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JSUGA Tech Tips
Christoph Pickl, 2008-06-16
Compiler API
Compiler API
 “Compiling with the Java Compiler API”
 Standardized with Java6 (JSR-199)
   before
     not standard, public programming interface
 Also compiles dependent classes
 Two possibilities: simple and advanced
   both will be covered in next slides
Compiler API - Simple - Roadmap

 Create    sourcecode
 (programatically created)
 Retrieve JavaCompiler
    via ToolProvider

 Invoke run      method
 Check    return code
    0 == successfull

 Get   class via reflection
    create instance, invoke
    methods, get/set fields, ...

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The document discusses the architecture and advantages of Rails 3. It describes how Rails 3 applications are organized as Rack applications and are more modular than previous versions. Key advantages mentioned include improved performance, being more framework-agnostic, and increased modularity.

Modern PHP
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Modern PHP

This document summarizes the evolution of PHP from issues with early versions like inconsistent naming and unpredictable releases to recent improvements like namespaces, anonymous functions, and a standardized release cycle. It discusses tools for PHP development like Composer and FIG as well as educational resources. Key points covered include PHP's move to namespaces in 5.3, anonymous functions in 5.4, and built-in password hashing in 5.5. FIG standards like PSR-0 help code sharing while Composer eases dependency management.

PHP 5.3
PHP 5.3PHP 5.3
PHP 5.3

Presentation on major features of PHP 5.3 for the July 2009 Baltimore/Washington DC PHP Meetup. It touches on major features and changes that were made in the PHP 5.3 series

Compiler API - Simple - The Source
 First of all: Create desired sourcecode
    Could be created dynamically
 Save it in right location
    Be aware of Eclipse’ standard src folder

package at.sitsolutions.techtips.s4666;

public class Hello {
  public static void sayHello() {
    System.out.println(“Hello TechTips!”);
Compiler API - Simple - Compile it
package at.sitsolutions.techtips.s4666;


public class CompilerApi {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String path = “src/at/sitsolutions/techtips”
                  + “/s4666/”;
    JavaCompiler compiler =
    if(, null, null, path) == 0) {
      // do something with fresh compiled class
    } else {
      System.err.println(“Ups, something went wrong!”);
Compiler API - Simple - Use it
 After compiling sourcecode...
    ... access class reflectively
    ... invoke static method

// assume we have compiled our sourcecode successfully

String className = “at.sitsolutions.techtips.s4666.Hello”;

try {
  Class<?> c = Class.forName(className);
  Method m = c.getDeclaredMethod(“sayHello”, new Class[] {});
  m.invoke(null, new Object[] {}); // prints “Hello TechTips”
} catch(Exception e) {
Compiler API - Simple - Core Method

 The method in detail:
   (actually inherited from
int run(
                      ... use null for
 InputSream in,
                      ... use null for System.out
 OutputStream out,
                      ... use null for System.err
 OutputStream err,
                      ... files to compile
 String... args

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1) Verilog allows parameters and localparams to define constants in modules. Parameters can alter module behavior when their values change, while localparam values cannot change. 2) System tasks like $display and $monitor are used for outputting values and monitoring signals. $stop and $finish control simulation execution. 3) Compiler directives like `define, `include, `ifdef and `timescale are used to define macros, include files, and make conditional compilations in Verilog.

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The document discusses uftrace, a function tracer for user-space programs. It explains that compiling a C program with the -pg option inserts calls to mcount, which records call positions. This allows uftrace to log function calls and returns. Function arguments are passed between calls through defined conventions. Tracing function flow helps with reverse engineering programs by logging minimum required logic.

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Compiler API - Advanced
 Benefit of advanced version:
    Access to error messages
    More options (usefull if developing an IDE)
 Additionally involved classes:
    DiagnosticCollector, JavaFileObject,
     StandardJavaFileManager, CompilationTask

package at.sitsolutions.techtips.s4666;

public class Hello2 {
  public static void sayHello() {
    System.out.printnl(“Hello TechTips!”);
Compiler API - Advanced - Compile it
JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> diagnostics =
    new DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>();

StandardJavaFileManager manager =
      Locale.ENGLISH, new ISO_8859_11());

String file=“src/at/sitsolutions/techtips/s4666/”;
Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> compilationUnits =
    manager.getJavaFileObjects(new String[] {file});

CompilationTask task = compiler.getTask(null, manager,
                   diagnostics, null, null, compilationUnits);
if( == false) {
  // put error handling in here
Compiler API - Advanced - Error Handling
// error handling

for (Diagnostic d : diagnostics.getDiagnostics())
    “Code: %s%nKind: %s%n” +
    “Position: %s (%s/%s)%n” +
    “Source: %s%nMessage: %s%n”, d.getCode(), d.getKind(),
    d.getPosition(), d.getStartPosition(), d.getEndPosition(),
    d.getSource(), d.getMessage(null));
Code: compiler.err.cant.resolve.location
Position: 123 (113/131)
Message: ↵
   cannot find symbol
Compiler API - Advanced - Core Method

  JavaCompiler.getTask method in detail:

CompilationTask getTask(
                        ... use null for System.err
   Writer out,
   JavaFileManager mgr, ... use null for compiler’s standard mgr
   DiagnosticListener lst, ... somehow mandatory
   Iterable<String> options, ... options to compiler
   Iterable<String> classes, ... used for annotation processing
   Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject>
                             ... files to compile

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エラー時にログに出力する情報と画面に表示する情報を分ける #LaravelTokyo

2019-05-22 開催の「Laravel Meetup Tokyo Vol.12」におけるLT資料です

Client Side Programming with Applet
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Client Side Programming with Applet

- Java applets allow Java programs to run within web browsers. All applets extend the Applet class and override lifecycle methods like init(), start(), stop(), and destroy(). - To create an applet, you define its structure using these lifecycle methods and draw to the screen using the Graphics object's drawing methods. Applets are compiled and run within HTML using the <applet> tag. - Applets differ from standalone Java applications in that they have security restrictions and run within a web browser rather than having their own execution environment. The Graphics class provides methods for drawing various shapes, text, and images to the applet display area.

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Aiming at complete code coverage by unit tests tends to be cumbersome, especially for cases where external API calls a part of the code base. For these reasons, Python comes with the unittest.mock library, appearing to be a powerful companion in replacing parts of the system under test.

python unit tests mock
Compiler API - What for?

 Be     more dynamic
   Create classes on-the-fly
  Let application gain
 Build    your own IDE
   Provide meaningfull error
  Highlight specific error in
 It’s   fun
Using printf
Using printf
 “Using printf with Customized Formattable Classes”

 Format output available since Java5
   well known from C language (%5.2f%n)
 Formattable interface
   formatTo(Formatter, int, int, int):void
   use locales, flags, width, precision
 Flags available:
 Usage just as known from C language
Using printf - The Formattable Object
public class Alfa implements Formattable {
  private final String stamp12 =
    “ABCDEF123456”; // alternate
  private final String stamp24 =
    “ABCDEF123456GHIJKL123456”; // default

    public void formatTo(
     Formatter formatter, int flags, int width, int precision) {
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        //   1.   check flags (alternate)
        //   2.   set precision (cut off length)
        //   3.   check locale
        //   4.   setup output justification


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The document is a presentation on C++ for Java developers. It introduces C++ concepts like classes, references, pointers, memory management and standard libraries. It emphasizes using modern C++ features like the stack instead of heap for memory, values instead of pointers, and standard libraries. It summarizes that developers should use modern C++ practices like values, references, const, and libraries, but most importantly not use raw pointers like "Banana * b = new Banana();".


An applet is a Java program that runs in a web browser. It extends the Applet class and does not define a main method. Applets are embedded in HTML pages and have a lifecycle of init(), start(), stop(), and destroy() methods. They can use the Graphics class to draw shapes, text, and images. Parameters can be passed to applets from the HTML code.

applet and its life cycle methodapplet
Handling Exceptions In C &amp; C++ [Part B] Ver 2
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This document discusses exception handling in C++. It provides an overview of how compilers manage exceptional control flow and how functions are instrumented to handle exceptions. It discusses normal vs exceptional function call flows, and the items involved in stack frames like context, finalization, and unwinding. It also summarizes Meyers' guidelines for exception safety, including using destructors to prevent leaks, handling exceptions in constructors, and preventing exceptions from leaving destructors.

Using printf - formatTo Implementation 1/2
// 1. check flags (alternate)
boolean alternate = (flags & FormattableFlags.ALTERNATE)
                          == FormattableFlags.ALTERNATE;
alternate |= (precision >= 0 && precision <= 12);
String stamp = (alternate ? stamp12 : stamp24);

// 2. set precision (cut off length)
if (precision == -1 || stamp.length() <= precision)
  sb.append(stamp.substring(0, precision - 1)).append(‘*’);

// 3. check locale
if (formatter.locale().equals(Locale.CHINESE))

// 4. setup output justification
Using printf - formatTo Implementation 2/2
// 4. setup output justification

int n = sb.length();
if (n < width) {
  boolean left = (flags & FormattableFlags.LEFT_JUSTIFY)
                       == FormattableFlags.LEFT_JUSTIFY;
  for (int i = 0; i < (width - n); i++) {
    if (left) {
      sb.append(‘ ’);
    } else {
      sb.insert(0, ‘ ‘);
Using printf - Examples
final Alfa alfa = new Alfa();

System.out.printf(“>%s<%n”, alfa);
// >ABCDEF123456GHIJKL123456<
System.out.printf(“>%#s<%n”, alfa);
// >ABCDEF123456<
System.out.printf(“>%.5s<%n”, alfa);
// >ABCD*<
System.out.printf(“>%.8s<%n”, alfa);
// >ABCDEF1*<
System.out.printf(“>%-25s<%n”, alfa);
// >ABCDEF123456GHIJKL123456 <
System.out.printf(“>%15.10s<%n”, alfa);
// >     ABCDEF123*<
System.out.printf(Locale.CHINESE, “>%15.10s<%n”, alfa);
// >     *321FEDCBA<
Using printf - What for?

 Much more powerfull
 than simple toString
 Unified use of printf
  (even on own objects)
 Usefull in CLI apps
 Again: It’s fun

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Laravel is a PHP web framework used for building web applications. This document provides an overview of Laravel's installation process, directory structure, routing, controllers, views, and request handling. It explains how to install Laravel using Composer, set up the application key, define routes, create controllers, build and extend views using Blade templates, access request data, and perform validation. The document gives developers a high-level understanding of Laravel's core functionality and features.

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You know you're supposed to write unit tests, but you're not quite sure where to start. This session is for you. We will start from ground zero and go from zero unit test writing experience to functional test-driven developed code. Using the current version of PHPUnit we will cover: * writing basic test cases * simple assertions and constraints * mocking and data providers * testing exceptions and errors * and more! You will leave this session fully ready to write tests for your own code.

Design patterns as power of programing
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This document discusses design patterns in programming and provides examples of common patterns like singleton, registry, dependency injection, factory, and decorator. It explains what each pattern is used for and provides PHP code samples to illustrate how each pattern can be implemented. The document also discusses programming frameworks and languages like PHP, Java, and others. It aims to explain the power and usefulness of design patterns in programming.

design patternsphpjandbeyond
JSUGA Tech Tips

 !at’s a

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JSUG - Tech Tips1 by Christoph Pickl

  • 1. JSUGA Tech Tips Christoph Pickl, 2008-06-16
  • 3. Compiler API  “Compiling with the Java Compiler API”   Standardized with Java6 (JSR-199)  before  not standard, public programming interface  Also compiles dependent classes  Two possibilities: simple and advanced  both will be covered in next slides
  • 4. Compiler API - Simple - Roadmap  Create sourcecode (programatically created)  Retrieve JavaCompiler via ToolProvider   Invoke run method  Check return code 0 == successfull   Get class via reflection create instance, invoke  methods, get/set fields, ...
  • 5. Compiler API - Simple - The Source  First of all: Create desired sourcecode  Could be created dynamically  Save it in right location  Be aware of Eclipse’ standard src folder package at.sitsolutions.techtips.s4666; public class Hello { public static void sayHello() { System.out.println(“Hello TechTips!”); } }
  • 6. Compiler API - Simple - Compile it package at.sitsolutions.techtips.s4666; import; import; public class CompilerApi { public static void main(String[] args) { String path = “src/at/sitsolutions/techtips” + “/s4666/”; JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler(); if(, null, null, path) == 0) { // do something with fresh compiled class } else { System.err.println(“Ups, something went wrong!”); } } }
  • 7. Compiler API - Simple - Use it  After compiling sourcecode...  ... access class reflectively  ... invoke static method // assume we have compiled our sourcecode successfully String className = “at.sitsolutions.techtips.s4666.Hello”; try { Class<?> c = Class.forName(className); Method m = c.getDeclaredMethod(“sayHello”, new Class[] {}); m.invoke(null, new Object[] {}); // prints “Hello TechTips” } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
  • 8. Compiler API - Simple - Core Method  The method in detail:  (actually inherited from int run( ... use null for InputSream in, ... use null for System.out OutputStream out, ... use null for System.err OutputStream err, ... files to compile String... args );
  • 9. Compiler API - Advanced  Benefit of advanced version:  Access to error messages  More options (usefull if developing an IDE)  Additionally involved classes:  DiagnosticCollector, JavaFileObject, StandardJavaFileManager, CompilationTask package at.sitsolutions.techtips.s4666; public class Hello2 { public static void sayHello() { System.out.printnl(“Hello TechTips!”); } }
  • 10. Compiler API - Advanced - Compile it JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler(); DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject> diagnostics = new DiagnosticCollector<JavaFileObject>(); StandardJavaFileManager manager = compiler.getStandardFileManager(diagnostics, Locale.ENGLISH, new ISO_8859_11()); String file=“src/at/sitsolutions/techtips/s4666/”; Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> compilationUnits = manager.getJavaFileObjects(new String[] {file}); CompilationTask task = compiler.getTask(null, manager, diagnostics, null, null, compilationUnits); if( == false) { // put error handling in here } manager.close();
  • 11. Compiler API - Advanced - Error Handling // error handling for (Diagnostic d : diagnostics.getDiagnostics()) System.out.printf( “Code: %s%nKind: %s%n” + “Position: %s (%s/%s)%n” + “Source: %s%nMessage: %s%n”, d.getCode(), d.getKind(), d.getPosition(), d.getStartPosition(), d.getEndPosition(), d.getSource(), d.getMessage(null)); } /* Code: compiler.err.cant.resolve.location Kind: ERROR Position: 123 (113/131) Source: Message: ↵ cannot find symbol */
  • 12. Compiler API - Advanced - Core Method  JavaCompiler.getTask method in detail: CompilationTask getTask( ... use null for System.err Writer out, JavaFileManager mgr, ... use null for compiler’s standard mgr DiagnosticListener lst, ... somehow mandatory Iterable<String> options, ... options to compiler Iterable<String> classes, ... used for annotation processing Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> ... files to compile compilationUnits );
  • 13. Compiler API - What for?  Be more dynamic Create classes on-the-fly   Let application gain “experience”  Build your own IDE Provide meaningfull error  messages  Highlight specific error in sourcecode  It’s fun
  • 15. Using printf  “Using printf with Customized Formattable Classes”   Format output available since Java5  well known from C language (%5.2f%n)  Formattable interface  formatTo(Formatter, int, int, int):void  use locales, flags, width, precision  Flags available:  ALTERNATE (#), LEFT_JUSTIFY (-), UPPERCASE (^)  Usage just as known from C language
  • 16. Using printf - The Formattable Object public class Alfa implements Formattable { private final String stamp12 = “ABCDEF123456”; // alternate private final String stamp24 = “ABCDEF123456GHIJKL123456”; // default public void formatTo( Formatter formatter, int flags, int width, int precision) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // 1. check flags (alternate) // 2. set precision (cut off length) // 3. check locale // 4. setup output justification formatter.format(sb.toString()); } }
  • 17. Using printf - formatTo Implementation 1/2 // 1. check flags (alternate) boolean alternate = (flags & FormattableFlags.ALTERNATE) == FormattableFlags.ALTERNATE; alternate |= (precision >= 0 && precision <= 12); String stamp = (alternate ? stamp12 : stamp24); // 2. set precision (cut off length) if (precision == -1 || stamp.length() <= precision) sb.append(stamp); else sb.append(stamp.substring(0, precision - 1)).append(‘*’); // 3. check locale if (formatter.locale().equals(Locale.CHINESE)) sb.reverse(); // 4. setup output justification ...
  • 18. Using printf - formatTo Implementation 2/2 // 4. setup output justification int n = sb.length(); if (n < width) { boolean left = (flags & FormattableFlags.LEFT_JUSTIFY) == FormattableFlags.LEFT_JUSTIFY; for (int i = 0; i < (width - n); i++) { if (left) { sb.append(‘ ’); } else { sb.insert(0, ‘ ‘); } } }
  • 19. Using printf - Examples final Alfa alfa = new Alfa(); System.out.printf(“>%s<%n”, alfa); // >ABCDEF123456GHIJKL123456< System.out.printf(“>%#s<%n”, alfa); // >ABCDEF123456< System.out.printf(“>%.5s<%n”, alfa); // >ABCD*< System.out.printf(“>%.8s<%n”, alfa); // >ABCDEF1*< System.out.printf(“>%-25s<%n”, alfa); // >ABCDEF123456GHIJKL123456 < System.out.printf(“>%15.10s<%n”, alfa); // > ABCDEF123*< System.out.printf(Locale.CHINESE, “>%15.10s<%n”, alfa); // > *321FEDCBA<
  • 20. Using printf - What for?  Much more powerfull than simple toString  Unified use of printf (even on own objects)  Usefull in CLI apps  Again: It’s fun
  • 21. JSUGA Tech Tips !at’s a
  • 22. folks