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Lunch & Learn: CSS
Oct 23 & 30 2013 // bswift
What we will talk about:
Front-end vs Back-end coding at bswift
Defining HTML, CSS and Javascript
How the client stylesheets work
Let’s get started!
Static Pages / Dynamic Pages

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Html basics
Html basicsHtml basics
Html basics

HTML is a markup language used to describe and structure web pages. It uses tags to define headings, paragraphs, links, images, and other content. An HTML file contains a head and body section. The head contains meta information about the page like the title. The body contains the visible page content. Common tags include headings, paragraphs, links, images, and divs to group content. Attributes provide extra information about elements.

Html5 semantics
Html5 semanticsHtml5 semantics
Html5 semantics

The document discusses HTML5 semantic and non-semantic elements. It defines semantic elements as those with inherent meaning, like <form> and <table>, while non-semantic elements like <div> and <span> do not convey meaning. New HTML5 semantic elements are introduced, including <section> for sections, <article> for independent content, <header> and <footer> for introductory and footer content, and <nav> for navigation links. Semantic elements are important for search engines and accessibility by clearly defining the meaning of different parts of a web page.

html5 non-semantichtml5 semantic
Complete Lecture on Css presentation
Complete Lecture on Css presentation Complete Lecture on Css presentation
Complete Lecture on Css presentation

The document covers various topics related to CSS including CSS introduction, syntax, selectors, inclusion methods, setting backgrounds, fonts, manipulating text, and working with images. Key points include how CSS handles web page styling, the advantages of CSS, CSS versions, associating styles using embedded, inline, external and imported CSS, and properties for backgrounds, fonts, text formatting, and images.

presentationcsscss presentation




A static website is a group of self-contained,
individual pages (or page), sent to the browser from
the server one-page-at-a-time.



SQL databases

Dyamic web content is built when it is requested,
by the user directly, or programmatically while
a user is on a page (e.g., facebook updates).
Most websites contain both static and dynamic elements.




Can I have
a webpage,


SQL databases

back-end “recipe”

Server-side / Client-side

Back End / Front-end

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CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of HTML documents. CSS allows you to control the color, font, size, spacing, and other aspects of HTML elements. CSS properties like background, text, font, links, lists and box model can be used to format HTML elements. CSS rules have selectors that specify the element to which a declaration applies, and declarations that contain property-value pairs that define the presentation of the element.

HTML (Web) basics for a beginner
HTML (Web) basics for a beginnerHTML (Web) basics for a beginner
HTML (Web) basics for a beginner

HTML is the backbone of Internet. Learn the basics of HTML, you can create your own website. If you have any doubt contact me for more details. WhatsApp:8008877940

htmlhtml basicsbasics of html
Html form tag
Html form tagHtml form tag
Html form tag

The document discusses various HTML form elements and their attributes. It describes the <form> element which defines an HTML form, and common form elements like <input>, <select>, <textarea> and <button>. It provides examples and explanations of different input types such as text, password, checkbox, radio and submit. It also covers attributes like name, value, readonly and disabled.






Client-side (front-end) coding includes HTML, CSS
and Javascript. This just means that our code will be
downloaded from the server and then compiled
entirely in the browser.
HTML, CSS, Javascript
Three layers of web design:
Structure, Style, Behavior


HTML markup
Site planning

Three layers of web design

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Cascading style sheet
Cascading style sheetCascading style sheet
Cascading style sheet

CSS is used to style and lay out web pages. There are three types of CSS: external, internal, and inline stylesheets. External stylesheets define styles in CSS files and can be used across many web pages, internal stylesheets are defined within the <style> tags in an HTML page, and inline styles are defined within HTML elements using the style attribute. CSS selectors allow targeting specific elements using IDs, classes, types, and other attributes to style them. Common CSS properties include colors, backgrounds, borders, padding, margins, and styling of links and lists.

HTML, CSS and Java Scripts Basics
HTML, CSS and Java Scripts BasicsHTML, CSS and Java Scripts Basics
HTML, CSS and Java Scripts Basics

The document provides an introduction to HTML basics including HTML document structure, common tags, and formatting. It discusses the <!DOCTYPE> declaration, <head> and <body> sections, common text formatting tags, headings, paragraphs, comments, and includes code examples.

Introduction of Html/css/js
Introduction of Html/css/jsIntroduction of Html/css/js
Introduction of Html/css/js

HTML is a markup language used to define the structure and layout of web pages. CSS is used to style and lay out HTML elements, and JavaScript can be used to program behaviors and interactions in web pages. jQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies HTML document traversal and manipulation, as well as event handling, animations, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development.

Three layers of web design
Three layers of web design
Three layers of web design
Three layers of web design

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This document provides an overview of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) including: - CSS handles the look and feel of web pages by controlling colors, fonts, spacing, layouts, backgrounds and more. - CSS versions include CSS1 for basic formatting, CSS2 for media styles and positioning, and CSS3 for new features like colors and transforms. - There are three ways to apply stylesheets: inline with HTML tags, internally within <style> tags, and externally with <link> tags. - The Style Builder in Microsoft allows applying styles through a dialog box with options for fonts, backgrounds, text, positioning, and other properties. Basic CSS syntax uses selectors and properties to

cascading style sheetswebstyle builder
How to learn HTML in 10 Days
How to learn HTML in 10 DaysHow to learn HTML in 10 Days
How to learn HTML in 10 Days

Learn HTML and CSS in few steps . Practice an hour daily for good results in 10 days. Here I am mentioning basic elements , attributes and tags of HTML with styling them

online teaching and learningweb design and developmenteducation
Web Development using HTML & CSS
Web Development using HTML & CSSWeb Development using HTML & CSS
Web Development using HTML & CSS

A simple presentation for anyone who wish to get started with the basics of Web Development using HTML & CSS.

Hyper Text
Markup Language
Hyper Text
Markup Language
A markup language is a
set of markup tags.
The purpose of the tags is to
group and describe page content.

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Basic Html Notes
Basic Html NotesBasic Html Notes
Basic Html Notes

Following are the some notes regarding HTML.It will provide you a basic insight in HTML and web designing. For further, contact us -

Intro to HTML & CSS
Intro to HTML & CSSIntro to HTML & CSS
Intro to HTML & CSS

The document provides an overview of HTML and CSS, covering topics such as the structure of an HTML document, HTML tags, CSS, and how to create a basic webpage. It discusses what HTML and CSS are, why they are needed, popular HTML tags, and gives examples of adding CSS to an HTML document. It also provides a hands-on tutorial showing how to build a simple website covering HTML basics and using CSS for styling.

web designsyed samipresentation
Beginners css tutorial for web designers
Beginners css tutorial for web designersBeginners css tutorial for web designers
Beginners css tutorial for web designers

This is the CSS Tutorial for Beginners that teach the basics of CSS. This tutorial will show the basic structure of a CSS style and will show 3 different methods to apply styles.

cascading style sheets tutorialsbeginners web designcss tutorials
Markup Language
Without any markup to give your content structure, the
browser renders unformatted and unstyled text, also
known as “plain text”.
Html / CSS Presentation
Markup Language
HTML tags give structure and meaning to your content.
“Semantic markup” refers to the use of meaningful tags to
describe content (e.g. using header tags for header content).
Markup Language
Once your content is marked up, the browser applies built-in
default styles to the tags. While you can override these styles
with css, your marked up, non-css styled document should be
readable and have a clear hierarchy.

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CSS for Beginners
CSS for BeginnersCSS for Beginners
CSS for Beginners

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a mechanism for adding style to HTML documents. CSS allows complete control over layout, design and formatting of web pages. CSS properties can be applied inline, internally via <style> tags, or externally via linked style sheets. CSS uses selectors to apply styles to HTML elements based on their id, class, type and other attributes. Declarations are made up of properties and values to specify styles.

Introduction to HTML and CSS
Introduction to HTML and CSSIntroduction to HTML and CSS
Introduction to HTML and CSS

The document provides an agenda for a workshop on HTML, CSS, and putting them together. It covers HTML topics like semantic tags, comments, and best practices. It then discusses CSS topics such as IDs vs classes, floats, shorthand, and putting HTML and CSS together with project structure and layouts. The workshop aims to give an introduction to HTML, CSS, and how to structure websites using these languages.

CSS ppt
CSS pptCSS ppt
CSS ppt

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation of HTML and XML documents. CSS separates document content from document presentation, enabling control over elements like layout, colors, and fonts. This separation improves accessibility, flexibility, and maintenance of web pages. CSS can format pages for different rendering methods like on-screen, in print, and for speech-based browsers.


<!DOCTYPE html>
The doctype is not actually a tag,
but a declaration, telling the browser
what kind of html you are using. The
doctype above declares HTML 5.

The <html> element defines
the whole HTML document.
The <head> element contains special
elements that instruct the browser
where to find stylesheets, provide meta
info, and more.

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HTML presentation for beginners
HTML presentation for beginnersHTML presentation for beginners
HTML presentation for beginners

The document discusses the basic syntax and structure of HTML documents. It covers the main components of HTML including: 1. The DOCTYPE declaration which identifies the document type 2. Elements which contain the content and are wrapped in tags 3. Attributes which provide extra information about elements 4. Comments for annotating the code It provides examples of basic HTML code including the skeleton of an HTML document with headings, paragraphs, lists, links, and other common elements.

Basic css-tutorial
Basic css-tutorialBasic css-tutorial
Basic css-tutorial

The document provides an overview of basic CSS concepts including what CSS is, why it's used, CSS syntax, selectors like element, class, ID and pseudo selectors, and common CSS properties for styling like color, background, fonts, text, lists, and borders. CSS is used to control the presentation and layout of HTML documents and allows separation of HTML semantic content from visual design.

Html Ppt
Html PptHtml Ppt
Html Ppt

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is used to define the structure and layout of web pages using a variety of tags and attributes. Some key points covered are: - HTML documents use tags like <html> enclosed in angle brackets to describe headings, paragraphs, links, images, and other content. - Tags normally come in pairs with opening and closing tags. - HTML can be used to format text, add images and tables, create lists and forms, structure pages using divs and frames, and more. - CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is often used to define styles and layouts, separate from HTML content. - Forms allow users to enter data through

htmlhtml ppthtml example

The <body> element contains
the document content (what is shown
inside the browser window).
The use of our first three tags (html, head and body),
introduces and important concept: Nesting, which is when
tags “wrap” other tags. When you create markup, you should
indicate nesting by indenting the nested tags with 2 spaces
(preferred) or a tab.
<head> </head>
Document Hierarchy: Parents, children and siblings
Just as in a genealogy tree, the family hierarchy is described in
terms of relationships. All elements in the document have a
parent (up to ‘document’, which is at the top), and may have
children (nested inside) or siblings (placed alongside).

<parent x>
<child and sibling y> </child and sibling y>
<child and sibling z> </child and sibling z>
</parent x>
The ‘address’ of an element
The document hierarchy provides us with an ‘address’ for each

in the div with class “client-text-container”, make all of the h2
elements orange and 24px.

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cascading style sheet ppt
cascading style sheet pptcascading style sheet ppt
cascading style sheet ppt

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to define styles for displaying HTML elements. CSS has different levels that add new features denoted as CSS1, CSS2, CSS3. CSS saves work by defining styles that can be applied across multiple web pages through external style sheets or internal/inline styles. CSS style rules contain selectors and declarations, with properties and values. CSS comments, id and class selectors, and multiple style sheets are also discussed in the document.

Cookie and session
Cookie and sessionCookie and session
Cookie and session

This document discusses cookies and sessions in PHP. Cookies are used to store small pieces of data on the user's browser and move across pages, avoiding relogging in. Sessions store data on the server and are more secure. PHP uses the setcookie() function to set cookies and $_COOKIE to retrieve them. Sessions are started with session_start() and use $_SESSION to set and retrieve session variables. Cookies can be used to remember the session ID so sessions persist across browser closes.

3. tutorial html web desain
3. tutorial html web desain3. tutorial html web desain
3. tutorial html web desain

This document provides information on basic HTML programming and creating HTML documents. It discusses HTML tags for formatting text, including headings, paragraphs, lists, and links. It also covers including images, audio, video, and preformatted text in HTML pages. The document recommends using text editors at first to learn HTML basics before using visual editors. It explains how to store and publish HTML files on a school web server.

HTML Elements
Anatomy of an Element

An HTML element includes both
the HTML tag and everything between
the tag (the content).
Anatomy of an Element

Tags normally come in pairs. The
first tag is the start tag, and the second
tag is the end tag.
Anatomy of an Element

<h1>Main Headline</h1>
HTML has a defined set of tag
names (also called keywords) that
the browser understands.

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Overview of HTTP, HTML, WWW and web technologies. The combo HTTP and HTML is the foundation of the World Wide Web (WWW). HTML (HyperText Markup Language) defines a text-based format for describing the contents of a web page. HTML is based on tags similar to XML (eXtensible Markup Language), but its definition is less strict. HTML pages are transported with the HTTP protocol (HyperText Transmission Protocol) over TCP/IP based networks. The power of the WWW comes with the links based on URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) that connect pages to form a web of content. Browsers display links as clickable items that, when clicked, trigger the browser to load the web page pointed to by the link. This statelessness contributed a lot to the stability and scalability of the world wide web where web servers are only tasked with the delivery of web pages while the browser is responsible for the rendering of web pages. The static nature of the early World Wide Web was soon augmented with the dynamic creation of web pages by web servers or by enriching static web pages with dynamic content. Technologies like CGI (Common Gateway Interface), JSP (Java Server Pages) or ASP (Active Server Pages) were developed to provide the infrastructure to build dynamic web applications. These server-side technologies were complemented with client-side technologies like Javascript and AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript And XML). Web page caching is an important mechanism to reduce latency in loading web pages and reducing network traffic. HTTP defines different caching control mechanisms. Simpler caching methods are based on web page expiry dates while more complex mechanisms use web page validation.

[Old] Curso de programação web dia 01
[Old] Curso de programação web dia 01[Old] Curso de programação web dia 01
[Old] Curso de programação web dia 01

O documento apresenta as principais linguagens de programação da web, como HTML, CSS e JavaScript. Detalha os conceitos básicos do HTML, como sua criação, estrutura, marcação e primeiros comandos. Explica a estrutura padrão de uma página HTML e como usar tags como <marquee> e <blink>.

HTML Web Platform
HTML Web PlatformHTML Web Platform
HTML Web Platform

HTML5 Conference 2012 で使用したスライド

The essential element tags







h1 – h6



Anatomy of an Element

<html lang=”en”></html>
Most elements can have attributes,
which provides additional information
about the element.
Anatomy of an Element

<div class=”left-nav”></div>
Attributes always follow the same
format: name=”value”. You can use
either single or double quotes.
The essential attributes


<link rel=”stylesheet” type-”text/css” href=”stylesheet/styles.css”>


<img src=”images/image.jpg” alt=”Sam”>


<a href=””>My school</a>

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Introduction au Génie Logiciel
Introduction au Génie LogicielIntroduction au Génie Logiciel
Introduction au Génie Logiciel

Ce cours a été réalisé par A. DARGHAM, Professeur à la Faculté des Sciences d'Oujda.

WebSide - eBrouchure & Presentation
WebSide - eBrouchure & PresentationWebSide - eBrouchure & Presentation
WebSide - eBrouchure & Presentation

This document provides an overview of WebSide, a company that offers various digital marketing services including creative design, search engine marketing, and social media marketing. WebSide helps brands build connected online presences and drive sales through strategic partnerships that allow brands to communicate, engage and grow digitally. The company provides full-service solutions including website design and development, content creation, paid search, organic search optimization, and social media marketing management.

Introduction to WEB HTML, CSS
Introduction to WEB HTML, CSSIntroduction to WEB HTML, CSS
Introduction to WEB HTML, CSS

The document provides an introduction to HTML and CSS for a WWW course. It discusses various HTML tags such as headings, paragraphs, lists, tables, and forms. It also covers CSS topics like the syntax, selectors, and properties for width and height. Students are assigned to improve their flower shop website by adding more pages that introduce the shop, showcases, and about page using images and various HTML elements and tags.

Style Sheet
The Stylesheet
A stylesheet is a set of rules defining
how an html element will be “presented”
in the browser.
These rules are targeted to specific
elements in the html document.
The Cascade
The “cascade” part of CSS is a set of rules
for resolving conflicts with multiple CSS
rules applied to the same elements.
For example, if there are two rules defining
the color or your h1 elements, the rule that
comes last in the cascade order will
“trump” the other.

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The Future of the Web: HTML5
The Future of the Web: HTML5The Future of the Web: HTML5
The Future of the Web: HTML5

Work on HTML5 began in 2004 through a collaborative effort between the W3C and WHATWG. It introduces new semantic elements, supports embedded video and audio, introduces the canvas element for drawing, and improves forms. While the specification is still in development, browser support is increasing and many of the new features can be used now to have cleaner code and stay ahead of changes. However, lack of support in some browsers and the evolving specification mean disadvantages include things may change and not work everywhere.

How Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Works
How Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) WorksHow Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Works
How Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Works

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) allows separation of document content from page layout/presentation. CSS was introduced to make web page design and modification easier. CSS properties control elements like text formatting, page layout, and color/images. CSS rules cascade from broad to specific with author styles overriding browser defaults. Common selectors target elements by ID, class, tag name or relationship.

htmlcsscascading style sheets
Introduction to html
Introduction to htmlIntroduction to html
Introduction to html

This document provides an introduction to HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and describes some basic HTML tags and elements. It discusses how to structure an HTML document using tags like <html>, <head>, <title>, and <body>. It also covers text formatting tags, headings, paragraphs, hyperlinks, images, and more. The document contains examples of HTML code and the rendered output to demonstrate how various tags are used.

low importance

Browser stylesheet

high importance

Linked (external) stylesheet

Embedded (internal) stylesheet

Inline (internal) Styles
Html / CSS Presentation
Most elements will inherit many style properties
from their parent elements by default.



parent of site
parent of ul and li, child of body
parent of li, child of div and body
child of ul, div, and body
make the paragraph 16px, Verdana, red
make the paragraph blue

16px, Verdana, blue

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Cookies are easy to prepare and store well, making them popular for the food service industry. Key factors that make a good cookie are flavor from high quality ingredients measured exactly, texture which depends on fat and moisture content, and appearance from uniform shaping and correct baking temperature. There are two mixing methods - one stage simply combines all ingredients while creaming mixes butter and sugar first. Cookies are formed by dropping, rolling, pressing, spreading in sheets, forming dough logs then slicing, or portioning dough into bars.

Ppt of web development
Ppt of web developmentPpt of web development
Ppt of web development

HTML is a markup language used to structure and present content on the web. It can include elements like <video>, <image>, and <head> and is written using tags enclosed in angle brackets. HTML has evolved through several versions from HTML 1.0 to the current HTML5. Key HTML tags include <html>, <head>, <body>, <h1-h6> for headings, and <p> for paragraphs. HTML is essential for web development and designing user-friendly web pages.

CSS Foundations, pt 1
CSS Foundations, pt 1CSS Foundations, pt 1
CSS Foundations, pt 1

The document provides an overview of CSS foundations including the three layers of web design, what CSS is, CSS syntax, selectors, applying styles, and the cascade. It discusses the structure, style, and behavior layers and how CSS is used to control presentation. Key points covered include the different ways to add CSS rules, CSS selectors like type, ID, class, and descendant selectors, and how specificity and inheritance apply styles. It also reviews CSS properties for styling text, lists, and links.

htmlcsseducation and training
Shortly after styling your first html elements,
you will find yourself wanting more control over
where your styles are applied.
This is where specificity comes in.
Specificity refers to how specific your selector is
in naming an element.
make the paragraph 16px, Verdana, red
make the paragraph blue
make the paragraph pink
16px, Verdana, pink

<div id=”plan-2323”>
<p>Here is some text.</p>
<p>Hide this text.</p>

<div id=”plan-2323”>
<p>Here is some text.</p>
<p class=��hideclass”>Hide this text.</p>

#plan-2323.hideclass {display: none}
Html / CSS Presentation

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Class Intro / HTML Basics
Class Intro / HTML BasicsClass Intro / HTML Basics
Class Intro / HTML Basics

This document provides an overview of HTML elements and tags. It discusses the basic HTML page structure including <html>, <head>, and <body> tags. It also covers common text formatting tags, links, images, lists, and more. The document emphasizes that HTML provides semantic structure and meaning to content through appropriate tag usage. It concludes with a brief discussion of relative vs. absolute links and FTP for transferring files to a server.


The document provides an overview of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) including: 1) HTML is a markup language used to describe web pages using tags to structure content like headings, paragraphs, lists, links, images and tables. 2) Various HTML tags are described like <h1>-<h6> for headings, <p> for paragraphs, <b> for bold, <i> for italic, and <a> for links. 3) Additional HTML concepts covered include internal and external CSS, meta tags, images, tables, frames, iframes and cascading style sheets (CSS) for styling content.


cascading style sheets for beginners in web design and development with some of the tags

cssweb design
CSS Syntax

Syntax = the rules for how to write the language
Three terms for describing your styles:

CSS rule
CSS selector
CSS declaration
CSS Rule

selector {property: value;}

Every style is defined by a selector and
a declaration. The declaration contains at least
one property/value pair.Together they are
called a CSS Rule.
CSS Selector
body {font-family: Arial, Helvetica}
p {color: #666666}
h1 {font-size: 24px}
a {color: blue}

The selector associates css rules with
HTML elements.

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HTML Foundations, part 1
HTML Foundations, part 1HTML Foundations, part 1
HTML Foundations, part 1

The document provides an overview of HTML elements and tags for basic webpage structure and formatting. It discusses the <html>, <head>, <body> tags and their uses. It also covers common text formatting tags (<p>, <h1>-<h6>), lists (<ul>, <ol>, <li>), links (<a>), images (<img>), and the differences between relative and absolute links. The document is intended as an introduction to basic HTML tags and elements for building webpage structure.

education and trainingweb design and developmentdesign
CSS Foundations, pt 2
CSS Foundations, pt 2CSS Foundations, pt 2
CSS Foundations, pt 2

This document discusses CSS positioning properties. It explains static positioning as the default normal flow layout. It describes float as removing an element from the flow and allowing other content to wrap around it. Relative positioning is defined as positioning an element relative to its static position, while fixed takes an element out of flow and positions it relative to the browser window. Absolute positioning positions an element relative to its first positioned ancestor, removing it from the flow. Examples are given for float, relative, fixed, and absolute. Class exercises provide opportunities to practice these positioning techniques.

csshigher educationweb design and development
Web technologies part-2
Web technologies part-2Web technologies part-2
Web technologies part-2

This document provides instructions for setting up the folder structure and initial HTML page for a web development project. It walks through creating folders for the project files and then adding the basic HTML structure and tags for the first page, including the <DOCTYPE>, <html>, <head>, <title>, and <body> elements. It also introduces adding CSS and JavaScript files by linking and scripting them into the <head> of the page. The goal is to set up the initial structure and files needed to begin building out the first web page.

CSS Selector
p {
color: red

The selector is typed in front of the declaration,
with a space separating it and the opening
curly-bracket (aka curly-brace).
Typically, extra spaces and returns are added as
shown for the sake of readability.
CSS Selector
h1,h2,h3,h4 {
font-weight: bold

You can apply styles to multiple selectors in the
same rule by separating the selectors with
CSS Declaration
p {
property: value

The declaration is always defined in a property/
value pair. The two are separated by a colon.
How you define the properties will affect how
HTML elements are displayed.
CSS Declaration
p {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
color: #666666;

You can apply multiple declarations to a
selector(s) by separating the delcarations with

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Pfnp slides
Pfnp slidesPfnp slides
Pfnp slides

1) The document provides resources for a front-end development session including working files, slides, and an agenda. 2) It reviews HTML tags, CSS selectors, the box model, positioning, and Flexbox. 3) Instructions are given to install Atom plugins and review JavaScript and JQuery before adding an Express server to a webpage.

Week 2-intro-html
Week 2-intro-htmlWeek 2-intro-html
Week 2-intro-html

This document provides an introduction and overview of HTML and related web technologies. It begins with an explanation of the internet and World Wide Web, then defines key concepts like URLs, DNS, IP addresses, and HTTP. It proceeds to explain the difference between server-side and client-side coding. The document then covers the basic structure of an HTML document using tags like <html>, <head>, and <body>. It defines common text-level, structural, and media tags. Finally, it discusses relative vs. absolute links and the default styling applied by browsers.

higher educationweb design and development
Html, css and jquery introduction
Html, css and jquery introductionHtml, css and jquery introduction
Html, css and jquery introduction

CNC Web World is great IT Training Institute in Nagpur. They provide 100% practical training one faculty for one student. We offer C, C++, Java programming, Android programming, PHP Development, .Net Programming, Web Designing and all other IT related training courses. Web development is all about building great software products and CNC Web World is best in teaching how to build those products.

html5 classes in nagpurhtml5 courses in nagpur
CSS Selectors

Type (element)




Type (element) Selectors
body {declaration}
p {declaration}
h1 {declaration}
ul {declaration}

The simplest selector is the type selector, which
targets an html element by name.
The essential selector types (elements)






h1 – h6


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HTML and CSS Basics
HTML and CSS BasicsHTML and CSS Basics
HTML and CSS Basics

The document provides an overview of HTML and CSS, including: - HTML gives content structure and meaning using elements like headings and paragraphs, while CSS is used to style the appearance of content. - Common HTML terms are explained, like elements, tags, opening/closing tags, and attributes. - The basic structure of an HTML document is outlined, including the <!DOCTYPE html>, <html>, <head>, and <body> elements. - Self-closing elements are discussed, which use a single tag like <meta>.

Girl Develop It Cincinnati: Intro to HTML/CSS Class 2
Girl Develop It Cincinnati: Intro to HTML/CSS Class 2Girl Develop It Cincinnati: Intro to HTML/CSS Class 2
Girl Develop It Cincinnati: Intro to HTML/CSS Class 2

The document provides instructions for downloading Aptana Studio and provides a brandery airport code. It includes the following information: 1. It instructs readers to download Aptana Studio from the provided URL if they have not already done so. 2. It provides a brandery airport code of "brandery123". 3. The document does not contain any other information.

intro to html/cssgdi cincinnatigirl develop it
ID Selectors

#logo {declaration}

<img id=”logo” src=”” alt=””>

An ID is an html attribute that is added to your
html markup. You reference that ID in your css
with a hash.
Class Selectors

.ingredients {declaration}

<ul class=”ingredients”>

A class is an html attribute that is added to your
html markup. You reference that ID in your css
with a period.
IDs vs Classes

The most important difference between IDs
and classes is that there can be only one ID
on a page, but multiple classes.
An ID is more specific than a class.
An element can have both an ID and
multiple classes.
IDs vs Classes

ID: #344-34-4344
Class: Male
Class: Employee

ID: #123-54-9877
Class: Female
Class: Employee

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web development presentation computer science

web development ppt


This document provides an overview of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in 3 sections: 1. It introduces CSS and its uses for controlling layout and styling across multiple web pages. External CSS files allow changing the look of an entire website by editing just one file. 2. Various CSS selectors are described for selecting HTML elements based on name, id, class and other attributes. Common selectors include the element, id, class, and grouping selectors. 3. Different CSS properties are outlined for styling text, colors, backgrounds, borders, padding, margins and other element features. Examples are given for setting colors, images, sizes and other styles using CSS.

HTML Foundations, pt 2
HTML Foundations, pt 2HTML Foundations, pt 2
HTML Foundations, pt 2

The document provides an overview of HTML elements and tags. It discusses the anatomy of elements, including tags, content, and attributes. Common block elements (like <p> and <div>) and inline elements (like <img> and <a>) are described. The document also covers important tags like <a> for links, <table> for tables, and <form> for forms. It explains how to properly structure these elements and includes examples of proper syntax and usage. Key concepts covered include relative vs. absolute links, the <index> file, using colspan to span table columns, and required form attributes like "action" and "name".

htmleducation and trainingmarkup language
Descendant Selectors

#sidebar .author {declaration}

<div id=”sidebar”>
<p class=”author”></p>

A space between two selectors indicates a
descendant selector. In the example above, the
style is targeted to an element with the class
“author” inside the id “sidebar”.
Multiple classes

.ingredients.time {declaration}

<div class=”ingredients time”>

Elements can have multiple classes, giving you
more control. The are written in the CSS in the
exact order they appear in the html, with no
bswift Client Stylesheets
Html / CSS Presentation

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This document discusses various topics related to web development including: - The difference between static and dynamic web content. Most websites contain both. - HTML is the markup language used to describe web pages and uses tags to describe different content. - CSS is used to define styles and presentation rules for HTML elements. CSS rules are defined with selectors and declarations. - JavaScript can be used to add interactivity to HTML pages and is usually embedded directly into web pages. - Events trigger JavaScript code to run, such as when a user clicks an element or submits a form. Event handlers define the code that runs in response to events.

Html Workshop
Html WorkshopHtml Workshop
Html Workshop

HTML is a markup language used to define the structure and layout of web pages. HTML uses tags to mark elements like headings, paragraphs, links, images, and tables. Some key tags include: <h1> for main headings, <p> for paragraphs, <a> for links, <img> for images, and <table> for tables. Elements are everything between a starting and ending tag. HTML documents contain tags and plain text and are displayed in web browsers.

Introduction to Html5, css, Javascript and Jquery
Introduction to Html5, css, Javascript and JqueryIntroduction to Html5, css, Javascript and Jquery
Introduction to Html5, css, Javascript and Jquery

To customize the look and feel of a web page, it is absolutely necessary to understand what is HTML, why CSS, and what are Javascript and Jquery. Javascript and Jquery help in interactive frontend development.

Html / CSS Presentation
Common uses:

Hiding elements
Tweaking specific text styles
Some things you can change with CSS
type size
positions (layout)
Some things you can’t change with CSS

Client text + Client CSS

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Industrial training report

This document provides an overview of various web development technologies including HTML, CSS, MySQL, PHP, and more. It discusses the basic structure of HTML and common tags like paragraphs, lists, links, and images. It also covers the different types of CSS (inline, internal, external) and how to link CSS to HTML. MySQL commands for creating databases, tables, queries, insertion, deletion and updating data are outlined. The document then explains what PHP is and basic syntax, data types, operators, conditional statements, loops. It provides examples of echoing text and using switch statements. Lastly, it briefly mentions additional topics like forms, jQuery, Ajax, sessions, SEO, RSS, and social media.

industrial reportmy247edu.comphp
HTML Email
HTML EmailHTML Email
HTML Email

This document provides information and guidance about designing HTML emails. It discusses that HTML email design is different than web design and requires coding like it is 1999 without CSS and with images referenced by absolute URLs. It also recommends using tables for layout, keeping the width to 600px, and delivering emails in a multipart/alternative MIME format. Additionally, it advises designing defensively by considering technology limits, attention spans, and avoiding spam filters. Key aspects include using recognizable "from" names, compelling subjects and previews, ensuring the core message is above the fold, and making emails scan-friendly.

emailemail design
Basics of Web Navigation
Basics of Web NavigationBasics of Web Navigation
Basics of Web Navigation

This document discusses different types of web navigation, including structural, associative, and utility navigation. It also discusses types of pages like navigational, content, and functional pages. Good navigation is critical for the user experience and should show users where they are, where they can go, and how to get back. Navigation should match users' mental models of the site and not be overwhelming with too many choices.

web designuiux
Html / CSS Presentation
Html / CSS Presentation

Login Branding
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User Centered Design
User Centered DesignUser Centered Design
User Centered Design

This document discusses user-centered design and the roles of web designers. It explains that web designers encompass skills in graphic, UI, and UX design. The standard web development process involves planning, design, production, and launch. Planning includes defining user needs through research and analysis. Design involves wireframes, prototypes, and visual design. UX design focuses on ensuring a positive user experience through attributes like usability, ease of use, and minimizing errors. The goal of user-centered design is to optimize products around how users want to use them rather than forcing users to change behavior.

web designux
Intro to jQuery
Intro to jQueryIntro to jQuery
Intro to jQuery

This document provides an introduction to JavaScript and jQuery. It defines JavaScript as a scripting language used to create dynamic and interactive web pages and applications. It resides in the browser rather than on the server. JavaScript uses functions to organize code into well-defined, reusable tasks. Functions are executed when events occur or when called from other scripts. The document also defines jQuery as a JavaScript library that simplifies client-side scripting with HTML through its selector engine and methods. jQuery code is linked in the page head or an external file below CSS but above other scripts.

jqueryweb design
Images on the Web
Images on the WebImages on the Web
Images on the Web

The document discusses CSS concepts like the cascade, inheritance, and specificity. It explains that the cascade resolves conflicts between multiple CSS rules by prioritizing rules based on their source. Styles can be inherited from parent elements or made more specific. Images can be integrated into webpages and styled with CSS. The document provides guidelines for optimizing image size, format, and quality for the web.

Html / CSS Presentation
Html / CSS Presentation
Html / CSS Presentation
Html / CSS Presentation

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Introduction to Responsive Web Design
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Introduction to Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design (RWD) creates dynamic changes to a website's appearance depending on the screen size and orientation of the device being used to view it. It uses media queries and breakpoints, which allow different style rules for different screen widths. A mobile-first approach designs for mobile screens first before adjusting styles for larger screens.

Web Layout
Web LayoutWeb Layout
Web Layout

This document discusses various CSS properties for controlling web page layout and positioning of elements. It covers the CSS box model including margins, borders, padding and content, and properties for defining dimensions, positioning, floats and more. Examples are provided for setting widths, heights, paddings, borders, the display property, and using relative, fixed and absolute positioning.

Web Typography
Web TypographyWeb Typography
Web Typography

This document provides an overview of typography concepts for web design, including: - Common HTML elements for structuring text and headings - Using CSS to style text properties like font, size, color, and spacing - Selecting typefaces based on legibility, readability, and connotation - Best practices for text on screens like sufficient contrast and line length

Html / CSS Presentation
Html / CSS Presentation
Html / CSS Presentation

Login Examples

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Web Design I Syllabus 22 3375-03
Web Design I Syllabus 22 3375-03Web Design I Syllabus 22 3375-03
Web Design I Syllabus 22 3375-03

This document provides information about a web design course offered in the fall of 2012 at Columbia College Chicago. The 3-credit course covers topics like hypertext, graphic styles, file formats, and user interfaces. Students will design and build HTML documents and graphics and write a thesis. The course requires prerequisites in introduction to graphic design and visual communications. Objectives include learning HTML, CSS, designing for the web. The course will include exercises, projects, and quizzes. Students will maintain a blog and complete an online ad campaign and personal portfolio project.

web designeducationhigher education
Intro to Javascript and jQuery
Intro to Javascript and jQueryIntro to Javascript and jQuery
Intro to Javascript and jQuery

JavaScript is a client-side scripting language that is commonly used to create dynamic and interactive effects on web pages. It resides in the browser and is used to enhance user interfaces and experiences on websites. JavaScript code is made up of statements that are written within script tags. Functions are blocks of code in JavaScript that perform specific tasks, and variables are used to store and retrieve values. jQuery is a JavaScript library that simplifies client-side scripting by using CSS selectors and providing methods to easily manipulate HTML elements and run animations. Both JavaScript and jQuery code is typically linked from the HTML head or an external .js file and placed above other scripts.

HTML Foundations, pt 3: Forms
HTML Foundations, pt 3: FormsHTML Foundations, pt 3: Forms
HTML Foundations, pt 3: Forms

This document discusses different types of forms and form elements that can be used to collect user input on a website, including text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdown menus, submit buttons, and file uploads. It provides examples of how to code these different form elements using HTML tags like <form>, <input>, <label>, <select>, and <textarea> and describes attributes that can be added to customize elements. The document also offers best practices for labeling form fields and designing accessible forms.

Html / CSS Presentation
Html / CSS Presentation
Html / CSS Presentation
Html / CSS Presentation

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10 Usability & UX Guidelines
10 Usability & UX Guidelines10 Usability & UX Guidelines
10 Usability & UX Guidelines

This document provides a summary of 10 usability and user experience guidelines that can help make someone a better web designer. The guidelines discussed include mental models, the 80/20 rule, Fitts' law, Hick's law, the seven plus or minus two rule, the two second rule, the F-shaped reading pattern, the trunk test, consistency, and the principle that form follows function. Each guideline is briefly explained in 2-3 sentences with examples given for some. References for further reading on user experience design are also provided.

usabilityhigher educationux design
Usability and User Experience
Usability and User ExperienceUsability and User Experience
Usability and User Experience

The document discusses key concepts in web design including usability, user experience, and user-centered design. It defines usability as how easy a product is to use, user experience as encompassing all aspects of a user's interaction with a company or product, and user-centered design as optimizing a product around how users need or want to use it rather than forcing users to change their behavior. The document also provides examples of techniques for understanding users like personas, use cases, and usability testing to help ensure designs are focused on the user.

usabilityhigher educationux design
Creating Images for the Web
Creating Images for the WebCreating Images for the Web
Creating Images for the Web

The document provides guidelines for using images on the web, including saving images in the proper format like JPG, PNG, or GIF depending on whether the image needs transparency or a wide color range, and at the optimal size for the context. It discusses using images within HTML and CSS and measuring images in pixels, and provides exercises to practice saving images at different formats and sizes using Save for Web.

web design and developmentimage editing

You are not expected to write
your own html & css
If you do, please run it by the UX team
Apply big changes only to ‘safe’ pages
Make sure we aren’t just fixing symptoms
Don’t make changes that damage
usability / readability / legibility
Html / CSS Presentation
Html / CSS Presentation

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Web Design Process
Web Design ProcessWeb Design Process
Web Design Process

The document discusses conventions and expectations for website design. It explains that users expect websites to work in predictable ways, so conventions have developed over time through cultural norms, technology limitations, familiarity from other media, ease of use, advertising, common platforms, and trends. It then outlines some basic components that are found on most websites, such as a header, feature area, body/content, sidebar, and footer. Finally, it discusses the standard web development process and where graphic/UI designers fit within the planning and design stages.

web designcsshigher education
Web Design 1: Introductions
Web Design 1: IntroductionsWeb Design 1: Introductions
Web Design 1: Introductions

This document provides an introduction and overview of topics that will be covered in a Web Design I class, including: - The basics of HTML elements, tags, and page structure with headings, paragraphs, and nesting tags. - Key concepts like the difference between the Internet and World Wide Web, how URLs and IP addresses work, and the difference between static and dynamic web pages. - The three layers of web design: structure with HTML, style with CSS, and behavior with JavaScript. - A preview of upcoming topics like HTML elements, client style sheets, and learning solid structural design before adding visual design.

web designeducationhtml element
22-3530, Photo Communications Syllabus
22-3530, Photo Communications Syllabus22-3530, Photo Communications Syllabus
22-3530, Photo Communications Syllabus

This course explores using photography for design communications. Students will apply skills from Photography I to create all images needed for their design and advertising layouts. The course covers alternative photography methods, location and studio lighting, and tabletop photography. Students must have taken Photography I and either Photography I Workshop or Digital Photography for Non-Majors. Attendance is required as students will critique each other's work and collaborate on projects. Students should expect to spend 6-8 hours per week outside of class on coursework. Projects will be evaluated on following instructions, appropriateness of solution, creativity, craftsmanship, and presentation.

graphic designsyllabus

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