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Javascript charting with YUI-Flot

Philip Tellis /

      FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07

  FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   Who, what, why?
                                  YUI-Flot   Charting on the web
                            Enlightenment    YUI-Flot

$ finger philip

      Philip Tellis

                 FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   Who, what, why?
                                 YUI-Flot   Charting on the web
                           Enlightenment    YUI-Flot

What’s this talk all about?

      Charting options for web developers
      Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
      Things I learnt
      How you can contribute

                FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   Who, what, why?
                               YUI-Flot   Charting on the web
                         Enlightenment    YUI-Flot

Why do we need charting on the web?

     There’s so much data on the web
     It’s easy for users to access your data over the web
     It’s a little more portable than emailing Excel spreadsheets

              FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   Who, what, why?
                               YUI-Flot   Charting on the web
                         Enlightenment    YUI-Flot

Why do we need charting on the web?

     There’s so much data on the web
     It’s easy for users to access your data over the web
     It’s a little more portable than emailing Excel spreadsheets

              FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   Who, what, why?
                               YUI-Flot   Charting on the web
                         Enlightenment    YUI-Flot

Why do we need charting on the web?

     There’s so much data on the web
     It’s easy for users to access your data over the web
     It’s a little more portable than emailing Excel spreadsheets

              FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   Who, what, why?
                                YUI-Flot   Charting on the web
                          Enlightenment    YUI-Flot

Alternatives for charting on the web

      Static images generated on the server
      Flash based dynamic charts with lots of interactivity
      Javascript + Canvas based charts with some interactivity
      Progressively enhanced CSS only charts
      Non-semantic, HTML Table only charts (don’t do this)

               FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   Who, what, why?
                                YUI-Flot   Charting on the web
                          Enlightenment    YUI-Flot

Image based charts

     Many charting libraries available
     Works on all browsers (kind of)
     Static images can be downloaded and pasted into a report
     Cannot interact with the data, or easily drill-down

               FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   Who, what, why?
                                YUI-Flot   Charting on the web
                          Enlightenment    YUI-Flot

Flash based charts

     Quite pretty and flashy
     Works across most GUI based browsers (with a plugin)
     Does not work on the iPhone
     Grabs focus - still a problem on linux
     Fast, but JS-Flash bridge is slow
     Can progressively enhance a data table

               FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   Who, what, why?
                                YUI-Flot   Charting on the web
                          Enlightenment    YUI-Flot

Javascript+Canvas based charts

     Easy for any Javascript developer to hack
     Based on Open standards
     Does not natively work with Internet Explorer
     Easy to integrate with other javascript libraries
     Can progressively enhance a data table

               FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   Who, what, why?
                                YUI-Flot   Charting on the web
                          Enlightenment    YUI-Flot

CSS only charts
     Very simple code
     Data needs to be encoded twice
     Only vertical bar charts

               FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   Who, what, why?
                                YUI-Flot   Charting on the web
                          Enlightenment    YUI-Flot

What is flot?

     A pure javascript charting library
     Uses the HTML Canvas tag for drawing
     Really smooth, and very pretty
     Uses excanvas to work on IE

               FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   Who, what, why?
                                 YUI-Flot   Charting on the web
                           Enlightenment    YUI-Flot

Why I like it

      Looks good – very important based on your target
      Good event model
      Fast at drawing and redrawing
      Ability to “zoom in” to sections of the data

                FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   Who, what, why?
                                YUI-Flot   Charting on the web
                          Enlightenment    YUI-Flot

Why I ported it to YUI

      My Javascript library of choice is YUI
      My project required a charting widget
      Flash based charts caused me problems on linux
      Flot seems to have a good community around it
      Most important – I already knew and was using Javascript

               FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   What can it do?
                                  YUI-Flot   How to use it?
                            Enlightenment    Differences from Flot

Draw basic x/y scatter plots

       Random set of x,y points
       [[10, 20], [15, 13], [8, 32], [12,
       7], [17, 19], [23, 8], [3, 5]]

                 FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   What can it do?
                                 YUI-Flot   How to use it?
                           Enlightenment    Differences from Flot

Series plots

               X-axis contains Date objects or
               Resolution is in seconds
               strftime formatting

                FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   What can it do?
                              YUI-Flot   How to use it?
                        Enlightenment    Differences from Flot

Multiple series

                       3 series with a common X value
                       Schema style data structure – out of a DB

             FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   What can it do?
                              YUI-Flot   How to use it?
                        Enlightenment    Differences from Flot

Multiple series

        { x: 1, temp: 16, hg: 3, vol: 40 },
        { x: 2, temp: 18, hg: 4, vol: 30 },
        { x: 3, temp: 12, hg: 6, vol: 20 },

             FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   What can it do?
                                       YUI-Flot   How to use it?
                                 Enlightenment    Differences from Flot

1. Include code into your HTML

  <div id="placeholder"></div>

  <script type="text/javascript"
  <script type="text/javascript" src="yui.flot.js"></script>

                     FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07     Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   What can it do?
                                      YUI-Flot   How to use it?
                                Enlightenment    Differences from Flot

2. Get your data from somewhere

  var data = [ [10, 20], [15, 5], [8, 32], [13, 97] ];

                     FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   What can it do?
                                      YUI-Flot   How to use it?
                                Enlightenment    Differences from Flot

3. Set your chart’s parameters

  var data = [ [10, 20], [15, 5], [8, 32], [13, 97] ];

  var config = { lines: {show: true}, points: {show: true} };

                     FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   What can it do?
                                      YUI-Flot   How to use it?
                                Enlightenment    Differences from Flot

4. Instantiate the chart

  var data = [ [10, 20], [15, 5], [8, 32], [13, 97] ];

  var config = { lines: {show: true}, points: {show: true} };

  YAHOO.widget.Flot("placeholder", [data], config);

                     FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   What can it do?
                                YUI-Flot   How to use it?
                          Enlightenment    Differences from Flot

Flot => YUI-Flot

     Based off flot 0.5, flot is now at 0.6
     Added log scales for all axes (also in Flot 0.6)
     Allow more than two axes in each direction
     Add axis labels
     Drop points to make plot more readable
     Use tabs instead of spaces for indentation

               FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   What can it do?
                                YUI-Flot   How to use it?
                          Enlightenment    Differences from Flot

Timeseries changes

     Accepts Date objects as values for a timeseries
     timestamps are in seconds and not in milliseconds
     Full strftime based date formatter
     locale support for time series

               FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   Future
                                YUI-Flot   Things I learnt
                          Enlightenment    How to contribute

Move up to flot 0.6

     I like the plugin model in flot 0.6
     The thresholds feature is great
     Stacked bars are useful
     Stepped line charts are useful

               FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   Future
                                YUI-Flot   Things I learnt
                          Enlightenment    How to contribute

More additions

     Add error bars & candlesticks
     Pie charts
     Add a smoothing plugin (local regression)
     Upgrade to YUI 3
     Move it into the YUI gallery

               FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   Future
                                 YUI-Flot   Things I learnt
                           Enlightenment    How to contribute

Javascript objects are passed by reference

Bad                                         Good
function fixData(d) {                       function fixData(d) {
   var i, l=d.length;                          var i, l=d.length;
                                               var d_c=[];
    for(i=0; i<l; i++) {                       for(i=0; i<l; i++) {
       d[i] = fix(d[i]);                          d_c[i] = fix(d[i]);
    }                                          }

    return d;                                      return d_c;
}                                           }

                FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   Future
                                             YUI-Flot   Things I learnt
                                       Enlightenment    How to contribute

There’s more to charts than drawing lines

     Understanding statistics helps
     Different visualisations for different types of data

     Charts need to summarise data visually
     You can plot more than two dimensions on a 2d canvas
     eg: Dot pitch in a scatter plot or error bars

                       FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07         Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction      Future
                                      YUI-Flot      Things I learnt
                                Enlightenment       How to contribute

You can rotate HTML elements using CSS or SVG

   DIV.vertical {
      -moz-transform:rotate(270deg);             /* Gecko */

       -webkit-transform:rotate(270deg);         /* Webkit */

       writing-mode:tb-rl;                       /* IE */
       filter:flipV flipH;

       /* alternate for IE */

                     FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07       Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   Future
                                YUI-Flot   Things I learnt
                          Enlightenment    How to contribute

Fork the project on github

      Fork the project on github
      Make your own changes (BSD Licensed)
      Tell me about them through a pull request
      This code is available to everyone

               FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   Future
                                  YUI-Flot   Things I learnt
                            Enlightenment    How to contribute

Sign the YUI CLA

     YUI CLA: You’re commiting legal code
     ie: You own the code, you haven’t stolen it, etc.
     This code can also get into the YUI gallery
     Available for use through the Yahoo! CDN

                 FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
Introduction   Future
                 YUI-Flot   Things I learnt
           Enlightenment    How to contribute


FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot

Thanks, Merci, Bedankt, Danke Schön

     Jochen Maes & Philip Paeps
     Ole Laursen & IOLA
     Yahoo! Developer Network
     The YUI team

             FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot

contact me

     Philip Tellis

                FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07    Javascript charting with YUI-Flot

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Javascript charting with YUI-Flot

  • 1. Introduction YUI-Flot Enlightenment Javascript charting with YUI-Flot Philip Tellis / FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 2. Introduction Who, what, why? YUI-Flot Charting on the web Enlightenment YUI-Flot $ finger philip Philip Tellis @bluesmoon yahoo geek FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 3. Introduction Who, what, why? YUI-Flot Charting on the web Enlightenment YUI-Flot What’s this talk all about? Charting options for web developers Javascript charting with YUI-Flot Things I learnt How you can contribute FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 4. Introduction Who, what, why? YUI-Flot Charting on the web Enlightenment YUI-Flot Why do we need charting on the web? There’s so much data on the web It’s easy for users to access your data over the web It’s a little more portable than emailing Excel spreadsheets FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 5. Introduction Who, what, why? YUI-Flot Charting on the web Enlightenment YUI-Flot Why do we need charting on the web? There’s so much data on the web It’s easy for users to access your data over the web It’s a little more portable than emailing Excel spreadsheets FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 6. Introduction Who, what, why? YUI-Flot Charting on the web Enlightenment YUI-Flot Why do we need charting on the web? There’s so much data on the web It’s easy for users to access your data over the web It’s a little more portable than emailing Excel spreadsheets FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 7. Introduction Who, what, why? YUI-Flot Charting on the web Enlightenment YUI-Flot Alternatives for charting on the web Static images generated on the server Flash based dynamic charts with lots of interactivity Javascript + Canvas based charts with some interactivity Progressively enhanced CSS only charts Non-semantic, HTML Table only charts (don’t do this) FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 8. Introduction Who, what, why? YUI-Flot Charting on the web Enlightenment YUI-Flot Image based charts Many charting libraries available Works on all browsers (kind of) Static images can be downloaded and pasted into a report Cannot interact with the data, or easily drill-down FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 9. Introduction Who, what, why? YUI-Flot Charting on the web Enlightenment YUI-Flot Flash based charts Quite pretty and flashy Works across most GUI based browsers (with a plugin) Does not work on the iPhone Grabs focus - still a problem on linux Fast, but JS-Flash bridge is slow Can progressively enhance a data table FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 10. Introduction Who, what, why? YUI-Flot Charting on the web Enlightenment YUI-Flot Javascript+Canvas based charts Easy for any Javascript developer to hack Based on Open standards Does not natively work with Internet Explorer Easy to integrate with other javascript libraries Can progressively enhance a data table FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 11. Introduction Who, what, why? YUI-Flot Charting on the web Enlightenment YUI-Flot CSS only charts Very simple code Data needs to be encoded twice Only vertical bar charts FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 12. Introduction Who, what, why? YUI-Flot Charting on the web Enlightenment YUI-Flot What is flot? A pure javascript charting library Uses the HTML Canvas tag for drawing Really smooth, and very pretty Uses excanvas to work on IE FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 13. Introduction Who, what, why? YUI-Flot Charting on the web Enlightenment YUI-Flot Why I like it Looks good – very important based on your target audience Good event model Fast at drawing and redrawing Ability to “zoom in” to sections of the data FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 14. Introduction Who, what, why? YUI-Flot Charting on the web Enlightenment YUI-Flot Why I ported it to YUI My Javascript library of choice is YUI My project required a charting widget Flash based charts caused me problems on linux Flot seems to have a good community around it Most important – I already knew and was using Javascript FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 15. Introduction What can it do? YUI-Flot How to use it? Enlightenment Differences from Flot Draw basic x/y scatter plots Random set of x,y points [[10, 20], [15, 13], [8, 32], [12, 7], [17, 19], [23, 8], [3, 5]] yui-examples/scatter.html FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 16. Introduction What can it do? YUI-Flot How to use it? Enlightenment Differences from Flot Series plots X-axis contains Date objects or timestamps Resolution is in seconds strftime formatting yui-examples/timeseries.html FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 17. Introduction What can it do? YUI-Flot How to use it? Enlightenment Differences from Flot Multiple series 3 series with a common X value Schema style data structure – out of a DB yui-examples/multiseries.html FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 18. Introduction What can it do? YUI-Flot How to use it? Enlightenment Differences from Flot Multiple series { x: 1, temp: 16, hg: 3, vol: 40 }, { x: 2, temp: 18, hg: 4, vol: 30 }, { x: 3, temp: 12, hg: 6, vol: 20 }, ... FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 19. Introduction What can it do? YUI-Flot How to use it? Enlightenment Differences from Flot 1. Include code into your HTML <div id="placeholder"></div> <!--[if IE]><script type="text/javascript" src="excanvas.min.js"></script><![endif]--> <script type="text/javascript" src=" ?2.7.0/build/yahoo-dom-event/yahoo-dom-event.js &2.7.0/build/datasource/datasource-min.js"> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="yui.flot.js"></script> FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 20. Introduction What can it do? YUI-Flot How to use it? Enlightenment Differences from Flot 2. Get your data from somewhere var data = [ [10, 20], [15, 5], [8, 32], [13, 97] ]; FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 21. Introduction What can it do? YUI-Flot How to use it? Enlightenment Differences from Flot 3. Set your chart’s parameters var data = [ [10, 20], [15, 5], [8, 32], [13, 97] ]; var config = { lines: {show: true}, points: {show: true} }; FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 22. Introduction What can it do? YUI-Flot How to use it? Enlightenment Differences from Flot 4. Instantiate the chart var data = [ [10, 20], [15, 5], [8, 32], [13, 97] ]; var config = { lines: {show: true}, points: {show: true} }; YAHOO.widget.Flot("placeholder", [data], config); FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 23. Introduction What can it do? YUI-Flot How to use it? Enlightenment Differences from Flot Flot => YUI-Flot Based off flot 0.5, flot is now at 0.6 Added log scales for all axes (also in Flot 0.6) Allow more than two axes in each direction Add axis labels Drop points to make plot more readable Use tabs instead of spaces for indentation FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 24. Introduction What can it do? YUI-Flot How to use it? Enlightenment Differences from Flot Timeseries changes Accepts Date objects as values for a timeseries timestamps are in seconds and not in milliseconds Full strftime based date formatter locale support for time series FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 25. Introduction Future YUI-Flot Things I learnt Enlightenment How to contribute Move up to flot 0.6 I like the plugin model in flot 0.6 The thresholds feature is great Stacked bars are useful Stepped line charts are useful FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 26. Introduction Future YUI-Flot Things I learnt Enlightenment How to contribute More additions Add error bars & candlesticks Pie charts Add a smoothing plugin (local regression) Upgrade to YUI 3 Move it into the YUI gallery FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 27. Introduction Future YUI-Flot Things I learnt Enlightenment How to contribute Javascript objects are passed by reference Bad Good function fixData(d) { function fixData(d) { var i, l=d.length; var i, l=d.length; var d_c=[]; for(i=0; i<l; i++) { for(i=0; i<l; i++) { d[i] = fix(d[i]); d_c[i] = fix(d[i]); } } return d; return d_c; } } FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 28. Introduction Future YUI-Flot Things I learnt Enlightenment How to contribute There’s more to charts than drawing lines Understanding statistics helps Different visualisations for different types of data Charts need to summarise data visually You can plot more than two dimensions on a 2d canvas eg: Dot pitch in a scatter plot or error bars FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 29. Introduction Future YUI-Flot Things I learnt Enlightenment How to contribute You can rotate HTML elements using CSS or SVG DIV.vertical { -moz-transform:rotate(270deg); /* Gecko */ -webkit-transform:rotate(270deg); /* Webkit */ writing-mode:tb-rl; /* IE */ filter:flipV flipH; /* alternate for IE */ filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=3); } FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 30. Introduction Future YUI-Flot Things I learnt Enlightenment How to contribute Fork the project on github Fork the project on github Make your own changes (BSD Licensed) Tell me about them through a pull request This code is available to everyone FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 31. Introduction Future YUI-Flot Things I learnt Enlightenment How to contribute Sign the YUI CLA YUI CLA: You’re commiting legal code ie: You own the code, you haven’t stolen it, etc. This code can also get into the YUI gallery Available for use through the Yahoo! CDN FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 32. Introduction Future YUI-Flot Things I learnt Enlightenment How to contribute YUI-Flot FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 33. Introduction YUI-Flot Enlightenment Thanks, Merci, Bedankt, Danke Schön Jochen Maes & Philip Paeps Ole Laursen & IOLA Yahoo! Developer Network The YUI team FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot
  • 34. Introduction YUI-Flot Enlightenment contact me Philip Tellis @bluesmoon yahoo geek FOSDEM 2010 / 2010-02-07 Javascript charting with YUI-Flot