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What is Django? Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Django makes it easier to build better Web apps more quickly and with less code. The Web framework with perfectionists with deadlines.
Django Components M odels - Django ORM T emplates - Django Template Engine V iews - Python function, Request in Response out. Think MTV instead of MVC URL Patterns - Regular expression based
Lets Build a Project spamstr/ ./ startproject example

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Lets Build a Project spamstr/ person/ ./ startapp person

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The document discusses strategies for scaling synchronous web applications. It recommends: 1) Keeping applications simple to start and only optimize as needed bottlenecks are identified. 2) Identifying bottlenecks through tools like strace and oprofile to understand issues at the system level. 3) Prioritizing quick fixes over large reworks to buy time for further improvements. 4) Developing useful abstractions that allow components to be reused and adapted as needs change.

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That's crazy! how to build single page web apps
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The document discusses building single page web apps and provides tips for doing so efficiently. It recommends using templating to build markup on demand, destroying and rebuilding elements, and managing data through tombstoning, on-demand loading, and purging stale data. It also recommends libraries like Backbone.js, Upshot.js, Navigation.js, and Knockout.js and discusses using local storage and deferred loading of content to improve performance of single page apps.

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The document discusses techniques for optimizing websites to load faster. It provides 12 tips for optimization including enabling GZIP compression, minifying JavaScript and CSS, optimizing image sizes and formats, reducing the number of requests, and combining files. Performance statistics are given showing how even small reductions in load times can significantly increase user engagement and sales.

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This document summarizes the process of making Drupal more usable from the perspectives of developers, agencies, and customers. It describes the evolution of Drupal's administration interface from Drupal 6 to 7 through projects like Seven, Rubik, Nice Dash, and inline editing modules. It emphasizes that small alterations, defined principles, considering end users, investing in R&D, and tailoring the backend to customer needs can improve usability. The conclusion encourages collaboration between these groups to continue advancing Drupal's usability.

Thank You http ://

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