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Intro to Ruby on RailsJason Noblehttp://jasonnoble.orgAlan Hecht
Slides are available to Rails Give Camp AtlantaFinished code is also available
Intro to Rails Give Camp Atlanta
HistoryInitial Release July 2004Written by David Heinemeier HanssonRails 3.0 released August 29, 2010

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This document provides an overview of using AJAX on Drupal, including: - What the AJAX API is and how it works through commands to dynamically update content without page refreshes - How to use it with forms to reload fields or content through callbacks - Attaching JavaScript behaviors to allow AJAX functionality - Creating custom commands to extend its capabilities - Triggering AJAX requests without forms by linking or instantiating AJAX objects - New features in Drupal 8 like improved commands and documentation

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This document discusses plug-ins for Oracle Application Express (APEX) applications. It describes the different types of plug-ins, including item, region, dynamic action, process, authentication, and authorization plug-ins. It provides details on when to use plug-ins, the skills needed to build them, and their common structure. Plug-ins can add additional declarative functionality to APEX and help hide complexity, improve reusability and maintainability. The document also provides guidance on creating plug-in render functions and using APEX APIs for assets, JavaScript, and AJAX callbacks.

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This document discusses using Ruby testing techniques with C# and ASP.NET. It begins by explaining how the mindset and practices of Ruby testing, such as test-driven development (TDD) and behavior-driven development (BDD), can be applied. It then provides examples of writing Ruby-style tests for C# code using tools like RSpec and describes testing strategies like sharing examples across tests. The document advocates an outside-in approach of writing acceptance tests first before unit tests.

Technical OverviewModel-View-Controller (MVC) architectureIncludes scaffolding to automatically construct the models and views needed for a basic siteIncludes WEBrick, a simple Ruby web serverIncludes Prototype and JavaScript libraries for AjaxRESTful web services used instead of SOAPHandles HTML and XML output out of the box
Framework StructureActiveRecord – Object relational mapping system for database accessActiveResource --  Web ServicesActionPackActiveSupportActionMailerLots of plugins available
PhilosophyConvention over ConfigurationDecreases decisions that developers need to makeBy doing things the “standard” way it just worksDon’t Repeat yourself (DRY)Every piece of code has a single, unambiguous authoritative representation within a systemModifying any single element does not change other logically-unrelated elementsUse methods and subroutines to abstract out pieces of code called in multiple places
InstallingInstall Ruby and RubyGemsGems are a Ruby package formatgem install railsRails works with SQLite out of the boxMySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MS SQL gems available

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Installing RailsWindows X of will work
Let’s build a shopping cartrails new demo_appvi demo_app/.rvmrcrvm –create use 1.9.2@rails3cd demo_apprails serverhttp://localhost:3000gitinit .git add .git commit –m ‘Initial rails app’
Push App to Herokuvi GemfileAdd “gem heroku” linebundle installheroku creategit push –u heroku masterheroku open
Product ScaffoldingAdd a CRUD (create, read, update, delete) interfacerails generate scaffold Product title:stringdescription:textimage_url:stringprice:decimalcreates db/migrate/20110108190442_create_products.rb

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The document discusses setting up authentication for a Rails application using Devise, implementing the asset pipeline to concatenate and compress CSS and JavaScript assets, adding AJAX functionality through remote links and JavaScript responses, handling orphaned dependent objects, and creating a view helper to display Gravatar images for user emails. It provides an overview of key aspects of building a Rails application with user authentication, assets, and AJAX interactions.

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This document discusses adding authentication to a Rails application using the Devise gem. It covers generating a User model with Devise, installing Devise and its dependencies, and configuring authentication features like login, logout, and restricting access to controllers. Key aspects include: 1. Generating a User model with rails generate devise:install. 2. Adding Devise and its dependencies to the Gemfile and running bundle install. 3. Adding authentication checks like user_signed_in? and current_user to views. 4. Restricting controller actions with a before_filter to authenticate users.

ruby on railsweb design and development
db/migrate/2011010819_create_products.rbFilename is date/time specific, so yours may differAdding precision and scale to price fieldrake db:migratehttp://localhost:3000/products
Modifying the viewapp/views/products/_form.html.erbViews are dynamically rendered, so reloading in your browser will show your updates
Seeding your DB with datadb/seeds.rbExecutes Ruby code to pre-populate your databaseGood way to start with sample datarake db:seedRuns the ruby code
Update Products Viewapp/views/products/index.html.erb

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The document discusses various topics relating to building web applications with Ruby on Rails such as setting up authentication with Devise, working with assets using the asset pipeline, adding AJAX functionality using remote links and JavaScript responses, handling dependent associations to avoid orphan records, and creating custom view helpers like a gravatar image generator. It also briefly mentions deployment and provides code examples for integrating these techniques.

ruby on railsweb design and development
Push to Herokugit add .git commit –m ‘Products scaffold’git push herokuheroku rake db:migrateheroku rake db:seedheroku openadd a /products to the URL
Data ValidationRails has data validation built into the modelapp/models/product.rb
Data Validation (cont.)
Rails Testingrake testRuns all the built in Rails testsPrints Failures as it finds them, but continues

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Ruby on Rails is a web application framework that follows the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern. It uses RESTful routing and conventions to map HTTP verbs like GET and POST to controller actions. Models define the data and behavior of an application, controllers handle and respond to user input, and views display the UI for users. Rails emphasizes conventions over configuration for productivity and includes features like caching, asset pipelining, and internationalization.

ruby on rails
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Cart creation-101217222728-phpapp01

This document summarizes steps for creating a shopping cart in a Rails application. It covers generating a Cart model and LineItem model with relationships, using Rails sessions to associate the cart with each user, adding public and private methods, callbacks and validations, adding a button to add items to the cart, and modifying views and controllers. Testing is done to ensure functionality. Homework includes enhancing the functionality by adding a click handler, session counter, and conditional display.

Functional TestsTests Controller actionstest/functional/products_controller_test.rb
Unit TestsTests Model methods/attributes/validationstest/unit/product_test.rb
Push to Herokugit add .git commit –m ‘Added validation’git push heroku
Store Frontrails generate controller store indexhttp://localhost:3000/store/indexgitrm public/index.htmlconfig/routes.rbhttp://localhost:3000/

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Ruby On Rails Basics
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Ruby On Rails Basics

Ruby on Rails is a web application framework that follows the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern and includes everything needed to build database-backed web applications using the Ruby programming language. It aims to make web development more productive by utilizing conventions that reduce the need for configuration and promote reuse of common tasks like connecting to databases. The framework provides models for interacting with the database, views for displaying the user interface, and controllers that handle and respond to user input by manipulating models and rendering views.

railsrubyrails basics
Store ControllerModify store controller to pull products from the databaseapp/controllers/store_controller.rb
View file changesapp/views/store/index.html.erb
Application Layoutapp/views/layouts/application.html.erb
Updated view

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Ruby on Rails, often simply referred to as Rails, is an open-source web application framework written in Ruby. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, which separates an application into three interconnected components to promote code Ruby Rails Web Development organization and maintainability. Ruby on Rails has gained popularity for its focus on developer productivity and its convention-over-configuration philosophy, which significantly reduces the need for boilerplate code and configuration.

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Customer wants books alphabatizedapp/models/product.rb
Store Functional Testtest/functional/store_controller_test.rb
Push to Herokugit add .git commit –m ‘Store scaffold’git push herokuheroku open
Cart Scaffoldrails generate scaffold cartrake db:migrate

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As a software consultant, I get to see a lot of interesting code. In this particular instance a client was in the process of transforming their web application to a rich, interactive interface with the help of another company. The project kicked off using Backbone and things were great. Until they were not great. Pages starting getting more and more involved and blame started being thrown at the technology choice. A move to Ember.js ensued and the app was rewritten. But architecturally bad decisions don't hide long, and soon the rewrite was preforming even worse. That's when I stepped in, with the help of another consultant, to solve the performance issues once and for all. Our solution used Backbone.js and it was fast. This is that journey.

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As presented to the Milwaukee Alt.Net group on November 21st, 2011. UPDATE April 19, 2012: added some domain logic organization slides using Fowler's 4 basic patterns.

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Modify Application Controllerapp/controller/application_controller.rb
LineItems scaffold rails generate scaffold line_itemproduct_id:integercart_id:integerquantity:integer
Update Cart modelapp/models/cart.rb
Update LineItem Modelapp/models/line_item.rb

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iPhone Web Development and Ruby On Rails. Creating iPhone web applications in Ruby On Rails using the iWebKit toolkit

ZZ BC#7.5 mvc practice and guideline refresh!
ZZ BC#7.5 mvc practice  and guideline refresh! ZZ BC#7.5 mvc practice  and guideline refresh!
ZZ BC#7.5 mvc practice and guideline refresh!

15/01/2012 ZZ BC#7.5 : Slide Presentation Code Sample : ZZBC#7.5_ASPNETMVC framework
Web development concepts using microsoft technologies
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Web development concepts using microsoft technologies

This document summarizes a presentation about web development concepts using Microsoft technologies. It introduces ASP.NET as a framework for building web applications in C# or VB.NET using Visual Studio. It describes ASP.NET features like controls, page lifecycle, and different coding styles. It also discusses recent additions like AJAX, jQuery, LINQ, MVC, and the Microsoft web platform. The presentation aims to provide an overview of Microsoft web technologies and how they can help developers build web applications.

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Update Product modelapp/models/product.rb
Add to Cart buttonapp/views/store/index.html.erb
LineItems controllerapp/controllers/line_items_controller.rb
Carts Viewapp/views/carts/show.html.erb

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The document discusses setting up a Ruby on Rails web application. It explains how to install Ruby and Rails, configure the database, and generate models. The Rails directory structure is described, including the app, config, and db folders. Finally, it shows how to start the web server and create a basic Rails application.

by SHC

Visual Studio "Orcas" will include major updates to support web development like a redesigned HTML editor, improved JavaScript support, and LINQ for querying data from various sources. It will also allow targeting multiple versions of the .NET framework from a single project. A beta release is expected in the summer with a focus on improved productivity and an easier upgrade process for existing developers.

Ruby On Rails Siddhesh
Ruby On Rails SiddheshRuby On Rails Siddhesh
Ruby On Rails Siddhesh

Ruby on Rails is an open source web application framework that allows developers to create database-backed web applications quickly using conventions over configurations. Rails emphasizes less code and faster development through features like scaffolding that can generate basic CRUD functionality and views in minutes. Popular sites like Basecamp and 43 Things were built using Ruby on Rails by small teams in short periods of time due to Rails' conventions and built-in features for caching, validation, callbacks, and Ajax support.

Carts Controllerapp/controller/carts_controller.rb
Update Herokugit add .git commit –m ‘Cart updated’git push herokuheroku open
Further ReadingAgile Web Development with Rails

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Editor's Notes

  1. heroku create _NAME_ will create an app called _NAME_, i.e.
  2. Modifying the specified line to include the :precision and :scale arguments.rake db:migrate executes this code to create the products tableThe scaffolding will now be available at http://localhost:3000/products
  3. When you go to /products and click New ProductWhen you submit a product that fails validation, rails automatically generates the error page shown