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to the Typesafe Reactive Platform
Michael Nash, VP Capabilities
• Typesafe Reactive Platform
• Open Source and Commercial Offerings
• Business Benefits
• Value
What's Changed?
• (Much) More data
• More features
• More insight
• Smaller response times
• Less development time
• 100% Uptime
... and Moore's law is capping out
So we go
Multicore and

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Solving trust issues at scale - Omer Levi Hevroni
Solving trust issues at scale - Omer Levi HevroniSolving trust issues at scale - Omer Levi Hevroni
Solving trust issues at scale - Omer Levi Hevroni

Securing service to service communication was never easy. Can we build a system that enforce good practices like least privilege and secure by default without affecting devlopement velocity? Apparently yes - and in this talk I’ll share how! Micro-services are social beings: they can’t function without talking with other services. Every microservice has its own domain, and it usually relies on other micro-services to function properly. But this also raises an interesting question: do we trust all of our micro-services? The truth is that not all micro-services are the same: some micro-services are more sensitive - for example, services that handle user data. Others are user-facing and therefore riskier. We cannot treat all services as equal. We need a good and robust mechanism to describe who can talk with who. At Soluto, we are dealing with this challenge for a while. In this talk, I’ll share the journey we went through until we found a solution we’re happy with: a simple and declarative system that allows services to define who can access them. Any dev can request access to any service, and the service owner can review it. In talk, I’ll share how we build this solution, using open source tools like Open Policy Agent, so you can easily build something similar.

Why Enterprises Are Embracing the Cloud
Why Enterprises Are Embracing the CloudWhy Enterprises Are Embracing the Cloud
Why Enterprises Are Embracing the Cloud

After being deeply involved in public cloud for the last several years, as both a provider and a consumer, I have been very pleasantly surprised at the rate at which large enterprises are rapidly moving to the cloud. For all the right reasons, even the most regulated and risk-averse of industries -- banking, for example -- are rapidly moving workloads out of their own owned data centers. Public cloud is not just for the "unicorns", but for the "horses" as well. This short vignette, presented at the GOTO Aarhus 2014 conference, tries to explain why this trend will continue and accelerate, and why we should be excited about it.

cloud computingdata centerenterprise
The Straight Skinny on Cloud Platforms
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The Straight Skinny on Cloud Platforms

Companies throw terms like public cloud, dedicated cloud and hybrid cloud environment around daily. Everyone’s abuzz about “the cloud” lately, but what does it all really mean? If you’re looking for clarity when it comes to the cloud platform options available to you, this PowerPoint is right up your alley.

cloud migrationcloud hostingcloud
Scaling Up
• A 10% bigger machine costs more
than +10%
• There's an upper limit
• It's easy: Software doesn't change
• But you get...
• Single point of failure
• Single point of contention
• A hard upper limit
Scaling Out instead
of Up (Horizontal)
• More machines - a cluster
• As soon as you have two machines
you need
• Parallelism
• Non-Determinism
• Distributed State
• Now you have a design issue
You need a Reactive
Theoretically, you can build such a
system with any platform... eventually
A platform that supports concurrency
and distribution makes it cost-effective
You get business value faster, with
fewer errors and lower maintenance
Productivity and
Developing software at the speed and
efficiency of yesterday isn't enough
We need more resilient and elastic
systems, and we need them faster

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This document discusses infrastructure and system operation careers at AWS. It outlines the types of roles including cloud solution architect, operation roles ensuring 24/7 platform availability, and specialist roles in areas like solution architecture, data science, and consulting. It also mentions responsibilities like incident support, designing solutions, consulting, project management, documentation, and reporting to customers on a daily basis.

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Daniel Beazer - what to look for from your cloud service provider / Unlocked:...

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Evolving applications-to-serverless
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How to migrate applications to Serverless. A talk by Ankit Sheth. Inspired by discussions among AWS and Yan Cui.

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The Best Teams
The best developers want to work with the best technologies
Attract and retain the best teams
Great developers want to work with other great developers
Better Tools
We need better tools for
- Time to Market
- Scalability (without re-writes)
- Less downtime
- Fewer errors
- Greater resilience
What's Reactive?
Reactive is an approach to building software that is...
• Responsive
• Elastic
• Resilient
• Message-Driven
What's the Typesafe Reactive
Open Source and Commercial Offerings

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The development of clustered JIRA was a complex project spanning more than a year, and resulting in significant changes to core components of JIRA. We will discuss some of the changes made to Lucene index architecture, caching and scheduling, and the migration of as the very first production clustered JIRA.

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Concurrency at Scale: Evolution to Micro-Services
Concurrency at Scale:  Evolution to Micro-ServicesConcurrency at Scale:  Evolution to Micro-Services
Concurrency at Scale: Evolution to Micro-Services

Most large-scale web companies have evolved their system architecture from a monolithic application and monolithic database to a set of loosely coupled micro-services. Using examples from Google, eBay, and KIXEYE, this talk outlines the pros and cons of these different stages of evolution, and makes practical suggestions about when and how other organizations should consider migrating to micro-services. It concludes with some more advanced implications of a micro-services architecture, including SLAs, cost-allocation, and vendor-customer relationships within the organization.

Building a Service Provider Cloud Offering - MVMUG Sept2013
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Building a Service Provider Cloud Offering - MVMUG Sept2013

This document discusses building a service provider cloud offering. It covers topics such as choosing between public, private and hybrid cloud models, selecting infrastructure including enterprise hardware or whitebox solutions, designing for efficiency and resiliency as a service provider, automating operations, and differentiating a cloud offering through value-added services or bundles. The document provides advice on starting small and working with partners if building your own cloud platform seems too complex.

TRP: Open Source
• Object-Functional Language
• Compile to JVM or JavaScript
• 7+ times higher velocity
• Attracts the best talent
The Actor Model for the JVM
Toolkit for building concurrent and
scalable apps
• Elastic
• High performance
• Distributed by design
• Resilient
• Great base for Microservices
• Developer-friendly
• Scalable
• Uses Akka under the hood
• RESTful APIs are easy
• Native JSON support
• Websocket, Comet, Streaming

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Sri Rajan, Principle Engineer at Rackspace, discusses how to drive cloud adoption using a DevOps approach. Includes tools, methodologies and services available from Rackspace.

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10 Tips for Your Journey to the Public Cloud
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10 Tips for Your Journey to the Public Cloud

1. The document provides 10 tips for migrating to the public cloud from Mint's experience. Key tips included establishing load balancing, securing sensitive customer data with encryption, and maintaining low latency through metrics and code tuning. 2. When migrating large amounts of data, Mint shipped over 50TB of encrypted data on physical drives rather than over the network. 3. For high availability and disaster recovery, Mint implemented multi-availability zones and regions while balancing recovery objectives against increased costs and complexity.

The Cloud
The CloudThe Cloud
The Cloud

The document discusses the cloud computing model where computing resources are provided as a service over the internet. Key aspects of the cloud include everything being shared as a service, logical partitioning of resources, and consumers accessing expandable and shrinkable resources on demand. Major cloud providers discussed include Google App Engine, WSO2 Stratos, and Amazon Web Services which provide infrastructure, platform and software as services. The cloud is beneficial for small and medium businesses but enterprise adoption may be limited currently due to security and governance concerns.

iit guest lecturecloud computingcould apps
• Big data/Fast data analytics
• Machine learning
• Massive scale
• In-memory distributed data sets
We'll have a whole webinar dedicated
to exploring Spark on October 27th
• Activator
• Templates
• Up and running quickly
• Monitoring
• Microservices
A DevOps Approach
• Older approaches try to hide
• The network
• Failure
• They try to enforce
• A global "now"
• Transaction isolation
• Homogenous deployment
A DevOps Approach
Reactive systems embrace DevOps
- The network is native
- Failure is embraced
- Time is a first-class citizen
Developers and Ops need to collaborate
on the same team
TRP provides tools to make this easy

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The document discusses using Neo4J to manage dependencies and gain visibility into a software system's architecture. It notes that a legacy banking platform previously had a modular but unoverviewed architecture that was difficult to deploy and caused regulatory issues. Neo4J was implemented to address these problems by providing a complete picture of dependencies. Going forward, plans include rolling it out to more developers, integrating regression testing and analytics, and pairing it with PaaS frameworks.

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Kick-Start Your Cloud
Kick-Start Your CloudKick-Start Your Cloud
Kick-Start Your Cloud

This document discusses how adopting cloud computing can provide competitive advantages for businesses. It outlines how the cloud offers savings through reduced IT costs, increased productivity through mobile access, and the ability to focus on core business needs rather than infrastructure maintenance. The cloud provides agility, scalability, data protection and disaster recovery. While security, control and vendor lock-in are common concerns, the cloud uses multiple security layers and offers flexibility. Companies can leverage cloud services like data analytics, mobile solutions, and offloading infrastructure management to IT providers. Adopting cloud strategies can modernize legacy systems and drive business outcomes.

devfactocompetitive advantagecloud

The last two decades have been all about SaaS, with advantages that cannot be overstated. Except SaaS isn’t always an option, nor is it always the right choice: businesses in tightly regulated industries, or where information security is paramount, for example, will not - often can not - consider any software that isn’t under their control. For many software enterprises, this leads to the dreaded inevitability of on-premise deployment. Fortunately, the situation today is dramatically different to a scant few years ago, let alone a decade or two: the same technologies that enable SaaS have also radically transformed on-prem deployment. Modern tools like Docker, Consul, ELK and Kubernetes - to name a few - can be leveraged to completely transform the experience for both customers and vendors. In this talk we’ll contrast the challenges and advantages of SaaS and on-prem, see how things have evolved in recent history, and see how modern on-prem deployment can be, if not pleasurable, at least relatively painless.

TRP: Commercial
World-class Support
Certified builds
- Verified compatibility
- Security audited
- Open-source indemnification
- Commercial activator templates
Production Monitoring
Technical Enhancements for Enterprise Projects
- Slick bindings for Oracle and SQL Server
- Split-brain resolver
- Play SOAP bindings
- Play User Quotas
• Reactive Application Manager
• Deploy and manage distributed
• Service Discovery and location
• Provides a platform for all elements
of the stack
• Sits above the infrastructure layer
(e.g. Mesos)
• Ensures continuity of service
• Tunable load-balancing
Meet the
• Java
• Full interoperability
• Huge ecosystem
• The JVM
• JavaScript
• Scala.js
• Support in Play
• Mesos

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Elastisys Overview
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Elastisys Overview

Slow online services can cause customers to abandon purchases and transactions, hurting business revenue. Maintaining sufficient server capacity through auto-scaling is key to ensuring high-performing online services. The Elastisys Cloud Platform uses predictive analytics to automatically scale server capacity up or down based on current and predicted user demand, keeping services responsive without over-provisioning resources. It provides fault-tolerance, auto-scaling, automatic provisioning, and is compatible with multiple cloud platforms.

auto-scalingcapacity planningresponse time
Microsoft Azure at 360*
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Microsoft Azure at 360*

Fundamentals of Cloud Computing Fundamentals of Cloud Service Offering Fundamentals of Azure Subscription Public vs Private vs Hybrid Success Story: Why SPS choose Azure Data Warehouses Start your Azure Journey Azure Learning Path Q&A

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Condição humana e literatura
Condição humana e literaturaCondição humana e literatura
Condição humana e literatura

O documento discute como obras literárias como a Odisséia de Homero, Grande Sertão: Veredas de Guimarães Rosa e Cidades Invisíveis de Ítalo Calvino revelam a condição humana ao representarem a jornada do homem através de lugares como Ítaca, o sertão e as cidades. Essas obras retratam as vicissitudes da existência humana e o homem como um "viator", aquele que experiencia estar em constante caminhada.

Infinity Stack
• Akka
• Spark
• Cassandra
• Kafka
On top of DCOS/Mesos
Maximum utilization of data center
Where does BoldRadius fit in?
Largest and best team of Scala, Akka, Play, Spark and Mesos experts in North America
• Enablement
• Development
• Training
• Mentoring
• Building your Team
We have helped clients leverage the power of reactive systems in healthcare, finance,
IoT, and many other industries.
If we can help enable your teams in Scala, Akka, Play, Spark or
Please give us a call at 1-866-877-7531 or email us at

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Introduction to the Typesafe Reactive Platform

  • 1. Introduction to the Typesafe Reactive Platform Michael Nash, VP Capabilities
  • 2. What? • Typesafe Reactive Platform • Open Source and Commercial Offerings • Business Benefits • Value
  • 3. What's Changed? • (Much) More data • More features • More insight • Smaller response times • Less development time • 100% Uptime ... and Moore's law is capping out
  • 4. So we go Multicore and Distributed
  • 5. Scaling Up (Vertical) • A 10% bigger machine costs more than +10% • There's an upper limit • It's easy: Software doesn't change • But you get... • Single point of failure • Single point of contention • A hard upper limit
  • 6. Scaling Out instead of Up (Horizontal) • More machines - a cluster • As soon as you have two machines you need • Parallelism • Non-Determinism • Distributed State • Now you have a design issue
  • 7. You need a Reactive Platform Theoretically, you can build such a system with any platform... eventually A platform that supports concurrency and distribution makes it cost-effective You get business value faster, with fewer errors and lower maintenance
  • 8. Productivity and Effectiveness Developing software at the speed and efficiency of yesterday isn't enough anymore We need more resilient and elastic systems, and we need them faster
  • 9. The Best Teams The best developers want to work with the best technologies Attract and retain the best teams Great developers want to work with other great developers
  • 10. Better Tools We need better tools for - Time to Market - Scalability (without re-writes) - Less downtime - Fewer errors - Greater resilience
  • 11. What's Reactive? Reactive is an approach to building software that is... • Responsive • Elastic • Resilient • Message-Driven
  • 12. What's the Typesafe Reactive Platform? Open Source and Commercial Offerings
  • 14. Scala • Object-Functional Language • Compile to JVM or JavaScript • 7+ times higher velocity • Attracts the best talent
  • 15. Akka The Actor Model for the JVM Toolkit for building concurrent and scalable apps • Elastic • High performance • Distributed by design • Resilient • Great base for Microservices
  • 16. Play • Developer-friendly • Scalable • Uses Akka under the hood • RESTful APIs are easy • Native JSON support • Websocket, Comet, Streaming
  • 17. Spark • Big data/Fast data analytics • Machine learning • Massive scale • In-memory distributed data sets We'll have a whole webinar dedicated to exploring Spark on October 27th
  • 18. Tooling • Activator • Templates • Up and running quickly • SBT • Monitoring • Microservices
  • 19. A DevOps Approach • Older approaches try to hide • The network • Failure • They try to enforce • A global "now" • Transaction isolation • Homogenous deployment
  • 20. A DevOps Approach Reactive systems embrace DevOps - The network is native - Failure is embraced - Time is a first-class citizen Developers and Ops need to collaborate on the same team TRP provides tools to make this easy
  • 21. TRP: Commercial World-class Support Certified builds - Verified compatibility - Security audited - Open-source indemnification - Commercial activator templates Production Monitoring Technical Enhancements for Enterprise Projects - Slick bindings for Oracle and SQL Server - Split-brain resolver - Play SOAP bindings - Play User Quotas ConductR
  • 22. ConductR • Reactive Application Manager • Deploy and manage distributed applications • Service Discovery and location independence
  • 23. ConductR • Provides a platform for all elements of the stack • Sits above the infrastructure layer (e.g. Mesos) • Ensures continuity of service • Tunable load-balancing
  • 24. Meet the Neighbours • Java • Full interoperability • Huge ecosystem • The JVM • JavaScript • Scala.js • Support in Play • Mesos
  • 25. Infinity Stack • Akka • Spark • Cassandra • Kafka On top of DCOS/Mesos Maximum utilization of data center
  • 26. Where does BoldRadius fit in? Largest and best team of Scala, Akka, Play, Spark and Mesos experts in North America • Enablement • Development • Training • Mentoring • Building your Team We have helped clients leverage the power of reactive systems in healthcare, finance, IoT, and many other industries.
  • 27. Questions? If we can help enable your teams in Scala, Akka, Play, Spark or Mesos, Please give us a call at 1-866-877-7531 or email us at