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the intricacies of designing for mobile devices
Antony Ribot, CEO, Ribot

UX Corner - 08.01.2009

First of all, some context

started at tomato (’99)

then studied ants, bees and termites

joined the mobile scene 5 years ago

co-founded ribot 1.5 years ago

ceo / art director
Why does ribot exist?
ribot = ideas lab for mobile UIs

explore and play with interfaces
in small spaces

passion for pushing UI
Personal definitions

                     User experience
                     the qualitative
how the user
                     description of
interacts with the
                     multiple interactions
                     with an object

Method               Relationship

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Creating A Character in Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
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Creating A Character in Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Christian Gyrling is a programmer at Naughty Dog who created the enemy characters and co-authored the AI in Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. He discusses the challenges of creating many complex animations for the new console generation. To address these challenges, Naughty Dog used additive animations to preserve base animations while adding variations like aiming and looking. They also streamlined the animation workflow and built a test bed to quickly iterate. This allowed for great variety in enemy movements and reactions without much additional programming complexity.

Jelly Splash: Puzzling your way to the top of the App Stores - GDC 2014
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The match 3 puzzle genre is almost as old as it gets. Scour the App Store and you'll find hundreds of different varieties out there. Very few of these succeed however, and even less manage to hit the number one spot on the U.S. Apple App Store top download chart. Wooga's Jelly Splash managed to do just that, and in this session Florian Steinhoff, the creator of Jelly Splash, will give a detailed account on how his team managed that and what he learned throughout the development process.

game designmobile games
Don't Call Them Whales: Free-to-Play Spenders & Virtual Value GDC 2015
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Individual large spenders -- so called "whales"-- form the foundation of the free-to-play business model that has overtaken the game industry in the last few years. This talk from GDC 2015 examines this phenomenon by looking at demographics, play and buying patterns for big spenders on the Kongregate web platform and mobile games, how expectations of game spending and value are formed, and how attitudes toward spenders and spending shape the whole industry -- not just free-to-play.

gamesdata analysisgdc
Constraints of mobile

form factor           battery

network latency       context

input mechanism


computational power
Context of use
Behaviours & usage
The mobile environment

single early failure = non-returning user

crucial first 30-60 seconds usage

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DirectX 11 Rendering in Battlefield 3
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DirectX 11 Rendering in Battlefield 3

A technical deep dive into the DX11 rendering in Battlefield 3, the first title to use the new Frostbite 2 Engine. Topics covered include DX11 optimization techniques, efficient deferred shading, high-quality rendering and resource streaming for creating large and highly-detailed dynamic environments on modern PCs.

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NDC 2011에서 발표한 내용

4K Checkerboard in Battlefield 1 and Mass Effect Andromeda
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4K Checkerboard in Battlefield 1 and Mass Effect Andromeda

Talk by Graham Wihlidal (Frostbite Labs) at GDC 2017. Checkerboard rendering is a relatively new technique, popularized recently by the introduction of the PlayStation 4 Pro. Many modern game engines are adding support for it right now, and in this talk, Graham will present an in-depth look at the new implementation in Frostbite, which is used in shipping titles like 'Battlefield 1' and 'Mass Effect Andromeda'. Despite being conceptually simple, checkerboard rendering requires a deep integration into the post-processing chain, in particular temporal anti-aliasing, dynamic resolution scaling, and poses various challenges to existing effects. This presentation will cover the basics of checkerboard rendering, explain the impact on a game engine that powers a wide range of titles, and provide a detailed look at how the current implementation in Frostbite works, including topics like object id, alpha unrolling, gradient adjust, and a highly efficient depth resolve.

Mars, Neptune, Pluto...

user behaviour

handset range


data allowance / pricing

e.g. South Africa, Europe, Japan...
Time for a snack...

small snippets of info

30-60 seconds

simple, but repetitive

Re-use learnt behaviours
Re-use interactions inherent in the device

Minimise the number of surprises

soft key positions     colour

menu navigation        tone of voice

Going into details...

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1. The document outlines profiling tools and techniques for optimizing game performance in Unreal Engine 4, including tools for profiling CPU, GPU, memory, and content. 2. It provides guidance on using tools like the profiler, stat commands, VTune, rendering stats, and view modes to identify optimization opportunities for issues like animation updates, materials, lighting, culling. 3. The document highlights recent improvements in Unreal Engine 4.19 like improved cloth simulation and worker thread scaling that can enhance performance.

game development
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.NET Framework에 대한 전반적인 소개와 주요 최적화 포인트 소개

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This document discusses using SIP and WebRTC together. It introduces Janus, an open-source WebRTC server with a modular plugin architecture. One plugin enables SIP gatewaying, allowing WebRTC clients to communicate with SIP networks without needing a SIP stack in the browser. The plugin handles SIP internally while exposing a simpler JSON API to clients. This avoids issues that could arise from putting SIP directly in the browser.

Mobile is not about making
things smaller

Miniaturisation                      Mobilisation
It’s all about the subtleties
Fewer options = simple and more effective

Polish makes the UX and app stand out
Default states in a UI

Grid menus and lists

Most important function highlighted?

Maximise number of options a click away

Faking it
Low latency is key to the user experience...

...especially with touch devices

Make immediate visual changes...

...whilst we wait for network/other process


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Talks by Tomasz Stachowiak at Electronic Arts for SIGGRAPH 2015 in the Advances in Real-time Rendering course.

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Glusterfs and openstack

GlusterFS is an open-source networked file system that provides scalable, distributed storage for OpenStack. It aggregates disk storage from multiple servers into a single global namespace that is accessible from anywhere. GlusterFS uses a distributed hashing technique to spread files across servers and can be configured for replication or erasure coding for redundancy. It integrates with OpenStack components like Swift, Cinder, and Glance to provide block, object, and file-level storage services for virtual machines. Future integration plans include a Cinder-like file service (FaaS) and support for Windows and NFS shares.

Shadow Mapping with Today's OpenGL Hardware
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Shadow Mapping with Today's OpenGL Hardware

The document discusses shadow mapping, a technique for real-time shadow generation in 3D graphics. Shadow mapping works by rendering the scene from the point of view of the light to generate a depth map, then using that depth map to determine whether surfaces are in shadow during the main rendering pass from the camera's point of view. Hardware support for shadow mapping allows efficient shadow tests by comparing depth map values to fragment depths.

Working around the 3G icon
Reward-based exploration

keep it as simple as possible (the hard part)

 1. allow the user to play within safe boundaries

 2. user’s comfort increases

 3. sense of exploration increases

 4. discovery of features almost by accident
Opera Mini

page by page scrolling
Opera Mini

Short-cuts in the soft key menu

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This document summarizes an Advanced OpenVPN Concepts presentation. It discusses improvements in OpenVPN 2.2 like user authentication and additional compression settings. It also covers OpenVPN tunnel network behaviors and routing methods, including static, policy-based, and dynamic routing. Finally, it provides tactics for Multi-WAN redundancy using features like multiple remotes, gateway groups, policy routing, and OSPF dynamic routing.

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[NDC17] Unreal.js - 자바스크립트로 쉽고 빠른 UE4 개발하기
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[NDC17] Unreal.js - 자바스크립트로 쉽고 빠른 UE4 개발하기 Demo Link -

Mobile UX - the easier path
Workshop       Idea exploration

                                      Paper wireframes
 Formalised digital wireframes

User/expert testing          Aesthetic concepts

                                           Screen design
             Rapid prototype
 Docs                                      Motion design
             Art direction
How to deal with diversity
select lead handsets for your target audience

use the design process to tackle “graceful

Why use rapid prototyping
test ideas quickly in a tangible environment

extremely useful reference for developers

an interactive showcase of the intended UX

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Github : Demo : 자바 웹 프로젝트

Mobile User Experience
Mobile User ExperienceMobile User Experience
Mobile User Experience

The document provides an overview of mobile user experience design. It discusses why mobile is important due to rising smartphone usage. It defines key aspects of mobile like its personal, convenient nature. It also considers how tablets relate to mobile. The document outlines best practices for mobile design including native apps, responsive design. It discusses design principles like usability on small screens and during interruptions. It provides examples of common mobile UI elements and gestures. It also covers navigation frameworks and design patterns.

uxmobileproduct management
Mobile rapid prototyping tools
Flash (lite v3.0)


Nokia Web Runtime


Dashcode            Pen & paper

Antony Ribot

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Mobile UX - the intricacies of designing for mobile devices

  • 1. MOBILE USER EXPERIENCE the intricacies of designing for mobile devices Antony Ribot, CEO, Ribot UX Corner - 08.01.2009
  • 2. First of all, some context BACKGROUND started at tomato (’99) then studied ants, bees and termites joined the mobile scene 5 years ago co-founded ribot 1.5 years ago ceo / art director
  • 3. Why does ribot exist? ribot = ideas lab for mobile UIs explore and play with interfaces in small spaces passion for pushing UI boundaries
  • 4. Personal definitions User experience Interaction the qualitative design emotional how the user description of interacts with the multiple interactions object with an object Method Relationship
  • 5. Constraints of mobile THERE ARE MANY form factor battery network latency context input mechanism memory computational power
  • 8. The mobile environment IT’S LIKE MARS single early failure = non-returning user crucial first 30-60 seconds usage
  • 9. Mars, Neptune, Pluto... THE ENVIRONMENT DIFFERS, DEPENDING ON WHERE YOU ARE user behaviour handset range operators data allowance / pricing e.g. South Africa, Europe, Japan...
  • 10. Time for a snack... DATA-SNACKING small snippets of info 30-60 seconds simple, but repetitive regular
  • 11. Re-use learnt behaviours Re-use interactions inherent in the device Minimise the number of surprises soft key positions colour menu navigation tone of voice
  • 13. Mobile is not about making things smaller Miniaturisation Mobilisation vs
  • 14. It’s all about the subtleties Fewer options = simple and more effective interface Polish makes the UX and app stand out
  • 15. Default states in a UI Grid menus and lists Most important function highlighted? Maximise number of options a click away
  • 16. Faking it Low latency is key to the user experience... ...especially with touch devices Make immediate visual changes... ...whilst we wait for network/other process
  • 18. Reward-based exploration FOCUSING ON THE KEY FEATURE AND DOING IT WELL keep it as simple as possible (the hard part) 1. allow the user to play within safe boundaries 2. user’s comfort increases 3. sense of exploration increases 4. discovery of features almost by accident
  • 19. Opera Mini A REWARD-BASED MOBILE BROWSER page by page scrolling
  • 20. Opera Mini A REWARD-BASED MOBILE BROWSER Short-cuts in the soft key menu
  • 22. Mobile UX - the easier path Workshop Idea exploration Paper wireframes Formalised digital wireframes User/expert testing Aesthetic concepts Screen design Rapid prototype Docs Motion design Art direction
  • 23. How to deal with diversity select lead handsets for your target audience use the design process to tackle “graceful degradation”
  • 24. Why use rapid prototyping test ideas quickly in a tangible environment extremely useful reference for developers an interactive showcase of the intended UX
  • 25. Mobile rapid prototyping tools Flash (lite v3.0) XHTML + CSS Nokia Web Runtime Silverlight Dashcode Pen & paper
  • 26. Questions Antony Ribot

Editor's Notes

  1. move things along little by little
  2. Note: Constraints make mobile interesting. A challenge.
  3. If you're not aware of the constraints, the UX will be poor.
  4. [Note - do mobile users have shorter attention spans?]
  5. e.g. In SA, most people have very limited data connections. Mixit
  6. Like a large bag of chocolate buttons
  7. Motorola
  8. Exit, Quit,
  9. Miniaturisation (shrinking things down)
  10. Mobilisation (process of selecting the features most important to the user given the mobile context) vs
  11. minimising the number of subconscious questions the user needs to make
  12. super simple, but so few design this
  13. (all the time, we are building a relationship with the user)