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What is
Security ?
Part I
Meletis A. Belsis
2003, Athens, Greece
Mediterranean College
Computer Crime
Setting the Scene
• Security is one of the oldest problem that governments
,commercial organizations and almost every person
has to face
• The need of security exists since information became a
valuable resource
• Introduction of computer systems to business has
escalated the security problem even more
• The advances in networking and specially in
distributed systems made the need for security even
• The Computer Security Institute report, notes that in
year 2003 computer crime costs where increased to
more than 450 million dollars in the USA alone.
Profiling Adversaries
• Adversaries that target corporate system are
• These can be general classified in the
following categories:
– Hackers
– Employees (both malicious and unintentional)
– Terrorists groups
– Governments
– Opposing Industries
• So now we know that we need security.
BUT what is security anyway ?
• Many people fail to understand the meaning of
the word.
• Many corporations install an antivirus software,
and/or a firewall and believe they are protected.
Are they ?

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Module 9 Dos
Module 9   DosModule 9   Dos
Module 9 Dos

The document discusses denial of service (DoS) and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. It defines DoS and DDoS attacks, describes different types of DoS attacks like SYN flooding and Smurf attacks. It also explains how botnets and tools are used to launch DDoS attacks, and discusses some common DDoS countermeasures like detection, mitigation and traceback.

Computer Security Hacking
Computer Security HackingComputer Security Hacking
Computer Security Hacking

The document discusses various topics related to computer security and hacking. It covers types of computer crimes over the years from the 1980s to 2000s involving viruses, financial theft, and denial of service attacks. It also summarizes different hacking techniques such as spoofing, session hijacking, denial of service attacks, buffer overflows, password attacks, and ways to improve security including password hashing and network security.

Ethical Hacking : Why Do Hackers Attack And How ?
Ethical Hacking : Why Do Hackers Attack And How ?Ethical Hacking : Why Do Hackers Attack And How ?
Ethical Hacking : Why Do Hackers Attack And How ?

Hackers attack websites and networks for various reasons such as financial gain, espionage, activism, or terrorism. Common attack methods include denial of service attacks to crash systems, spoofing identities to gain unauthorized access, hijacking sessions, exploiting software vulnerabilities like buffer overflows, and cracking passwords. To prevent attacks, network administrators must secure systems from intrusion, monitor for suspicious activity, and keep software updated by patching known vulnerabilities.

hackingethical hacking course in chennaiethical hacking
Security through obscurity
• Consider some cases :
– An internal employee wants to revenge the company
and so publishes private corporate information on the
– The terrorist attack on the twin towers (in USA) had as
a result many corporations to close. Why ?
– An employee forgets his laptop into a café. This laptop
contains all corporate private information.
Security: easy to understand, difficult to implement
“In the real world, security involves processes. It involves
preventive technologies, but also detection and reaction
processes, and an entire forensics system to hunt down
and prosecute the guilty. Security is not a product; it
itself is a process. …. ”
Bruce Schneier
(Secrets and Lies, Wiley and Sons Inc.)
Security: easy to understand, difficult to implement
• Security contains a number of
tools , processes and
• These in general cover three
main requirements:
– Confidentiality
– Integrity
– Availability
• Depending on the security
requirements a system has, one
can concentrate only on one of
the previous or all of them.
• A new requirement enforced
by the operation of e-markets
is non-repudiation.
Security: easy to understand, difficult to implement
• Computer Security is difficult to implement due to
the following:
– The cost of implementing a security system should not
exceed the value of the data to be secured.
– Industries pay huge amount of money for industrial
– Users feel that security is going to take their freedom away
and so often they sabotage the security measures.
– Computer prices have fallen dramatically and the number
of hackers have been multiplied.
– Security managers work under strict money and time
schedule. Criminals do not have any time schedule and
they do not need any specialised software.
– Hackers are often cooperate with known criminals.
That is why, total security is almost infeasible.

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This document summarizes information about computer security and hacking. It discusses how the internet has grown rapidly while security has lagged behind, allowing legions of hackers to emerge. It covers various types of computer crimes throughout history from the 1980s to 2000. It also describes different modes of hacker attacks like spoofing, denial of service attacks, buffer overflows, password attacks, and others. The goal of the document is to provide an overview of the key issues around computer security and how hackers have threatened systems over time.

computercyber crimeethical hacking
Denial of Service Attack
Denial of Service AttackDenial of Service Attack
Denial of Service Attack

This Presentation is useful to study about Denial of Service Attack or DoS Attack. This Presentation is also useful to make PPT on this topic.

Denial of service
Denial of serviceDenial of service
Denial of service

This document discusses denial of service (DoS) and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. It defines DoS attacks as attempts to render a system unusable or slow it down for legitimate users by overloading its resources. DDoS attacks multiply the effectiveness of DoS by using multiple compromised computers to launch attacks simultaneously. Common DoS attack types like SYN floods, Smurf attacks, and ping of death are described. The rise of botnets, which are networks of compromised computers controlled remotely, enabled more powerful DDoS attacks. Mitigation strategies include load balancing, throttling traffic, and using honeypots to gather attacker information.

The Art of
Part II
Attacking Corporate Systems
Information Gathering
• The first step to hacking is to gather as much
information as possible for the target.
• This information is later used to draw a map of
the corporate network.
• This map is used to define and design an attack
methodology as well as identify the needed
attack tools.
• The extreme case of information gathering is
called dumpster diving
Information Gathering : Searching the
Corporate Web site
• Searching the corporate web site for
– Statements like : “This site is best viewed with
Internet Explorer” could uncover that the
company uses Microsoft Web Server.
– Email Addresses. These are used to identify user
names. i.e.
– Office Locations: Companies with office locations
in different countries would probably use a VPN to
– Company News
Information Gathering : Searching the Internet
• Searching the WEB can provide valuable information
– Using the link directive. i.e. link:
provides information on the sites that link to the corporate web
– Searching the greater WEB using the company’s name
• Searching public WHOIS databases :Provide information
about the domain name of the company.
• Searching the ARIN Whois Database: Provide a
database with all register IP addresses.
• Searching technical forums using either the name of the
administrator or the name of the company.

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Entropy and denial of service attacks
Entropy and denial of service attacksEntropy and denial of service attacks
Entropy and denial of service attacks

Denial of Service attacks – Definitions, related surveys Traceback of DDoS Attacks – Proposed method, advantages, future work Detection methods with Shannon and Renyi cross entropy – Previous works, proposed method, dataset and results The added value of entropy detection methods References

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DDoS Attacks
DDoS AttacksDDoS Attacks
DDoS Attacks

DoS Basics DDos Attack Description DDos Attack Taxonomy Well known DDoS attacks Defense Mechanisms Modern Techniques in Defending

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Hacking 1224807880385377-9

This document provides an overview of hacking, including definitions, a brief history, famous hackers, the hacker attitude, basic hacking skills, and common hacking methods and attacks. It defines hacking as intruding on someone else's information space for malicious purposes. It discusses port scanning and ICMP scanning techniques used to gather target system information. Common attacks mentioned include denial-of-service attacks, threats from sniffers and key loggers, trojan attacks, and IP spoofing. The document provides details on specific attacks like ping of death and smurf attacks. It also discusses tools used and countermeasures to protect against hacking.

Information Gathering :Being Polite…..
• When the initial search has finished, it is now time to
ASK the network itself. Believe it or not most networks
are quite polite.
– DNS Interrogation. It can be performed by simple
using the nslookup program.
– Using the PING command (ICMP Echo ). Can unveil
hosts that are connected and are not protected by a
– Using the TraceRoute command we can identify
which is the IP of the router that connects the
corporate network to the Internet.
NeoTrace: Windows Based TraceRT
Information Gathering :Identify Running
• Having a map of the internet hosts that are accessible from the
internet, we must now identify the services that they offer and the
operating system that is installed on each host.
• Special programs like nmap and superscanner are used to
interrogate each port in a host.
• Detecting Services
– The Scanner tries to open a connection to each port of the target host (By
sending Syn messages) .
– The open ports that respond show the services that are running.
• Detecting the OS
– The Scanner sends specific erroneous message to the ports. OS response with
different messages.
SuperScan: Windows Based Port Scanner

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Dos & Ddos Attack. Man in The Middle Attack
Dos & Ddos Attack. Man in The Middle AttackDos & Ddos Attack. Man in The Middle Attack
Dos & Ddos Attack. Man in The Middle Attack

The document discusses denial of service (DoS) and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, as well as man-in-the-middle attacks. It defines DoS and DDoS, noting that a DDoS involves multiple hosts attacking at once. Common DoS attack types like penetration, eavesdropping, man-in-the-middle, and flooding are described. Symptoms of attacks and preventative measures are outlined. The document then explains how man-in-the-middle attacks work using techniques like ARP poisoning to intercept communications. Defenses against man-in-the-middle attacks through encryption and detection methods are also presented.

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Understanding computer attacks and attackers - Eric Vanderburg - JURINNOV
Understanding computer attacks and attackers - Eric Vanderburg - JURINNOVUnderstanding computer attacks and attackers - Eric Vanderburg - JURINNOV
Understanding computer attacks and attackers - Eric Vanderburg - JURINNOV

There are several categories of attackers, including hackers, crackers, script kiddies, spies, employees, and cyberterrorists. Common attacks include password guessing, which attempts to learn a user's password through various means, and denial of service attacks, which flood a server or device with requests to make it unavailable. Malicious software, or malware, consists of computer programs intentionally created to harm systems and includes viruses, worms, logic bombs, Trojan horses, and back doors.

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Computer Security Cyber Security DOS_DDOS Attacks By: Professor Lili Saghafi
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Computer Security Cyber Security DOS_DDOS Attacks By: Professor Lili Saghafi

DOS / DDOS introduction How Easy it is to get information Real Life Examples MyDoom , GitHub , Dyn , Windows Server and Windows 10 servers running Internet Information Services (IIS) are vulnerable to denial of service (DOS) attacks Base of Attacks Types of DOS / DDOS Attack Tools , LOIC, XOIC, Stacheldracht DOS/DDOS Weaknesses Category of OS/ DDOS What to defend? Botnets and Botnets mitigations Michael Calce, a.k.a. MafiaBoy Point of entrance / OSI Model ( If time permit)

a.k.a. mafiaboy point of entrance / osi model ( ifcyber attacksdos / ddos introduction how easy it is to get info
Information Gathering :Scanning undetected
• Many firewalls can detect these scanning attempts.
So scanners use some alternate techniques:
– Slow Scanning
– Distributed Scanning
– Half Open Connection
– Fragmented packets
– FTP Bounce
Password Cracking
• Adversaries use two methods to attack
– Brute force: Try all key combination in the
password space.
– Dictionary: Use a dictionary of known words and
try each word along with their combinations.
• These attacks can be performed either locally or
L0phtCrack: Windows Password Cracking
• Computer Viruses are
categorised in:
– Normal viruses
– Trojan Horses
• Today there are more than 2,500
virus ready to be downloaded.
• A user can get infected by:
– Running a program
– Opening an email
– Visiting a web site (evil Trojan)
– Opening a .doc file
• Today virus creation and
mutation centres can be freely
downloaded from the Internet

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Denial of Service Attacks (DoS/DDoS)
Denial of Service Attacks (DoS/DDoS)Denial of Service Attacks (DoS/DDoS)
Denial of Service Attacks (DoS/DDoS)

This is a presentation i made about Denial of Service or a Distributed Denial of Service (DoS / DDoS) and the latest methods used to crash anything online and the future of such attacks which can disrupt the whole internet . Such attacks which are in TB's and can be launched from just single computer. And, there is not much that can be done to prevent them.

ddoswebsitewebsite crash
Honeypots - Tracking the Blackhat Community
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Honeypots - Tracking the Blackhat Community

Honeypots - Tracking the Blackhat Community From Jae Chung, Matt Hartling, Zach Lawson, Frank Posluszny

Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack || Seminar Report @
 Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack ||  Seminar Report @ Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack ||  Seminar Report @
Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack || Seminar Report @

A denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) or distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack) is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users. Although the means to carry out, motives for, and targets of a DoS attack may vary, it generally consists of the concerted efforts of a person or people to prevent an Internet site or service from functioning efficiently or at all, temporarily or indefinitely. Perpetrators of DoS attacks typically target sites or services hosted on high-profile web servers such as banks, credit card payment gateways, and even root name servers. The term is generally used with regards to computer networks, but is not limited to this field, for example, it is also used in reference to CPU resource management. There are two general forms of Dos attacks: those that crash services and those that flood services. One common method of attack involves saturating the target machine with external communications requests, such that it cannot respond to legitimate traffic, or responds so slowly as to be rendered effectively unavailable. In general terms, DoS attacks are implemented by either forcing the targeted computer to reset, or consuming its resources so that it can no longer provide its intended service or obstructing the communication media between the intended users and the victim so that they can no longer communicate adequately.

ddosattackcyber attack
SubSeven: Visual Interface to Control Infected PC
Denial of Service Attack (DoS)
• The idea behind these attacks is to make the
target system unavailable to its authorised users.
• Typical attacks include but not limited to :
– Ping O’ Death (sending packets of size greater that
– SYN Flooding Attack (Starting Many half-open
– Smurf Attack (sending requests to broadcast address
with a spoofed IP address)
– Domain Name Server DoS (Requesting DNS quires
from multiple DNS Servers with a Spoofed IP
SynFlood Attack
Smurf Attack

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Este artículo surge en el marco de la investigación “Tránsito digital en el ámbito educativo”, que se lleva a cabo dentro del Centro de Investigaciones Educativas TEBAS-UCV. A la luz de esta línea se desarrolló un informe en el cual se plantean problemas que van de los epistémico a lo interpretativo a través de la investigación y la producción de conocimiento y su constatación en la realidad con el apoyo de entrevistas y encuestas que han acompañado esta investigación. Este artículo toma uno de sus capítulos, el cual es de carácter inédito. Dicha línea de investigación y sus aportes al conocimiento han servido de base al desarrollo de los Programas docentes que a lo largo de estos dos últimos años vengo adelantando en el post-grado de la UNEFA Núcleo Los Teques. A partir del cual se han elaborados contenidos digitales y se han dotado herramientas teóricas y prácticas que redundan en sendos beneficios a la práctica docente en Venezuela a través del uso de las Tics.

Domain Name System DoS
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
• Hackers have used the
distributed power
internet offers.
• Tools are now perform
DoS attack from
multiple hosts at the
same time.
• Examples are:
– Tribal Flood Network
– Stacheldraft
• Ethernet provides the ability to run a network card
in Promiscuous mode. This allows the card to
read any packet travelling on the network.
• Sniffing software are using this to read all data
transmitted in the local net.
• Sniffers can be programmed to steal information
associated only with specific protocols or
programs. i.e. read all information from http
packets only.
• Some sniffers can be even programmed to
transmit sniffed passwords back to the attacker.
• The first and most used sniffer is the TCPDump .
SnifferPro: A windows based Sniffer

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System Flaws and Exploits
• Most systems today contain bugs. These are coming either
from the system designers, implementers or the ones that
manage the system.
• Hackers can use these bugs to gain access to systems.
• Examples of such are :
– Default accounts
– Poor User Accounts
– Allowing outside anonymous Telnet connections to the Web
– Allowing trusted connections
– Buffer Overflows
– Allowing Banners in services
– Allowing NetBios over TCP/IP when not needed.
• The Internet has a vast amount of software that test a given
server for a number of such exploits.
Simpsons’: A CGI vulnerability scanner
Social Engineering
• One of the oldest and easiest form of hacking.
<Hacker is calling the administrator >
 Hallo I am <<name of an employee>>. My user name <<user name as seen
on email address>>. I am new to the company but I forgot my system
password <<be very unhappy>> but my manager ask to find him
some files. If I tell him that I forgot my password , I am afraid that
he is going to fire me. Please help <<be persuasive>>>>
<Administrator wants to help a fellow employee>
Ok. Do not cry now. That is why we are here for. I am going to
reset your password to newpassoword. Just do not forget it again.
<Hacker thanks the polite employee>
 Oh thank you so much. I am going to buy the coffee when we
meet. You are a lifesaver….
(The scenario works even better is the hacker is a female and the administrator is a
IP Spoofing
• Hackers usually change the IP address in their datagrams.
• This happens for two reasons:
– To avoid getting caught.
– To bypass security tools, and systems that allow trusted connections.
• Changing just the IP is called a blind attack, because the
hacker never sees the response from the target.
• In order to see the response the hacker has a number of ways:
– Install a sniffer to the target network.
– Use Source Routing
– Use ICMP redirect
– If both hacker and target are located on the same network use ARP
– DNS cache Poisoning.
• Software programs like A4 proxy allows hackers to use a
number of anonymous servers before they attack. Thus their
real IP is almost untraceable.

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A4 Proxy : Using multiple anonymous proxies to
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The Next Step
• So now I am in what am I doing next ?.
1. If you do not already have, try to gain root
2. Find and clear Log Files.
3. Install a Root Kit to ensure that you will have
access in the future
Information Security Measures
Is it possible ?
• Total security is not feasible.
• Systems must be secured depending on their value.
• Security measures are applied according to the threat
level a system has.
• The first step is to understand the threats, to your
corporate systems. This can be done by a risk analysis
• In this stage remember that security is a business

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Creating a DMZ zone
• The first security measure is
to seal the internal network
from the outside world.
• This is performed by
developing a network called
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ).
• The DMZ contains all the
servers that must be
accessible from the outside
• NOTE that we must always
assume that servers in the
DMZ are going to be hacked
at some point.
• Firewalls exist into types:
– Packet filters: Are operating on the protocol level. They use
a firewalling policy to allow the packet to pass or to drop the
– Proxy Servers: They operate at the application level. They
are always located between the user requests and the servers
response. Thus allowing us to enforce policies on which
users can access the internet and on which port.
• Packet Filters are usually located on the router, while
Proxies are installed on computers
• A network may use any number of the previous
depending its size and architecture.
• Known Firewalls are Checkpoint’s Firewall-1, Cisco
PIX, Microsoft’s ISA.
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)
• Intrusion detection systems are
used to detect attacks to the
network and inform the
• IDS are organised into two
categories :
– Signature based : They hold a
database of known attacks and
they test packets against the data
stored in the database.
– Anomaly based: They test the
traffic against anomalies. I.e.
why does the network has so
heavy traffic at 2 in the
morning ?
• When the IDS detects an attack it
inform the administrator with a
number of ways : email, sms,
Honey Pots
• These are the sacrificed lamps of a network.
• Honey pots are software programs that when installed on a
computer they can simulate a number of systems i.e.:
• Windows NT Server.
• Unix Server.
• Apache Server
• Microsoft Exchange Server
• These simulated systems look unprotected from the outside
world (i.e. open ports, default accounts, known exploits.
• Hackers scanning for victims detect the simulated systems and
try to hack them. The honey pots allow hackers to enter but
record all their moves and inform the administrator.
• Honey pots can be installed either in the DMZ or in the local

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Anti sniffing
• The general idea is to make the sniffing host reply to
a message that he should not be able to listen.
– For example creating a packet with a fake MAC address
but with the IP address of the sniffing host. If the host
acknowledges the packet the it is in promiscuous mode.
• Another way is to transmit unencrypted login details
for a fake (honey pot) server to the network. If
someone tries to use this account then someone is
sniffing the network.
• NOTE that using switches instead of hubs will make
a sniffers life much more difficult.
L0pht Antisniff : A windows based program to
detect sniffers
• Antivirus programs are known to most users.
• Such programs can be applied either as
– Standalone : Each copy of the program is
responsible of protecting the specific host on
which it is installed.
– Network based : Each copy of the program is
responsible of protecting the specific host, but they
are all managed by a Antivirus Server.
• Note that using an antivirus program without
updating its virus database does not provide
Security Awareness
• No matter what security tools are going to
be used, if users do not know about security,
hacks are going to be common.
• There are many ways to educate users on the
issues of security:
– Use of seminars
– Use of posters
– Use of e-mail messages
– Enforce penalties

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Shortening the path to conversion has been an increasingly common trend within large media channels. Social media has been the most notable, with ‘Buy Now’ buttons cutting out the middle ground for social shoppers. This form of streamlining can be great for the advertiser and great for the consumer, but NMP’s head of strategy Damien Bennett will delve into the pros and cons advertisers should be aware of when approaching these methods of acquisition. Join Bennett for a session on the next wave of e-commerce and find out how it can keep a brand relevant while generating results


The document provides an overview of new products, services, and enhancements from Rockwell Automation related to maintenance. Some highlights include: - New Ethernet Diagnostic Module and XM vibration modules to monitor equipment health. - Enhancements to intelligent motor control solutions to simplify maintenance. - RSMACC change management software adding verification for Rockwell Automation drives. - Acquisition of GEPA to expand connectivity to third-party devices. - New training courses and workstations on topics like RSLogix 5000 motion and EtherNet/IP.

Claves de la argumentacion
Claves de la argumentacionClaves de la argumentacion
Claves de la argumentacion

Este documento resume las claves de la argumentación según Anthony Weston. Weston sostiene que los estudiantes deben aprender por sí mismos, formar sus propias ideas y opiniones, e indagar, explicar y defender sus propias conclusiones en sus ensayos basados en argumentos. Según Weston, existen diferentes tipos de argumentos como los argumentos por analogía, de autoridad y deductivos. Estos se componen de premisas, que son afirmaciones sustentadas mediante razones o ejemplos.

Security Awareness
Penetration Testing and Security analyzers
• Security systems must be regularly tested for
• These flaws are usually created from bugs in the
software programs, or from bad management (i.e.
bad passwords)
• The process of testing a system is called
penetration testing.
• The process uses a number of hacking / security
programs that test a system for a number of known
flaws and provide advice on securing these flaws
Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer: Tests the systems
for known bugs
Additional Security Measures
• Encryption/ Decryption
• Digital Signatures / PKI
• Security Protocols
• Physical Security
– The Jaguar Paradigm
– The polite Employees paradigm
• Security Policy

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Este documento describe la cianita, un mineral silicato de aluminio con fórmula química Al2SiO5. La cianita se presenta en varios colores como blanco, azul o negro y tiene una dureza de 6.5 a lo largo del prisma y 4.5 perpendicular. Se utiliza principalmente en cerámica, como piedra ornamental y como aislante eléctrico.

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La pintura Still life #35 del artista Tom Wesselmann representa los productos y estilos de vida populares de la década de 1960, como bebidas gaseosas y aviones. La obra critica el consumismo y la publicidad excesiva que definieron la era. Muestra objetos cotidianos de una manera llamativa y de cómic para representar la cultura pop estadounidense de la época.

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our products   8.9our products   8.9
our products 8.9

This document summarizes Herbalife products and nutrition programs. It discusses Herbalife's growth and compliance with regulations. It notes that Australian/NZ diets are typically low in nutrients compared to Herbalife products. The document lists Herbalife shakes, supplements, and outer nutrition products like skin and hair care. It concludes with contact information for Eirene Hofstetter to learn more.

Questions ?
In Accordance
Meletis A. Belsis

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Meletis Belsis - Introduction to information security

  • 1. What is Security ? Part I Meletis A. Belsis 2003, Athens, Greece Mediterranean College Computer Crime
  • 2. Setting the Scene • Security is one of the oldest problem that governments ,commercial organizations and almost every person has to face • The need of security exists since information became a valuable resource • Introduction of computer systems to business has escalated the security problem even more • The advances in networking and specially in distributed systems made the need for security even greater • The Computer Security Institute report, notes that in year 2003 computer crime costs where increased to more than 450 million dollars in the USA alone.
  • 3. Profiling Adversaries • Adversaries that target corporate system are numerous: • These can be general classified in the following categories: – Hackers – Employees (both malicious and unintentional) – Terrorists groups – Governments – Opposing Industries
  • 4. Security • So now we know that we need security. BUT what is security anyway ? • Many people fail to understand the meaning of the word. • Many corporations install an antivirus software, and/or a firewall and believe they are protected. Are they ?
  • 5. Security through obscurity • Consider some cases : – An internal employee wants to revenge the company and so publishes private corporate information on the NET. – The terrorist attack on the twin towers (in USA) had as a result many corporations to close. Why ? – An employee forgets his laptop into a café. This laptop contains all corporate private information. HOW CAN A FIREWALL PROTECT FROM THE PREVIOUS ?
  • 6. Security: easy to understand, difficult to implement “In the real world, security involves processes. It involves preventive technologies, but also detection and reaction processes, and an entire forensics system to hunt down and prosecute the guilty. Security is not a product; it itself is a process. …. ” Bruce Schneier (Secrets and Lies, Wiley and Sons Inc.)
  • 7. Security: easy to understand, difficult to implement • Security contains a number of tools , processes and techniques. • These in general cover three main requirements: – Confidentiality – Integrity – Availability • Depending on the security requirements a system has, one can concentrate only on one of the previous or all of them. • A new requirement enforced by the operation of e-markets is non-repudiation.
  • 8. Security: easy to understand, difficult to implement • Computer Security is difficult to implement due to the following: – The cost of implementing a security system should not exceed the value of the data to be secured. – Industries pay huge amount of money for industrial espionage. – Users feel that security is going to take their freedom away and so often they sabotage the security measures. – Computer prices have fallen dramatically and the number of hackers have been multiplied. – Security managers work under strict money and time schedule. Criminals do not have any time schedule and they do not need any specialised software. – Hackers are often cooperate with known criminals. That is why, total security is almost infeasible.
  • 9. The Art of Hacking Part II Attacking Corporate Systems
  • 10. Information Gathering • The first step to hacking is to gather as much information as possible for the target. • This information is later used to draw a map of the corporate network. • This map is used to define and design an attack methodology as well as identify the needed attack tools. • The extreme case of information gathering is called dumpster diving
  • 11. Information Gathering : Searching the Corporate Web site • Searching the corporate web site for information: – Statements like : “This site is best viewed with Internet Explorer” could uncover that the company uses Microsoft Web Server. – Email Addresses. These are used to identify user names. i.e. – Office Locations: Companies with office locations in different countries would probably use a VPN to interconnect. – Company News
  • 12. Information Gathering : Searching the Internet • Searching the WEB can provide valuable information – Using the link directive. i.e. link: provides information on the sites that link to the corporate web site. – Searching the greater WEB using the company’s name • Searching public WHOIS databases :Provide information about the domain name of the company. • Searching the ARIN Whois Database: Provide a database with all register IP addresses. • Searching technical forums using either the name of the administrator or the name of the company.
  • 13. Information Gathering :Being Polite….. • When the initial search has finished, it is now time to ASK the network itself. Believe it or not most networks are quite polite. – DNS Interrogation. It can be performed by simple using the nslookup program. – Using the PING command (ICMP Echo ). Can unveil hosts that are connected and are not protected by a firewall. – Using the TraceRoute command we can identify which is the IP of the router that connects the corporate network to the Internet.
  • 15. Information Gathering :Identify Running Services • Having a map of the internet hosts that are accessible from the internet, we must now identify the services that they offer and the operating system that is installed on each host. • Special programs like nmap and superscanner are used to interrogate each port in a host. • Detecting Services – The Scanner tries to open a connection to each port of the target host (By sending Syn messages) . – The open ports that respond show the services that are running. • Detecting the OS – The Scanner sends specific erroneous message to the ports. OS response with different messages.
  • 16. SuperScan: Windows Based Port Scanner
  • 17. Information Gathering :Scanning undetected • Many firewalls can detect these scanning attempts. So scanners use some alternate techniques: – Slow Scanning – Distributed Scanning – Half Open Connection – Fragmented packets – XMAS – FIN – FTP Bounce
  • 18. Password Cracking • Adversaries use two methods to attack passwords. – Brute force: Try all key combination in the password space. – Dictionary: Use a dictionary of known words and try each word along with their combinations. • These attacks can be performed either locally or remotely
  • 20. VIRUSES • Computer Viruses are categorised in: – Normal viruses – Trojan Horses – WORMS • Today there are more than 2,500 virus ready to be downloaded. • A user can get infected by: – Running a program – Opening an email – Visiting a web site (evil Trojan) – Opening a .doc file • Today virus creation and mutation centres can be freely downloaded from the Internet
  • 21. SubSeven: Visual Interface to Control Infected PC
  • 22. Denial of Service Attack (DoS) • The idea behind these attacks is to make the target system unavailable to its authorised users. • Typical attacks include but not limited to : – Ping O’ Death (sending packets of size greater that 65,535) – SYN Flooding Attack (Starting Many half-open connections) – Smurf Attack (sending requests to broadcast address with a spoofed IP address) – Domain Name Server DoS (Requesting DNS quires from multiple DNS Servers with a Spoofed IP
  • 26. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) • Hackers have used the distributed power internet offers. • Tools are now perform DoS attack from multiple hosts at the same time. • Examples are: – Tribal Flood Network – TFN2K – Stacheldraft
  • 27. Sniffing • Ethernet provides the ability to run a network card in Promiscuous mode. This allows the card to read any packet travelling on the network. • Sniffing software are using this to read all data transmitted in the local net. • Sniffers can be programmed to steal information associated only with specific protocols or programs. i.e. read all information from http packets only. • Some sniffers can be even programmed to transmit sniffed passwords back to the attacker. • The first and most used sniffer is the TCPDump .
  • 28. SnifferPro: A windows based Sniffer
  • 29. System Flaws and Exploits • Most systems today contain bugs. These are coming either from the system designers, implementers or the ones that manage the system. • Hackers can use these bugs to gain access to systems. • Examples of such are : – Default accounts – Poor User Accounts – Allowing outside anonymous Telnet connections to the Web Server – Allowing trusted connections – Buffer Overflows – Allowing Banners in services – Allowing NetBios over TCP/IP when not needed. • The Internet has a vast amount of software that test a given server for a number of such exploits.
  • 30. Simpsons’: A CGI vulnerability scanner
  • 31. Social Engineering • One of the oldest and easiest form of hacking. <Hacker is calling the administrator >  Hallo I am <<name of an employee>>. My user name <<user name as seen on email address>>. I am new to the company but I forgot my system password <<be very unhappy>> but my manager ask to find him some files. If I tell him that I forgot my password , I am afraid that he is going to fire me. Please help <<be persuasive>>>> <Administrator wants to help a fellow employee> Ok. Do not cry now. That is why we are here for. I am going to reset your password to newpassoword. Just do not forget it again. <Hacker thanks the polite employee>  Oh thank you so much. I am going to buy the coffee when we meet. You are a lifesaver…. (The scenario works even better is the hacker is a female and the administrator is a male.)
  • 32. IP Spoofing • Hackers usually change the IP address in their datagrams. • This happens for two reasons: – To avoid getting caught. – To bypass security tools, and systems that allow trusted connections. • Changing just the IP is called a blind attack, because the hacker never sees the response from the target. • In order to see the response the hacker has a number of ways: – Install a sniffer to the target network. – Use Source Routing – Use ICMP redirect – If both hacker and target are located on the same network use ARP spoofing. – DNS cache Poisoning. • Software programs like A4 proxy allows hackers to use a number of anonymous servers before they attack. Thus their real IP is almost untraceable.
  • 33. A4 Proxy : Using multiple anonymous proxies to hide the IP address
  • 34. The Next Step • So now I am in what am I doing next ?. 1. If you do not already have, try to gain root access. 2. Find and clear Log Files. 3. Install a Root Kit to ensure that you will have access in the future
  • 36. Is it possible ? • Total security is not feasible. • Systems must be secured depending on their value. • Security measures are applied according to the threat level a system has. • The first step is to understand the threats, to your corporate systems. This can be done by a risk analysis process. • In this stage remember that security is a business requirement
  • 37. Creating a DMZ zone • The first security measure is to seal the internal network from the outside world. • This is performed by developing a network called Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). • The DMZ contains all the servers that must be accessible from the outside world • NOTE that we must always assume that servers in the DMZ are going to be hacked at some point.
  • 38. Firewalls • Firewalls exist into types: – Packet filters: Are operating on the protocol level. They use a firewalling policy to allow the packet to pass or to drop the packet. – Proxy Servers: They operate at the application level. They are always located between the user requests and the servers response. Thus allowing us to enforce policies on which users can access the internet and on which port. • Packet Filters are usually located on the router, while Proxies are installed on computers • A network may use any number of the previous depending its size and architecture. • Known Firewalls are Checkpoint’s Firewall-1, Cisco PIX, Microsoft’s ISA.
  • 39. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) • Intrusion detection systems are used to detect attacks to the network and inform the administrator. • IDS are organised into two categories : – Signature based : They hold a database of known attacks and they test packets against the data stored in the database. – Anomaly based: They test the traffic against anomalies. I.e. why does the network has so heavy traffic at 2 in the morning ? • When the IDS detects an attack it inform the administrator with a number of ways : email, sms, pager
  • 40. Honey Pots • These are the sacrificed lamps of a network. • Honey pots are software programs that when installed on a computer they can simulate a number of systems i.e.: • Windows NT Server. • Unix Server. • Apache Server • Microsoft Exchange Server • These simulated systems look unprotected from the outside world (i.e. open ports, default accounts, known exploits. • Hackers scanning for victims detect the simulated systems and try to hack them. The honey pots allow hackers to enter but record all their moves and inform the administrator. • Honey pots can be installed either in the DMZ or in the local network.
  • 41. Anti sniffing • The general idea is to make the sniffing host reply to a message that he should not be able to listen. – For example creating a packet with a fake MAC address but with the IP address of the sniffing host. If the host acknowledges the packet the it is in promiscuous mode. • Another way is to transmit unencrypted login details for a fake (honey pot) server to the network. If someone tries to use this account then someone is sniffing the network. • NOTE that using switches instead of hubs will make a sniffers life much more difficult.
  • 42. L0pht Antisniff : A windows based program to detect sniffers
  • 43. Antivirus • Antivirus programs are known to most users. • Such programs can be applied either as – Standalone : Each copy of the program is responsible of protecting the specific host on which it is installed. – Network based : Each copy of the program is responsible of protecting the specific host, but they are all managed by a Antivirus Server. • Note that using an antivirus program without updating its virus database does not provide protection
  • 44. Security Awareness • No matter what security tools are going to be used, if users do not know about security, hacks are going to be common. • There are many ways to educate users on the issues of security: – Use of seminars – Use of posters – Use of e-mail messages – Enforce penalties
  • 46. Penetration Testing and Security analyzers • Security systems must be regularly tested for flaws. • These flaws are usually created from bugs in the software programs, or from bad management (i.e. bad passwords) • The process of testing a system is called penetration testing. • The process uses a number of hacking / security programs that test a system for a number of known flaws and provide advice on securing these flaws
  • 47. Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer: Tests the systems for known bugs
  • 48. Additional Security Measures • Encryption/ Decryption • Digital Signatures / PKI • AAA • Security Protocols • Physical Security – The Jaguar Paradigm – The polite Employees paradigm • Security Policy