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Hacking Like It's 2013
  /* The Workshop */
             #include “Itzik Kotler“
    Developing Domain-specific Language w/ Pythonect
    Pythonect is a portmanteau of the words Python and Connect
    New, experimental, general-purpose dataflow programming language
    based on Python
    Current “stable“ version (True to Apr 9 2013): 0.4.2
    Made available under 'Modified BSD License'
    Influenced by: Unix Shell Scripting, Python, Perl
    Cross-platform (should run on any Python supported platform)
A few words on the Development
    Written purely in Python (2.7)
    –   Works on CPython 2.x, and Jython 2.7 implementations
    Tests written in PyUnit
    Hosted on GitHub
    Commits tested by Travis CI

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D3, TypeScript, and Deep Learning
D3, TypeScript, and Deep LearningD3, TypeScript, and Deep Learning
D3, TypeScript, and Deep Learning

This document provides an overview of deep learning, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. It discusses the differences between traditional AI, machine learning, and deep learning. Key deep learning concepts covered include neural networks, activation functions, cost functions, gradient descent, backpropagation, and hyperparameters. Convolutional neural networks and their applications are explained. Recurrent neural networks are also introduced. The document discusses TypeScript and how it can be used for deep learning applications.

typescriptcnnsdeep learning
Natural language processing open seminar For Tensorflow usage
Natural language processing open seminar For Tensorflow usageNatural language processing open seminar For Tensorflow usage
Natural language processing open seminar For Tensorflow usage

This is presentation for Natural Language Processing open seminar in Kookmin University. The open seminar reference : My presentation about how to use tensorflow for NLP open seminar for newbies for tensorflow.

define and rundefine by runeager execution
D3, TypeScript, and Deep Learning
D3, TypeScript, and Deep LearningD3, TypeScript, and Deep Learning
D3, TypeScript, and Deep Learning

This presentation focuses on Deep Learning (DL) concepts, such as neural neworks, backprop, activation functions, and Convolutional Neural Networks, with a short introduction to D3, and followed by a TypeScript-based code sample that replicates the TensorFlow playground. Basic knowledge of matrices is helpful.

back propagationpythonactivation functions
Installing and Using The Pythonect Interpreter
    Install directly from PyPI using easy_install or pip:
    –   easy_install Pythonect
    –   pip install Pythonect
    Clone the git repository:
    –   git clone git://
    –   cd pythonect
    –   python install
The Pythonect Interpreter
    Written and integrated with the Python environment:
    % pythonect
    Python 2.7.3 (default, Aug           1 2012, 05:14:39)
    [Pythonect 0.4.2] on linux2
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license"
    for more information.
Dataflow Programming

   Programming paradigm that treats data as something originating
from a source, flows through a number of components and arrives at
 a final destination - most suitable when developing applications that
              are themselves focused on the "flow" of data.
Dataflow Example
        A video signal processor which may start with video input,
modifies it through a number of processing components (i.e. video filters),
                  and finally outputs it to a video display.

                                  Video              Screen
                                   B&W               Output
                                  Frame              Display

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Attention mechanisms with tensorflow
Attention mechanisms with tensorflowAttention mechanisms with tensorflow
Attention mechanisms with tensorflow

The document discusses attention mechanisms and their implementation in TensorFlow. It begins with an overview of attention mechanisms and their use in neural machine translation. It then reviews the code implementation of an attention mechanism for neural machine translation from English to French using TensorFlow. Finally, it briefly discusses pointer networks, an attention mechanism variant, and code implementation of pointer networks for solving sorting problems.

machine learningtensorflowdata science
Rajat Monga at AI Frontiers: Deep Learning with TensorFlow
Rajat Monga at AI Frontiers: Deep Learning with TensorFlowRajat Monga at AI Frontiers: Deep Learning with TensorFlow
Rajat Monga at AI Frontiers: Deep Learning with TensorFlow

In this talk at AI Frontiers Conference, Rajat Monga shares about TensorFlow that has enabled cutting-edge machine learning research at the top AI labs in the world. At the same time it has made the technology accessible to a large audience leading to some amazing uses. TensorFlow is used for classification, recommendation, text parsing, sentiment analysis and more. This talk goes over the design that makes it fast, flexible, and easy to use, and describe how we continue to make it better.

googletensorflowai frontiers
Deep Learning with TensorFlow: Understanding Tensors, Computations Graphs, Im...
Deep Learning with TensorFlow: Understanding Tensors, Computations Graphs, Im...Deep Learning with TensorFlow: Understanding Tensors, Computations Graphs, Im...
Deep Learning with TensorFlow: Understanding Tensors, Computations Graphs, Im...

1. The elements of Neural Networks: Weights, Biases, and Gating functions 2. MNIST (Hand writing recognition) using simple NN in TensorFlow (Introduce Tensors, Computation Graphs) 3. MNIST using Convolution NN in TensorFlow 4. Understanding words and sentences as Vectors 5. word2vec in TensorFlow

machine learningtensorflow
Dataflow Example
Want to change a feed from a local file to a remote file on a website?

                             No problem!

                                 Video             Screen
              URL                 B&W              Output
           Downloader            Frame             Display
Dataflow Example
Want to write the Video B&W Frame Processor output
          to both a screen and a local file?

                   No problem!

                       Video            Writer
     URL                B&W
  Downloader           Frame
                     Procressor         Screen
Dataflow Programming Advantages
    Concurrency and parallelism are natural
    Data flow networks are natural for representing process
    Data flow programs are more extensible than traditional
Dataflow Programming Disadvantages
    The mindset of data flow programming is unfamiliar to most
    The intervention of the run-time system can be expensive

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DeepStochLog: Neural Stochastic Logic Programming
DeepStochLog: Neural Stochastic Logic ProgrammingDeepStochLog: Neural Stochastic Logic Programming
DeepStochLog: Neural Stochastic Logic Programming

This is the DeepStochLog presentation, published at AAAI22 (Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence 2022). Authors: Thomas Winters*, Giuseppe Marra*, Robin Manhaeve, Luc De Raedt *equal contribution Code: Abstract: Recent advances in neural symbolic learning, such as DeepProbLog, extend probabilistic logic programs with neural predicates. Like graphical models, these probabilistic logic programs define a probability distribution over possible worlds, for which inference is computationally hard. We propose DeepStochLog, an alternative neural symbolic framework based on stochastic definite clause grammars, a type of stochastic logic program, which defines a probability distribution over possible derivations. More specifically, we introduce neural grammar rules into stochastic definite clause grammars to create a framework that can be trained end-to-end. We show that inference and learning in neural stochastic logic programming scale much better than for neural probabilistic logic programs. Furthermore, the experimental evaluation shows that DeepStochLog achieves state-of-the-art results on challenging neural symbolic learning tasks.

aaai22deepstochlogneural-symbolic ai
Working with NS2
Working with NS2Working with NS2
Working with NS2

This document provides an overview of Network Simulator 2 (NS-2) and how to use it to simulate computer networks. It discusses: - The basic design of NS-2, which uses Tcl for scripting and C++ for implementing network objects. Simulation scripts are written in OTcl to set up the network topology and control packet transmissions. - Common tasks in NS-2 like creating nodes and links, defining traffic sources and sinks, generating traffic patterns, and outputting trace files. - Example scripts that demonstrate how to initialize a simulation, generate network traffic with different protocols (UDP, TCP), and visualize results using the Network Animator (NAM) tool. - Key aspects of

TensorFlow Dev Summit 2017 요약
TensorFlow Dev Summit 2017 요약TensorFlow Dev Summit 2017 요약
TensorFlow Dev Summit 2017 요약

The document discusses a TensorFlow session that merges summary data and runs an agenda. Key topics from the document include TensorFlow sessions, summary data, and running agendas.

2017dev summittensorflow
Dataflow Programming Languages
    Spreadsheets are essentially dataflow (e.g. Excel)
    VHDL, Verilog and other hardware description languages are
    essentially dataflow
    ... Etc.
<Pythonect Examples>
'Hello, world' -> print

String   Function
What do we have here?
●   -> is a Pythonect Control Operator, it means async forward.
●   There's also | (i.e. Pipe) which means sync forward.
●   'Hello, world' is a literal string
●   print is a function

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TensorFlow Dev Summit 2018 Extended: TensorFlow Eager Execution
TensorFlow Dev Summit 2018 Extended: TensorFlow Eager ExecutionTensorFlow Dev Summit 2018 Extended: TensorFlow Eager Execution
TensorFlow Dev Summit 2018 Extended: TensorFlow Eager Execution

TensorFlow's eager execution allows running operations immediately without building graphs. This makes debugging easier and improves the development workflow. Eager execution can be enabled with tf.enable_eager_execution(). Common operations like variables, gradients, control flow work the same in eager and graph modes. Code written with eager execution in mind is compatible with graph-based execution for deployment. Eager execution provides benefits for iteration and is useful alongside TensorFlow's high-level APIs.

tensorfloweagereager execution
Introduction to Deep Learning with Python
Introduction to Deep Learning with PythonIntroduction to Deep Learning with Python
Introduction to Deep Learning with Python

A presentation by Alec Radford, Head of Research at indico Data Solutions, on deep learning with Python's Theano library. The emphasis of the presentation is high performance computing, natural language processing (using recurrent neural nets), and large scale learning with GPUs. Video of the talk available here:

theanomachine learningpython
DIY Deep Learning with Caffe Workshop
DIY Deep Learning with Caffe WorkshopDIY Deep Learning with Caffe Workshop
DIY Deep Learning with Caffe Workshop

Caffe (Convolutional Architecture for Fast Feature Embedding) is a deep learning framework made with expression, speed, and modularity in mind. It is developed by the Berkeley Vision and Learning Center (BVLC) and by community contributors. Caffe’s expressive architecture encourages application and innovation. Models and optimization are defined by configuration without hard-coding. Switch between CPU and GPU by setting a single flag to train on a GPU machine then deploy to commodity clusters or mobile devices.Caffe’s extensible code fosters active development. In Caffe’s first year, it has been forked by over 1,000 developers and had many significant changes contributed back. Thanks to these contributors the framework tracks the state-of-the-art in both code and models.Speed makes Caffe perfect for research experiments and industry deployment. Caffe can processover 60M images per day with a single NVIDIA K40 GPU*. That’s 1 ms/image for inference and 4 ms/image for learning. We believe that Caffe is the fastest convnet implementation available.Caffe already powers academic research projects, startup prototypes, and even large-scale industrial applications in vision, speech, and multimedia. Join our community of brewers on the caffe-users group and Github. This tutorial is designed to equip researchers and developers with the tools and know-how needed to incorporate deep learning into their work. Both the ideas and implementation of state-of-the-art deep learning models will be presented. While deep learning and deep features have recently achieved strong results in many tasks, a common framework and shared models are needed to advance further research and applications and reduce the barrier to entry. To this end we present the Caffe framework, public reference models, and working examples for deep learning. Join our tour from the 1989 LeNet for digit recognition to today’s top ILSVRC14 vision models. Follow along with do-it-yourself code notebooks. While focusing on vision, general techniques are covered.

by odsc
"Hello, world" -> [print, print]

    ["Hello, world", "Hello, world"] -> print

range(99, 0, -1) 
        | [ _ % 2 == 0 ] 
            -> str 
            -> _ + " bottle(s) of beer on the wall," 
            -> print 
            -> _.split(' on')[0] + '.' 
            -> print 
            -> print("Take one down, pass it around,")

Integer     Filter    Function   Expression   Function   Function   Function   Function
Basic Pythonect Syntax Summary
●   -> is async forward.
●   | (i.e. Pipe) is sync forward.
●   _ (i.e. Underscore) is current value in flow

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Learning stochastic neural networks with Chainer
Learning stochastic neural networks with ChainerLearning stochastic neural networks with Chainer
Learning stochastic neural networks with Chainer

Slides presented at PyCon JP 2016. 「確率的ニューラルネットの学習と Chainer による実装」というタイトルで PyCon JP 2016 で講演したときのスライドです。

chainerdeep learning
Python tour
Python tourPython tour
Python tour

This presentation contains a quick tour in Python world. First by By comparing Java code, and the equivalent Python side by side, Second by listing some cool features in Python, finally by listing downs and ups of Python in usage; when to use python and when not.

Introduction to theano, case study of Word Embeddings
Introduction to theano, case study of Word EmbeddingsIntroduction to theano, case study of Word Embeddings
Introduction to theano, case study of Word Embeddings

Theano is a Python library that allows defining, optimizing, and evaluating mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays efficiently. It can compile expressions into optimized C code for fast CPU and GPU execution. Theano uses symbolic differentiation to automatically compute gradients for neural network training via backpropagation. It represents computations as a graph with variable nodes and operation nodes. This graph can be optimized before generating efficient C code. Theano is useful for machine learning algorithms that require large-scale numeric optimization like neural networks. The document discusses implementing word embedding models in Theano including autoencoder, GloVe, and skip-gram negative sampling models. Code examples are provided in GitHub links.

machine learning
<Pythonect Security Scripts/Examples>
ROT13 Encrypt & Decrypt

raw_input() -> _.encode('rot13') -> print

         Function   Function   Function
Check if FTP Server Supports Anonymous Login

    -> ftplib.FTP 
    -> _.login() 
    -> print("Allow anonymous")

        String     Class    Function   Function
(Multi-thread) HTTP Directory Brute-force

    -> [str(_ + '/' + x) for x in open(sys.argv[2],'r').read().split('n')] 
    -> [(_, urllib.urlopen(_))] 
    -> _[1].getcode() != 404 
    -> print "%s returns %s" % (_[0], _[1], _[1].getcode())

                                     Function       Filter       Function

         String      Nested Loop

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Intro to Python (High School) Unit #2
Intro to Python (High School) Unit #2Intro to Python (High School) Unit #2
Intro to Python (High School) Unit #2

Intro to Python for High School Students. Unit #2: classes, as well as docstrings, lambda, map, filter, logging, testing, debugging Does not include GUI content

lambda map filterclassespython
Caffe framework tutorial2
Caffe framework tutorial2Caffe framework tutorial2
Caffe framework tutorial2

The document provides information on Caffe layers and networks for image classification tasks. It describes common layers used in convolutional neural networks (CNNs) like Convolution, Pooling, ReLU and InnerProduct. It also discusses popular CNN architectures for datasets such as MNIST, CIFAR-10 and ImageNet and the steps to prepare the data and train these networks in Caffe. Experiments comparing different CNN configurations on a 4-class image dataset show that removal of layers degrades performance, indicating their importance.

In Plain Sight: The Perfect Exfiltration
In Plain Sight: The Perfect ExfiltrationIn Plain Sight: The Perfect Exfiltration
In Plain Sight: The Perfect Exfiltration

In this session, we will reveal and demonstrate perfect exfiltration via indirect covert channels (i.e. the communicating parties don’t directly exchange network packets). This is a family of techniques to exfiltrate data (low throughput) from an enterprise in a manner indistinguishable from genuine traffic. Using HTTP and exploiting a byproduct of how some websites choose to cache their pages, we will demonstrate how data can be leaked without raising any suspicion. These techniques are designed to overcome even perfect knowledge and analysis of the enterprise network traffic.

exfiltrationcovert channelhitb
Command line Fuzzer

['%s', '%n', 'A', 'a', '0', '!', '$', '%', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', ':'] 
    | [_ * n for n in [256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096]] 
        | os.system('/bin/ping ' + _)

                     Array        Nested Loop       Function
(Multi-thread) Generic File format Fuzzer

open('dana.jpg', 'r').read() 
    -> itertools.permutations 
        -> open('output_' + hex(_.__hash__()) + '.jpg', 'w').write(''.join(_))


                     String         Function
Compute MALWARE.EXE's MD5 & SHA1

"MALWARE.EXE" -> [os.system("/usr/bin/md5sum " + _), os.system("/usr/bin/sha1sum " + _)]


Compute MALWARE.EXE's Entropy
●                                             ●
    import math
    def entropy(data):
       entropy = 0                                                  -> open(_, 'r').read() 
       if data:
                                                                        -> entropy.entropy 
           for x in range(2**8):
                  p_x = float(data.count(chr(x))) / len(data)
                                                                            -> print
                  if p_x > 0:
                      entropy += - p_x * math.log(p_x, 2)
       return entropy

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Selex ES EW Solutions Seminar at Paris Air Show 2013
Selex ES EW Solutions Seminar at Paris Air Show 2013Selex ES EW Solutions Seminar at Paris Air Show 2013
Selex ES EW Solutions Seminar at Paris Air Show 2013

Selex ES provides electronic warfare solutions to help avoid, evade, and counter threats. They offer a range of EW systems including ESM, RWR, DIRCM, decoys, and integration solutions. As threats evolve rapidly, Selex ES invests heavily in R&D to continuously develop next-generation EW capabilities, such as an advanced RF decoy with off-board jamming and rapid response capabilities. Selex ES positions itself as a full-spectrum EW partner able to manage risks and enable sovereign EW capabilities for its customers.

finmeccanicaparis air show 2013selex es
Lockheed martin interview questions and answers
Lockheed martin interview questions and answersLockheed martin interview questions and answers
Lockheed martin interview questions and answers

This document provides guidance and sample answers for common interview questions for a position at Lockheed Martin. It discusses how to answer questions about strengths, why the applicant wants to work at Lockheed Martin and aligns with the company values, what they know about the company from research, why Lockheed Martin should hire them and how they can contribute, what salary they need, and questions to ask the interviewer. The document also provides additional interview tips and links to resources on interview preparation.

Ew asia cw and ew joint space for comments (14 sep2016)
Ew asia cw and ew joint space   for comments (14 sep2016)Ew asia cw and ew joint space   for comments (14 sep2016)
Ew asia cw and ew joint space for comments (14 sep2016)

Brief Summary Cyber warfare and electronic warfare are similar in many ways. Electronic warfare is a general tool used to Deny, Disrupt, Destroy, Degrade, and Deceive which are largely achieved through the interactions with enemy’s radio frequency systems. Cyber warfare is similar and more with additional targeted effects on computer systems, networks, and applications. Information operations, however, intend to influence the person sitting behind the keyboard, resulting to wrong decision making. Col Timothy Presby, Training and Doctrine Command Capabilities Manager of Cyber, Army said in August this year: “We need to be aware that we are very likely going to fight an adversary that is converging using [cyber and electromagnetic activity] integration, ISR and fires across full spectrum conflict, so unless we actually work together and converge our capabilities, we will be left short.”. This shows the importance of being aware and protected in the joint space. This paper attempts to discuss the significance, seriousness and real threat in the cyber and electronics intelligence joint space. Critical military information can be obtained via cyber means and use by the forces to launch attacks in shortest possible time to cause severe damages to properties and lives.

informationradarinformation security
References / More Examples
    My Blog
    –   Scraping LinkedIn Public Profiles for Fun and Profit
    –   Fuzzing Like A Boss with Pythonect
    –   Automated Static Malware Analysis with Pythonect
    LightBulbOne (Blog)
    –   Fuzzy iOS Messages!
Pythonect Roadmap
    Support Python 3k
    Support Stackless Python
    Support IronPython
    Support GPU Programming
    Fix bugs, etc.
Moving on!

Developing Domain-specific Language (DSL)
             with Pythonect

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SWOT & PESTLE Analysis - Lockheed Martin
SWOT & PESTLE Analysis - Lockheed MartinSWOT & PESTLE Analysis - Lockheed Martin
SWOT & PESTLE Analysis - Lockheed Martin

PPT for SYBMS Stategic Management Project Hope it comes of use to anyone who needs it. Contents: History Vision, Mission Statement SWOT Analysis PEST Analysis Conclusion

Cyber defense electronic warfare (ew)
Cyber defense electronic warfare (ew)Cyber defense electronic warfare (ew)
Cyber defense electronic warfare (ew)

EHF refers to Extra High Frequency and UV refers to Ultraviolet Light. Mobile Radio Wireless LAN systems operate at EHF frequencies, which have wavelengths smaller than those of microwaves allowing them to carry more information. These systems can provide connectivity for mobile devices using EHF signals and avoid interference from other radio systems.

Final ew ppt
Final ew pptFinal ew ppt
Final ew ppt

This document discusses electronic warfare and is divided into three main sections: electronic attack, electronic protection, and electronic warfare support. Electronic attack involves jamming, deception, and destructive techniques to interfere with an enemy's use of the electromagnetic spectrum. Electronic protection techniques are used to protect friendly forces from electronic attack. Electronic warfare support passively detects and analyzes emissions to gather intelligence and provide situational awareness. Specific electronic warfare systems and techniques discussed include jamming, chaff, flares, anti-radiation missiles, frequency hopping, and ELINT/COMINT collection.

Domain-specific Language
    Domain-specific language (DSL) is a mini-language aiming at
    representing constructs for a given domain
    DSL is effective if the words and idioms in the language
    adequately capture what needs to be represented
    DSL can also add syntax sugar
      Why create a custom tag or an object with methods?

                         Elegant Code Reuse

Instead of having to recode algorithms every time you need them, you can just
write a phrase in your DSL and you will have shorter, more easily maintainable
Example for DSL's
    Programming Language R
    Regular Expression
    Shell utilities (awk, sed, dc, bc)
    Software development tools (make, yacc, lex)

Recommended for you

Introduction to ELINT Analyses
Introduction to ELINT AnalysesIntroduction to ELINT Analyses
Introduction to ELINT Analyses

This document provides an introduction to electronic warfare analyses. It discusses definitions of ELINT and EW terminology. It also covers topics like ELINT collection cycles, RF receiver characteristics, direction finding analysis, scan pattern analysis, and PRI analysis. The document puts these concepts together using examples of ESM concepts of operations and potential future ELINT threats that use techniques like LPI, frequency hopping, and spread spectrum.

Analysis for Radar and Electronic Warfare
Analysis for Radar and Electronic WarfareAnalysis for Radar and Electronic Warfare
Analysis for Radar and Electronic Warfare

This document discusses techniques for measuring pulsed RF signals used in radar and electronic warfare applications. It begins with an overview of common radar applications and measurement types. It then discusses tools for measuring pulse parameters like pulse width, repetition interval, and power. These tools include power meters, oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, and specialized pulse analyzers. It also covers vector signal analysis and its ability to analyze modulation embedded on pulses. The rest of the document provides examples of measuring pulses with these various tools and techniques like pulse building, frequency hopping analysis, and analyzing LFM chirps.

A Tutorial on Radar System Engineering
A Tutorial on Radar System EngineeringA Tutorial on Radar System Engineering
A Tutorial on Radar System Engineering

Tutorial Content This tutorial provides a broad-based discussion of radar system, covering the following topics: -Introduction to Radars in Military and Commercial Applications -Radar System Block Diagram -Radar Antennas (slotted waveguide array, planar array), Transmitter (magnetron, solid-state), Receiver, Pedestal and Radome -Plot Extraction, Tracking Algorithms and Display -Radar Range Equation, Detection Performance -Wave Propagation and Radar Cross Section -Emerging and Advanced Radar Systems (phased-array, multi-beam, multi-mode, FMCW, solid-state) In the discussion, practical systems, technical specifications and data will be used to enhance learning.In addition, simulation results will also be used to present findings. The objective of the tutorial session is to equip participants with solid understanding of radar systems for system level applications and prepare them for advanced and professional radar courses, projects and research. This tutorial is designed and developed based on the following references: [1] G. W. Stimson, Introduction to Airborne Radar Second Edition, Scitech Publishing, 1998. [2] L. V. Blake, A Guide to Basic Pulse-Radar Maximum-Range Calculation, NRL Report 6930, 1969. [3] K. H. Lee, Radar Systems for Nanyang Technological University, TBSS, 2014.

radarelectronicselectronics and electrical
Example #1: XSLT 'Hello, world'
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
   <xsl:template match="p">
      Hello world! - From hello.xsl.
Example #2: Graphviz/DOT 'Hello, world'
digraph G
    Hello → World
Domain-specific Language with Pythonect
    Pythonect provides various features to let you easily develop
    your own DSLs:
    –   Built-in Python module Autoloader
    –   Concurrency (Threads & Processes)
    –   Abstract Syntax (i.e. Generic Flow Operators)
Built-in Python AutoLoader
    The AutoLoader loads Python modules from the file system
    when needed
●   In other words, no need to import modules explicitly.
    The sacrifice is run-time speed for ease-of-coding and speed
    of the initial import()ing.

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Electronic Warfare for the Republic of Singapore Air Force
Electronic Warfare for the Republic of Singapore Air ForceElectronic Warfare for the Republic of Singapore Air Force
Electronic Warfare for the Republic of Singapore Air Force

The document provides an agenda for a seminar on electronic warfare for the Republic of Singapore Air Force. The seminar will cover topics such as the history of electronic warfare, definitions and terms, electromagnetic spectrum and electronic countermeasures. It will discuss concepts such as radar and communication fundamentals, vulnerabilities, jamming techniques and denial and deception. The speaker, Dr. Lee Kar Heng from the TBSS Center for Electrical and Electronics Engineering, will lead the seminar.

electronics and electricalradartraining
Green Day 2016 - Earth Observation satellites support climate change monitoring
Green Day 2016 - Earth Observation satellites support climate change monitoringGreen Day 2016 - Earth Observation satellites support climate change monitoring
Green Day 2016 - Earth Observation satellites support climate change monitoring

During the 2016 Green Day conference organized by AGOL and LUISS University, Massimo Comparini, CEO of e-Geos introduced us on how satellite technology can support climate change monitoring

satellitesleonardoluiss university
UK Spectrum Policy Forum - Jade McCready, BAE Systems -Defence Sector Briefin...
UK Spectrum Policy Forum - Jade McCready, BAE Systems -Defence Sector Briefin...UK Spectrum Policy Forum - Jade McCready, BAE Systems -Defence Sector Briefin...
UK Spectrum Policy Forum - Jade McCready, BAE Systems -Defence Sector Briefin...

UK Spectrum Policy Forum Cluster 1 Meeting (Defence) – 30 September 2014 Jade McCready, Head of Electromagnetics, Military Air & Information, BAE Systems Defence Sector Briefing on Behalf of BAE Systems More information at: All rights reserved

'Hello, world' -> string.split


                  import string
                  return string.split
Concurrency (Threads & Processes)
    –   'Hello, world' -> [print, print]
    –   'Hello, world' -> [print, print]
    –   'Hello, world' -> [print, print &]
Abstract Syntax
    Brackets for Scope:
    –   []
    Arrows and Pipes for Flows:
    –   | and ->
    Dict and Logical Keywords for Control Flow:
    –   {} and not/or/and
So, imagine the following is a real script:

    -> extract_base64_strings 
        -> to_xml

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Advanced Eclipse Workshop (held at IPC2010 -spring edition-)
Advanced Eclipse Workshop (held at IPC2010 -spring edition-)Advanced Eclipse Workshop (held at IPC2010 -spring edition-)
Advanced Eclipse Workshop (held at IPC2010 -spring edition-)

This document provides an agenda for an Advanced Eclipse Workshop on June 30, 2010. It introduces the three presenters and provides an overview of topics to be covered, including Eclipse basics, shortcuts, templates, validators, PHP Tool Integration, Subversion, debugging with Xdebug, external tools, and building documentation. Hands-on exercises are included for preferences, debugging configuration, and debugging sessions. Contact information and licensing details are also provided.

An Overview Of Python With Functional Programming
An Overview Of Python With Functional ProgrammingAn Overview Of Python With Functional Programming
An Overview Of Python With Functional Programming

This document provides an overview of the Python programming language and its capabilities for functional programming. It describes Python's attributes such as being portable, object-oriented, and supporting procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming. It also lists several popular Python modules that provide additional functionality and examples of code written in both a procedural and object-oriented style in Python. Finally, it provides examples of functional programming concepts like map, filter and reduce implemented in Python along with references for further information.

linux_internals_2.3 (1).pdf àaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
linux_internals_2.3 (1).pdf àaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalinux_internals_2.3 (1).pdf àaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
linux_internals_2.3 (1).pdf àaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Basics of linux

(with Pythonect)
                 Simple Malware AnaLysis Language

    Toy language for analyzing malware samples
    Single Python file (14 functions, 215 lines of text)
    Runs on top of Pythonect
SMALL Features
    Extract IPv4 Addresses from Binaries
    Extract Base64 Strings from Binaries
    Calculate MD5/SHA1/CRC32
    Determine File Type (via /usr/bin/file)
    Create XML Reports
How Does SMALL Work?
    SMALL functions are divided into two groups:
    –   Root, these functions start a flow
    –   Normal, these functions continues or closes the flow
●   Root functions accept String and return dict
    –   e.g. from_file()
●   Normal functions accept dict and return dict
    –   e.g.   extract_base64_strings()

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Debugging Python with gdb
Debugging Python with gdbDebugging Python with gdb
Debugging Python with gdb

A PyConUA 2017 talk on debugging Python programs with gdb. A blog post version:

Import golang; struct microservice
Import golang; struct microserviceImport golang; struct microservice
Import golang; struct microservice

This document summarizes a talk about microservices architecture using Golang. It discusses some key advantages of Golang for building microservices like static compilation, concurrency support through goroutines, and built-in HTTP and JSON packages. It also covers Docker for containerization, and tools like Docker Machine, Swarm and Compose for orchestration. Prometheus is presented as an open-source monitoring solution for microservices running in Docker containers.

Logging for Production Systems in The Container Era
Logging for Production Systems in The Container EraLogging for Production Systems in The Container Era
Logging for Production Systems in The Container Era

Logging for Production Systems in The Container Era discusses how to effectively collect and analyze logs and metrics in microservices-based container environments. It introduces Fluentd as a centralized log collection service that supports pluggable input/output, buffering, and aggregation. Fluentd allows collecting logs from containers and routing them to storage systems like Kafka, HDFS and Elasticsearch. It also supports parsing, filtering and enriching log data through plugins.

<Pythonect/Security DSL (i.e. SMALL) Examples>
How to Start the SMALL Interpreter

                     pythonect -m SMALL -i

    The '-m' means - run library module as a script
    The '-i' means - inspect interactively after running script
    Just like Python :)
Extract Base64 Strings and Save As XML

     -> extract_base64_strings 
         -> to_xml

Function   Function   Function
Extract IPv4 Addresses and Save As XML

     -> extract_ipv4_addresses 
         -> to_xml

Function   Function   Function

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This document provides an introduction to the Python programming language. It discusses what Python is, why it was created, its basic features and uses. Python is an interpreted, object-oriented programming language that is designed to be readable. It can be used for tasks such as web development, scientific computing, and scripting. The document also covers Python basics like variables, data types, operators, and input/output functions. It provides examples of Python code and discusses best practices for writing and running Python programs.


Debuggers on windows. WinDbg showcase. Python extensions in WinDbg. Extended information on PyKd.

Compute MD5, SHA1, CRC32, and FileType

     -> md5sum 
         -> sha1sum 
             -> crc32 
                 -> file_type 
                      -> to_xml

Function   Function   Function
Other (Potential) Security Domains:
    Reverse Engineering
    Malware Analysis
    Penetration Testing
    Intelligence Gathering
Moving on!


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The document describes a practical training project to develop a job portal website using PHP at Masters Infosoft Pvt. Ltd. in Jaipur, India by Arjun lal Kumawat, a student at Sobhasaria Engineering College. It discusses the objectives, scope, system analysis and design, hardware and software requirements, data flow diagram, and testing of the job portal website project.

php seminar reoprt with project
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- A Tour through other Programming Languages - History and Bird's Eye View of Features - Translation and Compilation Process - Books

    Hackersh is a portmanteau of the words Hacker and Shell
    Shell (command interpreter) written with Pythonect-like syntax,
    built-in security commands, and out of the box wrappers for
    various security tools
    Current “stable“ version (True to Apr 1 2013): 0.1.0
    Made available under GNU General Public License v2 or later
    Influenced by: Unix Shell Scripting and Pythonect
    Cross-platform (should run on any Python supported platform)
A few words on the Development
    Written purely in Python (2.7)
    Hosted on GitHub
    Taking over the world
    Automating security tasks and reusing code as much as
    There are many good security tools out there...
    –   but only a few can take the others output and run on it
    –   but only a few of them give you built-in threads/processes
        controling for best results

    No matter how well you write your shell script, the next
    time you need to use it - for something slightly different -
    you will have to re-write it

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This document discusses using PHP as middleware in embedded systems. It begins by describing challenges in embedded systems like hardware limitations and difficulties with deployment and updates. It then proposes using PHP and various PHP extensions to address these challenges by acting as software glue between applications and hardware. The document outlines various tasks like porting libraries to the embedded platform, developing and debugging PHP applications for embedded systems, and performance tuning. It provides examples of using PHP for tasks like interfacing with REST APIs, handling different data formats, encryption, and data storage. Overall it argues that PHP can serve as an effective middleware solution in embedded systems development.

phpconftwphpembedded system
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The document appears to be a block of random letters with no discernible meaning or purpose. It consists of a series of letters without any punctuation, formatting, or other signs of structure that would indicate it is meant to convey any information. The document does not provide any essential information that could be summarized.

Yaetos Tech Overview
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Tech introduction to Yaetos, an open source tool for data engineers, scientists, and analysts to easily create data pipelines in python and SQL and put them in production in the cloud.

big datadatadata engineering
Hackersh – The Solution
    Hackersh provides a “Standard Library“ where you can
    access your favorite security tools (as Components) and
    program them as easy as a Lego
    Hackersh lets you automagically scale your flows, using
    multithreading, multiprocessing, and even a Cloud
    Hackersh (using Pythonect as it's scripting engine) gives
    you the maximum flexibility to re-use your previous code
    while working on a new slightly-different version/script
Installing and Using The Hackersh
    Install directly from PyPI using easy_install or pip:
    –   easy_install Hackersh
    –   pip install Hackersh
    Clone the git repository:
    –   git clone git://
    –   cd hackersh
    –   python install
    Component-based software engineering
    –   External Components
    –   Internal Components
            URL (i.e. Convert String to URL)
            IPv4_Address (i.e. Convert String to IPv4 Adress)
Component as Application
    Components accepts command line args:
    –   "localhost" -> hostname -> nmap("-P0")
    They also accept internal flags options as:
    –   "localhost" -> hostname -> nmap("-P0", debug=True)

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Overview to CNCF Serverless WG. Video can be found at

PyCon AU 2012 - Debugging Live Python Web Applications
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Monitoring tools record the result of what happened to your web application when a problem arises, but for some classes of problems, monitoring systems are only a starting point. Sometimes it is necessary to take more intrusive steps to plan for the unexpected by embedding mechanisms that will allow you to interact with a live deployed web application and extract even more detailed information.

wsgipythonnew relic
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This document discusses various aspects of developing and distributing Python projects, including versioning, configuration, logging, file input, shell invocation, environment layout, project layout, documentation, automation with Makefiles, packaging, testing, GitHub, Travis CI, and PyPI. It recommends using semantic versioning, the logging module, parsing files with the file object interface, invoking shell commands with subprocess, using virtualenv for sandboxed environments, Sphinx for documentation, Makefiles to automate tasks, setuptools for packaging, and GitHub, Travis CI and PyPI for distribution.

Input/Output: Context
    Every Hackersh component (except the Hackersh Root
    Component) is standardized to accept and return the same
    data structure – Context.
    Context is a dict (i.e. associative array) that can be piped
    through different components
Same Context, Different Flow
●   "http://localhost" -> url -> nmap -> ping
    – Port scan a URL, if *ANY* port is open, ping it
●   "http://localhost" -> url -> ping -> nmap
    –   Ping the URL, if pingable, scan for *ANY* open ports
Ask The Context
    Context stores both Data and Metadata
    The Metadata aspect enables potential AI applications to fine-
    tune their service selection strategy based on service-specific
Conditional Flow

    -> url 
        -> nmap 
            -> [_['PORT'] == '8080' and _['SERVICE'] == 'HTTP'] 
                -> w3af 
                    -> print

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The document summarizes the steps taken to set up a Django project called "he" on Ubuntu. It shows commands used to install Python, virtualenv, Django and other dependencies. Database setup with PostgreSQL is also demonstrated. An app called "board" is created, with a Post model defined and admin configured. Templates are added and the development server is run. Authentication and registration are implemented along with forms to add new posts. The project is developed iteratively through multiple versions.

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Best Programming Language for Civil Engineers
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Best Programming Language for Civil Engineers

The integration of programming into civil engineering is transforming the industry. We can design complex infrastructure projects and analyse large datasets. Imagine revolutionizing the way we build our cities and infrastructure, all by the power of coding. Programming skills are no longer just a bonus—they’re a game changer in this era. Technology is revolutionizing civil engineering by integrating advanced tools and techniques. Programming allows for the automation of repetitive tasks, enhancing the accuracy of designs, simulations, and analyses. With the advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning, engineers can now predict structural behaviors under various conditions, optimize material usage, and improve project planning.

programmingcodingcivil engineering
Hackersh High-level Diagram

   Literal        Component    Context   Component   ...
(e.g. String)     (e.g. URL)
<Hackersh Scripts/Examples>
TCP & UDP Ports Scanning

         "localhost" -> hostname -> nmap

           Built-in    External
         Component    Component
Class C (256 Hosts) Ping Sweep

         '' -> ipv4_range -> ping

               Built-in    External
             Component    Component

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YOUR RELIABLE WEB DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT TEAM — FOR LASTING SUCCESS WPRiders is a web development company specialized in WordPress and WooCommerce websites and plugins for customers around the world. The company is headquartered in Bucharest, Romania, but our team members are located all over the world. Our customers are primarily from the US and Western Europe, but we have clients from Australia, Canada and other areas as well. Some facts about WPRiders and why we are one of the best firms around: More than 700 five-star reviews! You can check them here. 1500 WordPress projects delivered. We respond 80% faster than other firms! Data provided by Freshdesk. We’ve been in business since 2015. We are located in 7 countries and have 22 team members. With so many projects delivered, our team knows what works and what doesn’t when it comes to WordPress and WooCommerce. Our team members are: - highly experienced developers (employees & contractors with 5 -10+ years of experience), - great designers with an eye for UX/UI with 10+ years of experience - project managers with development background who speak both tech and non-tech - QA specialists - Conversion Rate Optimisation - CRO experts They are all working together to provide you with the best possible service. We are passionate about WordPress, and we love creating custom solutions that help our clients achieve their goals. At WPRiders, we are committed to building long-term relationships with our clients. We believe in accountability, in doing the right thing, as well as in transparency and open communication. You can read more about WPRiders on the About us page.

web development agencywpriderswordpress development
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Profile portofolio

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Kief Morris rethinks the infrastructure code delivery lifecycle, advocating for a shift towards composable infrastructure systems. We should shift to designing around deployable components rather than code modules, use more useful levels of abstraction, and drive design and deployment from applications rather than bottom-up, monolithic architecture and delivery.

infrastructure as codeclouddevops
Web Server Vulnerability Scanner

 '' -> ipv4_address -> nmap -> nikto

           Built-in    External    External
         Component    Component   Component
Fork: Target as Hostname + Target as IP

    -> hostname 
        -> [nslookup, pass] -> ...

                          as Hostname
                          as IPv4 Addr.
Black-box Web App Pentration Testing

    -> url 
    -> nmap 
    -> browse 
    -> w3af 
    -> print

             Built-in    External     Built-in    External     Built-in
           Component    Component   Component    Component   Component
Hackersh Roadmap
    Unit Tests
    More Tools
    – Metasploit
    – OpenVAS

    – TheHarvester

    – Hydra

    – …

    Builtin Commands
    Plugins System

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Is your patent a vanity piece of paper for your office wall? Or is it a reliable, defendable, assertable, property right? The difference is often quality. Is your patent simply a transactional cost and a large pile of legal bills for your startup? Or is it a leverageable asset worthy of attracting precious investment dollars, worth its cost in multiples of valuation? The difference is often quality. Is your patent application only good enough to get through the examination process? Or has it been crafted to stand the tests of time and varied audiences if you later need to assert that document against an infringer, find yourself litigating with it in an Article 3 Court at the hands of a judge and jury, God forbid, end up having to defend its validity at the PTAB, or even needing to use it to block pirated imports at the International Trade Commission? The difference is often quality. Quality will be our focus for a good chunk of the remainder of this season. What goes into a quality patent, and where possible, how do you get it without breaking the bank? ** Episode Overview ** In this first episode of our quality series, Kristen Hansen and the panel discuss: ⦿ What do we mean when we say patent quality? ⦿ Why is patent quality important? ⦿ How to balance quality and budget ⦿ The importance of searching, continuations, and draftsperson domain expertise ⦿ Very practical tips, tricks, examples, and Kristen’s Musts for drafting quality applications

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This presentation explores the practical application of image description techniques. Familiar guidelines will be demonstrated in practice, and descriptions will be developed “live”! If you have learned a lot about the theory of image description techniques but want to feel more confident putting them into practice, this is the presentation for you. There will be useful, actionable information for everyone, whether you are working with authors, colleagues, alone, or leveraging AI as a collaborator. Link to presentation recording and slides: Presented by BookNet Canada on June 25, 2024, with support from the Department of Canadian Heritage.

a11yaccessibilityalt text
Hackersh Official TODO
Thank you!

            My Twitter: @itzikkotler
            My Email:
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  Pythonect Website:
  Hackersh Website:

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

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Hack Like It's 2013 (The Workshop)

  • 1. Hacking Like It's 2013 /* The Workshop */ #include “Itzik Kotler“
  • 2. Agenda ● Pythonect ● Developing Domain-specific Language w/ Pythonect ● Hackersh ● Q&A
  • 3. Pythonect ● Pythonect is a portmanteau of the words Python and Connect ● New, experimental, general-purpose dataflow programming language based on Python ● Current “stable“ version (True to Apr 9 2013): 0.4.2 ● Made available under 'Modified BSD License' ● Influenced by: Unix Shell Scripting, Python, Perl ● Cross-platform (should run on any Python supported platform) ● Website:
  • 4. A few words on the Development ● Written purely in Python (2.7) – Works on CPython 2.x, and Jython 2.7 implementations ● Tests written in PyUnit ● Hosted on GitHub ● Commits tested by Travis CI
  • 5. Installing and Using The Pythonect Interpreter ● Install directly from PyPI using easy_install or pip: – easy_install Pythonect OR – pip install Pythonect ● Clone the git repository: – git clone git:// – cd pythonect – python install
  • 6. The Pythonect Interpreter ● Written and integrated with the Python environment: % pythonect Python 2.7.3 (default, Aug 1 2012, 05:14:39) [Pythonect 0.4.2] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>>
  • 7. Dataflow Programming Programming paradigm that treats data as something originating from a source, flows through a number of components and arrives at a final destination - most suitable when developing applications that are themselves focused on the "flow" of data.
  • 8. Dataflow Example A video signal processor which may start with video input, modifies it through a number of processing components (i.e. video filters), and finally outputs it to a video display. Video Screen Local B&W Output File Frame Display Reader Procressor
  • 9. Dataflow Example Want to change a feed from a local file to a remote file on a website? No problem! Video Screen URL B&W Output Downloader Frame Display Procressor
  • 10. Dataflow Example Want to write the Video B&W Frame Processor output to both a screen and a local file? No problem! Local File Video Writer URL B&W Downloader Frame Procressor Screen Output Display
  • 11. Dataflow Programming Advantages ● Concurrency and parallelism are natural ● Data flow networks are natural for representing process ● Data flow programs are more extensible than traditional programs
  • 12. Dataflow Programming Disadvantages ● The mindset of data flow programming is unfamiliar to most programmers ● The intervention of the run-time system can be expensive
  • 13. Dataflow Programming Languages ● Spreadsheets are essentially dataflow (e.g. Excel) ● VHDL, Verilog and other hardware description languages are essentially dataflow ● XProc ● Max/Msp ● ... Etc.
  • 15. 'Hello, world' -> print String Function
  • 16. What do we have here? ● -> is a Pythonect Control Operator, it means async forward. ● There's also | (i.e. Pipe) which means sync forward. ● 'Hello, world' is a literal string ● print is a function
  • 17. "Hello, world" -> [print, print] Function String Function
  • 18. ["Hello, world", "Hello, world"] -> print String Function String
  • 19. range(99, 0, -1) | [ _ % 2 == 0 ] -> str -> _ + " bottle(s) of beer on the wall," -> print -> _.split(' on')[0] + '.' -> print -> print("Take one down, pass it around,") Integer Filter Function Expression Function Function Function Function
  • 20. Basic Pythonect Syntax Summary ● -> is async forward. ● | (i.e. Pipe) is sync forward. ● _ (i.e. Underscore) is current value in flow
  • 22. ROT13 Encrypt & Decrypt raw_input() -> _.encode('rot13') -> print Function Function Function
  • 23. Check if FTP Server Supports Anonymous Login '' -> ftplib.FTP -> _.login() -> print("Allow anonymous") String Class Function Function
  • 24. (Multi-thread) HTTP Directory Brute-force sys.argv[1] -> [str(_ + '/' + x) for x in open(sys.argv[2],'r').read().split('n')] -> [(_, urllib.urlopen(_))] -> _[1].getcode() != 404 -> print "%s returns %s" % (_[0], _[1], _[1].getcode()) Function Filter Function String Nested Loop ...
  • 25. Command line Fuzzer ['%s', '%n', 'A', 'a', '0', '!', '$', '%', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', ':'] | [_ * n for n in [256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096]] | os.system('/bin/ping ' + _) Array Nested Loop Function
  • 26. (Multi-thread) Generic File format Fuzzer open('dana.jpg', 'r').read() -> itertools.permutations -> open('output_' + hex(_.__hash__()) + '.jpg', 'w').write(''.join(_)) Function String Function ...
  • 27. Compute MALWARE.EXE's MD5 & SHA1 "MALWARE.EXE" -> [os.system("/usr/bin/md5sum " + _), os.system("/usr/bin/sha1sum " + _)] Function String Function
  • 28. Compute MALWARE.EXE's Entropy ● ● Pythonect: import math "MALWARE.EXE" def entropy(data): entropy = 0 -> open(_, 'r').read() if data: -> entropy.entropy for x in range(2**8): p_x = float(data.count(chr(x))) / len(data) -> print if p_x > 0: entropy += - p_x * math.log(p_x, 2) return entropy
  • 29. References / More Examples ● My Blog – Scraping LinkedIn Public Profiles for Fun and Profit – Fuzzing Like A Boss with Pythonect – Automated Static Malware Analysis with Pythonect ● LightBulbOne (Blog) – Fuzzy iOS Messages!
  • 30. Pythonect Roadmap ● Support Python 3k ● Support Stackless Python ● Support IronPython ● Support GPU Programming ● Fix bugs, etc.
  • 32. Moving on! Developing Domain-specific Language (DSL) with Pythonect
  • 33. Domain-specific Language ● Domain-specific language (DSL) is a mini-language aiming at representing constructs for a given domain ● DSL is effective if the words and idioms in the language adequately capture what needs to be represented ● DSL can also add syntax sugar
  • 34. Why? Why create a custom tag or an object with methods? Elegant Code Reuse Instead of having to recode algorithms every time you need them, you can just write a phrase in your DSL and you will have shorter, more easily maintainable programs
  • 35. Example for DSL's ● Programming Language R ● XSLT ● Regular Expression ● Graphviz ● Shell utilities (awk, sed, dc, bc) ● Software development tools (make, yacc, lex) ● Etc.
  • 37. Example #1: XSLT 'Hello, world' <?xml version="1.0"?> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""> <xsl:template match="p"> Hello world! - From hello.xsl. </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet>
  • 38. Example #2: Graphviz/DOT 'Hello, world' digraph G { Hello → World }
  • 39. Domain-specific Language with Pythonect ● Pythonect provides various features to let you easily develop your own DSLs: – Built-in Python module Autoloader – Concurrency (Threads & Processes) – Abstract Syntax (i.e. Generic Flow Operators)
  • 40. Built-in Python AutoLoader ● The AutoLoader loads Python modules from the file system when needed ● In other words, no need to import modules explicitly. ● The sacrifice is run-time speed for ease-of-coding and speed of the initial import()ing.
  • 41. 'Hello, world' -> string.split i.e. import string return string.split
  • 42. Concurrency (Threads & Processes) ● Multi-threading: – 'Hello, world' -> [print, print] ● Multi-processing: – 'Hello, world' -> [print, print] ● Mix: – 'Hello, world' -> [print, print &]
  • 43. Abstract Syntax ● Brackets for Scope: – [] ● Arrows and Pipes for Flows: – | and -> ● Dict and Logical Keywords for Control Flow: – {} and not/or/and
  • 44. So, imagine the following is a real script: from_file('malware.exe') -> extract_base64_strings -> to_xml
  • 46. Meet SMALL Simple Malware AnaLysis Language ● Toy language for analyzing malware samples ● Single Python file (14 functions, 215 lines of text) ● Runs on top of Pythonect
  • 47. SMALL Features ● Extract IPv4 Addresses from Binaries ● Extract Base64 Strings from Binaries ● Calculate MD5/SHA1/CRC32 ● Determine File Type (via /usr/bin/file) ● Create XML Reports
  • 48. How Does SMALL Work? ● SMALL functions are divided into two groups: – Root, these functions start a flow – Normal, these functions continues or closes the flow ● Root functions accept String and return dict – e.g. from_file() ● Normal functions accept dict and return dict – e.g. extract_base64_strings()
  • 49. <Pythonect/Security DSL (i.e. SMALL) Examples>
  • 50. How to Start the SMALL Interpreter pythonect -m SMALL -i ● The '-m' means - run library module as a script ● The '-i' means - inspect interactively after running script ● Just like Python :)
  • 51. Extract Base64 Strings and Save As XML from_file('malware.exe') -> extract_base64_strings -> to_xml Function Function Function
  • 52. Extract IPv4 Addresses and Save As XML from_file('malware.exe') -> extract_ipv4_addresses -> to_xml Function Function Function
  • 53. Compute MD5, SHA1, CRC32, and FileType from_file('malware.exe') -> md5sum -> sha1sum -> crc32 -> file_type -> to_xml Function Function Function
  • 54. Other (Potential) Security Domains: ● Reverse Engineering ● Malware Analysis ● Penetration Testing ● Intelligence Gathering ● Fuzzing ● Etc.
  • 57. Hackersh ● Hackersh is a portmanteau of the words Hacker and Shell ● Shell (command interpreter) written with Pythonect-like syntax, built-in security commands, and out of the box wrappers for various security tools ● Current “stable“ version (True to Apr 1 2013): 0.1.0 ● Made available under GNU General Public License v2 or later ● Influenced by: Unix Shell Scripting and Pythonect ● Cross-platform (should run on any Python supported platform) ● Website:
  • 58. A few words on the Development ● Written purely in Python (2.7) ● Hosted on GitHub
  • 59. Motivation ● Taking over the world ● Automating security tasks and reusing code as much as possible
  • 60. Problems ● There are many good security tools out there... – but only a few can take the others output and run on it – but only a few of them give you built-in threads/processes controling for best results ● No matter how well you write your shell script, the next time you need to use it - for something slightly different - you will have to re-write it
  • 61. Hackersh – The Solution ● Hackersh provides a “Standard Library“ where you can access your favorite security tools (as Components) and program them as easy as a Lego ● Hackersh lets you automagically scale your flows, using multithreading, multiprocessing, and even a Cloud ● Hackersh (using Pythonect as it's scripting engine) gives you the maximum flexibility to re-use your previous code while working on a new slightly-different version/script
  • 62. Installing and Using The Hackersh ● Install directly from PyPI using easy_install or pip: – easy_install Hackersh OR – pip install Hackersh ● Clone the git repository: – git clone git:// – cd hackersh – python install
  • 63. Implementation ● Component-based software engineering – External Components ● Nmap ● W3af ● Etc. – Internal Components ● URL (i.e. Convert String to URL) ● IPv4_Address (i.e. Convert String to IPv4 Adress) ● Etc.
  • 64. Component as Application ● Components accepts command line args: – "localhost" -> hostname -> nmap("-P0") ● They also accept internal flags options as: – "localhost" -> hostname -> nmap("-P0", debug=True)
  • 65. Input/Output: Context ● Every Hackersh component (except the Hackersh Root Component) is standardized to accept and return the same data structure – Context. ● Context is a dict (i.e. associative array) that can be piped through different components
  • 66. Same Context, Different Flow ● "http://localhost" -> url -> nmap -> ping – Port scan a URL, if *ANY* port is open, ping it ● "http://localhost" -> url -> ping -> nmap – Ping the URL, if pingable, scan for *ANY* open ports
  • 67. Ask The Context ● Context stores both Data and Metadata ● The Metadata aspect enables potential AI applications to fine- tune their service selection strategy based on service-specific characteristics
  • 68. Conditional Flow "http://localhost" -> url -> nmap -> [_['PORT'] == '8080' and _['SERVICE'] == 'HTTP'] -> w3af -> print
  • 69. Hackersh High-level Diagram Root Literal Component Context Component ... (e.g. String) (e.g. URL)
  • 71. TCP & UDP Ports Scanning "localhost" -> hostname -> nmap Built-in External Target Component Component
  • 72. Class C (256 Hosts) Ping Sweep '' -> ipv4_range -> ping Built-in External Target Component Component
  • 73. Web Server Vulnerability Scanner '' -> ipv4_address -> nmap -> nikto Built-in External External Target Component Component Component
  • 74. Fork: Target as Hostname + Target as IP "localhost" -> hostname -> [nslookup, pass] -> ... Target ... as Hostname Built-in Target Component Target ... as IPv4 Addr.
  • 75. Black-box Web App Pentration Testing "http://localhost" -> url -> nmap -> browse -> w3af -> print Built-in External Built-in External Built-in Target Component Component Component Component Component
  • 76. Hackersh Roadmap ● Unit Tests ● Documention ● More Tools – Metasploit – OpenVAS – TheHarvester – Hydra – … ● Builtin Commands ● Plugins System ● <YOUR IDEA HERE>
  • 79. Thank you! My Twitter: @itzikkotler My Email: My Website: Pythonect Website: Hackersh Website: Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!