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A Computer SecurityA Computer Security
Incident Response Team’sIncident Response Team’s
Support SystemSupport System
Meletis A. Belsis, Anthony N. Godwin, Leon SmalovMeletis A. Belsis, Anthony N. Godwin, Leon Smalov
Coventry University, 2002Coventry University, 2002
Computer Crime and CSIRTsComputer Crime and CSIRTs
 Today computer crime is on the rise. Adversaries attackToday computer crime is on the rise. Adversaries attack
corporate systems daily.corporate systems daily.
 To provide adequate security support, Computer SecurityTo provide adequate security support, Computer Security
Incident Response Teams (CSIRT) have been assembled.Incident Response Teams (CSIRT) have been assembled.
 Their job is to gather and organize information coming fromTheir job is to gather and organize information coming from
security incidents.
 Along with that CSIRTs provide security advice and help toAlong with that CSIRTs provide security advice and help to
identify the perpetrators.identify the perpetrators.
 The Security Incident information is used to statistically analyzeThe Security Incident information is used to statistically analyze
computer crime, to assist enterprises in protecting themselvescomputer crime, to assist enterprises in protecting themselves
against knownagainst known security holessecurity holes and for educational purposes.and for educational purposes.
 Currently there are a number of CSIRT teams. Examples of suchCurrently there are a number of CSIRT teams. Examples of such
include CERT/CC, CIAC and also theinclude CERT/CC, CIAC and also the CERIAS LaboratoryCERIAS Laboratory..
 Each one of these is using their own techniques, tools, policiesEach one of these is using their own techniques, tools, policies
and provide a number of different functions to its registeredand provide a number of different functions to its registered
 Currently large scale enterprises try to develop their own internalCurrently large scale enterprises try to develop their own internal
CSIRT to handle incidents that take place within the corporateCSIRT to handle incidents that take place within the corporate
IT infrastructures.IT infrastructures.
 Building a CSIRT includes providing solution to a number ofBuilding a CSIRT includes providing solution to a number of
managerial and technical problems. Two of the technicalmanagerial and technical problems. Two of the technical
problems are:problems are:
 the type and structure of data that need to storedthe type and structure of data that need to stored
 the way this data is going to be gathered and accessedthe way this data is going to be gathered and accessed
Current Incident Data StructuresCurrent Incident Data Structures
 Every CSIRT is using their own data structures to store details ofEvery CSIRT is using their own data structures to store details of
the security breaches that have taken place.the security breaches that have taken place.
 Generally these are concentrated in storing technical details thatGenerally these are concentrated in storing technical details that
an incident includes. The technical details of an attack are usefulan incident includes. The technical details of an attack are useful
to the technical expertise but are far from useful to corporateto the technical expertise but are far from useful to corporate
 The last few years new trends in hacking has sought forThe last few years new trends in hacking has sought for
collaboration between the CSIRTs.collaboration between the CSIRTs.
 CSIRTs from around the world need to collaborate and compareCSIRTs from around the world need to collaborate and compare
their information in order to trace attacks that take place in atheir information in order to trace attacks that take place in a
number of system simultaneously.number of system simultaneously.

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Building CSIRT and its competency
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Building CSIRT and its competency

The document discusses the skills and competencies needed for an effective cyber security incident response team. It outlines both personal skills like communication, problem solving, and stress management as well as technical skills in areas like security principles, network protocols, intrusion analysis, and incident handling. The document also maps out certifications from various organizations that correspond to different career levels and security specializations, from basic security knowledge and foundation skills to more advanced intrusion analysis, penetration testing, and risk management roles. Effectively building a skilled incident response team requires considering both personal competencies and technical qualifications.

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Meet Me in the Middle: Threat Indications and Warning in Principle and Practice
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Meet Me in the Middle: Threat Indications and Warning in Principle and Practice

From #CTISUMMIT. More info here: Video here: Discussions on threat intelligence often get bogged down between “machine speed” ingestion of atomic indicators and in-depth analysis of activity taking weeks (or months) to produce. Left in the cold in such debates is a very important but seldom considered middle ground: time-sensitive and incomplete but enriched threat intelligence. In the U.S. Navy and similar services, this is referred to as threat “indications and warning” (I&W) – a step beyond a simple observable refined to ensure accuracy and timely receipt. The goal of I&W is to get actionable, important information to those in need of it most as quickly, efficiently, and accurately as possible, even if as a result some context or other insights are lost. As a result of this activity, consumers are better armed and equipped to deal with and counter threats as they emerge, rather than either reacting to items with no context whatsoever or only reading about their challenges weeks after the fact in a complete intelligence report. This discussion explores the concept of threat I&W within the context of network security generally and threat intelligence specifically to identify this topic as a shamefully ignored middle ground between extremes. The presentation explores the conceptual background behind this idea, then transition to real-life examples of I&W drawn from the speaker’s past activity in threat intelligence, incident response, and military operations.

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Shawn Riley presented on the science of security and cyber intelligence analysis. He discussed analyzing the cyber attack lifecycle using the cyber ecosystem model, which views cybersecurity as an interacting system of people, processes, and technology. Riley's threat intelligence method uses the OODA loop to observe attacks, orient on threat actors, decide on indicators, and act by disseminating intelligence reports. His active defense method applies the PDCA cycle to plan defenses based on intelligence, implement countermeasures, check their effectiveness, and provide feedback to improve security over time.

sosactive defensecybersecurity
Current Incident Data StructuresCurrent Incident Data Structures
 Based on the current incident data structures automaticBased on the current incident data structures automatic
collaboration is impossible.collaboration is impossible.
 This collaboration is currently taking place using telephones orThis collaboration is currently taking place using telephones or
emails which is a slow process.emails which is a slow process.
 A couple of solutions that proposed a common structure are stillA couple of solutions that proposed a common structure are still
in a research a research stage.
 Examples of such are theExamples of such are the European proposal, ProjectEuropean proposal, Project S2003S2003 andand
thethe Incident Object Description and Exchange FormatIncident Object Description and Exchange Format
 The authors of this paper have presented their own views in aThe authors of this paper have presented their own views in a
paper presented at the IFIP/Sec 2002 conference in Cairo.paper presented at the IFIP/Sec 2002 conference in Cairo.
Reporting Security IncidentsReporting Security Incidents
 The way that incident are reported and accessed isThe way that incident are reported and accessed is
 Current CSIRTs use off line mediums or the WEB toCurrent CSIRTs use off line mediums or the WEB to
allow for new incidents to be stored and/or to allowallow for new incidents to be stored and/or to allow
individuals to access this data.individuals to access this data.
 The off line mediums are quite insufficient and makeThe off line mediums are quite insufficient and make
the technical experts uncomfortable.the technical experts uncomfortable.
 Managing the security of the incident dataManaging the security of the incident data
(Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA)) when(Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA)) when
accessed with the previous method is difficultaccessed with the previous method is difficult
Limitations of the WEBLimitations of the WEB
 The WEB is insecure. CSIRT can provide only a fraction of theThe WEB is insecure. CSIRT can provide only a fraction of the
actual information stored for every incident.actual information stored for every incident.
 The queries used to search the DB are predetermined. There isThe queries used to search the DB are predetermined. There is
no spaceno space for smart queries (i.e. Show all incidents that had as targetfor smart queries (i.e. Show all incidents that had as target
an Apache Server).an Apache Server).
 Users depending on their role need to see different types ofUsers depending on their role need to see different types of
incident data. E.g. Security experts need to know the protocolsincident data. E.g. Security experts need to know the protocols
that were used to attack a system. Managers need to know thethat were used to attack a system. Managers need to know the
time it took to recuperate from the attack.time it took to recuperate from the attack.
 Current interfaces do not allow the development of data views.Current interfaces do not allow the development of data views.
The CORBA approachThe CORBA approach
 CORBA has widelyCORBA has widely
proposed and used toproposed and used to
access databases.access databases.
 CORBA allows accessCORBA allows access
from both standalonefrom both standalone
applications and webapplications and web
based ones.based ones.
 CORBA provides aCORBA provides a
number of securitynumber of security
objects that are adequateobjects that are adequate
to fulfill the CIA fulfill the CIA Model.
Client Object Server Object
Object Request Broker (ORB)
Interface (DII)
Interface Definition
Language (IDL)
Object Adapter (OA)
IDL Skeleton
Naming, Persistence, Security e.t.c.
Interface, Health Care, Financial
Operation + Arguments
Operation Result +

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The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has changed the way human think and live. COVID-19 has forced people to embrace new practices such as social distancing and remote working.

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Our proposalOur proposal
 The new system allows access to the incident DB from both aThe new system allows access to the incident DB from both a
Web based interface and a standalone application.Web based interface and a standalone application.
 Using this we can connect the main security managementUsing this we can connect the main security management
console that companies have, to a security incident DB anywhereconsole that companies have, to a security incident DB anywhere
in the the world.
 The registration of incidents could be carried out usingThe registration of incidents could be carried out using
automated processes by the security software that detects them.automated processes by the security software that detects them.
 In addition to this security experts can use the managementIn addition to this security experts can use the management
console to access their company’s private security incidentconsole to access their company’s private security incident
records and perform statistical analysis.records and perform statistical analysis.
Our ProposalOur Proposal
 A Natural Language InterfaceA Natural Language Interface
to DB (NLIDB) is DB (NLIDB) is used.
 This allows to create realThis allows to create real
time complex queries usingtime complex queries using
plain English statements.plain English statements.
 This allows inexperienceThis allows inexperience
users to perform dynamicusers to perform dynamic
searches to the DB.searches to the DB.
 The NLIDB formats theThe NLIDB formats the
results depending on the userresults depending on the user
that is currently logged in. Sothat is currently logged in. So
we do not overflow managerswe do not overflow managers
with technical information orwith technical information or
technical experts withtechnical experts with
management informationmanagement information
Our ProposalOur Proposal
 Using CORBA securityUsing CORBA security
services we can protectservices we can protect
incident data much moreincident data much more
efficiently (i.e. createefficiently (i.e. create
better authentication).better authentication).
 CSIRT can provide newCSIRT can provide new
services on on demand.
Our ProposalOur Proposal
 By using CORBABy using CORBA
CSIRTs can interoperateCSIRTs can interoperate
more efficiently.more efficiently.
 CSIRTs can exchangeCSIRTs can exchange
incident informationincident information
much easier.much easier.
 The system can beThe system can be
programmed to automateprogrammed to automate
exchanges ofexchanges of
information wheninformation when

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This research examines the issue of supply and demand for cybersecurity professionals to determine how to optimize the output of cybersecurity professionals through a supply chain. It was found that progress is impeded by the lack of a clearly defined and standardized definition of a cybersecurity worker and their associated knowledge, skills, and abilities. There is a known shortage of cybersecurity professionals that is affecting the ability of the United States to fulfil the mandate of President Obama who declared that the protection of our digital infrastructure is a national security priority. The problem with this declaration is that a literature review confirms there is no standard definition of a cybersecurity worker, associated skills, or educational requirements. The cybersecurity workforce to which we speak in this report consists of those who self-identify as cyber or security specialists as well as those who build and maintain the nation’s critical infrastructure. Considering the criticality of the national infrastructure, it is time for the US to take immediate steps to coordinate the development of the cybersecurity field and its associated workforce supply chain.

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 CSIRTs is one of the best weapons against computer crime.CSIRTs is one of the best weapons against computer crime.
 Providing more efficient ways to access incident DBs will allowProviding more efficient ways to access incident DBs will allow
to cut the incident response times to a minimum. This can beto cut the incident response times to a minimum. This can be
translated into millions of pounds worth of savings.translated into millions of pounds worth of savings.
 Interconnecting CSIRTs will create better statistical data,Interconnecting CSIRTs will create better statistical data,
identifying new trends of hacking, and this information will alsoidentifying new trends of hacking, and this information will also
be used by the authorities for arresting the used by the authorities for arresting the criminals.
 Future plans of this system will be to automate updates ofFuture plans of this system will be to automate updates of
security breaches into security tools like intrusion detectionsecurity breaches into security tools like intrusion detection
systems and firewalls that registered enterprises and firewalls that registered enterprises have.
In Correspondence:In Correspondence:
Belsis A. MeletisBelsis A. Meletis
DKERG, Coventry University,DKERG, Coventry University,

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Meletis Belsis -CSIRTs

  • 1. A Computer SecurityA Computer Security Incident Response Team’sIncident Response Team’s Support SystemSupport System Meletis A. Belsis, Anthony N. Godwin, Leon SmalovMeletis A. Belsis, Anthony N. Godwin, Leon Smalov Coventry University, 2002Coventry University, 2002
  • 2. Computer Crime and CSIRTsComputer Crime and CSIRTs  Today computer crime is on the rise. Adversaries attackToday computer crime is on the rise. Adversaries attack corporate systems daily.corporate systems daily.  To provide adequate security support, Computer SecurityTo provide adequate security support, Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRT) have been assembled.Incident Response Teams (CSIRT) have been assembled.  Their job is to gather and organize information coming fromTheir job is to gather and organize information coming from security incidents.  Along with that CSIRTs provide security advice and help toAlong with that CSIRTs provide security advice and help to identify the perpetrators.identify the perpetrators.  The Security Incident information is used to statistically analyzeThe Security Incident information is used to statistically analyze computer crime, to assist enterprises in protecting themselvescomputer crime, to assist enterprises in protecting themselves against knownagainst known security holessecurity holes and for educational purposes.and for educational purposes.
  • 3. CSIRTsCSIRTs  Currently there are a number of CSIRT teams. Examples of suchCurrently there are a number of CSIRT teams. Examples of such include CERT/CC, CIAC and also theinclude CERT/CC, CIAC and also the CERIAS LaboratoryCERIAS Laboratory..  Each one of these is using their own techniques, tools, policiesEach one of these is using their own techniques, tools, policies and provide a number of different functions to its registeredand provide a number of different functions to its registered users.users.  Currently large scale enterprises try to develop their own internalCurrently large scale enterprises try to develop their own internal CSIRT to handle incidents that take place within the corporateCSIRT to handle incidents that take place within the corporate IT infrastructures.IT infrastructures.  Building a CSIRT includes providing solution to a number ofBuilding a CSIRT includes providing solution to a number of managerial and technical problems. Two of the technicalmanagerial and technical problems. Two of the technical problems are:problems are:  the type and structure of data that need to storedthe type and structure of data that need to stored  the way this data is going to be gathered and accessedthe way this data is going to be gathered and accessed
  • 4. Current Incident Data StructuresCurrent Incident Data Structures  Every CSIRT is using their own data structures to store details ofEvery CSIRT is using their own data structures to store details of the security breaches that have taken place.the security breaches that have taken place.  Generally these are concentrated in storing technical details thatGenerally these are concentrated in storing technical details that an incident includes. The technical details of an attack are usefulan incident includes. The technical details of an attack are useful to the technical expertise but are far from useful to corporateto the technical expertise but are far from useful to corporate managers.managers.  The last few years new trends in hacking has sought forThe last few years new trends in hacking has sought for collaboration between the CSIRTs.collaboration between the CSIRTs.  CSIRTs from around the world need to collaborate and compareCSIRTs from around the world need to collaborate and compare their information in order to trace attacks that take place in atheir information in order to trace attacks that take place in a number of system simultaneously.number of system simultaneously.
  • 5. Current Incident Data StructuresCurrent Incident Data Structures  Based on the current incident data structures automaticBased on the current incident data structures automatic collaboration is impossible.collaboration is impossible.  This collaboration is currently taking place using telephones orThis collaboration is currently taking place using telephones or emails which is a slow process.emails which is a slow process.  A couple of solutions that proposed a common structure are stillA couple of solutions that proposed a common structure are still in a research a research stage.  Examples of such are theExamples of such are the European proposal, ProjectEuropean proposal, Project S2003S2003 andand thethe Incident Object Description and Exchange FormatIncident Object Description and Exchange Format (IODEF(IODEF).).  The authors of this paper have presented their own views in aThe authors of this paper have presented their own views in a paper presented at the IFIP/Sec 2002 conference in Cairo.paper presented at the IFIP/Sec 2002 conference in Cairo.
  • 6. Reporting Security IncidentsReporting Security Incidents  The way that incident are reported and accessed isThe way that incident are reported and accessed is essential.essential.  Current CSIRTs use off line mediums or the WEB toCurrent CSIRTs use off line mediums or the WEB to allow for new incidents to be stored and/or to allowallow for new incidents to be stored and/or to allow individuals to access this data.individuals to access this data.  The off line mediums are quite insufficient and makeThe off line mediums are quite insufficient and make the technical experts uncomfortable.the technical experts uncomfortable.  Managing the security of the incident dataManaging the security of the incident data (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA)) when(Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA)) when accessed with the previous method is difficultaccessed with the previous method is difficult
  • 7. Limitations of the WEBLimitations of the WEB  The WEB is insecure. CSIRT can provide only a fraction of theThe WEB is insecure. CSIRT can provide only a fraction of the actual information stored for every incident.actual information stored for every incident.  The queries used to search the DB are predetermined. There isThe queries used to search the DB are predetermined. There is no spaceno space for smart queries (i.e. Show all incidents that had as targetfor smart queries (i.e. Show all incidents that had as target an Apache Server).an Apache Server).  Users depending on their role need to see different types ofUsers depending on their role need to see different types of incident data. E.g. Security experts need to know the protocolsincident data. E.g. Security experts need to know the protocols that were used to attack a system. Managers need to know thethat were used to attack a system. Managers need to know the time it took to recuperate from the attack.time it took to recuperate from the attack.  Current interfaces do not allow the development of data views.Current interfaces do not allow the development of data views.
  • 8. The CORBA approachThe CORBA approach  CORBA has widelyCORBA has widely proposed and used toproposed and used to access databases.access databases.  CORBA allows accessCORBA allows access from both standalonefrom both standalone applications and webapplications and web based ones.based ones.  CORBA provides aCORBA provides a number of securitynumber of security objects that are adequateobjects that are adequate to fulfill the CIA fulfill the CIA Model. Client Object Server Object Object Request Broker (ORB) Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII) Interface Definition Language (IDL) Object Adapter (OA) IDL Skeleton Dynamic Skeleton Interface CORBA SERVICES : LifeCycle , Naming, Persistence, Security e.t.c. CORBA FACILITIES : User Interface, Health Care, Financial e.t.c. Operation + Arguments Operation Result + Arguments
  • 9. Our proposalOur proposal  The new system allows access to the incident DB from both aThe new system allows access to the incident DB from both a Web based interface and a standalone application.Web based interface and a standalone application.  Using this we can connect the main security managementUsing this we can connect the main security management console that companies have, to a security incident DB anywhereconsole that companies have, to a security incident DB anywhere in the the world.  The registration of incidents could be carried out usingThe registration of incidents could be carried out using automated processes by the security software that detects them.automated processes by the security software that detects them.  In addition to this security experts can use the managementIn addition to this security experts can use the management console to access their company’s private security incidentconsole to access their company’s private security incident records and perform statistical analysis.records and perform statistical analysis.
  • 10. Our ProposalOur Proposal  A Natural Language InterfaceA Natural Language Interface to DB (NLIDB) is DB (NLIDB) is used.  This allows to create realThis allows to create real time complex queries usingtime complex queries using plain English statements.plain English statements.  This allows inexperienceThis allows inexperience users to perform dynamicusers to perform dynamic searches to the DB.searches to the DB.  The NLIDB formats theThe NLIDB formats the results depending on the userresults depending on the user that is currently logged in. Sothat is currently logged in. So we do not overflow managerswe do not overflow managers with technical information orwith technical information or technical experts withtechnical experts with management informationmanagement information
  • 11. Our ProposalOur Proposal  Using CORBA securityUsing CORBA security services we can protectservices we can protect incident data much moreincident data much more efficiently (i.e. createefficiently (i.e. create better authentication).better authentication).  CSIRT can provide newCSIRT can provide new services on on demand.
  • 12. Our ProposalOur Proposal  By using CORBABy using CORBA CSIRTs can interoperateCSIRTs can interoperate more efficiently.more efficiently.  CSIRTs can exchangeCSIRTs can exchange incident informationincident information much easier.much easier.  The system can beThe system can be programmed to automateprogrammed to automate exchanges ofexchanges of information wheninformation when required.required.
  • 13. ConclusionsConclusions  CSIRTs is one of the best weapons against computer crime.CSIRTs is one of the best weapons against computer crime.  Providing more efficient ways to access incident DBs will allowProviding more efficient ways to access incident DBs will allow to cut the incident response times to a minimum. This can beto cut the incident response times to a minimum. This can be translated into millions of pounds worth of savings.translated into millions of pounds worth of savings.  Interconnecting CSIRTs will create better statistical data,Interconnecting CSIRTs will create better statistical data, identifying new trends of hacking, and this information will alsoidentifying new trends of hacking, and this information will also be used by the authorities for arresting the used by the authorities for arresting the criminals.  Future plans of this system will be to automate updates ofFuture plans of this system will be to automate updates of security breaches into security tools like intrusion detectionsecurity breaches into security tools like intrusion detection systems and firewalls that registered enterprises and firewalls that registered enterprises have.
  • 14. In Correspondence:In Correspondence: Belsis A. MeletisBelsis A. Meletis DKERG, Coventry University,DKERG, Coventry University,