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Making your site mobile-friendly
Patrick H. Lauke / ThoughtWorks Manchester GeekNights / 17 November 2010
mobile web is
increasingly important
we need a site that
works on iPhone on iPhone...
oh, and iPad

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The Networked Museum ("The Revolution Will Not Be Televised")The Networked Museum ("The Revolution Will Not Be Televised")
The Networked Museum ("The Revolution Will Not Be Televised")

Presentation at the conference, "The Networked Museum: New Media and Innovative Ideas for Audience Development in Museums and Cultural Institutions" Sept 27-28, 2011 at the Benaki Museum, Athens

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Museum nextkeynotefinal

The document discusses how museums can embrace digital participation and change through involving online communities. It describes how the Smithsonian Institution is using mobile platforms and crowdsourcing to engage global collaborators in its work. Examples are given of Smithsonian projects that have recruited volunteers to enhance collections through tasks like transcribing historical documents and identifying fish specimens. The benefits of this community-sourcing approach are that it can fulfill museums' missions of expanding access to collections more than a traditional product-focused crowdsourcing model.

halsey burgundstories from main streetroundware
Harvard 2011fullreport
Harvard 2011fullreportHarvard 2011fullreport
Harvard 2011fullreport

In 3 sentences: 1) Harvard University reported a fiscal year 2011 operating deficit of $130 million, though total net assets increased by $5.3 billion to $37 billion due to a strong 21.4% return on investments. 2) Operating expenses increased 4% to $3.9 billion, with half comprised of compensation expenses which rose 5% and were driven by increasing healthcare costs. 3) While endowment distributions declined 10% due to reductions following the 2008 financial crisis, the University pursued cost savings initiatives and continued to invest in academic programs and student financial aid.

harvardinforme anual
“remove iPhone from ass”
Peter-Paul Koch, The iPhone obsession
make your site work on
all (most) mobile devices
Making your site mobile-friendly - ThoughtWorks Manchester GeekNights 17.11.2010
1. do nothing

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Making your site mobile-friendly / RIT++
Making your site mobile-friendly / RIT++Making your site mobile-friendly / RIT++
Making your site mobile-friendly / RIT++

Expanded version of my "Making your site mobile-friendly" speed talk, delivered via Skype for the Russian Internet Technology (RIT) conference, Moscow, 12 April 2010

web standardsmediaqueriescss3
Making your site mobile-friendly - Standards-Next 12.06.2010
Making your site mobile-friendly - Standards-Next 12.06.2010Making your site mobile-friendly - Standards-Next 12.06.2010
Making your site mobile-friendly - Standards-Next 12.06.2010

The document discusses making websites mobile-friendly by either doing nothing and relying on mobile browsers, creating a separate mobile site, or using a single adaptive site with fluid layouts, progressive enhancement, and CSS media queries to dynamically adjust the design for different screen sizes. It provides tips for optimizing sites for mobile such as minimizing data and server requests through image compression, JavaScript minification, and CSS combining.

Singapore Mobile 2.0 & Ux Trends 2009: Scott Weiss
Singapore Mobile 2.0 & Ux Trends 2009: Scott WeissSingapore Mobile 2.0 & Ux Trends 2009: Scott Weiss
Singapore Mobile 2.0 & Ux Trends 2009: Scott Weiss

The document discusses trends in mobile 2.0 and handset user experience from 2009-2010. It covers the rise of social networking features on mobile devices, improving usability through iterative design testing, and examples of early mobile social networking applications. It also provides tips for localizing content and examples of issues with early touchscreen and camera technologies.

not WAP or text anymore...
mobile browsers
will work ok-ish
“But the mobile context...”
2. separate mobile site
(,, ...)

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Mobilising Digital - Perth 13/03/14

More people are using mobile platforms to access information - can your business afford to be left behind in an age of rapid digital transformation? When once it was acceptable to be in the late majority when it came to adjusting your business to technological advancements, nowadays you have to lead the pack in order to be a viable business.


The document discusses getting started with mobile web app design. It provides resources for building apps, including frameworks like iUI and jQTouch. It emphasizes designing for specific mobile platforms, testing apps across browsers and devices, and following accessibility and usability guidelines. It also suggests building a staff app as a way to get feedback and test design concepts.

Mobile UX - the intricacies of designing for mobile devices
Mobile UX - the intricacies of designing for mobile devicesMobile UX - the intricacies of designing for mobile devices
Mobile UX - the intricacies of designing for mobile devices

Covering mobile user experience in general and focusing on the little interface tweaks and interaction design that can make all the difference to a mobile application

beware browser sniffingphoto:
offer users choice:
desktop or mobile?
Making your site mobile-friendly - ThoughtWorks Manchester GeekNights 17.11.2010
Making your site mobile-friendly - ThoughtWorks Manchester GeekNights 17.11.2010

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Mobile Development Tips: Building Mobile Apps for Digital Libraries
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Mobile Development Tips: Building Mobile Apps for Digital Libraries

This document provides tips for building mobile apps for digital libraries. It discusses native apps versus browser apps, and how to focus on core user actions and understand your audience when developing for mobile. It recommends learning from successful mobile designs, optimizing for speed and a touch interface, and following mobile design conventions. The document also provides resources for getting started in mobile development.

mobiledevelopmentdigital library
Mobile: the next frontier
Mobile: the next frontierMobile: the next frontier
Mobile: the next frontier

The document discusses the rise of mobile devices and their potential for museums. It notes that over half the global population now owns a mobile phone and smartphones are increasingly popular. The document outlines several options for museums to engage mobile audiences, including adapting existing websites, developing separate mobile sites or apps, or creating mobile web apps. It argues that mobile offers opportunities to provide contextual, ubiquitous experiences and engage visitors both on-site and off-site.

Inspiring new ways of mobile design and development
Inspiring new ways of mobile design and developmentInspiring new ways of mobile design and development
Inspiring new ways of mobile design and development

A 15 minute presentation on my thoughts about user-centered development and the subtleties of interface design for small screen devices.

Making your site mobile-friendly - ThoughtWorks Manchester GeekNights 17.11.2010
Making your site mobile-friendly - ThoughtWorks Manchester GeekNights 17.11.2010
Making your site mobile-friendly - ThoughtWorks Manchester GeekNights 17.11.2010
Making your site mobile-friendly - ThoughtWorks Manchester GeekNights 17.11.2010

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1) The mobile market is growing exponentially, surpassing traditional markets like PCs, TVs, and movies. Smartphones now make up 19% of the mobile market and drive most mobile internet usage. 2) The document outlines two prototypes created by Ghent University Library to create a mobile library website and app. The first in 2009 was a simple mobile-optimized website, while the second in 2010 was a hybrid native/HTML5 app supporting multiple mobile platforms. 3) The second prototype took 4 months and cost around 4 weeks of a programmer's time to create basic features like searching the catalog, placing holds, and accessing databases from a mobile device.

Developing for Mobility
Developing for MobilityDeveloping for Mobility
Developing for Mobility

This document discusses designing websites for mobility. It provides an overview of mobile web usage statistics and trends. It also covers various design considerations for mobile websites such as responsive design, progressive enhancement, and performance optimization techniques like image resizing and testing on actual devices. The document promotes a mobile-first approach to design and outlines Stanford's mobile aware web project.

Best Practices in Mobile Development: Building Your First jQuery Mobile App
Best Practices in Mobile Development: Building Your First jQuery Mobile AppBest Practices in Mobile Development: Building Your First jQuery Mobile App
Best Practices in Mobile Development: Building Your First jQuery Mobile App

By the end of 2012, it is expected that more than 80% of the world’s population will have access to a smartphone. Your library users will assume that your library can be accessible from anywhere, at any time, and on any device. Now is the time to be ready! During this hands-on webinar, you will: - learn the differences between native and web apps. - understand the various technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and how they work together to build mobile web apps. - gain hands-on experience using jQuery Mobile to develop a fully functional mobile-optimized web app. - have access to a free Web server so you can continue to work/test your project live on the Web. - continue to work with Jason and Chad so you can have a mentor during and after your project.

web developmentlibrariesmobile
Making your site mobile-friendly - ThoughtWorks Manchester GeekNights 17.11.2010
Making your site mobile-friendly - ThoughtWorks Manchester GeekNights 17.11.2010
refactored for small screen,
not dumbed down for mobile
3. single adaptive site

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This document discusses using mobile JavaScript frameworks like PhoneGap, Cordova, XUI and Lawnchair to build native mobile apps with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. It highlights the PhoneGap and Cordova APIs for accessing device sensors, data and outputs. It also briefly mentions JavaScript libraries like Zepto, Sencha and jQuery Mobile that can be used for DOM manipulation on mobile.

Bruce lawson-over-the-air
Bruce lawson-over-the-airBruce lawson-over-the-air
Bruce lawson-over-the-air

A general overview of HTML5, CSS 3, CSS Meedia Queries, mobile, DAP. You might find the organically-grown hand-selected list-of-links-o-rama™ at to be useful.

Yiibu rethinkingthemobileweb-100910074556-phpapp01
Yiibu rethinkingthemobileweb-100910074556-phpapp01Yiibu rethinkingthemobileweb-100910074556-phpapp01
Yiibu rethinkingthemobileweb-100910074556-phpapp01

The document discusses designing mobile web experiences. It begins by noting that while some devices like the iPhone are popular, the overall penetration of smartphones remains relatively low globally. It then examines the diversity of mobile devices and browsers in use. The document argues for an adaptive approach that works across different browsers and devices, using techniques like responsive design with media queries. It provides guidelines for mobile-friendly development, such as using semantic HTML, limiting animations for performance, and structuring CSS to deliver the right styles for each device type. The goal is to make the mobile web accessible to all users, not just those with specific devices.

nothing new...
fluid layout, progressive enhancement, graceful degradation
CSS 2 Media Types
(screen, print, handheld)
CSS 2.1 Media Types
<link rel="stylesheet" ...
media="print" href="...">
@import url("...") print;
@media print {
// insert CSS rules here
CSS 3 Media Queries
“...the new hotness”Jeffrey Zeldman

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Creating a Slick Web App Using jQTouch
Creating a Slick Web App Using jQTouchCreating a Slick Web App Using jQTouch
Creating a Slick Web App Using jQTouch

According to, jQTouch is a “jQuery plugin for mobile Web development on the iPhone, Android, iPod Touch, and other forward-thinking devices.” Web apps can easily be created using jQTouch, and they resemble native apps. jQTouch includes native WebKit animations, automatic navigation, extensions for geo-location and offline capabilities, and themes built specifically for mobile WebKit browsers like the above-mentioned mobile devices. In this session, Chad Mairn will explain the differences between native and Web apps, highlight some free and useful web development tools, and will then demonstrate how to install and customize jQTouch in order to help kick start your library’s mobile Web presence.

DDive- Giuseppe Grasso - mobile su Lotus
DDive- Giuseppe Grasso - mobile su LotusDDive- Giuseppe Grasso - mobile su Lotus
DDive- Giuseppe Grasso - mobile su Lotus

This document discusses Lotus software on mobile devices and developing for mobile. It covers the history of Lotus mobile clients, including Lotus Traveler, Sametime and Connections. It also discusses using geolocation, forms and working offline in mobile development. Resources listed include the WURFL database for device detection, CSS media queries, and HTML5 features like geolocation, forms attributes and the cache manifest for offline work.

Handys und Tablets - Webentwicklung jenseits des Desktops - MobileTech Confer...
Handys und Tablets - Webentwicklung jenseits des Desktops - MobileTech Confer...Handys und Tablets - Webentwicklung jenseits des Desktops - MobileTech Confer...
Handys und Tablets - Webentwicklung jenseits des Desktops - MobileTech Confer...

This document discusses approaches to developing websites that are accessible across desktop and mobile devices. It describes three main approaches: 1) Doing nothing and relying on modern mobile browsers to handle desktop sites, 2) Creating a separate mobile site, or 3) Using a single adaptive design that responds to different screen sizes through fluid layouts, responsive design, and CSS media queries. The document advocates the third approach of a single adaptive site as the best way to build sites that provide a good user experience across all devices.

CSS 3 Media Queries
build and extend CSS 2.1 Media Types
more granular control of capabilities
● width, height, orientation, color, resolution, …
CSS 3 Media Queries
<link rel="stylesheet" ...
media="screen and (max-width:480px)" href="...">
@import url("...") screen and (max-width:480px);
@media screen and (max-width:480px) {
// insert CSS rules here
Making your site mobile-friendly - ThoughtWorks Manchester GeekNights 17.11.2010
Making your site mobile-friendly - ThoughtWorks Manchester GeekNights 17.11.2010

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Future of interface design 2010
Future of interface design 2010Future of interface design 2010
Future of interface design 2010

The document discusses emerging interfaces for interacting with technology, including touchscreens, gesture recognition, augmented reality, and neural interfaces. It notes that mobile devices surpassed PCs for internet access in 2009 and interfaces will need to change to accommodate new technologies and form factors like touchscreens. Examples mentioned include augmented reality applications, Microsoft's Project Natal for gesture control without controllers, and neural interfaces being developed to allow communication via brain signals. The future of interfaces is predicted to involve more natural and intuitive interaction methods like touch, gestures, speech, and brain-computer interfaces.

Advanced Android Development
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Advanced Android Development

Some useful links to advanced Android development topics: best RESTful application practices, ListView to the max, lazy-loading singleton, Unit Testing and more

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These (still) aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2...
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These (still) aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2...

WCAG is supposed to give us a reasonably objective way of saying whether or not the sites we are building/auditing are "accessible" (to a particular baseline). However, they are only as useful as our understanding and interpretation of the guidelines' normative text. And, of course, it is not perfect - with some omissions, handwaving, and straight-up loopholes. So where does this leave developers and auditors? In this talk - a reprise of a previous talk, now updated to cover new SCs from WCAG 2.2 - Patrick may not have all the answers, but he'll have a good rant around the subject anyway...

Making your site mobile-friendly - ThoughtWorks Manchester GeekNights 17.11.2010
viewport meta
viewport meta
● on desktop viewport = visible area of browser
● mobile browsers have “virtual viewport”
viewport meta gives hints
viewport meta
<meta name="viewport"
<meta name="viewport"
content="width=320, initial-

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These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...
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WCAG is supposed to give us a reasonably objective way of saying whether or not the sites we are building/auditing are "accessible" (to a particular baseline). However, they are only as useful as our understanding and interpretation of the actual guidelines' normative text. And of course they're not perfect - with some omissions, handwaving, and straight up loopholes. So where does this leave developers and auditors? In this talk, Patrick may not have all the answers, but he'll have a good rant around the subject anyway...

These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...
These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...
These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...

WCAG is supposed to give us a reasonably objective way of saying whether or not the sites we are building/auditing are "accessible" (to a particular baseline). However, they are only as useful as our understanding and interpretation of the actual guidelines' normative text. And of course they're not perfect - with some omissions, handwaving, and straight up loopholes. So where does this leave developers and auditors? In this talk, Patrick may not have all the answers, but he'll have a good rant around the subject anyway...

wcagwcag 2.0wcag 2.1
Making your site mobile-friendly - ThoughtWorks Manchester GeekNights 17.11.2010
Making your site mobile-friendly - ThoughtWorks Manchester GeekNights 17.11.2010
Making your site mobile-friendly - ThoughtWorks Manchester GeekNights 17.11.2010
minimise data
and server requests
(minify JavaScript, combine CSS, …)

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HTML offers many features and attributes that can make your sites more accessible...but only if they're used wisely. Can there really be "too much accessibility"? Audio recording:

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Patrick H. Lauke: Styling Your Web Pages with Cascading Style Sheets / EDU course / University of Salford / 13 February 2006

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Patrick H. Lauke: Evaluating web sites for accessibility with Firefox / Manchester Digital Accessibility Working Group (MDAWG) / 1 March 2006

web accessibilityaccessibilitywcag
minimise data
● data transfer over network can be slow
compress images (PNGCrush)
optimise your HTML (death to div-itis)
● minify JavaScript
● combine CSS
minimise server requests
each request has overhead
limit to concurrent requests
● caching not reliable (e.g. iPhone > 25Kb)
CSS sprites
Dave Shea, A List Apart
width: 50px; height: 50px;
background: url(icons.gif) no-repeat -51px 0;

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Patrick H. Lauke: Managing and educating content editors - experiences and ideas from the trenches / Public Sector Forums / 10 May 2007

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Patrick H. Lauke - Implementing Web Standards across the institution: trials and tribulations of a redesign / Institutional Web Management Workshop IWMW / Birmingham / 28 July 2004

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web designweb developmentweb design and development
data URLs
data URLs
<img width="48" height="48" alt="Redux gravatar"
%00%01%01%01%00H%00H%00%00%FF% … ">
h1 {
background: url("data:image/jpeg,%FF%D8%FF
%E0%00%10JFIF%00%01 … ") no-repeat left top;
1. do nothing
2. separate mobile site
3. single adaptive site

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All change for WCAG 2.0 - what you need to know about the new accessibility g...

WCAG 2.0 is the new set of web accessibility guidelines that was released in 2008 as a recommendation by the W3C. It addresses some issues with the previous WCAG 1.0 guidelines by being technology-agnostic, having clearly testable success criteria focused on user outcomes rather than techniques, and removing outdated requirements. WCAG 2.0 provides more freedom for authors while still ensuring accessibility. It includes 4 principles, 12 guidelines and 61 success criteria to evaluate websites. The transition from WCAG 1.0 involves evaluating sites based on the new success criteria and testing areas that may be different.

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This document provides an introduction to web accessibility. It begins by addressing some common misconceptions about accessibility, noting that it aims to accommodate people with a wide range of disabilities, not just visual impairments. The document emphasizes that accessibility is important for both ethical and legal reasons, and that inclusive design benefits all users. It then outlines key web accessibility guidelines from the W3C, providing examples of how to make content more accessible through proper semantic markup and alternative text. The conclusion stresses that accessibility is an essential consideration for web development.

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Patrick H. Lauke: Doing it in style - creating beautiful sites, the web standards way / WebDD / Reading / 3 February 2007

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These (still) aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2...
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These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...
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These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...
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Patrick Lauke
Too much accessibility - good intentions, badly implemented / Public Sector F...
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Patrick Lauke
Styling Your Web Pages with Cascading Style Sheets / EDU course / University ...
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Patrick Lauke
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Patrick Lauke
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Patrick Lauke
Implementing Web Standards across the institution: trials and tribulations of...
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Patrick Lauke
Geolinking content - experiments in connecting virtual and physical places / ...
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Patrick Lauke
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Patrick Lauke
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Patrick Lauke
Doing it in style - creating beautiful sites, the web standards way / WebDD /...
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Patrick Lauke
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These aren't the SCs you're looking for ... (mis)adventures in WCAG 2.x inter...
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Too much accessibility - good intentions, badly implemented / Public Sector F...
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