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Achieving Horizontal scaling
for Enterprise Messaging
using Fabric8
Rob Davies
June 2015
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!2
Rob Davies
•  Director, Engineering xPaaS
•  Technical Director of Fuse
•  Over 20 years experience of
developing large scale solutions for
telcos and finance
•  Creator of ActiveMQ and ServiceMix
•  Committer on open source projects,
including Apache Camel …
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!3
• Introduction to Fabric8
• Enterprise messaging
• Fabric8MQ
• Demo
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!4
•  Open source, ASL 2.0 licensed project, built to provide
the management infrastructure for Microservices
•  Management: console, logging, metrics, API
•  Continuous Delivery - workflow
•  Integration Platform as a Service – Camel route
visualization, API registry, Messaging as a Service, …
•  Tools – Kubernetes/OpenShift build integration,
Kubernetes component test support, CDI extensions

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The document discusses Urban Airship's use of Apache Kafka for processing continuous data streams. It describes how Urban Airship uses Kafka for analytics, operational data, and presence data. Producers write device data to Kafka topics, and consumers create indexes from the data in databases like HBase and write to operational data warehouses. The document also covers Kafka concepts, best use cases, limitations, and examples of data structures for storing device metadata in Kafka streams.

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My talk at ScaleConf 2017 in Cape Town on some tips and tactics for scaling WordPress, with reference to and the container-based VIP Go platform. Video of my talk is here:

RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!5
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RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!6
• Introduction to Fabric8
• Enterprise messaging
• Fabric8MQ
• Demo
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!7
Why use messaging ?
•  Robustness to change
•  Time independence
•  Hide latency
•  Event driven
•  Platform and language
Message in
Message out after
enrichment by Process B
Process C
Process B
Process A
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!8
Enterprise Message brokers
•  Designed to support many different messaging
•  highly available
•  Support clustering
•  Support store and forward
•  But – are usually very static in nature

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This document discusses securing Apache Kafka deployments with Vormetric and Confluent Platform. It begins with an introduction to Apache Kafka and Confluent Platform. It then provides an overview of Vormetric's policy-driven security solution and how it can be used to encrypt Kafka data at rest. The document outlines the typical Confluent Platform deployment architecture and various security considerations, such as authentication, authorization, and data encryption. Finally, it provides steps for implementing secure deployments using SSL, Kerberos, and Vormetric encryption policies.

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This talk is a technical case study showing show Metaversant solved a problem for one of their clients, Noble Research Institute. Researchers at Noble deal with very large files which are often difficult to move into and out of the Alfresco repository.

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RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!9
•  Top Level Apache Software Foundation Project
•  Wildly popular, high performance, reliable message broker
•  Connects to nearly everything
• Native Java, C/C++, .Net,
• AMQP 1.0, MQTT 3.1, STOMP (1.0-1.2) and OpenWire
• STOMP enables Ruby, JS, Perl, Python, PHP, ActionScript
•  Embedded and standalone deployment options
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!10
Message Channels and Routing
•  Message Channels
•  Named communication between interested parties
•  JMS calls them ‘Destinations’
•  Can “tune-in” to multiple channels using wildcards
•  Can fine-tune message consumption with selectors
•  Can route a message based on content
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!11
Message Channels = JMS Destinations
Broker Consumer
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!12
Message Routing: Selectors
Producer Destination
Color = red
Color = blue

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My talk from ScalaDays 2016 in New York on May 11, 2016: Transitioning from a monolithic application to a set of microservices can help increase performance and scalability, but it can also drastically increase complexity. Layers of inter-service network calls for add latency and an increasing risk of failure where previously only local function calls existed. In this talk, I'll speak about how to tame this complexity using Apache Kafka and Reactive Streams to: - Extract non-critical processing from the critical path of your application to reduce request latency - Provide back-pressure to handle both slow and fast producers/consumers - Maintain high availability, high performance, and reliable messaging - Evolve message payloads while maintaining backwards and forwards compatibility.

Fundamentals of Apache Kafka
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RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!13
Message Routing: Destination Wildcards
•  * matches a subject
•  > matches sub-tree
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!14
Message Groups
Message message = session.createTextMessage(“hi JBCNConf”);
message.setStringProperty("JMSXGroupID", ”JavaRocks");
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!15
High Availability clustering:
MasterClient Slave Slave
Only one broker is active (the master) at any one time.
1. send
3. receipt
2. store
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!16
Network of Brokers:
Highly reliable, store and forward
1. send
2. store
5. store
4. Network
6. Network
3. receipt
7. delete
6. Network
7. acknowledge
8. delete

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RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!17
Networks of Brokers: some limitations
•  Performance – messages are always stored by the
broker to disk before forwarding to another broker –
this can increase latency by at least a factor of 10
•  Networks are chatty – routing information is passed
from broker to broker every time a consumer starts or
•  Networks are a bottleneck – networks are
implemented as one TCP/IP connection – this is
natural choke point for high throughput scenarios
•  Messages can be orphaned – If a broker goes down,
locally stored messages won’t get delivered until the
broker is recovered
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!18
Networks of Brokers: Worst bit …
Producer ConsumerBroker1 Broker2
This is
differently to …
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!19
Networks of Brokers: Worst bit …
Producer ConsumerBroker1 Broker2
To this
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!20
ActiveMQ is static:

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This document discusses using Apache Kafka to build a message bus for aggregating activity information from various services and enabling communication between services. It outlines the challenges of needing a way to aggregate activity data and needing a messaging backbone. It then explains how Apache Kafka provides a scalable, durable, distributed solution as a publish-subscribe messaging system to address these needs. Key features of Kafka like speed, scalability, durability and distributed design are highlighted. An example setup and usage with Ruby is also briefly described.

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This document discusses security features in Apache Kafka including SSL, SASL authentication using Kerberos or plaintext, and authorization controls. It provides an overview of how SSL and SASL authentication work in Kafka as well as how the Kafka authorizer controls access at a fine-grained level through ACLs defined on topics, operations, users and hosts. It also briefly mentions securing Zookeeper which stores Kafka metadata and ACLs.

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RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!21
ActiveMQ Key Features
Fast Storage
Embedded Camel
Scaling Connections
A problem
Lots and Lots of
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!22
To Scale A-MQ needs to focus …
Fast Storage
Remove all the
cruft – allow
ActiveMQ to focus
on message
routing …
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!23
Messaging for cloud based deployments
•  Needs to support many thousands of clients
•  Flexible, brokers need to be spun up and down, based
on demand
•  Client connections may need to be multiplexed, to
decrease the load on individual message brokers
•  Popular messaging protocols support
•  Flexible routing needs to be supported
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!24
• Introduction to Fabric8
• Enterprise messaging
• Fabric8MQ
• Demo

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To manage the ever-increasing volume and velocity of data within your company, you have successfully made the transition from single machines and one-off solutions to large distributed stream infrastructures in your data center, powered by Apache Kafka. But what if one data center is not enough? I will describe building resilient data pipelines with Apache Kafka that span multiple data centers and points of presence, and provide an overview of best practices and common patterns while covering key areas such as architecture guidelines, data replication, and mirroring as well as disaster scenarios and failure handling.

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A la rencontre de Kafka, le log distribué par Florian GARCIA
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A la rencontre de Kafka, le log distribué par Florian GARCIA

Kafka c’est un peu la nouvelle star sur la scène des files de messages. Pourtant Kafka ne se présente pas en tant que tel, c’est un log distribué ! Alors qu’est ce que c’est ? Comment ça marche ? Et surtout comment et pourquoi je l’utilise ? Dans cette session, on décortique la bête pour tout vous expliquer ! Au programme : des concepts, des cas d’usage, du streaming et un retour d’expérience !

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This presentation gives an Overview about Kubernetes and OpenShift, their differences and what fabric8 ( adds to the mix

RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!25
Fabric8 MQ is built on Vert.x
•  Lightweight, multi-reactive, application platform
•  Inspired from Erlang/OTP
•  Polygot
•  High performance
•  Asynchronous, non-blocking: – high level of
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!26
Vert.x is just fast …
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!27
Fabric8 MQ Message Flow:
Management Multiplexer
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!28
Fabric8 MQ Protocol Conversion
•  We convert to ActiveMQ OpenWire. This saves
ActiveMQ doing this, allowing it to expend all its
resources to pushing messages in and out of Queues
•  Protocols currently supported:
•  OpenWire
•  Stomp
•  AMQP 1.0

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OpenShift is Red Hat's container application platform that provides a full-stack platform for deploying and managing containerized applications. It is based on Docker and Kubernetes and provides additional capabilities for self-service, automation, multi-language support, and enterprise features like authentication, centralized logging, and integration with Red Hat's JBoss middleware. OpenShift handles building, deploying, and scaling applications in a clustered environment with capabilities for continuous integration/delivery, persistent storage, routing, and monitoring.

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What a beautiful blue planet
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What a beautiful blue planet

The document lists various geographic locations around Europe, Africa, and Asia including the Strait of Gibraltar, Swiss Alps, Iceland, Black Sea, and Red Sea. It expresses admiration for the beauty of the Earth even in darkness, repeating the sentiment multiple times.

RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!29
Camel Routing:
Camel is embedded to allow flexible routing:
MessageMessage Message
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!30
API Management
•  Fabric8 uses APIMan for its API Management – see
•  Utilized within Fabric8 to provide:
•  Central common place for managing all APIs (including
Message Queues)
•  Control and Access policies
•  Rate Limiting
•  Metrics and Billing
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!31
•  ActiveMQ performs better the lower
the number of connections – less
•  IoT applications have long lived
connections, but small amount of
•  All configurable – you can decide
how fine or coarse grained you want
•  Fabric8MQ scales up/down
multiplexers as required
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!32
Destination Sharding: Benefits
•  There is an overhead associated with a
Destination – restrict the number of
Destinations per Broker to improve
•  Co-locate producers and consumers of a
Destination to the same broker reduces latency
and improves overall performance
•  Increased scalability for your messaging
•  This is done automatically by Fabric8 MQ

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This document provides information about RK SWAMY BBDO, an Indian advertising agency that has been ranked in the top 10 in India. It joined the global BBDO network in 1986. The agency aims to help clients achieve their marketing goals through developing solutions and providing support. It provides services such as advertising, creative work, market research, and interactive services. Some of RK SWAMY BBDO's clients include Titan, Air India, Mercedes Benz, and Mars.

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Good prescribing
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Good prescribing

The document provides an overview of the rational treatment process and is intended to guide undergraduate medical students in developing good prescribing skills. It outlines the steps in treating a patient, from defining the problem and specifying the objective to monitoring treatment, using a case example of a taxi driver with a dry cough. The overview presented in this chapter lays the groundwork for more detailed discussion of each step in subsequent chapters.

RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!33
Destination Sharding: Fabric8 MQ Internal Model
•  Discover and track all allocated
•  Fabric8 MQ regularly updates its
internal model by examining
internals of brokers running via
Jolokia allowing multiple
Fabric8-MQ instances to run
(co-operatively scalable)
•  Scales up and down brokers –
moving destinations and clients
between brokers
•  Can dynamically set limits on
number of brokers, and broker
Connections count
Connections count
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!34
Destination Sharding: Internal Rules
•  Fired when state
•  Operates over the
internal Model
•  Rules fired in priority
•  Only one rule fired
per state change
Scale Up
•  Connection limits
exceeded OR
•  Destination Limits
Exceeded AND
•  NO spare capacity
•  At least ONE
broker AND
•  Total load across
all brokers less
than 50%
•  Broker limits are
Exceeded AND
•  Spare capacity
Ask to move clients
and destinations from
most loaded to least
Distribute clients and
destinations off least
loaded and remove
Request a new Broker
Broker Control is
done via
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!35
ActiveMQ hates
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!36
Fabric8MQ has to
1.  Work out which destinations to migrate
2.  Stop dispatching to consumers
3.  Wait until the all in flight messages are acked
4.  Do the migration
5.  Update the internal destination map
6.  Then resume processing

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3. Culture & Competition
3. Culture & Competition3. Culture & Competition
3. Culture & Competition

The document provides guidance on cultural norms and business etiquette when conducting business in China. It lists 11 common faux pas that should be avoided, such as accepting business cards with one hand, eating or drinking before a host, discussing politics or Taiwan's independence, touching in public, and gifting items associated with death like clocks or black items. Conducting oneself respectfully and understanding cultural norms around seniority, meals, and greetings is important for success when working with Chinese business counterparts.

file handling1
file handling1file handling1
file handling1

The document discusses file handling in C programming. It explains that files allow permanent storage of data that can be accessed quickly through library functions. There are two main types of files - sequential and random access. It also describes various functions used to open, read, write, close and manipulate files like fopen(), fread(), fwrite(), fclose() etc. It provides examples of reading from and writing to text and binary files as well as reading and writing structures and integers from files.

RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!37
•  Created by Google from
experience with GCE
•  Lightweight, simple and
accessible orchestration
system for Docker
•  Schedules onto nodes in a
compute cluster and
actively manages
workloads to ensure state
is “correct”
•  Provides easy
management and
Node Node Node
User containers
Scheduled and packed dynamically onto nodes
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!38
Kubernetes Model
•  Pods – collection of one or more
Docker containers – the minimum
deployment unit in Kubernetes
•  Replication Controllers – stored
on Kubernetes Master, they
determine how many replicas of
Pods should be running
•  Service – abstraction that defines a
logical set of pods, and defines a
way of exposing their ports on a
unique IP address
•  Namespaces – Pods, Services,
Replication Controllers, Label
Selector – all exist within a defined
Namespace. This allows for multiple
environments to be supported by
the same compute cloud – or
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!39
Fabric8 MQ Broker Control:
•  Fabric8 MQ controls a
headless Replication
Controller to spin up and
down ActiveMQ Brokers
•  Monitors the state of
running ActiveMQ
brokers via Jolokia – and
fires changes to the
internal rules engine.
•  Communicates with the
Replication Controller to
spin up – or delete Pods
containing ActiveMQ
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!40
Fabric8 MQ – not a message broker – but a
scalable messaging system
Many concurrent
connections, one out
Embedded Camel,
Integration with APIMan
WebSockets – all done
Scaling Connections
NOT a problem

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Encryption techniques are used to securely transmit data over networks. Pseudorandom noise adds statistical randomness to encrypted signals. Data encryption converts plaintext into unreadable ciphertext. Link encryption encrypts data as it is transmitted between network points. A virtual private network (VPN) uses encryption to create a secure connection over public lines like the internet and allow private network extension.

Guia de estudio
Guia de estudioGuia de estudio
Guia de estudio

This document appears to be a study guide in Spanish for an English as a Second Language class. It contains exercises to test students' comprehension of basic English conversations and vocabulary related to community services. The exercises include choosing the correct response to complete a sample conversation about buying a DVD, identifying different types of community services from images, and matching community locations to their uses. The study guide provides context for learning English terms in a real-world setting.

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Thermal Management And Sd0802 C Presentation

The document discusses 3D chip stacking technologies and the advantages of using thermally conductive adhesives for applications such as smartphones. It notes that wire bonding has limitations and that flip chip cannot be used for chip stacking. 3D stacking with thermal interconnects is presented as an inevitable future technology for miniaturization and performance gains. Specific adhesives produced by MicroCoat Technologies are highlighted for their high thermal conductivity and suitability for applications requiring heat dissipation.

3d stacked die
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!41
Fabric8 MQ Independently scalable:
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!42
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!43
What I’m gonna try and attempt to do ...
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!44
Destination Sharding: Internal Rules
Limits are set low:
5 Destinations per
Scale Up
•  Connection limits
exceeded OR
•  Destination Limits
Exceeded AND
•  NO spare capacity
•  At least ONE
broker AND
•  Total load across
all brokers less
than 50%
•  Broker limits are
Exceeded AND
•  Spare capacity
Ask to move clients
and destinations from
most loaded to least
Distribute clients and
destinations off least
loaded and remove
Request a new Broker
Broker Control is
done via

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A Glass Of Milk ( in English & Chinese )
A Glass Of Milk ( in English & Chinese )A Glass Of Milk ( in English & Chinese )
A Glass Of Milk ( in English & Chinese )

A Power Point Presentation of a motivational and inspirational story. Done by Bro. Oh Teik Bin, Lower Perak Buddhist association, Teluk Intan, Malaysia. Chinese Translation by Bro. Lau Bain Sin & Bro. Teh Kee Keang

by sft
Bogovete na promqnata
Bogovete na promqnataBogovete na promqnata
Bogovete na promqnata
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!45
Client code
final String host =
final String portStr =
Kubernetes injects
services as Environment
RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!46

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  • 1. Achieving Horizontal scaling for Enterprise Messaging using Fabric8 Rob Davies June 2015
  • 2. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!2 Rob Davies •  Director, Engineering xPaaS •  Technical Director of Fuse Engineering •  Over 20 years experience of developing large scale solutions for telcos and finance •  Creator of ActiveMQ and ServiceMix •  Committer on open source projects, including Apache Camel …
  • 3. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!3 Agenda • Introduction to Fabric8 • Enterprise messaging • Fabric8MQ • Demo
  • 4. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!4 Fabric8 •  Open source, ASL 2.0 licensed project, built to provide the management infrastructure for Microservices deployments •  Management: console, logging, metrics, API Management •  Continuous Delivery - workflow •  Integration Platform as a Service – Camel route visualization, API registry, Messaging as a Service, … •  Tools – Kubernetes/OpenShift build integration, Kubernetes component test support, CDI extensions
  • 5. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!5 Fabric8: GCE AWS CoreOS Mesos vSphere Fedora VagrantAzure Kubernetes Centralized Logging Metrics Deep Application Management API Registry API Man Fabric8MQCamel Fabric8 Java tools socialSonaQubeGogsJenkins Nexus
  • 6. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!6 Agenda • Introduction to Fabric8 • Enterprise messaging • Fabric8MQ • Demo
  • 7. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!7 Why use messaging ? •  Robustness to change •  Time independence •  Hide latency •  Event driven •  Platform and language independence Broker Message in Message out after enrichment by Process B Process C Process B Process A Queue:Foo Queue:Bar
  • 8. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!8 Enterprise Message brokers •  Designed to support many different messaging patterns •  highly available •  Support clustering •  Support store and forward •  But – are usually very static in nature
  • 9. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!9 •  Top Level Apache Software Foundation Project •  Wildly popular, high performance, reliable message broker •  Connects to nearly everything • Native Java, C/C++, .Net, • AMQP 1.0, MQTT 3.1, STOMP (1.0-1.2) and OpenWire • STOMP enables Ruby, JS, Perl, Python, PHP, ActionScript … •  Embedded and standalone deployment options
  • 10. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!10 Message Channels and Routing •  Message Channels •  Named communication between interested parties •  JMS calls them ‘Destinations’ •  Can “tune-in” to multiple channels using wildcards •  Can fine-tune message consumption with selectors •  Can route a message based on content
  • 11. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!11 Message Channels = JMS Destinations Broker Consumer Consumer Destination WIDGET Destination ORDER Producer Consumer
  • 12. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!12 Message Routing: Selectors Producer Destination Consumer Color = red Consumer Color = blue
  • 13. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!13 Message Routing: Destination Wildcards •  * matches a subject •  > matches sub-tree Topic: BAR.BEER.WHITE Topic: BAR.WINE.WHITE Producer Consumer Topic:BAR.WINE.WHITE Consumer Topic:BAR.BEER.WHITE Consumer Topic:BAR.*.WHITE Consumer Topic:BAR.>
  • 14. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!14 Message Groups Producer Consumer Consumer Consumer Queue:Prices Message message = session.createTextMessage(“hi JBCNConf”); message.setStringProperty("JMSXGroupID", ”JavaRocks"); producer.send(message);
  • 15. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!15 High Availability clustering: MasterClient Slave Slave Only one broker is active (the master) at any one time. 1. send 3. receipt 2. store
  • 16. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!16 Network of Brokers: Producer Highly reliable, store and forward Consumer 1. send Broker1 2. store Broker2 5. store 4. Network send 6. Network receipt 3. receipt 7. delete 6. Network send 7. acknowledge 8. delete
  • 17. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!17 Networks of Brokers: some limitations •  Performance – messages are always stored by the broker to disk before forwarding to another broker – this can increase latency by at least a factor of 10 •  Networks are chatty – routing information is passed from broker to broker every time a consumer starts or stops •  Networks are a bottleneck – networks are implemented as one TCP/IP connection – this is natural choke point for high throughput scenarios •  Messages can be orphaned – If a broker goes down, locally stored messages won’t get delivered until the broker is recovered
  • 18. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!18 Networks of Brokers: Worst bit … Producer ConsumerBroker1 Broker2 This is configured differently to …
  • 19. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!19 Networks of Brokers: Worst bit … Producer ConsumerBroker1 Broker2 To this Broker3
  • 20. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!20 ActiveMQ is static:
  • 21. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!21 ActiveMQ Key Features Fast Storage Connections A-MQ Embedded Camel OpenWire, STOMP MQTT AMQP WebSockets Scaling Connections A problem KahaDB/LevelDB Lots and Lots of these
  • 22. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!22 To Scale A-MQ needs to focus … Fast Storage A-MQ Remove all the cruft – allow ActiveMQ to focus on message routing …
  • 23. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!23 Messaging for cloud based deployments •  Needs to support many thousands of clients •  Flexible, brokers need to be spun up and down, based on demand •  Client connections may need to be multiplexed, to decrease the load on individual message brokers •  Popular messaging protocols support •  Flexible routing needs to be supported
  • 24. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!24 Agenda • Introduction to Fabric8 • Enterprise messaging • Fabric8MQ • Demo
  • 25. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!25 Fabric8 MQ is built on Vert.x •  Lightweight, multi-reactive, application platform •  Inspired from Erlang/OTP •  Polygot •  High performance •  Asynchronous, non-blocking: – high level of concurrency
  • 26. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!26 Vert.x is just fast …
  • 27. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!27 Fabric8 MQ Message Flow: Protocol Conversion Camel Routing API Management Multiplexer Destination Sharding Broker Control
  • 28. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!28 Fabric8 MQ Protocol Conversion •  We convert to ActiveMQ OpenWire. This saves ActiveMQ doing this, allowing it to expend all its resources to pushing messages in and out of Queues •  Protocols currently supported: •  OpenWire •  Stomp •  MQTT •  AMQP 1.0
  • 29. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!29 Camel Routing: Camel is embedded to allow flexible routing: Topic:Foo MessageMessage Message Queue:Foo Channel
  • 30. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!30 API Management •  Fabric8 uses APIMan for its API Management – see •  Utilized within Fabric8 to provide: •  Central common place for managing all APIs (including Message Queues) •  Control and Access policies •  Rate Limiting •  Metrics and Billing
  • 31. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!31 Multiplexing •  ActiveMQ performs better the lower the number of connections – less contention •  IoT applications have long lived connections, but small amount of traffic •  All configurable – you can decide how fine or coarse grained you want multiplexing •  Fabric8MQ scales up/down multiplexers as required
  • 32. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!32 Destination Sharding: Benefits •  There is an overhead associated with a Destination – restrict the number of Destinations per Broker to improve performance •  Co-locate producers and consumers of a Destination to the same broker reduces latency and improves overall performance •  Increased scalability for your messaging solution •  This is done automatically by Fabric8 MQ
  • 33. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!33 Destination Sharding: Fabric8 MQ Internal Model •  Discover and track all allocated brokers •  Fabric8 MQ regularly updates its internal model by examining internals of brokers running via Jolokia allowing multiple Fabric8-MQ instances to run (co-operatively scalable) •  Scales up and down brokers – moving destinations and clients between brokers •  Can dynamically set limits on number of brokers, and broker limits Broker1 Connections count Depth Consumers Producers Queue://foo.1 Depth Consumers Producers Queue://foo.2 Depth Consumers Producers Queue://foo.3 Broker2 Connections count Depth Consumers Producers Queue://bar.1 Depth Consumers Producers Queue://bar.2 Depth Consumers Producers Queue://bar.3
  • 34. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!34 Destination Sharding: Internal Rules •  Fired when state changes •  Operates over the internal Model •  Rules fired in priority order •  Only one rule fired per state change Scale Up •  Connection limits exceeded OR •  Destination Limits Exceeded AND •  NO spare capacity Broker Control Scale Down •  At least ONE broker AND •  Total load across all brokers less than 50% Distribute Load •  Broker limits are Exceeded AND •  Spare capacity Ask to move clients and destinations from most loaded to least loaded Distribute clients and destinations off least loaded and remove broker Request a new Broker Broker Control is done via Kubernetes
  • 35. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!35 ActiveMQ hates unexpected Acks…
  • 36. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!36 Fabric8MQ has to 1.  Work out which destinations to migrate 2.  Stop dispatching to consumers 3.  Wait until the all in flight messages are acked 4.  Do the migration 5.  Update the internal destination map 6.  Then resume processing
  • 37. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!37 Kubernetes •  Created by Google from experience with GCE •  Lightweight, simple and accessible orchestration system for Docker containers •  Schedules onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure state is “correct” •  Provides easy management and Discovery Kubernetes Master Node Node Node User containers Scheduled and packed dynamically onto nodes
  • 38. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!38 Kubernetes Model •  Pods – collection of one or more Docker containers – the minimum deployment unit in Kubernetes •  Replication Controllers – stored on Kubernetes Master, they determine how many replicas of Pods should be running •  Service – abstraction that defines a logical set of pods, and defines a way of exposing their ports on a unique IP address •  Namespaces – Pods, Services, Replication Controllers, Label Selector – all exist within a defined Namespace. This allows for multiple environments to be supported by the same compute cloud – or multitenancy Kubernetes Master Node Container PodContainer Pod Node Container PodContainer Pod Replication Controller Fabric8-MQ-Service
  • 39. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!39 Fabric8 MQ Broker Control: •  Fabric8 MQ controls a headless Replication Controller to spin up and down ActiveMQ Brokers •  Monitors the state of running ActiveMQ brokers via Jolokia – and fires changes to the internal rules engine. •  Communicates with the Replication Controller to spin up – or delete Pods containing ActiveMQ Brokers Node Pod ActiveMQ Broker AMQ Replication Controller Node Pod ActiveMQ Broker Node Pod ActiveMQ Broker
  • 40. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!40 Fabric8 MQ – not a message broker – but a scalable messaging system Many concurrent connections, one out Connections Vert.x Core Embedded Camel, Integration with APIMan OpenWire, STOMP MQTT AMQP WebSockets – all done asynchronously Scaling Connections NOT a problem Destination Sharding
  • 41. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!41 Fabric8 MQ Independently scalable: Node Pod ActiveMQ Broker AMQ Replication Controller Node Pod ActiveMQ Broker Node Pod ActiveMQ Broker Fabric8MQ Replication Controller Vert.x Vert.x Vert.x Multiplexer Multiplexer Multiplexer Fabric8MQ Vert.x Vert.x Vert.x Multiplexer Multiplexer Multiplexer Fabric8MQ Vert.x Vert.x Vert.x Multiplexer Multiplexer Multiplexer Fabric8MQ
  • 42. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!42
  • 43. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!43 What I’m gonna try and attempt to do ... Fabric8MQ MQTT Device MQTT DeviceMQTT DeviceMQTT Device MQTT DeviceMQTT Device MQTT DeviceMQTT DeviceMQTT Device
  • 44. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!44 Destination Sharding: Internal Rules Limits are set low: 5 Destinations per Broker Scale Up •  Connection limits exceeded OR •  Destination Limits Exceeded AND •  NO spare capacity Broker Control Scale Down •  At least ONE broker AND •  Total load across all brokers less than 50% Distribute Load •  Broker limits are Exceeded AND •  Spare capacity Ask to move clients and destinations from most loaded to least loaded Distribute clients and destinations off least loaded and remove broker Request a new Broker Broker Control is done via Kubernetes
  • 45. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!45 Client code final String host = System.getenv("FABRIC8MQ_SERVICE_HOST"); final String portStr = System.getenv("FABRIC8MQ_SERVICE_PORT"); Kubernetes injects services as Environment variables
  • 46. RED HAT | Fabric8 Rocks!46 Questions and Discussion