
  • 12. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne Stomp - Protocol • Text based headers, similar to HTTP • Can transport binary bodies • Frame command for every messaging concept, like CONNECT, MESSAGE, SUBSCRIBE, ACK, etc. 12 MESSAGE subscription:0 message-id:007 destination:/queue/a content-type:text/plain hello queue a^@
  • 13. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne Stomp + ActiveMQ • Available transports • NIO implementation for better scalability • SSL for secure communication 13 <transportConnectors> <transportConnector name=”stomp" uri=”stomp://"/> <transportConnector name=”stomp+nio" uri=”stomp+nio://"/> <transportConnector name=”stomp+ssl" uri=”stomp+ssl://"/> <transportConnector name=”stomp+nio+ssl" uri=”stomp+nio+ssl://"/> </transportConnectors>
  • 14. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne Stomp Java Client • StompJMS - • APIs: • JMS • Blocking • Future • Callback 14
  • 15. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne 15 Stomp stomp = new Stomp("localhost", 61613); Future<FutureConnection> future = stomp.connectFuture(); FutureConnection connection = future.await(); CONNECT host:localhost accept-version:1.1 CONNECTED heart-beat:0,0 session:ID:vidra.local-56933-1369046267671-2:1 server:ActiveMQ/5.9-SNAPSHOT version:1.1
  • 16. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne 16 StompFrame frame = new StompFrame(SEND); frame.addHeader(DESTINATION, StompFrame.encodeHeader("/queue/test")); frame.addHeader(MESSAGE_ID, StompFrame.encodeHeader("test")); frame.content(new Buffer("Important Message".getBytes("UTF-8"))); Future<Void> sendFuture = connection.send(frame); sendFuture.await(); SEND message-id:test destination:/queue/test content-length:17 Important Message
  • 17. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne 17 StompFrame disconnect = new StompFrame(DISCONNECT); Future<Void> disconnectFuture = connection.send(disconnect); disconnectFuture.await(); DISCONNECT
  • 18. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne 18 Stomp stomp = new Stomp("localhost", 61613); Future<FutureConnection> future = stomp.connectFuture(); FutureConnection connection = future.await(); CONNECT host:localhost accept-version:1.1 CONNECTED heart-beat:0,0 session:ID:vidra.local-56933-1369046267671-2:1 server:ActiveMQ/5.9-SNAPSHOT version:1.1
  • 19. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne 19 Future<StompFrame> receiveFuture = connection.receive(); StompFrame frame = new StompFrame(SUBSCRIBE); frame.addHeader(DESTINATION, StompFrame.encodeHeader("/queue/test")); AsciiBuffer id = connection.nextId(); frame.addHeader(ID, id); Future<StompFrame> response = connection.request(frame); response.await(); SUBSCRIBE receipt:2 destination:/queue/test id:1 RECEIPT receipt-id:2
  • 20. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne 20 StompFrame received = receiveFuture.await(); System.out.println(received.content()); MESSAGE message-id:ID:vidra.local-56933-1369046267671-2:1:-1:1:1 destination:/queue/test timestamp:1369046474700 expires:0 subscription:1 content-length:17 priority:4 Important Message
  • 21. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne 21 StompFrame unsubscribe = new StompFrame(UNSUBSCRIBE); unsubscribe.addHeader(ID, id); Future<Void> unsubscribeFuture = connection.send(unsubscribe); unsubscribeFuture.await(); UNSUBSCRIBE id:1
  • 22. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne 22 StompFrame disconnect = new StompFrame(DISCONNECT); Future<Void> disconnectFuture = connection.send(disconnect); disconnectFuture.await(); DISCONNECT
  • 23. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne Advanced Stomp • Ack modes • Transactions • Reliable messaging • Protocol Negotiations • Heart-beating 23
  • 24. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne Stomp and ActiveMQ • Queues and Topics • Reliable Messaging • Temporary destinations • Durable topic subscribers • Destination wildcards • Message selectors 24
  • 25. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne Stomp and ActiveMQ • Message expiration • Composite destinations • Priority consumers • Exclusive consumers 25
  • 26. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne In-browser Messaging • Use JavaScript to produce and consume messages directly from the browser • We need to leverage existing web technologies like Ajax and Web Sockets • We need a web server that’s able to communicate with the broker 26
  • 27. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne Ajax • Old-school way • Comes bundled with ActiveMQ distribution 27
  • 28. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne Ajax – explained • Requires additional servlet as an intermediary between broker and clients • POST to send messages • Jetty continuations to receive messages 28
  • 29. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne Ajax – Example 29 <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/amq_jquery_adapter.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/amq.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var amq = org.activemq.Amq; amq.init({ uri: 'amq', logging: true, timeout: 20 }); </script>
  • 30. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne Ajax – Example 30 amq.sendMessage(”queue://TEST”, “Important Message!”); var myHandler = { rcvMessage: function(message) { console.log(“Received message: ” + message); } }; amq.addListener(“myListener”, “queue://TEST”, myHandler.rcvMessage);
  • 31. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne WebSocket • Evolution over Ajax and Comet • Defines a “socket” – permanent duplex connection – between browser and server • Server and browser can exchange messages 31
  • 32. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne WebSocket • Fully standardized and part of HTML5 spec • Protocol – standardized by IETF • API – standardized by W3C • Supported by most modern web servers and browsers 32
  • 33. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne WebSocket Example 33 var connection = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8161"); connection.onopen = function() { console.log("Connection opened!"); }; connection.onmessage = function(msg) { console.log("Received Message: " +; }; connection.onerror = function(error) { console.log("Error occured: " + error); } connection.onclose = function(evt) { console.log("Connection closed!"); }; connection.send("Important Message!"); connection.close();
  • 34. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne WebSocket + ActiveMQ • WebSocket is a plain socket – like a raw TCP • We need a protocol on top of it to use all concepts of messaging and connect to broker • WebSocket+Stomp ideal combination! 34
  • 35. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne WebSocket + ActiveMQ • New ws and wss transports • wss transport needs SSL context configuration 35 <transportConnectors> <transportConnector name="websocket" uri="ws://"/> <transportConnector name="secure_websocket" uri="wss://"/> </transportConnectors>
  • 36. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne stomp-websocket • Client side library stomp-websocket • • Supports Stomp 1.1 • Not a “pure” Stomp as it requires WebSocket handshake 36
  • 37. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne stomp-websocket Example 37 var client = Stomp.client("ws://localhost:61614"); var connected = false; client.connect("admin", "admin", function() { connected = true; client.subscribe("/queue/test", function(message) { console.log("Received message " + message); } }); if (connected) { client.send("/queue/test", {priority: 9}, "Important Message!"); } if (connected) { client.disconnect(); }
  • 38. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne Messaging for Mobile • Different set of requirements • Low bandwidth network • Small footprint • Low power usage 38
  • 39. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne MQTT • - MQ Telemetry Transport • IoT (Internet of Things) protocol • Efficient binary protocol • Developed by IBM for embedded devices telemetry 39
  • 40. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne MQTT Features • Low bandwidth • Smallest frame 2 bytes • Unreliable networks • Small footprint 40
  • 41. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne MQTT for mobile • Efficient battery usage - Power Profiliing: MQTT on Android - • Ideal for native mobile applications • Usecase: Facebook messanger • Phone-to-phone delivery in milliseconds, rather than seconds • Without killing battery life 41
  • 42. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne MQTT • Publish/subscribe protocol – topics only • 3 QoS Options: • At Most Once – message loss might occur • At Least Once – duplicates might occur • Exactly Once – guaranteed delivery 42
  • 43. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne MQTT + ActiveMQ • Available transports • NIO implementation for better scalability • SSL for secure communication 43 <transportConnectors> <transportConnector name=”mqtt" uri=”mqtt://"/> <transportConnector name=”mqtt+nio" uri=”mqtt+nio://"/> <transportConnector name=”mqtt+ssl" uri=”mqtt+ssl://"/> <transportConnector name=”mqtt+nio+ssl" uri=”mqtt+nio+ssl://"/> </transportConnectors>
  • 44. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne MQTT client • mqtt-client client • APIs: • Blocking • Callback • Future 44
  • 45. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne MQTT Example 45 MQTT mqtt = new MQTT(); mqtt.setHost("localhost", 1883); final CallbackConnection connection = mqtt.callbackConnection();
  • 46. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne MQTT Example 46 connection.connect(new Callback<Void>() { public void onSuccess(Void value) { connection.publish("test", "Important Message!".getBytes(), QoS.AT_LEAST_ONCE, false, null ); } public void onFailure(Throwable value) { connection.disconnect(null); } });
  • 47. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne MQTT Example 47 final Promise<Buffer> result = new Promise<Buffer>(); connection.listener(new Listener() { public void onConnected() {} public void onDisconnected() {} public void onPublish(UTF8Buffer topic, Buffer body, Runnable ack) { result.onSuccess(body);; } public void onFailure(Throwable value) { result.onFailure(value); connection.disconnect(null); } });"Received: " + result.await(5, TimeUnit.MINUTES));
  • 48. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne MQTT Example 48 connection.connect(new Callback<Void>() { public void onSuccess(Void aVoid) { Topic[] topics = { new Topic(utf8("test"), QoS.AT_LEAST_ONCE) }; connection.subscribe(topics, null); } public void onFailure(Throwable value) { connection.disconnect(null); } });
  • 49. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne MQTT Android Example • demo/ 49
  • 50. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne Striking the Balance • Lots of possibilities, how to choose right? • Native mobile apps should consider MQTT • Do you need live updates in your browser? • WebSockets ideal for HTML5 apps with limited number of users that needs instant update • For everyone else, there's backend messaging 50
  • 51. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne Stomp pitfall • Short-lived connections • Every page view, open a new connection to the broker • Puts heavy load on the broker • Eliminates all advance messaging mechanisms – message prefetches, producer flow control, etc. 51
  • 52. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne Stomp configuration 52 <destinationPolicy> <policyMap> <policyEntries> <policyEntry queue=">" producerFlowControl="false"> </policyEntry> </policyEntries> </policyMap> </destinationPolicy> <transportConnectors> <transportConnector name="stomp+nio" uri="stomp+nio://"/> </transportConnectors>
  • 53. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne Conclusion • Messaging is not the thing of the enterprise anymore • Things want to get integrated • We have technology to do that TODAY! 53
  • 54. CamelOne 2013 CamelOne AMA • Links • Stomp - • • MQTT – • • Blog: • Twitter: 54