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Progressive Web Apps in practice
in practice
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Full Stack Team Leader at Divante and a core
member of Vue Storefront. Working in IT for over
8 years.
Łukasz Romanowicz
• Automation
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• U.S. Motocraft
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Who knows what PWA is?
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Progressive Web Applications

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Getting Started with Progressive Web Apps
Getting Started with Progressive Web AppsGetting Started with Progressive Web Apps
Getting Started with Progressive Web Apps

Progressive Web Apps consist of a new palette of technologies such as the Web App Manifest, homescreen install support, Service Workers and the app shell. These bridge the gap between native and web apps offering new capabilities for web developers to create amazing desktop and mobile experiences.

installable web-appspwaapp-shell
PWA - Progressive Web App
PWA - Progressive Web AppPWA - Progressive Web App
PWA - Progressive Web App

This document provides an overview of progressive web apps (PWAs). It defines PWAs as web applications that are regular web pages but can appear and function like native mobile or desktop apps. The document discusses why PWAs are useful by allowing apps to load quickly, work offline, and avoid large downloads. It outlines key features of PWAs like being reliable, fast, engaging, and installable. Examples of popular PWA implementations are also provided.

progressive web apppwawebsite
Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...
Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...
Introduction to Progressive Web Apps, Google Developer Summit, Seoul - South ...

This document provides an introduction to progressive web apps (PWAs). It discusses the history of web technologies from HTML and HTTP in the early 1990s to more recent developments like service workers, push notifications, and web app manifests that enable PWAs. Features of PWAs are described like reliability, performance, engagement, and integration with the operating system. Case studies are presented showing the benefits some companies have seen from implementing PWAs.

Progressive Web Apps in practice
• Website you can install on mobile phone
and use just like native
• Web Application you can use offline
• Apps that use push notifications
• Single Page Application
• Web Application written on top of
modern framework with serverside
Progressive Web Apps in practice
The truth behind PWA
Progressive web apps use modern web APIs
along with traditional progressive enhancement
strategy to create cross-platform web applications.
These apps work everywhere and provide several
features that give them the same user experience
advantages as native apps.
- MDN web docs
Progressive Web Apps in practice
How to make your app progressive?
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Progressive enhancement
• Emphasize core webpage content first
• Ensure all the core features work on
all target platforms
• Ensure all the core features are
performant enough on older devices
with lower bandwith

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The web - What it has, what it lacks and where it must go - Bulgaria Web Summ...

The document discusses the current state and future of the web. It notes that while native apps have gained popularity, especially on mobile, the web remains strong with over 1 billion active users. It outlines tools from Google like Service Workers that help the web compete with capabilities previously only available to native apps like push notifications, offline access, and background processing. The document advocates for continued progress to simplify the web development process and ensure the longevity of technologies, arguing this will help the web remain diverse and accessible across all platforms.

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Predictability for the Web
Predictability for the WebPredictability for the Web
Predictability for the Web

This document discusses improving predictability for web developers. It describes challenges like cross-browser inconsistencies that make development difficult. The authors outline efforts by Chrome to address these issues, such as collaborating with other browsers, listening to developers, and minimizing breaking changes. Developers are encouraged to test new browser features, file bugs, and provide feedback to help continue enhancing predictability.

browser bug searcherdeveloper feedbackcross-browser
Offline-First Progressive Web Apps
Offline-First Progressive Web AppsOffline-First Progressive Web Apps
Offline-First Progressive Web Apps

Slides from my talk at Software Architecture Conf 2016, on the Offline First architecture of Flipkart Lite.

progressive web appflipkart liteoffline-first
Progressive Web Apps in practice
● Load the visible content first
● Make high priority content as
lightweight as possible
● Fetch less important chunks later
Content prioritizing
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Keep in mind target platforms APIs.
Most of the missing features can
be replaced with alternatives.
Progressive Web Apps in practice
How to get them?
● Babel
● Npm/Yarn/GitHub
Progressive Web Apps in practice
● Use Chrome Coverage to get rid of
dead code
● Fetch unused code later (e.g. with
dynamic import)
Improving performance:
Code splitting & lazy loading

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From AMP to PWA
From AMP to PWAFrom AMP to PWA
From AMP to PWA

Let's focus on the Mobile Web and talk about the keys to a building a great mobile experience. From AMP (=Accelerated Mobile Pages) as a starting point up to PWA (=Progressive Web Apps). I will cover the steps through some of the key features we see as core to the modern web experience. As a bonus, we will close with new APIs that expending the web even farther.

web developmentamppwa
Progressive Web Applications
Progressive Web ApplicationsProgressive Web Applications
Progressive Web Applications

This document discusses progressive web applications (PWAs), which aim to provide users with an app-like experience through the web. PWAs load quickly, work offline or on low-quality networks, feel native on devices, and are discoverable. The key aspects that define a PWA are HTTPS, a web app manifest, and a service worker. Case studies show that popular sites like AliExpress, Flipkart and Google I/O saw significant increases in user engagement and conversion through PWAs compared to regular web or native apps. Service workers allow caching assets, pushing notifications, and handling requests when offline to improve the user experience.

AMP - Accelerated Mobile Pages
AMP - Accelerated Mobile PagesAMP - Accelerated Mobile Pages
AMP - Accelerated Mobile Pages

AMP is coming to improve the mobile web. Big time. There are many aspect to a great user experience on sites. In order to improve the speed of the media websites on mobile and the monetization, we needed few things: 1. Fast pages. Fast to load, fast to display, saving bandwidth when possible. 2. Easy for the developers and companies to create. Only based on known and widely used technologies. 3. Mobile Friendly: they should respect a standard and thanks to this standard, pages would be automatically optimized for mobile devices 4. Embrace the open web: non-proprietary technology, open source, available to anyone to use and improve. It should not only help for search engines, but for everyone. In these slides, we will cover AMP and what it can do for you.

ampweb developmentmobile
Progressive Web Apps in practice
● Assets minification and compression
● Optimal formats (e.g. use SVGs raster
images whenever it’s possible)
● Use lightest libs to achieve your goal
( may help you!)
Improving performance:
minimize content
Progressive Web Apps in practice
● Utilize browser storage
● Set correct cache headers for your assets
● Serve cached responses whenever possible
Improving performance:
Proper caching
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Once upon a time,
there was a visionary…

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Progressive Web Apps presentation for GDG Istanbul's Progressive Web Apps Meetup. I'm not a web developer or front-end developer but I tried to explain how PWAs work.

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My learnings on web performance optimization while building a Progressive Web...
My learnings on web performance optimization while building a Progressive Web...My learnings on web performance optimization while building a Progressive Web...
My learnings on web performance optimization while building a Progressive Web...

This document summarizes the author's learnings in optimizing web performance while building a progressive web app. The author implemented 5 key steps: code splitting, server-side rendering, compressing static assets, caching, and preloading assets. These optimizations led to significant increases in conversion rates and decreases in page load times, helping reduce user acquisition costs. The author hopes to further improve performance through HTML streaming in the future.

AMPed SEO with Mike Arnesen & SEMpdx
AMPed SEO with Mike Arnesen & SEMpdxAMPed SEO with Mike Arnesen & SEMpdx
AMPed SEO with Mike Arnesen & SEMpdx

This document discusses Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) and its benefits for SEO. AMP aims to make mobile web content load nearly instantly by enforcing strict performance standards. It outlines how AMP works by pre-rendering pages and caching them globally via Google servers. The document argues that mobile usage will continue growing and speed is critical, so AMP can provide major SEO advantages by optimizing the mobile user experience. It provides resources for publishers to learn more and get started with AMP.

accelerated mobile pagesampmarketing
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Short history of
native alike web apps
Progressive Web Apps in practice
● Create manifest.json
● Link it on html page
● That’s it!
Installing app on desktop:
The Web App Manifest
Progressive Web Apps in practice
But can I use it?

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Progressive Web App
Progressive Web AppProgressive Web App
Progressive Web App

A short presentation answering 3 main questions. Why we need Progressive Web Apps(PWA)? What is a progressive web app & it's features? and how a PWA works?

#progressivewebapp #mobile #webisawesome
AMP Accelerated Mobile Pages - Getting Started & Analytics
AMP Accelerated Mobile Pages - Getting Started & AnalyticsAMP Accelerated Mobile Pages - Getting Started & Analytics
AMP Accelerated Mobile Pages - Getting Started & Analytics

We have heard about AMP pages, Facebook Instant Articles and even Apple News, so what dose this all mean? We go through the deck I presented at Web Analytics Wednesday's on the current issues with Ad Blocking and Mobile Speed issues that leads us to AMP. Learn how to get started with AMP and learn how to integrate with Analytics platforms like Google Analytics and Adobe Marketing Cloud in its infant stages. Any questions feel free to contact me on LinkedIn

mobile marketingmobile webamp
Next Generation Mobile Web - PWA (Progressive Web App)
Next Generation Mobile Web  - PWA (Progressive Web App)Next Generation Mobile Web  - PWA (Progressive Web App)
Next Generation Mobile Web - PWA (Progressive Web App)

Progressive web apps (PWAs) are web applications that have responsive designs, work offline, and can be installed on home screens. PWAs have key features like being responsive across devices, working offline through service workers, being discoverable through web app manifests, always being up-to-date, and allowing push notifications and app-like interactions. PWAs provide a faster web experience for customers compared to regular websites, improving conversion rates and revenue. They allow reaching customers who may not install a native mobile app.

progressive web appmobile webpwa
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Possible fallbacks
● Safari native meta attributes
(apple-mobile-web-app-capable, apple-touch-icon)
● Hybrid Apps (native wrappers for web
apps) – e.g. React Native, Xamarin,
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Offline browsing:
Service Workers
Service workers essentially act as proxy servers
that sit between web applications, the browser, and
the network (when available).
- MDN web docs
Installing service worker:
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Offline browsing:
Service Workers
Precache chosen dependencies:
Consume cache with cache-first strategy:
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Service Workers:
Basic cache strategies
Network-first Cache-first

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Progressive Web App Challenges
Progressive Web App ChallengesProgressive Web App Challenges
Progressive Web App Challenges

The document discusses progressive web apps (PWAs) and outlines key considerations for creating a PWA. It addresses questions around what a PWA is, how to make a website feel like an app, offline functionality, push notifications, and creating a roadmap. Examples from companies that implemented PWAs successfully are provided. The conclusion recommends developing a progressive roadmap that starts with baseline PWA features and builds out functionality over time based on priorities and initiatives.

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Bruce Lawson: Progressive Web Apps: the future of AppsBruce Lawson: Progressive Web Apps: the future of Apps
Bruce Lawson: Progressive Web Apps: the future of Apps

Native Apps, like Flash, are a bridging technology. Progressive Web Apps are a new suite of technologies that combine the user experience of native, with the immediacy and reach of the web. Learn why we have them, and how to make them.

Basic Understanding of Progressive Web Apps
Basic Understanding of Progressive Web AppsBasic Understanding of Progressive Web Apps
Basic Understanding of Progressive Web Apps

The document provides an overview of progressive web apps (PWAs). It discusses the history and idea behind PWAs, defining them as websites that are built using common web technologies but adopt features that make them feel like native mobile applications. The key pillars that transform websites into PWAs are listed as being reliable, fast, engaging, and integrated. Core building blocks like service workers and web app manifests are explained. Example case studies are given that demonstrate performance improvements from adopting PWAs. Limitations are also outlined.

#pwa #progressivewebapps
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Service Workers:
Read more
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Service Workers:
Other use cases
● Automatically update offline-ready applications
● Additional layer for interacting with users (e.g.
using push notifications)
● Browser-side load balancer
● Offline analytics
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Accelerate creating
Service Workers
● Workbox
● 3rd party Webpack plugins
Progressive Web Apps in practice
All’s cool, but can I use it?

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PWA - Progressive WordPress Apps
PWA - Progressive WordPress AppsPWA - Progressive WordPress Apps
PWA - Progressive WordPress Apps

The document discusses progressive web apps (PWAs) and how to build them using WordPress. It defines PWAs as improving the user experience like a native app by following principles of being fast, reliable, and engaging. It recommends using the Lighthouse tool to audit PWAs and checklists from Google to build them. It then provides steps for configuring the manifest and service workers to make WordPress sites installable and work offline including caching, precaching files, and native features. The presentation encourages integrating other capabilities like share APIs and maps to provide a native-like user experience.

The PRPL Pattern
The PRPL PatternThe PRPL Pattern
The PRPL Pattern

An introduction to Google's PRPL pattern that can be used to implement Progressive Web Applications. Delivered at MWLUG 2017 in Alexandria, VA by Keith Strickland.

javascriptprogrammingprogressive web apps
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Possible fallback
There are no fallbacks for Service Workers
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Service Workers:
Pitfalls and caveats
● Basic access authentication can’t prompt from Service Workers
● You need SSL/TLS to make it work outside your local environment
● Redirects need special care
● Service Worker updating/versioning might be tricky, especially when SW is
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Push Notifications
Service workers essentially act as proxy servers
that sit between web applications, the browser, and
the network (when available).
- MDN web docs
source: Alexander Zlatkov @ Medium source:
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Just let me know if I can use it …

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Progressive web application
Progressive web applicationProgressive web application
Progressive web application

PWA stands for progressive web application. Progressive web applications are web applications that use features like manifest files, service workers and responsive design to provide app-like functionality regardless of device or platform. Some key features of PWAs include being responsive, working offline or on low quality networks, having a native app-like feel, being installable and being re-engageable through features like push notifications. PWAs allow developers to provide app-like experiences without having to develop native mobile applications.

20181023 progressive web_apps_are_here_sfcampua
20181023 progressive web_apps_are_here_sfcampua20181023 progressive web_apps_are_here_sfcampua
20181023 progressive web_apps_are_here_sfcampua

The document discusses making progressive web apps reliable. It recommends using service workers to cache assets and responses so the app works offline. Service workers allow precaching assets during install and returning cached responses to fetch requests. If the response isn't cached, the request can fallback to the network. When new updates are available, the service worker will update in the background. Other service worker events like sync allow background updating. Reliable progressive web apps provide instant loading offline through effective caching with service workers.

Planning Your Progressive Web App
Planning Your Progressive Web AppPlanning Your Progressive Web App
Planning Your Progressive Web App

Presented at Web Directions Code, Melbourne If you have a website—particularly one that generates revenue for your organization—you need a Progressive Web App. So where do you begin? How do you decide which features of a Progressive Web App make sense for your users? What tools can make the process easier (or harder)? In this practical session, Jason will guide you through the key design decisions you’ll need to make about your Progressive Web App and how those decisions impact the scope of your project. He'll also teach you how to avoid common pitfalls and help you take full advantage of Progressive Web App technology.

progressive web appswebdesign
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Possible fallbacks
● Email Newsletter
● Social platforms direct messages
(e.g. through Messenger)
● Customer service calls
● Analog letters
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Other platform-specific features:
● Geolocalization
● Gyro/accelerometer data
● Sending SMS
● Vibration
● WebGL
● Proximity sensor
● Front/Rear camera
● Direct calls
● Google Pay/Apple
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Proper UI is the key
source: Vuetify source: MaterialUI source:
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Polytics & Restrictions
● What if, for whatever reason, your native app gets blocked from native store?
● What if one of the most popular device manufacturers gets banned from native store?
● What if you don’t want to pay fees for monetizing your mobile app?
With PWA you are not dependent on
any third parties anymore!

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Creating No Code Web Apps with FME ServerCreating No Code Web Apps with FME Server
Creating No Code Web Apps with FME Server

Creating web applications is easy with FME Server Apps! Without ever having to write a single line of code, you can create beautiful web apps that work with any data source. Plus, with Gallery Apps, you can get organized by having all your applications in one central place. In this webinar, see how you can: - Create and manage Workspace Apps that run workspaces from a web browser - Create a landing page for all your workspace apps and URLs - Provide specific user groups access to content - Apply best practices when working with FME writers, published parameters, and more Never feel scattered across the web again! With FME, bring all your data together into one single platform, with no coding required.

[Webinar] Expanding future mobile commerce with Magento PWA Studio
[Webinar] Expanding future mobile commerce with Magento PWA Studio[Webinar] Expanding future mobile commerce with Magento PWA Studio
[Webinar] Expanding future mobile commerce with Magento PWA Studio

Know everything right from gaining erudition about exploring the future prospects of the Progressive Web Apps. We’re here to make you familiar with: - The global impact of PWAs on mobile commerce - The way CedCommerce is increasing the scope of Magento PWA Studio - Exploring the future prospects of PWA - Ways to increase the conversion rates using PWA These features will benefit the eCommerce merchants, and the customers as well. Click To Watch Our Full Webinar Here:

pwa magentopwapwa studio
Progressive Web App
Progressive Web AppProgressive Web App
Progressive Web App

Progressive web apps (PWAs) are a new type of application that combines the best of the web and the best of native apps. PWAs use modern web capabilities to deliver fast, engaging mobile experiences that feel like native mobile applications to users. Some key characteristics of PWAs include being progressive, responsive, connectivity-independent, app-like, fresh, safe, discoverable, and installable. They aim to provide native-app experiences through features like push notifications, offline support, and the ability to launch from a home screen icon.

progressive web apppwanative app
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Progressive Web Apps
- At best a fully functional application, at worst a responsive website
- Prioritize core content
- Don’t forget about performance
- Webpack + Babel provide backwards compatibility
- Older browsers will lack features such as Service Workers
- Always think about Graceful Degradation
- Caniuse(.com) can tell you what features a clients browser offers
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Great sources of
PWA knowledge
● Progressive Web Apps section @
● Progressive Web Apps section @
● Maximiliano Firtman @ medium -
● Chrome Dev Team @ twitter –
Progressive Web Apps in practice
Thank you for your time Łukasz Romanowicz
Team Leader & Vue Storefront Maintainer

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Introduction of Progressive Web App
Introduction of Progressive Web AppIntroduction of Progressive Web App
Introduction of Progressive Web App

Progressive web apps (PWAs) are a new type of application that combines the best of the web and the best of native apps. PWAs use newer web platform features and service workers to deliver app-style experiences to users. Some key benefits of PWAs include providing responsive and reliable experiences that load instantly and feel like regular apps to users, while also being able to reach users on any device via a web URL rather than an app store. PWAs aim to reduce the barriers between the web and native apps.

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Progressive web apps for e commerce
Progressive web apps for e commerceProgressive web apps for e commerce
Progressive web apps for e commerce

PWAs are quick, function offline and can also perform like a conventional native application. This provides users with a positive experience. PWAs and Web Applications perform the same functions and are extremely comparable in many aspects. And since we’ve understood how trending they are in today’s time, PWA would definitely be a good choice for your company!

progressive web apps for e-commercee-commerceprogressive app
vue-storefront - PWA eCommerce for Magento2 MM17NYC presentation
vue-storefront - PWA eCommerce for Magento2 MM17NYC presentationvue-storefront - PWA eCommerce for Magento2 MM17NYC presentation
vue-storefront - PWA eCommerce for Magento2 MM17NYC presentation

Vue.js, mobile first, offline second eCommerce frontend, we're developing under MIT - Become a contributor today -


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Meet.js Summit 2019 - PWA in practice

  • 1. Progressive Web Apps in practice in practice
  • 2. Progressive Web Apps in practice @luke_romanowicz Contact Interests Full Stack Team Leader at Divante and a core member of Vue Storefront. Working in IT for over 8 years. Łukasz Romanowicz • Automation • Testing • DevOps • IoT • U.S. Motocraft
  • 3. Progressive Web Apps in practice Who knows what PWA is?
  • 4. Progressive Web Apps in practice Progressive Web Applications
  • 5. Progressive Web Apps in practice • Website you can install on mobile phone and use just like native • Web Application you can use offline • Apps that use push notifications • Single Page Application • Web Application written on top of modern framework with serverside rendering
  • 6. Progressive Web Apps in practice The truth behind PWA Progressive web apps use modern web APIs along with traditional progressive enhancement strategy to create cross-platform web applications. These apps work everywhere and provide several features that give them the same user experience advantages as native apps. - MDN web docs " "
  • 7. Progressive Web Apps in practice How to make your app progressive?
  • 8. Progressive Web Apps in practice Progressive enhancement • Emphasize core webpage content first • Ensure all the core features work on all target platforms • Ensure all the core features are performant enough on older devices with lower bandwith
  • 9. Progressive Web Apps in practice ● Load the visible content first ● Make high priority content as lightweight as possible ● Fetch less important chunks later Content prioritizing credits:
  • 10. Progressive Web Apps in practice Keep in mind target platforms APIs. Most of the missing features can be replaced with alternatives. Fallbacks source:
  • 11. Progressive Web Apps in practice How to get them? ● Babel ● ● Npm/Yarn/GitHub Polyfills
  • 12. Progressive Web Apps in practice ● Use Chrome Coverage to get rid of dead code ● Fetch unused code later (e.g. with dynamic import) Improving performance: Code splitting & lazy loading
  • 13. Progressive Web Apps in practice ● Assets minification and compression ● Optimal formats (e.g. use SVGs raster images whenever it’s possible) ● Use lightest libs to achieve your goal ( may help you!) Improving performance: minimize content
  • 14. Progressive Web Apps in practice ● Utilize browser storage ● Set correct cache headers for your assets ● Serve cached responses whenever possible Improving performance: Proper caching
  • 15. Progressive Web Apps in practice
  • 16. Progressive Web Apps in practice Once upon a time, there was a visionary…
  • 17. Progressive Web Apps in practice source:
  • 18. Progressive Web Apps in practice 2012 -W ork starts on Service W orkers 2013 -m anifest.json 2015 (June)-PW A term coined 2015 (A pril)-Introduced in Chrom e 42 2015 -FirstPW 2015 (O ct) launched 2017 -W ebAPK & D esktop PW A 2007 (June)– Steve Jobs talking aboutthe future ofm obile apps Short history of native alike web apps
  • 19. Progressive Web Apps in practice ● Create manifest.json ● Link it on html page ● That’s it! Installing app on desktop: The Web App Manifest
  • 20. Progressive Web Apps in practice But can I use it? source:
  • 21. Progressive Web Apps in practice Possible fallbacks ● Safari native meta attributes (apple-mobile-web-app-capable, apple-touch-icon) ● Hybrid Apps (native wrappers for web apps) – e.g. React Native, Xamarin, Ionic 
  • 22. Progressive Web Apps in practice Offline browsing: Service Workers Service workers essentially act as proxy servers that sit between web applications, the browser, and the network (when available). - MDN web docs " " Installing service worker: source:
  • 23. Progressive Web Apps in practice Offline browsing: Service Workers Precache chosen dependencies: Consume cache with cache-first strategy:
  • 24. Progressive Web Apps in practice Service Workers: Basic cache strategies source: Network-first Cache-first
  • 25. Progressive Web Apps in practice Service Workers: Read more b/fundamentals/instant-and- offline/offline-cookbook S/docs/Web/API/Service_ Worker_API
  • 26. Progressive Web Apps in practice Service Workers: Other use cases ● Automatically update offline-ready applications ● Additional layer for interacting with users (e.g. using push notifications) ● Browser-side load balancer ● Offline analytics
  • 27. Progressive Web Apps in practice Accelerate creating Service Workers ● Workbox ● 3rd party Webpack plugins ●
  • 28. Progressive Web Apps in practice All’s cool, but can I use it? source:
  • 29. Progressive Web Apps in practice Possible fallback There are no fallbacks for Service Workers source:
  • 30. Progressive Web Apps in practice Service Workers: Pitfalls and caveats ● Basic access authentication can’t prompt from Service Workers ● You need SSL/TLS to make it work outside your local environment ● Redirects need special care ● Service Worker updating/versioning might be tricky, especially when SW is failing
  • 31. Progressive Web Apps in practice Push Notifications Service workers essentially act as proxy servers that sit between web applications, the browser, and the network (when available). - MDN web docs " " source: Alexander Zlatkov @ Medium source:
  • 32. Progressive Web Apps in practice Just let me know if I can use it … source:
  • 33. Progressive Web Apps in practice Possible fallbacks ● Email Newsletter ● SMS ● Social platforms direct messages (e.g. through Messenger) ● Customer service calls ● Analog letters
  • 34. Progressive Web Apps in practice Other platform-specific features: ● Geolocalization ● Gyro/accelerometer data ● Sending SMS ● Vibration ● WebGL ● Proximity sensor ● Front/Rear camera ● Direct calls ● Google Pay/Apple
  • 35. Progressive Web Apps in practice Proper UI is the key source: Vuetify source: MaterialUI source:
  • 36. Progressive Web Apps in practice Polytics & Restrictions ● What if, for whatever reason, your native app gets blocked from native store? ● What if one of the most popular device manufacturers gets banned from native store? ● What if you don’t want to pay fees for monetizing your mobile app? With PWA you are not dependent on any third parties anymore!
  • 38. Progressive Web Apps in practice Progressive Web Apps - At best a fully functional application, at worst a responsive website - Prioritize core content - Don’t forget about performance - Webpack + Babel provide backwards compatibility - Older browsers will lack features such as Service Workers - Always think about Graceful Degradation - Caniuse(.com) can tell you what features a clients browser offers
  • 39. Progressive Web Apps in practice Great sources of PWA knowledge ● Progressive Web Apps section @ ● Progressive Web Apps section @ ● Maximiliano Firtman @ medium - ● Chrome Dev Team @ twitter –
  • 40. Progressive Web Apps in practice Thank you for your time Łukasz Romanowicz Team Leader & Vue Storefront Maintainer @luke_romanowicz @lukeromanowicz