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Intro to WordPress
ACE #CT01756 Intro to WordPress
By Adrian Mikeliunas
SESSION# 1 of 6
 Content Management Systems (CMS)
 History, Architecture and features
 Blogging Basics, Types of blogs
 Automatic Installation
 Manual installation
Class #1 Agenda #1 2
 WordPress is a free and open source blogging tool &
a content management system (CMS) based on PHP
& MySQL, which runs from a web server
 Open Source
 Apache (or IIS)
WordPress #1 3
What is WordPress?
WordPress #1 4
CMS Architecture

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Http request&response by Vignesh 15 MAR 2014
Http request&response by Vignesh 15 MAR 2014Http request&response by Vignesh 15 MAR 2014
Http request&response by Vignesh 15 MAR 2014

The document discusses HTTP request and response messages. Some key points: - HTTP is a stateless, client-server protocol where clients send requests to servers and servers return response messages. Requests use methods like GET and POST and URLs to identify resources. - Request messages contain a start line with the method, URL, and HTTP version, followed by header lines. Response messages contain a start line with the status code and reason, followed by header lines and an optional body. - Common status codes include 200 for success, 404 for not found, 401 for unauthorized, and 500 for server errors. - HTML forms can send data via GET by adding parameters to the URL or POST by placing them in the

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I use this presentation slide on the "Presentation Progrm" organized by Diploma-Acme Engineering College.


This document provides an introduction to HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) by explaining some key concepts: - HTML is used to create web pages and is a markup language that uses tags to describe the structure and layout of content. It is not a programming language. - Common HTML elements and tags are explained, including container tags that have opening and closing tags, and empty elements that only have opening tags. - The document demonstrates how to write basic HTML code and open HTML files in a web browser. It provides examples of common text formatting, list, image, and table tags.

WordPress #1 5
Content Management Systems
 Templates
 Themes
 Plugins
 Extensions
WordPress #1 6
CMS vs Web Site
Web Site
 DB?
WordPress Joomla Drupal SharePoint
Popularity #1
Strength Blog Flexible
Weakness Simple Moderate Complex $$
Community Yes Yes Yes Moderate
Market Bloggers Enterprise
WordPress #1 7
CMS Comparison
AMP = Apache, MySQL, PHP
IIS/ASP/SQL=Microsoft Server
 Started version 1.0 on May of 2003
 Current Version is 4.5.3 as of June 2016
 More than half of top 20 blogs sites use WordPress!
 Over 60 million people have chosen WordPress to
power their web pages!
 Hall of Fame CMS category Open Source Awards
 to find out how a site was built…
WordPress #1 8
History, Architecture, Features

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ColdFusion is a web application server that is comparable to PHP and ASP.NET. It is easy and concise to use and has tons of built-in functionality. The document introduces ColdFusion and covers its advantages over other technologies. It demonstrates ColdFusion's templating language CFML, variables, scopes, databases, components, and features like Twitter integration, PDF creation, and mobile development.

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PHP is a server-side scripting language commonly used for web development. It allows files containing text, HTML, and PHP scripts to be processed on the server and returned to the browser as plain HTML. PHP can generate dynamic page content, interact with databases, send and receive cookies, and more. Some key features of PHP include that it is free, open source, runs on most server environments, and can be easily learned. The document provides examples of basic PHP syntax, variables, data types, operators, and conditional statements.

phpweb development
Introduction to Web development
Introduction to Web developmentIntroduction to Web development
Introduction to Web development

Web developers build and maintain websites, working with clients to bring their products and services online. They solve logical problems and experiment with new technologies. Web development offers a good work-life balance and comfortable salaries. Front-end developers use technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to ensure effective content presentation and user experience. Back-end developers use languages like Java and Python to store and serve data to front-ends. Full-stack developers are comfortable with both front-end and back-end development, working across client and server sides.

web development
 Open Source Content Management System
 Multi-user Multi-blog
 Extended via Themes & PLugins
 3 Folders and 14 top PHP scripts:
 wp-admin
 wp-content
 wp-includes
WordPress #1 9
WordPress Features
Blogging Basics
Blog Types
Web Log = blog
 is a discussion or informational site published on the
Web, consisting of discrete entries ("posts")
 Typically displayed in reverse chronological order
 Entered by 1 or more persons
WordPress #1 11
What is a Blog?
 One article or post
 Multiple comments to the post
 Comments to the comments
 Unusual blogs:
 Youtube comments
 WashingtonPost comments
WordPress #1 12
Blogging Basics

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Buffer overflow explained

What is buffer overflow? How a buffer overflow happens How to avoid overrun? Buffer overflow are responsible for many vulnerabilities in operating system as well as application programs. It’s a quiet technical freaky , it includes program source code , assembler listing , and debugging usage , which almost scares away lot of people without solid programming knowledge. Cause : Buffer overflow attack have been there for a long time. It still exists partly because of the carelessness of the developer in the code. Prevention : Avoid writing bad codes

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The document provides an overview of key features and capabilities of Burp Suite, a popular web application security testing tool. It discusses how to configure Burp Suite for optimal performance, techniques for proxying and filtering traffic, exploiting vulnerabilities using the intruder tool, passive and active scanning with the scanner, replaying requests with the repeater, crawling sites with the spider, analyzing tokens with the sequencer, decoding responses with the decoder, comparing responses with the comparer, searching with engagement tools, extending functionality with extender, maintaining the state of assessments, and references for additional learning. The document is intended to help users get started with Burp Suite and leverage its full capabilities as a "pro."

hack like a pro with burp suite
Burp Suite Starter
Burp Suite StarterBurp Suite Starter
Burp Suite Starter

Burp Suite is a free and professional Java-based tool for testing web application security. It includes several integrated tools like Proxy, Spider, Scanner, Intruder, Repeater, and Sequencer. The Proxy is used to intercept, modify, and replay HTTP/S requests. The Spider crawls the web application to discover hidden resources. The Scanner automatically scans for vulnerabilities. Intruder allows for customized attacks through fuzzing. Repeater replays requests for manual testing. And Sequencer analyzes randomness of tokens. It has both free and commercial editions, and supports Windows, Mac, and Linux.

 Take responsibility not just for your own words, but for the
comments you allow on your blog
 Label your tolerance level for abusive comments
 Consider eliminating anonymous comments
 Ignore the trolls
 Take the conversation offline, and talk directly, or find an
intermediary who can do so
 If you know someone who is behaving badly, tell them so
 Don't say anything online that you wouldn't say in person
WordPress #1 13
The Blogger's Code of Conduct
 You create content
 Content stored in a database
 You pages get indexed by search engines…
 User clicks on a link or directly
 Pages don’t ‘exist’ until requested by web server
 WordPress application
 Retrieves content from database
 CSS used to style page
 Page is built “on the fly” by PHP resulting in HTML &
 Page is displayed to user’s browser
WordPress #1 14
How it works
WordPress #1 15
Add Content – Web Based Interface
WordPress #1 16
Stored in a database

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The Netsparker Web Application #Security #Scanners employ a unique and dead-accurate vulnerability scanning technology that automatically verify the vulnerabilities by producing a proof of exploit. Discover how Netsparker find security flaws in websites, applications and services and protect whole system in 3 clicks. Softprom by ERC official Value added #distributor of #Netsparker in Europe.

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The document discusses how modular output management software from Canon can help companies manage their printing costs and operations more efficiently through various features like print accounting, secure printing, color control, automatic failover, fleet management, and automatic job routing. It provides examples of how these features work and the benefits they provide in helping companies save costs, improve security and productivity.

Xampp Ppt
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Xampp Ppt

XAMPP is a free and open source cross-platform web server package consisting of Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, PHP and Perl programming languages. It is available for Windows, Linux, Solaris and Mac OS X and is easy to install, requiring only downloading a single file. XAMPP is regularly updated and allows multiple instances on a single computer. While intended for development, it is sometimes used to serve live web pages after enabling security features.

WordPress #1 17
Same Content – Different Themes
Fuzzy line between “blog” and full web site
 looks more like a magazine than a blog
 Nice website – put together by Lichen Rancourt
Other Sample Sites
WordPress Installation
Local or Hosted?
Automatic or Manual?
 Cost?
 Storage capacity?
 Bandwidth?
 Tech Support?
 Install software yourself
WordPress #1 20
Hosting on your own server?

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The document provides an introduction to WordPress, including its history and how to set it up. It discusses the workshop goals of giving an overview of WordPress, how to install it, develop sites with it, use themes, and plugins. It then provides details on the prerequisites for using WordPress, an overview of what it is and its history starting in 2003. It outlines the basic 8 steps for setting up WordPress which includes installing a local server, creating a database, copying WordPress files, configuring it, running the installation, logging into the admin panel, and visiting the front site. It also provides brief descriptions of what themes and plugins are in WordPress.

Password Security and Use of John the Ripper Tool
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Password Security and Use of John the Ripper Tool

Information security is one of the main concerns in modern society. Even though we have much more advanced methods to secure our data, good old passwords are the final security measurement standing between our information and the outside world. So, the security of passwords is very important for the overall security of a system, network, or application. In this paper, the learner discusses about John the ripper tool and its 4 different password cracking modes. Using Kali Linux operating system and John the ripper tool, learner demonstrates the Single crack mode by creating different passwords in different strength levels and cracking them. By analysing the time, which is taken to crack those passwords, learner is looking forward to gain knowledge about strong and weak passwords along with their characteristics. At last, learner discusses about major principles behind password policies to learn about good password construction and password management. By using that knowledge, learner creates an organizational password policy for “Rythmo Art Gallery”.

passwordsecuritypassword security
http presentation 1.pptx
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Presented HTTP, TCP full notes with ppt Presented by Deepak Kumar, Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana

 Often under $10/month
 Tech support available
 One Click Install!
 Your Hosting Provider will have:
 QuickInstall
 Fantastico
WordPress #1 21
Commercial Hosting
For more hosts:
 provides hosting service for blogs and
standard configurations;
 Staring at $18 per year! Support included...
 Upgrades $99 and more…
 offers blogging software, documentation,
features & support
 WordPress MU (multi-user), a relatively complex program
that allows you to run thousands of blogs
WordPress #1 22
Which Version?
 Download from
 Bitnami:
 WordPress on a USB stick!
WordPress #1 23
Manual installation
 Content Management Systems (CMS)
 History, Architecture and features
 Blogging Basics, Types of blogs
 Automatic Installation
 Manual installation
WordPress #1 24
Class #1 Review

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Traditional firewalls control traffic entering and exiting a network using stateless or stateful methods. Next-generation firewalls combine traditional firewall features with additional capabilities like deep packet inspection, intrusion prevention, and application awareness. While traditional and next-generation firewalls both provide static packet filtering and stateful inspection, next-generation firewalls offer more advanced protection through deep packet inspection at the application level and integration of outside threat intelligence. The document compares features of leading next-generation firewall vendors Cisco, CheckPoint, Fortinet, WatchGuard and Dell.

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Introduction to WordPress
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Introduction to WordPress

1. The document provides an introduction to WordPress presented by Harshad Mane. It covers what WordPress is, its history and usage statistics, how to install WordPress, and how to customize WordPress sites using themes, plugins, and other features. 2. The presentation explains how to set up WordPress locally, create posts and pages, use categories and tags, and manage comments and users. 3. In closing, it discusses potential career paths in web development, design, and teaching using WordPress skills.

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WordPress as a CMS - Case Study of an Organizational Intranet

This document discusses using WordPress as a content management system for an organizational intranet. The goals of the project were to improve information architecture, usability, search, and allow more decentralized content control. WordPress Multisite was implemented with custom themes and plugins. Key features included aggregated feeds and events across sites, standardized branding, and an anonymous feedback blog. Lessons learned included the need for table editing, ongoing training, custom CSS classes, and ensuring server performance for a large WordPress Multisite installation.

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Introduction to WordPress Class 1

  • 1. Intro to WordPress ACE #CT01756 Intro to WordPress By Adrian Mikeliunas SESSION# 1 of 6
  • 2.  Content Management Systems (CMS)  History, Architecture and features  Blogging Basics, Types of blogs  Automatic Installation  Manual installation Class #1 Agenda #1 2
  • 3.  WordPress is a free and open source blogging tool & a content management system (CMS) based on PHP & MySQL, which runs from a web server  Open Source  CMS  PHP  MySQL  Apache (or IIS) WordPress #1 3 What is WordPress?
  • 4. WordPress #1 4 CMS Architecture Web Server APACHE Client App Server PHP Database Server MYSQL
  • 5. WordPress #1 5 Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • 6. CMS  Templates  Themes  Plugins  Extensions WordPress #1 6 CMS vs Web Site Web Site  HTML  CSS  JS/PHP/ASP  DB? DYNAMIC STATIC/ COMPLEX
  • 7. WordPress Joomla Drupal SharePoint Popularity #1 Architecture AMP AMP AMP IIS/ASP/SQL Strength Blog Flexible Weakness Simple Moderate Complex $$ Community Yes Yes Yes Moderate Market Bloggers Enterprise WordPress #1 7 CMS Comparison AMP = Apache, MySQL, PHP IIS/ASP/SQL=Microsoft Server
  • 8.  Started version 1.0 on May of 2003  Current Version is 4.5.3 as of June 2016  More than half of top 20 blogs sites use WordPress!  Over 60 million people have chosen WordPress to power their web pages!  Hall of Fame CMS category Open Source Awards    to find out how a site was built… WordPress #1 8 History, Architecture, Features
  • 9.  Open Source Content Management System  Multi-user Multi-blog  Extended via Themes & PLugins  3 Folders and 14 top PHP scripts:  wp-admin  wp-content  wp-includes Template_Hierarchy.png WordPress #1 9 WordPress Features
  • 11.  is a discussion or informational site published on the Web, consisting of discrete entries ("posts")  Typically displayed in reverse chronological order  Entered by 1 or more persons Source: Examples: WordPress #1 11 What is a Blog?
  • 12.  One article or post  Multiple comments to the post  Comments to the comments  Unusual blogs:  Youtube comments  WashingtonPost comments WordPress #1 12 Blogging Basics
  • 13.  Take responsibility not just for your own words, but for the comments you allow on your blog  Label your tolerance level for abusive comments  Consider eliminating anonymous comments  Ignore the trolls  Take the conversation offline, and talk directly, or find an intermediary who can do so  If you know someone who is behaving badly, tell them so  Don't say anything online that you wouldn't say in person Source: WordPress #1 13 The Blogger's Code of Conduct
  • 14.  You create content  Content stored in a database  You pages get indexed by search engines…  User clicks on a link or directly  Pages don’t ‘exist’ until requested by web server  WordPress application  Retrieves content from database  CSS used to style page  Page is built “on the fly” by PHP resulting in HTML & JavaScript  Page is displayed to user’s browser WordPress #1 14 How it works
  • 15. WordPress #1 15 Add Content – Web Based Interface
  • 16. WordPress #1 16 Stored in a database the_title the_content
  • 17. WordPress #1 17 Same Content – Different Themes
  • 18. Fuzzy line between “blog” and full web site    looks more like a magazine than a blog   Nice website – put together by Lichen Rancourt Other Sample Sites
  • 19. WordPress Installation Local or Hosted? Automatic or Manual?
  • 20.  Cost?  Storage capacity?  Bandwidth?  Tech Support?  Install software yourself  WordPress #1 20 Hosting on your own server?
  • 21.  Often under $10/month  Tech support available   One Click Install!  Your Hosting Provider will have:  QuickInstall  Fantastico WordPress #1 21 Commercial Hosting For more hosts:
  • 22.  provides hosting service for blogs and standard configurations;  Staring at $18 per year! Support included...  Upgrades $99 and more…  offers blogging software, documentation, features & support  WordPress MU (multi-user), a relatively complex program that allows you to run thousands of blogs WordPress #1 22 Which Version?
  • 23.  Download from Or  Bitnami:  WordPress on a USB stick! WordPress #1 23 Manual installation
  • 24.  Content Management Systems (CMS)  History, Architecture and features  Blogging Basics, Types of blogs  Automatic Installation  Manual installation WordPress #1 24 Class #1 Review