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“Introduction to HTML 5”
Web Technologies Timeline
1991 HTML
1994 HTML 2
1997 HTML 4
1998 CSS2
2000 XHTML 1
2005 AJAX
2009 HTML 5
HTML 4 vs HTML 5
HTML 4 Structure

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HTML was first defined by Tim Berners-Lee in 1991 and has evolved through several versions. HTML5 and CSS3 are the next generation standards that will enhance the richness and interactivity of web content. HTML5 introduces new semantic tags and APIs for multimedia, geolocation, and offline storage. CSS3 includes features for rounded corners, drop shadows, columns, animations, and media queries for responsive design. While legacy browsers present challenges, HTML5 and CSS3 will improve the functionality of the mobile web and make the interface of the web comparable to native applications.

Html and css presentation
Html and css presentationHtml and css presentation
Html and css presentation

HTML is used to create web documents and consists of text and markup tags to define structure, appearance, and hyperlinks. There are two types of tags: container tags define sections of text using start and end tags, and empty tags represent single occurrences like line breaks. CSS is used to style HTML documents and consists of rules with selectors and declarations specifying properties and values to control styling. PHP is a widely used server-side scripting language with roots in C and C++ that is commonly used with MySQL, a popular open-source database, to create dynamic web applications.

CSS Basics
CSS BasicsCSS Basics
CSS Basics

CSS Tutorial | CSS Basics For Beginners | Css Box Model | CSS Text | CSS Font | CSS HTML | CSS Styling

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HTML 5 is Backward
Content Model
 The content model is what defines how elements may
Content Model

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Html n CSS
Html n CSSHtml n CSS
Html n CSS

The document discusses the three main technologies used to build user interfaces: HTML for structure, CSS for presentation, and JavaScript for behavior. It emphasizes that each technology should only be used for its intended purpose to improve accessibility, portability, maintainability, and performance. HTML provides structure using tags, CSS handles styling and layout with rules, and JavaScript adds interactive behaviors. The document then goes into more detail about each technology and their various components.

htmlhypertext markup languagecss selectors
Intro to HTML and CSS basics
Intro to HTML and CSS basicsIntro to HTML and CSS basics
Intro to HTML and CSS basics

This document provides an overview of HTML and CSS topics including: - A brief history of HTML and CSS standards from 1990 to present. - Descriptions of common HTML elements like <body>, <head>, <img>, <a>, and lists. - Explanations of CSS concepts like selectors, properties, units, positioning, and layout fundamentals. - Details on CSS topics like the box model, centering content, semantic HTML, and flexbox. The document serves as a course outline or reference for learning HTML and CSS fundamentals.

HTML Semantic Elements
HTML Semantic ElementsHTML Semantic Elements
HTML Semantic Elements

Semantic HTML elements like <header>, <nav>, <article>, <section>, and <footer> help describe the meaning and purpose of content. Non-semantic elements like <div> do not provide semantic information. Common sections of a webpage such as navigation, content articles, and footers can now be marked up with the appropriate semantic elements to clearly define the structure and roles for both browsers and developers.

 Metadata content is content that sets up the
presentation or behavior of the rest of the content, or
that sets up the relationship of the document with other
documents, or that conveys other "out of band"
 <base>, <command>, <link>, <eta>, <noscript>, <script>,
<style>, <title>
 Visit
models.html#metadata-content-0 for more information
 Most elements that are used in the body of
documents and applications are categorized as flow
 <a>, <article>, <section>, <span>
 Visit
models.html#flow-content-0 for the complete list
 Sectioning content is content that defines the scope of
headings and footers.
 <article>, <aside>, <nav>, <section>
 Visit
models.html#sectioning-content-0 for more information
 Heading content defines the header of a section
(whether explicitly marked up using sectioning content
elements, or implied by the heading content itself).
 <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>, <hgroup>
 Visit
models.html#heading-content-0 for more information

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Basic Details of HTML and CSS.pdf
Basic Details of HTML and CSS.pdfBasic Details of HTML and CSS.pdf
Basic Details of HTML and CSS.pdf

This document provides an introduction to HTML and CSS. It defines HTML as a markup language used to structure web pages with tags, and CSS as a style sheet language used to describe how HTML elements are displayed. It lists common HTML elements like headings, paragraphs, and divs that can be block or inline, and describes how CSS can be applied internally, inline, or via external stylesheets to control things like colors, fonts, and layout. Key differences between HTML and CSS are also outlined, with HTML for structure and CSS for presentation.

Span and Div tags in HTML
Span and Div tags in HTMLSpan and Div tags in HTML
Span and Div tags in HTML

This slide guides through the differences of the Span and Div tags in HTML. I started a channel on YouTube for Networking lovers. "VERY SIMPLE NETWORKING" SERIES can be found at THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND LIKES.

CSS Basics
CSS BasicsCSS Basics
CSS Basics

Presentation to WordPress Memphis meetup group on December 2, 2010, CSS Basics. By designer Irina McGuire.

wordpresscsswordpress memphis
 Phrasing content is the text of the document, as well
as elements that mark up that text at the intra-
paragraph level. Runs of phrasing
content form paragraphs.
 <b>, <button>, <canvas>, <cite>, <code>, <em>, <embed>,
<i>, <iframe>, <img>, <input>, <script>, <select>,
 Visit
models.html#phrasing-content-0 for the complete list
 Embedded content is content that imports another
resource into the document, or content from another
vocabulary that is inserted into the document.
 <audio>, <canvas>, <embed>, <iframe>, <img>, <math>,
<object>, <svg>, <video>
 Visit
models.html#embedded-content-0 for more information
 Interactive content is content that is specifically
intended for user interaction.
 <a>, <button>, <details>, <embed>, <iframe>, <keygen>,
<label>, <select>, <textarea>
 Visit
models.html#interactive-content-0 for more information
A quick introduction to

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Introduction to CSS
Introduction to CSSIntroduction to CSS
Introduction to CSS

CSS is used to style and lay out web pages. It allows separation of document content from page layout and design. CSS declarations are made up of selectors and properties. Selectors identify elements on the page and properties set specific styles for those elements, like color, font, size, and layout. CSS rules cascade based on specificity and source, with more specific and inline rules taking precedence over broader and external rules. Inheritance passes down text-based styles by default.

Html5 semantics
Html5 semanticsHtml5 semantics
Html5 semantics

The document discusses HTML5 semantic and non-semantic elements. It defines semantic elements as those with inherent meaning, like <form> and <table>, while non-semantic elements like <div> and <span> do not convey meaning. New HTML5 semantic elements are introduced, including <section> for sections, <article> for independent content, <header> and <footer> for introductory and footer content, and <nav> for navigation links. Semantic elements are important for search engines and accessibility by clearly defining the meaning of different parts of a web page.

html5 non-semantichtml5 semantic

This document provides an overview of HTML and CSS for website development. It discusses how websites use HTML for content, CSS for presentation, and JavaScript for behavior. It then covers basic HTML tags and structure, as well as CSS selectors, the box model, positioning, and floats. The goal is to teach the essentials of using HTML to structure content and CSS to style and position that content for websites.

A basic HTML document looks
like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Sample Pages</title>
<h1>Sample page</h1>
<p>This is a <a href="demo.html">simple</a>

<p>Example paragraph</p>
HTML Syntax
Here is an example document that
conforms to the HTML syntax:
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Example document</title>
<p>Example paragraph</p>
Here is an example document that
conforms to the XML syntax of HTML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns="">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Example document</title>
<p>Example paragraph</p>

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Html forms
Html formsHtml forms
Html forms

This document discusses HTML forms, including: - HTML forms allow users to enter and submit data through text boxes, buttons, checkboxes, radio buttons, and other controls. - Forms are defined using <form> tags which specify an action and method for submitting data. - Common form controls include text fields, passwords, checkboxes, radio buttons, buttons, textareas, and select menus. - Accessible forms should use <label> tags, <fieldset> and <legend> elements to organize groups of controls. - CSS can style forms and individual controls using properties like :focus and outline. - Form layout can be controlled through <br>, tables, or CSS float and clear properties.

introduction to cascaded style sheet(css)html forms

This document provides an introduction and overview of jQuery. It discusses how jQuery simplifies DOM navigation and manipulation, handles browser differences, and makes JavaScript coding easier. The document covers basic jQuery concepts like selectors, the jQuery function, attributes, and events. It also provides examples of common jQuery code.

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Introduction to JavaScript (1).ppt
Introduction to JavaScript (1).pptIntroduction to JavaScript (1).ppt
Introduction to JavaScript (1).ppt

This document introduces JavaScript, explaining that it allows for interactivity on web pages by manipulating the browser and reacting to user actions. It is embedded in HTML and executes on the client side for fast interactions without a connection. JavaScript statements can include code combined with HTML tags. The document also discusses using JavaScript with HTML forms to process and display user input on the page.

New Structural Elements
 For better structure
HTML Document
Typical HTML Structural
<nav> <aside>
HTML Document
Another Typical HTML
<header> element
 The header element represents the header of a section.

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This document provides an introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) including its syntax, types, selectors and an example program. CSS allows styling web pages by separating design from content. CSS rules consist of selectors and declaration blocks with properties and values. There are three types of CSS styles: internal, inline, and external. Common selectors include element, ID, class, and grouping selectors. An example program demonstrates using CSS to style an HTML table with borders, padding, and rounded corners.

css.types of css
HTML5 audio & video
HTML5 audio & videoHTML5 audio & video
HTML5 audio & video

The document discusses HTML5 audio and video capabilities. It introduces the <audio> and <video> tags, which allow embedding audio and video on websites. It lists supported file formats and attributes for each tag, and provides examples of implementing basic audio and video playback with the tags. Browser support for different file formats is covered as well. The document aims to explain the basics of HTML5 audio and video.

Nursing informatics introduction
Nursing informatics   introductionNursing informatics   introduction
Nursing informatics introduction

This document provides information about a Nursing Informatics course, including the instructor, schedule, course description, objectives, outline, and definitions of key terms. The course deals with using information technology and standards in nursing, managing patient data, and clinical decision-making. It is worth 3 credits, includes both lecture and lab hours, and covers topics such as computer hardware and software, electronic health records, issues in informatics, and applications for practice, research, and the future of the field.

informaticsinfotech for nursingnursing
<nav> element
 Group of navigational links
 The nav element represents a section of a document
that links to other documents or to parts within the
document itself; that is, a section of navigation links.
<article> element
 The article element represents a section of content that
forms an independent part of a document or site; for
example, a magazine or newspaper article, or a blog
<section> element
 The section element represents a section of a
document, typically with a title or heading.
<main> element
 The main element represents the main content section
of the body of a document or application.
 The main content section consists of content that is
directly related to or expands upon the central topic of
a document or central functionality of an application.

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Html 5 introduction
Html 5 introductionHtml 5 introduction
Html 5 introduction

HTML5 is the next generation of HTML that will be the new standard, as the previous version was released in 1999. HTML5 is still a work in progress but is supported by most modern browsers. HTML5 was a cooperation between the W3C and WHATWG to create a new version that reduces the need for plugins, has better error handling, and includes new elements and APIs. Some of HTML5's new features include canvas drawing, video and audio playback, offline storage, and new form controls.

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Introduction à HTML 5
Introduction à HTML 5Introduction à HTML 5
Introduction à HTML 5

Objectif général : Découvrir quelques nouveautés du HTML5 Objectifs opérationnels : Connaître les avantages du HTML5 Utiliser les nouveaux éléments de structuration Utiliser les nouveaux éléments conteneurs Utiliser les nouveaux éléments de contenu incorporé Utiliser les nouveaux éléments et attributs de formulaire

html 5numbernav
<aside> element
 Tangential content
 The aside element represents content that is
tangentially related to the content that forms the main
textual flow of a document.
<footer> element
 he footer element represents the footer for the section
it applies to.
Sample Structure:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Sample Page</title>
<figure> and <figcaption>

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This document discusses nursing informatics and its application in the Philippine healthcare system. It defines nursing informatics as integrating nursing science with information management and analytical sciences. The history of nursing informatics in the Philippines is described, including key milestones and the formation of organizations like the Informatics Nurses Society of the Philippines. The Philippine healthcare system faces challenges due to fragmentation between local governments and issues with health human resources. Nursing informatics can help address some of these challenges by supporting areas like education, research, and practice across nursing expertise levels.

Introduction to html 5
Introduction to html 5Introduction to html 5
Introduction to html 5

This document provides an introduction to HTML5 and discusses some of its new features. It begins with an overview of HTML5 and its updated document structure, then describes several new HTML5 elements such as <header>, <nav>, <article>, <section>, <figure>, and <footer>. It also discusses new form attributes, input types, and multimedia capabilities such as audio, video, and geolocation. Finally, it briefly mentions features like drag and drop, SVG graphics, canvas drawing, and server-sent events.

Introduction to html 5
Introduction to html 5Introduction to html 5
Introduction to html 5

The document provides an introduction to HTML 5, including: - HTML 5 is the new standard for HTML that aims to reduce the need for plugins like Flash and provide better error handling. - New features in HTML 5 include new semantic elements, form validation, deprecated elements, and new APIs for video, audio, offline applications and more. - Getting started with HTML 5 involves changes to page structure like shortening tags, using new elements and attributes, and removing obsolete code. Semantic elements, forms, and error handling are also covered.

<figure> element
 The figure element represents a unit of content,
optionally with a caption, that is self-contained, that is
typically referenced as a single unit from the main flow
of the document, and that can be moved away from the
main flow of the document without affecting the
document’s meaning.
<figcaption> element
 The figcaption element represents a caption or legend
for a figure.
Sample Code:
<img src=“01.jpg” />
Sample Figure Caption
 Other New Element

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An Intro to Mobile HTML5

This document provides an introduction to HTML5 and discusses the evolution of the web. It notes that the web is changing from a single device experience to a multi-device one, and from thin clients to thick applications. It shows how browser platforms and programming languages have diversified for smartphones. The document highlights how HTML5 is bringing new capabilities like geolocation, video, audio and graphics to the web in a standardized way. It encourages keeping up with browser support and using polyfills and frameworks. Finally, it speculates about how the mobile web may gain access to device APIs and become more like a mobile platform itself.

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"Nursing Informatics PowerPoint Presentation"
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This document provides an overview of electronic health records (EHR) and related concepts. It discusses how EHRs are useful for storing and processing large amounts of health data. The document also describes the components and benefits of EHR systems, including their ability to integrate information from different hospital departments. Some concerns with EHRs include issues with converting paper records digitally and ensuring data integrity and security. The document outlines the types of clinical data typically contained in EHRs and some challenges in implementing EHR systems.

Practice Application- Nursing Informatics
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Practice Application- Nursing Informatics

The document discusses the evolution of the definition of nursing informatics from 1980 to the present. It provides definitions from various nursing organizations over time that have defined nursing informatics as integrating nursing science, computer science, and information science to manage data and information to support nursing practice, administration, education, research, and expand nursing knowledge. The definitions focus on collecting, processing, and managing nursing data and information through technology to improve nursing care and outcomes.

<video> element
 The video element represents a video or movie.
 Some useful attributes:
 src (none empty URL, potentially surrounded by spaces)
 autoplay ("autoplay" or "" (empty string) or empty)
 controls ("controls" or "" (empty string) or empty)
 loop ("loop" or "" (empty string) or empty Instructs the UA
to seek back to the start of the video upon reaching the
 height (non-negative integer. The height of the video, in
CSS pixels.)
 width (non-negative integer. The width of the video, in
CSS pixels.)
Sample Code:
<video controls
Your user agent does not support the HTML5 Video
This is a sample Video
<audio> element
 An audio element represents an audio stream.
 Some useful attributes:
 src (URL potentially surrounded by spaces. The URL for the
audio stream.)
 autoplay ("autoplay" or "" (empty string) or empty.
Instructs the UA to automatically begin playback of the
audio stream as soon as it can do so without stopping.)
 controls ("controls" or "" (empty string) or empty. Instructs
the UA to expose a user interface for controlling playback
of the audio stream.)
 loop ("loop" or "" (empty string) or empty. Instructs the UA
to seek back to the start of the audio stream upon
reaching the end.)
Instructs the UA to expose a user interface for controlling playback of the audio stream.
Sample Code:
<audio controls>
<source src="
Death_Becomes_Fur.mp4" type='audio/mp4'>
<source src="
Death_Becomes_Fur.oga" type='audio/ogg;
<p>Your user agent does not support the HTML5 Audio
This is a sample audio

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01 Php Introduction

The document provides an introduction and overview of PHP including: - PHP is a widely-used open source scripting language especially for web development. - It was created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1995 and is free to use. - PHP typically runs on web servers and is installed on over 20 million websites. - Features include being free, easy to learn, supporting databases and object-oriented programming. - Common tools for PHP development include XAMPP, Notepad++, and Eclipse IDE.

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The document provides an introduction to PHP, explaining that it is a server-side scripting language used to generate HTML web pages. It discusses the differences between client-side and server-side scripting, with PHP being an example of server-side scripting. The summary also explains how to create basic PHP pages and covers some basic PHP syntax including variables, data types, operators, and control structures like if/else statements.

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Html 5, a gentle introduction
Html 5, a gentle introductionHtml 5, a gentle introduction
Html 5, a gentle introduction

A gentle introduction to the tag soup that HTML 5 brings us and how to transition to it. The new, the good and the deprecated.

htmlhtml 5web development
<canvas> element
 Canvas for Dynamic Graphics
 The canvas element represents a resolution-dependent
bitmap canvas, which can be used for dynamically
rendering of images such as game graphics, graphs, or
other images.
 Some useful attributes:
 height (non-negative integer. The height of the canvas, in
CSS pixels.)
 width (non-negative integer. The width of the canvas, in
CSS pixels.)
Using Canvas
<canvas id="myCanvas" width="200"
height="100” style="border:1px solid
Your browser does not support the canvas element.
var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0000";
</script> 42
• The input element's type attribute now has
the following new values:
 tel
 search
 url
 email
 date
 time
 number
 range
 color
Some New Attributes
 Several attributes have been introduced to various
elements that were already part of HTML4:
 charset attribute for the meta element
 autofocus attribute can be specified on several form
 placeholder attribute can be specified on the input and
textarea elements.
 required attribute for several form elements
 disabled attribute for a fieldset element.
 autocomplete, min, max, multiple, pattern and step
attributes for input element.
 list attribute for the input element.
 maxlength, minlength and wrap attributes for the textarea

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Introduction to Web Architecture

The document provides an introduction to basic web architecture, including HTML, URIs, HTTP, cookies, database-driven websites, AJAX, web services, XML, and JSON. It discusses how the web is a two-tiered architecture with a web browser displaying information from a web server. Key components like HTTP requests and responses are outlined. Extension of web architecture with server-side processing using languages like PHP and client-side processing with JavaScript are also summarized.

#3 - Sectioning content and outline view
#3 - Sectioning content and outline view#3 - Sectioning content and outline view
#3 - Sectioning content and outline view

This document discusses techniques for digital animation. It covers new elements in HTML5 like <details> and <summary> which represent disclosure widgets. It also discusses sectioning content elements like <article>, <aside>, <nav>, and <section> that are used to divide HTML documents into sections. The document explains the document outlining algorithm and shows examples of outline views of web pages. It also promotes validating HTML and CSS to check for well-formed markup and as a debugging and quality control tool.

Html5, a gentle introduction
Html5, a gentle introduction Html5, a gentle introduction
Html5, a gentle introduction

A gentle introduction to HTML 5. A look at the new tags, semantic changes, and how to transition to html 5.

html 5web developmentweb
Obsolete Elements
 The following elements are not in HTML because their
effect is purely presentational and their function is
better handled by CSS:
 basefont
 big
 center
 font
 strike
 tt
 The following elements are not in HTML because using
them damages usability and accessibility:
 frame
 frameset
 noframes
 The following elements are not included because they
have not been used often, created confusion, or their
function can be handled by other elements:
 acronym is not included because it has created a lot of
confusion. Web developers are to use abbr for
 applet has been obsoleted in favor of object.
 isindex usage can be replaced by usage of form controls.
 dir has been obsoleted in favor of ul.

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HTML5 introduces many new elements that improve the semantics of HTML documents. These include new structural elements like <header>, <nav>, <article>, and <footer> that define different sections of a page. HTML5 also adds new form controls like <datalist> and <output>. It introduces multimedia elements <video> and <audio> to embed video and audio. The <canvas> element allows dynamic drawing via scripting, enabling 2D and 3D graphics. HTML5 provides a simpler way to structure pages compared to HTML4's <div> elements.

html5web technology
Html 5
Html 5Html 5
Html 5

HTML 5 is the latest version of HTML that includes new semantic elements, forms, audio/video playback, canvas, and geolocation. It introduces several new features like local storage, drag and drop, and cross document messaging. The document provides an introduction to HTML5 and describes some of its new elements and features including audio/video playback, canvas drawing, forms, and data storage APIs. It also compares HTML5 to older HTML versions and provides instructions on getting started with HTML5.

Title Introduction to HTML 5
Version 1.0
By Ian Jasper Mangampo

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Intro to html 5

  • 2. Web Technologies Timeline YEAR WEB TECHNOLOGY 1991 HTML 1994 HTML 2 1996 CSS1 + JAVA SCRIPT 1997 HTML 4 1998 CSS2 2000 XHTML 1 2002 TABLELESS WEB DESIGN 2005 AJAX 2009 HTML 5 2
  • 3. HTML 4 vs HTML 5 3
  • 6. HTML 5 is Backward Compatible 6
  • 7. Content Model  The content model is what defines how elements may be. 7
  • 9. METADATA CONTENT  Metadata content is content that sets up the presentation or behavior of the rest of the content, or that sets up the relationship of the document with other documents, or that conveys other "out of band" information.  <base>, <command>, <link>, <eta>, <noscript>, <script>, <style>, <title>  Visit models.html#metadata-content-0 for more information 9
  • 10. FLOW CONTENT  Most elements that are used in the body of documents and applications are categorized as flow content.  <a>, <article>, <section>, <span>  Visit models.html#flow-content-0 for the complete list  10
  • 11. SECTIONING CONTENT  Sectioning content is content that defines the scope of headings and footers.  <article>, <aside>, <nav>, <section>  Visit models.html#sectioning-content-0 for more information 11
  • 12. HEADING CONTENT  Heading content defines the header of a section (whether explicitly marked up using sectioning content elements, or implied by the heading content itself).  <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6>, <hgroup>  Visit models.html#heading-content-0 for more information 12
  • 13. PHRASING CONTENT  Phrasing content is the text of the document, as well as elements that mark up that text at the intra- paragraph level. Runs of phrasing content form paragraphs.  <b>, <button>, <canvas>, <cite>, <code>, <em>, <embed>, <i>, <iframe>, <img>, <input>, <script>, <select>,  Visit models.html#phrasing-content-0 for the complete list 13
  • 14. EMBEDDED CONTENT  Embedded content is content that imports another resource into the document, or content from another vocabulary that is inserted into the document.  <audio>, <canvas>, <embed>, <iframe>, <img>, <math>, <object>, <svg>, <video>  Visit models.html#embedded-content-0 for more information 14
  • 15. INTERACTIVE CONTENT  Interactive content is content that is specifically intended for user interaction.  <a>, <button>, <details>, <embed>, <iframe>, <keygen>, <label>, <select>, <textarea>  Visit models.html#interactive-content-0 for more information 15
  • 16. A quick introduction to HTML 16
  • 17. A basic HTML document looks like this: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Sample Pages</title> </head> <body> <h1>Sample page</h1> <p>This is a <a href="demo.html">simple</a> sample.</p> <!-- this is a comment --> <p>Example paragraph</p> </body> </html> 17
  • 19. Here is an example document that conforms to the HTML syntax: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Example document</title> </head> <body> <p>Example paragraph</p> </body> </html> 19
  • 20. Here is an example document that conforms to the XML syntax of HTML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <html xmlns=""> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Example document</title> </head> <body> <p>Example paragraph</p> </body> </html> 20
  • 21. New Structural Elements  For better structure  SECTION  ARTICLE  MAIN  ASIDE  HEADER  FOOTER  NAV  FIGURE & FIGCAPTION  TEMPLATE 21
  • 22. HTML Document Typical HTML Structural 22 <header> <footer> <nav> <aside> <section> <main> <article>
  • 23. HTML Document Another Typical HTML Structure 23 <header> <footer> <nav> <aside> <section> <main> <article>
  • 24. <header> element  The header element represents the header of a section. 24
  • 25. <nav> element  Group of navigational links  The nav element represents a section of a document that links to other documents or to parts within the document itself; that is, a section of navigation links. 25
  • 26. <article> element  The article element represents a section of content that forms an independent part of a document or site; for example, a magazine or newspaper article, or a blog entry. 26
  • 27. <section> element  The section element represents a section of a document, typically with a title or heading. 27
  • 28. <main> element  The main element represents the main content section of the body of a document or application.  The main content section consists of content that is directly related to or expands upon the central topic of a document or central functionality of an application. 28
  • 29. <aside> element  Tangential content  The aside element represents content that is tangentially related to the content that forms the main textual flow of a document. 29
  • 30. <footer> element  he footer element represents the footer for the section it applies to. 30
  • 31. Sample Structure: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Sample Page</title> </head> <body> <header>…</header> <nav>…</nav> <section> <main>…</main> <article>…</article> </section> <aside>…</aside> <footer>…</footer> </body> </html> 31
  • 33. <figure> element  The figure element represents a unit of content, optionally with a caption, that is self-contained, that is typically referenced as a single unit from the main flow of the document, and that can be moved away from the main flow of the document without affecting the document’s meaning. 33
  • 34. <figcaption> element  The figcaption element represents a caption or legend for a figure. 34
  • 35. Sample Code: <section> <h1>ABCDE</h1> <p>……</p> <figure> <img src=“01.jpg” /> <figurecaption> Sample Figure Caption </figurecaption> </figure> </section> 35
  • 37. <video> element  The video element represents a video or movie.  Some useful attributes:  src (none empty URL, potentially surrounded by spaces)  autoplay ("autoplay" or "" (empty string) or empty)  controls ("controls" or "" (empty string) or empty)  loop ("loop" or "" (empty string) or empty Instructs the UA to seek back to the start of the video upon reaching the end.)  height (non-negative integer. The height of the video, in CSS pixels.)  width (non-negative integer. The width of the video, in CSS pixels.) 37
  • 38. Sample Code: <figure> <video controls src=""> Your user agent does not support the HTML5 Video element. </video> <figcaption> This is a sample Video </figcaption> </figure> 38
  • 39. <audio> element  An audio element represents an audio stream.  Some useful attributes:  src (URL potentially surrounded by spaces. The URL for the audio stream.)  autoplay ("autoplay" or "" (empty string) or empty. Instructs the UA to automatically begin playback of the audio stream as soon as it can do so without stopping.)  controls ("controls" or "" (empty string) or empty. Instructs the UA to expose a user interface for controlling playback of the audio stream.)  loop ("loop" or "" (empty string) or empty. Instructs the UA to seek back to the start of the audio stream upon reaching the end.) 39 Instructs the UA to expose a user interface for controlling playback of the audio stream.
  • 40. Sample Code: <figure> <audio controls> <source src=" Death_Becomes_Fur.mp4" type='audio/mp4'> <source src=" Death_Becomes_Fur.oga" type='audio/ogg; codecs=vorbis'> <p>Your user agent does not support the HTML5 Audio element.</p> </audio> <figcaption> This is a sample audio </figcaption> 40
  • 41. <canvas> element  Canvas for Dynamic Graphics  The canvas element represents a resolution-dependent bitmap canvas, which can be used for dynamically rendering of images such as game graphics, graphs, or other images.  Some useful attributes:  height (non-negative integer. The height of the canvas, in CSS pixels.)  width (non-negative integer. The width of the canvas, in CSS pixels.) 41
  • 42. Using Canvas <canvas id="myCanvas" width="200" height="100” style="border:1px solid #c3c3c3;"> Your browser does not support the canvas element. </canvas> <script> var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.fillStyle = "#FF0000"; ctx.fillRect(0,0,150,75); </script> 42
  • 43. • The input element's type attribute now has the following new values:  tel  search  url  email  date  time  number  range  color 43
  • 44. Some New Attributes  Several attributes have been introduced to various elements that were already part of HTML4:  charset attribute for the meta element  autofocus attribute can be specified on several form elements.  placeholder attribute can be specified on the input and textarea elements.  required attribute for several form elements  disabled attribute for a fieldset element.  autocomplete, min, max, multiple, pattern and step attributes for input element.  list attribute for the input element.  maxlength, minlength and wrap attributes for the textarea element 44
  • 46.  The following elements are not in HTML because their effect is purely presentational and their function is better handled by CSS:  basefont  big  center  font  strike  tt 46
  • 47.  The following elements are not in HTML because using them damages usability and accessibility:  frame  frameset  noframes 47
  • 48.  The following elements are not included because they have not been used often, created confusion, or their function can be handled by other elements:  acronym is not included because it has created a lot of confusion. Web developers are to use abbr for abbreviations.  applet has been obsoleted in favor of object.  isindex usage can be replaced by usage of form controls.  dir has been obsoleted in favor of ul. 48
  • 49. References:      49
  • 50. Title Introduction to HTML 5 Version 1.0 By Ian Jasper Mangampo 50