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WordPress &
Productivity Tips
Tony Cecala,
Digital Technologist
How deep does your 

rabbit hole go?
How does the web work?
What is HTTP? HTTPS?
What are cookies?
Is FTP your Friend?
PhpMyAdmin FTW
Third-Party Plugins. 

Friend or Foe? and
Is the documentation well-written?
What is their History of abandoning Code?
Manage Multiple Sites
free plugin
good support
quality software

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A Beginner's Guide to WordPress - WordCamp Montreal 2012
A Beginner's Guide to WordPress - WordCamp Montreal 2012A Beginner's Guide to WordPress - WordCamp Montreal 2012
A Beginner's Guide to WordPress - WordCamp Montreal 2012

This document provides an overview of a WordPress beginner's guide presentation given by Shannon Smith and Kathryn Presner. The presentation covers introductory topics like the differences between and, uses of WordPress including blogs, CMS, magazines and more. It also covers the WordPress admin panel, themes, plugins, widgets and recommended resources. The presentation aims to give attendees an introduction to WordPress fundamentals.

wordpresswordcamp montrealwcmtl
Wordpress for Newbies 2010-03-27
Wordpress for Newbies 2010-03-27Wordpress for Newbies 2010-03-27
Wordpress for Newbies 2010-03-27

A presentation from WordCamp Toronto 2010 for beginners who are getting started using WordPress. Covers the basics of themes, plugins, widgets, using WordPress for blogs and as a content management system (CMS). Presented by Katheryn Presner of Zoonini Web Services and Shannon Smith of Café Noir Design.

WordPress for Girl Geeks 2009-11-24
WordPress for Girl Geeks 2009-11-24WordPress for Girl Geeks 2009-11-24
WordPress for Girl Geeks 2009-11-24

A presentation for the Montreal Girl Geek Dinner series presented by Kathryn Presner of and Shannon Smith of

girl geek dinnerswordpressmontreal
Search Any WordPress Site
Disable Any Plug-in
Plugin giving you trouble?
Plugin crashes the site?
remove the plugin with FTP
Be Safe: Keep a copy of the
Default Theme: e.g., 2017
Sometimes things go wrong.
Maybe it’s the plugin?
Maybe it’s the theme?
You can switch to the default
theme in Preview and see if the
issue is resolved.
Getting unexpected 404 errors?
Refresh Permalinks

Visit Settings » Permalinks
page and click on ‘Save
Changes’ button without
changing anything

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Getting Started With WordPress Development
Getting Started With WordPress DevelopmentGetting Started With WordPress Development
Getting Started With WordPress Development

This document provides an overview of WordPress development, including: - The file structure and database schema of a WordPress site - How to add debugging tools and configure wp-config.php - The anatomy of WordPress themes like index.php, functions.php, and style.css - How to create plugins and customize WordPress through plugins, custom post types, taxonomies and more - Resources for WordPress core development like versioning, mailing lists and the Trac system

wordpresswordpress developmentwordpress 30
40 WordPress Tips: Security, Engagement, SEO & Performance - SMX Sydney 2013
40 WordPress Tips: Security, Engagement, SEO & Performance - SMX Sydney 201340 WordPress Tips: Security, Engagement, SEO & Performance - SMX Sydney 2013
40 WordPress Tips: Security, Engagement, SEO & Performance - SMX Sydney 2013

Bastian Grimm presented 40 WordPress tips across 6 sections: security, SEO, engagement, maintenance, and performance. The tips included hardening security settings, optimizing images, caching plugins, offloading static content, and debugging. The overall presentation emphasized optimizing a WordPress site for speed, security, and SEO.

wordpress blogwordpresswordpress seo
WordPress Tips and Tricks (DFW Meetup)
WordPress Tips and Tricks (DFW Meetup)WordPress Tips and Tricks (DFW Meetup)
WordPress Tips and Tricks (DFW Meetup)

The document provides tips and tricks for importing content into WordPress from other systems such as Blogger, Joomla, and Drupal as well as exporting content from WordPress. It discusses preparation steps, plugins that can assist with imports, and uncommon imports from sources like Twitter, Delicious, and HTML files. The document also covers things to check after importing like search and replace and adding linked images to galleries.

Fix WordPress Site URL
The Simple Way
Fix WordPress Site URL
Update WordPress URL and Site URL Settings in wp-config.php File
Connect to your website using an FTP client, locate wp-config.php file.
Now you need to edit this file in a text editor like Notepad.
Go to the line that says /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */,
and just before it, add this code:


WordPress Running out of
edit config.php
define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M' );
WordPress Plugins

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SoCal WordPress Meetup - iWeb to WordPress aka WP99
SoCal WordPress Meetup - iWeb to WordPress aka WP99SoCal WordPress Meetup - iWeb to WordPress aka WP99
SoCal WordPress Meetup - iWeb to WordPress aka WP99

The document summarizes a SoCal WordPress Meetup event that provided an introduction to migrating an existing iWeb site to WordPress. It introduces the presenters and their companies, demonstrates converting an example iWeb site to WordPress, and provides tips on using WordPress including installing themes, customizing pages and widgets, and best practices for maintenance.

So i have a website now what?
So i have a website now what?So i have a website now what?
So i have a website now what?

Michele Butcher provides tips for maintaining a WordPress site once it has been launched. Key recommendations include regularly backing up the site, updating plugins and themes, and using security plugins to protect the site from hackers. Additional tips include using strong and unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication when available, and being wary of public WiFi networks without a VPN. Regular maintenance such as backups, updates, and security measures are important to keep a WordPress site safe and functioning properly over time.

wordpress themesbeginners wordpresswordpress
WordPress for beginners lesson 4 fall2015 JALC
WordPress for beginners lesson 4 fall2015 JALCWordPress for beginners lesson 4 fall2015 JALC
WordPress for beginners lesson 4 fall2015 JALC

Lesson 4 from the Fall 2015 class of WordPress for beginners covering security, maintenance, backups, Jetpack, and Gravatars

wordpresswordpress maintenancewordpress security
Sucuri Scan
The Sucuri WordPress Security plugin is a security toolset
for security integrity monitoring, malware detection and
security hardening.
Disable Title
Disable the title per page/post
WP Super Cache

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5 things to know before updating word press version
5 things to know before updating word press version5 things to know before updating word press version
5 things to know before updating word press version

Are you planning to update your WordPress Version ❓ Keep in mind here mentioned basic things before updating your wordpress website version ✌ You can hire PSD to WordPress developer in order to help you get the themes and plugs updated before you go for entire site upgrade

wordpress development companypsd to wordpresshire wordpress developer
Your Site Has Been Hacked, Now What?
Your Site Has Been Hacked, Now What?Your Site Has Been Hacked, Now What?
Your Site Has Been Hacked, Now What?

The document provides steps and recommendations for cleaning a WordPress site that has been hacked. It begins by explaining the shock and dismay of discovering a hacked site. It then recommends either paying someone to clean the site or doing it yourself. For doing it yourself, the document advises cleaning core files, themes, and plugins and using the opportunity to remove unused files. Additional steps include changing salts, reviewing users and deleting unwanted ones, checking FTP accounts, reviewing file permissions, adding security plugins, changing login credentials, using a password manager, and regularly updating WordPress, plugins and themes. The overall message is how to thoroughly clean and secure a site after a hack.

wordcamp san diegowordpresswordpress security
Don't sh** in the Pool
Don't sh** in the PoolDon't sh** in the Pool
Don't sh** in the Pool

This document provides an overview of common poor coding practices in WordPress development that can negatively impact compatibility and user experience. It discusses examples like directly modifying core WordPress scripts, directly printing scripts and stylesheets rather than using the enqueue system, and encourages developers to avoid these practices to prevent breaking other plugins, themes or WordPress itself. The presentation aims to make developers aware of these issues and how to develop code that is more considerate of other code on the site.

WP YouTube Lyte
High performance YouTube video, playlist and audio-only
embeds which don't slow down your blog and offer
optimal accessibility.
Aggregates and minifies all the JS, HTML, and
CSS code in any given site
Lazy Load for Videos
Speed up your site by replacing embedded Youtube and
Vimeo videos with a clickable preview image. Visitors simply
click on the image to play the video
Increase your traffic, view your stats,
speed up your site, and protect
yourself from hackers with Jetpack.

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Programming to the Twitter API: ReTweeter
Programming to the Twitter API: ReTweeterProgramming to the Twitter API: ReTweeter
Programming to the Twitter API: ReTweeter

The document discusses programming to the Twitter API and creating a Twitter application called ReTweeter. It provides an overview of Twitter and the Twitter API, describing how the API allows access to user timelines, statuses, friends and more. It then explains how ReTweeter works by automatically retweeting any tweets from followers that contain a specific hashtag so that all followers can see it. The document concludes with lessons learned from building ReTweeter and inviting questions.

WordCamp RI 2015 - Beginner WordPress Workshop
WordCamp RI 2015 - Beginner WordPress Workshop   WordCamp RI 2015 - Beginner WordPress Workshop
WordCamp RI 2015 - Beginner WordPress Workshop

This document provides an overview and introduction to WordPress basics, including setup, installation, configuration, content creation and management, themes, plugins, and security. It discusses choosing a domain name and web hosting, performing a quick WordPress install, configuring basic settings like general site information and permalinks, adding pages and posts with images, video and audio, creating menus and widgets, selecting themes, and maintaining security through updates and plugins. Small group exercises are included for hands-on learning of the WordPress dashboard and functionality. A glossary of common WordPress terms is also provided, along with additional resources for continued learning.

WordPress SEO in 2014 - WordCamp Baltimore 2014
WordPress SEO in 2014 - WordCamp Baltimore 2014WordPress SEO in 2014 - WordCamp Baltimore 2014
WordPress SEO in 2014 - WordCamp Baltimore 2014

This document contains the notes from a WordPress and SEO technical talk given at the Baltimore WordCamp on October 18, 2014. It discusses optimizing WordPress websites for search engines and users through on-page SEO techniques like optimizing page URLs, title tags, meta descriptions and internal linking. It also covers off-page SEO and recommends plugins to help with tasks like image optimization, caching, and XML sitemaps. The presenter's overall message is to make websites easy for users and search engines to access, understand and digest content.

More Amazing Plugins
Post Types Order
Re-order Posts & CPT
Advanced Custom Fields
Amazon Affiliates

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Exploring the WordPress Dashboard and How to Pick & Install Plugins
Exploring the WordPress Dashboard and How to Pick & Install PluginsExploring the WordPress Dashboard and How to Pick & Install Plugins
Exploring the WordPress Dashboard and How to Pick & Install Plugins

Exploring the WordPress Dashboard and How to pick & install plugins. We go back to basics in our WordPress Beginner's Series. First getting familiar with the WordPress backend Administration screens and then moving on to how to pick plugins and install them.

Wordpress to Facebook and Back Again
Wordpress to Facebook and Back AgainWordpress to Facebook and Back Again
Wordpress to Facebook and Back Again

The document discusses integrating WordPress blogs with Facebook. It describes creating a plugin called wpbook that syncs WordPress blog posts and comments to a Facebook page. Over multiple versions, wpbook improved by adding comments support, fixing bugs, and removing the need for a separate Facebook page by installing the posts directly into a Facebook theme. The document outlines lessons learned around limitations of the Facebook platform and terms of use. It raises potential next steps such as adding categories, pages, search, and analytics as well as improving profile photo fetching and the app creation process.

Optimize wordpress
Optimize wordpressOptimize wordpress
Optimize wordpress

This presentation was presented on October 31, 2012 at BarCamp Tampa Bay, FL. It was made to discuss the basics of Optimizing your WordPress Site.

Flow Flow Social Stream
WordPress Social Stream
Logos Showcase - Multi-Use
Responsive WP Plugin
Gravity Forms

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Beginners' Guide to WordPress
Beginners' Guide to WordPressBeginners' Guide to WordPress
Beginners' Guide to WordPress

Presented by Kathryn Presner & Shannon Smith at WordCamp Montreal 2012 This introductory session is geared for bloggers, web designers and programmers who are new to WordPress. Even those who don’t know a Codex from a Cadillac will feel comfortable here. Delving into WordPress from a beginner’s point of view, we use unintimidating plain language to explain the fundamental concepts of WordPress, from themes, to widgets, to plug-ins. We go spelunking in the admin panel and show real-world examples of what WordPress can do. For beginners to WordPress, no knowledge of HTML required.

Internet Librarian Slides
Internet Librarian SlidesInternet Librarian Slides
Internet Librarian Slides

This document provides an overview of using WordPress as a content management system for building library websites. It discusses WordPress features like posts, pages, themes, plugins and customization options. It also covers hosting options for WordPress sites and basic WordPress administration tasks like adding content, media, and customizing the appearance.

Making the Most of Plug-ins - WordCamp Toronto 2008
Making the Most of Plug-ins - WordCamp Toronto 2008Making the Most of Plug-ins - WordCamp Toronto 2008
Making the Most of Plug-ins - WordCamp Toronto 2008

Exploring the power and benefits of using WordPress plugins, how to build a WordPress plugin in a few simple steps, plus a good solid list of plugin resources.

Enhanced Media Library
Media Categories for categorizing
and filtering media items in
WordPress admin. This feature
alone will save you hours of
searching through a media library
with even as few as 100 images.
Revive Old Posts
Plugin to share about
your old posts on twitter,
facebook, linkedin to get
more hits for them and
keep them alive.
Pixel Caffeine
Facebook Pixel management

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Securing Word Press Blog
Securing Word Press BlogSecuring Word Press Blog
Securing Word Press Blog

WordPress is the most popular Blogging platform now a days. Many high profile companies are using WordPress as there Blogging platform. Have you ever thought about the security of your blog running WordPress ?? This presentation was presented On 13th Feb 2010, At Nagpur PHP Meetup by me.

Weaving Your Way With Widgets & Plugins
Weaving Your Way With Widgets & PluginsWeaving Your Way With Widgets & Plugins
Weaving Your Way With Widgets & Plugins

This document provides summaries of various WordPress plugins that can improve website security, performance, social sharing capabilities, and SEO. It recommends installing plugins like Better WordPress Security, WordPress File Monitor Plus, WP Database Backup, and BulletProof Security to enhance security. Other suggested plugins include Quick Cache and WP jQuery CDN to improve page speed, Sociable for social sharing buttons, and SEO Ultimate and BWP Google XML Sitemaps for SEO optimization. The document also discusses plugins for customizing the TinyMCE editor, adding contact forms, analytics tracking, and more.

"widgets" "plugins" "wordpress"
WordPress for Libraries PreConference Workshop
WordPress for Libraries PreConference WorkshopWordPress for Libraries PreConference Workshop
WordPress for Libraries PreConference Workshop

This document provides an overview and agenda for a presentation on using WordPress in libraries. The presentation covers: 1) an overview and examples of WordPress uses, 2) getting started, 3) CMS tips and tricks, 4) going beyond the basics, 5) keeping WordPress safe, secure and updated, 6) handy plugins, and 7) additional uses for WordPress including BuddyPress and WordPress MultiSite. Resources for the presentation include slides, notes and links to additional WordPress documentation and support forums.

Your Plugin Collections Library
Some Tips from YouTubers
Cool Wordpress Tricks
Popular JetPack WordPress
Plugin Guide for Beginners
Beyond WordPress
YouTube Tips
Keyboard commands
YouTube Red

30-day trial

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WordPress Plugin Development- Rich Media Institute Workshop
WordPress Plugin Development- Rich Media Institute WorkshopWordPress Plugin Development- Rich Media Institute Workshop
WordPress Plugin Development- Rich Media Institute Workshop

“Plug-ins can extend WordPress to do almost anything you can imagine.” In this workshop we will cover the following areas, Extending WordPress, Customizing WordPress Plug-ins, Tips On Writing WordPress Plug-ins, Writing WordPress Plug-ins, and Essential WordPress Plug-ins. Plus, that isn’t enough, we will build a simple Flash plug-in by the end of the workshop that you can take with you!"

Advanced WordPress Optimization - iGaming Supershow 2012
Advanced WordPress Optimization - iGaming Supershow 2012Advanced WordPress Optimization - iGaming Supershow 2012
Advanced WordPress Optimization - iGaming Supershow 2012

Advanced WordPress Optimization Strategies for iGSS in Dublin feat. WordPress SEO, Analytics, Plug-ins and much more.

20 tips to Improving Your WordPress Site...for Beginners
20 tips to Improving Your WordPress Site...for Beginners20 tips to Improving Your WordPress Site...for Beginners
20 tips to Improving Your WordPress Site...for Beginners

This document provides 20 tips for improving a WordPress site for beginners. It recommends using good hosting providers, strong passwords, backing up the site, keeping software updated, using quality themes and plugins, optimizing images, adding alt text to images, setting the correct timezone, using the WordPress admin area options, quick edit, SEO plugins, Google Analytics, making sharing easy with social media plugins, using text widgets, and listed resources for learning more about WordPress.

wordpresstips for beginners
Gmail Tips
Keyboard Shortcuts
Type: ?
Use a Mac? Here are some tips.
Clock +
+ TimeZones
+ TimeZones

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This document provides instructions for installing and configuring WordPress. It outlines the steps to download and upload WordPress files, configure settings like the database connection, and run the installation process. It also describes how to customize WordPress through themes, plugins, menus and widgets. Basic WordPress concepts are explained like templates, loops and functions.php.

WordPress Power Tips by Lorelle VanFossen
WordPress Power Tips by Lorelle VanFossenWordPress Power Tips by Lorelle VanFossen
WordPress Power Tips by Lorelle VanFossen

Lorelle VanFossen provides tips for bloggers on using WordPress and increasing blogging speed. She recommends using tools like Woopra for live stats, QuickPress and Press-It for quick posting, NoteTab Pro and Firefox extensions for clipboard functions, and Greasemonkey scripts for customizing the browsing experience. VanFossen also discusses popular WordPress plugins and resources for finding plugins and staying up to date with WordPress developments.

Beginning WordPress
Beginning WordPressBeginning WordPress
Beginning WordPress

This document provides an overview of WordPress, including its history and origins as open source blogging software. It discusses the differences between hosted and self-hosted, and provides guidance on setting up hosting, installing WordPress, using themes and plugins, and embedding various types of multimedia content like images, videos, and audio.

WiFi Much? 

Here are some tips.
Option-Click WiFi Menu
Never use conference WiFi!

Use Cellular when you are out.
Personal Hotspot FTW
Get a WiFi box
Get a VPN
Some Browser Tips
Use the Inspector every day.

It is your best friend.
Cache clearing. 

Cache disabling.
Safari Tips
The Safari “Develop” Menu
Safari Technology Preview
WordPress Plugins: Resources
How to Enable Automatic Updates for WordPress Plugins
16 Best WordPress Plugins for Marketers
How to Create Beautiful Long Form Content in WordPress
with StoryBuilder
9 Best PDF Plugins for WordPress
10 LinkedIn WordPress Plugins to Win New Customers
5 Best WordPress Ecommerce Plugins Compared – 2016
How to Easily Add CSS Animations in WordPress
11 Of The Best Premium Wordpress Plugins Worth Their
SiteGround’s Recommended Plugin List
20 WordPress Plugins You Can Install Today for Easier
Sharing, Better Posting, and a More Powerful Blog
Which is the Best WordPress Slider? Performance + Quality
Guide to WordPress Errors
25 Most Common WordPress Errors and How to Fix Them

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WordPress 101
WordPress 101WordPress 101
WordPress 101

WordPress is one of the most widely used open-source content management systems for blogs and websites. The reason for this is due to its out of the box simplicity, usability and variety of plugins that can make a webmaster's life a whole lot easier. Need to enhance your SEO presence, try using the "All in One SEO Pack" plugin. Are you looking to add an ecommerce shopping cart to your site? There's a plugin for that too. The Formic team will walk you through the WordPress interface to show off its value and appeal, recommend specific plugins, review how to install it, and of course go over what you can actually do within it, plus much more.

wordpressformic media
WordPress Resources Nov 2014
WordPress Resources Nov 2014WordPress Resources Nov 2014
WordPress Resources Nov 2014

This document provides an overview and recommendations for setting up a WordPress site, including: 1. It recommends selecting a domain registrar and web host, and discusses the pros and cons of having them with the same account. 2. It provides a list of recommended managed and self-managed web hosts that support WordPress installations. 3. It offers tips for securing WordPress sites, including using strong passwords, regular backups, and security plugins.

wordpress training
Getting started with WordPress development
Getting started with WordPress developmentGetting started with WordPress development
Getting started with WordPress development

Presentation from WordCamp Raleigh 2014 on November 9th about Getting started with WordPress development

Thank you.
you can find this presentation online at:

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