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Open Day
June 2015
Rushabh Mehta
Frappe + ERPNext
Month of Holiday
And “thinking”
• Version 5 is now stable
• SAAS Growth at 100% (y-o-y) is still pretty low
• ERP is a long-business-cycle product
• Users dropping out after trying is still a problem
• The product is not a problem
• Opportunity for revenue
• Opportunity to fund new features
• Opportunity to grow team
Naah… Not in our DNA

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Open Day August 2016
Open Day August 2016Open Day August 2016
Open Day August 2016

- The document provides an overview of activities and updates from various employees at the company in August 2016, including new features developed, customers supported, and workshops/presentations conducted. - Key areas of focus included developing features for salary structure, help documentation, Gantt charts, integration services, and making improvements to the payroll process. - The document highlights the continued progress and contributions towards further enhancing the ERPNext software.

erpnext frappe
Frappé Open Day Presentations - March 2016
Frappé Open Day Presentations - March 2016Frappé Open Day Presentations - March 2016
Frappé Open Day Presentations - March 2016

On Open Day, we share our activities of the month with each other and the community. It's when we take a step back and see where we stand. To see past open days, visit

Frappe / ERPNext Open Day October 14
Frappe / ERPNext Open Day October 14Frappe / ERPNext Open Day October 14
Frappe / ERPNext Open Day October 14

The document summarizes an open day event at Frappe in October 2014. It includes summaries of new customers, support activities, features developed, and presentations from various Frappe employees. Nabin improved stock reconciliation logic and implemented negative stock valuation. Ankit fixed bugs, improved accounts receivable and payable reports, and updated the activity feed. Pratik worked on an app for Believer's Church and met with customers. Prakash listed several new customers across industries and countries.

The Middle Way
Paid Feature Development
Paid Feature Development
• Incoming requests from GitHub / Discuss
• Send a Quote
• Acknowledge Contributions
• Get the community involved
iX Systems
Customer Visit: San Jose
• Met Jordan Hubbard, the
founder of FreeBSD project
(the Unix inside Mac OS X)
• Matt Olander, manager of
FreeNAS project
• The loved ERPNext
• Jordan Hubbard will be
speaking at the ERPNext
Conference 2015

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Open Day - September 2016
Open Day - September 2016Open Day - September 2016
Open Day - September 2016

The document provides summaries of work done and updates from various team members at an Open Day event in September 2016. Key points discussed include migration of sites to a new server, development of modules like Gantt charts and fleet management, fixes and improvements to areas like the data import tool and recurring functionality, and analytics on trials, new customers, renewals and the forum. Users also provided positive feedback on the product.

Open Day October 2016
Open Day October 2016Open Day October 2016
Open Day October 2016

Faris Ansari presented at the October 2016 Open Day for Frappé/ERPNext. The presentation included updates on Gantt charts, kanban boards, setup wizards, UI fixes, key responsibilities, and communication. Progress was also discussed for the ERPNext school module and first issue in ERPNext. Suggestions were made for a learning resource center module and integrating spell checking. The next steps mentioned fixing issues and exploring the library app.

erpopen sourceframework
November 2016
November 2016November 2016
November 2016

Bhupen provided a summary of his first three weeks working at Frappe. In the first week, he was introduced to Frappe and learned about installing the bench, creating apps and sites. He created a library management app and learned about models, roles and doctypes. In the second week, he started creating a meeting app and learned how doctypes are linked. In the third week, he started working on issues, learned about navigating to the root cause from Prateeksha and was assigned his first issue by Nabin related to tree structures. He had discussions with Rushabh about fully understanding the product before diving into code.

We could have built
FreeNAS on Frappe!!
But alas, its too late now :)
(Matt Olander, iX)
Get Your Laundry
The Async Way
Frappe Async
• Do long (asynchronous) tasks using Frappe.
• Get real-time feedback on task (via nodejs socket)
Paired with Pratik
Request laundry service
Get work done
Step 1
Step 2..n
Step Final
Regular Web Request

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Open Day December 2016
Open Day December 2016Open Day December 2016
Open Day December 2016

This document provides an overview of activities in December 2016 related to the ERPNext/Frappe project. Key activities included: - Improving the activity log in the payroll process to display employee data in a table rather than a list for easier reading. - Creating a new user type called "Business User" to allow restricted access for basic tasks. - Solving several issues flagged on GitHub, with a focus on improving the usability and functionality of various modules. - Writing blog posts and help documentation to help new users get started with ERPNext and understand core concepts. The document highlights progress and contributions made to the project last month, with a focus on continuous learning and improvement.

ERPNext / Frappe - Open Day for January 2017
ERPNext / Frappe - Open Day for January 2017ERPNext / Frappe - Open Day for January 2017
ERPNext / Frappe - Open Day for January 2017

The document provides an overview of activities at Frappe for the month of January 2017. It includes summaries of work done on various modules like authentication log, address and contact, feedback trigger and feedback. It also mentions demo sessions conducted for various companies and mock-ups created. Blogs published and help articles drafted are also noted. Issues faced by an employee including having to find a new place and warnings received are mentioned along with the solutions and action plan adopted.

crmerpopen soure
Open Day May 2016
Open Day May 2016Open Day May 2016
Open Day May 2016

The document summarizes updates from several ERPNext team members from their May 2016 Open Day presentations: 1. Nabin Hait launched several new features for accounting, reporting, and analytics in ERPNext. 2. Valmik J improved commands for the Bench automation tool to make development workflows more efficient. 3. Shreyas discussed migration improvements and fixes for various ERPNext modules.

erpnextopen sourceerp
Request laundry service
Get receipt
Is my laundry ready?
Get work done
Step 1
Step 2..n
Step Final
No Wait!
All this is managed
by Frappe
But you still need to wear your clothes!
Coming Up
• Frappe Mobile
• Bench Plus
• (Secret new product)

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Frappé Open Day Presentations - April 2016
Frappé Open Day Presentations - April 2016Frappé Open Day Presentations - April 2016
Frappé Open Day Presentations - April 2016

This document summarizes updates and fixes made to the ERPNext software in April 2016. It includes: 1) New features added to the Point of Sale module including offline functionality, multi-mode payment options, and search capabilities. 2) User interface improvements including a new desktop layout, default user images, and sort selectors. 3) Fixes and enhancements to modules like production planning, website management, and asset tracking. 4) Ongoing development of ERPNext Schools and integration with external services like Razorpay.

open sourceerp
Frappe Open Day - March 2017
Frappe Open Day - March 2017Frappe Open Day - March 2017
Frappe Open Day - March 2017

On Open Day, we at Frappe Technologies, share our activities of the month with each other and the community. It's when we take a step back and see where we stand.

Frappe Open Day - February 2017
Frappe Open Day - February 2017Frappe Open Day - February 2017
Frappe Open Day - February 2017

On Open Day, we at Frappe Technologies, share our activities of the month with each other and the community. It's when we take a step back and see where we stand.

open sourceaccountingerpnext
>< 1
JUNE, 2015
next 2

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
2014-15 2013-14 2012-13
New Customers
>< 4
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
2014-15 2013-14 2012-13

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Openday june 16
Openday june 16Openday june 16
Openday june 16

The document discusses updates made to Frappe and ERPNext in June 2016, including new features like a learning management system, payment entries without accounting knowledge, and various fixes and cleanups like merging doctypes and moving newsletters to the email module. It also covers work done on improving backups, subscriptions, and the bench installer.

erperpnextopen source
ERPNext Open Day - January 2014
ERPNext Open Day - January 2014ERPNext Open Day - January 2014
ERPNext Open Day - January 2014

Month-end presentations from the ERPNext team about what's going on at our office and in development of ERPNext.

Frappe Open Day - April/May 2017
Frappe Open Day - April/May 2017Frappe Open Day - April/May 2017
Frappe Open Day - April/May 2017

Umair Sayed provided support for over 600 issues from June 2016 to May 2017. He improved his support response time to 139 minutes on average and received positive customer feedback ratings of 3.9 out of 5. Umair also contributed to the Frappé forum with over 4,350 posts in that time period. Additionally, he created help videos, webinars on contributing to ERPNext and the website module, and helped clean up the service provider and jobs sections.

>< 5
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
2014-15 2013-14 2012-13
Trial Accounts
>< 6
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
2014-15 2013-14 2012-13
Support Tickets
>< 7
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
2014-15 2013-14 2012-13


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LITE 2018 – A Deep Dive Into the API [Iain Brown]
LITE 2018 – A Deep Dive Into the API [Iain Brown]LITE 2018 – A Deep Dive Into the API [Iain Brown]
LITE 2018 – A Deep Dive Into the API [Iain Brown]

The document provides an overview of Administrate's API platform. It describes the key components of the Administrate API, including the GraphQL API, developer portal, and webhooks. It then discusses how webhooks allow for real-time notifications when events occur, using an example of integrating with Acclaim for digital badges. Finally, it introduces the Piston design system for building consistent user interfaces and how customers can use the platform to build custom solutions that integrate with Administrate.

Frappe Open Day January 2019
Frappe Open Day January 2019Frappe Open Day January 2019
Frappe Open Day January 2019

On Open Day, we share our activities of the month with each other and the community. It's when we take a step back and see where we stand. Here's our Open Day for January 2019.

Need a customized
dashboard for tracking
progress on their order.
Go Telecom, Arab
A telecome operator.
Wants to offer ERPNext
their customer portal.
ESO Electronics, Germany
A german circuit board
manufacturer. Interested
in Assisted Development
Plan for customizing
ERPNext as per their
ThermAdynamics, USA
Work for USA govt.
Interested in Assisted
Grey Orange Robotics, Singapore
Conducted product
demonstration. Continuing
with evaluation.
Air Check, Bangkok
01 02 03 04
POS Demo
Covers creating POS
profile and POS Invoice
Managing Leaves
Covers allocating leaves,
and leave application and
approval process
Managing Expense
Covers setting up
Expense Type, Expense
Claim and Expense
Approval process.
Salary Processing
Covers setting up Salary
Structure, creating salary
slips in bulk.
05 06 07 08
Sales Order to JV
Sales Order from
Opportunity, Delivery
Note, Sales Invoice,
Payment entry
Field Customization
Inserting custom field,
customizing properties
and arrangement of
standard fields.
Creating new Projects,
Tasks under Projects,
Time logs against Project
and Task, and its costing
Service Order
Maintenance (Sales)
Order, Maintenance
schedule and
maintenance visit
>< 12
Production Order
Creating Production
Order, Material Transfer
and Manufacture Entry
against Production Order
Production Planning
Creating Production
Order and Material
Request from Sales
Order. Material
Requirement planning.
09 10

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het gaat over een gebeurtenis op 18 april 1942.

Sherlock Homepage - A detective story about running large web services - WebN...
Sherlock Homepage - A detective story about running large web services - WebN...Sherlock Homepage - A detective story about running large web services - WebN...
Sherlock Homepage - A detective story about running large web services - WebN...

The site was slow. CPU and memory usage everywhere! Some dead objects in the corner. Something terrible must have happened! We have some IIS logs. Some traces from a witness. But not enough to find out what was wrong. In this session, we’ll see how effective telemetry, a profiler or two as well as a refresher of how IIS runs our ASP.NET web applications can help solve this server murder mystery.

여행스터디 2
여행스터디 2여행스터디 2
여행스터디 2
next 13

First of all, Thank You for providing a wonderful and easy-to-use
ERP application in a cost-effective hosting model. I have many
years of experience in other ERP applications and ERPNext sure
beats them in ease-of-use.
Tharian Jose, iReveal
Technologies, Kochi
>< 15

Just wanted to say that your company's culture is very admirable:
Very personal and transparent and committed to this great
experiment that is ERPNext. Don't give up !
>< 16
Domenico Corraza
ERPNext for our expectations is good solution, and we
congratulate you and your team for the continuous development.

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Carson City Library - Board of Trustee 5/26/2016: 3D Printing
Carson City Library - Board of Trustee 5/26/2016:  3D PrintingCarson City Library - Board of Trustee 5/26/2016:  3D Printing
Carson City Library - Board of Trustee 5/26/2016: 3D Printing

The document discusses establishing a policy for the Carson City Library's new 3D printers, including introducing patrons to innovative technologies, only allowing lawful uses, and providing examples of other library 3D printing policies which restrict prohibited content and set procedures for design submission and cost recovery.


A personagem feminina entra em um estado de perturbação emocional após sentir uma forte atração por um colega, experienciando uma mistura de sentimentos dentro de si que a deixam inquieta e confusa. Ela não compreende o que está sentindo e busca entender os processos internos que a afetam, comparando-os à mistura de elementos químicos.

>< 17
Gavin Dunn
I would love to say that as a recent adopter of ERPNext, it blows
me away how intuitive and perfectly developed it has become.
Hats off! Thank you for giving something to make my business
run. Thank you for creating a place for encouraging discussion.
We were looking through many options, but upon the forefront of
technology, ERPNext made perfect sense.

Open Day
June, 2015
Frappe 6
with Async!

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Water Supply system is a system of engineered hydrologic and hydraulic components which provide water supply for domestic use, industrial purposes, fire fighting and so on. The system comprises of intake structures, treatment units, storage tanks and distribution systems. A well designed water supply system is meant to operate optimally such that consumers have access to portable water of sufficient pressure and quality at all times. However during operations of water supply systems, cases of pressure drops, Leakages and contamination occur and the main challenge is the lack of a simple tool to accurately predict zones of low pressures and areas where quality is compromised.

water pressurenodespressure variation
Execução Distribuída: O Jeito de Trabalhar das Empresas do Futuro
Execução Distribuída: O Jeito de Trabalhar das Empresas do FuturoExecução Distribuída: O Jeito de Trabalhar das Empresas do Futuro
Execução Distribuída: O Jeito de Trabalhar das Empresas do Futuro

O documento discute a execução distribuída como o futuro do trabalho, onde processos e tarefas são realizados por pessoas internas, externas e robôs de forma integrada. A execução distribuída permite automação, escalabilidade, redução de custos e foco no negócio principal através da fragmentação e distribuição inteligente de tarefas. O documento fornece etapas e pilares para implementar esse modelo, como automação de processos, gestão de informações, comunicação e conexões entre as partes.

botbusiness automationrobots
Randy Oostra – 2014 nominee for Modern Healthcare’s Community Leadership Award
Randy Oostra – 2014 nominee for Modern Healthcare’s Community Leadership Award Randy Oostra – 2014 nominee for Modern Healthcare’s Community Leadership Award
Randy Oostra – 2014 nominee for Modern Healthcare’s Community Leadership Award

Randy Oostra – 2014 nominee for Modern Healthcare’s Community Leadership Award. The success of the healthcare industry depends on leaders who define themselves by leading efforts to change lives and contribute to their communities through their work. But many go above and beyond commitments central to their roles, reaching out to support causes that may be wholly unrelated to healthcare, but which build and sustain strong communities and the quality of life within them. Modern Healthcare's Community Leadership Awards was established to recognize these leaders while bringing attention to the worthy causes they support. Modern Healthcare's Community Leadership Awards was established to recognize these leaders while bringing attention to the worthy causes they support.

modern healthcarecommunity leadership awardrandy oostra
Async Goals
• Enqueue a background task using same semantics
• Get updates on its progress without polling

Two Options
• Do websockets in Python.
• Do websockets in node and communicate via a
Websockets in Python
• Used a co-routine library, gevent.
• Changed MariaDB connector to PyMySQL.
• Adapted an implementation of SocketIO (Flask-
SocketIO) to Frappe.
• Scrapped! :)
Websockets in Python
• “co” in co-routing stands for co-operation.
• IO can by greenified (made co-operative) via
gevent’s monkey patching.
• But, Frappe/ERPNext code might not yield.
• Too many unknowns.
• Also, gevent-socketio is not actively maintained.

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Quotes for Entrepreneurs - by Saud Masud, CEO, Vector Partners (Pvt.) Ltd.
Quotes for Entrepreneurs - by Saud Masud, CEO, Vector Partners (Pvt.) Ltd.Quotes for Entrepreneurs - by Saud Masud, CEO, Vector Partners (Pvt.) Ltd.
Quotes for Entrepreneurs - by Saud Masud, CEO, Vector Partners (Pvt.) Ltd.

10 quotes to inspire action. Compiled and shared by Saud Masud, CEO, Vector Partners (Pvt.) Ltd. We encourage you to internalize these quotes and implement them starting today.

quotesbusinessprofessional development
20111021 about interview
20111021 about interview20111021 about interview
20111021 about interview
Sherlock Homepage - A detective story about running large web services - NDC ...
Sherlock Homepage - A detective story about running large web services - NDC ...Sherlock Homepage - A detective story about running large web services - NDC ...
Sherlock Homepage - A detective story about running large web services - NDC ...

The site was slow. CPU and memory usage everywhere! Some dead objects in the corner. Something terrible must have happened! We have some IIS logs. Some traces from a witness. But not enough to find out what was wrong. In this session, we’ll see how effective telemetry, a profiler or two as well as a refresher of how IIS runs our ASP.NET web applications can help solve this server murder mystery. mvc
Websockets with Node
Task Worker
Websockets with Node
• Javascript code is <50 lines.
• To emit event, “publish” it to broker.
• Also, send any progress info (log lines) to
Frappe Open Day - June 2015
Frappe Open Day - June 2015

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Spina bifida
Spina bifidaSpina bifida
Spina bifida

Sonia is a new child in the author's program who has Spina Bifida and uses a wheelchair. She is bilingual in English and French. Her family is new to Toronto and is interested in sports and recreation programs. They asked the author for advice on services available in the area to help Sonia and children with special needs.

Mobile UX. 경험소 경험선
Mobile UX. 경험소 경험선Mobile UX. 경험소 경험선
Mobile UX. 경험소 경험선

The document discusses user experience design for mobile applications and digital services. It covers topics such as designing for engagement, defining moments of truth, sequencing experiences, and extending core experiences across various touchpoints. Componentization, service blueprints, emotional journey maps are presented as tools to design experiences. The document also discusses designing software as a system and considering the entire user interface as the system. It provides examples of extending listening, photo, and iPhone experiences across different stages from awareness to sharing content. The goal is to create enjoyable, predictable, and content-focused experiences for users.

Congestion avoidance in TCP
Congestion avoidance in TCPCongestion avoidance in TCP
Congestion avoidance in TCP

Congestion avoidance mechanisms aim to predict impending congestion and reduce data transmission rates before packet loss occurs. Three main methods are DEC bit, Random Early Detection (RED), and source-based approaches. DEC bit uses routers to explicitly notify sources of congestion. RED drops packets probabilistically based on average queue length to implicitly notify sources. Source-based methods monitor round-trip times and window sizes to detect congestion and adjust transmission rates accordingly.

Open Day
June 2015
Nabin Hait
5 accounts pending to migrate
V5 Migration
to fix v5 issues
and provide smoother experience

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Tutorial de como crear particiones de disco duro en windows 10
Tutorial de como crear particiones de disco duro en windows 10Tutorial de como crear particiones de disco duro en windows 10
Tutorial de como crear particiones de disco duro en windows 10

El documento proporciona un tutorial de 12 pasos para crear particiones de disco duro en Windows 10, comenzando con la apertura del administrador de discos, seleccionando un disco con espacio disponible para reducir su volumen, creando un nuevo volumen simple en el espacio liberado, asignando una letra de identificación y un nombre a la nueva partición, y finalizando el proceso.

Major climatic regions of the world
Major climatic regions of the worldMajor climatic regions of the world
Major climatic regions of the world

The document defines and describes monsoon climate regions, which experience seasonal reversal of wind directions and the accompanying wet and dry periods. Monsoon climates are found in South and Southeast Asia, parts of Australia and Africa, and some areas of the southern United States. They are characterized by heavy rainfall from May to October brought by southwesterly winds, and generally dry, cool conditions from November to March under northeasterly winds. Vegetation in these regions includes deciduous forests and crops like rice, sugarcane, bananas, and tea.

Frappe Open Day - September 2018
Frappe Open Day - September 2018Frappe Open Day - September 2018
Frappe Open Day - September 2018

On Open Day, we share our activities of the month with each other and the community. It's when we take a step back and see where we stand. Here's our Open Day for September 2018.

Customer’s Credit Days based on -
Fixed Days and Last Day of the Next Month
First Paid Feature
Major accounting reports are
20 times faster now!
Recovered deleted accounts
related to party model patch
for Labora International
Project and Task
Task is a virtual table inside Project,
but now it’s a part of Project document object
to avail in print

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Learn to see, measure and automate with value stream management
Learn to see, measure and automate with value stream managementLearn to see, measure and automate with value stream management
Learn to see, measure and automate with value stream management

This document discusses using value stream management to see, measure, and automate software delivery processes. It begins by explaining that traditional value stream maps can physically show material and information flows, but software delivery value streams are less tangible. The presentation then demonstrates how to map different flows in a software value stream, including request, development, and operations flows. It also discusses the importance of measuring key metrics in each flow in order to identify improvement opportunities. Finally, it explains how applying lean principles like reducing waste and creating flow can help optimize the software delivery value stream to improve outcomes like quality, speed, and productivity.

#flowmetric #valuestreammanagemant #devops
Frappe Open Day - January 2015
Frappe Open Day - January 2015Frappe Open Day - January 2015
Frappe Open Day - January 2015

The document summarizes key activities from ERPNext's Open Day event in January 2015. It includes highlights from various presenters on improvements made to ERPNext like updated print formats, mobile experience enhancements, and fixes to issues. New customers, renewals, upcoming features, and knowledge base articles are also listed.

open dayfrappeerpnext
Wake Up – It’s Time to Upgrade Your S/4HANA System!
Wake Up – It’s Time to Upgrade Your S/4HANA System!Wake Up – It’s Time to Upgrade Your S/4HANA System!
Wake Up – It’s Time to Upgrade Your S/4HANA System!

While many organizations are still running their ERP on SAP’s veteran platform – ECC, many others already completed their move to the newer S/4HANA platform. Having said that, for those who were early adopters and implemented the first major S/4HANA versions between 2015 to 2017, it’s time to upgrade. As SAP officially supports each S/4HANA version 5 years, these early versions (1511 to 1709) are already in end of life (EOL) mode. This imposes significant risks to organizations, as well as preventing them adopt newer SAP solutions and innovations introduced in the further S/4HANA versions.

panayachange managementsap s4hana
Recurring Documents
Honours Stopped status
Executed hourly via scheduler
Frappe Open Day
July 2015
Over Production Allowance Percentage Setting added to
Manufacturing Settings
• Added "Over Production Allowance Percentage" field in Manufacturing Settings
• Production Order qty validated against SO qty considering allowance percentage

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How Spyder Trap Transformed Its Business with QuickBase Sync
How Spyder Trap Transformed Its Business with QuickBase SyncHow Spyder Trap Transformed Its Business with QuickBase Sync
How Spyder Trap Transformed Its Business with QuickBase Sync

As a busy digital marketing agency, Spyder Trap is always working on new projects for its customers. Managing billing, invoicing, payments and commissions for each project was a highly complex task for the company's small financial team. In this session, you'll learn how Spyder Trap leveraged QuickBase Sync to seamlessly connect QuickBooks Online with QuickBase for a true end-to-end project management system. You'll emerge from this session with your own ideas for how connecting other cloud apps to QuickBase can improve your company's processes.

spyder trapproject performancesaas
Frappe Open Day - February 2015
Frappe Open Day - February 2015Frappe Open Day - February 2015
Frappe Open Day - February 2015

The document summarizes updates from various ERPNext team members from their work in February 2015. It includes new features developed, customers acquired, support cases addressed, and upcoming priorities like multi-currency accounting and finalizing chart of accounts. Team members provided status on manufacturing module improvements, barcode additions, bug fixes, and training conducted.

erpnextfrappeopen day
Is Being Agile a Good Thing?
Is Being Agile a Good Thing?Is Being Agile a Good Thing?
Is Being Agile a Good Thing?

Is Agile Development right for you? Many proponents would say, of course it is. But it can also be a little scary, especially if you come from a traditional approach. This presentation describes two case studies in which Agile development was successful, and some situations in which it may not be the best choice.

application developmentagiledesign
Track Operations added to Production Order
• ‘Track Operation’ checkbox added to Production Order
• If BOM specified against Production Order has Operations, you can specify if you wish to track
progress of those operations.
• Capacity Planning will be disabled if ‘Track Operations’ is not selected.
Minor fixes
• Updates Developer Manual
• Operations made non-mandatory in time logs.
• Barcode added to Purchase Receipt.
• Status Indicators fixed in Material Request.
• Added Item Name & Desc against Item in Quality Inspection.
• Message Notification added if Delivery Date in Production Order is
lesser than Planned Start Date
Minor fixes
• Validation added in Purchase Invoice to check if Supplier Invoice Date is
greater than Posting Date
• Feature Added - Check Supplier Invoice Number Uniqueness
• Added Customers Not Buying Since Long Time report against Sales
• Validation added to prevent user from creating Salary Structure with
From Date before Date of Joining
• Prevent Copying percentage completed while duplicating Projects
Minor fixes
• Added default cost against Activity Type
• Fixed bugs in Calendar View for Leave Application
• Recurring Invoice Print Format
• Added validation to prevent transfer of raw material from an expired
• Fixed some typo in Sales Person
• Fixed lead status not updating on Creation of oppurtunity issue

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Continuous Performance Testing: The New Standard
Continuous Performance Testing: The New StandardContinuous Performance Testing: The New Standard
Continuous Performance Testing: The New Standard

In the past several years the software development lifecycle has changed significantly with high-speed software releases, shared application services, and platform virtualization. The traditional performance assurance approach of pre-release testing does not address these innovations. To maintain confidence in acceptable performance in production, pre-release testing must be augmented with in-production performance monitoring. Obbie Pet describes three types of monitors—performance, resource, and VM platform—and three critical metrics fundamental to isolating performance problems—response time, transaction rate, and error rate. Obbie reviews techniques to acquire and interpret these metrics, and describes how to develop a continuous performance monitoring process. In conjunction with pre-release testing, this monitoring can be woven into a single integrated process, offering a best bet in assuring performance in today’s development world. Take away this integrated process for consideration in your own shop.

software testingquality assurancemetrics
Scrum With TFS 2010
Scrum With TFS 2010Scrum With TFS 2010
Scrum With TFS 2010

This document summarizes how to use Scrum with Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010. It discusses planning the project using a product backlog, planning sprints by adding product backlog items and tasks, and running sprints through daily standups, tracking progress, and retrospectives. Upcoming improvements in TFS include enhanced planning and tracking tools to help teams effectively allocate work and get real-time feedback.

project managementalmscrum
How to do a SAP PI/PO Migration 2019
How to do a SAP PI/PO Migration 2019 How to do a SAP PI/PO Migration 2019
How to do a SAP PI/PO Migration 2019

How can you do a migration on SAP PI/PO? How do you eliminate risks and make it as fast as possible? It is some of the things that will be shared in the 7 step approach to an SAP PI Migration whether it is an upgrade or a conversion.

sapsap pisap po
Minor fixes
• Fixed Issues in Project Task ( Task did not update in project table if
parent task was directly updated via ‘Task’ )
• Validation changed for Item Template cannot have Stock
• Item Image field added to Sales Invoice & Purchase Invoice
• Auto-Capitalize Item Attribute Abbreviation
• Added validation to Prevent attribute to be deleted if Variant exists
• Autocomplete issues fixed in Manage Variants
Minor fixes
• Item Table made mandatory in Stock Reconciliation
• Renamed Sales BOM to Product Bundle
• Fixed issue with Customer Contacts in Transaction Documents
• Renamed Depends on LWP field in the Earning and Deduction table of
Salary Slip to Leave Without Pay
• Renamed Salary Manager to Process Payroll
• Has Variants checkbox made 'No Copy' in Item Master.
Minor fixes
• Manage Variants added under Stock/Tools
• Planned Start Date added to Production Planning Tool
• Mode of Payment added to POS Profile
• Fixed issues in Expired Batches while making Stock Entry
• Validation added to prevent Production Order against Item if Allow
Production Order is 'No' in Item Master
• Validation added to prevent Production Order against Item Variant Template
Minor fixes
• Allowed same contact to be Linked to Customer AND Supplier AND
Sales Partner
• Validation added to prevent adding items with expired batch numbers to
Stock Ledger Entry
• Validation added to prevent task being closed with open dependent
• Fixed ERPNext Demo

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This document discusses how Ahmed Jassat helped improve the Oracle E-Business suite implementation at a customer site by taking a proactive approach. Some of the key challenges addressed include implementing daily clones of the production environment for testing, improving payroll and tax file processes, and enhancing the support environment. The results were reduced downtime, improved performance, and increased ability to test changes before impacting the production system. Ahmed worked with Oracle development over several months to deliver patches that addressed many of the customer's issues.

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Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is an enterprise-wide information system designed to coordinate all the resources, information, and activities needed to complete business processes such as order fulfillment or billing. ... Ideally, the data for the various business functions are integrated.

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This document summarizes a presentation given by David Mehornay from Delta Faucet and Sanjaya Una from GyanSys regarding their successful implementation of SAP S/4HANA Product Lifecycle Management. Key points include: - Delta Faucet replaced multiple legacy systems with SAP S/4HANA to consolidate applications and enable growth. - They deployed SAP PLM, PS, DMS, QM, and other modules with the goal of streamlining processes like new product development, quality management, and compliance. - Through integration with systems like Teamcenter and Salesforce, they achieved benefits like single windows for material and project data. Automated workflows also improved processes. - Les


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Frappe Open Day - June 2015

  • 1. Open Day June 2015 Rushabh Mehta Frappe + ERPNext
  • 2. Month of Holiday And “thinking”
  • 3. Growth • Version 5 is now stable • SAAS Growth at 100% (y-o-y) is still pretty low • ERP is a long-business-cycle product • Users dropping out after trying is still a problem • The product is not a problem
  • 4. Services? • Opportunity for revenue • Opportunity to fund new features • Opportunity to grow team Naah… Not in our DNA
  • 5. The Middle Way Paid Feature Development
  • 6. Paid Feature Development • Incoming requests from GitHub / Discuss • Send a Quote • Acknowledge Contributions • Get the community involved
  • 8. Validation! • Met Jordan Hubbard, the founder of FreeBSD project (the Unix inside Mac OS X) • Matt Olander, manager of FreeNAS project • The loved ERPNext • Jordan Hubbard will be speaking at the ERPNext Conference 2015
  • 9. We could have built FreeNAS on Frappe!! But alas, its too late now :) (Matt Olander, iX)
  • 11. Frappe Async • Do long (asynchronous) tasks using Frappe. • Get real-time feedback on task (via nodejs socket) Paired with Pratik
  • 12. Request laundry service Get work done Step 1 Step 2..n Step Final Wait Regular Web Request (Sync)
  • 13. Request laundry service Get receipt Is my laundry ready? Get work done Step 1 Step 2..n Step Final Async No Wait!
  • 14. All this is managed by Frappe But you still need to wear your clothes!
  • 15. Coming Up • Frappe Mobile • Bench Plus • (Secret new product)
  • 17. >< 1 JUNE, 2015 UMAIR SAYYED ERPNEXT
  • 19. >< 0 7.5 15 22.5 30 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 3 New Customers 4
  • 20. >< 4 0 7.5 15 22.5 30 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 12 Renewals
  • 21. >< 5 0 450 900 1350 1800 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 738 Free Trial Accounts
  • 22. >< 6 0 175 350 525 700 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 560 Support Tickets
  • 23. >< 7 0 400 800 1200 1600 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13 1002 Forum
  • 25. >< 01 02 03 04 05 Need a customized dashboard for tracking progress on their order. Go Telecom, Arab A telecome operator. Wants to offer ERPNext their customer portal. ESO Electronics, Germany A german circuit board manufacturer. Interested in Assisted Development Plan for customizing ERPNext as per their requirements. ThermAdynamics, USA Work for USA govt. Interested in Assisted Development. Grey Orange Robotics, Singapore Conducted product demonstration. Continuing with evaluation. 9 Air Check, Bangkok Sessions
  • 26. >< 01 02 03 04 10 Videos POS Demo Covers creating POS profile and POS Invoice features Managing Leaves Covers allocating leaves, and leave application and approval process Managing Expense Claims Covers setting up Expense Type, Expense Claim and Expense Approval process. Salary Processing Covers setting up Salary Structure, creating salary slips in bulk.
  • 27. >< 05 06 07 08 11 Videos Sales Order to JV Sales Order from Opportunity, Delivery Note, Sales Invoice, Payment entry Field Customization Inserting custom field, customizing properties and arrangement of standard fields. Project-Task-TimeLog Creating new Projects, Tasks under Projects, Time logs against Project and Task, and its costing Service Order Maintenance (Sales) Order, Maintenance schedule and maintenance visit
  • 28. >< 12 Production Order Creating Production Order, Material Transfer and Manufacture Entry against Production Order Production Planning Creating Production Order and Material Request from Sales Order. Material Requirement planning. 09 10 Videos
  • 30. ><NEMO ENIM IPSAM VOLUPTATEM QUIA VOLUPTAS >< First of all, Thank You for providing a wonderful and easy-to-use ERP application in a cost-effective hosting model. I have many years of experience in other ERP applications and ERPNext sure beats them in ease-of-use. Tharian Jose, iReveal Technologies, Kochi 14 01
 Sapien Just wanted to say that your company's culture is very admirable: Very personal and transparent and committed to this great experiment that is ERPNext. Don't give up ! 02
  • 32. ><NEMO ENIM IPSAM VOLUPTATEM QUIA VOLUPTAS >< 16 Domenico Corraza ERPNext for our expectations is good solution, and we congratulate you and your team for the continuous development. 03
  • 33. ><NEMO ENIM IPSAM VOLUPTATEM QUIA VOLUPTAS >< 17 Gavin Dunn I would love to say that as a recent adopter of ERPNext, it blows me away how intuitive and perfectly developed it has become. Hats off! Thank you for giving something to make my business run. Thank you for creating a place for encouraging discussion. We were looking through many options, but upon the forefront of technology, ERPNext made perfect sense. 04
  • 37. Async Goals • Enqueue a background task using same semantics • Get updates on its progress without polling
  • 38. Two Options • Do websockets in Python. • Do websockets in node and communicate via a broker.
  • 39. Websockets in Python • Used a co-routine library, gevent. • Changed MariaDB connector to PyMySQL. • Adapted an implementation of SocketIO (Flask- SocketIO) to Frappe. • Scrapped! :)
  • 40. Websockets in Python • “co” in co-routing stands for co-operation. • IO can by greenified (made co-operative) via gevent’s monkey patching. • But, Frappe/ERPNext code might not yield. • Too many unknowns. • Also, gevent-socketio is not actively maintained.
  • 41. Websockets with Node Webserver Background Task Worker Node SocketIO server Redis PubSub Broker Nginx Reverse Proxy Browser
  • 42. Websockets with Node • Javascript code is <50 lines. • To emit event, “publish” it to broker. • Also, send any progress info (log lines) to browser.
  • 47. 5 accounts pending to migrate V5 Migration
  • 48. Dedicated to fix v5 issues and provide smoother experience Support
  • 49. Customer’s Credit Days based on - Fixed Days and Last Day of the Next Month First Paid Feature
  • 50. Major accounting reports are 20 times faster now!
  • 51. Recovered deleted accounts related to party model patch for Labora International
  • 52. Project and Task Task is a virtual table inside Project, but now it’s a part of Project document object to avail in print
  • 53. Recurring Documents Honours Stopped status Executed hourly via scheduler
  • 56. Over Production Allowance Percentage Setting added to Manufacturing Settings • Added "Over Production Allowance Percentage" field in Manufacturing Settings • Production Order qty validated against SO qty considering allowance percentage
  • 57. Track Operations added to Production Order • ‘Track Operation’ checkbox added to Production Order • If BOM specified against Production Order has Operations, you can specify if you wish to track progress of those operations. • Capacity Planning will be disabled if ‘Track Operations’ is not selected.
  • 58. Minor fixes • Updates Developer Manual • Operations made non-mandatory in time logs. • Barcode added to Purchase Receipt. • Status Indicators fixed in Material Request. • Added Item Name & Desc against Item in Quality Inspection. • Message Notification added if Delivery Date in Production Order is lesser than Planned Start Date
  • 59. Minor fixes • Validation added in Purchase Invoice to check if Supplier Invoice Date is greater than Posting Date • Feature Added - Check Supplier Invoice Number Uniqueness • Added Customers Not Buying Since Long Time report against Sales Invoice • Validation added to prevent user from creating Salary Structure with From Date before Date of Joining • Prevent Copying percentage completed while duplicating Projects
  • 60. Minor fixes • Added default cost against Activity Type • Fixed bugs in Calendar View for Leave Application • Recurring Invoice Print Format • Added validation to prevent transfer of raw material from an expired Batches. • Fixed some typo in Sales Person • Fixed lead status not updating on Creation of oppurtunity issue
  • 61. Minor fixes • Fixed Issues in Project Task ( Task did not update in project table if parent task was directly updated via ‘Task’ ) • Validation changed for Item Template cannot have Stock • Item Image field added to Sales Invoice & Purchase Invoice • Auto-Capitalize Item Attribute Abbreviation • Added validation to Prevent attribute to be deleted if Variant exists • Autocomplete issues fixed in Manage Variants
  • 62. Minor fixes • Item Table made mandatory in Stock Reconciliation • Renamed Sales BOM to Product Bundle • Fixed issue with Customer Contacts in Transaction Documents • Renamed Depends on LWP field in the Earning and Deduction table of Salary Slip to Leave Without Pay • Renamed Salary Manager to Process Payroll • Has Variants checkbox made 'No Copy' in Item Master.
  • 63. Minor fixes • Manage Variants added under Stock/Tools • Planned Start Date added to Production Planning Tool • Mode of Payment added to POS Profile • Fixed issues in Expired Batches while making Stock Entry • Validation added to prevent Production Order against Item if Allow Production Order is 'No' in Item Master • Validation added to prevent Production Order against Item Variant Template
  • 64. Minor fixes • Allowed same contact to be Linked to Customer AND Supplier AND Sales Partner • Validation added to prevent adding items with expired batch numbers to Stock Ledger Entry • Validation added to prevent task being closed with open dependent tasks • Fixed ERPNext Demo
  • 70. Fixes Product search-box visibility Cancel button intermittent visibility If no Workstation, then no Time Logs Wrong field labels based on Currency Calendar all-day events During export, Date in user’s format
  • 71. Fixes Link ToDo in ‘assign’ comment DatePicker & AutoSuggest visibility Extract images from a child’s Text Editor Web Forms & Comments Expand/Collapse in Balance Sheet Email Subject & Threading