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Craig Blitz, Senior Product Director at Lightbend
Five Early Challenges Of Building
Streaming Fast Data Applications
Why does fast matter?
Recommendation Engines Automation Competitive Advantage
Fast Data: Opportunity Meets Necessity
Early use of
MapReduce and
Hadoop 1.0
Spark 0.5
Spark 1.0
2011 2017
Spark 2.0
Growth in Mobile Data
Traffic 2009-2020
[Source: Carrier & Public
Wi-Fi, July 2015, Mobile
Experts LLC]
Flink 1.0,
Beam 2.0 (!!)
Beam 0.6
Growth in Streaming Traffic Coincides with Microservices
and Cloud Native Apps
Microservices interest over time

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Streaming Data in the Cloud with Confluent and MongoDB Atlas | Robert Walters...
Streaming Data in the Cloud with Confluent and MongoDB Atlas | Robert Walters...Streaming Data in the Cloud with Confluent and MongoDB Atlas | Robert Walters...
Streaming Data in the Cloud with Confluent and MongoDB Atlas | Robert Walters...

This document discusses streaming data between Confluent Cloud and MongoDB Atlas. It provides an overview of MongoDB Atlas and its fully managed database capabilities in the cloud. It then demonstrates how to stream data from a Python generator application to MongoDB Atlas using Confluent Cloud and its connectors. The presentation concludes by providing a reference architecture for connecting Confluent Platform to MongoDB.

apache kafkakafka summitconfluent
Using the Actor Model with Domain-Driven Design (DDD) in Reactive Systems - w...
Using the Actor Model with Domain-Driven Design (DDD) in Reactive Systems - w...Using the Actor Model with Domain-Driven Design (DDD) in Reactive Systems - w...
Using the Actor Model with Domain-Driven Design (DDD) in Reactive Systems - w...

This document discusses using the actor model with domain-driven design for reactive systems. It provides an overview of the actor model and how it relates to DDD. Key points include: - The actor model uses message passing between independent units called actors to build distributed, concurrent systems. - The actor model is well-suited for building reactive systems to handle high volumes of asynchronous data and messages. - DDD focuses on modeling the core domain and business logic, while actors and messaging enable rapid implementation in a clear and understandable way. - Together, the actor model and DDD support building systems that can respond quickly to changing business needs through loose coupling and isolation of concerns.

domain-driven designreactiveakka
A Deeper Look Into Reactive Streams with Akka Streams 1.0 and Slick 3.0
A Deeper Look Into Reactive Streams with Akka Streams 1.0 and Slick 3.0A Deeper Look Into Reactive Streams with Akka Streams 1.0 and Slick 3.0
A Deeper Look Into Reactive Streams with Akka Streams 1.0 and Slick 3.0

Reactive Streams 1.0.0 is now live, and so are our implementations in Akka Streams 1.0 and Slick 3.0. Reactive Streams is an engineering collaboration between heavy hitters in the area of streaming data on the JVM. With the Reactive Streams Special Interest Group, we set out to standardize a common ground for achieving statically-typed, high-performance, low latency, asynchronous streams of data with built-in non-blocking back pressure—with the goal of creating a vibrant ecosystem of interoperating implementations, and with a vision of one day making it into a future version of Java. Akka (recent winner of “Most Innovative Open Source Tech in 2015”) is a toolkit for building message-driven applications. With Akka Streams 1.0, Akka has incorporated a graphical DSL for composing data streams, an execution model that decouples the stream’s staged computation—it’s “blueprint”—from its execution (allowing for actor-based, single-threaded and fully distributed and clustered execution), type safe stream composition, an implementation of the Reactive Streaming specification that enables back-pressure, and more than 20 predefined stream “processing stages” that provide common streaming transformations that developers can tap into (for splitting streams, transforming streams, merging streams, and more). Slick​ is a relational database query and access library for Scala that enables loose-coupling, minimal configuration requirements and abstraction of the complexities of connecting with relational databases. With Slick 3.0, Slick now supports the Reactive Streams API for providing asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking back-pressure. Slick 3.0 also allows elegant mapping across multiple data types, static verification and type inference for embedded SQL statements, compile-time error discovery, and JDBC support for interoperability with all existing drivers.

akka streamsreactive streamsakka http
What is an integrated Fast Data Platform?
• A solution that ties together fast data components, microservices, cluster
management, application/service lifecycle management, and support.
Lots of Innovation, but Maturity Lags
• Innovation within components
• Solution comprises many components
• Components supported by different companies
• Aspects of SDLC remain tricky
Survey Says….
A currently open survey by Lightbend looks at Fast Data and related topics.
Preliminary results of 1200 initial respondents:
• 86% said they are dealing with more data compared to the past.
• More than half are scrambling to process data more quickly.
• The majority today process data once-daily / intra daily.
• The majority are in production or pilot for production with microservices.
• What's tough about Fast Data: technology choice, implementation and scale.
Challenge #1
Choosing Among Alternative Frameworks

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When the University of California, San Diego launched its largest investment in tech in 2018, they planned to future proof their business processes and systems. Unexpectedly, it also prepared them to handle a global pandemic that changed every norm for the campus. With shelter-in-place orders taking immediate effect, they needed to quickly set up a robust online learning platform - one with powerful analytics to track student success. And, for the times students and staff are on campus, a contact tracing application was essential for their safety. We’d like to offer a conversation with Scott Lee to tell you more about UC San Diego’s rapid transformation from a traditional, on-campus institution to one of the leading examples of remote learning, and the critical role data connectivity played in making this possible.

apache kafkakafka summit
Microservices, Kubernetes, and Application Modernization Done Right
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Microservices, Kubernetes, and Application Modernization Done Right

In this talk by David Ogren, Enterprise Architect at Lightbend, we draw from experiences helping our clients successfully create, migrate to, and manage cloud-native system architectures. We look at some of the common pitfalls and anti-patterns of modernization efforts, and some of the best practices for taking an incremental approach to transforming legacy systems. See the full post with video on the Lightbend blog:

microservicesreactive systemsnot just async
Event & Data Mesh as a Service: Industrializing Microservices in the Enterpri...
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Kafka is widely positioned as the proverbial "central nervous system" of the enterprise. In this session, we explore how the central nervous system can be used to build a mesh topology & unified catalog of enterprise wide events, enabling development teams to build event driven architectures faster & better. The central theme of this topic is also aligned to seeking idioms from API Management, Service Meshes, Workflow management and Service orchestration. We compare how these approaches can be harmonized with Kafka. We will also touch upon the topic of how this relates to Domain Driven Design, CQRS & other patterns in microservices. Some potential takeaways for the discerning audience: 1. Opportunities in a platform approach to Event Driven Architecture in the enterprise 2. Adopting a product mindset around Data & Event Streams 3. Seeking harmony with allied enterprise applications

apache kafkakafka summit
• Excels at low-cost, scalable batch analytics
• Data Warehouse Replacement
• Less suitable for real-time (streaming)
Streaming Engines – So many to choose from!
Kafka Streams
•Kafka Library
•Consume, Produce
Kafka Topics
•Pull model instead
of Async +
•Useful for stateful
stream processing
Akka Streams
Complex Event
•Integration with
data sources/sinks
•Iterative, pipelined
•Integration with
Spark Streaming
•Machine Learning
•Longer running
jobs like Training
•Supports batch
and near-real time
•Run SQL jobs
Apache Flink
•High-Volume, Low
•True streaming
•Iterative, pipelined
•Excellent Apache
Beam Support
So That’s Perfectly Clear
• Choices are not always obvious
• Tradeoff speed, memory, choice of libraries, …
• Application may require multiple engines
Challenge #2
Integrating Microservices with Streaming Services

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Apache Kafka vs. Integration Middleware (MQ, ETL, ESB) - Friends, Enemies or ...
Apache Kafka vs. Integration Middleware (MQ, ETL, ESB) - Friends, Enemies or ...Apache Kafka vs. Integration Middleware (MQ, ETL, ESB) - Friends, Enemies or ...
Apache Kafka vs. Integration Middleware (MQ, ETL, ESB) - Friends, Enemies or ...

Apache Kafka can act as both an enemy and a friend to traditional middleware like message queues, ETL tools, and enterprise service buses. As an enemy, Kafka replaces many of the individual components and provides a single scalable platform for messaging, storage, and processing. However, Kafka can also integrate with traditional middleware as a friend through connectors and client APIs, allowing certain use cases to still leverage existing tools. In complex environments with both new and legacy systems, Kafka acts as a "frenemy" - replacing some functions but integrating with other existing technologies to provide a bridge to new architectures.

Micro Services Architecture
Micro Services ArchitectureMicro Services Architecture
Micro Services Architecture

The evolution of micro services architecture. Mainframe, Midrange, Client Server, SOA. Best practices of microservices. Load balancing, BigData, design patterns. When and why to use microservices.

data miningbig datasoftware
Apache Kafka and API Management / API Gateway – Friends, Enemies or Frenemies...
Apache Kafka and API Management / API Gateway – Friends, Enemies or Frenemies...Apache Kafka and API Management / API Gateway – Friends, Enemies or Frenemies...
Apache Kafka and API Management / API Gateway – Friends, Enemies or Frenemies...

Microservices became the new black in enterprise architectures. APIs provide functions to other applications or end users. Even if your architecture uses another pattern than microservices, like SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) or Client-Server communication, APIs are used between the different applications and end users. Apache Kafka plays a key role in modern microservice architectures to build open, scalable, flexible and decoupled real time applications. API Management complements Kafka by providing a way to implement and govern the full life cycle of the APIs. This session explores how event streaming with Apache Kafka and API Management (including API Gateway and Service Mesh technologies) complement and compete with each other depending on the use case and point of view of the project team. The session concludes exploring the vision of event streaming APIs instead of RPC calls.

kafka summitapache kafkaconfluent
Reactive: the architecture for modern, scalable applications
• A streaming service should appear as just another service in your
• Must be reactive: elastic, resilient, responsive, and message-driven
• Unlike Hadoop systems, which can serve results to a service when ready
• We shouldn’t care how a service is implemented
Streaming Services are Part of your Application
Challenge #3
Understanding Operational Challenges
Ok, Streaming Services are Just Another Service

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This document discusses Scala as a language for fast data and architectures for fast data systems. It provides an overview of Scala's advantages for fast data including its JVM compatibility, type safety, concise syntax, and support for functional programming. It also discusses why Scala is preferable to other languages like Java, Python, Go, and C++ for fast data workloads. The document outlines some of the tradeoffs involved in architecting systems for fast data and emphasizes approaches like isolation, event-driven data management, and "ACID v2" to build scalable fast data systems.

scalafast dataspark
Microservices, Monoliths, SOA and How We Got Here
Microservices, Monoliths, SOA and How We Got HereMicroservices, Monoliths, SOA and How We Got Here
Microservices, Monoliths, SOA and How We Got Here

Microservice architecture (MSA) helps address modern software development needs by breaking applications into independently deployable microservices that communicate asynchronously. MSA evolves past SOA approaches by focusing on small, single-purpose services rather than large monolithic applications. Key aspects of MSA include ubiquitous language, well-defined boundaries, independent deployability, asynchronous communication via messaging, and each service owning its own data. MSA also relies on modern cloud-ready infrastructure approaches like service discovery, elastic scaling, and failure resilience at the service level rather than relying on specific hardware.

Serverless Architecture at iRobot
Serverless Architecture at iRobotServerless Architecture at iRobot
Serverless Architecture at iRobot

This document discusses iRobot's adoption of serverless architecture and the reasons for choosing it. Some key benefits identified are lower latency and cost compared to monolithic or microservices architectures. Specific challenges addressed by serverless include deployment, service discovery, and security. While serverless addresses many issues, the document notes there is still room for improvement from cloud providers in areas like deployment models and integration testing.

cloud computingserverlesssoftware architecture
• How do they manage state?
• How do you scale them?
• How do you version/upgrade them?
Stream Engines Do Not Always Meet Microservices Goals
In most cases, the operator needs to know too much about the
underlying component or service
Challenge #4
Gaining Competitive Advantage through Machine
• Branch of artificial intelligence
• Recognize patterns in data
• Build models to predict outcomes
• Recommend actions based on predicted outcomes vs stated goals
What Do We Mean By Machine Learning?
Why is Machine Learning Hot Now?

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Building Event Driven Architectures with Kafka and Cloud Events (Dan Rosanova...
Building Event Driven Architectures with Kafka and Cloud Events (Dan Rosanova...Building Event Driven Architectures with Kafka and Cloud Events (Dan Rosanova...
Building Event Driven Architectures with Kafka and Cloud Events (Dan Rosanova...

Apache Kafka is changing the way we build scalable and highly available software systems. Providing a simplified path to eventual consistency and event sourcing Kafka gives us the platform to make these patterns a reality for a much broader segment of applications and customers than was possible in the past. Cloud Events is an interoperable specification for eventing that is part of the CNCF. This session will combine open source and open standards to show you how you can build highly reliable application that scale linearly, provide interoperability and are easily extensible leveraging both push and pull semantics. Concrete real world examples will be shown of how Kafka makes event sourcing more approachable and how streams and events complement each other including the difference between business events and technical events.

Patterns of Distributed Application Design
Patterns of Distributed Application DesignPatterns of Distributed Application Design
Patterns of Distributed Application Design

This webinar by Orkhan Gasimov (Senior Solution Architect, Consultant, GlobalLogic) was delivered at Java Community Webinar #3 on October 16, 2020. During webinar we had simplified overview of classical and modern architecture patterns and concepts that are used for development of distributed applications during the last decade. More details and presentation:

patternsjavaapplication design
Event Streaming CTO Roundtable for Cloud-native Kafka Architectures
Event Streaming CTO Roundtable for Cloud-native Kafka ArchitecturesEvent Streaming CTO Roundtable for Cloud-native Kafka Architectures
Event Streaming CTO Roundtable for Cloud-native Kafka Architectures

Technical thought leadership presentation to discuss how leading organizations move to real-time architecture to support business growth and enhance customer experience. This is a forum to discuss use cases with your peers to understand how other digital-native companies are utilizing data in motion to drive competitive advantage. Agenda: - Data in Motion with Event Streaming and Apache Kafka - Streaming ETL Pipelines - IT Modernisation and Hybrid Multi-Cloud - Customer Experience and Customer 360 - IoT and Big Data Processing - Machine Learning and Analytics

kafkaevent drivenmicroservices
• Example Uses Cases
• Fraud and Anomaly Detection
• Recommendation Engines / Marketing
• Financial Trading
• Smart Cars
• Natural Language Processing
• Automation
How Can Businesses Identify Machine Learning
Ask Yourself:
Where I have
models or rules?
Challenge #5
Optimizing Resource Utilization
• Clusters Can Get Quite Large with Many Moving Components
• Interaction Between Components Quite Complex
• First Generation Auto-Scalers Naïve
First Generation Resource Optimization
“Scale when
CPU reaches
“Scale when
Queue Length >
• Clusters Can Get Quite Large with Many Moving Components
• Interaction Between Components Quite Complex
• Bottlenecks shift over time as application and infrastructure changes
But Hard To Tie These Rules Back to Business Objectives

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Elastically Scaling Kafka Using Confluent
Elastically Scaling Kafka Using ConfluentElastically Scaling Kafka Using Confluent
Elastically Scaling Kafka Using Confluent

This document discusses how Confluent Platform provides elastic scaling for Apache Kafka. It offers fully managed cloud services through Confluent Cloud or self-managed software. Confluent Cloud allows users to easily scale Kafka workloads from 0 MBps to GBps without complex provisioning. It also offers pay-for-use pricing where customers only pay for the data streamed, with the ability to scale to zero. For self-managed deployments, Confluent Platform enables dynamic scaling of Kafka clusters on Kubernetes through features like tiered storage and self-balancing clusters that can rebalance partitions in seconds versus hours for other Kafka services.

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azuremessagingservice bus
Kafka: Journey from Just Another Software to Being a Critical Part of PayPal ...
Kafka: Journey from Just Another Software to Being a Critical Part of PayPal ...Kafka: Journey from Just Another Software to Being a Critical Part of PayPal ...
Kafka: Journey from Just Another Software to Being a Critical Part of PayPal ...

Apache Kafka is critical to PayPal's analytics platform. It handles a stream of over 20 billion events per day across 300 partitions. To democratize access to analytics data, PayPal built a Connect platform leveraging Kafka to process and send data in real-time to tools of customers' choice. The platform scales to process over 40 billion events daily using reactive architectures with Akka and Alpakka Kafka connectors to consume and publish events within Akka streams. Some challenges include throughput limited by partitions and issues requiring tuning for optimal performance.

architecturecore kafkaanalytics
What You Really Want
“Scale what you need to
scale to continue to meet
service-level objectives”
• On-Line Machine Learning Can Help
• Specify Service Level Objectives per service or application
• But Challenges Remain….
• Hard to Build
• Need knowledge of how to scale components
• “Operator Model”
Good News
Five Early Challenges Of Building Streaming Fast Data Applications
• Easy on-ramp for getting started
• Curated choice of components
• Complete monitoring and intelligent management
• Support across entire platform
Lightbend Fast Data Platform

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Cloud-Native-Data with Cornelia Davis
Cloud-Native-Data with Cornelia DavisCloud-Native-Data with Cornelia Davis
Cloud-Native-Data with Cornelia Davis

This document discusses cloud-native data and patterns for managing data in microservices architectures. It describes using data services and APIs to interface with existing data sources. Patterns like caching data at the edge with various caching strategies are discussed. The document also covers using multiple small databases with each microservice rather than a shared database. Event sourcing and CQRS patterns are presented as ways to integrate data across services. Finally, the impact on roles like database administrators is considered in cloud-native data environments.

Cloud-native Data
Cloud-native DataCloud-native Data
Cloud-native Data

<November 2017 Updated from earlier presentations on Cloud-native Data> Cloud-native applications form the foundation for modern, cloud-scale digital solutions, and the patterns and practices for cloud-native at the app tier are becoming widely understood – statelessness, service discovery, circuit breakers and more. But little has changed in the data tier. Our modern apps are often connected to monolithic shared databases that have monolithic practices wrapped around them. As a result, the autonomy promised by moving to a microservices application architecture is compromised. What we need are patterns and practices for cloud-native data. The anti-patterns of shared databases and simple proxy-style web services to front them give way to approaches that include use of caches (Netflix calls caching their hidden microservice), database per service and polyglot persistence, modern versions of ETL and data integration and more. In this session, aimed at the application developer/architect, Cornelia will look at those patterns and see how they serve the needs of the cloud-native application.

cloud nativecloud patternsmicroservices
#dbhouseparty - Should I be building Microservices?
#dbhouseparty - Should I be building Microservices?#dbhouseparty - Should I be building Microservices?
#dbhouseparty - Should I be building Microservices?

This document discusses whether and how to build microservices. It includes: 1) Presentations by Sanjay Goil, VP of Product Management at Oracle, and Paul Parkinson, Cloud Platform Dev Lead at Oracle on microservices and building a sample microservices application. 2) Recommendations from Oracle ACEs Guido and Rolando on microservices approaches and modernizing existing SOA architectures for microservices. 3) A discussion of how a converged database can simplify building microservices by supporting messaging, multiple data types, and cloud services. 4) A demo of building a microservices application for a food delivery app using technologies like Helidon and a converged database.

oracle databasemicroservices
Questions? Comments?
Want to speak with someone at Lightbend?
Get in touch with us!

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Five Early Challenges Of Building Streaming Fast Data Applications

  • 1. Craig Blitz, Senior Product Director at Lightbend WEBINAR Five Early Challenges Of Building Streaming Fast Data Applications
  • 2. Why does fast matter? Recommendation Engines Automation Competitive Advantage
  • 3. Fast Data: Opportunity Meets Necessity Apache Hadoop 20142005 Early use of MapReduce and Hadoop Hadoop 1.0 2008 Spark 0.5 Spark 1.0 2011 2017 Spark 2.0 Structured StreamingMLlib Akka Streams Growth in Mobile Data Traffic 2009-2020 [Source: Carrier & Public Wi-Fi, July 2015, Mobile Experts LLC] Flink 1.0, kafka streams ? Apache Beam 2.0 (!!) Apache Beam 0.6
  • 4. Growth in Streaming Traffic Coincides with Microservices and Cloud Native Apps Microservices interest over time (2004-2017)
  • 5. What is an integrated Fast Data Platform? • A solution that ties together fast data components, microservices, cluster management, application/service lifecycle management, and support. Messaging Microservices Streaming Services Persistence Management Monitoring
  • 6. Lots of Innovation, but Maturity Lags • Innovation within components • Solution comprises many components • Components supported by different companies • Aspects of SDLC remain tricky
  • 7. Survey Says…. A currently open survey by Lightbend looks at Fast Data and related topics. Preliminary results of 1200 initial respondents: • 86% said they are dealing with more data compared to the past. • More than half are scrambling to process data more quickly. • The majority today process data once-daily / intra daily. • The majority are in production or pilot for production with microservices. • What's tough about Fast Data: technology choice, implementation and scale.
  • 8. Challenge #1 Choosing Among Alternative Frameworks
  • 9. • Excels at low-cost, scalable batch analytics • Data Warehouse Replacement • Less suitable for real-time (streaming) Hadoop
  • 10. Streaming Engines – So many to choose from! Kafka Streams •Kafka Library •Consume, Produce Kafka Topics •Pull model instead of Async + Backpressure •Useful for stateful stream processing Akka Streams •Low-latency Complex Event Processing •Integration with data sources/sinks •Iterative, pipelined processing •Integration with microservices Spark Streaming •Mini-batch •Machine Learning •Longer running jobs like Training Models •Supports batch and near-real time •Run SQL jobs Apache Flink •High-Volume, Low Latency •True streaming •Iterative, pipelined processing •Excellent Apache Beam Support
  • 11. So That’s Perfectly Clear • Choices are not always obvious • Tradeoff speed, memory, choice of libraries, … • Application may require multiple engines
  • 12. Challenge #2 Integrating Microservices with Streaming Services
  • 13. Reactive: the architecture for modern, scalable applications
  • 14. • A streaming service should appear as just another service in your architecture • Must be reactive: elastic, resilient, responsive, and message-driven • Unlike Hadoop systems, which can serve results to a service when ready • We shouldn’t care how a service is implemented Streaming Services are Part of your Application Service A Service C Service B
  • 16. Ok, Streaming Services are Just Another Service
  • 17. • How do they manage state? • How do you scale them? • How do you version/upgrade them? Stream Engines Do Not Always Meet Microservices Goals In most cases, the operator needs to know too much about the underlying component or service
  • 18. Challenge #4 Gaining Competitive Advantage through Machine Learning
  • 19. • Branch of artificial intelligence • Recognize patterns in data • Build models to predict outcomes • Recommend actions based on predicted outcomes vs stated goals What Do We Mean By Machine Learning?
  • 20. Why is Machine Learning Hot Now?
  • 21. • Example Uses Cases • Fraud and Anomaly Detection • Recommendation Engines / Marketing Personalization • Financial Trading • Smart Cars • Natural Language Processing • Automation How Can Businesses Identify Machine Learning Opportunities? Stop! Ask Yourself: Where I have hard-coded models or rules?
  • 23. • Clusters Can Get Quite Large with Many Moving Components • Interaction Between Components Quite Complex • First Generation Auto-Scalers Naïve First Generation Resource Optimization “Scale when CPU reaches 80%” “Scale when Queue Length > 10”
  • 24. • Clusters Can Get Quite Large with Many Moving Components • Interaction Between Components Quite Complex • Bottlenecks shift over time as application and infrastructure changes But Hard To Tie These Rules Back to Business Objectives
  • 25. What You Really Want “Scale what you need to scale to continue to meet service-level objectives”
  • 26. • On-Line Machine Learning Can Help • Specify Service Level Objectives per service or application • But Challenges Remain…. • Hard to Build • Need knowledge of how to scale components • “Operator Model” Good News
  • 28. • Easy on-ramp for getting started • Curated choice of components • Complete monitoring and intelligent management • Support across entire platform Lightbend Fast Data Platform
  • 30. Questions? Comments? Want to speak with someone at Lightbend? Get in touch with us!