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When SAFe is safe:
Agile по-дорослому
by Anna Mamaieva, Senior Project Manager
Let’s let's get acquainted
Senior Project Manager, ELEKS
7+ years in IT (Project/Product
• Mobile applications (iOS, Android)
• Web-solutions development and management
(Java, .Net)
• Product developing and Marketing
• Cross-functional team leadership
• SAFe Agile certified (2016)
• Doing Agile vs. being Agile
• Do not trouble trouble until…
• House of rising Lean
• Framework overview
Анна Мамаєва: When SAFe is safe. Agile для дорослих компаній

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This document discusses implementing DevOps flow by leveraging lean/agile practices across development, deployment, and operations. It emphasizes establishing continuous integration and delivery workflows to enable frequent, reliable releases through automation. Kanban techniques are presented as a way to visualize work and limit work-in-progress to improve collaboration between teams.

Introduction to scaled agile framework
Introduction to scaled agile frameworkIntroduction to scaled agile framework
Introduction to scaled agile framework

The document provides an introduction to the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe). It discusses that SAFe was developed to help agile scale for large organizations as traditional structures do not support innovation, speed and agility at scale. SAFe combines agile with systems thinking and lean product development. The core of SAFe is the Program level which revolves around Agile Release Trains (ARTs) consisting of cross-functional self-organizing teams that deliver working solutions every 2 weeks through planning events.

Deconstructing the scaled agile framework - Lunch and Learn series
Deconstructing the scaled agile framework - Lunch and Learn seriesDeconstructing the scaled agile framework - Lunch and Learn series
Deconstructing the scaled agile framework - Lunch and Learn series

Deconstructing the Scaled Agile Framework - boiling down the "big diagram" and talking about when and how SAFe *might* be an appropriate direction for you or your team. Also covers practices from SAFe that could be useful regardless of the size and complexity of your organization

safescaled agile frameworkagile
• Is responsiveness works as a differentiator?
• Future characterized by:
Understand level
of adaptivness
➔ high uncertainty?
➔ high levels of innovation vs. maintenance?
• Is the organization planning or undergoing a
major pivot or shift?
• Does first-to-market matter for our business?
Environment to scale right
● Leadership buy-in
Management should communicate goals consistently and often
to the rest of the organization
● Support autonomy
Teams should be allowed to create, inspect and adapt their own
● Encourage collaboration
● Standardize only what is important
some standardization can help scale your agility by helping your
organization understand the big picture
Culture eats
strategy for

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Scaled Agile Framework® Overview
Scaled Agile Framework® OverviewScaled Agile Framework® Overview
Scaled Agile Framework® Overview

Do you have highly functional scrum teams but are wondering how to get them to work in sync with each other, or wondering how get "start-up" efficiency in a large enterprise? Or maybe you just heard that the Scaled Agile Framework for the Enterprise (SAFe®) is gaining traction and you want to find out more about it. Before the year is out, we want to give you a primer on SAFe, so you can decide if it should be on your list of resolutions for the new year! We continue to see that Agile and Scrum deliver value and are catching the eyes of leadership individuals. But how does a large enterprise thrive with a Scrum framework that was made for 5-9 individuals? SAFe has garnered a lot of attention as a potential framework for enterprises with large product teams (5 or more scrum teams on a product line). It calls for the overall alignment throughout the organization so that the Scrum teams making up a large product development team can deliver valuable, high quality product increments with transparency and technical excellence. The program execution is achieved by leveraging the existing Scrum Team practices and interfacing with the higher Program and Portfolio layers in the organization. cPrime SAFe coach, Sri will provide an overview of the SAFe framework and show why it appeals not only to the engineers and architects, but also to the product management, customer support and the executive team.

scaled agilesafeagile tramsformation
Scaled Agile Framework SAFe 4.0
Scaled Agile Framework SAFe 4.0Scaled Agile Framework SAFe 4.0
Scaled Agile Framework SAFe 4.0

Discussed and summarized Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe@4.0) concept as an extension of Agile, together with Steve Ohnishi and two more people.

agile software developmentprogram managementscaled agile framework
Introduction to SAFe, the Scaled Agile Framework
Introduction to SAFe, the Scaled Agile FrameworkIntroduction to SAFe, the Scaled Agile Framework
Introduction to SAFe, the Scaled Agile Framework

Sans doute vous identifiez vous dans une ou plusieurs des situations suivantes: - plusieurs équipes Scrum travaillent dans votre entreprise, parfois sur un même projet ou des projets connexes - la coordination entre équipes Scrum n'est pas optimale - vous-même, ou certains stakeholders, ont besoin d'une vue plus long terme sur vos projets Agile, plus que "juste le prochain sprint" - sur base du succès de Scrum dans votre entreprise, vous voulez allez plus loin et vous voulez rendre plus agile l'entièreté de votre entreprise Si c'est le cas, venez découvrir le framework SAFe. Après une présentation du framework et de ses fondements, vous serez en mesure de mieux le comprendre, et de voir ce qu'il peut apporter ou non à votre entreprise.

● Interfacing between teams
● Achieving technical consistency
● Interpretation of agile differs
between teams
● High-level requirements
management largely missing in
● Gap between long and short term
LeSS, DAD or SAFe®?
Large-scale Scrum (LeSS)
regular Scrum applied in multiple levels to suit
large-scale development;
several feature teams under one Product Owner (PO)
Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD)
people-first, learning-oriented hybrid agile
approach to IT solution delivery;
a modification of Scrum with elements added from a
variety of other methods
Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe®)
highly structured and prescriptive method;
differentiates between Team, Program, and
Portfolio levels
Embrace Lean-Agile values
House of Lean
Value in the sustainably
shortest lead time
1. Take an economic view
2. Apply systems thinking
3. Assume variability; preserve options
4. Build incrementally with fast, integrated learning
5. Base milestones on objective evaluation of working
6. Visualize and limit WIP, reduce batch sizes, and
manage queue lengths
7. Apply cadence, synchronize with cross-domain
8. Unlock the intrinsic motivation of knowledge
9. Decentralize decision-making
Анна Мамаєва: When SAFe is safe. Agile для дорослих компаній

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SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) 5 mins overview - Roni Tamari

Why Scale? When choose each scaling approach? SAFe? LeSS? Enterprise Kanban? Other? Scaling experts will compare the different approaches, share from their experience and answer questions from the audience This is the SAFe section presented by Roni Tamari

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Scaled agile implementation
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Scaled agile implementation

Kumar Rajasekaran presented learnings from scaled agile implementations. Key topics included transitioning from a business process to an execution process, implementing a release train with focus on tools, metrics, user experience, agile coaching, trainings and workshops, and conducting agility assessments from team to program level. Challenges included priority/scope change management, sprint cycle duration, acceptance criteria, dependencies, capacity planning and standardization. Opportunities included delivering working software, aligning delivery to business value, and improving test practices.

An Introduction to SAFe: The Scaled Agile Framework
An Introduction to SAFe: The Scaled Agile FrameworkAn Introduction to SAFe: The Scaled Agile Framework
An Introduction to SAFe: The Scaled Agile Framework

Many organizations have achieved agility at the team level only to be unable to achieve it across teams. The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) provides both a vision and method for how to achieve this. SAFe is the first documented framework that can be used to scale agile throughout an organization. It is a combination of lean, kanban, and Scrum—lean to provide a context for an organization, kanban to manage the flow of projects, and Scrum to provide agile at the team level. Beginning with an introduction to lean and kanban, Ken Pugh explains why they are required for agile at scale. Ken then describes the framework of SAFe—specifically how it creates a structure to manifest the behaviors required for agile at scale. In particular, learn how to coordinate your organization’s portfolio, programs, and projects. Ken concludes by discussing when it is advisable to use the framework and when a more emergent method is preferable.

Анна Мамаєва: When SAFe is safe. Agile для дорослих компаній
Portfolio, Value Stream,
Program, and Team levels
1. Each SAFe portfolio contains a set of Value Streams and the
additional elements necessary to provide funding and governance
for the products, services, and Solutions that the Enterprise needs to
fulfill some element of the business strategy.
2. The Value Stream Level is intended for builders of large and
complex solutions that typically require multiple ARTs
3. The Team and Program Levels make up the long-lived, self-
organizing virtual organization known as the Agile Release Train
(ART). Without teams, there can be no program.
The art of ART
1. The train departs the station and
arrives at the next destination on a
reliable schedule, which provides
for fixed cadence, standard ART
velocity, and predictable planning
(and in many cases, cadence-
based releases).
2. All “cargo,” including prototypes,
models, software, hardware,
documentation, etc., goes on the

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This document introduces the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) as an approach for applying Agile and Lean principles at an enterprise scale. It discusses how traditional development methods are not keeping pace with increasing software complexity. SAFe is presented as a proven framework that harnesses the power of Agile for large software enterprises through elements like Agile teams, program execution, alignment, code quality, and scaling practices up to the portfolio level. The document advocates for SAFe's ability to accelerate value delivery, make money faster, deliver better customer fit, and reduce risk through approaches like continuous delivery, cadenced development, and synchronizing teams.

Validating Delivered Business Value – Going Beyond “Actual Business Value”
Validating Delivered Business Value – Going Beyond “Actual Business Value”Validating Delivered Business Value – Going Beyond “Actual Business Value”
Validating Delivered Business Value – Going Beyond “Actual Business Value”

Actual is a relative term when it comes to business value delivered by a SAFe PI Objective. In this talk we will explore techniques for validating the actual value delivered by SAFe Teams and ARTs based on real-world outcomes that can be evaluated post-release. RTEs, Product Management and Lean/Agile Leaders will be able to assess their current ability to validate value and learn specific practices they could add to their artifacts and events. Finally, we will take a deeper look at optionality and hypothesis-driven thinking in SAFe and challenge the comfort zone on how to properly use some of SAFe’s essential elements in this context. Learning Objectives: Assess their competency level of their ART/Program when it comes to ability to validate value Evolve their Inspect and Adapt events to enable validation value based on real outcomes Extend their Program and Portfolio Kanbans to help manage the flow of learning and validation.

SAFe Invitations
SAFe InvitationsSAFe Invitations
SAFe Invitations

This document discusses using "pull-based" and invitation-driven techniques to implement SAFe in an organization. It recommends: 1. Treating implementation like marketing different value streams, using techniques like training, workshops, and demonstrations to generate interest. 2. Inviting people to opt-in to SAFe training to identify champions and gauge acceptance. 3. Hosting open spaces to discuss SAFe and have groups decide how to apply it in their context. 4. Combining SAFe workshops with open-space discussions and experiments to help value streams commit to and customize their SAFe approach.

change managementscaled agile frameworkopen space agility
Анна Мамаєва: When SAFe is safe. Agile для дорослих компаній
Roles and responsibilities
Team Level
small cross-functional teams that are empowered to make localized
decisions to get work done
Program Level
• The Release Train Engineer facilitates the activities of the Agile
Release Train, much like the Scrum Master facilitates the activities of
the team.
• Product Management is responsible for the Program Vision and
• The System Architect/Engineer plays a critical role in helping align
teams in a common technical direction toward accomplishment of the
mission, Vision, and Roadmap.
Roles and responsibilities
Portfolio Level
• We have the Program Portfolio Management team responsible for
strategy and investment funding, program execution, and governance.
• The Enterprise Architect works across Value Streams and Agile
Release Trains to provide strategic technical guidance in such areas
as technology stack recommendations, interoperability of solutions,
and hosting strategies
• The Epic Owner is a role, not a title. This person takes responsibility
for the business case and implementation guidance of initiatives, called
Epics in SAFe

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Scaled Agile Framework in 10 minutes (CAS2015)Scaled Agile Framework in 10 minutes (CAS2015)
Scaled Agile Framework in 10 minutes (CAS2015)

Scaled Agile Framework in 10 minutes (SAFe 3.0) - Scaled: SAFe is designed for large-scale software development ecosystems of 50-125 people who need to resolve inter-dependencies - Agile: SAFe is based on 9 Lean-Agile principles - Framework: SAFe is a collection of a proven efficacy tools, and you only have to use what you need El objetivo de la Lightning Talk es dar una visión "light" pero completa de lo que propone Scaled Agile Framework 3.0 como marco de referencia para el escalado de Agile. Scaled Agile Framework es uno de los marcos de referencia para escalado de Agile que mayor aceptación está teniendo a día de hoy, sobre todo cuando hablamos de grandes organizaciones. El marco SAFe parte de las capas de abstracción clásicas de una organización para estructurar un cambio de perspectiva y de cultura basándose en los 4 valores y 9 principios Lean-Agile, apoyándose además en las prácticas Scrum-XP de desarrollo de productos. En la charla descubriremos de manera rápida los roles, artefactos y ceremonias que plantea el marco para conseguir un cambio de paradigma sostenible en las organizaciones. Unai Roldán UST Global

SAFe for Marketing – Extending Towards Real Business Agility - Global SAFe Su...
SAFe for Marketing – Extending Towards Real Business Agility - Global SAFe Su...SAFe for Marketing – Extending Towards Real Business Agility - Global SAFe Su...
SAFe for Marketing – Extending Towards Real Business Agility - Global SAFe Su...

SAFe’s home turf is product/systems/applications development. Let’s talk about challenging this comfort zone by applying it in one of the core business functions – Marketing. Why? Because the marketing operating system is being disrupted and the larger the marketing organization the more it struggles to maintain relevancy and impact. More and more marketing organizations are seeing the impact of Agile and want to benefit as well. How should an organization using SAFe in R&D/IT look at Agile in Marketing? Is SAFe the right choice? Does it work “as is”? Are there any changes needed to support this new context? What are some lessons learned from trying this in the field? Learning Objectives and Key Takeaways: At some point in your enterprise transformation you should consider applying SAFe outside of Product Development/IT. Marketing is a great candidate for a next Value Stream to implement SAFe in. Agile Marketing is possible not just for small nimble companies but also for large organizations with hundreds of marketers and several legacy silos. SAFe provides a blueprint for how to achieve this. Understand the differences in applying SAFe outside of Product Development/IT and how to adjust the Big Picture / Implementation Roadmap to accommodate these differences. The ideal “Business Agility” state is actually to bring together Marketing, Product Management/Development, Sales into one Value Stream. This talk was delivered in the global SAFe Summit in DC in October 2018

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Assessing Your Agile Marketing Maturity Level
Assessing Your Agile Marketing Maturity LevelAssessing Your Agile Marketing Maturity Level
Assessing Your Agile Marketing Maturity Level

Why assess the level of Agile Marketing? Teams, Managers and Coaches can quickly evaluate the current capability of a team/group, in order to: See how the capability measures against the recommended level for benefiting from marketing agility Guide the team/group on what to improve next See, over time, the evolution of agility (positive or negative trend) See the impact of the team/group improvement work See the impact of organizational/structural changes that are outside the team/group’s control (costs reductions, distributed, etc.) Motivate! Get acheivements and recognition for reaching higher agility levels (Emphasize intrinsic motivation!) Contact AgileSparks at for a downloadable version (and an excel sheet coming soon!)

agile marketing
Анна Мамаєва: When SAFe is safe. Agile для дорослих компаній
One backlog to rule them all
• The backlogs contain prioritized functionality and
enablers. Enablers are the exploration, architecture,
and infrastructure needed to support the functionality.
• Epics are identified and progressively elaborated as
they flow through the Portfolio Kanban System. The
Kanban System makes the strategic business initiatives
visible and brings a structured analysis process driven
by economics. There are Kanban Systems at the Value
Stream and Program Levels, as well.

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This conference paper will be interesting to those who faced the problems team interactions and looks for success experience of solving these problems. You will get to know work sync up of over 20 Agile team. 5 present cases will illustrate solutions to 5 common problems such as: eliminating dependences between teams, increasing transparency and work effectiveness.

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Scaled agile framework (SAFe) - adopting agile at enterprise scale
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Scaled agile framework (SAFe) - adopting agile at enterprise scale

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is an agile framework for enterprise-scale organizations. It addresses challenges of architecture, integration, funding, and roles at scale. SAFe has three levels - portfolio, program, and team. At the portfolio level, investment themes drive budget allocations. The program level uses Agile Release Trains of 5-10 teams to deliver value in 10 week iterations. Teams use Scrum or Kanban with 2 week iterations. SAFe aims to apply lean-agile principles at an enterprise scale.

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The document discusses how to implement agile practices in an enterprise setting. It describes using a combination of Scrum, XP techniques, lean practices, and traditional project management adapted to the enterprise context called "Adaptive". Key aspects include architectural planning, risk management, integration testing, continuous delivery, and working with complex requirements and stakeholder needs across multiple releases. The goal is to deliver working software in short iterations while managing the increased complexity of enterprise projects.

kyiv project management daypmdaykyivpmdaykyiv2016
Анна Мамаєва: When SAFe is safe. Agile для дорослих компаній
Heartbeat and Release
• the Program Level, the teams on the Agile Release
Train work in 8 – 12 week increments, called Programs
Increments, or PIs. A PI begins with a higher level
planning event, called PI Planning, and ends with a
demo and retrospective known as “Inspect and Adapt.”
• The teams on the Agile Release Train develop on
cadence, but can release any time based on business
• At the Value Stream Level, additional coordination
activities may be required to align all Agile Release
Trains (and Suppliers) in the Value Stream.
Анна Мамаєва: When SAFe is safe. Agile для дорослих компаній

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Kyiv Project Management Day 2016 Іванна Заєць: Основи ПМа (PM’s Essentials) Сайт конференції: Спільнота в мережі Linkedin: Спільнота в мережі facebook: Twitter конференції:

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Lviv PMDay 2016 S Євген Лабунський: If motivation doesn’t work
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This document discusses motivation in the workplace. It begins by looking at what motivation is and some of the basic human needs that motivate people, such as financial stability, love, and personal growth. It then examines the spectrum of motivation from disinterested to inherent enjoyment of a task. The core of motivation is said to be the three psychological needs of autonomy, relatedness, and competence. It explores how fulfilling these needs through empathy, meaningful social connections, and developing new skills can increase motivation. The document concludes by emphasizing self-awareness and shifting one's own motivation to a more integrated level.

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Budget meeting wishes
• The connection between the enterprise business strategy and the
Portfolio is through Strategic Themes.
• Budgets are allocated to Value Streams in order to decentralize
decisions which can be made quickly and efficiently at the Value
Stream Level.
• Sequencing of Epics, Capabilities, and Features is driven by a Lean
approach called Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF) which looks at the
cost of delaying one item in order to do another.
• The Economic Framework is a set of decision rules that aligns
everyone to both the mission and the financial constraints.
• The business value delivered at the end of each Program Increment is
assessed by the Business Owners to measure planned vs. actual.
Inspired by Technology.
Driven by Value.
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Анна Мамаєва: When SAFe is safe. Agile для дорослих компаній

  • 1. When SAFe is safe: Agile по-дорослому by Anna Mamaieva, Senior Project Manager
  • 2. Let’s let's get acquainted Senior Project Manager, ELEKS 7+ years in IT (Project/Product Management) • Mobile applications (iOS, Android) • Web-solutions development and management (Java, .Net) • Product developing and Marketing • Cross-functional team leadership • SAFe Agile certified (2016)
  • 3. Agenda • Doing Agile vs. being Agile • Do not trouble trouble until… • House of rising Lean • Framework overview
  • 6. • Is responsiveness works as a differentiator? • Future characterized by: Understand level of adaptivness ➔ high uncertainty? ➔ high levels of innovation vs. maintenance? • Is the organization planning or undergoing a major pivot or shift? • Does first-to-market matter for our business?
  • 7. Environment to scale right ● Leadership buy-in Management should communicate goals consistently and often to the rest of the organization ● Support autonomy Teams should be allowed to create, inspect and adapt their own processes ● Encourage collaboration ● Standardize only what is important some standardization can help scale your agility by helping your organization understand the big picture
  • 9. ● Interfacing between teams ● Achieving technical consistency ● Interpretation of agile differs between teams ● High-level requirements management largely missing in agile ● Gap between long and short term planning Coordination challenges
  • 10. LeSS, DAD or SAFe®? Large-scale Scrum (LeSS) regular Scrum applied in multiple levels to suit large-scale development; several feature teams under one Product Owner (PO) Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) people-first, learning-oriented hybrid agile approach to IT solution delivery; a modification of Scrum with elements added from a variety of other methods Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe®) highly structured and prescriptive method; differentiates between Team, Program, and Portfolio levels
  • 11. Embrace Lean-Agile values House of Lean LEADERSHIP Respectfor peopleandculture Flow Innovation Relentless improvement VALUE Value in the sustainably shortest lead time 1. Take an economic view 2. Apply systems thinking 3. Assume variability; preserve options 4. Build incrementally with fast, integrated learning cycles 5. Base milestones on objective evaluation of working systems 6. Visualize and limit WIP, reduce batch sizes, and manage queue lengths 7. Apply cadence, synchronize with cross-domain planning 8. Unlock the intrinsic motivation of knowledge workers 9. Decentralize decision-making
  • 15. Portfolio, Value Stream, Program, and Team levels 1. Each SAFe portfolio contains a set of Value Streams and the additional elements necessary to provide funding and governance for the products, services, and Solutions that the Enterprise needs to fulfill some element of the business strategy. 2. The Value Stream Level is intended for builders of large and complex solutions that typically require multiple ARTs 3. The Team and Program Levels make up the long-lived, self- organizing virtual organization known as the Agile Release Train (ART). Without teams, there can be no program.
  • 16. The art of ART 1. The train departs the station and arrives at the next destination on a reliable schedule, which provides for fixed cadence, standard ART velocity, and predictable planning (and in many cases, cadence- based releases). 2. All “cargo,” including prototypes, models, software, hardware, documentation, etc., goes on the train
  • 19. Roles and responsibilities Team Level small cross-functional teams that are empowered to make localized decisions to get work done Program Level • The Release Train Engineer facilitates the activities of the Agile Release Train, much like the Scrum Master facilitates the activities of the team. • Product Management is responsible for the Program Vision and Roadmap. • The System Architect/Engineer plays a critical role in helping align teams in a common technical direction toward accomplishment of the mission, Vision, and Roadmap.
  • 20. Roles and responsibilities Portfolio Level • We have the Program Portfolio Management team responsible for strategy and investment funding, program execution, and governance. • The Enterprise Architect works across Value Streams and Agile Release Trains to provide strategic technical guidance in such areas as technology stack recommendations, interoperability of solutions, and hosting strategies • The Epic Owner is a role, not a title. This person takes responsibility for the business case and implementation guidance of initiatives, called Epics in SAFe
  • 23. One backlog to rule them all • The backlogs contain prioritized functionality and enablers. Enablers are the exploration, architecture, and infrastructure needed to support the functionality. • Epics are identified and progressively elaborated as they flow through the Portfolio Kanban System. The Kanban System makes the strategic business initiatives visible and brings a structured analysis process driven by economics. There are Kanban Systems at the Value Stream and Program Levels, as well.
  • 26. Heartbeat and Release • the Program Level, the teams on the Agile Release Train work in 8 – 12 week increments, called Programs Increments, or PIs. A PI begins with a higher level planning event, called PI Planning, and ends with a demo and retrospective known as “Inspect and Adapt.” • The teams on the Agile Release Train develop on cadence, but can release any time based on business needs. • At the Value Stream Level, additional coordination activities may be required to align all Agile Release Trains (and Suppliers) in the Value Stream.
  • 29. Budget meeting wishes • The connection between the enterprise business strategy and the Portfolio is through Strategic Themes. • Budgets are allocated to Value Streams in order to decentralize decisions which can be made quickly and efficiently at the Value Stream Level. • Sequencing of Epics, Capabilities, and Features is driven by a Lean approach called Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF) which looks at the cost of delaying one item in order to do another. • The Economic Framework is a set of decision rules that aligns everyone to both the mission and the financial constraints. • The business value delivered at the end of each Program Increment is assessed by the Business Owners to measure planned vs. actual.
  • 30. Inspired by Technology. Driven by Value. Find us at Have a question? Write to

Editor's Notes

  1. OVERVIEW: Here, you can discuss the Iteration at the Team Level and the Program Increment, or PI, and Program Level SAMPLE SPEAKER NOTES: At the Team Level, the teams work in two week increments called Iterations. They begin each Sprint with planning and end with a demo and a retrospective At the Program Level, the teams on the Agile Release Train work in 8 – 12 week increments, called Programs Increments, or PIs. A PI begins with a higher level planning event, called PI Planning, and ends with a demo and retrospective known as “Inspect and Adapt.” The teams on the Agile Release Train develop on cadence, but can release any time based on business needs. At the Value Stream Level, additional coordination activities may be required to align all Agile Release Trains (and Suppliers) in the Value Stream. Are there any other questions about cadence and synchronization for alignment?
  2. OVERVIEW: Here, you’ll discuss how the enterprise strategy is translated into a solution to maximize value to the customer. You may or may not go into detail based on your audience.   SAMPLE SPEAKER NOTES: The connection between the enterprise business strategy and the Portfolio is through Strategic Themes. This brief list guides the Economic Framework, Budgets, and backlog decisions. Budgets are allocated to Value Streams in order to decentralize decisions which can be made quickly and efficiently at the Value Stream Level. Would you like to hear more about Lean-Agile Budgeting? Epics are progressively analyzed as they move through the Portfolio Kanban System to determine the most important initiatives to do at that given point in time. It also assures capacity matching. Sequencing of Epics, Capabilities, and Features is driven by a Lean approach called Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF) which looks at the cost of delaying one item in order to do another. It looks at both the cost of delay and the effort to complete it. Would you like to hear more about WSJF? Prioritizing functionality is done by Program Portfolio Management at the Portfolio Level, Solution Management at the Value Stream Level, Product Management at the Program Level, and Product Owners at the Team Level. This approach requires an understanding of decentralized decision-making, which is SAFe Principle #9. The Economic Framework is a set of decision rules that aligns everyone to both the mission and the financial constraints. SAFe’s first Principle is to take an economic view, which highlights the key role that economics plays in successful Solution development. The Solution Intent is the evolving understanding of what needs to be built and how it should be built. It is often more economically beneficial to wait and explore options as facts surface due to the high cost of change later in the process. Set-based design practices help avoid committing too early to design and requirements The business value delivered at the end of each Program Increment is assessed by the Business Owners to measure planned vs. actual. The business is responsible for prioritizing and the teams are responsible for delivering. Finally, the business determines when a solution needs to be released, rather than the more rigid waterfall approach of delivering everything at the end.