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© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 663
Long Term Trend Analysis of Precipitation and Temperature for Asosa
district, Benishangul Gumuz regional state, Ethiopia)
Tsehaye Adamua, Zhu Haochena*, Mehari Mariyea
aTongji University, College of Environmental Science & Engineering, Shanghai, 200092, China,
a*Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China.
Background: To find and measure the influence of climate change on socio-economic sectors and ecosystems, many worldwide
studies have been carried out and policy modifications for mitigation and adaptation were recommended. Though, the time
worn made top-down approach, universal study, has little local and regional specificity and has unsuccessful to address the
regional and local consequences of climate change. Therefore, this research was conducted in satisfying such awareness gaps
in Asosa District, Benishangul Gumuz Regional State.
Methods: The research was designed at addressing the national and local issues of climate change and was done by
investigating time series temperature and precipitation trends in Benishangul Gumuz Regional state of Ethiopia, Asosa District
in particular. To achieve this objective, both primary and secondary data from different sources were used. The collected data
were investigated following quantitative and qualitative analysis methods and Manna Kendall trend test method was used.
Results: The main results revealed that the mean, maximum and minimum temperature had a general decreasing annual
maximum, minimum and mean annual temperature change from 1993 to 2022. The trend line shows that the average yearly
maximum temperature decreased approximately by a factor of -0.0341 and the minimum temperature was decreased by -
0.0152 factor respectively. To the average, the annual maximum temperature is found to be 31.40C (2005 year) and the annual
minimum temperature is 14.07 (2011), For the temperature data recorded in the study area, the average values were analyzed
usingthe Mann - Kendall test and the results revealed that annual, winter, spring, and autumn season minimum and maximum
temperature indicated a decreasing trend but summer season for minimum temperature showed an increasing trend. The
Annual minimum temperature result implies that statistically not significant decreasing trend at (P = 0.05) but the annual
maximum temperature reveals statistically significant decreasing trend for the annual maximum temperature. Whereas, the
annual precipitation amount showed statistically significant increasing trend in Asosa district.
Conclusions: To conclude, the concerned body, development planners should design strategies and plans by taking into
account a rising summer precipitation and declining temperature impacts on rural livelihoods.
Keywords: Temperature trend, Climate change and variability, Manna Kendall trend test, Precipitation trend, Time series
trend analysis.
1. Introduction
Climate change is one of the multiple challenges facing all categories of farmers globally. However, African farmers are the
most sensitive in respect of climate variability and change. Climate change impacted negatively on crop production and the
livelihoods of the local farmers[1, 2]. Climate change poses a major threat to the semi-arid tropics, which is characterized by
scanty and uncertain rainfall, infertile soils, poor infrastructure, extreme poverty and rapid population growth. These
conditions present serious environmental, economic and social impacts on the agricultural community[3].
Nowadays climate change is amongst the most critical problems affecting the wellbeing of human beings. In Ethiopia, where
the majority of the population rely on agriculture, climate change has adverse effects. In rural areas, low resilient capacity to
shocks exacerbates the impacts of climate change such as production failure, which in turn enormously contributed to food
insecurity [4].
Small-holder farmers in Ethiopia are facing several climate related hazards, in particular highly variable rainfall with severe
droughts which can have devastating effects on their livelihoods [5]. Droughts and floods are very common phenomena in
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 664
Ethiopia with significant events occurring every three to five years[6, 7]. The frequency of droughts and floods has increased
in many parts of Ethiopia resulting in loss of lives and livelihoods [8]. Other reports also indicate increasing trends in the
incidence of meteorological drought episodes, food shortages and climate related human and crop diseases particularly in the
northern highland and southern lowland regions of the country [9]. Climate change is expected to exacerbate the challenges of
rainfall variability and the accompanying drought and flood disasters in Ethiopia [7].
Climate change is currently a sustainable development issue that requires special attention of governments. Key natural
resources and ecological systems (e.g. forests, pastures, water bodies, wetlands and natural habitats), all of which are crucial
to sustainable development, are sensitive to changes in climate and climate variability. EPSILON International [10] argued that
climate change represents an additional burden on the natural resource base of Ethiopia, which was already affected by
increasing resource demands, ineffective management practices and environmental degradation. These stresses are expected
to reduce the ability of some environmental systems to provide, on a sustained basis, goods and services needed for effective
economic and social development including adequate food and feed supply, decent health, water and energy supplies,
employment opportunities and social advancement. It is well recognized that the most vulnerable and marginalized
communities and groups are those who will experience the greatest impacts[11], and are in the greatest need of support and
adaptation strategies. In this regard the role of government and civil society is crucial for enabling efficient adaptation
methods; and development policies and programs having synergy effect with climate change initiatives help adapt with the
changing climate better [12].
Environmental issues have been causing debates around the globe. These issues have also got much attention in Ethiopia.
Ethiopia has been adversely affected by the environmental crisis. Developing countries and the poor were depicted as
unfortunate victims of climate change. The causes of climate change include deforestation, industries, mismanagement of the
environment, and utilization of natural resources. One of the effects of climate change brought natural disaster what we call a
drought. Drought affected many people, even recently, in Ethiopia. Concerning the environmental problems and issues in
Ethiopia, there are beginnings at the policy level[13].
Climate change is one of the most urgent and complex challenges for societies and economies. Left unaddressed it contains the
potential to compromise the well-being of the current and future generations. Smallholder farmers who depend on rain-fed
agriculture are heavily affected and it is important to understand what they think about the problem and its impacts so that
remedial measures can be tailored to address the problem[14].
Global climate change has become an indisputable fact. The effect of climate change on humans has become increasingly
serious, especially for the livelihood of farmers. The perception of climate change is the basis of adaptation. Determining the
key factors that affect farmers' perception of climate change and clearing the formation mechanisms of farmers' climate
change perception are very important for selecting adaptation strategies [15]. Climate change has a serious impact on
the farmers' livelihood depending on the natural resources, especially in the ecologically vulnerable alpine region. So it is
urgent for us to search for effective strategies to adapt to climate change [16]. Adaptation to climate change is an effective
measure at the farm level, which can reduce climate vulnerability by making rural households and communities better able to
prepare themselves and their farming to change and support them in dealing with adverse events[17].
Any slight variations in rainfall mount or intensity enforce a severe challenge on the rural community since its main livelihood
relays on agriculture which mostly depends on summer monsoon. This is because showing or forecasting climate change
influence on mostly subsistent growers at global level is a very challenging duty due to the absence of regular reports,
shortage to acquire standard data, exceptional position, and the households’ capability to incorporate on-farm and off-farm
activities, and finally the farmers’ vulnerability to a range of stressors [18]. The overall objective of this study was, so, to fill
such research gaps thorough investigating long term trend analysis of precipitation and temperature in Asosa district,
Benishangul Gumuz regional state, Ethiopia.
2. Methods
2.1 An overview of the research areas
Asosa district is the district in Western Ethiopia and capital of the Benishangul Gumuz Regional State located in Asosa
administrative Zone. The district is geographically lies between 10o04’-10.067o latitude and 34o31’-34.517o longitude. It is 687
km away from Addis Abeba. The total size of the area is about 2317 km2. It is located in 1401-1544 meter above sea level.
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 665
Based on 10 years of climatic data (2008–2017) obtained from Ethiopian Meteorology Agency, Benishangul Gumuz Region
Service Center, the mean monthly temperature range of the District is 15–28 ◦C and the mean annual rainfall is 1183 mm
Wakwoya, Woldeyohannis [19].
This study was carried out in Asosa district which is one of the development corridor in the country and vast investments are
being incurred to encourage small scale farmer managed irrigation. The number of agricultural households of the district is 23,
332 and the total rural farmer population of the district is 104,993 (52532 male and 52461 female)[20].
Agriculture is the mainstay of the community. Like in other parts of the country, the farming techniques used by the rural
communities are traditional. The study area is characterized as mixed farming system where the livelihood of the rural
community depends both on livestock and crop farming. Crop production is almost dependent on rain fed. The dominant crops
produced in the district are cereals, pulse, oil seeds and horticultural crops. The major crops grown in the area are Sorghum,
Maiz, Teff, Soya bean, Ground nut, Sweet potato, Banana, Mango and others It is estimated the district has livestock population
123,161 of which cattle population 52,585 comprises the major share followed by small ruminants with a population of
61,670 [20]. In addition agricultural extension systems of the study area offers a multitudes of activities such as home-
economics, training, visit, arranging field days in cooperation with the district administration officers and NGOs, organizing
demonstration trials etc. Since 2004 attempts have been devoted to employ three development agents at each PA in order to
offer training on livestock, natural resources and crop sub-sectors at farmer training center.
Figure 2.1: Map of the Study area፡ Source Benishangul Gumuz regional state Bureau of Rural Land Administration
1.2 Data Analysis
The meteorological data was obtained from ground observations of Asosa district Metrological station and the collected data
was used for climate trend analysis of the study area. XLSTAT, computer software was used to analyze the trend analysis and
to consider the seasonal component of rainfall at the same time. Later, to describe a trend of time series, Mann-Kendall trend
test was used to see whether there is a decreasing or increasing trend. Mann-Kendall statistics (S) is one of non-parametric
statistical test used for detecting trends of climatic variables. It is the most widely used methods since it is less sensitive to
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 666
outliers (extraordinary high values within time series data) and it is the most robust as well as suitable for detecting trends in
precipitation [21]. Different software such as Origin Pro, and Microsoft excel were used for trend analysis and significant test.
As these software are very sensitive to outliers (extraordinarily high values), Mann- Kendall trend test was used to detect the
trend and normalized Z-score for significant test.
A mark of +1 is awarded if the value in a time series is larger, or a mark of −1 is awarded if it is reduced. The overall score for
the time-series data is the Mann–Kendall statistic which is then compared to a critical value to test whether the trend in
rainfall or temperature is increasing, decreasing or if no trend can be observed.
The strength of the trend is proportional to the magnitude of the Mann–Kendall Statistic. Sgn (Xj −X k) is an indicator function
that results in the values 1, 0, or −1 according to the significance of Xj − Xk where j > k, the function was calculated as follows:
Sgn (Xj − Xk) = 1 → if, Xj − Xk > 0
Sgn (Xj − Xk) = 0 → if, Xj − Xk = 0
Sgn (Xj − Xk) = −1 → if, Xj − Xk < 0
Where Xj and Xk are the sequential rainfall or temperature values in months J and K (J > k) respectively;
Whereas, a positive value is an indicator of increasing (upward) trend and a negative value is an indicator of decreasing
(downward) trend.
In the equation, X1, X2, X3… Xn represents ‘n’ data points (monthly), where Xj represents the data point at time J. Then the
Mann–Kendall statistics (S) is defined as the sum of the number of positive differences minus the number of negative
differences, given by:
S = ∑ ∑
Sgn (Xj − Xk) = 1 → if, Xj − Xk > 0
Sgn (Xj − Xk) = 0 → if, Xj − Xk = 0
Sgn (Xj − Xk) = −1 → if, Xj − Xk < 0
Trends considered at the study sites were tested for significance. A normalized test statistic (Z-score) is used to check the
statistical significance of the increasing or decreasing trend of mean precipitation and temperature values. The trends of
temperature are determined and their statistical significance is tested using Mann–Kendall trend significant test with the level
of significance 0.05 (Z_α/2 = ± 1.96).
→ If, S > 0
Z = 0 → if, S = 0
→ If, S < 0
Hypothesis testing Ho = μ = μo (there is no significant trend/stable trend in the data)
Ha = μ_μo (there is a significant trend/unstable trend in the data) If −Z1−α/2 ≤ Z ≤ Z 1−α/2 accepts the hypothesis or else reject
the null hypothesis. Powerfully increasing or decreasing trends indicate a higher level of statistical significance (Keredin et al.
3. Results
3.1 Rainfall trend analysis in the Asosa District

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Rapid change in climate is set to alter the delicate balance that exists between man and nature. The literature to this effect points out that the poorest countries and communities are likely to suffer the most because of their geographic locations, low income and low institutional capacity, as well as their greater reliance on climate-sensitive sectors like agriculture. Even if climate mitigations plans are implemented properly there will be some degree of warming due to inertia of emissions already released. As such, there is a strong consensus about the need of adaptation to changing climatic conditions. Adaptation to climate change is given increasing international attention as the confidence in climate change projections is getting higher. Developing countries have specific needs for adaptation due to high vulnerabilities, and they will in this way carry a great part of the global costs of climate change although the rising atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations are mainly the responsibility of industrialized countries. Adaptation is believed to enhance the resilience against increasing climate variability. In this backdrop, the objective of the present paper is, therefore, to systematically and critically review the existing literature on the impacts of climate change and choice of adaptations across countries and draw insights for suggesting a comprehensive policy framework particularly for developing countries in this regard. The paper finds that the role of government and civil society is crucial for enabling efficient adaptation methods. Development policies and programs having synergy effect with climate change initiatives help adapt with the changing climate better. However, the availability of clean technology in developing countries will play the decisive role in controlling their growth rate of emission.

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This document discusses a study on climate change adaptation strategies of smallholder farmers in the Babilie District of Ethiopia. It provides background on climate change impacts on agriculture in Ethiopia and challenges smallholder farmers face. The study used surveys of 160 households and focus groups to understand factors influencing farmers' choices of adaptation strategies. A multinomial logistic regression analysis found that sex, age, education, family size, livestock ownership, income, credit access, distance to market, extension services, agro-ecological zone, climate information, and extension contact significantly impacted adaptation strategy choices. The document recommends future policies focus on awareness raising, social networks, credit access, and research on new crop varieties.

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 667
The investigation of precipitation and temperature trends in the study area was based on the data obtained from ground
observations of meteorological station located in Asosa District, Asosa zone of Benishangul Gumuz regional state.
The results and thoughts provided in the subsequent sections though expressed as Asosa District. The annual and seasonal
precipitation trend of Asosa district was analyzed and is presented in (Table 3.1). It was found out that the period from Jun to
September is the main rainy season (Kiremet), during which period 70.6% of the annual precipitation is received (Figure 3.1).
The annual minimum, maximum and mean precipitation had of 827.8, 2417.8 and 1,240.75 mm respectively. Among seasons,
the mean minimum rainfall of 0.7933 mm has been recorded in winter and the maximum of 653.425 mm in summer. The
314.25 mm annual rainfall has deviated from the average value; among the season, the greater standard deviation was in
summer and it followed by autumn, spring and winter. However, moderately sever rain fall variability (CV) was recorded for
the annual and summer, highly sever for the spring, winter and autumn. A positive correlation coefficient was found in annual,
winter, summer and autumn, a parallel result noticed in regression slope too. This implies that the annual, winter, summer and
autumn rainfall had been increasing since 1993. This result has similarity with the findings of [22]. The month of August is
with the highest (242.7 mm) average monthly precipitation in the district. After the end of summer (Kiremet) season, the
remaining precipitation usually occurs during the autumn (Tsedey) and spring (Belg) seasons (Figure 3.1).
Table 3.1The annual and seasonal rainfall in Asosa district since 1993–2022
Stat. Annual Total Winter Spring Summer Autumn
Minimum 827.8 0 100.8 482.8 210
Maximum 2417.8 15.6 558.5 1147.5 710.5
Mean 1240.75 0.7933 204.166 653.425 380.813
SD 314.247 2.911 99.064 147.046 130.935
CV% 25.33 180.46 48.52 22.51 34.38
R 0.12163 0.212 -0.1568 0.1158 0.2736
R Slope 4.341672 0.104182 -1.7653 1.933628 4.069188
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 668
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
* *
Time (Month)
Figure 3.1 Asosa District Monthly rainfall distribution
Analysis of the precipitation record in the study area depicted that there is a general rising trend of the annual rainfall
during the last 30 years. The study area station documented minimum yearly rainfall during the second decade and the
maximum annual rainfall was recorded in the first decade. The range of yearly rainfall also showed a high variability of annual
rainfall in the study area. The minimum yearly rainfall was recorded during 2005(827.8 mm) and the highest annual rainfall
was documented in 2000 (2417.8).The annual precipitation of the study area had a range from 827.8 mm in 2005 to
2417.8 mm in 2000. These values indicate that there is high yearly rainfall inconsistency in the study area. For the period of
the past 30 years, the precipitation deviated yearly by a maximum of 314.25 mm from the mean (Table 3.1).
In order to identify statistically significant variations in the annual precipitation in the study station, a time series study was
undertaken. The parameter estimate of the slope was then tested for statistical significance using the Mann-Kendall trend test
at a 0.05 level of significance. As presented in table 3.1 the R-slope of the trendline for figure 3.2 is 4.3417 (positive) which
suggests that the long years mean rainfall is increasing.
To clarify the descriptive information, the linear regression was fitted and the slope was determined and paired samples t- test
was run to check their correlation. The slope revealed rising trend of precipitation within the stated times. The slope of a line
was also used as a measurement of how many units it went up or down for every year to see the change of yearly precipitation
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 669
annual total
Linear Fit of Sheet1 B"annual total"
95% Confidence Band of B"annual total"
Time (years )
Equation y = a + b*x
Weight Instrumental
Residual Sum
of Squares
Pearson's r 0.29706
Adj. R-Square 0.05568
Value Standard Error
annual total
Intercept 1032.35951 81.83411
Slope 8.44113 5.12767
1993 1997 2002 2007 2012 2017 2022
Figure 3.2 Linearity relationship graph of annual total rain fall
The Mann - Kendall test was used to identify the trend of annual and seasonal precipitation between 1993 and 2022; results of
which are revealed in Table 3.2. The seasonal and annual rainfall results of both Kendall’s tau and the statistic (S) were
consistent with one another. A positive trend was observed in annual rainfall, and a mix of negative (spring) and positive
(winter, summer and autumn) trends was noticed in seasons; however, it also show statistical significance at 5% for Annual,
summer and autumn. The magnitude of the trend was evaluated by the Sen’s method which showed an increasing trend
annual, winter, summer and autumn (Figures 3.3 and 3.6), and the spring showed the decreasing trend of rainfall in the time
series (Table 3.1 and 3.2).The lower bound 5% of the confidence interval demonstrated that the spring season rainfall was
negatively influenced, but the upper bound 5% of annul and all seasons and lower bound 5% of annul and the rest seasons
except spring found positive.
Table 3. 2. Annual and seasonal rainfall for the Mann - Kendall and Sen’s Slope test (19093–2022)
Tau S Var (S) p-Value
95% Confidence
Lower Upper
Annual 0.283 123 3141.667 0.030 10.784 0.850 21.023
Winter 0.195 72 2647.333 0.168 0.000 0.000 0.088
Spring -0.014 -6 3140.667 0.929 -0.118 -4.700 2.740
Summer 0.267 116 3140.667 0.040 3.730 0.331 7.971
Autumn 0.297 129 3141.667 0.022 5.692 0.726 10.644
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 670
As it is depicted in Table 3.3 the monthly average precipitation decreased for April and May but increased for Jun, July, August,
September, October and November. Based on the data analysis resulted by Man-Kendall trend test the highest increase was
documented at October month with a slope of 2.833 and the lowest increase was recorded at November Month with a slope of
(0.540) in the study area station. The positive sign showed that raising from the slope of each average yearly precipitation
The coefficient of variability analysis shows that a significant yearly rainfall difference was recorded from weather station
with maximum during winter season (180.46%) and minimum During Summer (22.51%) season (see table 3.1). These are
also supported by Correlation Coefficient of the yearly precipitation change and variability. All seasons in the study area
except spring showed a positive correlation with the time period for the last 3 decades and this was significant at p<0.05 for
annual, summer and autumn (Table 3.1).
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025
Time (years)
Figure 3.3 Seasonal rain fall variability graph

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This document examines agroforestry as an adaptation method for African smallholder farmers facing increased weather extremes due to climate change. It discusses how agroforestry can strengthen food system resilience by providing additional crops and income sources while improving soil and water management. However, adoption of agroforestry in sub-Saharan Africa has been low due to various barriers. Overcoming these barriers is important for smallholder farmers to adapt their food production through low-cost agroforestry methods.


This document discusses the effects of climate change on agriculture in semi-arid tropical regions, using examples from Ethiopia. It introduces climate and climate change concepts, and notes that rainfall variability is a major problem for Ethiopian farmers. The document then provides 5 examples of how climate change is negatively impacting agriculture in different areas of Ethiopia. It concludes by outlining possible adaptation measures, including changes to cultural practices, irrigation, and switching to more drought-tolerant crops. Appropriate scientific assessment and research are needed to design effective adaptation strategies.

International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 671
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025
Time (years)
Figure 3.4 Seasonal maximum rain fall variability graph
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025
1200 Summer
Time (years)
Figure 3.5 Seasonal minimum rain fall variability graph
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 672
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025
2600 Annual total RF
Time (years)
Figure 3.6 Annual total rain fall variability graph
The monthly average precipitation amount for the past three decades from the station was analyzed and mean values were
taken for investigation for the study area. Therefore, the mean, minimum and maximum precipitation amount was higher for
the months of June, July, August and September (summer season).
..Table 3. 3 Monthly average rainfall statistics for the last 3 decades for Asosa Metrological station (descriptive statistics)
Stat. Min Max Mean SD CV%
tau S Var(S) p-value Slop
Jan 0 11 5.5 2.611 47.47 -0.078 -19 1308.333 0.619 0
Feb 0 12.5 6.25 2.304 36.86 0.074 22 1884.000 0.629 0
Mar 0 75.2 37.6 21.805 57.99 0.086 34 2872.000 0.538 0
Apr 0 117.7 58.85 34.359 58.38 -0.030 -13 3137.000 0.830 -0.141
May 61.2 442.5 251.85 79.362 31.51 -0.067 -29 3141.667 0.617 -4.354
Jun 103 464.5 283.75 80.61 28.41 0.053 23 3141.667 0.695 0.679
Jul 88.4 324 206.2 58.374 28.31 0.085 37 3141.667 0.521 0.933
Aug 144 432 288 63.27 21.97 0.214 93 3141.667 0.101 2.025
Sep 94 398.8 246.4 80.185 32.54 0.182 79 3141.667 0.164 2.286
Oct 11 296 153.5 68.323 44.51 0.269 117 3141.667 0.038 2.833
Nov 0 64.5 32.25 20.379 63.19 0.194 83 3112.333 0.142 0.54
Dec 0 15.6 7.8 2.911 37.32 0.351 92 1515.333 0.019 0
Based on the above finding, it is of huge significance to picture the socio economic and environmental effects that could
result if increasing precipitation trends last in the future. For rural agriculturalists who are exposed to floods, water logging
and consistent nature of precipitation, appropriate adaptation strategies have to be designed and implemented by
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 673
development planners. The vulnerabilityof rural households might further be worsened if the precipitation continues showing
drastic raising trend in the future as this incident results in flood and severe logging of the farm land resources due to heavy
3.2. Temperature trends
The average monthly temperature was examined in the study area using the data recorded over the years. The temperature
data collected in Asosa Meteorological station was computed and mean, maximum and minimum monthly temperature
values were taken for this analysis. Therefore, mean minimum and maximum temperature across all months over the last 30
years in the study area is presented in Table 3.4 and 3.5.
The average yearly minimum and maximum temperature in the district for the last 30 years was 14.067 OC and 31.442 OC,
respectively. The largest average minimum and maximum temperature was documented in spring than summer season
(Tables 3.4). The maximum temperature trend was decreasing at Asosa metrological station in all months except Jun month
(Table 3.5). Significant decreasing trend of maximum temperature was observed during July, October and December while the
minimum temperature trend was decreasing significantly during February, March and November and increasing during May,
July, August and September at study area station. On the other hand, the minimum and maximum temperature trend showed
in decreasing trend for annual and throughout the seasons at Asosa district except autumn season for the maximum
temperature which shows a positive trend (Table 3.5 and 3.6).The yearly temperature also indicates a decreasing trend;
however, there are separate alterations in the tendency for minimum temperature and maximum temperature (maximum
temperature decreased more quickly).
The Mann-Kendal trend of yearly, winter, spring, and autumn season minimum and maximum temperature indicated a
decreasing trend but summer season for minimum temperature showed an increasing trend. Concerning monthly minimum
temperature, May, Jun, July, August, September and October, months revealed a rising trend and Jun, July, August and
September were significant at (p < 0.05), whereas January, February, March, April, November and December, months revealed
a decreasing trend and January, February, March and November were significant (p < 0.05) (Table 3.5). On the other hand,
monthly maximum temperature, except for Jun, all months indicated a decreasing trend and May, July, October and December
were significant at (p < 0.05) (Table 3.6). The reason for decreasing of temperature in the study area could be because of
change in climate, massive planting of seedlings by the green legacy program of Ethiopian government for the last 10 years,
and also it could be because of artificial lake created by great renaissance dam construction at Nile River near to the study
Significant rising trends of average minimum temperature particularly in the main growing season, might have damaged crop
growth and development as well as yield across the region in Asosa. This is for the reason that the high temperature
throughout crop growing season leads to higher evapotranspiration causing in more water demand for the crops.
Table 3.4 Mann Kendall trend test result for annual, seasonal, and monthly Minimum temperature (OC) (from 1993–2022) in
Asosa District, Benishangul Gumuz regional state, Ethiopia.
Temperature Min (◦C) Max (◦C)
S Var(S) p-value slop
Jan 11.5 16.3 13.224 1.216 9.19 -0.232 -100 3134 0.077 -0.049
Feb 12.021 18.2 14.439 1.517 10.5 -0.372 -161 3137.667 0.004 -0.094
Mar 13.3 20.8 16.061 1.488 9.26 -0.375 -162 3134 0.004 -0.07
Apr 14.2 18.6 16.67 1.177 7.06 -0.185 -80 3136 0.158 -0.04
May 14.5 18.3 16.764 0.867 5.17 0.149 64 3131.333 0.26 0.018
Jun 14.9 17.9 16.162 0.625 3.87 0.247 105 3117 0.062 0.024
Jul 11.9 16.8 15.648 0.895 5.72 0.267 114 3120 0.043 0.022
Aug 13.3 16.465 15.547 0.742 4.77 0.385 165 3127.667 0.003 0.027
Sep 13.3 16.3 15.505 0.677 4.36 0.271 116 3122.667 0.04 0.022
Oct 13 17.6 14.791 0.9 6.08 0.103 44 3126.667 0.442 0.008
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 674
Nov 11.6 15.5 13.542 1.039 7.67 -0.303 -131 3135 0.02 -0.06
Dec 10.1 16.3 13.078 1.53 11.7 -0.196 -85 3137.667 0.134 -0.05
Annual 14.067 16.042 15.119 0.521 3.45 -0.172 -75 3141.667 0.187 -0.017
Winter 11.533 16.033 13.58 1.017 7.49 -0.284 -123 3137 0.029 -0.05
Spring 14.8 18.697 16.498 0.904 5.48 -0.184 -80 3140.667 0.159 -0.031
Summer 14.333 16.453 15.786 0.569 3.6 0.277 120 3138.667 0.034 0.021
Autumn 13.067 15.7 14.612 0.652 4.46 -0.025 -11 3139.667 0.858 -0.002
Table 3.5. Mann–Kendall test results for annual, seasonal, and monthly Maximum temperature (OC) (from 1993–2022) in
Asosa District, Benishangul Gumuz regional state, Ethiopia.
S Var(S) p-value slop
Jan 28.7 34 30.427 1.285 4.22 -0.06 -26 3136.667 0.655 -0.012
Feb 20.838 36.9 31.399 2.47 7.87 -0.042 -18 3131.333 0.761 -0.005
Mar 30.9 35.5 32.386 0.991 3.06 0.086 37 3130.333 0.52 0.01
Apr 27.9 33.9 31.263 1.444 4.62 -0.177 -76 3132 0.18 -0.04
May 25.1 31.9 28.268 1.426 5.04 -0.245 -106 3136.667 0.061 -0.05
Jun 24.1 32.7 25.711 1.748 6.8 0.012 5 3137.667 0.943 0.002
Jul 21.2 29.1 24.349 1.538 6.32 -0.279 -120 3130.667 0.033 -0.048
Aug 23 29.1 24.589 1.506 6.13 -0.16 -69 3135.667 0.225 -0.027
Sep 24.173 29.2 25.538 1.012 3.96 -0.179 -77 3129.667 0.174 -0.021
Oct 25.2 29.4 26.573 1.105 4.16 -0.381 -163 3122.333 0.004 -0.03
Nov 26.3 30.9 27.784 1.045 3.76 -0.188 -81 3135.667 0.153 -0.033
Dec 27.3 33.5 29.621 1.351 4.56 -0.222 -96 3136.667 0.09 -0.03
Annual 26.809 31.442 28.159 0.975 3.46 -0.218 -95 3141.667 0.094 -0.025
Winter 26.549 34.6 30.482 1.36 4.46 -0.224 -97 3139.667 0.087 -0.019
Spring 29 33.667 30.639 1.04 3.4 -0.217 -94 3138.667 0.097 -0.029
Summer 23.362 27.767 24.883 1.249 5.02 -0.147 -64 3140.667 0.261 -0.021
Autumn 25.533 29.733 26.632 0.927 3.48 -0.318 -138 3140.667 0.015 -0.025
Table 3. 6 Monthly mean temperature descriptive statistics (Asosa District 30 years data)
Stat. Min Max Mean SD CV % R Slope
Jan 11.5 34 22.8 0.864 3.8 -0.27934 -0.03682
Feb 12 36.9 24.5 1.645 6.7 -0.41981 -0.07842
Mar 13.3 35.5 24.4 1.145 4.7 -0.40686 -0.05292
Apr 14.2 33.9 24.1 1.38 5.7 -0.41895 -0.06567
May 14.5 31.9 23.2 0.925 4 -0.09937 -0.01044

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This research aims to strengthen the resilience of populations living along the Agoua and Toui-Kilibo protected forests. Its main aim is to analyze the adaptation measures used by the riparian populations and propose actions to strengthen their resilience. Data were collected from semi-structured individual interviews with each head of household or his/her sponsor in his/her household or field or plantation within and/or around the CF. Focus group interviews with key informants (between 05 and 13 participants representing the diversity of socio-professional or socio-cultural groups and gender-sensitive) were also conducted in riparian communities and within the CF. This data was collected through the QField application. The resulting database was transferred to the Excel spreadsheet for clearing and processing. For the processing of these data several parameters were calculated, in particular the importance value (IV), the response rate at the level of each respondent. In addition, the resilience of populations was assessed. To this end, the proposal for options to improve the resilience of communities bordering the Agoua and TK forests is based on the Multidimensional Resilience Index (MRI). For the calculation of resilience the basic variables are grouped into a set of actions which are themselves grouped into a set of seven (7) options. The various shares have been converted into indices called “core indices” and are calculated and obtained at the level of each option. Option-level indices are also calculated taking into account the indices previously calculated at the equity level. Finally, the Multidimensional Resilience Index is obtained by calculating the weighted arithmetic average of the indices calculated at the option level. The options that have attracted community attention are sustainable land management (4.1), and capacity building (3.89). These two options scored substantially 4, which shows that the communities are resilient. Improved social and cultural living conditions (3.33) can also strengthen the resilience of communities. Environmental protection, organizational level, institutional support and the creation of economic activities have a score ranging from 2 to 2.83. Actions to implement the priority options for adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change will reduce the vulnerability of the populations living near Agoua and Toui-Kilibo protected forests.

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This briefing paper highlights key challenges and issues for consideration in policy development and planning processes at community, local, national and regional levels towards creating awareness and building resilience to climate change impacts in Uganda. It’s an output from a review of various documents and literature on climate change impacts and responses in Uganda and else where. Furthermore, it’s informed by Environmental Alert’s experiences and lessons generated through facilitating initiatives to support climate change adaptation at community and local levels particularly in the West Nile region (in the districts of Adjumani, Moyo and Yumbe) and Lukwanga Parish in Wakiso district, Central region of Uganda; and also targeted engagement with key policy and decision makers at all levels including local, national, regional and international on issues of climate change. It is targeting key stakeholders at all levels (including local leaders, Government, Development Partners, Civil Society, Policy Makers, Political Leaders, Private Sector, Academia, Research Institutions, Cultural and Faith Based Leaders and Communities among others; to mainstream, prioritize and support climate change adaptation actions at all levels of planning and development.

community resilienceadaptation and mitigationclimate change impacts
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 675
Jun 14.9 32.7 23.8 0.929 3.9 0.15312 0.016153
Jul 11.9 29.1 20.5 0.714 3.5 0.03525 0.002857
Aug 13.3 29.1 21.2 0.774 3.7 0.10818 0.009505
Sep 13.3 29.2 21.3 0.524 2.5 -0.07361 -0.00438
Oct 13 29.4 21.2 0.646 3 -0.2569 -0.01884
Nov 11.6 30.9 21.3 0.867 4.1 -0.41524 -0.04088
Dec 10.1 33.5 21.8 0.635 2.9 -0.41434 -0.02986
Annual 14.067 31.442 21.567 0.605 0.0281 -0.36424 -0.02503
Winter 11.533 34.6 22.104 0.938 0.0424 -0.40918 -0.04362
Spring 14.8 33.667 22.511 0.971 0.04431 -0.39003 -0.04301
Summer 14.333 27.767 21.331 0.774 0.0363 0.10818 0.009505
Autumn 13.067 29.733 20.62 0.533 0.0258 -0.35279 -0.02137
As indicated in Figure 3.7 there was a general decreasing annual maximum, minimum and mean temperature change from
1993 to 2022. The trend line shows that the average yearly maximum temperature decreased approximately by a factor of -
0.02503 (figure 3.8, table 3.4). This value is indicated by the slope equation given y= -0.02503x + 21.955. To the average, the
annual maximum temperature is found to be 31.4420C (2005 year) and the annual minimum temperature is 14.067 (2011
year), however; this value is not kept constant because of the change in climate (Figure 3.7, Table 3.3)
For the temperature data recorded in the study area, the average values were analyzed using the Mann – Kendall test and the
results revealed that there is no increasing or decreasing trend for the mean annual temperature in the study area as the
calculated p-value is greater than the significance level alpha = 0.05 except April month (table 3.5); one should accept the null
hypothesis H0, and reject the alternative hypothesis Ha. It implies that MK test is not statistically significant for the annual
mean temperature which shows no trend.
Figure 3.7 Annual minimum, maximum and mean temperature trend in Asosa district
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 676
25 Annual mean
Linear Fit of Sheet1 B"Annual mean"
95% Confidence Band of B"Annual mean"
Time (years)
Equation y = a + b*x
Weight Instrumental
Residual Sum
of Squares
Pearson's r -0.14506
Adj. R-Square -0.01392
Value Standard Error
Annual mean
Intercept 21.50937 0.14937
Slope -0.00655 0.00844
1993 1997 2002 2007 2012 2017 2022
Figure 3.8 Linearity relationship graph of annual mean temperature
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025
Annual mean
Time ( Year )
Figure 3.9: Annual mean temperature graph
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 677
4. Discussion
Studies have attempted to establish the trend of the climate variability at District and regional level. The seasonal and annual
trend in rainfall of Ethiopia has been reviewed from the period 1986 to 2020. The district analysis was carried out considering
each meteorological station, while the regional analyses were based on agro-ecological zones (AEZs), using observations from
47 rainfall and 37 temperature stations obtained from the Ethiopian Meteorological Institute (EMI). The district level analysis
revealed that Winter (Bega), summer (Kiremt), and annual rainfall showed increasing trend, even though no significant, in
most stations, but the rainfall in Spring (Belg) season showed a non-significant decreasing trend at district and regional
level[23]. Also, Spring and summer rains in parts of Ethiopia have declined by 15–20 percent since the mid-1970s[24]. The
decreasing trend in Spring (Belg) rainfall has been noticed for the southern region of Ethiopia by applying Mann Kendall test
The research District is characterized with maximum precipitation in summer (June to August), some in spring (May) and
autumn (September to October), seasons. There is yearly variability of precipitation in the station. Annual and all seasons, in
the station exhibited a coefficient of variation (CV > 0.2). The results of this study is commonly consistent with other study
findings which reported increased rainfall and non-uniform rainfall changes [23, 26-31]
In the study area, Mann Kendall and Sen’s slope estimator test analysis showed that declining and rising trend of precipitation
was observed across the seasons. However, there is no statistically significant trend at 95% level for spring and winter seasons
Table 3.2). This result is also supported by [23-26, 28, 31-34] that expressed the existence of increasing and decreasing
annual and seasonal trends of rain fall in most parts of the country. This disparity may affect the district climate systems as
well as the hydrological cycle[35]. It was openly seen that the declining of precipitation in spring season during the study
period was probably happened by mainly the reduction of precipitation from April to May (p < 0.05) (table 3.3) [35]. The other
months showed increasing trend except December, January, February and March.
The unit of variation in the amount of precipitation was greater for spring season allied with annual and summer precipitation
in Asosa District. This suggests that related with the summer season, there is more inter annual variability in spring season’s
precipitation. The present result was comparable to the reports by [22, 36, 37] who found more variability in spring
precipitation matched with the summer precipitation in most parts of Ethiopia. Bewket [38] also stated additional
precipitation variability in Gondar in spring season with 48% CV value compared with annual and summer precipitation with
17/% and 22%, CV values respectively. In addition, according to the investigation by Abebe [39], the coefficients of variations
of precipitation were reported as 23%, 46%, and 35% for annual, spring, and summer precipitations, respectively.
The pattern of precipitation in the study district was not only limited to the various levels of variability and deviation from
normal distribution but also indicated ups and downs in the trends. As a result, the total annual, winter, summer, and autumn
rainfall exhibits an increasing trend while the spring season rainfall show decreasing trends. On the other hand, winter and
spring trends were not statistically significant. The end result of this study is in convergence with the finding of the [40, 41],
which says that the expected (21st century) mean annual precipitation trend is likely to be increasing in East Africa. In the
same way,[42] stated the truth of both the increasing and decreasing trends of rainfall in the Gamo Gofa zone in southwestern
Ethiopia. In covenant with the current study,[43] noted that the yearly total precipitation has revealed an increasing trend of
35 mm per decade; however, it was not statistically significant over the Upper Blue Nile River Basin of Ethiopia. In contrast,
the finding of [44] is in opposition to the present study. In their study, they described the existence of a decreasing trend in
annual precipitation over the northern, northwestern, and western parts of Ethiopia. In addition, the current study differs with
the findings of [45], which indicated decreasing trends in yearly precipitation in the Tana Basin region and the same
decreasing trend was detected in the Tigray region of North Ethiopia [46]. Inconsistency could arise from different sources;
study period, station data quality, study area location, and the number of years of the data used for the analysis.
Table 3.3 and Fig. 3.1 show the end result of a trend investigation of monthly and seasonal rainfall patterns in the study
district. Accordingly, the pattern of precipitation was rising for the majority of the months, except in April and May. However,
the pattern of rising trends in rainfall was statistically significant in October and December Months at alpha = 0.05: On the
other hand, in the spring season, the precipitation revealed a declining trend of -0.118mm of Sen’s slope (Table 3.2). Although,
amazingly, the result of the Mann Kendall’s tau test result shows negative trends in January Month, the negative sign shows
the presence of decreasing trend in the patterns of precipitation. This indicates the strength of Sen’s slope test relative to
descriptive statistics in detecting each outlier in the data set.
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 678
On the other hand, the annual precipitation indicates a rising trend with the Mann Kendall test of 0.283 and by 10.784 mm
with Sen’s slope (Table 3.2), it was also statistically significant. The result is covenant with findings in the Gurage Zone by
Yirga [47]. He reported that the trends of precipitation were declining in Belg and rising in both the annual and summer
seasons, but the trends were non-significant. In general, the declining trends of Belg (short rainy season) and the changing
trends of Kiremt (long or main rainy season) rain were very detrimental to rain fed mixed farming. The result is in line with
the research conducted in the Gubalafto District of North Eastern parts of Ethiopia [48]. The variability is damaging to survival
livelihoods because, it influences the rain fed agriculture system in diverse ways, such as through damage to crops and
persistent low yields that could lead to household food insecurity[49]. Moreover, the influence of precipitation variability has
been found as it was not limited to the effects of subsistence food intake but goes beyond the Ethiopian economy. [50] found
that precipitation variability in the state led to a production shortage of 20% and amplified poverty rates by 25%, which cost
the economy over one-third of its growth potential. This is because; Ethiopia is highly exposed to climate change and
variability and has experienced several food crises during the past decades [37, 51].
The unit of variation in the amount of precipitation was greater for spring season allied with annual and summer precipitation
in Asosa District. This suggests that related with the summer season, there is more inter annual variability in spring season’s
precipitation. The present result was comparable to the reports by [22, 36, 37] who found more variability in spring
precipitation matched with the summer precipitation in most parts of Ethiopia. Bewket [38] also stated additional
precipitation variability in Gondar in spring season with 48% CV value compared with annual and summer precipitation with
17/% and 22%, CV values respectively. In addition, according to the investigation by Abebe [39], the coefficients of variations
of precipitation were reported as 23%, 46%, and 35% for annual, spring, and summer precipitations, respectively.
The results in Table 3.1 and Table 3.3 depict the descriptive analysis of both monthly and seasonal precipitation in the study
district for the period 1993 to 2022. The mean annual precipitation of the district from 1993 to 2022 was 1240.75mm, with a
standard deviation (SD) of 314.247and 25.33 of the CV. The minimum and maximum records of precipitation were 827.8mm
and 2417.8mm, respectively. Summer (locally known as Kiremt season rain) was found to be the season when high amounts of
rainfall (M = 653.425mm) were received with moderately severe variation (CV = 22.51%). And it was also the main rainy
season (June, July, and August) that had a significant contribution to the total amounts of rainfall received on an yearly basis
(M = 1240.8mm). Autumn, locally known as "Tseday rain" (September, October and November), is the season when the 2nd
highest amount of average precipitation (380.813) was received. In contrast, winter (locally known as Bega rain, December-
February) was the season observed with the least amount of rain (M = 0.7933mm), and the rain at this time was not as
demanded as compared to the summer, autumn and spring seasons’ rain. The result is in line with the findings of [52, 53].
They stated that summer is the main rainy season contributing the most to the yearly precipitation received in different parts
of the country, Ethiopia.
Concerning variability, moderate to extremely high levels of variability were recorded in seasonal and moderate level of
variability in annual precipitation was recorded, however moderate to very high levels of variability were observed in the
monthly precipitation with the coefficient of variation. The coefficient of variation (CV) is the means of descriptive statistics
broadly used to categorize the scale of variability as low (CV < 20%), moderate (20<CV< 30%), high (CV > 30%), very high (CV
> 40%), and extremely high (CV > 70%) [54]. Consequently, Jun, July and August were the months with moderate levels of
variability, (28.41%, 28.31% and 21.97% of CV), February, May, September and December were the months with high levels of
variability (36.86, 31.51, 32.54, 37.32% of CV) and January, March, April, October and November were the months that
showed very high levels of variability (47.47%, 57.99%, 58.38%, 44.51% and 63.19% of CV) respectively. Between seasons,
summer (Kiremt) was the season with moderate coefficient of variation (22.51% CV), autumn was the season with high
coefficient of variation (34.38% CV), spring was the season with very high coefficient of variation (48.52% CV) but winter
(Bega) was the season with the extremely high coefficient of variation (180.46%). This suggests that, while the pattern of
rainfall was moderately stable during the main sowing season, it was very highly variable during the first sowing season
(spring). Kyei-Mensah, Kyerematen [55] noted that the high inconsistency of precipitation in the minor season is repeatedly
associated with a decrease in crop production yield. The end result is similar to the situation in Ethiopia’s Amhara regional
state’s south Gonder zone[41, 56]. The authors found that the rainfall pattern in the Kiremt season was less variable compared
to the Belg season (March to May) rain.
The average yearly minimum and maximum temperature in the district for the last 30 years was 14.067 OC and 31.442 OC,
respectively. The largest average minimum and maximum temperature was documented in spring than summer season
(Tables 3.4). The maximum temperature trend was decreasing at Asosa metrological station in all months except Jun month
(Table 3.6). Significant decreasing trend of maximum temperature was observed during July, October and December while the

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 679
minimum temperature trend was decreasing significantly during February, March and November and increasing during May,
July, August and September at study area station. On the other hand, the minimum and maximum temperature trend showed
in decreasing trend for annual and throughout the seasons at Asosa district except autumn season for the maximum
temperature which shows a positive trend (Table 3.5 and 3.6).
The yearly temperature also indicates a decreasing trend; however, there are separate alterations in the tendency for
minimum temperature and maximum temperature (maximum temperature decreased more quickly). The finding is
contrasting with [57] result, who reported a higher increase in minimum temperature than maximum temperature in
southwest China. The yearly and seasonal average temperature trend line, studied by [58], showed that in the yearly average
temperature series, an increasing trend is detected at 53 stations and a decreasing trend at 17 stations. The average maximum
temperature series reveals an increasing trend at 63 stations and a falling trend at 8 stations. The average minimum
temperature shows an increasing trend at 33 stations and a declining trend at 31 stations out of 71 total studied stations. A
large variability matched with maximum temperature was revealed in coefficient of variation of average yearly, season, and
monthly minimum temperature (Figure 3.5 and 3.6). In the same way, [59, 60] described that coefficient of variation is
considerably greater for minimum temperature than the maximum temperature in all study regions of western Amhara,
Ethiopia between 1979–2008.
The MK trend of yearly, winter, spring, and autumn season minimum and maximum temperature indicated a decreasing trend
but summer season for minimum temperature showed an increasing trend. Concerning monthly minimum temperature, May,
Jun, July, August, September and October, months revealed a rising trend and Jun, July, August and September were significant
at (p < 0.05), whereas January, February, March, April, November and December, months revealed a decreasing trend and
January, February, March and November were significant (p < 0.05) (Table 3.5). On the other hand, monthly maximum
temperature, except for Jun, all months indicated a decreasing trend and May, July, October and December were significant at
(p < 0.05) (Table 3.6). similar to this finding,[60, 61] noted that a non-significant heating trend of minimum temperature was
observed in the course of summer season between 1985–2019 in north East Ethiopia.
Significant rising trends of average minimum temperature particularly in the main growing season, might have damaged crop
growth and development as well as yield across the region in Asosa. This is for the reason that the high temperature
throughout crop growing season leads to higher evapotranspiration causing in more water demand for the crops. This finding
is in line with [62] who explained that high temperature damages many cellular developments associated to plant growth and
development, which is openly linked to a reduction in photosynthetic efficiency and lastly crop yield. A rise in temperature
also causes in a shift from using long duration cultivars to the short maturing ones, which have lower yield potential[63].
Though, documented meteorological data investigation of temperature shows that rising trends detected almost in all parts of
the country. According to the Mann–Kendall trend analysis test, the maximum and minimum temperature investigation
resulted in a general decreasing with no trend. However, precipitation amount resulted in a general increasing trend based on
the average documented values of the Metrological stations from the Asosa district. The reason for increasing rain fall and
decreasing of temperature in the study area could be because of change in climate, massive planting of seedlings by the green
legacy program of Ethiopian government for the last 10 years and also could be artificial lake created by great renaissance
dam construction at Nile River near to the study area. To recommend the concerned body, development planners should
design strategies and plans by taking into account a rising summer rainfall and declining temperature without trends impacts
on rural livelihoods.
5. Conclusion
Nowadays climate change is amongst the most critical problems affecting the wellbeing of human beings. In Ethiopia, where
the majority of the population rely on agriculture, climate change has adverse effects. In rural areas, low resilient capacity to
shocks exacerbates the impacts of climate change such as production failure, which in turn enormously contributed to food
insecurity. Small-holder farmers in Ethiopia are facing several climate related hazards, in particular highly variable rainfall
with severe droughts and floods which can have devastating effects on their livelihoods. Amplified ability to manage upcoming
climate change and weather extremes can decrease the magnitude of economic, social and human destructions.
Adverse effects of climate change may degrade current social and economic challenges of the whole country, mainly where
people are reliant on resources that are sensitive to climate change and rain fed agriculture. Historical and recent investments
and catastrophe interferences in the country are more concentrated on reclamation from a disaster than on the formation of
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 680
adaptive capacity. Improved ability to manage future climate change and weather extremes can shrink the level of economic,
social and human da mage. Among several features of weather and climate in Ethiopia, Precipitation and temperature are the
most shared and key for the rural peoples’ livelihoods that depend on rain fed agriculture.
Analysis of the rainfall record in the Asosa district meteorological station depicted that there is ageneral rising trend of
the annual rainfall during the last 30 years. The range of yearly rainfall also showed a high variability of annual rainfall in the
study area. In the Asosa metrological station, the minimum yearly rainfall was recorded during 2005(827.8 mm) and the
highest annual rainfall received in 2000 (2417.8).The annual precipitation of the study area had a range from 827.8 mm in
2005 to 2417.8 mm in 2000. These values indicate that there is high yearly rainfall inconsistency in the study area.
For the period of the past 30 years, the precipitation deviated yearly by 314.25 mm from the mean in the study area. The trend
on the decadal basis was also investigated to decide the deviations over time within the study periods. In order to identify
statistically significant variations in the annual precipitation in the study station, a time series study was undertaken. The
parameter estimate of the slope was then tested for statistical significance using the Mann-Kendall trend test at a 0.05 level of
significance. The slope of the trendline is 4.3417 (positive) which suggests that the long years mean rainfall is increasing.
The average yearly minimum and maximum temperature in the district for the last 30 years was 14.067 OC and 31.442 OC,
respectively. The largest average minimum and maximum temperature was documented in spring than summer season
(Tables 3.4). The maximum temperature trend was decreasing at Asosa metrological station in all months except Jun month
(Table 3.6). Significant decreasing trend of maximum temperature was observed during July, October and December while the
minimum temperature trend was decreasing significantly during February, March and November and increasing during May,
July, August and September at study area station. On the other hand, the minimum and maximum temperature trend showed
in decreasing trend for annual and throughout the seasons at Asosa district except autumn season for the maximum
temperature which shows a positive trend (Table 3.5 and 3.6).
Though, documented meteorological data investigation of temperature shows that rising trends detected almost in all parts of
the country. According to the Mann–Kendall trend analysis test, the maximum and minimum temperature investigation
resulted in a general decreasing with no trend. However, precipitation amount resulted in a general increasing trend based on
the average documented values of the Metrological stations from the Asosa district. The reason for increasing rain fall and
decreasing of temperature in the study area could be because of change in climate, massive planting of seedlings by the green
legacy program of Ethiopian government for the last 10 years and also could be artificial lake created by great renaissance
dam construction at Nile River near to the study area. To recommend the concerned body, development planners should
design strategies and plans by taking into account a rising summer rainfall and declining temperature without trends impacts
on rural livelihoods.
6. Declarations
Author contributions Author contributions T. A.; conceptualized the project; curated the data; conducted the formal analysis;
T.A.; and M.M.; developed the methodology and T. A.; and Zhu. H.; supervised the project, while T. A.; wrote the original draft
and all authors participated in the subsequent review and editing process.
Finding: Not applicable
I confirm that the data included here is accurate and comprehensive. I hereby certify that this work has not been previously
published and has not been submitted for publication to any journal.
Conflict of interest: The authors don't have any competing interests.
Availability of data: The manuscript contains all the data utilized.
Informed consent: Not applicable
7. Acknowledgements
This study would never be completed without the contribution of Tongji University and many people to whom we would like
to express our gratitude. Tongji University provided us with both financial and logistical assistance, which we acknowledge.
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 681
The first author had invaluable support from Tongji University during his research stay in Shanghai, China, and we are grateful
for their assistance. The B/GRS/ Bureau of Agriculture, Asosa district Meteorological station Center, Asosa District Office of
Agriculture, Administrative Keeble’s development agents, district agricultural officials, local guiders, committee leaders and
respondent households in each of the sampling keels were indispensable for the successful completion of the field work. We
would like also to acknowledge people who contributed their knowledge and time in data collection and entry processes.
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Long Term Trend Analysis of Precipitation and Temperature for Asosa district, Benishangul Gumuz regional state, Ethiopia)

  • 1. © 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 663 Long Term Trend Analysis of Precipitation and Temperature for Asosa district, Benishangul Gumuz regional state, Ethiopia) Tsehaye Adamua, Zhu Haochena*, Mehari Mariyea aTongji University, College of Environmental Science & Engineering, Shanghai, 200092, China, a*Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------***--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract Background: To find and measure the influence of climate change on socio-economic sectors and ecosystems, many worldwide studies have been carried out and policy modifications for mitigation and adaptation were recommended. Though, the time worn made top-down approach, universal study, has little local and regional specificity and has unsuccessful to address the regional and local consequences of climate change. Therefore, this research was conducted in satisfying such awareness gaps in Asosa District, Benishangul Gumuz Regional State. Methods: The research was designed at addressing the national and local issues of climate change and was done by investigating time series temperature and precipitation trends in Benishangul Gumuz Regional state of Ethiopia, Asosa District in particular. To achieve this objective, both primary and secondary data from different sources were used. The collected data were investigated following quantitative and qualitative analysis methods and Manna Kendall trend test method was used. Results: The main results revealed that the mean, maximum and minimum temperature had a general decreasing annual maximum, minimum and mean annual temperature change from 1993 to 2022. The trend line shows that the average yearly maximum temperature decreased approximately by a factor of -0.0341 and the minimum temperature was decreased by - 0.0152 factor respectively. To the average, the annual maximum temperature is found to be 31.40C (2005 year) and the annual minimum temperature is 14.07 (2011), For the temperature data recorded in the study area, the average values were analyzed usingthe Mann - Kendall test and the results revealed that annual, winter, spring, and autumn season minimum and maximum temperature indicated a decreasing trend but summer season for minimum temperature showed an increasing trend. The Annual minimum temperature result implies that statistically not significant decreasing trend at (P = 0.05) but the annual maximum temperature reveals statistically significant decreasing trend for the annual maximum temperature. Whereas, the annual precipitation amount showed statistically significant increasing trend in Asosa district. Conclusions: To conclude, the concerned body, development planners should design strategies and plans by taking into account a rising summer precipitation and declining temperature impacts on rural livelihoods. Keywords: Temperature trend, Climate change and variability, Manna Kendall trend test, Precipitation trend, Time series trend analysis. 1. Introduction Climate change is one of the multiple challenges facing all categories of farmers globally. However, African farmers are the most sensitive in respect of climate variability and change. Climate change impacted negatively on crop production and the livelihoods of the local farmers[1, 2]. Climate change poses a major threat to the semi-arid tropics, which is characterized by scanty and uncertain rainfall, infertile soils, poor infrastructure, extreme poverty and rapid population growth. These conditions present serious environmental, economic and social impacts on the agricultural community[3]. Nowadays climate change is amongst the most critical problems affecting the wellbeing of human beings. In Ethiopia, where the majority of the population rely on agriculture, climate change has adverse effects. In rural areas, low resilient capacity to shocks exacerbates the impacts of climate change such as production failure, which in turn enormously contributed to food insecurity [4]. Small-holder farmers in Ethiopia are facing several climate related hazards, in particular highly variable rainfall with severe droughts which can have devastating effects on their livelihoods [5]. Droughts and floods are very common phenomena in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
  • 2. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 664 Ethiopia with significant events occurring every three to five years[6, 7]. The frequency of droughts and floods has increased in many parts of Ethiopia resulting in loss of lives and livelihoods [8]. Other reports also indicate increasing trends in the incidence of meteorological drought episodes, food shortages and climate related human and crop diseases particularly in the northern highland and southern lowland regions of the country [9]. Climate change is expected to exacerbate the challenges of rainfall variability and the accompanying drought and flood disasters in Ethiopia [7]. Climate change is currently a sustainable development issue that requires special attention of governments. Key natural resources and ecological systems (e.g. forests, pastures, water bodies, wetlands and natural habitats), all of which are crucial to sustainable development, are sensitive to changes in climate and climate variability. EPSILON International [10] argued that climate change represents an additional burden on the natural resource base of Ethiopia, which was already affected by increasing resource demands, ineffective management practices and environmental degradation. These stresses are expected to reduce the ability of some environmental systems to provide, on a sustained basis, goods and services needed for effective economic and social development including adequate food and feed supply, decent health, water and energy supplies, employment opportunities and social advancement. It is well recognized that the most vulnerable and marginalized communities and groups are those who will experience the greatest impacts[11], and are in the greatest need of support and adaptation strategies. In this regard the role of government and civil society is crucial for enabling efficient adaptation methods; and development policies and programs having synergy effect with climate change initiatives help adapt with the changing climate better [12]. Environmental issues have been causing debates around the globe. These issues have also got much attention in Ethiopia. Ethiopia has been adversely affected by the environmental crisis. Developing countries and the poor were depicted as unfortunate victims of climate change. The causes of climate change include deforestation, industries, mismanagement of the environment, and utilization of natural resources. One of the effects of climate change brought natural disaster what we call a drought. Drought affected many people, even recently, in Ethiopia. Concerning the environmental problems and issues in Ethiopia, there are beginnings at the policy level[13]. Climate change is one of the most urgent and complex challenges for societies and economies. Left unaddressed it contains the potential to compromise the well-being of the current and future generations. Smallholder farmers who depend on rain-fed agriculture are heavily affected and it is important to understand what they think about the problem and its impacts so that remedial measures can be tailored to address the problem[14]. Global climate change has become an indisputable fact. The effect of climate change on humans has become increasingly serious, especially for the livelihood of farmers. The perception of climate change is the basis of adaptation. Determining the key factors that affect farmers' perception of climate change and clearing the formation mechanisms of farmers' climate change perception are very important for selecting adaptation strategies [15]. Climate change has a serious impact on the farmers' livelihood depending on the natural resources, especially in the ecologically vulnerable alpine region. So it is urgent for us to search for effective strategies to adapt to climate change [16]. Adaptation to climate change is an effective measure at the farm level, which can reduce climate vulnerability by making rural households and communities better able to prepare themselves and their farming to change and support them in dealing with adverse events[17]. Any slight variations in rainfall mount or intensity enforce a severe challenge on the rural community since its main livelihood relays on agriculture which mostly depends on summer monsoon. This is because showing or forecasting climate change influence on mostly subsistent growers at global level is a very challenging duty due to the absence of regular reports, shortage to acquire standard data, exceptional position, and the households’ capability to incorporate on-farm and off-farm activities, and finally the farmers’ vulnerability to a range of stressors [18]. The overall objective of this study was, so, to fill such research gaps thorough investigating long term trend analysis of precipitation and temperature in Asosa district, Benishangul Gumuz regional state, Ethiopia. 2. Methods 2.1 An overview of the research areas Asosa district is the district in Western Ethiopia and capital of the Benishangul Gumuz Regional State located in Asosa administrative Zone. The district is geographically lies between 10o04’-10.067o latitude and 34o31’-34.517o longitude. It is 687 km away from Addis Abeba. The total size of the area is about 2317 km2. It is located in 1401-1544 meter above sea level.
  • 3. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 665 Based on 10 years of climatic data (2008–2017) obtained from Ethiopian Meteorology Agency, Benishangul Gumuz Region Service Center, the mean monthly temperature range of the District is 15–28 ◦C and the mean annual rainfall is 1183 mm Wakwoya, Woldeyohannis [19]. This study was carried out in Asosa district which is one of the development corridor in the country and vast investments are being incurred to encourage small scale farmer managed irrigation. The number of agricultural households of the district is 23, 332 and the total rural farmer population of the district is 104,993 (52532 male and 52461 female)[20]. Agriculture is the mainstay of the community. Like in other parts of the country, the farming techniques used by the rural communities are traditional. The study area is characterized as mixed farming system where the livelihood of the rural community depends both on livestock and crop farming. Crop production is almost dependent on rain fed. The dominant crops produced in the district are cereals, pulse, oil seeds and horticultural crops. The major crops grown in the area are Sorghum, Maiz, Teff, Soya bean, Ground nut, Sweet potato, Banana, Mango and others It is estimated the district has livestock population 123,161 of which cattle population 52,585 comprises the major share followed by small ruminants with a population of 61,670 [20]. In addition agricultural extension systems of the study area offers a multitudes of activities such as home- economics, training, visit, arranging field days in cooperation with the district administration officers and NGOs, organizing demonstration trials etc. Since 2004 attempts have been devoted to employ three development agents at each PA in order to offer training on livestock, natural resources and crop sub-sectors at farmer training center. Figure 2.1: Map of the Study area፡ Source Benishangul Gumuz regional state Bureau of Rural Land Administration 1.2 Data Analysis The meteorological data was obtained from ground observations of Asosa district Metrological station and the collected data was used for climate trend analysis of the study area. XLSTAT, computer software was used to analyze the trend analysis and to consider the seasonal component of rainfall at the same time. Later, to describe a trend of time series, Mann-Kendall trend test was used to see whether there is a decreasing or increasing trend. Mann-Kendall statistics (S) is one of non-parametric statistical test used for detecting trends of climatic variables. It is the most widely used methods since it is less sensitive to
  • 4. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 666 outliers (extraordinary high values within time series data) and it is the most robust as well as suitable for detecting trends in precipitation [21]. Different software such as Origin Pro, and Microsoft excel were used for trend analysis and significant test. As these software are very sensitive to outliers (extraordinarily high values), Mann- Kendall trend test was used to detect the trend and normalized Z-score for significant test. A mark of +1 is awarded if the value in a time series is larger, or a mark of −1 is awarded if it is reduced. The overall score for the time-series data is the Mann–Kendall statistic which is then compared to a critical value to test whether the trend in rainfall or temperature is increasing, decreasing or if no trend can be observed. The strength of the trend is proportional to the magnitude of the Mann–Kendall Statistic. Sgn (Xj −X k) is an indicator function that results in the values 1, 0, or −1 according to the significance of Xj − Xk where j > k, the function was calculated as follows: Sgn (Xj − Xk) = 1 → if, Xj − Xk > 0 Sgn (Xj − Xk) = 0 → if, Xj − Xk = 0 Sgn (Xj − Xk) = −1 → if, Xj − Xk < 0 Where Xj and Xk are the sequential rainfall or temperature values in months J and K (J > k) respectively; Whereas, a positive value is an indicator of increasing (upward) trend and a negative value is an indicator of decreasing (downward) trend. In the equation, X1, X2, X3… Xn represents ‘n’ data points (monthly), where Xj represents the data point at time J. Then the Mann–Kendall statistics (S) is defined as the sum of the number of positive differences minus the number of negative differences, given by: S = ∑ ∑ Where Sgn (Xj − Xk) = 1 → if, Xj − Xk > 0 Sgn (Xj − Xk) = 0 → if, Xj − Xk = 0 Sgn (Xj − Xk) = −1 → if, Xj − Xk < 0 Trends considered at the study sites were tested for significance. A normalized test statistic (Z-score) is used to check the statistical significance of the increasing or decreasing trend of mean precipitation and temperature values. The trends of temperature are determined and their statistical significance is tested using Mann–Kendall trend significant test with the level of significance 0.05 (Z_α/2 = ± 1.96). √ → If, S > 0 Z = 0 → if, S = 0 √ → If, S < 0 Hypothesis testing Ho = μ = μo (there is no significant trend/stable trend in the data) Ha = μ_μo (there is a significant trend/unstable trend in the data) If −Z1−α/2 ≤ Z ≤ Z 1−α/2 accepts the hypothesis or else reject the null hypothesis. Powerfully increasing or decreasing trends indicate a higher level of statistical significance (Keredin et al. 2013). 3. Results 3.1 Rainfall trend analysis in the Asosa District
  • 5. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 667 The investigation of precipitation and temperature trends in the study area was based on the data obtained from ground observations of meteorological station located in Asosa District, Asosa zone of Benishangul Gumuz regional state. The results and thoughts provided in the subsequent sections though expressed as Asosa District. The annual and seasonal precipitation trend of Asosa district was analyzed and is presented in (Table 3.1). It was found out that the period from Jun to September is the main rainy season (Kiremet), during which period 70.6% of the annual precipitation is received (Figure 3.1). The annual minimum, maximum and mean precipitation had of 827.8, 2417.8 and 1,240.75 mm respectively. Among seasons, the mean minimum rainfall of 0.7933 mm has been recorded in winter and the maximum of 653.425 mm in summer. The 314.25 mm annual rainfall has deviated from the average value; among the season, the greater standard deviation was in summer and it followed by autumn, spring and winter. However, moderately sever rain fall variability (CV) was recorded for the annual and summer, highly sever for the spring, winter and autumn. A positive correlation coefficient was found in annual, winter, summer and autumn, a parallel result noticed in regression slope too. This implies that the annual, winter, summer and autumn rainfall had been increasing since 1993. This result has similarity with the findings of [22]. The month of August is with the highest (242.7 mm) average monthly precipitation in the district. After the end of summer (Kiremet) season, the remaining precipitation usually occurs during the autumn (Tsedey) and spring (Belg) seasons (Figure 3.1). Table 3.1The annual and seasonal rainfall in Asosa district since 1993–2022 Stat. Annual Total Winter Spring Summer Autumn Minimum 827.8 0 100.8 482.8 210 Maximum 2417.8 15.6 558.5 1147.5 710.5 Mean 1240.75 0.7933 204.166 653.425 380.813 SD 314.247 2.911 99.064 147.046 130.935 CV% 25.33 180.46 48.52 22.51 34.38 R 0.12163 0.212 -0.1568 0.1158 0.2736 R Slope 4.341672 0.104182 -1.7653 1.933628 4.069188
  • 6. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 668 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 * * * * * * * * * * * Rain fall (mm) Time (Month) Mean * Figure 3.1 Asosa District Monthly rainfall distribution Analysis of the precipitation record in the study area depicted that there is a general rising trend of the annual rainfall during the last 30 years. The study area station documented minimum yearly rainfall during the second decade and the maximum annual rainfall was recorded in the first decade. The range of yearly rainfall also showed a high variability of annual rainfall in the study area. The minimum yearly rainfall was recorded during 2005(827.8 mm) and the highest annual rainfall was documented in 2000 (2417.8).The annual precipitation of the study area had a range from 827.8 mm in 2005 to 2417.8 mm in 2000. These values indicate that there is high yearly rainfall inconsistency in the study area. For the period of the past 30 years, the precipitation deviated yearly by a maximum of 314.25 mm from the mean (Table 3.1). In order to identify statistically significant variations in the annual precipitation in the study station, a time series study was undertaken. The parameter estimate of the slope was then tested for statistical significance using the Mann-Kendall trend test at a 0.05 level of significance. As presented in table 3.1 the R-slope of the trendline for figure 3.2 is 4.3417 (positive) which suggests that the long years mean rainfall is increasing. To clarify the descriptive information, the linear regression was fitted and the slope was determined and paired samples t- test was run to check their correlation. The slope revealed rising trend of precipitation within the stated times. The slope of a line was also used as a measurement of how many units it went up or down for every year to see the change of yearly precipitation conditions.
  • 7. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 669 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 annual total Linear Fit of Sheet1 B"annual total" 95% Confidence Band of B"annual total" Annual total rain fall (mm) Time (years ) Equation y = a + b*x Weight Instrumental Residual Sum of Squares 145.81693 Pearson's r 0.29706 Adj. R-Square 0.05568 Value Standard Error annual total Intercept 1032.35951 81.83411 Slope 8.44113 5.12767 1993 1997 2002 2007 2012 2017 2022 Figure 3.2 Linearity relationship graph of annual total rain fall The Mann - Kendall test was used to identify the trend of annual and seasonal precipitation between 1993 and 2022; results of which are revealed in Table 3.2. The seasonal and annual rainfall results of both Kendall’s tau and the statistic (S) were consistent with one another. A positive trend was observed in annual rainfall, and a mix of negative (spring) and positive (winter, summer and autumn) trends was noticed in seasons; however, it also show statistical significance at 5% for Annual, summer and autumn. The magnitude of the trend was evaluated by the Sen’s method which showed an increasing trend annual, winter, summer and autumn (Figures 3.3 and 3.6), and the spring showed the decreasing trend of rainfall in the time series (Table 3.1 and 3.2).The lower bound 5% of the confidence interval demonstrated that the spring season rainfall was negatively influenced, but the upper bound 5% of annul and all seasons and lower bound 5% of annul and the rest seasons except spring found positive. Table 3. 2. Annual and seasonal rainfall for the Mann - Kendall and Sen’s Slope test (19093–2022) Variabl Kendall’s Tau S Var (S) p-Value Sen’s Slope 95% Confidence Interval Lower Upper Annual 0.283 123 3141.667 0.030 10.784 0.850 21.023 Winter 0.195 72 2647.333 0.168 0.000 0.000 0.088 Spring -0.014 -6 3140.667 0.929 -0.118 -4.700 2.740 Summer 0.267 116 3140.667 0.040 3.730 0.331 7.971 Autumn 0.297 129 3141.667 0.022 5.692 0.726 10.644
  • 8. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 670 As it is depicted in Table 3.3 the monthly average precipitation decreased for April and May but increased for Jun, July, August, September, October and November. Based on the data analysis resulted by Man-Kendall trend test the highest increase was documented at October month with a slope of 2.833 and the lowest increase was recorded at November Month with a slope of (0.540) in the study area station. The positive sign showed that raising from the slope of each average yearly precipitation record. The coefficient of variability analysis shows that a significant yearly rainfall difference was recorded from weather station with maximum during winter season (180.46%) and minimum During Summer (22.51%) season (see table 3.1). These are also supported by Correlation Coefficient of the yearly precipitation change and variability. All seasons in the study area except spring showed a positive correlation with the time period for the last 3 decades and this was significant at p<0.05 for annual, summer and autumn (Table 3.1). 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Winter Autumn Spring Summer Time (years) Rain fall (mm) 0 200 400 600 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Figure 3.3 Seasonal rain fall variability graph
  • 9. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 671 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Winter Time (years) Rain fall (mm) 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Figure 3.4 Seasonal maximum rain fall variability graph 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Summer Time (years) Rain fall (mm) 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Figure 3.5 Seasonal minimum rain fall variability graph
  • 10. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 672 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 Annual total RF Time (years) 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Rain fall (mm) Figure 3.6 Annual total rain fall variability graph The monthly average precipitation amount for the past three decades from the station was analyzed and mean values were taken for investigation for the study area. Therefore, the mean, minimum and maximum precipitation amount was higher for the months of June, July, August and September (summer season). ..Table 3. 3 Monthly average rainfall statistics for the last 3 decades for Asosa Metrological station (descriptive statistics) Stat. Min Max Mean SD CV% Kendall's tau S Var(S) p-value Slop Jan 0 11 5.5 2.611 47.47 -0.078 -19 1308.333 0.619 0 Feb 0 12.5 6.25 2.304 36.86 0.074 22 1884.000 0.629 0 Mar 0 75.2 37.6 21.805 57.99 0.086 34 2872.000 0.538 0 Apr 0 117.7 58.85 34.359 58.38 -0.030 -13 3137.000 0.830 -0.141 May 61.2 442.5 251.85 79.362 31.51 -0.067 -29 3141.667 0.617 -4.354 Jun 103 464.5 283.75 80.61 28.41 0.053 23 3141.667 0.695 0.679 Jul 88.4 324 206.2 58.374 28.31 0.085 37 3141.667 0.521 0.933 Aug 144 432 288 63.27 21.97 0.214 93 3141.667 0.101 2.025 Sep 94 398.8 246.4 80.185 32.54 0.182 79 3141.667 0.164 2.286 Oct 11 296 153.5 68.323 44.51 0.269 117 3141.667 0.038 2.833 Nov 0 64.5 32.25 20.379 63.19 0.194 83 3112.333 0.142 0.54 Dec 0 15.6 7.8 2.911 37.32 0.351 92 1515.333 0.019 0 Based on the above finding, it is of huge significance to picture the socio economic and environmental effects that could result if increasing precipitation trends last in the future. For rural agriculturalists who are exposed to floods, water logging and consistent nature of precipitation, appropriate adaptation strategies have to be designed and implemented by
  • 11. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 673 development planners. The vulnerabilityof rural households might further be worsened if the precipitation continues showing drastic raising trend in the future as this incident results in flood and severe logging of the farm land resources due to heavy precipitation. 3.2. Temperature trends The average monthly temperature was examined in the study area using the data recorded over the years. The temperature data collected in Asosa Meteorological station was computed and mean, maximum and minimum monthly temperature values were taken for this analysis. Therefore, mean minimum and maximum temperature across all months over the last 30 years in the study area is presented in Table 3.4 and 3.5. The average yearly minimum and maximum temperature in the district for the last 30 years was 14.067 OC and 31.442 OC, respectively. The largest average minimum and maximum temperature was documented in spring than summer season (Tables 3.4). The maximum temperature trend was decreasing at Asosa metrological station in all months except Jun month (Table 3.5). Significant decreasing trend of maximum temperature was observed during July, October and December while the minimum temperature trend was decreasing significantly during February, March and November and increasing during May, July, August and September at study area station. On the other hand, the minimum and maximum temperature trend showed in decreasing trend for annual and throughout the seasons at Asosa district except autumn season for the maximum temperature which shows a positive trend (Table 3.5 and 3.6).The yearly temperature also indicates a decreasing trend; however, there are separate alterations in the tendency for minimum temperature and maximum temperature (maximum temperature decreased more quickly). The Mann-Kendal trend of yearly, winter, spring, and autumn season minimum and maximum temperature indicated a decreasing trend but summer season for minimum temperature showed an increasing trend. Concerning monthly minimum temperature, May, Jun, July, August, September and October, months revealed a rising trend and Jun, July, August and September were significant at (p < 0.05), whereas January, February, March, April, November and December, months revealed a decreasing trend and January, February, March and November were significant (p < 0.05) (Table 3.5). On the other hand, monthly maximum temperature, except for Jun, all months indicated a decreasing trend and May, July, October and December were significant at (p < 0.05) (Table 3.6). The reason for decreasing of temperature in the study area could be because of change in climate, massive planting of seedlings by the green legacy program of Ethiopian government for the last 10 years, and also it could be because of artificial lake created by great renaissance dam construction at Nile River near to the study area. Significant rising trends of average minimum temperature particularly in the main growing season, might have damaged crop growth and development as well as yield across the region in Asosa. This is for the reason that the high temperature throughout crop growing season leads to higher evapotranspiration causing in more water demand for the crops. Table 3.4 Mann Kendall trend test result for annual, seasonal, and monthly Minimum temperature (OC) (from 1993–2022) in Asosa District, Benishangul Gumuz regional state, Ethiopia. Temperature Min (◦C) Max (◦C) Mean (◦C) SD CV% Kendall's tau S Var(S) p-value slop Jan 11.5 16.3 13.224 1.216 9.19 -0.232 -100 3134 0.077 -0.049 Feb 12.021 18.2 14.439 1.517 10.5 -0.372 -161 3137.667 0.004 -0.094 Mar 13.3 20.8 16.061 1.488 9.26 -0.375 -162 3134 0.004 -0.07 Apr 14.2 18.6 16.67 1.177 7.06 -0.185 -80 3136 0.158 -0.04 May 14.5 18.3 16.764 0.867 5.17 0.149 64 3131.333 0.26 0.018 Jun 14.9 17.9 16.162 0.625 3.87 0.247 105 3117 0.062 0.024 Jul 11.9 16.8 15.648 0.895 5.72 0.267 114 3120 0.043 0.022 Aug 13.3 16.465 15.547 0.742 4.77 0.385 165 3127.667 0.003 0.027 Sep 13.3 16.3 15.505 0.677 4.36 0.271 116 3122.667 0.04 0.022 Oct 13 17.6 14.791 0.9 6.08 0.103 44 3126.667 0.442 0.008
  • 12. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 674 Nov 11.6 15.5 13.542 1.039 7.67 -0.303 -131 3135 0.02 -0.06 Dec 10.1 16.3 13.078 1.53 11.7 -0.196 -85 3137.667 0.134 -0.05 Annual 14.067 16.042 15.119 0.521 3.45 -0.172 -75 3141.667 0.187 -0.017 Winter 11.533 16.033 13.58 1.017 7.49 -0.284 -123 3137 0.029 -0.05 Spring 14.8 18.697 16.498 0.904 5.48 -0.184 -80 3140.667 0.159 -0.031 Summer 14.333 16.453 15.786 0.569 3.6 0.277 120 3138.667 0.034 0.021 Autumn 13.067 15.7 14.612 0.652 4.46 -0.025 -11 3139.667 0.858 -0.002 Table 3.5. Mann–Kendall test results for annual, seasonal, and monthly Maximum temperature (OC) (from 1993–2022) in Asosa District, Benishangul Gumuz regional state, Ethiopia. Temperature Min (◦C) Max (◦C) Mean (◦C) SD CV% Kendall's tau S Var(S) p-value slop Jan 28.7 34 30.427 1.285 4.22 -0.06 -26 3136.667 0.655 -0.012 Feb 20.838 36.9 31.399 2.47 7.87 -0.042 -18 3131.333 0.761 -0.005 Mar 30.9 35.5 32.386 0.991 3.06 0.086 37 3130.333 0.52 0.01 Apr 27.9 33.9 31.263 1.444 4.62 -0.177 -76 3132 0.18 -0.04 May 25.1 31.9 28.268 1.426 5.04 -0.245 -106 3136.667 0.061 -0.05 Jun 24.1 32.7 25.711 1.748 6.8 0.012 5 3137.667 0.943 0.002 Jul 21.2 29.1 24.349 1.538 6.32 -0.279 -120 3130.667 0.033 -0.048 Aug 23 29.1 24.589 1.506 6.13 -0.16 -69 3135.667 0.225 -0.027 Sep 24.173 29.2 25.538 1.012 3.96 -0.179 -77 3129.667 0.174 -0.021 Oct 25.2 29.4 26.573 1.105 4.16 -0.381 -163 3122.333 0.004 -0.03 Nov 26.3 30.9 27.784 1.045 3.76 -0.188 -81 3135.667 0.153 -0.033 Dec 27.3 33.5 29.621 1.351 4.56 -0.222 -96 3136.667 0.09 -0.03 Annual 26.809 31.442 28.159 0.975 3.46 -0.218 -95 3141.667 0.094 -0.025 Winter 26.549 34.6 30.482 1.36 4.46 -0.224 -97 3139.667 0.087 -0.019 Spring 29 33.667 30.639 1.04 3.4 -0.217 -94 3138.667 0.097 -0.029 Summer 23.362 27.767 24.883 1.249 5.02 -0.147 -64 3140.667 0.261 -0.021 Autumn 25.533 29.733 26.632 0.927 3.48 -0.318 -138 3140.667 0.015 -0.025 Table 3. 6 Monthly mean temperature descriptive statistics (Asosa District 30 years data) Stat. Min Max Mean SD CV % R Slope Jan 11.5 34 22.8 0.864 3.8 -0.27934 -0.03682 Feb 12 36.9 24.5 1.645 6.7 -0.41981 -0.07842 Mar 13.3 35.5 24.4 1.145 4.7 -0.40686 -0.05292 Apr 14.2 33.9 24.1 1.38 5.7 -0.41895 -0.06567 May 14.5 31.9 23.2 0.925 4 -0.09937 -0.01044
  • 13. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 675 Jun 14.9 32.7 23.8 0.929 3.9 0.15312 0.016153 Jul 11.9 29.1 20.5 0.714 3.5 0.03525 0.002857 Aug 13.3 29.1 21.2 0.774 3.7 0.10818 0.009505 Sep 13.3 29.2 21.3 0.524 2.5 -0.07361 -0.00438 Oct 13 29.4 21.2 0.646 3 -0.2569 -0.01884 Nov 11.6 30.9 21.3 0.867 4.1 -0.41524 -0.04088 Dec 10.1 33.5 21.8 0.635 2.9 -0.41434 -0.02986 Annual 14.067 31.442 21.567 0.605 0.0281 -0.36424 -0.02503 Winter 11.533 34.6 22.104 0.938 0.0424 -0.40918 -0.04362 Spring 14.8 33.667 22.511 0.971 0.04431 -0.39003 -0.04301 Summer 14.333 27.767 21.331 0.774 0.0363 0.10818 0.009505 Autumn 13.067 29.733 20.62 0.533 0.0258 -0.35279 -0.02137 As indicated in Figure 3.7 there was a general decreasing annual maximum, minimum and mean temperature change from 1993 to 2022. The trend line shows that the average yearly maximum temperature decreased approximately by a factor of - 0.02503 (figure 3.8, table 3.4). This value is indicated by the slope equation given y= -0.02503x + 21.955. To the average, the annual maximum temperature is found to be 31.4420C (2005 year) and the annual minimum temperature is 14.067 (2011 year), however; this value is not kept constant because of the change in climate (Figure 3.7, Table 3.3) For the temperature data recorded in the study area, the average values were analyzed using the Mann – Kendall test and the results revealed that there is no increasing or decreasing trend for the mean annual temperature in the study area as the calculated p-value is greater than the significance level alpha = 0.05 except April month (table 3.5); one should accept the null hypothesis H0, and reject the alternative hypothesis Ha. It implies that MK test is not statistically significant for the annual mean temperature which shows no trend. Figure 3.7 Annual minimum, maximum and mean temperature trend in Asosa district
  • 14. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 676 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Annual mean Linear Fit of Sheet1 B"Annual mean" 95% Confidence Band of B"Annual mean" Annual average temp (degree celicious ) Time (years) Equation y = a + b*x Weight Instrumental Residual Sum of Squares 6.72565 Pearson's r -0.14506 Adj. R-Square -0.01392 Value Standard Error Annual mean Intercept 21.50937 0.14937 Slope -0.00655 0.00844 1993 1997 2002 2007 2012 2017 2022 Figure 3.8 Linearity relationship graph of annual mean temperature 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0 23.5 Annual mean Time ( Year ) 0.0 0.5 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Tempra ture ( O C ) Figure 3.9: Annual mean temperature graph
  • 15. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 677 4. Discussion Studies have attempted to establish the trend of the climate variability at District and regional level. The seasonal and annual trend in rainfall of Ethiopia has been reviewed from the period 1986 to 2020. The district analysis was carried out considering each meteorological station, while the regional analyses were based on agro-ecological zones (AEZs), using observations from 47 rainfall and 37 temperature stations obtained from the Ethiopian Meteorological Institute (EMI). The district level analysis revealed that Winter (Bega), summer (Kiremt), and annual rainfall showed increasing trend, even though no significant, in most stations, but the rainfall in Spring (Belg) season showed a non-significant decreasing trend at district and regional level[23]. Also, Spring and summer rains in parts of Ethiopia have declined by 15–20 percent since the mid-1970s[24]. The decreasing trend in Spring (Belg) rainfall has been noticed for the southern region of Ethiopia by applying Mann Kendall test [25]. The research District is characterized with maximum precipitation in summer (June to August), some in spring (May) and autumn (September to October), seasons. There is yearly variability of precipitation in the station. Annual and all seasons, in the station exhibited a coefficient of variation (CV > 0.2). The results of this study is commonly consistent with other study findings which reported increased rainfall and non-uniform rainfall changes [23, 26-31] In the study area, Mann Kendall and Sen’s slope estimator test analysis showed that declining and rising trend of precipitation was observed across the seasons. However, there is no statistically significant trend at 95% level for spring and winter seasons Table 3.2). This result is also supported by [23-26, 28, 31-34] that expressed the existence of increasing and decreasing annual and seasonal trends of rain fall in most parts of the country. This disparity may affect the district climate systems as well as the hydrological cycle[35]. It was openly seen that the declining of precipitation in spring season during the study period was probably happened by mainly the reduction of precipitation from April to May (p < 0.05) (table 3.3) [35]. The other months showed increasing trend except December, January, February and March. The unit of variation in the amount of precipitation was greater for spring season allied with annual and summer precipitation in Asosa District. This suggests that related with the summer season, there is more inter annual variability in spring season’s precipitation. The present result was comparable to the reports by [22, 36, 37] who found more variability in spring precipitation matched with the summer precipitation in most parts of Ethiopia. Bewket [38] also stated additional precipitation variability in Gondar in spring season with 48% CV value compared with annual and summer precipitation with 17/% and 22%, CV values respectively. In addition, according to the investigation by Abebe [39], the coefficients of variations of precipitation were reported as 23%, 46%, and 35% for annual, spring, and summer precipitations, respectively. The pattern of precipitation in the study district was not only limited to the various levels of variability and deviation from normal distribution but also indicated ups and downs in the trends. As a result, the total annual, winter, summer, and autumn rainfall exhibits an increasing trend while the spring season rainfall show decreasing trends. On the other hand, winter and spring trends were not statistically significant. The end result of this study is in convergence with the finding of the [40, 41], which says that the expected (21st century) mean annual precipitation trend is likely to be increasing in East Africa. In the same way,[42] stated the truth of both the increasing and decreasing trends of rainfall in the Gamo Gofa zone in southwestern Ethiopia. In covenant with the current study,[43] noted that the yearly total precipitation has revealed an increasing trend of 35 mm per decade; however, it was not statistically significant over the Upper Blue Nile River Basin of Ethiopia. In contrast, the finding of [44] is in opposition to the present study. In their study, they described the existence of a decreasing trend in annual precipitation over the northern, northwestern, and western parts of Ethiopia. In addition, the current study differs with the findings of [45], which indicated decreasing trends in yearly precipitation in the Tana Basin region and the same decreasing trend was detected in the Tigray region of North Ethiopia [46]. Inconsistency could arise from different sources; study period, station data quality, study area location, and the number of years of the data used for the analysis. Table 3.3 and Fig. 3.1 show the end result of a trend investigation of monthly and seasonal rainfall patterns in the study district. Accordingly, the pattern of precipitation was rising for the majority of the months, except in April and May. However, the pattern of rising trends in rainfall was statistically significant in October and December Months at alpha = 0.05: On the other hand, in the spring season, the precipitation revealed a declining trend of -0.118mm of Sen’s slope (Table 3.2). Although, amazingly, the result of the Mann Kendall’s tau test result shows negative trends in January Month, the negative sign shows the presence of decreasing trend in the patterns of precipitation. This indicates the strength of Sen’s slope test relative to descriptive statistics in detecting each outlier in the data set.
  • 16. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 678 On the other hand, the annual precipitation indicates a rising trend with the Mann Kendall test of 0.283 and by 10.784 mm with Sen’s slope (Table 3.2), it was also statistically significant. The result is covenant with findings in the Gurage Zone by Yirga [47]. He reported that the trends of precipitation were declining in Belg and rising in both the annual and summer seasons, but the trends were non-significant. In general, the declining trends of Belg (short rainy season) and the changing trends of Kiremt (long or main rainy season) rain were very detrimental to rain fed mixed farming. The result is in line with the research conducted in the Gubalafto District of North Eastern parts of Ethiopia [48]. The variability is damaging to survival livelihoods because, it influences the rain fed agriculture system in diverse ways, such as through damage to crops and persistent low yields that could lead to household food insecurity[49]. Moreover, the influence of precipitation variability has been found as it was not limited to the effects of subsistence food intake but goes beyond the Ethiopian economy. [50] found that precipitation variability in the state led to a production shortage of 20% and amplified poverty rates by 25%, which cost the economy over one-third of its growth potential. This is because; Ethiopia is highly exposed to climate change and variability and has experienced several food crises during the past decades [37, 51]. The unit of variation in the amount of precipitation was greater for spring season allied with annual and summer precipitation in Asosa District. This suggests that related with the summer season, there is more inter annual variability in spring season’s precipitation. The present result was comparable to the reports by [22, 36, 37] who found more variability in spring precipitation matched with the summer precipitation in most parts of Ethiopia. Bewket [38] also stated additional precipitation variability in Gondar in spring season with 48% CV value compared with annual and summer precipitation with 17/% and 22%, CV values respectively. In addition, according to the investigation by Abebe [39], the coefficients of variations of precipitation were reported as 23%, 46%, and 35% for annual, spring, and summer precipitations, respectively. The results in Table 3.1 and Table 3.3 depict the descriptive analysis of both monthly and seasonal precipitation in the study district for the period 1993 to 2022. The mean annual precipitation of the district from 1993 to 2022 was 1240.75mm, with a standard deviation (SD) of 314.247and 25.33 of the CV. The minimum and maximum records of precipitation were 827.8mm and 2417.8mm, respectively. Summer (locally known as Kiremt season rain) was found to be the season when high amounts of rainfall (M = 653.425mm) were received with moderately severe variation (CV = 22.51%). And it was also the main rainy season (June, July, and August) that had a significant contribution to the total amounts of rainfall received on an yearly basis (M = 1240.8mm). Autumn, locally known as "Tseday rain" (September, October and November), is the season when the 2nd highest amount of average precipitation (380.813) was received. In contrast, winter (locally known as Bega rain, December- February) was the season observed with the least amount of rain (M = 0.7933mm), and the rain at this time was not as demanded as compared to the summer, autumn and spring seasons’ rain. The result is in line with the findings of [52, 53]. They stated that summer is the main rainy season contributing the most to the yearly precipitation received in different parts of the country, Ethiopia. Concerning variability, moderate to extremely high levels of variability were recorded in seasonal and moderate level of variability in annual precipitation was recorded, however moderate to very high levels of variability were observed in the monthly precipitation with the coefficient of variation. The coefficient of variation (CV) is the means of descriptive statistics broadly used to categorize the scale of variability as low (CV < 20%), moderate (20<CV< 30%), high (CV > 30%), very high (CV > 40%), and extremely high (CV > 70%) [54]. Consequently, Jun, July and August were the months with moderate levels of variability, (28.41%, 28.31% and 21.97% of CV), February, May, September and December were the months with high levels of variability (36.86, 31.51, 32.54, 37.32% of CV) and January, March, April, October and November were the months that showed very high levels of variability (47.47%, 57.99%, 58.38%, 44.51% and 63.19% of CV) respectively. Between seasons, summer (Kiremt) was the season with moderate coefficient of variation (22.51% CV), autumn was the season with high coefficient of variation (34.38% CV), spring was the season with very high coefficient of variation (48.52% CV) but winter (Bega) was the season with the extremely high coefficient of variation (180.46%). This suggests that, while the pattern of rainfall was moderately stable during the main sowing season, it was very highly variable during the first sowing season (spring). Kyei-Mensah, Kyerematen [55] noted that the high inconsistency of precipitation in the minor season is repeatedly associated with a decrease in crop production yield. The end result is similar to the situation in Ethiopia’s Amhara regional state’s south Gonder zone[41, 56]. The authors found that the rainfall pattern in the Kiremt season was less variable compared to the Belg season (March to May) rain. The average yearly minimum and maximum temperature in the district for the last 30 years was 14.067 OC and 31.442 OC, respectively. The largest average minimum and maximum temperature was documented in spring than summer season (Tables 3.4). The maximum temperature trend was decreasing at Asosa metrological station in all months except Jun month (Table 3.6). Significant decreasing trend of maximum temperature was observed during July, October and December while the
  • 17. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 679 minimum temperature trend was decreasing significantly during February, March and November and increasing during May, July, August and September at study area station. On the other hand, the minimum and maximum temperature trend showed in decreasing trend for annual and throughout the seasons at Asosa district except autumn season for the maximum temperature which shows a positive trend (Table 3.5 and 3.6). The yearly temperature also indicates a decreasing trend; however, there are separate alterations in the tendency for minimum temperature and maximum temperature (maximum temperature decreased more quickly). The finding is contrasting with [57] result, who reported a higher increase in minimum temperature than maximum temperature in southwest China. The yearly and seasonal average temperature trend line, studied by [58], showed that in the yearly average temperature series, an increasing trend is detected at 53 stations and a decreasing trend at 17 stations. The average maximum temperature series reveals an increasing trend at 63 stations and a falling trend at 8 stations. The average minimum temperature shows an increasing trend at 33 stations and a declining trend at 31 stations out of 71 total studied stations. A large variability matched with maximum temperature was revealed in coefficient of variation of average yearly, season, and monthly minimum temperature (Figure 3.5 and 3.6). In the same way, [59, 60] described that coefficient of variation is considerably greater for minimum temperature than the maximum temperature in all study regions of western Amhara, Ethiopia between 1979–2008. The MK trend of yearly, winter, spring, and autumn season minimum and maximum temperature indicated a decreasing trend but summer season for minimum temperature showed an increasing trend. Concerning monthly minimum temperature, May, Jun, July, August, September and October, months revealed a rising trend and Jun, July, August and September were significant at (p < 0.05), whereas January, February, March, April, November and December, months revealed a decreasing trend and January, February, March and November were significant (p < 0.05) (Table 3.5). On the other hand, monthly maximum temperature, except for Jun, all months indicated a decreasing trend and May, July, October and December were significant at (p < 0.05) (Table 3.6). similar to this finding,[60, 61] noted that a non-significant heating trend of minimum temperature was observed in the course of summer season between 1985–2019 in north East Ethiopia. Significant rising trends of average minimum temperature particularly in the main growing season, might have damaged crop growth and development as well as yield across the region in Asosa. This is for the reason that the high temperature throughout crop growing season leads to higher evapotranspiration causing in more water demand for the crops. This finding is in line with [62] who explained that high temperature damages many cellular developments associated to plant growth and development, which is openly linked to a reduction in photosynthetic efficiency and lastly crop yield. A rise in temperature also causes in a shift from using long duration cultivars to the short maturing ones, which have lower yield potential[63]. Though, documented meteorological data investigation of temperature shows that rising trends detected almost in all parts of the country. According to the Mann–Kendall trend analysis test, the maximum and minimum temperature investigation resulted in a general decreasing with no trend. However, precipitation amount resulted in a general increasing trend based on the average documented values of the Metrological stations from the Asosa district. The reason for increasing rain fall and decreasing of temperature in the study area could be because of change in climate, massive planting of seedlings by the green legacy program of Ethiopian government for the last 10 years and also could be artificial lake created by great renaissance dam construction at Nile River near to the study area. To recommend the concerned body, development planners should design strategies and plans by taking into account a rising summer rainfall and declining temperature without trends impacts on rural livelihoods. 5. Conclusion Nowadays climate change is amongst the most critical problems affecting the wellbeing of human beings. In Ethiopia, where the majority of the population rely on agriculture, climate change has adverse effects. In rural areas, low resilient capacity to shocks exacerbates the impacts of climate change such as production failure, which in turn enormously contributed to food insecurity. Small-holder farmers in Ethiopia are facing several climate related hazards, in particular highly variable rainfall with severe droughts and floods which can have devastating effects on their livelihoods. Amplified ability to manage upcoming climate change and weather extremes can decrease the magnitude of economic, social and human destructions. Adverse effects of climate change may degrade current social and economic challenges of the whole country, mainly where people are reliant on resources that are sensitive to climate change and rain fed agriculture. Historical and recent investments and catastrophe interferences in the country are more concentrated on reclamation from a disaster than on the formation of
  • 18. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 680 adaptive capacity. Improved ability to manage future climate change and weather extremes can shrink the level of economic, social and human da mage. Among several features of weather and climate in Ethiopia, Precipitation and temperature are the most shared and key for the rural peoples’ livelihoods that depend on rain fed agriculture. Analysis of the rainfall record in the Asosa district meteorological station depicted that there is ageneral rising trend of the annual rainfall during the last 30 years. The range of yearly rainfall also showed a high variability of annual rainfall in the study area. In the Asosa metrological station, the minimum yearly rainfall was recorded during 2005(827.8 mm) and the highest annual rainfall received in 2000 (2417.8).The annual precipitation of the study area had a range from 827.8 mm in 2005 to 2417.8 mm in 2000. These values indicate that there is high yearly rainfall inconsistency in the study area. For the period of the past 30 years, the precipitation deviated yearly by 314.25 mm from the mean in the study area. The trend on the decadal basis was also investigated to decide the deviations over time within the study periods. In order to identify statistically significant variations in the annual precipitation in the study station, a time series study was undertaken. The parameter estimate of the slope was then tested for statistical significance using the Mann-Kendall trend test at a 0.05 level of significance. The slope of the trendline is 4.3417 (positive) which suggests that the long years mean rainfall is increasing. The average yearly minimum and maximum temperature in the district for the last 30 years was 14.067 OC and 31.442 OC, respectively. The largest average minimum and maximum temperature was documented in spring than summer season (Tables 3.4). The maximum temperature trend was decreasing at Asosa metrological station in all months except Jun month (Table 3.6). Significant decreasing trend of maximum temperature was observed during July, October and December while the minimum temperature trend was decreasing significantly during February, March and November and increasing during May, July, August and September at study area station. On the other hand, the minimum and maximum temperature trend showed in decreasing trend for annual and throughout the seasons at Asosa district except autumn season for the maximum temperature which shows a positive trend (Table 3.5 and 3.6). Though, documented meteorological data investigation of temperature shows that rising trends detected almost in all parts of the country. According to the Mann–Kendall trend analysis test, the maximum and minimum temperature investigation resulted in a general decreasing with no trend. However, precipitation amount resulted in a general increasing trend based on the average documented values of the Metrological stations from the Asosa district. The reason for increasing rain fall and decreasing of temperature in the study area could be because of change in climate, massive planting of seedlings by the green legacy program of Ethiopian government for the last 10 years and also could be artificial lake created by great renaissance dam construction at Nile River near to the study area. To recommend the concerned body, development planners should design strategies and plans by taking into account a rising summer rainfall and declining temperature without trends impacts on rural livelihoods. 6. Declarations Author contributions Author contributions T. A.; conceptualized the project; curated the data; conducted the formal analysis; T.A.; and M.M.; developed the methodology and T. A.; and Zhu. H.; supervised the project, while T. A.; wrote the original draft and all authors participated in the subsequent review and editing process. Finding: Not applicable I confirm that the data included here is accurate and comprehensive. I hereby certify that this work has not been previously published and has not been submitted for publication to any journal. Conflict of interest: The authors don't have any competing interests. Availability of data: The manuscript contains all the data utilized. Informed consent: Not applicable 7. Acknowledgements This study would never be completed without the contribution of Tongji University and many people to whom we would like to express our gratitude. Tongji University provided us with both financial and logistical assistance, which we acknowledge.
  • 19. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 11 Issue: 01 | Jan 2024 p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2024, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 8.226 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 681 The first author had invaluable support from Tongji University during his research stay in Shanghai, China, and we are grateful for their assistance. The B/GRS/ Bureau of Agriculture, Asosa district Meteorological station Center, Asosa District Office of Agriculture, Administrative Keeble’s development agents, district agricultural officials, local guiders, committee leaders and respondent households in each of the sampling keels were indispensable for the successful completion of the field work. We would like also to acknowledge people who contributed their knowledge and time in data collection and entry processes. References 1. Kom, Z., et al., Determinants of small-scale farmers’ choice and adaptive strategies in response to climatic shocks in Vhembe District, South Africa. GeoJournal, 2022. 87(2): p. 677-700. 2. BGRSBOA, Benishangul gumuz regional state Burueau of Agricultur(BGRSBOA)Annual report on Crop production and protection (unpublished document). 2023: p. 1-95. 3. Banerjee, R., Farmers’ perception of climate change, impact and adaptation strategies: a case study of four villages in the semi-arid regions of India. Natural Hazards, 2015. 75: p. 2829-2845. 4. Abera, N. and D.G. Tesema, Perceptions and practices of climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies among farmers in the Konta Special District, Ethiopia. Environmental & Socio-economic Studies, 2019. 7: p. 1 - 16. 5. Kassie, B.T., et al., Adapting to climate variability and change: experiences from cereal-based farming in the central rift and Kobo Valleys, Ethiopia. Environ Manage, 2013. 52(5): p. 1115-31. 6. Bank, T.W., Managing Water Resources to Maximize Sustainable Growth: A Country Water Resources Assistance Strategy for Ethiopia. 2006, The World Bank Washington, DC. 7. Ababa, A., Climate change national adaptation programme of action (Napa) of Ethiopia. National Meteorological Services Agency, Ministry of Water Resources, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, 2007. 8. Mesfin, W., Rural vulnerability to famine in Ethiopia 1958–1977. Vicas: New Delhi, India, 1984. 9. Aklilu, A. and A. Alebachew. Assessment of Climate Change Induced Hazards, Impacts and Responses in the Southern Lowlands of Ethiopia Local Level Evidences, Impacts and Adaptation Responses in Addis Ababa. in Addis Ababa Forum for Social Studies/Cordaid. 2009. 10. Ababa, A., A Climate Change Country Assessment Report for Ethiopia. 2011. 11. Pachauri, R.K. and A. Reisinger, Climate change 2007: Synthesis report. Contribution of working groups I, II and III to the fourth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Climate Change 2007. Working Groups I, II and III to the Fourth Assessment, 2007. 12. Nath, P.K. and B. Behera, A critical review of impact of and adaptation to climate change in developed and developing economies. Environment, development and sustainability, 2011. 13: p. 141-162. 13. César, E. and A. Ekbom, Ethiopia environmental and climate change policy brief. Sida’s helpdesk for environment and climate change, 2013: p. 1-32. 14. Hameso, S., Farmers and policy-makers’ perceptions of climate change in Ethiopia. Climate and Development, 2018. 10(4): p. 347-359. 15. Li, S., et al., Relating farmer's perceptions of climate change risk to adaptation behaviour in Hungary. Journal of environmental management, 2017. 185: p. 21-30. 16. Wang, Y., et al., Farmers’ climate change adaptation strategies in an ecologically vulnerable alpine region: a case of Gannan Plateau. Geographical research, 2016. 37(7): p. 2392-2402. 17. IPCC, C.C., The Scientific Basis. Cambridge Univ. Press. Report of the IPCC, 2001.
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