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Kubernetes Introduction
Rafael Benevides & Edson Yanaga /
@rafabene / @yanaga
Rafael Benevides
Director of Developer Experience at Red Hat
Apache DeltaSpike P.M.C
Java Certifications:
JBoss Certifications:
Red Hat Certifications:
OpenShift / Containers / Ansible
Other Certifications:
SAP Netweaver / ITIL / IBM Software Quality
Edson Yanaga
Director of Developer Experience at Red Hat
Java Champion
Microsoft MVP

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Deploy and upgrade Docker applications with a single click
Deploy and upgrade Docker applications with a single clickDeploy and upgrade Docker applications with a single click
Deploy and upgrade Docker applications with a single click

This presentation discusses automating the deployment and upgrade of Docker applications with a single click using Rancher Labs' open source container management platform. The platform allows users to build a private container service for deploying containers across multiple hosts with a single click. A demo of the platform's capabilities for simplified deployment and upgrades of Docker applications was provided.

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Gitlab ci,
Gitlab ci, cncf.skGitlab ci,
Gitlab ci,

This document provides an introduction to Gitlab CI and continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) workflows. It discusses DevOps practices and the benefits of Gitlab CI. It then covers how to set up Gitlab runners, write a basic Gitlab CI configuration file, define jobs, stages, variables and environments. The document demonstrates concepts like Docker integration, artifacts, auto and manual deployments, and stopping deployments. It concludes with a live demo of a Gitlab CI configuration.

OpenShift: Devops Made Easy
OpenShift: Devops Made EasyOpenShift: Devops Made Easy
OpenShift: Devops Made Easy

This document summarizes an agenda for a Basefarm Tech MeetUp on OpenShift. The agenda includes welcome remarks, presentations on DevOps, microservices, containers and OpenShift architecture from Red Hat speakers, and a live demo of a "Safely Agile" application on OpenShift. Basefarm also provides OpenShift installation and operations services to help customers implement and manage OpenShift platforms.

@rafabene / @yanaga
Why do you want to run your application inside containers?
@rafabene / @yanaga
● Lightweight footprint and minimal overhead,
● Portability across machines,
● Simplify DevOps practices,
● Speeds up Continuous Integration,
● Empower Microservices Architectures.
● Isolation
Container Engine
@rafabene / @yanaga
A way to run a Linux container:
$ docker run -d <image-name>
A single and isolated Linux process
running in a single machine
@rafabene / @yanaga
DevOps challenges for multiple containers
● How to scale?
● How to avoid port conflicts?
● How to manage them in multiple
● What happens if a host has a
● How to keep them running?
● How to update them?
● Where are my containers?
Node Node
Node Node Node

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JavaCro'14 - Continuous delivery of Java EE applications with Jenkins and Doc...
JavaCro'14 - Continuous delivery of Java EE applications with Jenkins and Doc...JavaCro'14 - Continuous delivery of Java EE applications with Jenkins and Doc...
JavaCro'14 - Continuous delivery of Java EE applications with Jenkins and Doc...

Continuous delivery is a powerful concept, but hard to achieve. One of the challenges is automating the setup of environments and the deployment of the Java EE applications. We have looked at and used quite some tools like for instance Chef, Puppet, Vagrant and Nolio. All tools had one thing in common: we had never used them. Why should we invest time in mastering those tools? There is a perfect alternative in Jenkins, a tool most developers are familiar with. Besides the basic Jenkins buildserver capabilities it offers quite some useful plugins like the Build Pipeline plugin. To setup environments the popular Docker project is used. Docker allows you to create containers from any application. Only some knowledge is required for the setup of the containers. The rest of the configuration is done through commands most people are quite familiar with.

java eecontinuous deliveryjavacro'14
Docker and DevOps - Why it matters
Docker and DevOps - Why it mattersDocker and DevOps - Why it matters
Docker and DevOps - Why it matters

This was a talk I did in Dublin at an event called Redefining the Enterprise OS Breakfast Briefing - How to meet next-generation IT demands for Linux Containers, Docker, Performance & Systems Management

Gerrit linuxtag2011
Gerrit linuxtag2011Gerrit linuxtag2011
Gerrit linuxtag2011

Gerrit is a code review system that tightly integrates with Git. It provides a web-based user interface and API for reviewing changes, managing access control, and integrating with other tools like Jenkins. Key features include fast and easy code reviews, flexible integration options, and tools for managing projects, users, and access control. Gerrit supports code review workflows and allows configuring commit policies and change submission actions.

@rafabene / @yanaga
Greek for “Helmsman”; also the root of the word
“Governor” (from latin: gubernator)
● Container orchestrator
● Supports multiple cloud and bare-metal environments
● Inspired by Google’s experience with containers
● Open source, written in Go
Manage applications, not machines
Meet Kubernetes
@rafabene / @yanaga
Version 1.3
Hosted on GitHub
800+ contributors
34,000+ commits
16,000+ GitHub stars
Red Hat
Project Partners
Open Source community
API Server
Service Layer
VirtualPhysical Private Public
Node Node
Node Node Node
Routing Layer
SDN Overlay Network
- Scheduler
- Replication
- Services
- Builds
- Routes
- Deployment
- Deployments
- Builds
- ImageStreams
Kubernetes Concepts
Pod Replication
Service Label
One or More Containers
Shared IP
Shared Storage Volume
Shared Resources
Shared Lifecycle
Ensures that a specified
number of pod replicas are
running at any one time
Grouping of pods, act as
one, has stable virtual IP
and DNS name
Key/Value pairs associated
with Kubernetes objects
(e.g. env=production)

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CI/CD Pipeline as a Code using Jenkins 2
CI/CD Pipeline as a Code using Jenkins 2CI/CD Pipeline as a Code using Jenkins 2
CI/CD Pipeline as a Code using Jenkins 2

Mayank Patel from Oildex gave a presentation on Jenkins 2 Pipelines. He discussed how pipelines allow continuous delivery through features like resilience, pausability, and efficiency. Pipelines can be configured as code in source control and provide security and reusability. The presentation covered the Jenkins environment, ideal pipeline flows, important plugins, and included a demo of a sample pipeline configured with Docker.

DevOps and Continuous Delivery reference architectures for Docker
DevOps and Continuous Delivery reference architectures for DockerDevOps and Continuous Delivery reference architectures for Docker
DevOps and Continuous Delivery reference architectures for Docker

This document provides links to blogs and presentations about DevOps and Continuous Delivery practices using Docker from various sources. It includes over 25 references to external resources on topics like Docker Universal Control Plane, Continuous Delivery, clustering Jenkins, Docker introductions, monitoring deployments, Docker in build pipelines, and deploying containers to IBM Bluemix. The document promotes a one-day DevOps conference and offers a free private Docker registry and to share additional Docker reference architectures.

dockerdevopsdocker private registry
Openbar 7 - Leuven - OpenShift - The Enterprise Container Platform - Piros
Openbar 7 - Leuven - OpenShift - The Enterprise Container Platform - PirosOpenbar 7 - Leuven - OpenShift - The Enterprise Container Platform - Piros
Openbar 7 - Leuven - OpenShift - The Enterprise Container Platform - Piros

n this presentation you will learn why enterprises are so excited about OpenShift, the Container Platform by Red Hat. This platform leverages open source technologies like Docker and Kubernetes, to deliver a platform ready for agile application development, while providing ops the stability they need for production deployments. In this presentation we will cover how OpenShift meets these challenges, and give you some insight in how OpenShift is working.

@rafabene / @yanaga
Concept: Pod
● Group of containers
● Live and die together
● Share:
○ IP
○ Secrets
○ Labels *
○ Volumes *
* we will talk about these concepts later
Log collector
IP: 10.x.x.x
@rafabene / @yanaga
Concept: POD
Defining a POD as YAML:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: myPod
key: value
- name: mysql
image: username/image
- name: phpMyAdmin
image: username/image2
key: value
API Server
Service Layer
VirtualPhysical Private Public
Node Node
Node Node Node
Routing Layer
SDN Overlay Network
- Scheduler
- Replication
- Services
- Builds
- Routes
- Deployment
- Deployments
- Builds
- ImageStreams
API Server
Service Layer
VirtualPhysical Private Public
Node Node
Node Node Node
Routing Layer
SDN Overlay Network
- Scheduler
- Replication
- Services
- Builds
- Routes
- Deployment
- Deployments
- Builds
- ImageStreams

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Continuous Delivery NYC: From GitOps to an adaptable CI/CD Pattern for Kubern...
Continuous Delivery NYC: From GitOps to an adaptable CI/CD Pattern for Kubern...Continuous Delivery NYC: From GitOps to an adaptable CI/CD Pattern for Kubern...
Continuous Delivery NYC: From GitOps to an adaptable CI/CD Pattern for Kubern...

Slides from the presentation "From GitOps to an adaptable CI/CD Pattern for Kubernetes" at the Continuous Delivery NYC meetup, by Andrew Phillips. See and

devopscontinuous deliverygitops
It’s 2021. Why are we -still- rebooting for patches? A look at Live Patching.
It’s 2021. Why are we -still- rebooting for patches? A look at Live Patching.It’s 2021. Why are we -still- rebooting for patches? A look at Live Patching.
It’s 2021. Why are we -still- rebooting for patches? A look at Live Patching.

Presented by: Igor Seletskiy Presented at the All Things Open 2021 Raleigh, NC, USA Raleigh Convention Center Abstract: IT Teams know the drill. New security bulletins, new issues, new patches to deploy. Schedule another maintenance operation and prepare for system downtime. There is a better way to do things. Live patching has been around in the Linux Kernel for some time now, but adoption has not been ideal so far - either because of a lack of trust in the technology or just lack of awareness - or sysadmins just enjoy interrupting their workloads or users. Live patching consists of two aspects. First, there has to be a mechanism for function redirection in the kernel. As in many things, the kernel actually provides three different subset of tools that provide this functionality - kprobes, fprobes and Livepatching. Secondly, Live Patching relies on a set of tools to generate the actual patches to deploy, replacing the old code with new one. This is arguably the most involved part: you need to fit your new code in the proper space, you can’t overwrite other unrelated code and you need to maintain compatibility with other functions. If you change your parameter list, for example, its game over - something will break in the worst possible way. In this talk we’ll go over issues like Consistency model, patch generation, deployment mechanisms and identify situations that are ideal candidates for live patching instead of traditional patching operations.

all things openato 2021open source
Delivery Pipeline as Code: using Jenkins 2.0 Pipeline
Delivery Pipeline as Code: using Jenkins 2.0 PipelineDelivery Pipeline as Code: using Jenkins 2.0 Pipeline
Delivery Pipeline as Code: using Jenkins 2.0 Pipeline

Learn how to use Jenkins 2.0 Pipelines: * Pipeline as Code * Jenkins Pipeline DSL * How to use existing plug-ins in pipeline * Lessons learned

jenkins 2.0 pipelinejenkinsdelivery pipeline as code
API Server
Service Layer
VirtualPhysical Private Public
Node Node
Node Node Node
Routing Layer
SDN Overlay Network
- Scheduler
- Replication
- Services
- Builds
- Routes
- Deployment
- Deployments
- Builds
- ImageStreams
@rafabene / @yanaga
Concept: Replication Controllers
Defining a Replication Controller as YAML:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: myPod
key: value
- name: myPod
image: username/image
- name: http
containerPort: 8080
apiVersion: v1
kind: ReplicationController
name: myRC
replicas: 4
@rafabene / @yanaga
Concept: Labels
App: Cool
Env: Dev
Version: 1.0
App: Cool
Env: Prod
Version: 1.0
App: Cool
Env: Dev
Version: 2.0
App: Cool
Env: Prod
Version: 2.0
Everything in Kubernetes can
have a label
@rafabene / @yanaga
Concept: Labels
App: Cool
Env: Dev
Version: 1.0
App: Cool
Env: Prod
Version: 1.0
App: Cool
Env: Dev
Version: 2.0
App: Cool
Env: Prod
Version: 2.0

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DevOps and Continuous Delivery Reference Architectures - Volume 2
DevOps and Continuous Delivery Reference Architectures - Volume 2DevOps and Continuous Delivery Reference Architectures - Volume 2
DevOps and Continuous Delivery Reference Architectures - Volume 2

CONTINUOUS DELIVERY REFERENCE ARCHITECTURES Including Sonatype Nexus and other popular DevOps tools Derek E. Weeks (@weekstweets) VP and DevOps Advocate Sonatype. Continuous Delivery and DevOps Reference Architectures include many common tool choices. The most common tool choices we find in these reference architectures are: Eclipse, git, Cloudbees Jenkins / Atlassian Bamboo, Sonatype Nexus, Atlassian JIRA, SonarQube, Puppet, Chef, Rundeck, Maven / Ant / Gradle, Subversion (svn), Junit, LiveRebel, ServiceNow

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Continuously serving the developer community with Continuous Integration and...
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Snap CI enables software teams to do Continuous Delivery (CD). When practicing CD, the goal is to automate the deployment process and build software in such a way that it can be deployed to production any time. As a deployment tool, Snap CI cannot have downtime. If it did, our users would not be able to deploy their own software. We had to change Snap CI’s architecture to ensure zero-downtime and we chose to do blue-green deployments to achieve it. In this approach, we had to maintain two instances of our system: one active instance, and one inactive instance. Based on our experiences, we will share some tricks of the trade from the numerous challenges we faced such as: making the application aware of whether it was active or inactive, handling data migrations, and babysitting long-running jobs. These are the slides from Akshay Karle and Fernando Junior's presentation on Agile Brazil 2015.

database migrationsfeature togglescontinuous delivery
Docker Enables DevOps
Docker Enables DevOpsDocker Enables DevOps
Docker Enables DevOps

Some tools such as Chef and Jenkins are used by engineers in ops to great effect. Rarely though, a technology brings a paradigm to the masses. Docker, like cloud virtualization is of this more rare breed.

@rafabene / @yanaga
Concept: Labels
App: Cool
Env: Dev
Version: 1.0
App: Cool
Env: Prod
Version: 1.0
App: Cool
Env: Dev
Version: 2.0
App: Cool
Env: Prod
Version: 2.0
@rafabene / @yanaga
Concept: Labels
App: Cool
Env: Dev
Version: 1.0
App: Cool
Env: Prod
Version: 1.0
App: Cool
Env: Dev
Version: 2.0
App: Cool
Env: Prod
Version: 2.0
@rafabene / @yanaga
Concept: Labels
App: Cool
Env: Dev
Version: 1.0
App: Cool
Env: Prod
Version: 1.0
App: Cool
Env: Dev
Version: 2.0
App: Cool
Env: Prod
Version: 2.0
@rafabene / @yanaga
Concept: Labels
App: Cool
Env: Dev
Version: 1.0
App: Cool
Env: Dev
Version: 2.0
App: Cool
Env: Prod
Version: 1.0
App: Cool
Env: Prod
Version: 2.0

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At Containers & Cloud Native Roadhow in Milan and Rome, Italy, we discussed and demonstrated CI/CD Pipelines with OpenShift Container Platform. - OpenShift 3.9 - Jenkins - Jenkins Pipeline - Maven Pipeline (Groovy) - Blue-Green, Canary Deployments

OpenShift As A DevOps Platform
OpenShift As A DevOps PlatformOpenShift As A DevOps Platform
OpenShift As A DevOps Platform

OpenShift is a DevOps platform that provides a container application platform for deploying and managing containerized applications and microservices. It uses Kubernetes for orchestration and Docker containers. OpenShift provides features for the complete application lifecycle including continuous integration/delivery (CI/CD), automated image builds, deployments, networking, authentication, and integration with external services and registries. Developers can create and deploy applications from source code, templates, or Docker images to OpenShift without needing deep knowledge of Docker or Kubernetes.

open sourcedockerred hat
Architecting cloud-enabled applications using Spring-Integration 2.x
Architecting cloud-enabled applications using Spring-Integration 2.xArchitecting cloud-enabled applications using Spring-Integration 2.x
Architecting cloud-enabled applications using Spring-Integration 2.x

The document discusses architecting cloud-enabled applications using Spring Integration 2.x. It provides an overview of enterprise integration and options for integration, including Spring Integration. It also discusses features of Spring Integration like configuration through XML and demonstrates integrating applications with Amazon Web Services.

javaamazon elastic compute cloudcloud computing
@rafabene / @yanaga
Concept: Labels
name: objectName
App: Cool
Env: Dev
Version: 1.0
Defining Labels as YAML:
(can be placed in any object metadata)
App: Cool
Env: Dev
Version: 1.0
@rafabene / @yanaga
Node 2
App: Cool
Env: Prod
Version: 1.0
Labels selector:
● App=Cool
● Env=Prod
IP: 172.x.x.x
App: Nice
Env: Prod
Version: 1.0
Concept: Services
Node 1
@rafabene / @yanaga
Concept: Services
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: myService
- port: 80
targetPort: 80
App: Cool
Env: Prod
Defining a Service as YAML:
Labels selector:
● App=Cool
● Env=Prod
IP: 172.x.x.x
@rafabene / @yanaga
Using Environment variables:
Using internal DNS: $ ping mysql
Service discovery inside Kubernetes

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TDC 2014 SP - E o DeltaSpike ?
TDC 2014 SP - E o DeltaSpike ?TDC 2014 SP - E o DeltaSpike ?
TDC 2014 SP - E o DeltaSpike ?

O documento apresenta o DeltaSpike, um conjunto de extensões portáteis para CDI que fornecem funcionalidades úteis para aplicações Java que não são suportadas pela especificação CDI. O DeltaSpike inclui módulos para segurança, JPA, JSF, validação de beans, agendamento de tarefas e outros que facilitam o desenvolvimento com CDI. O DeltaSpike não é um framework completo, mas sim um conjunto de ferramentas que estendem as capacidades do CDI.

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Enterprise Integration Patterns na nuvem com Spring Integration

O documento apresenta Edson Yanaga e discute integração empresarial usando padrões de integração empresarial com Spring Integration na nuvem. O documento explica o que é integração empresarial, critérios e opções de integração e como Spring Integration implementa padrões de integração empresarial para aplicações na nuvem.

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CDI Extensions e DeltaSpike
CDI Extensions e DeltaSpikeCDI Extensions e DeltaSpike
CDI Extensions e DeltaSpike

O documento discute o Apache DeltaSpike, um conjunto de extensões portáteis para o CDI que fornece funcionalidades úteis para aplicações Java. O DeltaSpike inclui módulos como segurança, JPA, JSF e agendamento de tarefas. Ele permite injeção de dependência tipada, configuração de projeto, recursos injetáveis e internacionalização de mensagens. O DeltaSpike facilita o desenvolvimento Java usando o CDI sem ser um framework completo.

@rafabene / @yanaga
Other concepts
Rolling updatesPersistent Volumes
@rafabene / @yanaga
Admin Owned
Users Owned
Persistent Volume
NFS GlusterFS
Persistent Volume Claim
POD Volume
● Admin provisions them, Users claim them
● High-level abstraction
● Pods can mount PVCs as Volumes
Concept: Persistent Volumes
@rafabene / @yanaga
Deployment Concept: Rolling Updates
Pod Pod Pod
App: Cool
Version: 1.0
Version: 1.0
Replicas: 4
Version: 2.0
Replicas: 1
PodPod Pod Pod
App: Cool
Version: 2.0
Version: 1.0
Replicas: 3
Version: 2.0
Replicas: 2
Version: 1.0
Replicas: 2
Version: 2.0
Replicas: 3
Version: 1.0
Replicas: 1
Version: 2.0
Replicas: 4
@rafabene / @yanaga
Kubernetes lab

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Essential Camel Components
Essential Camel ComponentsEssential Camel Components
Essential Camel Components

This document provides an agenda and overview for a presentation on Apache Camel essential components. The presentation is given by Christian Posta from Red Hat on January 23, 2013. The agenda includes an introduction to Camel, a discussion of components, and time for questions. An overview of FuseSource/Red Hat is given, noting the acquisition of FuseSource by Red Hat in 2012. Details are provided on the speaker and their background. The document focuses on introducing some of the most widely used and essential Camel components, including File, Bean, Log, JMS, CXF, and Mock. Configuration options and examples of using each component are summarized.

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Why real integration developers ride Camels
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Why real integration developers ride Camels

This document provides an agenda and summaries of key points from a presentation on integrating systems using Apache Camel. The presentation discusses how Apache Camel is an open-source integration library that uses enterprise integration patterns to connect disparate systems. It highlights features of Camel including components, data formats, and testing frameworks. Customer examples are presented that demonstrate large returns on investment and cost savings from using Camel for integration projects. The presenters argue that Camel provides flexibility, reusability and rapid development of integrations.

@rafabene / @yanaga
Application Overview
@rafabene / @yanaga
@rafabene / @yanaga
Hello World Service
- Greet
Guestbook Service
- Create
Guestbook Service -
@rafabene / @yanaga
Lab infrastructure
● OpenShift
● Kubernetes
● Docker
Container Development Kit

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Using apache camel for microservices and integration then deploying and managing on Docker and Kubernetes. When we need to make changes to our app, we can use Fabric8 continuous delivery built on top of Kubernetes and OpenShift.

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Reactive Distributed Applications with Vert.x

By Clement Escoffier Sorry, there is no free lunch—distributed applications are complex. You can embrace any trends such as microservices, but developing a distributed application is a challenge. Why? Distributed systems have many reasons to fail: technically they’re complicated, and the theory behind distributed systems is also complicated. Vert.x is a toolkit for building reactive distributed applications on top of the Java Virtual Machine in Java, JavaScript, Groovy, Ruby, or Ceylon. Vert.x does not hide the complexity of distributed applications; it lets you manage it. Vert.x applications are able to manage failures, can use several protocols and interaction styles, can handle heavy loads, and can cope with most of the requirements of modern applications.

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@rafabene / @yanaga
Kubernetes lab
Follow me on the Setup environment section!

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Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing SystemsMitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems
Mitigating the Impact of State Management in Cloud Stream Processing Systems

JavaOne 2016: Kubernetes introduction for Java Developers

  • 1. 1 Kubernetes Introduction Rafael Benevides & Edson Yanaga / @rafabene / @yanaga
  • 2. Rafael Benevides Director of Developer Experience at Red Hat Apache DeltaSpike P.M.C @rafabene Java Certifications: SCJA / SCJP / SCWCD / SCBCD / SCEA JBoss Certifications: JBCD / JBCAA Red Hat Certifications: OpenShift / Containers / Ansible Other Certifications: SAP Netweaver / ITIL / IBM Software Quality
  • 3. Edson Yanaga Director of Developer Experience at Red Hat @yanaga Java Champion Microsoft MVP
  • 5. @rafabene / @yanaga Why do you want to run your application inside containers?
  • 6. @rafabene / @yanaga ● Lightweight footprint and minimal overhead, ● Portability across machines, ● Simplify DevOps practices, ● Speeds up Continuous Integration, ● Empower Microservices Architectures. ● Isolation Container Advantages Container Engine
  • 7. @rafabene / @yanaga A way to run a Linux container: $ docker run -d <image-name> A single and isolated Linux process running in a single machine
  • 8. @rafabene / @yanaga DevOps challenges for multiple containers ● How to scale? ● How to avoid port conflicts? ● How to manage them in multiple hosts? ● What happens if a host has a trouble? ● How to keep them running? ● How to update them? ● Where are my containers? Node Node Logger Node Node Node Node
  • 9. @rafabene / @yanaga Greek for “Helmsman”; also the root of the word “Governor” (from latin: gubernator) ● Container orchestrator ● Supports multiple cloud and bare-metal environments ● Inspired by Google’s experience with containers ● Open source, written in Go Manage applications, not machines Meet Kubernetes
  • 10. @rafabene / @yanaga Version 1.3 Hosted on GitHub 800+ contributors 34,000+ commits 16,000+ GitHub stars Red Hat HP IBM Mesosphere Microsoft Project Partners CoreOS Pivotal SaltStack VMWare Open Source community
  • 11. Master API Server Service Layer VirtualPhysical Private Public Persistent Storage Node Node Logger Node Node Node Node Dev Ops SCM (Git/Svn) CI/CD Automation Routing Layer Registry SDN Overlay Network Controllers - Scheduler - Replication - Services - Builds - Routes - Deployment Kubernetes OpenShift - Deployments - Builds - ImageStreams
  • 12. @rafabene Kubernetes Concepts Pod Replication Controller Service Label One or More Containers Shared IP Shared Storage Volume Shared Resources Shared Lifecycle Ensures that a specified number of pod replicas are running at any one time Grouping of pods, act as one, has stable virtual IP and DNS name Key/Value pairs associated with Kubernetes objects (e.g. env=production)
  • 13. @rafabene / @yanaga Concept: Pod ● Group of containers ● Live and die together ● Share: ○ IP ○ Secrets ○ Labels * ○ Volumes * * we will talk about these concepts later Labels Application Administrative console Log collector IP: 10.x.x.x Volume
  • 14. @rafabene / @yanaga Concept: POD Defining a POD as YAML: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: myPod labels: key: value spec: containers: - name: mysql image: username/image - name: phpMyAdmin image: username/image2 key: value myPOD mysql phpMy..
  • 15. SCM (Git/Svn) Master API Server Service Layer VirtualPhysical Private Public Persistent Storage Node Node Logger Node Node Node Node Dev Ops CI/CD Automation Routing Layer Registry SDN Overlay Network Controllers - Scheduler - Replication - Services - Builds - Routes - Deployment Kubernetes OpenShift - Deployments - Builds - ImageStreams
  • 16. SCM (Git/Svn) Master API Server Service Layer VirtualPhysical Private Public Persistent Storage Node Node Logger Node Node Node Node Dev Ops CI/CD Automation Routing Layer Registry SDN Overlay Network Controllers - Scheduler - Replication - Services - Builds - Routes - Deployment Kubernetes OpenShift - Deployments - Builds - ImageStreams
  • 17. SCM (Git/Svn) Master API Server Service Layer VirtualPhysical Private Public Persistent Storage Node Node Logger Node Node Node Node Dev Ops CI/CD Automation Routing Layer Registry SDN Overlay Network Controllers - Scheduler - Replication - Services - Builds - Routes - Deployment Kubernetes OpenShift - Deployments - Builds - ImageStreams
  • 18. @rafabene / @yanaga Concept: Replication Controllers Defining a Replication Controller as YAML: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: myPod labels: key: value spec: containers: - name: myPod image: username/image ports: - name: http containerPort: 8080 apiVersion: v1 kind: ReplicationController metadata: name: myRC spec: replicas: 4 template: metadata: spec:
  • 19. @rafabene / @yanaga Concept: Labels App: Cool Env: Dev Version: 1.0 App: Cool Env: Prod Version: 1.0 App: Cool Env: Dev Version: 2.0 App: Cool Env: Prod Version: 2.0 Everything in Kubernetes can have a label Node Logger Node NodeNode
  • 20. @rafabene / @yanaga Concept: Labels App: Cool Env: Dev Version: 1.0 App: Cool Env: Prod Version: 1.0 App: Cool Env: Dev Version: 2.0 App: Cool Env: Prod Version: 2.0 Node Logger Node NodeNode
  • 21. @rafabene / @yanaga Concept: Labels App: Cool Env: Dev Version: 1.0 App: Cool Env: Prod Version: 1.0 App: Cool Env: Dev Version: 2.0 App: Cool Env: Prod Version: 2.0 Node Logger Node NodeNode
  • 22. @rafabene / @yanaga Concept: Labels App: Cool Env: Dev Version: 1.0 App: Cool Env: Prod Version: 1.0 App: Cool Env: Dev Version: 2.0 App: Cool Env: Prod Version: 2.0 Node Logger Node NodeNode
  • 23. @rafabene / @yanaga Concept: Labels App: Cool Env: Dev Version: 1.0 App: Cool Env: Prod Version: 1.0 App: Cool Env: Dev Version: 2.0 App: Cool Env: Prod Version: 2.0 Node Logger Node NodeNode
  • 24. @rafabene / @yanaga Concept: Labels App: Cool Env: Dev Version: 1.0 App: Cool Env: Dev Version: 2.0 App: Cool Env: Prod Version: 1.0 App: Cool Env: Prod Version: 2.0 Node Logger Node NodeNode
  • 25. @rafabene / @yanaga Concept: Labels metadata: name: objectName labels: App: Cool Env: Dev Version: 1.0 Defining Labels as YAML: (can be placed in any object metadata) App: Cool Env: Dev Version: 1.0
  • 26. @rafabene / @yanaga Node 2 POD App: Cool Env: Prod Version: 1.0 POD Service Labels selector: ● App=Cool ● Env=Prod IP: 172.x.x.x App: Nice Env: Prod Version: 1.0 Concept: Services Node 1 POD
  • 27. @rafabene / @yanaga Concept: Services apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: myService labels: ... spec: ports: - port: 80 targetPort: 80 selector: App: Cool Env: Prod Defining a Service as YAML: myService Labels selector: ● App=Cool ● Env=Prod IP: 172.x.x.x
  • 28. @rafabene / @yanaga Using Environment variables: Using internal DNS: $ ping mysql Service discovery inside Kubernetes
  • 29. @rafabene / @yanaga Other concepts Rolling updatesPersistent Volumes
  • 30. @rafabene / @yanaga Admin Owned Users Owned Persistent Volume GCE PD AWS LB NFS GlusterFS Persistent Volume Claim POD Volume ● Admin provisions them, Users claim them ● High-level abstraction ● Pods can mount PVCs as Volumes Concept: Persistent Volumes
  • 31. @rafabene / @yanaga Deployment Concept: Rolling Updates Pod Replication Controller Pod Pod Pod App: Cool Version: 1.0 Version: 1.0 Replicas: 4 Backend Replication Controller Version: 2.0 Replicas: 1 PodPod Pod Pod App: Cool Version: 2.0 Version: 1.0 Replicas: 3 Version: 2.0 Replicas: 2 Version: 1.0 Replicas: 2 Version: 2.0 Replicas: 3 Version: 1.0 Replicas: 1 Version: 2.0 Replicas: 4
  • 35. @rafabene / @yanaga Hello World Service - Greet Guestbook Service - Create Guestbook Service - Retrieve
  • 36. @rafabene / @yanaga Lab infrastructure Hypervisor RHEL VM Image ● OpenShift ● Kubernetes ● Docker Container Development Kit
  • 37. @rafabene / @yanaga Kubernetes lab VERY IMPORTANT Follow me on the Setup environment section!