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Cappuccino @JSConf 2009

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Exploring ES6
Exploring ES6Exploring ES6
Exploring ES6

This document discusses exploring ES6 features including classes, modules, arrow functions, template literals, destructuring, iterators, generators, and proxies. It provides code examples of implementing classes, modules, and other features in ES5 syntax compared to the cleaner ES6 syntax. It also discusses setting up a development environment with Node.js, npm, and Babel to use ES6 features and introduces more advanced topics like proxies and generators.

TypeScript Introduction
TypeScript IntroductionTypeScript Introduction
TypeScript Introduction

Not so long ago Microsoft announced a new language trageting on front-end developers. Everybody's reaction was like: Why?!! Is it just Microsoft darting back to Google?! So, why a new language? JavaScript has its bad parts. Mostly you can avoid them or workaraund. You can emulate class-based OOP style, modules, scoping and even run-time typing. But that is doomed to be clumsy. That's not in the language design. Google has pointed out these flaws, provided a new language and failed. Will the story of TypeScript be any different?

typescript javascript ecmascript
Angular 2 Architecture
Angular 2 ArchitectureAngular 2 Architecture
Angular 2 Architecture

In this meetup Eyal Vardi will talk about Angular 2.0 architecture. The session will focus on the main parts of Angular 2.0:  Application Bootstrap  Angular Compiler  Hierarchical Injector  Component Lifecycle Hooks  Change Detector  Renderer  Angular 2.0 & jQuery  Dynamic component creation  Tips & Tricks Each part will be explained and analyzed. In some cases we will dive into Angular 2.0 source code. Our purpose is to list the Do's & Don’ts of Angular. The session is mostly targeted for developers which already have some experience with Angular 2.0.

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forEach "JavaScript 1.6", committed 2005
JavaScript 1.6

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Testing NodeJS with Mocha, Should, Sinon, and JSCoverageTesting NodeJS with Mocha, Should, Sinon, and JSCoverage
Testing NodeJS with Mocha, Should, Sinon, and JSCoverage

This document discusses how to test NodeJS applications using the Mocha testing framework, the Should assertion library, and Sinon for spies/stubs/mocks. It covers setting up Mocha and Should, writing synchronous and asynchronous tests, using hooks, the Should DSL for assertions, running and configuring tests, integrating Sinon, and measuring test coverage with node-jscoverage.


如今的Web应用、 Silverlight以及各种分布式系统让异步解决方案有了更进一步的需求。F#是微软.NET平台上的函数式编程语言,并添加了不少让并行及异步编程变得有趣且轻松的特性。本次演讲将讨论F#的核心概念,并探讨F#中的不可变性、函数式设计、异步工作流、代理等特性是如何应对真实应用中的异步挑战的。

Advanced functional programing in Swift
Advanced functional programing in SwiftAdvanced functional programing in Swift
Advanced functional programing in Swift

How it is possible to leverage functional programming and monads to architecture an app around a unidirectional data flow.

ECMAScript 4
ECMAScript 3.1
ECMAScript 5

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Cocoa heads 09112017

- From async to Rx, with little to no work - A pattern to easily enforce external data validation in Swift


I gave a talk about an excellent Clojure/ClojureScript rule engine library at Ichigaya Geek Night September 22 2017.

Flying under the radar
Flying under the radarFlying under the radar
Flying under the radar

PHP 7 introduces several new features including improved performance when working with objects, scalar type hinting, return type hinting, and an abstract syntax tree. It also includes a spaceship operator for comparison callbacks, a null coalescing operator for default values, Unicode codepoint escape syntax, support for array constants, simplified generator delegation with yield from, and anonymous classes.

Ruby, Python, Java, Scala, ...
Objective-J Code importing Classical Inheritance Dynamic Dispatch method_missing Open Source!
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JavaOne 2015 - Having fun with Javassist
JavaOne 2015 - Having fun with JavassistJavaOne 2015 - Having fun with Javassist
JavaOne 2015 - Having fun with Javassist

The document provides examples of using Javassist, an open-source bytecode engineering library, to dynamically generate, instrument, reflect and modify Java bytecode. It demonstrates how to use Javassist to generate proxy classes, insert logging before methods, and modify existing classes at runtime without recompilation. Key classes and methods discussed include ClassPool, CtClass, CtMethod and insertBefore.

programmingbytecodebinary patching
Gatling - Paris Perf User Group
Gatling - Paris Perf User GroupGatling - Paris Perf User Group
Gatling - Paris Perf User Group

This document summarizes new features and improvements planned for the Gatling load testing tool. Key points include: - Adopting an actor model to represent scenario workflows as sequences of asynchronous actors. - Refactoring the expression language to type check values and return failures instead of exceptions. - Improving resource fetching to better approximate how browsers parallelize asset loading instead of sequential requests. - Enhancing checks like regular expressions to support returning tuples instead of just strings. - Simplifying templating to use string interpolation and external template files with expression language instead of Scalate.

gatlingstress testperformance

This document provides an overview of key JavaScript concepts like first class objects, encapsulation, and callbacks. It then summarizes features of AngularJS like data binding, filters, modules, routing, and directives. It concludes by discussing the evolution of JavaScript with new versions of ECMAScript and languages that transpile to JavaScript like TypeScript and CoffeeScript.


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Coffee script
Coffee scriptCoffee script
Coffee script

CoffeeScript is a programming language created by Jeremy Ashkenas that transpires to JavaScript. It aims to enhance JavaScript with syntax sugar like lambda functions, list comprehensions, and class definitions. CoffeeScript code reads like English and removes unnecessary characters like semicolons and parentheses from JavaScript. Classes in CoffeeScript are based on JavaScript's prototype-based inheritance, and new objects created with the new keyword link to the class's prototype for property lookup.

Scala - just good for Java shops?
Scala - just good for Java shops?Scala - just good for Java shops?
Scala - just good for Java shops?

This document provides an overview of the Scala programming language, including what it is, its toolchain, basic syntax examples comparing it to Java, built-in support for XML, actors, and advantages and disadvantages. Scala is an object-functional language that runs on the JVM and is intended to be a "better Java". It has features like XML support, an actor model for concurrency, and combines object-oriented and functional programming paradigms, but its ecosystem and compiler can be slow and syntax for some functional features is verbose.

scalaintroductionfunctional programming
JavaScript OOP Workshop
JavaScript OOP WorkshopJavaScript OOP Workshop
JavaScript OOP Workshop

The document discusses object-oriented programming concepts for JavaScript programmers. It covers object literals, constructor functions, prototypes, and how functions are objects in JavaScript. It shows examples of creating TodoItem objects using object literals, constructor functions, and prototypes. Methods like save() and destroy() are added to the TodoItem prototype and objects can inherit these methods. The document also discusses using functions as objects by adding a find() method directly to the TodoItem function.


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The document discusses several Python web frameworks and technologies that can be used together including: - WSGI for building web applications - WebOb for handling HTTP requests and responses - Mako for templating to render pages - Routes for URL routing - FormEncode for validating and deserializing form data It provides code examples and links for each technology on how to implement a basic application using these tools together.

Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift
Protocol-Oriented Programming in SwiftProtocol-Oriented Programming in Swift
Protocol-Oriented Programming in Swift

The document discusses protocol-oriented programming in Swift. It begins by comparing protocols in Swift vs Objective-C, noting key differences like protocol inheritance, extensions, default implementations, and associated types in Swift. It then defines protocol-oriented programming as separating public interfaces from implementations using protocols that components communicate through. Examples are provided of using protocols for data types, dependency injection, testing, and real-world UIKit views. Protocol-oriented programming is said to improve reusability, extensibility, and maintainability over inheritance-based approaches.

Preparing Cappuccino in 30 minutes
Preparing Cappuccino in 30 minutesPreparing Cappuccino in 30 minutes
Preparing Cappuccino in 30 minutes

The document discusses how to prepare cappuccino in 30 minutes and provides an overview of Objective-J and the Cappuccino framework for building desktop-like web applications using JavaScript with object-oriented additions. It outlines some example applications built with Cappuccino, shows sample code for defining classes and methods, and provides tips on getting started with Cappuccino development including recommended environments and resources.

Desktop Class Applications

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How to make different coffee beverages: Americano, Cappuccino, Espresso, Frappuccino, Latte, Macchiato & Mocha

Cappuccino - SDRuby 2009-08-06
Cappuccino - SDRuby 2009-08-06Cappuccino - SDRuby 2009-08-06
Cappuccino - SDRuby 2009-08-06

Intro to the Cappuccino web framework ( Embedded version:

Introduction to Cappuccino
Introduction to CappuccinoIntroduction to Cappuccino
Introduction to Cappuccino

Cappuccino is an open source framework that allows developers to build desktop-like applications that run in web browsers. It uses Objective-J, a programming language based on JavaScript, to model applications after Cocoa and include features like document management, content editing, and graphics/views. Cappuccino sits on top of standard web technologies and allows cross-browser applications with desktop functionality and a small learning curve to be developed.


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Cappuccino - ou comment créer une application web en 5 minutes
Cappuccino - ou comment créer une application web en 5 minutes Cappuccino - ou comment créer une application web en 5 minutes
Cappuccino - ou comment créer une application web en 5 minutes

par Didier Korthoudt, aux Geeks Anonymes du 1/2/2017

javascriptframeworkweb development
Cappuccino - A Javascript Application Framework
Cappuccino - A Javascript Application FrameworkCappuccino - A Javascript Application Framework
Cappuccino - A Javascript Application Framework

Cappuccino is a framework for building desktop-class applications for the web. It is based on Objective-J, an object-oriented language extension to Javascript.

Starbucks - Innovación,desarrollo e Investigación
Starbucks - Innovación,desarrollo e InvestigaciónStarbucks - Innovación,desarrollo e Investigación
Starbucks - Innovación,desarrollo e Investigación

El documento proporciona información sobre innovación, desarrollo e investigación en la empresa USAT. Explica las definiciones de innovación y desarrollo, y describe las etapas del desarrollo empresarial y el proceso de investigación. También presenta a los miembros del equipo USAT y analiza a la empresa Starbucks, detallando su historia, logo, misión, visión, competencia en Perú y estrategia de marketing.


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JavaScript Growing Up
JavaScript Growing UpJavaScript Growing Up
JavaScript Growing Up

JavaScript is evolving with the addition of modules, platform consistency, and harmony features. Modules allow JavaScript code to be organized and avoid naming collisions. CommonJS and AMD module formats are used widely. Platform consistency is improved through polyfills that mimic future APIs for older browsers. Harmony brings language-level modules and features like destructuring assignment, default parameters, and promises to JavaScript. Traceur compiles Harmony code to existing JavaScript.

JavaScript Core
JavaScript CoreJavaScript Core
JavaScript Core

JavaScript provides core functionality for web pages and applications. It has a C-like syntax and is dynamically typed. JavaScript code runs on both the client-side in web browsers and the server-side in environments like Node.js. It uses prototype-based inheritance where objects can inherit properties from object prototypes. New features are being added regularly through the ECMAScript specification. JavaScript allows DOM manipulation to modify web pages and event handling for user interactions.

jQuery & 10,000 Global Functions: Working with Legacy JavaScript
jQuery & 10,000 Global Functions: Working with Legacy JavaScriptjQuery & 10,000 Global Functions: Working with Legacy JavaScript
jQuery & 10,000 Global Functions: Working with Legacy JavaScript

Long ago, in the late days of the first Internet boom, before jQuery, before Underscore, before Angular, there was a web application built by a large corporation. This application was written as a server-side application using server-side technology like Java or PHP. A tiny seed of JavaScript was added to some of the pages of this application to give it a little sizzle. Over the ages, this tiny bit of JavaScript grew like kudzu. Most of it was embedded in the HTML in

myArray.forEach(function(object) { //... });
myArray.forEach(function NAME(object) { //... });
MyClass.prototype.myMethod = function() { //... } OtherClass.prototype.myMethod = function() { ///... }

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A few good JavaScript development tools
A few good JavaScript development toolsA few good JavaScript development tools
A few good JavaScript development tools

The document discusses several tools for JavaScript development including: 1. ECMAScript 6 for new JavaScript features, Visual Studio Code for editing, and Node.js & npm for modules. 2. Build tools like webpack, Babel, and UglifyJS to bundle, transpile, and minimize code. 3. Testing with Jasmine and debugging with Chrome Developer Tools and source maps. 4. Documentation generation with YUIDoc. A demo project is provided at to show how to use these tools together in a workflow.

JavaScript 1.5 to 2.0 (TomTom)
JavaScript 1.5 to 2.0 (TomTom)JavaScript 1.5 to 2.0 (TomTom)
JavaScript 1.5 to 2.0 (TomTom)

This document provides an overview of the evolution of JavaScript from version 1.5 to the planned version 2.0. It discusses new features that were introduced in each version, such as getters and setters in 1.5, array extras in 1.6, generators and iterators in 1.7, block scoping with let in 1.9, and classes and interfaces planned for 2.0. The goal for JavaScript 2.0 is for it to be backwards compatible, suitable for large systems, allow reusable libraries, fix bugs in ECMAScript 3, and keep it usable for small programs. It will integrate the Tamarin virtual machine and bring features from ActionScript.

Avinash Kundaliya: Javascript and WordPress
Avinash Kundaliya: Javascript and WordPressAvinash Kundaliya: Javascript and WordPress
Avinash Kundaliya: Javascript and WordPress

This document discusses JavaScript and how it is used on over 92% of websites. It covers JavaScript fundamentals like variable scope, hoisting, and the this keyword. It also discusses how JavaScript allows first-class functions and functional programming. The document then covers how to properly manage scripts in WordPress using functions like wp_register_script, wp_enqueue_script, and wp_localize_script to internationalize scripts. It concludes by mentioning additional JavaScript topics to explore like closures and functional programming.

function generate(iterations) { return function() { for (var i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) doSomething(); } } generate(10)(); generate(100)(); generate(1000)();
function generate(iterations) { return function iterating() { for (var i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) doSomething(); } } generate(10)(); generate(100)(); generate(1000)();

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Ecmascript 2015 – best of new features()
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Ecmascript 2015 – best of new features()

Quick overview of ecmascript 2015 features with examples how to rewrite es5 code into es6 presented at Pixers Academy.

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The document discusses the Java Compiler API, which was standardized in Java 6. It provides two ways to programmatically compile Java source code: simple and advanced. The simple approach demonstrates how to retrieve the Java compiler, run it to compile a source file, and then access the compiled class. The advanced approach provides access to error messages and more options. The document also covers using printf formatting with custom formattable classes by implementing the Formattable interface.

Single Page Web Applications with CoffeeScript, Backbone and Jasmine
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Single Page Web Applications with CoffeeScript, Backbone and Jasmine

This document discusses using CoffeeScript, Backbone.js, and Jasmine BDD to build single page web applications. It begins by explaining why CoffeeScript is useful for cleaning up JavaScript code and avoiding errors. It then discusses how Backbone.js provides structure for single page apps by defining models, collections, views and routers. It notes that Backbone works well with CoffeeScript. Finally, it mentions that Jasmine BDD can be used for writing professional tests.

backbone coffeescript jasmine bdd tdd web applicat
function generate(iterations) { var f = function() { for (var i = 0; i < iterations; ++i) doSomething(); } f.displayName = &quot;function with &quot; +  iterations +  &quot; iterations&quot;; return f; }

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SproutCore and the Future of Web Apps
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Mike Subelsky of discusses the SproutCore JavaScript framework for building desktop web applications that run inside the browser.

Node intro
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Node intro

Node.js is an environment for developing high-performance web services using JavaScript on the server-side. It uses Google's V8 JavaScript engine and an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, especially for real-time web applications with many concurrent connections. Common programming techniques in Node.js include asynchronous I/O with callbacks, event-driven programming, and a common module system for building reusable components.

ES2015 workflows
ES2015 workflowsES2015 workflows
ES2015 workflows

This document discusses ECMAScript 2015 (ES2015), also known as ES6. It provides examples of new ES2015 features like arrow functions, template literals, classes, and modules. It also discusses how to set up a development environment to use ES2015, including transpiling code to ES5 using Babel, linting with Eslint, testing with Mocha, and generating coverage reports with Istanbul. The document emphasizes that while ES2015 is fun to explore, proper tooling like linting and testing is needed for serious development. It concludes by noting ES2015 marks a transition and thanks the audience.

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Dependency Management with RequireJS
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Dependency Management with RequireJS

This document provides an overview of dependency management with RequireJS. It defines key concepts like modules, AMD, and RequireJS. It demonstrates how to define modules, request dependencies, and configure RequireJS. It also covers more advanced topics like defining constructor modules, configuring paths and shimming non-AMD libraries, using plugins, conditional dependencies, error handling, and optimization.

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Jasmine BDD for Javascript
Jasmine BDD for JavascriptJasmine BDD for Javascript
Jasmine BDD for Javascript

Jasmine is a BDD framework for testing JavaScript code. It does not depend on other frameworks and does not require a DOM. Jasmine uses specs, expectations, suites, and matchers to define tests and make assertions. It also supports features for testing asynchronous code and spying on functions. Jasmine provides tools like spies, stubs, fakes, and mocks to help test code behavior.

software testingjavascript
JavaScript (without DOM)
JavaScript (without DOM)JavaScript (without DOM)
JavaScript (without DOM)

This document provides an overview of the history and evolution of JavaScript. It discusses key dates and specifications including its first appearance in 1995 in Netscape Navigator 2.0 and the standardization process in the late 1990s. The document also covers JavaScript's core features like being dynamic, single-threaded, asynchronous and event-driven. It describes JavaScript's data types, objects, functions and common array methods. Overall, the document presents a comprehensive introduction to JavaScript from its origins to modern usage.

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2013-06-15 - Software Craftsmanship mit JavaScript

Entwickeln Sie Clean Code mit JavaScript. Den “Software Craftsman” zeichnen dabei Wissen, Werkzeuge und Wiederholung aus. Diese drei Grundfeste werden speziell für JavaScript beleuchtet. Lernen Sie die wichtigsten Patterns für eine stabile und wartbare Website kennen. Überprüfen Sie Ihre persönliche Werkzeugkiste für Entwicklung, Testing und Deployment. Schließen Sie Bekanntschaft mit Code Katas für JavaScript.

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2013-06-24 - Software Craftsmanship with JavaScript2013-06-24 - Software Craftsmanship with JavaScript
2013-06-24 - Software Craftsmanship with JavaScript

This document discusses principles of software craftsmanship including: - Common JavaScript pitfalls like implied globals, trailing commas, and return undefined - Best practices like avoiding globals, using module patterns for organization, and test-driven development - Tools for JavaScript development like Jasmine for testing, RequireJS for module loading, and Visual Studio for debugging - The process of test-driven development including writing tests, making them fail, making them pass, refactoring code, and repeating

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Introduction to Javascript

Video links: Part 1 : Part2 :

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This document discusses using Scala for full stack development, with Scala in both the backend and frontend. It provides an overview of using Scala and Scala.js for backend and frontend development, including architectures, frameworks, and techniques. The backend is built with Scala and Spring Boot, using techniques like dependency injection and immutable data structures. The frontend is built with Scala.js and React for the UI, using Flux architecture and immutable data. It also discusses mobile development with Scala and React Native.

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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry
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Observability For You and Me with OpenTelemetry

Are you interested in dipping your toes in the cloud native observability waters, but as an engineer you are not sure where to get started with tracing problems through your microservices and application landscapes on Kubernetes? Then this is the session for you, where we take you on your first steps in an active open-source project that offers a buffet of languages, challenges, and opportunities for getting started with telemetry data. The project is called openTelemetry, but before diving into the specifics, we’ll start with de-mystifying key concepts and terms such as observability, telemetry, instrumentation, cardinality, percentile to lay a foundation. After understanding the nuts and bolts of observability and distributed traces, we’ll explore the openTelemetry community; its Special Interest Groups (SIGs), repositories, and how to become not only an end-user, but possibly a contributor.We will wrap up with an overview of the components in this project, such as the Collector, the OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP), its APIs, and its SDKs. Attendees will leave with an understanding of key observability concepts, become grounded in distributed tracing terminology, be aware of the components of openTelemetry, and know how to take their first steps to an open-source contribution! Key Takeaways: Open source, vendor neutral instrumentation is an exciting new reality as the industry standardizes on openTelemetry for observability. OpenTelemetry is on a mission to enable effective observability by making high-quality, portable telemetry ubiquitous. The world of observability and monitoring today has a steep learning curve and in order to achieve ubiquity, the project would benefit from growing our contributor community.

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This presentation explores the practical application of image description techniques. Familiar guidelines will be demonstrated in practice, and descriptions will be developed “live”! If you have learned a lot about the theory of image description techniques but want to feel more confident putting them into practice, this is the presentation for you. There will be useful, actionable information for everyone, whether you are working with authors, colleagues, alone, or leveraging AI as a collaborator. Link to presentation recording and transcript: Presented by BookNet Canada on June 25, 2024, with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.

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YOUR RELIABLE WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT TEAM — FOR LASTING SUCCESS WPRiders is a web development company specialized in WordPress and WooCommerce websites and plugins for customers around the world. The company is headquartered in Bucharest, Romania, but our team members are located all over the world. Our customers are primarily from the US and Western Europe, but we have clients from Australia, Canada and other areas as well. Some facts about WPRiders and why we are one of the best firms around: More than 700 five-star reviews! You can check them here. 1500 WordPress projects delivered. We respond 80% faster than other firms! Data provided by Freshdesk. We’ve been in business since 2015. We are located in 7 countries and have 22 team members. With so many projects delivered, our team knows what works and what doesn’t when it comes to WordPress and WooCommerce. Our team members are: - highly experienced developers (employees & contractors with 5 -10+ years of experience), - great designers with an eye for UX/UI with 10+ years of experience - project managers with development background who speak both tech and non-tech - QA specialists - Conversion Rate Optimisation - CRO experts They are all working together to provide you with the best possible service. We are passionate about WordPress, and we love creating custom solutions that help our clients achieve their goals. At WPRiders, we are committed to building long-term relationships with our clients. We believe in accountability, in doing the right thing, as well as in transparency and open communication. You can read more about WPRiders on the About us page.

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More #cappuccino on
Thanks. • @tolmasky

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