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            Dave Ross
Fox Valley Computing Professionals
        December 14, 2010
HTML5 History & Features
• 1991 - "HTML Tags"
• 1991 - "HTML Tags"

• 1995 - HTML 2.0
• 1991 - "HTML Tags"

• 1995 - HTML 2.0

• 1997 - HTML 3.2
• 1991 - "HTML Tags"

• 1995 - HTML 2.0

• 1997 - HTML 3.2

• 1997 - HTML 4.0
• 1991 - "HTML Tags"

• 1995 - HTML 2.0

• 1997 - HTML 3.2

• 1997 - HTML 4.0

• 1998 - HTML 4.0 (revised)
• 1991 - "HTML Tags"

• 1995 - HTML 2.0

• 1997 - HTML 3.2

• 1997 - HTML 4.0

• 1998 - HTML 4.0 (revised)

• 1999 - HTML 4.01

• Formal syntax (XML)

• Machine friendly

• MIME types, xmlns, strict/transitional
• 2000 - XHTML 1.0

• 2001 - XHTML 1.1

• 2002 - XHTML 2.0/XForms/
Should the W3C develop declarative extensions to
HTML and CSS and imperative extensions to DOM,
    to address medium level Web Application
requirements, as opposed to sophisticated, fully-
Should the W3C develop declarative extensions to
HTML and CSS and imperative extensions to DOM,
    to address medium level Web Application
requirements, as opposed to sophisticated, fully-

Web Hypertext Application Technology
          Working Group
• Mozilla Foundation

• Apple

• Google

• Opera
• Mozilla Foundation

• Apple

• Google

• Opera

Microsoft cited lack of a patent
Seven Principles
Seven Principles
• Backwards compatibility, clear migration path
Seven Principles
• Backwards compatibility, clear migration path

• Well-defined error handling
Seven Principles
• Backwards compatibility, clear migration path

• Well-defined error handling

• Users should not be exposed to authoring errors
Seven Principles
• Backwards compatibility, clear migration path

• Well-defined error handling

• Users should not be exposed to authoring errors

• Practical use
Seven Principles
• Backwards compatibility, clear migration path

• Well-defined error handling

• Users should not be exposed to authoring errors

• Practical use

• Scripting is here to stay
Seven Principles
• Backwards compatibility, clear migration path

• Well-defined error handling

• Users should not be exposed to authoring errors

• Practical use

• Scripting is here to stay

• Device-specific profiling should be avoided
Seven Principles
• Backwards compatibility, clear migration path

• Well-defined error handling

• Users should not be exposed to authoring errors

• Practical use

• Scripting is here to stay

• Device-specific profiling should be avoided

• Open process
In case of conflict, consider users over
authors over implementors over specifiers
          over theoretical purity.

     HTML Design Principles (2007)
• XHTML 2 still a draft

• W3C interested in HTML5

• Some things are clearer with hindsight of
  several years. It is necessary to evolve
  HTML incrementally. The attempt to get
  the world to switch to XML...didn't work.

• WHATWG sent HTML5 draft to W3C

• WHATWG sent HTML5 draft to W3C

• Working group assigned

• WHATWG sent HTML5 draft to W3C

• Working group assigned

• 2012 - W3C Candidate Recommendation

• WHATWG sent HTML5 draft to W3C

• Working group assigned

• 2012 - W3C Candidate Recommendation

• 2022 - W3C Recommendation
2009 - XHTML 2
"The ones that win are the ones that ship." - Mark
Most HTML5
features work today*
   * in progressive browsers
Most HTML5
features work today*
* in everything but Internet Explorer
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
charset="utf-8" />
<link rel="..."
•   alternate   • nofollow

•   archives    • noreferrer
•   author
                • pingback
•   external
                • prefetch
•   prev,
                • search

•   icon        • sidebar

•   license     • tag
Semantic Elements
• <header> & <footer>

• <section>

• <nav>, <menu> & <command>

• <article> & <aside>

• <hgroup> (heading group)
Semantic Elements

• <time>

• <mark>

• <meter>

• <progress>
Not recognized in
  all browsers*
Not recognized in
   all browsers*
* I'm looking at you, Internet Explorer
HTML5 Shiv
<input type="..." />
• text, password, checkbox, radio, file

• search, url, tel, email

• range

• color

• date, time, datetime, month, week
<input type="text"
placeholder="enter your search
          terms" />
<input type="text"
autofocus="autofocus" />
• Drawing surface with Javascript API

• 2D & 3D (WebGL) drawing contexts

• Text

• Points, lines, and paths

• Pictures

• Animation
HTML5 History & Features
HTML5 History & Features
HTML5 History & Features
<canvas id="game" width="300"
Your browser doesn't support canvas*
<canvas id="game" width="300"
Your browser doesn't support canvas*

                 * guess
<script type="text/javascript">
var game =
var context = game.getContext('2d');
context.fillRect(50, 25, 150, 100);
<audio autoplay="autoplay" controls="controls">
<source src="file.ogg" />
<source src="file.aac" />
<source src="file.mp3" />
<video src=""
width="320" height="200"
<video width="320" height="200">
<source src="" />
<source src="file.ogg" />
<source src="file.vp8" />
Offline Applications

• <html manifest="my.manifest">

• Served as text/cache-manifest

• AddType text/cache-manifest .manifest
Manifest Contents
Manifest Sections
• CACHE: Files that should always be
  available offline

• NETWORK: Files that must be accessed
  over the network and cannot be cached
  (server-side scripts)

• FALLBACK: Substitute files when running
Javascript APIs
• History (manipulate browser history)

• Geolocation (GPS, cell towers, wifi)

• Local storage (database in the browser)

• Web sockets (communication w/servers)

• Web workers (Javascript multithreading)

• Drag & drop
This is only the
Dive Into HTML5

• Free guide to
  HTML5 history
  and features
• No PDF/ePub
HTML5 Up and
• Expanded version
  of Dive Into HTML5
• Available in
  paperback or e-
• Save 35% with
  discount code
Dave Ross
• Lead Developer at
  Straight North

• Building web sites since

• Cat shelter volunteer

• Collects old computers


This presentation and my previous
 HTML5 & Canvas presentations

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20240705 QFM024 Irresponsible AI Reading List June 202420240705 QFM024 Irresponsible AI Reading List June 2024
20240705 QFM024 Irresponsible AI Reading List June 2024
How to Build a Profitable IoT Product.pptx
How to Build a Profitable IoT Product.pptxHow to Build a Profitable IoT Product.pptx
How to Build a Profitable IoT Product.pptx
Coordinate Systems in FME 101 - Webinar Slides
Coordinate Systems in FME 101 - Webinar SlidesCoordinate Systems in FME 101 - Webinar Slides
Coordinate Systems in FME 101 - Webinar Slides

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Editor's Notes

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